トップ |
配信名:【M.M.M.】Monday Morning Malas : Come Join the Malas Side【Ayunda Risu】 |
時間 |
icon | 名前 | チャット |
03月25日 11:34:31 |
Katya M13 | Good morning Risu |
03月25日 11:36:28 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: good morning my lovely Risu. R: poor him, at young age already like this. SC: maybe the ones who still sleeping are dreaming of fishing | |
03月25日 11:37:45 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: yea babe, they are all crocodiles. R: whoa your wife has not arrived yet so you can be like that.c: i have arrived here. R: see, take that www | |
03月25日 11:39:15 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: it's okay ris, i forgave him. he has helped me cleaning the dishes R: maybe, i think so to forgive the husband it needs an act kindness to nullify the husband's weird acts | |
03月25日 11:40:10 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: i helped cleaning the car. R: i have read someone posting about having nothing to do, so the husband comes to the wife, he asked "babe, do you have something to do?" | |
03月25日 11:40:41 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: the wife answered "no". then the husband asked "do u want to wash the car" and the wife excitedly says "yes", so cute www | |
03月25日 11:40:52 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: cute and i am jealous. R: same, but well | |
03月25日 11:41:50 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: asking when you will marry to risu, is there a damage of it? R: there are many clips about asking me when will i marry and other, i'm too malas/lazy to explain | |
03月25日 11:42:15 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: am here again, too lazy to study for the test. c: am already in the office | |
03月25日 11:43:07 |
Katya M13 | my parents already accepted how single i am, so i'm doing okay owo)b | |
03月25日 11:43:36 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: it's not the holiday yet but many already asking. R: yea | |
03月25日 11:44:09 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: the homeworks for pemaloe is the same level as thesis. R: do you guys want some? if i'm not malas i will give you some | |
03月25日 11:44:23 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: where's the schedule? i think i saw it | |
03月25日 11:45:29 |
Katya M13 | [EN] SC: bro enough bro, don't remind me of the homework. R: are you perhaps a pemaloe. c: thanks God the homework from miss Kaela is already done | |
03月25日 11:45:57 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: homework from Risu. R: making the homework is easy, but checking/evaluating on them is malas/lazy | |
03月25日 11:47:01 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: what's the homework from zeta? making dads jokes? R: idk, does Zeta giving homework? it's Kaela who gives them out | |
03月25日 11:47:23 |
Katya M13 | ||
03月25日 11:48:04 |
Katya M13 | it's the middle term test season/period rn www | |
03月25日 11:48:53 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: what's that? why deleted the message? i haven't read it www | |
03月25日 11:50:13 |
Katya M13 | glug glug? | |
03月25日 11:51:14 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: btw ris is there a MnG in Waku2 Japan? i wanna schedule som eleave with my wife R: i think there will be panel, not MnG. panel of three of us, lemme check again | |
03月25日 11:52:04 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: i think there will be no personal MnG, because it's too close to the event date, i think it's too close to have a MnG. But the confirmed one is the panel | |
03月25日 11:52:32 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: oh, panel i see. it's okay i will schedule it. while going around for wedding anniv | |
03月25日 11:53:03 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: you see, i followed love juice's wife, but the posts are making me jealous. i will unfollow then, i want a wife too | |
03月25日 11:53:28 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: that's someone else's wife, don't claim it. R: i'm sorry. c: eating salt huh ris. R: yea | |
03月25日 11:53:56 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: well, be good you two, i hope you can get together, have kids, amen | |
03月25日 11:54:24 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: instead of being jealous it's better to go fishing. R: you're right, what a good mindset | |
03月25日 11:54:39 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: fishing while staring at the sky. R: mood | |
03月25日 11:56:15 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: the driver is taking a break, tired from driving. R: yea that is so. c: how about fishing for ruckus? R" whoa | |
03月25日 11:57:19 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: usually dads who have nothing to do will go fishing R: but the proof is that dads nowadays are always having something to do. it's hard to be this generation, having no free time | |
03月25日 11:57:54 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: so true Ris, just going a bit slow/relax, and i already feeling guilty. R: same. c: different from dads back then having free time tending to their bird pets | |
03月25日 11:58:23 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: yea, how can they be like that? maybe their wife working hard, like preparing for the shop etc. don't be like that guys, a burden | |
