トップ ※配信中のホロメン同士によるチャットを抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
配信名:【JUMP KING】We Are Getting That Babe. (feat. Crying in Alone in Voice Chat)
Layout inspired by ArkahnX
11/30 20:28:28 Mori Calliope I will stream 12 hours if I have to.
11/30 20:47:02 Mori Calliope There is no "Rage Quit" there is only "Rage Continue"
11/30 20:51:31 Mori Calliope no
11/30 20:52:46 Mori Calliope I'll prove you wrong. ^^
11/30 20:54:37 Mori Calliope Thanks, guys! Let's GOOOOOOO
12/01 13:24:04 Kureiji Ollie YOU CAN DO THIS SENPAI