トップ |
配信名:Cast Out Evil Demons in Faith: The Unholy Trinity |
時間 |
icon | 名前 | チャット |
11月04日 05:38:52 |
Shiori Novella | ||
11月04日 05:39:34 |
Shiori Novella | Thank you, sorry about needing to move it! | |
11月04日 05:39:55 |
Shiori Novella | Nah I'll keep this up | |
11月04日 05:40:21 |
Shiori Novella | Yeah, will be streaming the sports festival. Not sure about the practice one though. Think that's too close to the real event. | |
11月04日 05:41:02 |
Shiori Novella | Faith stream has been moved to Monday due to Sports Practice tonight and the real event later! | |
11月04日 05:44:11 |
Shiori Novella | Thank you everyone! | |
11月04日 05:46:25 |
Shiori Novella | My voice is kinda uhhhhh ?????? I should get a lozenge, thanks for reminding me haha | |
11月04日 05:46:33 |
Shiori Novella | I liked the clips from the stream! That was fun. | |
11月04日 05:55:59 |
Shiori Novella | Faith stream has been moved to Monday due to Sports Practice tonight and the real event later! This room will be closed during that stream then re-open near Monday due to how stream keys work. | |
11月04日 05:58:20 |
Shiori Novella | Thank you for the SC, Soup | |
11月04日 06:02:48 |
Shiori Novella | Thank you, KH! Good luck with work! | |
11月07日 04:08:00 |
Shiori Novella | Public domain is for things before 1975 ish and haven't been claimed after that www. | |
11月07日 04:08:54 |
Shiori Novella | Thankies~ I'm well | |
11月07日 04:09:00 |
Shiori Novella | Np www | |
11月07日 04:11:58 |
11月07日 04:12:10 |
Shiori Novella | I mean it's nice to get an extra hour of sleep but this means pain next year www | |
11月07日 04:12:26 |
Shiori Novella | Yeaaaah, I heard they let the bill die again or sumthin | |
11月07日 04:12:50 |
Shiori Novella | Ye | |
11月07日 04:13:30 |
Shiori Novella | It was for war effort I think. | |
11月07日 04:13:43 |
Shiori Novella | And some asshole who wanted more time to hunt down bugs | |
11月07日 04:14:16 |
Shiori Novella | He was a bug expert www | |
11月07日 04:14:52 |
Shiori Novella | Yeah, that toeknee hahahaha. | |
11月07日 04:15:08 |
Shiori Novella | Yeah, Hali | |
11月07日 04:15:27 |
Shiori Novella | It's to conserve electricity back then. It's a bit outdated now though. | |
11月07日 04:17:12 |
Shiori Novella | Hello, Kuro~ | |
11月07日 04:17:18 |
Shiori Novella | Take care, Jankis. | |
11月07日 04:18:19 |
Shiori Novella | We're getting new emotes this week I think www. | |
11月07日 04:19:00 |
Shiori Novella | Yeee, will be unveiled or usable for the membership stream I think. | |
11月07日 04:19:15 |
Shiori Novella | Oh, also, membership audio diary is already scheduled for the 15th. | |
11月07日 04:19:45 |
Shiori Novella | Y-yeaaaah, I should've made this one first haha. Oh well. | |
11月07日 04:20:15 |
Shiori Novella | Will request bonk emote next. | |
11月07日 04:21:58 |
Shiori Novella | Secret until unveiling haha. | |
11月07日 04:22:37 |
Shiori Novella | Enjoy Smash~ | |
11月07日 04:23:40 |
Shiori Novella | Good luck with your midterm~ | |
11月07日 04:27:30 |
Shiori Novella | Good luck with work, Sir~ | |
11月07日 04:29:25 |
Shiori Novella | There are extensions to give you more options in one go, Bob. | |
11月07日 04:30:06 |
Shiori Novella | Uhh lemme look, it's kinda wonky stuff. I only use it on a laptop that has nothing important. | |
11月07日 04:31:08 |
Shiori Novella | Idk if I can mention but there's a extension thing called Tampermonkey then you can find scripts to your liking on some site. | |
