トップ |
配信名:【Oblivion】Quieres Oblivion? EXPANSION PACK |
時間 |
icon | 名前 | チャット |
08月17日 10:27:14 |
Watson Amelia | wasn't able to stream today(8/16) at the time I wanted to due to meeting |
08月18日 12:59:27 |
Watson Amelia | ||
08月18日 13:01:08 |
Watson Amelia | bwehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh | |
08月18日 13:02:43 |
Watson Amelia | i dont want to cancel the stream but I think I need to move it to earlier tomorrow instead TT_TT not sure what it was but multiple watson family members caught a stomach bug | |
08月18日 13:03:06 |
Watson Amelia | I even had the tweet and devverythinng writtenn out for the stream |
08月18日 13:03:08 |
Watson Amelia | i tempted fate | |
08月18日 13:03:21 |
Watson Amelia | why didn't i knocck on wood..... |
08月18日 13:08:43 |
Watson Amelia | si quieres oblivion mañana stomach bug ![]() |
08月18日 13:09:03 |
Watson Amelia | so sorry guys! | |
08月18日 13:10:16 |
Watson Amelia | is this time tomorrow a good time? | |
08月18日 13:10:59 |
Watson Amelia | watson family ate some recalled food recently we been buying a shit ton of cucumbers |
08月18日 13:11:16 |
Watson Amelia | but also i did eat fish left kind of open in the fridge for 3-4 days yesterday | |
08月18日 13:11:25 |
Watson Amelia | ||
08月18日 13:12:22 |
Watson Amelia | it was the probably the fish |
08月18日 13:13:28 |
Watson Amelia | i got the recall food thing from a dr. tiktok we do be munchin on cucumbers though |
08月18日 13:13:58 |
Watson Amelia | it was a deconstructed sushi bowl with shredded surimi | |
08月18日 13:14:18 |
Watson Amelia | there was a lot left so I left it in a glass tupperware with foil on it | |
08月18日 13:14:25 |
Watson Amelia | whys it called tupperware anyways | |
08月18日 13:14:56 |
Watson Amelia | apparently food in the fridge grows good mold and thats why leftovers always taste better |
08月18日 13:16:17 |
Watson Amelia | time to lay in bed and play burger bistro and watch chat |
08月18日 13:17:08 |
Watson Amelia | visit my restaurant in burger bistro guys |
08月18日 13:17:40 |
Watson Amelia | oh yeah I tried deadlock recently! it was a lot of fun, not possible to stream tho |
08月18日 13:18:17 |
Watson Amelia | its like HotS + overwatch + bioshock infinite |
08月18日 13:18:32 |
Watson Amelia | its fun! but its in alpha | |
08月18日 13:19:21 |
Watson Amelia | its a valve game? I didnt even know that | |
08月18日 13:19:37 |
Watson Amelia | its fun ya need skins |
08月18日 13:19:47 |
Watson Amelia | oh am I not supposed to talk about it? | |
08月18日 13:20:03 |
Watson Amelia | its a secret game? |
08月18日 13:20:38 |
Watson Amelia | but i pressed OK on the pop up box in game..... |
08月18日 13:21:58 |
Watson Amelia | oooooo | |
08月18日 13:22:14 |
Watson Amelia | my favorite one to play is the engi | |
08月18日 13:22:50 |
Watson Amelia | ah tummy hurt its making me shiver |
08月18日 13:23:27 |
Watson Amelia | there's engineer you put up really annoying wall ability and havve a self heal and a sasha gun and a turret | |
08月18日 13:23:53 |
Watson Amelia | the map is really big theres a lot of verticality you can climb walls and stuff | |
08月18日 13:24:05 |
Watson Amelia | yeah like a heavy enngi | |
08月18日 13:24:24 |
Watson Amelia | yea gattling gun | |
08月18日 13:24:44 |
Watson Amelia | she looks like zarya though | |
08月18日 13:25:16 |
Watson Amelia | okay I cant say anymore! gabens gonna get me |
08月18日 13:25:52 |
Watson Amelia | im all out of water |
08月18日 13:27:24 |
Watson Amelia | lemonade iced tea hold the ice | |
08月18日 13:28:02 |
Watson Amelia | i make homemade boba sometimes since i got these frozen boba balls | |
08月18日 13:28:16 |
Watson Amelia | chat q&a time |
08月18日 13:28:48 |
Watson Amelia | i made homemade chicken soup for the first time today thats pretty much all I ate | |
08月18日 13:29:12 |
Watson Amelia | henry is really friendly with the "new" cats they arent really new, just the watson family's cats | |
08月18日 13:29:26 |
Watson Amelia | happpy birthday teamates born on this day! | |
08月18日 13:29:45 |
Watson Amelia | henry lost some weight from wrastlin | |
08月18日 13:30:23 |
Watson Amelia | i havent made a terrarium for a while, but I'm planninng in the next year to increase my aquariums now that I have a good spot for them | |
08月18日 13:30:49 |
Watson Amelia | lets just say the other cats name is uhhh Overwatch |
08月18日 13:31:39 |
Watson Amelia | I was going to do a members stream this week but I was busy with more homework and had a recording session for something lasst night |
08月18日 13:32:38 |
Watson Amelia | yeah my throat still feels kinda wehhh but its should be okay by tomorrow | |
08月18日 13:32:44 |
Watson Amelia | I think i jinxed myself twice | |
08月18日 13:32:49 |
Watson Amelia | ||
08月18日 13:33:29 |
Watson Amelia | I said, I beat tummy hurt! my voice and throat is strong! | |
08月18日 13:33:43 |
Watson Amelia | i havent watched that many shows lately | |
08月18日 13:34:16 |
Watson Amelia | the watson family always puts on the office even though I remember watching it when it was airing suuuper young and I KNOW THEY HAVE SEEN IT 10+ TIMES | |
08月18日 13:35:06 |
Watson Amelia | yeah little brother watson loves parks and rec | |
08月18日 13:35:30 |
Watson Amelia | everyone in the watson family is a movie buff too, they are like WHAT? YOU HAVENT SEEN THE ORIGINAL GHOST BUSTERS? | |
08月18日 13:35:45 |
Watson Amelia | ||
08月18日 13:36:09 |
Watson Amelia | because I wanted to see the new one with paul rudd but they said I wasnt allowed to since I havent seen the OG | |
08月18日 13:36:29 |
Watson Amelia | i havent seen any ghostbusters |
08月18日 13:37:40 |
Watson Amelia | ja | |
08月18日 13:39:00 |
Watson Amelia | keepp getting chills |
08月18日 13:39:11 |
Watson Amelia | noice merch received! yatta~! | |
08月18日 13:39:27 |
Watson Amelia | wasnt advents collab so cool |
08月18日 13:40:20 |
Watson Amelia | nighty night | |
08月18日 13:44:14 |
Watson Amelia | ||
08月18日 13:44:39 |
Watson Amelia | toxic hic |
08月18日 13:49:31 |
Watson Amelia | ||
08月19日 13:31:21 |
Watson Amelia | o7 |