トップ ※配信中のホロメン同士によるチャットを抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
配信名:【#ド深夜UNO】帰ってきたド深夜UNO✨今日は飲酒しちゃうらしいぞ><【ホロライブ/ ロボ子さん・桃鈴ねね・癒月ちょこ・ラプラス・ダークネス】
08/22 22:29:35 ぼくしーBoxi 間に合ったー!
08/22 22:29:53 ぼくしーBoxi 充電中
08/22 22:30:47 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Title: 【#ド深夜UNO (Midnight UNO)】Midnight UNO Returns hashtag for tonight: #ド深夜UNO
08/22 22:44:07 ラプラス・ダークネス 充電中~~
08/22 22:44:39 ぼくしーBoxi ラプ様も充電してる
08/22 22:44:52 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: Charging ~~
08/22 22:50:06 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Title: 【#ド深夜UNO (Midnight UNO)】Midnight UNO Returns hashtag for tonight: #ド深夜UNO
08/22 22:50:09 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 22:55:10 ぼくしーBoxi いらっしゃいませー
08/22 22:57:16 ぼくしーBoxi 飲酒UNOかーw
08/22 22:57:38 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] From Twitter : Seems like we are gonna take booze while playing UNO
08/22 23:00:04 ぼくしーBoxi ろぼ…ろぼ…
08/22 23:00:23 ぼくしーBoxi ろぼ…ろぼ…
08/22 23:00:50 ぼくしーBoxi いらっしゃいませ~
08/22 23:01:05 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:01:38 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Title: 【#ド深夜UNO (Midnight UNO)】Midnight UNO Returns hashtag for tonight: #ド深夜UNO
08/22 23:01:44 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context from twitter: they are all drunk
08/22 23:01:47 ぼくしーBoxi きちゃ!
08/22 23:01:50 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:02:21 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:02:29 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Title: 【#ド深夜UNO (Midnight UNO)】Midnight UNO Returns hashtag for tonight: #ド深夜UNO
08/22 23:02:34 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context from twitter: they are all drunk
08/22 23:03:16 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:03:37 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:04:10 ぼくしーBoxi いらっしゃいませ~
08/22 23:04:18 里人B はろ〜ぼ〜!
08/22 23:05:23 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:06:27 ぼくしーBoxi ここすき
08/22 23:06:30 里人B きた〜!
08/22 23:06:31 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:06:37 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Title: 【#ド深夜UNO (Midnight UNO)】Midnight UNO Returns hashtag for tonight: #ド深夜UNO
08/22 23:06:41 ぼくしーBoxi え…?
08/22 23:06:45 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context from twitter: they are all drunk
08/22 23:07:00 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: currently, it's on maintance
08/22 23:07:01 ぼくしーBoxi あーあーw
08/22 23:07:14 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: who's fault is that? R: it's lap, she didn't test to log in
08/22 23:07:26 ぼくしーBoxi 大丈夫?リルビきめとく?
08/22 23:07:36 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: you see, I invited you, but you dropped, lap
08/22 23:07:51 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: *sings she's being hated by the ubi-soft log in
08/22 23:08:05 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: let's see if it turns out to be horror game or UNO
08/22 23:08:11 ぼくしーBoxi 久々のホラゲかー?w
08/22 23:08:24 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: you ok? you sure you haven't played RUST??
08/22 23:08:25 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:08:40 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: is it my fault???
08/22 23:09:47 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: volume adjusting
08/22 23:09:53 ぼくしーBoxi 大丈夫?w
08/22 23:10:29 ぼくしーBoxi 大丈夫?
08/22 23:10:36 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: having connection failure
08/22 23:10:42 ぼくしーBoxi アプデが違う???
08/22 23:10:43 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:10:53 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: Lap is having version error
08/22 23:10:57 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:11:05 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: I searched uno, then I got this
08/22 23:11:09 ぼくしーBoxi そんなことある?w
08/22 23:11:18 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: it's UNO ulitimate edition right?
08/22 23:11:47 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: IT'S THE SAME THING RIGHT??
08/22 23:12:03 ぼくしーBoxi UBIは流石に今回悪くないよw
08/22 23:12:23 ぼくしーBoxi ねねちょこてぇてぇ
08/22 23:12:40 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:12:54 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: Lap bought from UBI soft, not from steam
08/22 23:13:05 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: what's our difference!? N: our spec I guess
08/22 23:13:26 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: I was the one who started to say drink-along- UNO, AND THIS HAPPENS!?
