トップ ※配信中のホロメン同士によるチャットを抜き出してます。(10秒毎に更新)
10/11 21:59:17 Kureiji Ollie Internet is being a bit slow, please wait!
10/11 22:00:41 Kureiji Ollie Going to be a bit late ;;
10/11 22:04:08 Kureiji Ollie HUEHUE KOK LAMA
10/11 22:06:18 Kureiji Ollie Just a little bit more!! I think!!
10/11 22:19:31 Kureiji Ollie Zombanwa! Very sorry to inform but we're having a technical issue and it's the one where I can't really do anything ;; We'll have to postpone the stream to another dayI'm very sorry
10/11 22:21:05 Kureiji Ollie nice singing btw chat!!
10/11 22:21:17 Kureiji Ollie thank you for waiting and again, im sorry ;;
10/27 22:05:19 Hakos Baelz YOU CAN DO IT!!
10/28 00:30:05 Kureiji Ollie OTSUCRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!