03月25日 11:59:14 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: an owner maybe, ris. R: owner of waht? chickens? | |
03月25日 12:00:52 |
Ayunda Risu | https://youtu.be/dhgfvQM57sA?si=OeJWr... | |
03月25日 12:02:13 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: i got a curse, everytime i wanted to type your name i always typo. R: you sure> | |
03月25日 12:02:32 |
Katya M13 | lezgoo |
03月25日 12:04:29 |
Katya M13 | ||
03月25日 12:04:45 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: MV of a married couple with their blue kid | |
03月25日 12:08:29 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: what's wrong about idol song? R: it's not weird, but the one excel in ballad is Yopi, so we choose the ones that's like explosive. Area15 is like that | |
03月25日 12:10:07 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: blessing is halyosy. R: but the one made it, oh look lyric halyosy. it's so obvious | |
03月25日 12:11:12 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: cover it Ris. R: usually the ones like this, www | |
03月25日 12:11:25 |
Katya M13 | ||
03月25日 12:11:59 |
Katya M13 | nice gift~ | |
03月25日 12:12:35 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: seems like she's in her period, angry after getting bumped a bit R: yea, bumped a bit and get angry | |
03月25日 12:12:41 |
Katya M13 | nice gift~ | |
03月25日 12:13:06 |
Katya M13 | [EN] SC: ris, if being lazy to take a break si considered being lazy? R: huh waht? | |
03月25日 12:14:08 |
Katya M13 | [EN] SC: good morning malas! unfortunately, today is a malas monday. after going home from work i will watch the archive. R: good luck on your work | |
03月25日 12:15:05 |
Katya M13 | huh? www | |
03月25日 12:17:08 |
Katya M13 | doggos? | |
03月25日 12:18:40 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: i have a neighbour, someone who is good at paranormals, it was said they seldom sleeping. maybe kaela is also like that | |
03月25日 12:19:22 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: how to not take a nap? R: why not? take a nap, a nap is nice | |
03月25日 12:19:48 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Ris do you remember what is the longest stream you ever had and how many hours was that? R: minecraft | |
03月25日 12:20:23 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: 8 hours, the one collecing birds, iirc. R: is it? c: also the one collab with Moona | |
03月25日 12:21:38 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: any plan building something on the Riau island? R: why Riau | |
03月25日 12:22:12 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: big sis, how to be more in holidya? R: be malas | |
03月25日 12:23:24 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: salt never be naughty but always get pinched, chilies never doing wrong but always getting smashed, sugar are sitting quietly but always get stirred, that is how life in this world (risu zola) | |
03月25日 12:24:00 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: old. R: Boboboy is not tha old. c: now we have Boboboy galaxy 2. R: see taht's the new season | |
03月25日 12:25:01 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: now salt can be taken with spoon, chili can get processed with blender, sugar can be left alone to be taken by ants, now it is time to lay for a bit | |
03月25日 12:25:35 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: if Risu has 3 power like Boboboy, what will Risu do? R: why saving the world? it's tiring | |
03月25日 12:28:48 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: seeing in the console game group, they went like "set up this, set up that" and that makes me malas/lazy | |
03月25日 12:29:25 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: like, if the effort is not plug and play, i'm too malas/lazy. it's expensive. not about which one is better, but it's just, you know | |
03月25日 12:30:20 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: if there's a hard way, why use the easy way. R: this kind of thinking, so can be seems as elite? i do it the hard way / difficult way, i'm an elite | |
03月25日 12:31:07 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: it's my life, comparing things. R: yea we are in 3rd world, we need to compare because of the limited resources | |
03月25日 12:32:00 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: we can tolerate, but if the person doens't change, there must be something wrong with them. need to fix some screws | |
03月25日 12:32:20 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: if still not chaning/transforming that means they are not power ranger | |
03月25日 12:32:46 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: do you want to be a power ranger back then? R: ofc, it will be cool | |
03月25日 12:33:28 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: why chaning? we will get scolded if we change, "why are you different from before". R: every choice is wrong choices | |
03月25日 12:36:29 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: can't really move it, just making it goes down | |
03月25日 12:37:01 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: whoa ris my friend in the shop is a pemaloe, palying Zeta's new song. R: nice | |
