icon |
名前 |
チャット |
03月07日 22:04:281678194268 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: we are in~ (YAAYY) |
03月07日 22:04:571678194297 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: ZETA NO WE JUST STARTED ZETAAA K: that is one hell of an opening www M: wait we havent tested the audio yet |
03月07日 22:05:431678194343 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: why is it like this O: OI STOP, WE AHVENT DONE THE INTRO YET Z: ok the one on the botoom do the intro |
03月07日 22:05:571678194357 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: ok the young one to the youngest Z: WDYM?? |
03月07日 22:06:341678194394 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] [EN] O: WHY ARE WE A BALL?? K: ok the young 2 O: im 17 so im the youngest Z: ok i'll do mine |
03月07日 22:07:081678194428 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: why are you lifting me like that? www |
03月07日 22:07:361678194456 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] (i have no idea what's happening) |
03月07日 22:08:041678194484 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: OI, KAELA LET GO K: ow my head hurst O: THATS ON YOU O: ok so lets deliver the package first for the wizard |
03月07日 22:08:231678194503 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: WAIT I WAS READING O: they said welcome to down town- thats it |
03月07日 22:09:021678194542 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: OI LET ME GO K: oh you take it from th sides O:come here M: how do you open this M: a it blew up |
03月07日 22:09:411678194581 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ok continue, how do we- wait theres a red kobo here O: www Z: oh so then what do we do? who wanna deliver? |
03月07日 22:10:021678194602 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月07日 22:10:341678194634 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: so do we just do this? K: nono its just the tutorial |
03月07日 22:11:171678194677 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: how do you drive? O: OMG I CAN BACKFLIP |
03月07日 22:12:011678194721 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: HELP MY HEAD IS STUCK, ZETA HELP Z: www see? i told you M: what are we supposed to do again? K: we need to drive 25 times Z: ok lemme try driving your truck O: ok, but im still stuck |
03月07日 22:12:181678194738 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: why do we need to crash again? M: i have no idea |
03月07日 22:12:411678194761 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: Cmon zeta you got it Z: i think this is on reverse, K: why are we so slow? *NICE) |
03月07日 22:13:031678194783 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: then? O: lets try again, it bugged K: we cant we have something else to do |
03月07日 22:13:271678194807 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: go to kaela's icon Z: my gosh we're walking K; careful a car is coming M: ok where do we go? |
03月07日 22:14:141678194854 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: we just need to survive right? K: NONONONO WHY AM I BOUNCED TO THE MOON? M: im still here, then what? |
03月07日 22:15:041678194904 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: im flying, what do we do now? K: why are there only 1/4 of the player? M: Do we need to grab the weapon? K: just dodge the circles |
03月07日 22:15:251678194925 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: why are we not delivering packages? O: we're helping GASA |
03月07日 22:15:371678194937 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: why did we fail? did all of us fall? |
03月07日 22:15:551678194955 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月07日 22:16:081678194968 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: moona can we live? K: 30 seconds |
03月07日 22:16:391678194999 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月07日 22:16:531678195013 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: thank you for carrying~ |
03月07日 22:17:211678195041 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: do we continue? M: oh we dont need to go here, just look for other cicles |
03月07日 22:17:441678195064 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月07日 22:18:071678195087 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: scuse me thats not how you drive Z: i wanna drive~ O: zeta let go of my hand |
03月07日 22:18:301678195110 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月07日 22:18:481678195128 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月07日 22:19:341678195174 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: tghe package got oppened guys Z: you cant open random packages ok? K: ok who's holding the package, who's driving? O: imma drive K: ok imma stickon the car |
03月07日 22:19:451678195185 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ok whose package is this? K: cmon almost there |
03月07日 22:20:211678195221 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: oh there's another one M: imma be the mailman this time Z: ok i'll do quality check |
03月07日 22:20:321678195232 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月07日 22:20:451678195245 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: wait how do you have another car? M: why not? www |
03月07日 22:21:221678195282 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: where do we get the package, near the ski resort K: DID YOU JUST RAN ME OVER? M: wwww |
03月07日 22:21:541678195314 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: oh no the package M: do we need to go up here? O: maybe Z: i wanna come.... M: oh lets get up from here K: why is it so slow? |
