配信名:【A SPACE FOR THE UNBOUND】#2 DIVING INTO CHAPTER 2 LETS GOOO!! pt. 3【Hololive Indonesia 2nd Gen】
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03月01日 22:34:36 D.D. Investigator test
03月01日 22:35:39 D.D. Investigator yep
03月01日 22:35:39 Kureiji Ollie Are we okay now?
03月01日 22:35:42 D.D. Investigator all ok
03月01日 22:35:47 Kureiji Ollie is it still looping?
03月01日 22:36:02 Kureiji Ollie be sure to make the stream 2x faster to make sure its not looping
03月01日 22:36:07 D.D. Investigator (dont forget to refresh)
03月01日 22:36:32 D.D. Investigator [EN] (try playing the stream 2x speed to not miss out)
03月01日 22:36:54 D.D. Investigator [EN] no, pls dont die on me too electricity
03月01日 22:38:32 D.D. Investigator triangle first
03月01日 22:39:47 D.D. Investigator ok re-do from first
03月01日 22:40:01 D.D. Investigator [EN] well i mean it is what it is
03月01日 22:40:20 D.D. Investigator yes you follow the music box
03月01日 22:42:04 D.D. Investigator should be?
03月01日 22:43:04 D.D. Investigator i dont think its relevant?
03月01日 22:43:58 D.D. Investigator just brute force it
03月01日 22:44:24 D.D. Investigator [EN] .... thats it?
03月01日 22:44:42 D.D. Investigator [EN] i was confused why it turned on when i entered the triangle one
03月01日 22:44:57 D.D. Investigator [EN] all of that just to let out a burd... nice
03月01日 22:46:09 D.D. Investigator ok better
03月01日 22:48:48 D.D. Investigator [ID] jujur aku agak kangen sekolah
03月01日 22:49:03 D.D. Investigator [EN] oh i think they were training to wave the flag
03月01日 22:49:41 D.D. Investigator [ID] aku mental dan emosi agak kacau karena drtd streamnya keganggu terus
03月01日 22:49:53 D.D. Investigator [ID] streamnya keganggu itu hal terburuk yg bisa terjadi
03月01日 22:50:11 D.D. Investigator can you talk to the arcade guy?
03月01日 22:50:47 D.D. Investigator oh i thought you can trade the tickets
03月01日 22:51:20 D.D. Investigator yea it was cut from mine, thx
03月01日 22:52:19 D.D. Investigator ....she hasnt cleaned the mess yet, damn
03月01日 22:54:34 D.D. Investigator [EN] hmmm geee which one is the chef, i wonder
03月01日 22:55:05 D.D. Investigator deffo not the one with the anime hair
03月01日 22:55:43 D.D. Investigator @SUNNY DAYS D.K she did that alredy
03月01日 22:56:16 D.D. Investigator
03月01日 22:57:37 D.D. Investigator okaeri
03月01日 22:57:47 D.D. Investigator did you wash everything?
03月01日 22:58:28 D.D. Investigator [EN] cmon, if i lied, it wouldnt have taken me that long
03月01日 22:59:11 D.D. Investigator EHH??
03月01日 22:59:56 D.D. Investigator [EN] (context : Ollie is in a birthday call with Mythia Batford)
03月01日 23:01:32 D.D. Investigator (god that violated my ears)
03月01日 23:03:43 D.D. Investigator .....
03月01日 23:04:04 D.D. Investigator (context : ollie just french kissed mythia batford)
03月01日 23:05:12 D.D. Investigator (idk what kind of kiss that was, but thats sure wasnt a normal one)
03月01日 23:06:00 D.D. Investigator (talking about ollie's apex tourney and how mythi watched it, was cool)
03月01日 23:06:23 D.D. Investigator (praising ollie, but this is her bday so ollie's mad)
03月01日 23:06:50 D.D. Investigator (talking if mythia will make an apex tourney and offers ollie's help if she wanna make one)
03月01日 23:07:13 D.D. Investigator ( O: if you cry imma lick you M: ok lemme cry then *licky noises*)
03月01日 23:07:45 D.D. Investigator (both blushing, mythi telling ollie to eat, but ollie is full of mythi's love)
03月01日 23:08:15 D.D. Investigator (both wishing luck on each others stream, byee)
03月01日 23:08:35 D.D. Investigator [EN] (context : Ollie was in a birthday call with Mythia Batford, sched was pushed ahead)
03月01日 23:09:01 D.D. Investigator [EN] LOL, mythi sent me some weird stickers
03月01日 23:09:02 D.D. Investigator OI
03月01日 23:10:12 D.D. Investigator [EN] WHOA WHAT'S WITH ALL THE SHEFF
03月01日 23:12:07 D.D. Investigator fight sabotage with sabotage
03月01日 23:12:54 D.D. Investigator [EN] are there bitter dimsum?
