トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
配信名:【Members Only】 Asobi Asobase Watchalong Part 1!!
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
 YEN  YEN    3       4200    4,200円
 NT$  TWD    1     750.00    3,306円
  R$  BRL    1     100.00    2,612円
  A$  AUD    2      20.00    1,833円
 CA$  CAD    1      10.00    1,010円
 PHP  PHP    1     250.00      620円
   $  USD    1       2.00      259円
---- ---- ----       ----   13,840円
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 05/02
$2.00   GrimCatnip [AoH] [Nephamily]
2 05/02
¥1,000   ふのまろ
3 05/02
A$10.00   Eden.Pudding💎 This time I will join the vod gang! have fun n hope everyone have a good day
4 05/02
¥200   柊之木 ミーティングで多分リアタイできないから、アイリスのいい顔代おいておきますね。
5 05/02
₱250.00   greentea💎on purple purple block This proves that you shouldn't believe the OP of an anime. Watch alone for me. Hope you all will have fun!^^ Finish this fast so we can watch Fafnir! Will enjoy the vod later.Have fun IRyS and Chat!
6 05/02
A$10.00   Jabah I can only watch for 1 hour, so about 2 episodes before I have to touch grass Partial VOD gang for me. PS: My favorite line from this anime: Kore ga... Japanese Kabedon
7 05/02
R$100.00   Erik Balthazar YT isn't allowing me to send messages on chat anymore, so I'll have to be more quiet, but I'm here! Hyped to watch Asobi Asobase with you and Nephamily! Pretty sure YT is bonking me for suggesting YATTA as SC greeting. I was so embarrassed, I had no clue
8 05/02
NT$750.00   ㅋㅇㅇᗯ ㅋㅇㅇᗯ Don’t want to spoil too much about this cute girls anime. But have to say it loud that 心臓が止まるまで(Till the End of Me) is really good (★ㅅ★) , I even can’t stop listening while playing APEX. Sorry teammates it worth the risk to get shot behind.
9 05/02
¥3,000   296day・クネヒト HiRyS! ストリーム前の SC「シティハンター もっこり」で画像検索した?していないならメン限だからこそ、今この場で直ぐ検索だよ。タイバニ2のIRyS出演してるのも確認したかな?笑
IRySがタイバニ2に出演してるの編集して5秒動画の中にいっしゅんだけtwitterで #IRyShow で上げときました笑
10 05/02
CA$10.00   Happy the Yorkie💎 My brother kept on sending me scary looking Line stamps (like female ghosts), I just found out they were actually AsobiAsobase characters...I'm really curious to see what this anime's about 0.0