03月07日 22:22:271678195347 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: how do you dismount the car? zeta stop holding my hand Z: im not holding it |
03月07日 22:22:451678195365 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: my leg is stuck M: hurry get on O: FLIP |
03月07日 22:22:581678195378 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: finally K: why is getting on so hard? |
03月07日 22:23:291678195409 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: left or rright? O: right, i think O: ok- AHHHHH |
03月07日 22:24:001678195440 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: NOO THE PACKAGE BROKE, ok lets meetup with zeta and kaela Z: im here O: oh there she is Z: OI NO DONT RUN ME OVER |
03月07日 22:24:121678195452 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: kaela's so far away M: lets pick up kaela first |
03月07日 22:24:551678195495 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: i think the 4 of us need to get on this so we can balance the left and right part O: ok lemme just... Z: OI SO WHO'S DRIVING?? imma drive O: i think me running is faster |
03月07日 22:25:131678195513 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: im busy here Z: why? im trying to lig this thing |
03月07日 22:25:191678195519 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] *lift |
03月07日 22:25:521678195552 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ok the left one is to lift and the right one is to drive Z: i cant get it on M: OMG IT FELL OVER WWWW |
03月07日 22:26:281678195588 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: how do you do this anyway? K: we need to bring that crate to the wizard O: oh so you put it on the kart, i seee K: WHY ARE YOU LIFTING CHAIRS?? THE CRATE ZETA |
03月07日 22:27:081678195628 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: i vant turn it, its too hard to move O: can we lift this crate? no? i can lift this table tho K: no you need to lift with the lift |
03月07日 22:27:261678195646 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: lemme drive and park this car somewhere e- MY CAR |
03月07日 22:28:051678195685 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: shouldnt the one nearthe wizard be already opened? |
03月07日 22:28:361678195716 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月07日 22:29:081678195748 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: ok lets look for the wizard, Z: LOL why is the driver hanging from the side? O: im a pro driver trust me |
03月07日 22:29:181678195758 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: oh thats the wizard yaayy |
03月07日 22:30:031678195803 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: we dont have money M: i have some K: oh we have our own money? K: I WANT THAT Z: i wanna fly M: i wanna do that too K: i wanna use helicopter |
03月07日 22:34:381678196078 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: wait where? K: WHAT IS THIS WWWW Z: we need to jump on the trampline K: lets wait at the free way then |
03月07日 22:35:181678196118 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ok dont foget to hang on the plane M: WHO's holding me? wwww |
03月07日 22:36:131678196173 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z" how do you hold on? ok i think we're ok K: WAIT WAIT THE PACKAGE FELL OFF AAAAA O: zeta nooo, do you wanna drive instead? |
03月07日 22:36:301678196190 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月07日 22:37:201678196240 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: lets blow this up first O: how? K: we need to ram it a few times |
03月07日 22:37:491678196269 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: try flying it here for a bit K: we cant even flip it Z: omg this package is so hard to lift |
03月07日 22:41:081678196468 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: im here Z: no you're not here K: im here tho Z: ok wait hold me abit M: i wonder if i can fix this K: the guy is here waiting for the package wwww |
03月07日 22:41:511678196511 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: is it me or is the world kinda tilted, wait how are you brinign that package along? O: WWWW |
03月07日 22:42:071678196527 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: whats there? Z: okokok we can do this |
03月07日 22:42:221678196542 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: if we die we have ambulance its ok M: I DONT GET IT |
03月07日 22:42:381678196558 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: no need to fli[, just press w O: NOOOOO |
03月07日 22:42:561678196576 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: eh? whys is that.... M: YAAYY I MADE IT |
03月07日 22:43:151678196595 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: is that the package? wait abit senpai, senpai? SEMPAII |
03月07日 22:44:061678196646 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: thats karma for you, how do you fly the copter? O: W K: i'll try opening that place, Z: a- i died M: i still dont get how this works |
03月07日 22:44:551678196695 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: what are you doing? O: trying to feliver the package- but i drowned K: with the package M: KAELA, WE GOT FIST K: FISH!! what do we do with it? M: dunno, can we swim back? K: no we'll die |
03月07日 22:45:121678196712 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z;how do you move forward? K: W O: AAAAAaaaaaa... |
03月07日 22:45:211678196721 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: we got a new delivery here |
