トップ |
配信名:【hololiveID】HEWROOOO !!! Let's accompany me working yes !【Ayunda Risu】 |
時間 |
icon | 名前 | チャット |
12月05日 21:08:29 |
Ayunda Risu | sorry it's 7.30 !!! | |
12月05日 21:29:13 |
Katya M13 | ||
12月05日 21:31:40 |
Katya M13 | Hewrroooo | |
12月05日 21:33:35 |
Kureiji Ollie | kerja bun? | |
12月05日 21:33:53 |
Katya M13 | [EN] O: working, ma'am? R: yes, got a lot of homework www | |
12月05日 21:34:02 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: not that much, it's a lot actually www | |
12月05日 21:34:46 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Risu, your christmas VA is interesting ww | |
12月05日 21:35:56 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: end of the year people are thinking about vacation, i'm here thinking about my preganant wife | |
12月05日 21:37:32 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: i have a story, i was about to buy gallons of mineral water, but the seller said "sorry, i can't, i'm at hospital". | |
12月05日 21:37:40 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: so i said "get well soon", then the seller replied "no, my wife is delivering our baby" | |
12月05日 21:38:59 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: let me say it in indonesian, because it's in tokopedia | |
12月05日 21:39:21 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: so for you who didn't manage to buy Risu's tail, it's in sale once more in tokopedia | |
12月05日 21:40:02 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: already rerun? R: yes, from the buyer's wish, which merchs are going to be reselled, Risu's tail pillow is one of them | |
12月05日 21:40:39 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Ris, your pillow is so comfy, my wife said it's warm. and the dakimakura is borrowed by my cousin, but they haven't give it back | |
12月05日 21:40:54 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: ask them to give it back, because it's not sold anymore | |
12月05日 21:41:28 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: save your money, but next January i have a birthday merch, really a komaru, problem | |
12月05日 21:42:01 |
Katya M13 | oh the the dilemna of saving money for merch and concert www | |
12月05日 21:42:52 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: my younger sibling's marriage proposal last week gone smoothly. R: omedetou | |
12月05日 21:44:05 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: good evening Risu, hope you're healthy and happy even if busy. R: i hope you're healthy and happy too, and not busy | |
12月05日 21:44:33 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: don't you know the concert (Yoasobi) date? it's at the 16th! | |
12月05日 21:45:09 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: how can i go? c: what's in 15th? R: bad, not remembering that | |
12月05日 21:46:12 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: what's in the 16th? R: there's Yoasobi concert | |
12月05日 21:46:22 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: ultah in Yoasobi concert Ris. R: don't wanna | |
12月05日 21:46:41 |
Katya M13 | [EN] C: with whom will you watch (the concert)? R: i'm not going to | |
12月05日 21:47:25 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: if you force it to watch it you'll get too tired? R: yes, even managing the birthday is tiring already | |
12月05日 21:50:14 |
Katya M13 | nice gift~ | |
12月05日 21:50:34 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Ris do you have new meme? R: hmm let's see, the ship is done already, the whistle baby too | |
12月05日 21:50:44 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: what else | |
12月05日 21:51:39 |
Katya M13 | [EN] SC: Ris i'm your fan from the Kamandi Island! R: what;'s Kamandi? Kamandeez nuts? www | |
12月05日 21:53:27 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: it's not there, ah stoopid www | |
12月05日 21:53:43 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: this one is absurd as well | |
12月05日 21:54:21 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: evening Risu, ganbatte, i have work here too. R: good luck, your name explains a lot, i'm just tired www | |
12月05日 21:54:48 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: wha's this? where is it? not understandable | |
12月05日 21:55:17 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Ris, i have 4 fanbook but i didn't managed to get area 15 | |
12月05日 21:57:08 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: what're you busy from? R: making myself busy www | |
12月05日 21:58:18 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: so i'm building something | |
12月05日 21:58:49 |
Katya M13 | even BETTER!?!? | |
12月05日 22:00:46 |
Katya M13 | [ID] c: ngerakit PC yang lebih kuat? R: kayak gitu | |
12月05日 22:01:07 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: just buy it Ris, you have Prisuners. R: prisuners your ass www | |