08/22 23:13:34 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: you can't drink till you win? how sad
08/22 23:13:53 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] C: now, we are gonna play "Lap can't drink till she wins"
08/22 23:13:55 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:14:01 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: ah, this is gonna be delicious
08/22 23:14:15 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: wait, that's not fair, I can't drink till I win while you all drink??? wth
08/22 23:14:25 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L : let me drink at least one..
08/22 23:14:29 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] C: GO AHEAD DL IT
08/22 23:14:31 ぼくしーBoxi ぃさ
08/22 23:14:44 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: guys, listen
08/22 23:14:49 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: I used echo to open my can
08/22 23:15:00 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] then.... the lid took off, what should I do?
08/22 23:15:03 ぼくしーBoxi ひどいw
08/22 23:15:30 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: wait, why are you all sad?
08/22 23:15:41 ぼくしーBoxi ロボ子さん写真w
08/22 23:15:49 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: WAIT, IT'S ALREADY STARTING!?
08/22 23:16:01 里人B ロボ子さん右上がww
08/22 23:16:07 ぼくしーBoxi ロボ子さん画像消してくれてありがとうW
08/22 23:16:13 里人B ありがとう〜!
08/22 23:16:24 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:16:38 ぼくしーBoxi どうしたのw
08/22 23:16:57 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: Roboco is trying to open her booze can with the ball pen
08/22 23:17:00 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:17:14 ぼくしーBoxi ひっどいw
08/22 23:17:23 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: THIS IS WHAT YOU CALL THE BRAIN POWER
08/22 23:17:29 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: wait, Lap can't be winning
08/22 23:17:34 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] C: wait, let me do it
08/22 23:17:38 ぼくしーBoxi ちょこ先生ないすー!
08/22 23:18:05 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:18:06
08/22 23:18:35 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: Robocosan is in trouble. the cats opened the dryer
08/22 23:18:40 ぼくしーBoxi ロボ子さん大丈夫かいw
08/22 23:19:01 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:19:07 里人B あっ
08/22 23:19:11 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: your hand is not that bad lap
08/22 23:19:21 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] C: I'll give you present then
08/22 23:19:29 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: hey Nene-san, join the fight
08/22 23:19:58 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Speacial Rule: 7 = allows to exchange hand with appointed player. 0 = exchanges hands following the rotation
08/22 23:20:02 ぼくしーBoxi ないすw
08/22 23:20:05 ぼくしーBoxi あーw
08/22 23:20:17 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: HOW POOR OF YOU ROBOCO
08/22 23:20:22 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: I start to think I can win
08/22 23:20:33 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: now it's gonna be green's turn
08/22 23:20:42 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: so everyone got no green?
08/22 23:20:44 ぼくしーBoxi ないのかwww
08/22 23:20:50 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:21:07 ぼくしーBoxi kusa
08/22 23:21:17 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Rule: Lap can't drink till she wins
08/22 23:21:23 ぼくしーBoxi あw
08/22 23:22:02 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:22:15 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]L: DON'T SAY WHAT I GOT, YOU ALL ARE CHEATING
08/22 23:22:19 ぼくしーBoxi いいやがったw
08/22 23:22:27 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Nene: told to everyone what Lap got
08/22 23:22:29 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:22:34 里人B 色バレwww
08/22 23:22:39 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] C: please give me red
08/22 23:22:43 ぼくしーBoxi ないすーw
08/22 23:22:53 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: IT'S 1 VS 3
08/22 23:23:10 ぼくしーBoxi 飲酒させない意思がつよすぎるw
08/22 23:23:17 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME
08/22 23:23:34 ぼくしーBoxi ひっどいW
08/22 23:23:54 ぼくしーBoxi ずっと②枚なんだよなぁw
08/22 23:24:06 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: Lap can't drink booze till she wins
08/22 23:24:10 ぼくしーBoxi ないすぅw
08/22 23:24:18 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]C: WHY'D YOU CHANGE IT TO GREEEN
08/22 23:24:24 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]L: YOU GOT NO GREEN???
08/22 23:24:25 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:24:39 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: told you I don't have red...
08/22 23:24:43 里人B お!