03月07日 22:46:141678196774 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: oh we can, try pressing it K: the package didnt spawn, i think we need to wait for the O: can you pick us up with the boat? M: no we're stuck K: we can fly back but no chopper spawned |
03月07日 22:46:501678196810 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: hold on im duking out with the crab K: hmm where do we spawn if we die? OH ITS BACK HOME nice just die |
03月07日 22:47:271678196847 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K:hmm the heli is harder, bruh there's an ambulance Z: hmm how am i doing this? O: IM ON MY WAY |
03月07日 22:47:481678196868 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: 3 more minutes you can do it O: AHHHHH K: i believe i can fly~ |
03月07日 22:48:131678196893 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: my pants despawned K: ok now deliver the package YAYYYYY M: we only got 2 dollars |
03月07日 22:48:471678196927 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN]n K: GET ON Z: wait abit will ya? K: no waiting abit M: hold on im coming~ O:wow we didnt flip, HITHER |
03月07日 22:49:241678196964 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: scuse me package O: whyw did my pants despawn? im only in undies O: STOP HOLDING MY BUT |
03月07日 22:50:091678197009 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: oh we need to use boats to drive there O: ok we use this to blow up K: ok lets blow up with the package M: try doing it with the both of you |
03月07日 22:50:431678197043 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: ok who's driving? imma go with kaela M: lets drive slowly so we dont- Z: a- M: i just said |
03月07日 22:51:201678197080 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O:.... kaela? K: i mean we're here now right? O: THE PACKAGE IS NOT HERE YET M: wait why did they cancel the package |
03月07日 22:51:441678197104 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: ok lets put it back in K: i;ll drive savely this time |
03月07日 22:52:531678197173 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ok we doing it slow now ok? O: let me and zeta hold it M: oi no speeding i dont wanna die K: WE'RE SUPER SLOW, ok no coment, get down M: HELP THE GASS, AAAAAA- O": WWWWW |
03月07日 22:53:101678197190 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: the gas has a leak guys~ K: ok back to the source |
03月07日 22:54:141678197254 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: ok put that in, press Q and E M: ok O: zeta stop brute forving it- ZETAAAA |
03月07日 22:55:121678197312 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: zeta dont lif it up Zeta K: she's lifting it up again O: NOOO THE GAS K: back to the base |
03月07日 22:55:431678197343 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ok we lifting this up again |
03月07日 22:56:011678197361 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月07日 22:56:171678197377 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: imagine spending the whole day just to deliver a gas |
03月07日 22:57:021678197422 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: im a pro driver ok. lemme do it V: my feet are hanging over www K: ok get down, its gonna blow up again huh? O: nope M: NICEE 10 DOLLARS |
03月07日 22:58:181678197498 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: ok so 2 people on front and 2 on back M: how do you lift this? O: use both of your hands K: watchout for tornado- (AAAAAA) K: i think i should just shut it, i keep jinxing |
03月07日 22:58:321678197512 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: the heck are you doing? M: wwwwww |
03月07日 22:59:171678197557 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: ok im not touching that, go K: dont foregt to hold the package O: im holding it, moona what are you doing? M: i wanteed to pull on your hair www Z: kaela drive safely ok? |
03月07日 22:59:471678197587 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: why are we driving so hard? lemme turn abit O: nice K: ok hold on abit |
03月07日 23:00:021678197602 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: ok one is in K:EZ we got 2 dollars |
03月07日 23:00:341678197634 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: now what? O: whats a mule again? K: oh we have more objective there, lemme drive guys get on here |
03月07日 23:01:251678197685 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ok take the package O: OW moona stop holding on my hair K: HELP IM STUCK UNDER THE BRIDGE O: oh no..., it flew away somewhere |
03月07日 23:02:081678197728 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: ok i got thepackage, who wanna deliver it? M: why not you? O: no i dontwanna Z: i can try K: ok time to see zeta pick up the package again |
03月07日 23:02:421678197762 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: ok here's the pakage zeta.... zeta, you got it? Z: i think the package got me instead nyooo |
03月07日 23:03:221678197802 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] ok tehre you go moona, can we not just go arround? K: i mean are there people who deliver packages with trampolines? Z: i eman we do |
03月07日 23:03:531678197833 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN]M: should we really use the trampoline? K: kinda, i wanna drive over the trampolines tho... |
03月07日 23:04:271678197867 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: oh so thats how you do it M: how? just jump on it M: its hard ok? O: lets look at her from a far |
03月07日 23:04:491678197889 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: zeta here Z: you wanna do it togehter so we dont fly? M: ok but wait, let go, ok |