12月05日 22:03:21 |
Katya M13 | [EN} c: share 5 million Ris. R: from where? i'm counting my bill too here | |
12月05日 22:03:46 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: i'm counting my life bill too. R: yes, counting how much we have to pay | |
12月05日 22:04:33 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: being an online debt admin rn? R: how absurd | |
12月05日 22:05:08 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Risu is budgeting, making bills. R: yes | |
12月05日 22:05:19 |
Katya M13 | [ID] R: aku lagi ngerjain PR, buat list | |
12月05日 22:07:52 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: good luck syg (sayang/babe). R: what's syg? saya yagoo (i'm yagoo)? www | |
12月05日 22:10:18 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: salary is just money that stay for a while. R: true | |
12月05日 22:11:14 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: do you have a plan to have vacation in the end of the year? R: no, but i will go back home. i'll bring laptop so i still will stream. | |
12月05日 22:11:20 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: i have no time to have vacation www, i need to prepare for birthday too | |
12月05日 22:11:29 |
Katya M13 | ||
12月05日 22:11:44 |
Katya M13 | ||
12月05日 22:13:33 |
Katya M13 | [ID] c: kerja apa makan? R:aku udah makan, jangan khawatir | |
12月05日 22:13:45 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: have any plan for nendoroid Risu? R: i don't get sponsor www | |
12月05日 22:14:58 |
Katya M13 | [EN] SC: tips on food and drink to keep throat not dry when singing? R: don't train while in room with AC. you can eat whatever food you want | |
12月05日 22:15:35 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: so not drinking ice, fried stuffm and cold place. and prepare singing an hour before, thank you Ris | |
12月05日 22:15:50 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: yes, so don't eat near singing time, so you don't feel bloated | |
12月05日 22:16:17 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: so oily food is okay? R: it's okay in my case, but if you are sensitive to some food, avoid it | |
12月05日 22:16:32 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: like in my case, it is rendang, it is greasy, so usually i don't eat rendang | |
12月05日 22:16:50 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: how about cigarette? R: how can i know? i dont smoke www | |
12月05日 22:17:22 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: tips on warming up before singing Ris. R: warming up a little for a minute, then warming up your voice | |
12月05日 22:17:45 |
Katya M13 | [ID] R: adikku bilang dia dan temennya seneng banget dengenrin 1:15am | |
12月05日 22:18:04 |
Katya M13 | [ID] R: dia ngeDM itu, dan aku bilang oh bagus, pilihan lagu yang bagus | |
12月05日 22:18:38 |
Katya M13 | [ID] R: lagunya juga bagus buat yang ngga wibu, karna itu tujuannya, buat pasar pendengar yang lebih luas | |
12月05日 22:19:47 |
Katya M13 | crisp keyoard ASMR |
12月05日 22:20:10 |
Katya M13 | [ID] R: maaf ya, aku masih ngerjain kerjaan | |
12月05日 22:20:23 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: what're you typing? R: work ofc | |
12月05日 22:22:42 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: do you have any tips? i'lll became a wali in my little sibling's marriage. R: idk, i never been one too, i think you can reduce your nervousness by looking at how happy your younger sibling is | |
12月05日 22:23:18 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: will Gen4 come out in 2024 or not Ris? R: idk, why don't you make them come out yourself www | |
12月05日 22:24:39 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Ris i have a dad joke, a Risu that cooks rice is a Risu cooker www | |
12月05日 22:24:46 |
Katya M13 | xixixi | |
12月05日 22:25:33 |
Katya M13 | udah, ngga usah nyebut tahun wkwkw | |
12月05日 22:29:00 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: ooh i see i see | |
12月05日 22:29:32 |
Katya M13 | [Universal language] (Risu is laughing) | |
12月05日 22:30:28 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: are you working while watching meme? why laugh? R: no, i was chatting with my mom | |
12月05日 22:30:44 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: your mom sent you meme? R: no, don't be absurd | |
12月05日 22:31:50 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Ris, recommend me songs to accompany me while on the road to my home. R: 1:15am, SIng Out | |
12月05日 22:32:12 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: that's your own songs. R: have you try (to listen to) it? if you haven't then try | |
12月05日 22:32:25 |
Katya M13 | welcome back to Prisun |
12月05日 22:33:46 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Ris, when will 1:15am turned into koplo version to accompany while trucking? R: i don't know | |