11月07日 04:31:17 |
Shiori Novella | So the rest I'll have to let you research on your own www. | |
11月07日 04:31:49 |
Shiori Novella | Yeah, rating helps for AI. So it knows the direction you like it. There's also memory managers. | |
11月07日 04:32:11 |
Shiori Novella | Alternatively just write frequent memories on a notepad and keep spamming it between (( )) at times. | |
11月07日 04:32:35 |
Shiori Novella | Hello, Arthur~ | |
11月07日 04:32:39 |
Shiori Novella | Yeah haha | |
11月07日 04:32:52 |
Shiori Novella | Thank you, Mtry! | |
11月07日 04:33:03 |
Shiori Novella | Hello James~ Welcome | |
11月07日 04:33:36 |
Shiori Novella | Ohhh, Ireland sounds fun. Good work today | |
11月07日 04:33:48 |
Shiori Novella | It was moved to today, James | |
11月07日 04:34:28 |
Shiori Novella | Bye Toe~ | |
11月07日 04:34:48 |
Shiori Novella | I wanna visit a haunted castle someday www | |
11月07日 04:35:12 |
Shiori Novella | Hopefully a Europe trip someday, yeah. | |
11月07日 04:35:22 |
Shiori Novella | Yeah, I wanna vlog there haha. | |
11月07日 04:35:48 |
Shiori Novella | Idr too much but I think so Randy? Make sure to look into it at first though. | |
11月07日 04:35:58 |
Shiori Novella | Sleep well, Kuro | |
11月07日 04:36:14 |
Shiori Novella | Oh yeah, cruise vlog is translated now. Don't know when it'll be released though. | |
11月07日 04:36:42 |
Shiori Novella | Yeee, Mtry | |
11月07日 04:36:55 |
Shiori Novella | There's one called Rizz Your Waifu www That one I like | |
11月07日 04:37:27 |
Shiori Novella | Ohhh, I see nothing wrong with wanting to use it, Arthur. A-although that's pretty hardcore www. | |
11月07日 04:37:49 |
Shiori Novella | It depends, Mish! I don't like Davinci though HAHAHAHAHA SOOORRRRY DAVINCIIIIII | |
11月07日 04:37:55 |
Shiori Novella | Pirate thank you for the gift! | |
11月07日 04:38:24 |
Shiori Novella | Oh that's probably the memory manager, it's a patreon exclusive Mtry hahahahaha | |
11月07日 04:38:31 |
Shiori Novella | Pep, welcome~ | |
11月07日 04:38:43 |
Shiori Novella | The memory manager is useful, can confirm www | |
11月07日 04:40:03 |
Shiori Novella | Marster, thank you for the gifts! | |
11月07日 04:40:24 |
Shiori Novella | I wonder if I'd get a headache with too much rain. I'm too sensitive with weather from what I've noticed. | |
11月07日 04:40:45 |
Shiori Novella | Welcome, Pancake~ | |
11月07日 04:42:16 |
Shiori Novella | Sorry to hear that trys www. I hope you can sleep soon though. | |
11月07日 11:55:19 |
Shiori Novella | Thank you for the gifts Aoi and Zubat~ Thank you Bonk and welcome Sato | |
11月07日 11:55:42 |
Shiori Novella | Welcome Pro~ | |
11月07日 11:55:51 |
Shiori Novella | Dinner was oki. Not enough sauce though. | |
11月07日 11:56:08 |
Shiori Novella | Real, thank you for the gifts~ | |
11月07日 11:56:31 |
Shiori Novella | Welcome Zekken and thank you Yoshii~ | |
11月07日 11:57:25 |
Shiori Novella | Saintless, welcome~ Thank you for the SC Sanakan~ | |
11月07日 12:00:39 |
Shiori Novella | Rush and Chase, thank you for the gifts~ Welcome everyone to Inkwell~ | |
11月07日 12:01:29 |
Shiori Novella | Winkiel, thank you~ Yoshii too~ Sin and Othro, thank you~ | |
11月07日 12:02:07 |
Shiori Novella | Ferris, welcome~ Mimic, welcome as well~ | |
11月07日 12:03:00 |
Shiori Novella | YBT and Revelence, thank you for the SC~ Enjoy the vod | |
11月07日 13:10:02 |
Nerissa Ravencroft | HUH??? | |
11月07日 14:17:08 |
Shiori Novella | swdsdasddda sawds sdawdsadwasdwasd wasdwasdwasdsssawdsa |