03月07日 23:05:071678197907 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: im still not holding it K: ollie? what are you doing? wwwww |
03月07日 23:05:351678197935 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O" ow kaela youhit my head, kaela why are you dragging me like a broom? |
03月07日 23:05:551678197955 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: cmon we're just dancing O: DANCE BETTER, i dont like it wwww |
03月07日 23:06:131678197973 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: i think we need to have the 4 of us to deliveer this package |
03月07日 23:06:311678197991 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] [EN] O: cmon we can do this |
03月07日 23:06:481678198008 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: i can do it tho (LETS GOO OLLIE) |
03月07日 23:07:431678198063 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: damn ollie's a pro player O: maybe before i was a zombie i used to deliver papers, K: oh i cant do this i can only drive planes |
03月07日 23:08:081678198088 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: ok i bought the vehicles with mmunny |
03月07日 23:08:531678198133 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: lets go togheter O: two inside the other 2 hangs on the base, oi who;s holding my hand? M: wait i need to lay down first |
03月07日 23:09:281678198168 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: ok where do we go M:AAAAAAA..... K: NYOOOOOO |
03月07日 23:09:511678198191 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: WHY DID I DIE O: this is pretty hard |
03月07日 23:10:331678198233 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: i thhink the package should be placed on the middle, one hold on to it one drive the other 2 hang on K: moona can you drive M: hold on imma put this in first |
03月07日 23:11:151678198275 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] (hilding on to the package and not the chopper |
03月07日 23:11:581678198318 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: the package is still safe, cmon, all for the packge M: how do you- ok K: CMON YOU CAN DRIVE IT FRONT O: ourd formation was good too |
03月07日 23:12:051678198325 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: i think W is up and SD is to the side |
03月07日 23:12:191678198339 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: i think you use mouse to drive it up or down |
03月07日 23:12:471678198367 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: zeta you wanna try driving? M: yea and i'll hold the package |
03月07日 23:13:211678198401 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: LETS GO ZETA YOU CAN DO IT O: we believe in you Z: its the same www M: EWW ZETA POOPED |
03月07日 23:13:311678198411 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: lets look for an easier package |
03月07日 23:14:101678198450 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: i can drive helis but not planes the mechanic is hard O: ok then kaela you can grind again later so you can teach us |
03月07日 23:15:541678198554 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: CMON THE PACKAGE IS STRONG, wait we're forgetting something K: nono we're all safe O: you ready? M: i cant get up, hold on |
03月07日 23:16:441678198604 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: the package broke, nice, imma try flying then Z: WAIT WAIT i wanna get on too O: why are you hangging on? |
03月07日 23:17:431678198663 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: we need to go there right? im a pro at flying a balloon O: can someone make a fan art of this? wwww |
03月07日 23:18:261678198706 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: thanks for holding me senpai M: its so that you dont fa-AAAAAAAAAA |
03月07日 23:19:101678198750 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: omg we're here, even tho we dont have tha package Z: imagine going with the 4 of us but then returning with only 3 M: LET ME GO FERGUSO |
03月07日 23:19:331678198773 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: imma talk to the wizard- oh nvm |
03月07日 23:19:441678198784 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: imma screen shot this, this is so funny |
03月07日 23:20:141678198814 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: i think we're in a new city K: yea we just opened one recently |
03月07日 23:20:281678198828 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: im still in the ky tho |
03月07日 23:20:371678198837 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] *sky |
03月07日 23:21:011678198861 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: here for you senpai O: AWW HOW DO YOU KNOW I LIKE FISH? |
03月07日 23:21:441678198904 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: we got anew package O: ok. to the hotel right? K: hmm we really need to learn how to fly O: whjy is the package a bomb? K: why did it blow up? |
03月07日 23:22:211678198941 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: tutor me how to fly a chopper? |
03月07日 23:22:301678198950 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ... i give up |
03月07日 23:23:221678199002 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ok pick up the bomb correctly ok? hmm so if i go up like this.... oh so left is to go up, the right is to turn, see? O: will it blow or sink? M: both |
03月07日 23:24:081678199048 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: oh so you need 2 to opperate a heli Z: ye, i picked up the bomb K: ok so 2 pick upthe package, 2 drive |
03月07日 23:24:521678199092 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ok i'll move the sides you go up and down O: i dont wanna keep blowing up |
