トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新) |
配信名:【Members Only】Chatting it out with some Singing! |
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計 A$ AUD 4 260.00 24,253円 YEN YEN 4 12000 12,000円 R$ BRL 2 150.00 4,038円 $ USD 4 24.99 3,163円 SGD SGD 1 14.98 1,393円 WON KRW 1 10000 1,026円 MYR MYR 1 30.00 888円 NT$ TWD 1 150.00 649円 PHP PHP 1 49.00 118円 ---- ---- ---- ---- 47,528円 |
No | 時間 | 元金額 | 色 | icon | チャンネル名 | チャット |
円建て | ||||||
1 | 04/19 19:43:21 |
$4.99 | Jeff Star | |||
¥631 | ||||||
2 | 04/19 19:44:08 |
MYR30.00 | A Cure | |||
¥888 | ||||||
3 | 04/19 19:44:11 |
A$50.00 | Eden.Pudding💎 | Finally I can catch the stream!!! |
¥4,664 | ||||||
4 | 04/19 19:48:31 |
A$100.00 | Maribelle💎 | Hello IRyS! You are my favourite streamer |
¥9,328 | ||||||
5 | 04/19 19:48:58 |
A$10.00 | Jabah | Hey IRyS! How much liquid can fit inside Mug |
¥932 | ||||||
6 | 04/19 20:01:43 |
¥1,000 | ふのまろ | |||
¥1,000 | ||||||
7 | 04/19 20:04:36 |
A$100.00 | Nop | |||
¥9,328 | ||||||
8 | 04/19 20:05:34 |
$5.00 | J.M. Henry | Quick SC test to see if they go through from here. How's your evening been? |
¥632 | ||||||
9 | 04/19 20:24:17 |
$5.00 | Bishop | |||
¥632 | ||||||
10 | 04/19 20:29:28 |
R$50.00 | Erik Balthazar | I just found out I have a long work meeting until 1am JST (1pm here) today, so I might not make it this time |
¥1,346 | ||||||
11 | 04/19 20:30:05 |
R$100.00 | Erik Balthazar | Also, about what you said on Chad Cast about your yawns, please don't feel bad about them. We understand that you just woke up and feel sleepy, it's really okay. Feel free to yawn as much as you want, we'd never think you're bored of us, besides, they're so cute too! |
¥2,692 | ||||||
12 | 04/19 20:43:56 |
$10.00 | Skullmeat 💎 | Welcome back! I missed you! I bought the full set of merch and I cannot wait to get my own dollrys. She will be right at home at my desk. And no, I am not going to yeet her, only hugs. | ||
¥1,265 | ||||||
13 | 04/19 20:45:33 |
¥3,000 | 283day・ポンRySクネヒト | HiRyS OHYAMA! タイバニ2の2話の途中と5話のOP直後にもIRyS出てたね笑。 ところで思ったのだけど、今度からELDEN RINGストリームする時、可能だったら心拍計(しんぱくけい)Heart Rate Monitorを付けてプレイしてもらいたいな。IRySのchange of mindがわかってより面白く見れるんじゃないかな? | ||
¥3,000 | ||||||
14 | 04/19 20:49:35 |
¥3,000 | 283day・ポンRySクネヒト | HiRyS OHYAMA! puzzle together と言うゲーム見つけたんだけど、面白そう。完全なピースパズルゲームなんだけど、課金すると自分のPC内に持ってる画像とかも2,000ピースとかでパズルにできるみたいだよ。視聴者参加型でするか。ボイチャしながらもできるみたいだからホロENやホロJP達と雑談しながらコラボとかいいかも。調べてみて興味湧いたら試しにまずは裏でしてみたらどうかな?一応ググってみて。 | ||
¥3,000 | ||||||
15 | 04/19 21:14:30 |
SGD14.98 | Rinelle Rhapsodos リネル・ラプソドス 💎 | I am so sorry I had my doubts about you in the Tree Sentinel Race |
¥1,393 | ||||||
16 | 04/19 21:30:26 |
¥5,000 | げっとGet | (無言スパチャ) | ||
¥5,000 | ||||||
17 | 04/19 21:44:23 |
₱49.00 | Nugget. | |||
¥118 | ||||||
18 | 04/19 21:46:40 |
NT$150.00 | 奏【かなで】 | 仕事やっと終わったーIRySの歌声に癒されに来たよ |
¥649 | ||||||
19 | 04/19 21:56:23 |
₩10,000 | Anthi7💎 | 2回行動行くぞ!二日酔いと早朝にもかかわらず元気なOWコラボありがとう!その上に夜の歌枠!助かる!俺のPUSH最高!! |
¥1,026 |