配信名:【Diablo IV】#1 waited so long for this【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】
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03月17日 14:29:09 Kaela Kovalskia kinda confused about the timezone. it can be played at 9AM PT, which idk if it's 23.00 or 24.00 in my place. i will just standby at 23.00 and we'll see if we need to push it back~
03月17日 14:35:03 Kaela Kovalskia its okay if the stream gonna be entering server gacha
03月18日 01:01:49 Kaela Kovalskia PLAY BUTTON DOKOOOOOOOOOOOOO
03月18日 01:02:15 Kaela Kovalskia AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DOKI DOKI
03月18日 01:04:02 Kaela Kovalskia this is literally waiting "waiting" room
03月18日 01:04:41 Kaela Kovalskia the button in the launcher still cant be pressed errrrgghhh
03月18日 01:05:36 Kaela Kovalskia i really cant restart the launcher?
03月18日 01:05:53 Kaela Kovalskia play button is still off in my placeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaa
03月18日 01:06:58 Kaela Kovalskia play button dokooooooooooooo
03月18日 01:09:00 Kaela Kovalskia i restarted alreadyyyyyyyyyy. the button still off ergghh
03月18日 02:15:49 Kaela Kovalskia its okay if my l2d is lagging. as long as the game is daijoubu
03月18日 09:42:34 Kaela Kovalskia hehe
03月18日 09:42:58 Kaela Kovalskia thank youuuuuuuuu!!!! uwa uwaaa~