トップ ※配信中のホロメン同士によるチャットを抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
配信名:【Super Auto Pets】 🐖 Cute & Addictive Auto Battler That I Don't Know How to Play 🐢
09/09 05:02:16 Ceres Fauna pokemon always comes out with new cuties for the npcs
09/09 05:02:53 Ceres Fauna Mela very cute
09/09 05:03:36 Ceres Fauna crab is so good!!
09/09 05:03:52 Ceres Fauna we better be able to catch the giant mons
09/09 05:04:40 Ceres Fauna yeah! it reminds me of the beeg mons in Arceus
09/09 05:04:45 Ceres Fauna that was one of my favorite parts
09/09 05:05:41 Ceres Fauna the open world looks really promising to me
09/09 05:05:57 Ceres Fauna also apparently your mons will be able to battle on their own? super auto pets... super auto pokemon...
09/09 05:07:25 Ceres Fauna yes I'm gonna try really hard to finish the new pokemon in one month this time for perms reasons
09/09 05:07:50 Ceres Fauna lots of pokemon streams
09/09 05:09:21 Ceres Fauna gotta go clean now have a good prechat