12月05日 22:34:07 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: golden nuts. R: yes | |
12月05日 22:34:47 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Ris wanna ask, will in AFAID 3-5 march hololive have a concert? R: well, if we got invitation www | |
12月05日 22:35:03 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: AFA in ID again? R: yes, check it, official | |
12月05日 22:35:28 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: must be invited, looking at the hype before. R: it's still up to those who held the event | |
12月05日 22:36:02 |
Katya M13 | [EN] C: Ris, ketoprak (boiled/steamed veggies with peanut sauce) or fried rice? R: fried rice | |
12月05日 22:36:50 |
Katya M13 | [EN] (ketorpak also have rice cake and tofu) | |
12月05日 22:37:20 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: fried rice with soup/broth ris, good. R: huh? | |
12月05日 22:37:48 |
Katya M13 | ada loh, pernah ketemu nasi goreng kuah, belom nyoba sih | |
12月05日 22:40:05 |
Katya M13 | ||
12月05日 22:41:57 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: is this 12 hours of short stream? R: no way | |
12月05日 22:42:52 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: no being a crocodile anymore? R: nope | |
12月05日 22:43:08 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: may i join prisuners? R: yes, you may | |
12月05日 22:44:27 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: isn't it right? is it? yes it is | |
12月05日 22:47:46 |
Katya M13 | ||
12月05日 22:48:54 |
Katya M13 | nice~ | |
12月05日 22:49:46 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: what're you working on? R: not ngerjain (ngerjain=working/pranking) people www | |
12月05日 22:51:13 |
Katya M13 | [ID] c: ayo buat pohon natal dari kardus kayak punya Korone. R: ide yang bagus | |
12月05日 22:51:29 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: omg so old www | |
12月05日 22:52:08 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: can you stay in focus doing work while streaming? R: i can | |
12月05日 22:52:29 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: a bit slower tho, because answering chat too | |
12月05日 22:53:03 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: is this right? it iis | |
12月05日 22:53:24 |
Katya M13 | [ID] R: astaga, perutku kayak kriiiuuk wkwk | |
12月05日 22:54:49 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: are you doing it while typing Ris? R: yes | |
12月05日 22:56:28 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: i have beard but i'm not a dad,maybe i can be a dad for your children... btw thank you for those who gives gift members a lot. | |
12月05日 22:56:55 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: is it right? if your membership is from gift don't be so rash to say wanting to be a dad for the children, if you can't manage by yourself yet www | |
12月05日 22:57:33 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: you forgot your skill1 and skill 2? R: if it'scritical why not just go straight to ulti? | |
12月05日 22:58:33 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: cute. R: cute right~? c: ofc LOL | |
12月05日 22:59:41 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Ris i had math exam, making my head so dizzy. what's the cure for this stress? R: mabar (maen bareng : playing game together with other people) | |
12月05日 23:01:11 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: where is it? it's gone | |
12月05日 23:02:15 |
Katya M13 | nice gift | |
12月05日 23:03:06 |
Katya M13 | ||
12月05日 23:03:39 |
Katya M13 | fantastic side eye~ | |
12月05日 23:04:09 |
Katya M13 | ||
12月05日 23:04:40 |
Katya M13 | Zoroark went straight into the action wkwkw | |
12月05日 23:05:12 |
Katya M13 | okaeri~ | |
12月05日 23:05:55 |
Katya M13 | ||
12月05日 23:06:12 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Ris have you seen the GTA 6's trailer? R: not yet, but i know about it | |
12月05日 23:07:02 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: the mouse wheel sounds like zowie. R: is it really? do you use zowie? is it? www | |
12月05日 23:07:49 |
Katya M13 | as long as she can get away from the police, i see, sacrifices has to be made www | |
12月05日 23:11:00 |
Katya M13 | ||
12月05日 23:12:09 |
Katya M13 | ||
12月05日 23:13:24 |
Katya M13 | tidak salah, namun tidak benar wkwkw | |
12月05日 23:14:36 |
Katya M13 | english learning good luck |
12月05日 23:15:35 |
Katya M13 | ||
12月05日 23:16:02 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: i can't do speaking, but reading and the others i can do | |
12月05日 23:17:24 |
Katya M13 | omedetou~! | |
12月05日 23:18:09 |
Katya M13 | ||
12月05日 23:18:15 |
Katya M13 | NYOOOOOO | |
12月05日 23:20:54 |
Katya M13 | accidental squish | |
12月05日 23:22:37 |
Katya M13 | ||
12月05日 23:23:24 |
Katya M13 | ||
12月05日 23:26:35 |
Katya M13 | [EN] dono: funfact my birthday is same as yours | |