08/22 23:24:49 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]C: WHO GAVE ME THIS TRASH HAND
08/22 23:24:51 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:25:08 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: is that hand worth it anyways?
08/22 23:25:12 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: take my skip
08/22 23:25:14 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:25:55 ぼくしーBoxi dounaru!?
08/22 23:26:01 里人B あっ
08/22 23:26:05 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:26:09 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:26:38 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]L: I THOUGHT YOU GOT RED
08/22 23:26:48 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: I was ready to drink the booze, and then..
08/22 23:26:53 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: I CAN'T OPEN MY BOOZE
08/22 23:26:55 ぼくしーBoxi ロボ子さんW
08/22 23:27:13 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]Context: Roboco missed opened the can, so she can't drink booze
08/22 23:27:17 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] C: I HEARD YOU DRINK
08/22 23:27:24 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: it's not me! not me!
08/22 23:27:45 ぼくしーBoxi ひどいw
08/22 23:28:36 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: if you put 6, I'll put 3.... nvm, it's the turn of 6
08/22 23:28:47 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: I want you to stay at 6, but I'll make you wait
08/22 23:28:48 ぼくしーBoxi ひどいw
08/22 23:29:08 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: I feel bad for you nene
08/22 23:29:15 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: now this is the color of member ship
08/22 23:29:24 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] C: guys, see, Roboco has only red
08/22 23:31:29 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:31:41 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: why do you all have only few cards? look at me
08/22 23:31:57 ぼくしーBoxi ロボ子さんカードショップ終わらせて良いんだよ
08/22 23:31:58 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:32:10 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:32:31 ぼくしーBoxi あw
08/22 23:32:38 ぼくしーBoxi あーw
08/22 23:32:46 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] N: did you just say ANY COLOR?
08/22 23:32:54 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: I think you shouldn't be showing that
08/22 23:33:02 里人B
08/22 23:33:07 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: I got the gravity
08/22 23:33:12 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: you better change your name
08/22 23:33:26 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: Lap CANNOT drink till she wins
08/22 23:33:39 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: I think I can be friends with you Choco
08/22 23:33:40 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:33:45 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:33:54 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: I think I'm playing poker here
08/22 23:33:58 ぼくしーBoxi ひっどいw
08/22 23:34:38 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Win so far: Roboco 1, Nene 1, both of them carried by Lap
08/22 23:34:47 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: nene, you sure want this?
08/22 23:34:47 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:34:58 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: oh, so it's +2 ???
08/22 23:35:07 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:35:30 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: it's not exchange right? it's "give me your hand" right?
08/22 23:35:44 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: sorry, I can't help you nene. R: I'll keep you sitting Nene
08/22 23:35:50 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:36:13 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:36:34 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: The tomato stands for the hate to tomato fo Roboco and Nene
08/22 23:36:37 ぼくしーBoxi あーあーw
08/22 23:36:53 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:37:13 ぼくしーBoxi ラプ様W
08/22 23:37:21 里人B ちょこ先生
08/22 23:37:26 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]R: no win for LaP??
08/22 23:37:45 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: I'm losing in UNO, but I have LIFE , so let me drink booze
08/22 23:37:54 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] NL whoever wins this game , wins life too ok?
08/22 23:38:49 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:39:08 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: talks about the color issues, Lap is using Jojo reference
08/22 23:39:09 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:39:16 ぼくしーBoxi うそでしょw
08/22 23:39:25 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: Nene network down, AI turn
08/22 23:39:27 ぼくしーBoxi ねねちw
08/22 23:40:35 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: Nene got cut out, no network so the AI is playing for Nene
08/22 23:40:36 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:40:56 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: please end the game, PLEASE DON'T WASTE THE LIFE
08/22 23:41:21 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: teaming up
08/22 23:41:27 ぼくしーBoxi ひどいw
08/22 23:41:54 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: from here, the team game starts
08/22 23:42:18 ぼくしーBoxi てぇてぇ
08/22 23:42:42 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Team: Roboco and Lap VS Nene and Choco
08/22 23:42:51 ぼくしーBoxi つの組VS金髪組かw
08/22 23:43:11 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: Lap is saying she can see the hands (cheat)
08/22 23:43:33 ぼくしーBoxi 手札やっばw
08/22 23:43:42 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: choco sensei, are you cheating???