03月25日 12:37:18 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Ris you're becoming more beautiful. R: is it true? | |
03月25日 12:38:25 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: if you want early access info, you can join prisuners. if you want to have a chat for an hour with Ayunda, Ayu, Wisu, you can join | |
03月25日 12:39:28 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: as the current generation, you don't need to buy new clothes every holiday, you can do mix and matching | |
03月25日 12:41:30 |
Katya M13 | [EN] SC: why buy new clothes? better buy hololive merch. c: like an armor of merch huh | |
03月25日 12:41:48 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: it's breathable okay, not breedable www | |
03月25日 12:43:16 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: breath, guys, not breed. c: but grey is my safe colour ris. R: is it? | |
03月25日 12:44:11 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: good looking or good bank account? R: those two word can be close. SC: my drip is moslem style clothes that's 1 set with same colour | |
03月25日 12:45:37 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: what if a boy has fashion type of full on vest, shirt, looking like a gentleman R: for indonesian, that's kinda sus. i'm afraid people who looks like that are pychos. c: because it's hot. | |
03月25日 12:46:01 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: in Jp it will looks good, but in ID it will be too hot | |
03月25日 12:46:55 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c at least it's tidy. c: ris holoh3ro's nw song wathchalong. :R you are late, where have ypu been? | |
03月25日 12:48:46 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: i can only look good in sporty set up Ris, if i wear weird clothes people will think i'm a weird auntie. R: we can make it, it's okay | |
03月25日 12:49:31 |
Katya M13 | www Momo | |
03月25日 12:51:07 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: is cream and beige different? | |
03月25日 12:51:30 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: beige is darker iirc. R: yea | |
03月25日 12:55:39 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: have you wear pastel cream and leafy green? R: i wore pastel cream but not leafy green | |
03月25日 12:56:09 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: how about the duck egg green? | |
03月25日 12:56:33 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: like a washaway colour. R: yes, i don't like those | |
03月25日 12:57:40 |
Katya M13 | i think the first thing to do is to have the make up, humu | |
03月25日 12:57:45 |
Katya M13 | wkwkwkw | |
03月25日 12:58:22 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: waht ahppen with your eyes ris? R: i have two of them (reffering o moona's tweet) | |
03月25日 12:58:29 |
Katya M13 | [EN] SC: how about this green? | |
03月25日 13:00:00 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: hello guys, just got back home, what are we talking? | |
03月25日 13:00:59 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: orange/blue./pink/purple is good for neon. R: but i don't really like purple. c: but moona is purple, so you didn't like... R: don't start it | |
03月25日 13:01:52 |
Katya M13 | black and white boring? sad french mime noises | |
03月25日 13:02:54 |
Katya M13 | ||
03月25日 13:05:19 |
Katya M13 | okaeri~ | |
03月25日 13:07:12 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: btw ris do you have any plan to play ttrpg with holoid members? | |
03月25日 13:08:51 |
Katya M13 | that's, a good idea to fool pople honestly www | |
03月25日 13:09:19 |
Katya M13 | Wisnu my bro is alive!??? | |
03月25日 13:10:04 |
Katya M13 | ||
03月25日 13:10:19 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: wisnu when he's still a shota ris. R: make it bro | |
03月25日 13:11:15 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: i'm watching thi stream while figthing temptation. R: wha temttaton? c: temptation of bingmalas. R: oh so it is also a temptation | |
03月25日 13:11:31 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: temptation to dra risu bunny hole. R: i'd say you draw it www | |
03月25日 13:11:52 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: i saw in twitter, Yopi got flirted by a ghibli boy, so cringee i'm scared | |
03月25日 13:12:14 |
Katya M13 | [EN]R: so the joke is that a ghibli boy is the one with curly hair and glasses, i'm scared | |
03月25日 13:12:35 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: retweet it ris. R: i have gone past it, i have refreshed it, too cringe | |
03月25日 13:13:00 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: let's try scroll ,oh there it is, i will like it, see at my twitter likes | |
03月25日 13:13:57 |
Katya M13 | dang that is cringe alright |
03月25日 13:14:49 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Wisnu is not like that when he flirts right Ris? R: no, Wisnu is 90% action and the rest is talking | |
03月25日 13:16:10 |
Katya M13 | but why it turns into those "ghibli boys"? wwkwkw | |
03月25日 13:16:32 |
Katya M13 | [EN] SC: Risu approves we wearing ghibly boys outfit? R: no, don't do weird things | |
03月25日 13:17:15 |
Katya M13 | ||
03月25日 13:18:23 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: i play guitar in front of the hotel, hi beautiful let's mokel (break the fast before the correct time) | |