03月01日 23:13:21 D.D. Investigator [EN] where do we even get the materials?
03月01日 23:15:12 D.D. Investigator [EN] (its an ID reference for shows that would call ppl and you have to say the password to participate)
03月01日 23:16:30 D.D. Investigator [EN] why the heck with the sudden fight? if i beat him he'd cry, then tell his parents, then blame on me, smh
03月01日 23:17:30 D.D. Investigator ollie, its for the sake of raya
03月01日 23:18:06 D.D. Investigator [EN] oh yea! we ask the lady with the hose to wash it
03月01日 23:18:42 D.D. Investigator its for raya, its fine
03月01日 23:19:21 D.D. Investigator kaela would love that
03月01日 23:19:37 D.D. Investigator [ID] Bitter melon = pare
03月01日 23:19:53 D.D. Investigator bitter melon or bitter gourd
03月01日 23:21:02 D.D. Investigator [ID] masih bingung aku gimana kita bisa ambil barang dr luar dan masuk ke mimpi
03月01日 23:21:04 D.D. Investigator LMAO
03月01日 23:21:20 D.D. Investigator "THEY HAVE OIL"
03月01日 23:24:39 D.D. Investigator umm...
03月01日 23:25:08 D.D. Investigator [EN] cmon its them again?
03月01日 23:27:04 D.D. Investigator [EN] yes i've been to the theater, anything else i can do?
03月01日 23:27:38 D.D. Investigator [EN] we should be ok from this right?
03月01日 23:27:56 D.D. Investigator double check?
03月01日 23:28:16 D.D. Investigator [EN] i did this girl. so this place should be done
03月01日 23:29:26 D.D. Investigator 3 cats done
03月01日 23:30:03 D.D. Investigator 4 cats
03月01日 23:30:12 D.D. Investigator [EN] should we continue then?
03月01日 23:30:40 D.D. Investigator [EN] check the book? wait
03月01日 23:31:38 D.D. Investigator nice, time to eat the "WARM" blackforest cake
03月01日 23:34:08 D.D. Investigator NO
03月01日 23:34:15 Hayate Ch. nooo
03月01日 23:35:24 D.D. Investigator [EN] ... DUDE WTF
03月01日 23:35:43 D.D. Investigator [EN] WTF HE TOOK OUR CAKE
03月01日 23:37:22 D.D. Investigator ADMIRAL
03月01日 23:43:25 D.D. Investigator is that a fur- ...nvm
03月01日 23:45:45 D.D. Investigator [EN] ok we wait for it to turn around... now
03月01日 23:46:05 D.D. Investigator [EN] you're not seeing anything, its fine~
03月01日 23:46:16 Hayate Ch. Dog is much kind just barking
03月01日 23:47:05 D.D. Investigator [EN] wait that hits? and i need to start again? AYO SPEED RUN
03月01日 23:47:59 D.D. Investigator just do a speed walk
03月01日 23:49:21 D.D. Investigator you have the gears, just need the wrench
03月01日 23:50:41 Hayate Ch. now this is cooking simulator
03月01日 23:50:45 D.D. Investigator you need sugar for the batter, and set the oven right
03月01日 23:51:02 D.D. Investigator [EN] ok turn around NOW
03月01日 23:51:29 D.D. Investigator no just the way out
03月01日 23:52:04 D.D. Investigator she's far up
03月01日 23:52:29 D.D. Investigator help the dog cook
03月01日 23:53:12 D.D. Investigator LMAO
03月01日 23:53:52 D.D. Investigator excuse me is "kulon nuwun" in java
03月01日 23:54:16 D.D. Investigator oven first
03月02日 00:04:39 D.D. Investigator NOOO CAKE
03月02日 00:05:25 D.D. Investigator ADMIRAL?
03月02日 00:08:03 D.D. Investigator
03月02日 00:11:36 D.D. Investigator damn....
03月02日 00:12:22 D.D. Investigator sure.... that was something to digest too
03月02日 00:13:04 D.D. Investigator sure thing, thanks a bunch ollie
03月02日 00:13:52 D.D. Investigator OTSUCRAZYYYY
03月02日 00:13:58 Kureiji Ollie OTSUCRAZY!!