03月07日 23:25:031678199103 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月07日 23:25:251678199125 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: careful now ok? put it in first, drivers go in next |
03月07日 23:26:331678199193 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ok ollie hold the bomb, ok? oi no rolling around O: ok we got it Z: nice so now 2 people fly |
03月07日 23:27:011678199221 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ok moona hold on to the controler and then hold on with one another ok? |
03月07日 23:27:161678199236 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O:ok ok we got it, you both just kiss ok? K: oi wwwww |
03月07日 23:27:391678199259 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: moona dont touch anything first, ok moona now yhou go forward- O: NOOOO |
03月07日 23:28:011678199281 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: wait is this ont the same thing from the raft? |
03月07日 23:28:191678199299 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ok lemme go drive again |
03月07日 23:28:451678199325 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ok hold on lemme try learn how to drive now ok? |
03月07日 23:29:021678199342 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] (struggling on holding the controller) |
03月07日 23:29:311678199371 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] (still learning to fly togehter while ollie is just bombing) |
03月07日 23:30:101678199410 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: you need 2 pilots for this |
03月07日 23:30:421678199442 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ahh i cant, no... (boom) i cant hold on to the controls after i let it go, its hard to regrab |
03月07日 23:31:181678199478 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ok so the the left one is to go up and down, the right one is to fly left right, so you hold and release constantly |
03月07日 23:32:291678199549 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: I MADE IT THERE YAAAAAYYY O: ok try delivering it then K: hold on lemme and moona prep it\ |
03月07日 23:33:381678199618 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: DID YOU LET THE FISH FREE> O: yes Z: thatt feesh cannot be free |
03月07日 23:34:041678199644 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: hold on i wanna hold the other handle M: let me go first then |
03月07日 23:34:361678199676 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: ok i will hold on to you and then y grab the handle O: i cant, M: ok do it the other way arround |
03月07日 23:35:031678199703 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: ok K: lets goo zetaaa Z: i cant tell for certain ok? O: CMON ZETA YOU CAN DO IT |
03月07日 23:35:321678199732 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: why are we spinning 360 degrees? nvm lets gooo K: you can do it goooo |
03月07日 23:35:521678199752 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: NOOOO i accidentally let go |
03月07日 23:36:261678199786 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: can the package not be delivered with just the 2 of you? K: i wman me and zeta can deliver it, lemme put in the bomb first tho |
03月07日 23:37:281678199848 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z:the bomb keeps exploding. WAIT WHY CAN I DRIVE IT BY MYSELF? K: cause im not there |
03月07日 23:37:591678199879 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ok zeta lets go (both doing exercise) |
03月07日 23:38:131678199893 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: its fine you both be cheeerleaders (ganbare~) |
03月07日 23:38:491678199929 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: cmon zeta we can do it (still cheering) Z: why is there lightning? K: DONT MIND IT JUST KEEP GOIN |
03月07日 23:39:131678199953 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: wait i cant hold on to the controls K: see i told you its hard |
03月07日 23:39:511678199991 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: i'll try drivingthen |
03月07日 23:40:131678200013 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: danm how many days has it beeN? (dunno) |
03月07日 23:40:281678200028 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: looks like zetat was super eager to die Z: yea wwww |
03月07日 23:41:051678200065 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O:i'll give the fish a rubix cube so it wont get lonely Z: why did i dronw? |
03月07日 23:42:301678200150 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: let the fish free zeta Z: I WILL BE FREE WITH IT TOGETHER |
03月07日 23:43:181678200198 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] (chopper only moved up not forward) |
03月07日 23:43:571678200237 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: i wonder if we can do it alone K: you try it with moona then |
03月07日 23:44:131678200253 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ok we'll cheer now, Z: here. lemme get the drinks |
03月07日 23:45:231678200323 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: we're going down, wait we're going back nooooo |
03月07日 23:46:081678200368 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: why am i going firther? K: how did you drive while holding the package |
03月07日 23:46:191678200379 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: i think i can drive, you hold on tome |
03月07日 23:47:241678200444 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: i wanna try i wanna try O: OOH there's a crab |
