トップ ※配信中のホロメン同士によるチャットを抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
配信名:『RUST』Stream doko?
09/22 21:19:20 Vestia Zeta
09/22 21:19:38 Vestia Zeta 5 more bear rugs....
09/22 21:19:57 Vestia Zeta umami dead sorry
09/22 21:20:50 Vestia Zeta i left umami near the cliff... should still be alive if i go back there
09/22 21:36:17 Vestia Zeta hold on im gonna make a new pinned tweet
09/22 21:37:16 Vestia Zeta aku udah punya 1 rumah, 1 mobil, 1 kuda, guns, working bench okeeee
09/22 21:37:50 Vestia Zeta u guys sussy
09/22 21:37:58 Vestia Zeta yellow what
09/22 21:38:37 Vestia Zeta
09/22 21:38:56 Vestia Zeta
09/22 21:55:06 Vestia Zeta ????
09/22 21:55:19 Vestia Zeta it's gonna mess with the system....
09/22 21:55:34 Vestia Zeta .....