配信名:Stay Up Late with Me: A Virtual Sleepover
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08月02日 14:37:11 Shiori Novella Let's try not to get carried away with the homie jokes, okay~? Just in case newcomers feel awkward, Novelites~
08月02日 14:37:41 Shiori Novella Thank you, my precious Novelites! Be sure to get some rest and food everyone.
08月03日 08:27:06 Shiori Novella Hello, Novelites~ Since you are early birds, I will allow you to suggest a mood for today's 'Pajama Party'. Just throw in some type of atmosphere! Ex: Horror, spooky, chill, cozy, etc.
08月03日 08:28:12 Shiori Novella www That name. My day is lovely, I hope everyone's day has been too.
08月03日 08:31:12 Shiori Novella wwww Oki everyone. Will try.
08月03日 09:53:23 Shiori Novella Gotta go fast~
08月03日 09:54:14 Shiori Novella
08月03日 09:54:27 Shiori Novella Be sure to rest and eat properly while waiting now, Novelites!
08月03日 09:55:08 Shiori Novella Sleep well!
08月03日 09:58:20 Shiori Novella @Luna Moth attracted to Shiori Eyes Maybe Yorick.
08月03日 09:58:39 Shiori Novella I'll be back later, Novelites~
08月03日 10:18:29 Shiori Novella Oops! looks like Rissa's stream had issues earlier leading to an accidental redirect She's back up now so check her out if you like. https://www.youtube.com/live/GU1PhsuL...
08月03日 10:53:20 Shiori Novella Calm down now everyone with the smooching joke~ We need to make sure everyone is comfy so the newcomers are too, okay?
08月03日 11:00:30 Shiori Novella
08月03日 12:00:54 FUWAMOCO Rent a Japanese family?!?!?!
08月03日 12:01:05 FUWAMOCO Do you mean a homestay?!?!?
08月03日 12:01:17 FUWAMOCO Oh.....
08月03日 12:01:39 FUWAMOCO YABE
08月03日 12:42:11 Mori Calliope slander
08月03日 12:42:19 Mori Calliope you'll pay for that