03月07日 23:47:401678200460 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ok lets go we can do it .... well if we dont turn crazy |
03月07日 23:48:141678200494 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月07日 23:48:481678200528 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: oh i think i know how to ballance it, so you drive it and i'll balance it |
03月07日 23:49:191678200559 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: why are you stepping on me? |
03月07日 23:50:251678200625 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ok that was peak comedy |
03月07日 23:51:131678200673 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: NOO DONT DIE YET K: its too much... life is too heavy Z: I CANT STAND UP |
03月07日 23:51:221678200682 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月07日 23:51:371678200697 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: how long has it been since we're here? |
03月07日 23:51:571678200717 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: i;ll put the bomb in the middle so you grab the handle ok? |
03月07日 23:52:091678200729 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K:you know whats written on the bomb> Z: not a bomb wwww |
03月07日 23:52:401678200760 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月07日 23:53:101678200790 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: the heli respawned infront of me www K: senpai, what do you have againts me? M: nothing whaot do you have againts me? |
03月07日 23:53:211678200801 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] k: why did we fall? do we need to be in the middle? |
03月07日 23:54:181678200858 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: imagine a helicopter flying backwards |
03月07日 23:55:191678200919 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: whats thet rigger to blow up the bomb anyway? K: when you hit it |
03月07日 23:55:521678200952 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] (couldnt hold anything and would keep letting go) |
03月07日 23:56:381678200998 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: ok im ready to hold the heli at the back, im shaking legit wwwww |
03月07日 23:57:031678201023 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月07日 23:57:311678201051 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月07日 23:58:061678201086 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: relax. ok we go back now O:OMG WE'RE 1 METER CLOSER |
03月07日 23:58:301678201110 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: i cant reach the other control O: WHAT HAPPENED |
03月07日 23:59:121678201152 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: if you wonder why your items never arrivce on time, now you know O: yea respect the delivery guys guys |
03月08日 00:11:041678201864 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月08日 00:11:111678201871 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: ok we go again |
03月08日 00:11:341678201894 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: damn we were so close Z: or maybe you wanna get on senpai? |
03月08日 00:11:551678201915 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: ok good luck- K: a- she going tot he fish |
03月08日 00:12:341678201954 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: i'll gladly keep going until dawn K: we need to do this M: yes we need |
03月08日 00:13:031678201983 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: here we go our ace- where did she go? M: a- the bomb fell Z: yea i fell too |
03月08日 00:13:301678202010 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: if we can atually set the bomb it woulda been easier, the bomb is so hard tho |
03月08日 00:14:171678202057 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: imma name the bomb belinda, ok belinda come into the heli ok? go to your mama moona |
03月08日 00:14:461678202086 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: dont be shy, we'll find you a nice future husba- YOU DUMB CHILD |
03月08日 00:16:041678202164 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: lol she's playing with the fish again M: i swear this is bad |
03月08日 00:16:181678202178 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: lemme try standing here so the bomb wont blow up |
03月08日 00:17:031678202223 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: she's dancing- aaaahhhh |
03月08日 00:17:321678202252 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: zeta dont run, it'll blow up Z: IM TIREDDD |
03月08日 00:18:271678202307 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: dont jinx it |
03月08日 00:18:581678202338 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] (being toxic so they can reverse jinx it) |
03月08日 00:21:111678202471 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: WATCHOUT FOR THE BOMBS Z: the fish is scary-A AAAA |
03月08日 00:21:171678202477 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月08日 00:21:571678202517 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: whyare they going to the sun? K: dunno, they'll blow up on the sun O: now i want some toast K: damn it i want some too |
03月08日 00:22:251678202545 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: we cant end this while we still have this K: its not that hard but it just keeps blowing up |
03月08日 00:22:391678202559 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] (all of em are mentally drained) |
03月08日 00:22:561678202576 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: ok try driving, |
