トップ ※配信中のホロメン同士によるチャットを抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
配信名:【Superchats】feelin GENKI today~
01/24 09:31:40 Watson Amelia it crashed again
01/24 09:32:06 Watson Amelia error code: MEMORY_MANAGEMENT
01/24 09:32:13 Watson Amelia
01/24 09:32:29 Watson Amelia gimmie a min and let me hop on my other pc just need to swap cables etc
01/24 09:35:30 Watson Amelia this song is so sad with my pc ToT
01/24 09:35:42 Watson Amelia never gonna grow old with my pc </3
01/24 09:35:48 Watson Amelia
01/24 09:38:01 Watson Amelia almost done
01/24 09:39:37 Watson Amelia fckin app notconnectingdsuikhadskj
01/24 09:41:29 Watson Amelia finalyl
01/24 10:09:56 Takanashi Kiara woah, is this the amelia watson, announcer from paladins? (which is free to play and you can get the pack after 5 games)
01/24 10:10:48 Takanashi Kiara what, i am playing with the announcer amelia watson? i thought it was an imposter. now i am nervous
01/24 10:14:45 Takanashi Kiara damnit ame now i got 20 people calling my office again
01/24 11:58:25 Watson Amelia o7 was today a good day?