03月25日 13:19:03 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: i'm sorry God, today i do mokel (reffering to a video of a persong eating a plate of food while apologizing to God) | |
03月25日 13:19:24 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: his hand were doing sarangheyo too, that guy is funny | |
03月25日 13:19:45 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: is it an abbreviation? R: idk, i just know mokel is breaking the fast before the supposed time | |
03月25日 13:20:29 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: how about boys with Yagoo style? R: Yagoo is good looking, have money, always smile, family man, 5 stars. c: have money, that's hard. R: www | |
03月25日 13:22:05 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: i am family man, but have no girl . R: i'd say you improve yourself, if you have done that it will jus go your way. | |
03月25日 13:22:11 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: if you have improved but still not going well then that means you neet to improve more | |
03月25日 13:22:45 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: usually we don't notice what's to upgrade. R: usually we have problems so we have the quest to upgrade our mindset | |
03月25日 13:23:05 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: like we will have a problem that forces us to be in that position | |
03月25日 13:23:46 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: because usually problem arrived because you didn't change. usually before the problem, there will be friends and families who will ell you to change or to improve | |
03月25日 13:24:07 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: how about people who never have problems? R: i'd say taht's impossible | |
03月25日 13:24:19 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: it's MMM Ris, malas | |
03月25日 13:24:57 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: that's why we try the trials given by life. R: yes | |
03月25日 13:25:15 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: back to Risu that i know. R: you sure? | |
03月25日 13:25:53 |
Katya M13 | o-oghey ma'am | |
03月25日 13:26:54 |
Katya M13 | awkawkawk that tweet post | |
03月25日 13:27:48 |
Katya M13 | Aang becoming boomer noooo | |
03月25日 13:29:20 |
Katya M13 | [EN]c: morning bub, i'm late for an hour. R: here comes the crocodile | |
03月25日 13:30:25 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: i like pixel art but i'm afraid if i don't learn literal art i won't be able to grow/expand | |
03月25日 13:30:45 |
Katya M13 | welcome to prisun |
03月25日 13:31:24 |
Katya M13 | ||
03月25日 13:32:23 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: also don't be embarassed by your first arts if someone else said it's bad. everyone starts from there | |
03月25日 13:32:56 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Ris, my husband said you laugh like gargling, and he starts to copy it. R: that's the real wkwkwk. c: Yopi starts to be like that too. R: really? | |
03月25日 13:33:26 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: me too be like that. R: it's contagius turns out, Risu really brings weird viruses www | |
03月25日 13:33:54 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: gjls (absurd/not clear) virus, malas virus, and now gargling laugh virus | |
03月25日 13:34:52 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Ris my mom said you looks like maruko chan. R: mama, from what year is maruko chan? | |
03月25日 13:35:25 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: but i'm not stubborn, wait i am stubborn, but i'm cuter right? | |
03月25日 13:35:53 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: mama, are you not worried your child watching this? tell them to find partner, or to work | |
03月25日 13:36:09 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: well don't be wrong, my mom watch vtuber now too, just clip tho | |
03月25日 13:36:39 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Ris why everytime you roast my mom is passing by. R: you watch in front of the tv? | |
03月25日 13:37:11 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: same, my mom now when talking to me always talks about holoid | |
03月25日 13:37:35 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: this cartoon is not kids friendly guys. R: it is not for kids. c: for big babies | |
03月25日 13:38:08 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: do you guys watch in on tv? that's why your family can watch it too? so when i talk about weird stuff they know | |
03月25日 13:38:21 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: in laptop, but my mom just passed by in my room | |
03月25日 13:38:44 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: my mom commented "what is this, how can the cartoon speaks?". R: technology | |
03月25日 13:38:57 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: i'm watching you while processing data, now malas to do the excel | |
03月25日 13:39:17 |
Katya M13 | cosplay jadi Wisnu dong | |
03月25日 13:39:42 |
Katya M13 | eeh whaat www | |
03月25日 13:40:09 |
Katya M13 | [EN] (they are talking about uniform for work at night) R: think positively guys, maybe there are uniform for work at night | |