03月08日 00:23:041678202584 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月08日 00:23:511678202631 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: why is flying a chopper so hard anyways? K: NOOO THE FISH, I WAS GONNA HOLD THE BOMB BUT I GRABBED THE FISH\ |
03月08日 00:24:371678202677 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: dont be mistaken that fish is good luc K: ok lets not use the fish? Z: ehh? why? K: you see it blew up, thats why you dont do fish |
03月08日 00:25:091678202709 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: zeta you have fish up there, no need to bring your fish, imma hold the bomb, you both fly ok? |
03月08日 00:26:261678202786 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: we need to end this. how long have we try doing this? K: half an hour, we need to finish this, GO ZETA, YOU CANT DO IT, she's so serious she's not talking wwww |
03月08日 00:27:521678202872 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: try holding the left part Z: i cant i keep falling from that side |
03月08日 00:28:361678202916 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: you nwanna see howmany times we tried? see these? the collection M: i think we did more than that |
03月08日 00:29:371678202977 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: are we really not gonna try other things? K: no, we need to finish this |
03月08日 00:31:101678203070 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] Z: LET ME GOOO O: yayy we got more things for the collection |
03月08日 00:32:311678203151 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: if we have the bombs outside is kind of bad, nono we cant. its too heavy |
03月08日 00:33:051678203185 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] (cant turn right) Z: try going out of the helicopter |
03月08日 00:34:001678203240 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] (off balance) K: i think 2 people is max O: oi the bomb, lemme put it in K: ok i'll hold the bomb |
03月08日 00:34:161678203256 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ill hold the bomb and the handle on the right |
03月08日 00:34:501678203290 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: you hold rihgt, someone hold left, i'll balance it |
03月08日 00:35:261678203326 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: wait where are we going? why are we searching for collectibles? Z: we cant move it left to right wwww i can only move it forwaed |
03月08日 00:35:491678203349 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: i feel dumb O: me to, we;come to my world Z: same |
03月08日 00:36:261678203386 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] (the others are stranded on another island, gonna die to respawn back) |
03月08日 00:37:181678203438 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月08日 00:38:251678203505 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] M: the collection disappeared O: NOOO IT DISAPPEARED |
03月08日 00:39:071678203547 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: oi why did you bring the fish? see it exploded |
03月08日 00:39:211678203561 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: whoa why did you yeet yourself?\ |
03月08日 00:42:051678203725 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] (ollie lost her sanity, same here) |
03月08日 00:45:171678203917 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: its tiltet- oh? it doesnt explode if we land it softly Z: ok lets try it again |
03月08日 00:46:391678203999 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] (gonna have someone on the right side so they can handle the controls) |
03月08日 00:47:351678204055 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] (gonna let ollie be the one who puts bombs in the chopper, she's the only one who can) |
03月08日 00:47:561678204076 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: you cant praise me on doing it, makes me unable to put in in |
03月08日 00:48:201678204100 |
D.D. Investigator |
blessyou |
03月08日 00:49:271678204167 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] (repositioning who grabs what while standing where) |
03月08日 00:50:051678204205 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: IT WONT FLY UP, we're too heacy Z: just drop the bomb then |
03月08日 00:50:561678204256 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] im not holding the right controls, nvm i got it |
03月08日 00:52:401678204360 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: i cant grab the right controls O: then just turn around slowly |
03月08日 00:53:211678204401 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ok we cant do it slowly M: yea we cant do it O: its impossible |
03月08日 00:55:331678204533 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: ollie let go O: my hand is stuck M: let go now O: ok M:ollie please be careful K: i cant take it anymore |
03月08日 00:55:541678204554 |
D.D. Investigator |
      \ |
03月08日 00:56:491678204609 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: we're done okl? K: yes we're done M: THE NO JINXING THEORY O" yea we need to be toxic so we can do it |
03月08日 00:56:551678204615 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] m: ok lets end it now |
03月08日 00:57:251678204645 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] K: thank you everyone any announcements? Z: none from me M: me neither O: listen for the new song newbie zobie ok? |
03月08日 00:57:391678204659 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: ok so otsu? K: ok imma split, otsu~ |
03月08日 00:57:581678204678 |
D.D. Investigator |
03月08日 00:58:511678204731 |
D.D. Investigator |
[EN] O: ok i'll be resting up now~ |
03月08日 00:59:121678204752 |
Kureiji Ollie |