icon |
名前 |
チャット |
03月19日 00:03:231679151803 |
Anya Melfissa |
oh WOW who's this super kawaii zombie idol who sang on the stage I wonder!? |
03月19日 00:04:071679151847 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月19日 00:04:551679151895 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] (can only stream for roughly 1 hour) |
03月19日 00:05:401679151940 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] yea the holo 27 is gonna be held quite early, so i need to wake up super early tomorrow www |
03月19日 00:06:311679151991 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] wait arent there alot of JP bros today? aww im so happy |
03月19日 00:07:131679152033 |
Anya Melfissa |
03月19日 00:07:351679152055 |
Anya Melfissa |
03月19日 00:07:351679152055 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月19日 00:08:011679152081 |
Keigo Aria #scuffgang |
Otsu ollieeeeeeee your performance so gooooooddddddd !!!!!!! |
03月19日 00:08:221679152102 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] so since my performance was in the middle, i was so focused on watching my senpais perform, i forgot i was up next wwww |
03月19日 00:08:221679152102 |
Keigo Aria #scuffgang |
nonton dooonggggg hueheuheu |
03月19日 00:08:261679152106 |
Anya Melfissa |
I said that Ollie is holoJP from today |
03月19日 00:11:491679152309 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月19日 00:12:231679152343 |
D.D. Investigator |
Oh yea i heard  |
03月19日 00:13:001679152380 |
D.D. Investigator |
you recovered really well tho, its soo good  |
03月19日 00:13:511679152431 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] i think i did well after the "1 2 3" until the end, i did trip on the begining but i ended strong |
03月19日 00:15:501679152550 |
D.D. Investigator |
bobby is that you? |
03月19日 00:16:291679152589 |
D.D. Investigator |
[ID] ada g terus panggilin nama ku waktu aku selesai nyanyi, itu siapa sih wkwkwkw, seneng jadinya |
03月19日 00:17:301679152650 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月19日 00:19:021679152742 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] bobby is one of my fan (lives in JP, a vtuber, often makes anniversary and bday songs) |
03月19日 00:19:311679152771 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月19日 00:20:521679152852 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] we were debating on what rock vocaloid song we want, but it had to be lost one's weeping |
03月19日 00:21:051679152865 |
D.D. Investigator |
MAJIKA??   |
03月19日 00:23:251679153005 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月19日 00:24:391679153079 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月19日 00:25:341679153134 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] (i was like OMG WE'RE DID IT LETS GOO) in my heart |
03月19日 00:25:581679153158 |
D.D. Investigator |
that high note was something else |
03月19日 00:26:081679153168 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月19日 00:26:531679153213 |
Utano Pandora Ch. 歌乃パンドラ |
 V |
03月19日 00:27:181679153238 |
Utano Pandora Ch. 歌乃パンドラ |
03月19日 00:27:231679153243 |
D.D. Investigator |
ok thats TOO rock |
03月19日 00:27:321679153252 |
Utano Pandora Ch. 歌乃パンドラ |
03月19日 00:28:441679153324 |
D.D. Investigator |
Ollie : i wanna show my cute side, also ollie : *shreds the stage with haachama* |
03月19日 00:29:261679153366 |
Utano Pandora Ch. 歌乃パンドラ |
you were incredible ollie! You were so cute and powerful!!!!! |
03月19日 00:30:171679153417 |
Utano Pandora Ch. 歌乃パンドラ |
I cried so much when you sang ;w; |
03月19日 00:30:391679153439 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月19日 00:31:241679153484 |
Utano Pandora Ch. 歌乃パンドラ |
JUST LIKE ME FR FR I was crying ahah |
03月19日 00:31:321679153492 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月19日 00:32:341679153554 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月19日 00:32:341679153554 |
Utano Pandora Ch. 歌乃パンドラ |
I'm so proud of you Ollie ;w; |
03月19日 00:32:431679153563 |
Utano Pandora Ch. 歌乃パンドラ |
03月19日 00:33:541679153634 |
Utano Pandora Ch. 歌乃パンドラ |
oh ollie ;; |
03月19日 00:34:291679153669 |
Utano Pandora Ch. 歌乃パンドラ |
Ollie, you deserve so much love and success! You work so hard, and are so kind and loving, and supportive to others. And we support you so much. Your dream is precious to us! |
03月19日 00:34:341679153674 |
D.D. Investigator |
[ID] aku tau ini klise tp kalo bukan karena dukungan kalian semua, aku ga yakin bakal bisa sampe sini dan bisa tampil kyk tadi |
03月19日 00:35:441679153744 |
Utano Pandora Ch. 歌乃パンドラ |
   I believe in ID concert one day! |
03月19日 00:35:481679153748 |
Hayate Ch. |
Because we know your long, long effort. Today is a good day |
03月19日 00:36:311679153791 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] i hope next time everyone can join in, i know its just the timing, but i do want to perform live with everyone |
03月19日 00:36:551679153815 |
Utano Pandora Ch. 歌乃パンドラ |
I can't help but cry! You are so pure, and kind, and lovely |
03月19日 00:36:581679153818 |
Hayate Ch. |
よろしく! |
03月19日 00:37:091679153829 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月19日 00:38:051679153885 |
D.D. Investigator |
いいよ |
03月19日 00:40:021679154002 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] (talking about how KFPs are amazing, making their own hapi, chatting with even those who cant make it, and they're pretty cool, so respects) |
03月19日 00:40:221679154022 |
D.D. Investigator |
ichimi |
03月19日 00:43:281679154208 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月19日 00:45:431679154343 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月19日 00:47:161679154436 |
Velo City |
Everyone was so good omg |
03月19日 00:47:441679154464 |
D.D. Investigator |
OE |
03月19日 00:47:451679154465 |
Velo City |
pls |
03月19日 00:50:051679154605 |
ゾンB子【ZonBko】 |
たくさん泣くよ  |
03月19日 00:50:131679154613 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月19日 00:50:381679154638 |
D.D. Investigator |
YESS, Udin has CAKE |
03月19日 00:51:471679154707 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月19日 00:53:121679154792 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Eh? moona said im her lil sister? i havent checked |
03月19日 00:54:061679154846 |
D.D. Investigator |
yea camera quality was kinda bad |
03月19日 00:54:561679154896 |
D.D. Investigator |
pero doko? |
03月19日 00:55:311679154931 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月19日 00:56:171679154977 |
D.D. Investigator |
Im tearing up again |
03月19日 00:56:531679155013 |
D.D. Investigator |
yours did, Ame was cute www |
03月19日 00:57:551679155075 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月19日 00:59:221679155162 |
D.D. Investigator |
they played a chant on the screen |
03月19日 01:03:351679155415 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月19日 01:03:541679155434 |
Kureiji Ollie |