03月25日 13:40:49 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: work at hospital oi, my god. R: if in hospital with doctor's uniform, no? c: we all have our fast broken because of Risu. | |
03月25日 13:41:20 |
Katya M13 | oii mbaak udah mbaaak wkwkwkwk | |
03月25日 13:41:40 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: enough guys, there are people fasting. let's just fishing | |
03月25日 13:42:25 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: fyi, mr. wish new was inviting me to do mokel Ris, so i followed him. R: why wish new, so daddy jokes | |
03月25日 13:42:48 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: info for cosplay wisnu. R: don | |
03月25日 13:43:06 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: don't, there will be another drama, when the costume got sent back it was, www | |
03月25日 13:43:39 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: got swarma. R: yes, got swarma into the mouth and also fruit ice | |
03月25日 13:45:03 |
Katya M13 | [EN] SC: watching Risu's stream making me choking on a portion of rice. R: blaming my stream, don't do false accusation guys | |
03月25日 13:45:21 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: i am lazy at work, got bullied. R: bully them back | |
03月25日 13:45:58 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: spare me. R: that's the person making the videos, bro octoloid | |
03月25日 13:47:14 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: there's a question in twitter, "i wanna ask, if boboboy split into different power, and when he's doing prayer, and one of them not doing it correctly, is he doing the prayer correctly?" | |
03月25日 13:47:21 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: who liked the post? www | |
03月25日 13:47:30 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: okay found that. R: he found it www | |
03月25日 13:49:05 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: enough enough, tired already | |
03月25日 13:49:49 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: if it's going like this, boboboy account might become into a membership here | |
03月25日 13:50:44 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: because of dinas (work duty). R: if you want to know about morning dinas, night dinas, you can join prisuners so you can know many kind of dinas in risuners | |
03月25日 13:50:51 |
Katya M13 | Happy Ultah~ |
03月25日 13:52:00 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: there's a job offer, to sent bakso | |
03月25日 13:52:50 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: don't ask people to do mokel, it's not the time yet | |
03月25日 13:53:35 |
Katya M13 | memang MMM itu topik pembicaraanya parkour sana sini wkwkw | |
03月25日 13:54:01 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: oh there is one with account name of risuners www | |
03月25日 13:54:21 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: almost there guys, i will end it at 12pm, otherwise people wil starts to mokel | |
03月25日 13:54:47 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: will there be another fishing? R: maybe after reading dono there will be fishing, tonight, if no calls from M-chan | |
03月25日 13:55:57 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Ris, is prisuners premium risuners of prisoners? R: no one knows. c: what premium, we didn't get food. R: so the answer is priso- www | |
03月25日 13:56:18 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: prisuners confirmed not mokel, because there's no food | |
03月25日 13:56:34 |
Katya M13 | jangankan mokel, sahur sama buka aja ngga ya bang | |
03月25日 13:56:36 |
Katya M13 | wkwkw | |
03月25日 13:57:34 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: went fishing not getting fish but getting life lesson instead. R: what are you fishing? they who you can't get? false hope? or fishing for kindness? | |
03月25日 13:57:56 |
Katya M13 | ||
03月25日 13:58:30 |
Katya M13 | it is midday, peak time to take a nap |
03月25日 13:59:30 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Ris, what tahu (tofu) that's not delicious? tahu (knowing) she's with another man R: whoa it hurts | |
03月25日 14:00:20 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: what tahu that's Risu's fav? tahu diri anda (know your place) | |
03月25日 14:01:01 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: what tahu that's Risu's fav? tahu ngga ges (guys do you know) | |
03月25日 14:02:44 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: for those who bought the waku waku ticket, don;t make ruckus there in May 2024, i will see if i will have holiday or not. R: that's the caution guys, don't make ruckus | |
03月25日 14:03:10 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: risu wants to end the stream because she's about to mokel. c: yea i'm about to mokel R: don't be like that | |
03月25日 14:03:28 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: i will stream fishing alone, maybe 1 hour or 1 and a half hour | |
03月25日 14:03:55 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: so we can stay strong when fasting, we need to eat lunch. R: sure | |
03月25日 14:04:27 |
Katya M13 | ||
03月25日 14:04:52 |
Katya M13 | see you Ris thank you for the stream~ |
03月25日 14:07:25 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: ish ish, that's not right, don't mokel | |
03月25日 14:07:30 |
Katya M13 |