配信名:【ELDEN RING】🎺∘˙○˚.• doot run ~~~ STR / FAI ~ *spoilers*
icon 名前 チャット
Aug 8 14:48:03 Watson Amelia definitely NOT going to sleep RIGHT NOW
Aug 9 02:37:32 Watson Amelia someone stole my controller without asking little bro watson...............
Aug 9 03:00:28 Watson Amelia me: be streaming for 2 minutes
Aug 9 03:00:49 Watson Amelia youtube: wait the window needs to be maximized for 1 minute before showing the go live button
Aug 9 03:00:52 Watson Amelia mmk
Aug 9 04:34:39 Koseki Bijou YOU GOT IT
Aug 9 05:26:43 Watson Amelia gonna try restarting the stream real quick
Aug 9 05:26:51 Watson Amelia just wait
Aug 9 05:27:43 Watson Amelia hmmmm upload speed is fine download speed is 0.5Mbps
Aug 9 05:27:54 Watson Amelia oh i mean upload speed is fcked
Aug 9 05:28:01 Watson Amelia download speed is fine
Aug 9 05:28:45 Watson Amelia usually if I give it a few minutes it gets better! just use this as a bathroom break
Aug 9 05:41:18 Watson Amelia my internet sorry idk why sometimes at a certain time it gets bad ; - ;
Aug 9 07:32:06 Watson Amelia oops we should have redirected
Aug 9 07:32:08 Watson Amelia i forgottttt