08/22 23:43:48 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: then from here, we use this
08/22 23:43:50 ぼくしーBoxi つよいw
08/22 23:44:18 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Rule now: Team fight, Roboco & Lap VS Nene & Choco
08/22 23:44:24 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:44:33 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: i-it's strategy
08/22 23:44:38 ぼくしーBoxi ロボ子さん???
08/22 23:44:55 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:45:31 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:45:48 ぼくしーBoxi あw
08/22 23:46:09 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]L: ROBOCO-SAN,. CAN'T YOU EVEN SAY SH*T UNO???
08/22 23:46:15 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]R: i-i'll cover you
08/22 23:46:18 ぼくしーBoxi ひどいw
08/22 23:46:48 ぼくしーBoxi UNO!
08/22 23:47:02 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:47:04 里人B ないすう!!
08/22 23:47:20 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: LAP FINALLY CAN DRINK
08/22 23:47:33 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:48:01 ぼくしーBoxi ロボ子さんもしかしてまだ飲めない?w
08/22 23:48:19 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: Lap finally can drink, but not Roboco, SHE CAN'T OPEN THE CAN, BECAUSE THE LID TOOK OFF
08/22 23:48:24 ぼくしーBoxi あーw
08/22 23:48:58 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]R: *tickling the booze can
08/22 23:49:32 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:50:22 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:50:40 ぼくしーBoxi あーあーw
08/22 23:50:54 ぼくしーBoxi ひどいw
08/22 23:51:06 里人B ねねちもないすぅ!!
08/22 23:51:23 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: I can't play with you anymore. R: are you sure about that? L: what? R: if we win, OUR TEAM IS THE OFFICAIL WINNER
08/22 23:51:55 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:52:06 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: so you don';t have trust in your hand??
08/22 23:52:21 ぼくしーBoxi アオリよw
08/22 23:52:32 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: Lap... wait...
08/22 23:52:36 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: hey....
08/22 23:52:41 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: are we arguing???
08/22 23:52:43 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:52:57 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: ok now we can be friends
08/22 23:53:09 ぼくしーBoxi ひどいw
08/22 23:53:31 ぼくしーBoxi お?
08/22 23:53:42 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: this is just a challenge
08/22 23:53:45 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:53:53 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]N: WHAT'S UP WITH YOUR COLOR
08/22 23:54:11 ぼくしーBoxi 総帥??
08/22 23:54:19 ぼくしーBoxi ないすー!!!
08/22 23:54:28 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:54:34 ぼくしーBoxi これはおいしいw
08/22 23:54:48 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: what are you calling? this is "red"
08/22 23:54:55 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:55:07 里人B 接戦だwww
08/22 23:55:08 ぼくしーBoxi ないすーw
08/22 23:55:37 ぼくしーBoxi ないすw
08/22 23:56:05 ぼくしーBoxi いい勝負だw
08/22 23:56:18 ぼくしーBoxi あーw
08/22 23:56:24 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:56:33 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: WE SHOULDN'T BE CHANGING THE COLOR
08/22 23:56:56 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] r: are you all drinking booze?
08/22 23:57:07 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: WHY ARE YOU ENJOYING BOOZE???
08/22 23:57:14 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: Roboco can't open the can ye
08/22 23:57:16 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:57:21 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: see my poor can
08/22 23:57:23 里人B 開いてないのねww
08/22 23:57:25 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] isn't it sad???
08/22 23:57:35 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] N: lol., that's true, you are poor thing
08/22 23:57:54 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: Roboco can't open the can, because the lid took off, so ONLY Roboco isn't drunk yet
08/22 23:58:08 ぼくしーBoxi ノイキャンされた?w
08/22 23:58:52 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]R: let's change it to green, we need vegies
08/22 23:58:53 ぼくしーBoxi
08/22 23:59:49 ぼくしーBoxi ないすーw
08/22 23:59:56 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: this is our true power
08/23 00:00:01 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] C: but we gain more point
08/23 00:00:13 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: what are you saying? we got more win?
08/23 00:00:21 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: but we are gaining right?
08/23 00:00:27 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Score: 2-2
08/23 00:00:40 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:01:03 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:01:23 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: YABE, I got imporatnt recordings tomorrow, WHY AM I DRUNK
08/23 00:01:29 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: you're drinking for me right?