12月05日 23:27:41 |
Katya M13 | [EN] dono: i hope Risu and all risuners always in good health. R: i hope you in good health too | |
12月05日 23:28:01 |
Katya M13 | [EN] SC: Ris, can you sing song of the ancient please? R: sure, maybe in acapela | |
12月05日 23:30:10 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: December has a lot of things to do, so don't forget to take care of your health Risdu. R: you too | |
12月05日 23:31:20 |
Katya M13 | also laron / flying termites season, gotta sweep the floor more than before www | |
12月05日 23:33:09 |
Katya M13 | why did i imagine the cameo is Risu flying around lol | |
12月05日 23:33:38 |
Katya M13 | LMAO | |
12月05日 23:35:12 |
Katya M13 | [EN] SC: sorry Ris, already night here, good night. R: good night, this bro must be in JP, what hour is it there now | |
12月05日 23:36:28 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: friends of the sukoshi sukoshi (an ID meme guy speaking broken japanese) R: it's not sukoshi anymore, it's tamago tamago www | |
12月05日 23:38:25 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: or maybe, japanese curry is good too. omurice with curry is delicious | |
12月05日 23:38:57 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: ketchup manis (sweet kiss) R: don't start www | |
12月05日 23:41:17 |
Katya M13 | [EN] dono: i was at Jogja to attend Move Fest. R: whoa cool. did you joined a competition? that's a good experience | |
12月05日 23:42:09 |
Katya M13 | [EN] dono: btw in Jogja i tried horse meat too, not as gamey as goat but it's chewy. R: maybe you have to presto (pressure cook) it | |
12月05日 23:42:20 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: i tried rabbit skewer too before | |
12月05日 23:42:35 |
Katya M13 | [EN] E: is there any squirrel skewer? R: it's closed already | |
12月05日 23:43:04 |
Katya M13 | [EN] E: how does it taste? i wanna try. R: how about i skewer you? there's eggplant satay right? | |
12月05日 23:43:22 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: oh my stomach sounded | |
12月05日 23:45:03 |
Katya M13 | [EN] dono: if you go to CF, don't forget to seach for Risu doujin. R: there, already promoted by dono www | |
12月05日 23:45:19 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: comifuro is near | |
12月05日 23:46:29 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: can't go to comifuro, i'm in south sulawesi, so far. R: it's okay, maybe you can ask someone to go there to buy for you | |
12月05日 23:47:34 |
Katya M13 | ||
12月05日 23:48:26 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: which is better? almond or hazelnut? R: both is delicous, how do i choose? | |
12月05日 23:48:44 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: by the texture, Ris. | |
12月05日 23:49:16 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: how about cashew? R: that's my fav | |
12月05日 23:50:12 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: so when i fry tempe, usually i cut it thicc, especially if it's just recently done, i bit the soybeans | |
12月05日 23:51:03 |
Katya M13 | welcome |
12月05日 23:51:58 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: i will have a jamboree tomorrow, please wish me luck. R: good luck. why do you always have jamboree? | |
12月05日 23:52:20 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: why do you act like that? R: because you always have jamboree, last month, and then now too www | |
12月05日 23:53:33 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Ris i will have my graduation, wish me luck till the d-day. R: good luck, don't look left and right to compare. c: if looking left and right they might crash ris. R: okay www | |
12月05日 23:54:05 |
Katya M13 | sou desune | |
12月05日 23:55:44 |
Katya M13 | Thank you for the stream |
12月05日 23:56:15 |
12月05日 23:56:59 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Ris, will anyone get angry if i call you babe? R: there are, 1.060 of them www | |
12月05日 23:57:15 |
Katya M13 | [EN] R: many want to start dueling www | |
12月05日 23:58:01 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: not angry, just concerned, i hope the halu will be cured | |
12月05日 23:58:13 |
Katya M13 | nice gift~ | |
12月05日 23:58:55 |
Katya M13 | [EN] SC: thank you for the Stream Risu *continuing on being halu* | |
12月05日 23:59:54 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Risu, thank you for making a song this good | |
12月06日 00:00:47 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: tell Mr. Yagoo for recruiting a squirrel this cute | |
12月06日 00:01:18 |
Katya M13 | [EN] c: Yagoo sir, please tell Risu thank you for making song this good | |
12月06日 00:01:34 |
Katya M13 | welcome |
12月06日 00:02:07 |
Katya M13 | ||
12月06日 00:02:30 |
Katya M13 | let's ganba on our school/work~! | |
12月06日 00:03:21 |
Katya M13 | nooooo not the thumbs down *disintegrates into atoms* |