| icon | 名前 | チャット |
10月07日 20:30:131665142213 |
Vestia Zeta |
Apparently there's an emergency maintenance going on, so we'll have to wait and see  |
10月07日 21:10:521665144652 |
Vestia Zeta |
I tried but I can't get into any of the servers at all.....might have to delay the stream for tomorrow  |
10月07日 21:12:251665144745 |
Vestia Zeta |
Yeah it was working before maintenance, and now it's not working after (at least for me). Dunno why. |
10月07日 21:17:171665145037 |
Vestia Zeta |
Ok let's wait |
10月07日 21:27:131665145633 |
Vestia Zeta |
It's on maintenance again  |
10月07日 23:29:511665152991 |
Vestia Zeta |
I've been trying for the past 3 hours but I still cant join any of the servers, so this stream will be pushed back to tomorrow. No zetamin today, I apologize There will be 2 streams tomorrow |
10月07日 23:30:511665153051 |
Vestia Zeta |
Tomorrow is this and valo! |
10月07日 23:37:591665153479 |
Vestia Zeta |
thankfully i got the chance to play a bit before maintenance (got to try luke and ken for a bit) |
10月09日 00:00:531665241253 |
Vestia Zeta |
o7 |