08/23 00:01:36 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: I 'll drink for you Roboco
08/23 00:01:39 ぼくしーBoxi ひっどいw
08/23 00:01:46 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: * still can't open the can
08/23 00:01:48 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:02:03 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R&L: *Kaiji reference
08/23 00:02:11 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: any last words?
08/23 00:02:13 ぼくしーBoxi つよいw
08/23 00:02:27 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: I'm sorry, WE ARE THE REAL WINNER
08/23 00:02:30 ぼくしーBoxi 逃げたW
08/23 00:02:35 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:02:44 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: thanks for the game, we are the winner
08/23 00:02:50 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: but you haven't win solo yet right?
08/23 00:03:02 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: but you got my help, right?
08/23 00:03:07 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: no no no , it's the end
08/23 00:03:15 ぼくしーBoxi 勝ち逃げだめぞ???
08/23 00:03:23 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: ah, wait wait, don't leave me
08/23 00:03:29 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:03:44 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:03:58 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: if you make me as a player, I will tell what Nene has!
08/23 00:04:05 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: this is the last game ok?
08/23 00:04:07 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:04:23 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] C: if we win, what will you do Lapsama?
08/23 00:04:31 ぼくしーBoxi 罰ゲームするって??
08/23 00:04:41 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] C: guys, let;s think what she;ll do
08/23 00:04:49 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: give me your speacial voice, will you?
08/23 00:05:00 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: you were drunk when you posted that voice tweet right?
08/23 00:05:08 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: I gave you special voice didn't I?
08/23 00:05:22 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:05:49 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: Lap is totally drunk, meanwhile Roboco hasn't drink yet
08/23 00:06:06 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:06:23 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L : I got strategy
08/23 00:06:32 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: NEEEEEE R: I though you had one?
08/23 00:06:42 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: I got high IQ
08/23 00:07:05 ぼくしーBoxi ラプ様何いってんのw
08/23 00:07:13 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:07:22 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: I know her card, it's ok
08/23 00:07:46 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:07:57 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: WE'RE NO LONGER FRIENDS, DON'T TALK TO ME
08/23 00:08:05 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]R: since when you became that big headed
08/23 00:08:14 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] C: ok thanks, I know her color now
08/23 00:08:16 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:08:37 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] C: it's TOMATO & LETTUCE
08/23 00:08:45 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:09:11 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: I'll tell on you to teacher, you are cheating!! C: but I'm the teacher
08/23 00:09:15 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: YOU FORGOT TO SAY UNO
08/23 00:09:18 ぼくしーBoxi ないすーw
08/23 00:09:33 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:09:41 ぼくしーBoxi あーあw
08/23 00:09:48 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: you realy love me Lap, don't you?
08/23 00:09:50 ぼくしーBoxi ないすーw
08/23 00:09:56 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:10:06 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] C: now Roboco, what will you ask Lap to do?
08/23 00:10:16 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: whisper me your love with VOICE TWEETED right?
08/23 00:10:22 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:10:33 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: but I sent you my pics PERSONALLY right?
08/23 00:10:39 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: POST IT IN PUBLIC
08/23 00:10:48 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: HEY, DON'T VIOLATE OUR RELATIONSHIP
08/23 00:10:55 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: ok, you can send me personally
08/23 00:11:03 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] C: then Roboco gives it to us
08/23 00:11:08 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] N: then I'll post it
08/23 00:11:26 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: so I gotta say love for you in voice tweet right?
08/23 00:11:27 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:11:35 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: I'll get laid with you
08/23 00:11:39 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: ok we end it here
08/23 00:11:43 ぼくしーBoxi 楽しかったw
08/23 00:11:46 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:11:58 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: guys, don't forget to open the tiwtter ok?
08/23 00:12:03 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:12:13 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: I'm greedy, I want your love too, choco and nene
08/23 00:12:16 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] N: but we won
08/23 00:12:25 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: ah, sorry, Lap , you got more crime
08/23 00:12:30 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]L: I'LL DO IT THEN
08/23 00:12:32 ぼくしーBoxi たのしかったw
08/23 00:12:41 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] L: I ONLY GOT WOUNDED
08/23 00:12:44 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:13:07 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:13:18 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]hash tag for tonight:#ド深夜UNO
08/23 00:13:34 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:13:48 ぼくしーBoxi
08/23 00:14:02 ぼくしーBoxi おつろぼー
08/23 00:15:12 ぼくしーBoxi みなさんもお疲れ様でしたー!G'night guys-!