トップ |
配信名:【STARDEW VALLEY】BUILDING HOUSE STAIRS WITH @AiraniIofifteen 【 Kureiji Ollie 】 |
時間 |
icon | 名前 | チャット |
04月05日 17:30:24 |
04月05日 17:30:27 |
Kureiji Ollie | STUPID YT | |
04月05日 18:07:29 |
M Hoshidayat | ||
04月05日 22:07:09 |
Karl's Clips | space godzilla??? | |
04月05日 22:07:27 |
Karl's Clips | shin godzilla is best boi | |
04月05日 22:08:24 |
Karl's Clips | i frigging love godzilla so i want to understand this conversation | |
04月05日 22:09:37 |
Karl's Clips | i still think mothra is A QUEEN | |
04月05日 22:41:26 |
M Hoshidayat | Zombanwaa | |
04月05日 22:42:14 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: oh its pam's bday I: oh just give her some flower O: where is she? | |
04月05日 22:42:29 |
M Hoshidayat | hewro chat |
04月05日 22:42:36 |
M Hoshidayat | alamak wkwkwk | |
04月05日 22:43:02 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: yea taxis here are preatty cheap compared to other countries O: yea its like 1 hour drive for like 70k rupiah? (10 dollars ish) but in japan it was like 2 million?? www | |
04月05日 22:43:14 |
M Hoshidayat | memang mending jalan kaki aja wkwkwk | |
04月05日 22:44:02 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O:yea so ppl would tell us to walk to a nearby station to be cheaper I: yea but i mean we have different income rates too right? O: but when you think about it, their train fare are cheap but- | |
04月05日 22:44:04 |
M Hoshidayat | dayumm | |
04月05日 22:44:52 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: yea for a 2 km ride in 5000 yen? naah I: yea but unless we're on vacation. like we dont feel like walking, we'll just split the taxi bill | |
04月05日 22:44:53 |
M Hoshidayat | betul wkwkwk | |
04月05日 22:45:29 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: yea so if we're going far, for 20k yen, we can split it by the 3-4of us I: i mean its still expensive but its still better | |
04月05日 22:45:33 |
M Hoshidayat | itu satu taksi isi 10 orang bisa ga sih biar makin murah/ngawur | |
04月05日 22:46:30 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: but never in my live i ride the buss there O: yea its too complicated, trains you can just look at the station map and get off where u want, but there are alot of bus and each go to diff place | |
04月05日 22:46:36 |
M Hoshidayat | astagaaa | |
04月05日 22:46:50 |
M Hoshidayat | alamak, ini maksudnya apa ya llie | |
04月05日 22:47:03 |
M Hoshidayat | damnn, enak kali | |
04月05日 22:47:16 |
M Hoshidayat | WKWKWKWKWKWKWK | |
04月05日 22:47:18 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: like one time i rode a bus and i accidentally took the wrong one, made me have to walk 40 minutes to my place I: daymm O: better take the hololive shuttle bus then | |
04月05日 22:48:04 |
M Hoshidayat | iya, pernah cerita dia www | |
04月05日 22:48:17 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i remember someone was getting left behind by the buss before, O: HAHAHAAH wait how did that happen? I: she was still roaming around when we were leaving, she missed the roll call and yea www | |
04月05日 22:49:05 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: what i remember when we were giving signatures was, there were 2 shuttle busses right? and staff told us to enter either ones since we went to the same place, but we ended up going to dif plac | |
04月05日 22:49:46 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: yea when we were going to the building, we were like full of energy, and then when we went back every one was quiet www | |
04月05日 22:49:57 |
M Hoshidayat | astaga wkwkwk | |
04月05日 22:50:39 |
M Hoshidayat | ||
04月05日 22:50:47 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: oh did you see the kiara clip, where we were chanting for a staff when we were having food? I: oh she told that? www yea so we got a bestie staff, and it was just us 3, O: yea www | |
04月05日 22:50:51 |
M Hoshidayat | ah iya wkwkwk | |
04月05日 22:51:16 |
M Hoshidayat | bestie ini ternyata yg paling rusuhnya wkwkw | |
04月05日 22:51:23 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: kobo called em tabemono staff san O: yea cause they always give us food www, i think our chant gave the whole holo ID aura www | |
04月05日 22:51:42 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: where can we go ig we ride the buss here? I: idk, its not fixed yet | |
04月05日 22:52:23 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: oh you can go to the desert? how do you fix the bus then? i dont have any hints yet | |
04月05日 22:52:48 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: ok so we need- nvm we got all we need, lets upgrade our stuff, oh wow its 12 am | |
04月05日 22:53:00 |
M Hoshidayat | YOP | |
04月05日 22:53:01 |
M Hoshidayat | WOE | |
04月05日 22:53:02 |
M Hoshidayat | WKWKWKWKWK | |
04月05日 22:53:15 |
M Hoshidayat | katain aja llie, katain aja | |
04月05日 22:53:25 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: oi slime, shoo slime O: just sleep it through I: sleep with the slime?? O: nooo, oi wwww i swear | |
04月05日 22:53:54 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: oh its raining I: niceee finally, oh yea we havent made the community center, lets check what we need for now | |
04月05日 22:54:30 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: I: i forgot where we need them, wait so.... O: i wanna meet jody, need sum cauliflower | |
04月05日 22:54:51 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: hold on lemme check O: i think we triggered the community center already | |
04月05日 22:55:01 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: guys where's jody? | |
04月05日 22:55:40 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: we did trigger it, oh nvm we havent, what do we need to do again? O: oh yea we need to go to the wizard. where is it again? I: near our farm go south | |
04月05日 22:56:33 |
M Hoshidayat | kasar kamu Yop | |
04月05日 22:56:34 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: lie did you make a cake? i saw the trend in twitter when they had great cake but after baking they went pshhh and go flat | |
04月05日 22:56:35 |
M Hoshidayat | oooohhh | |
04月05日 22:57:22 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: ok we've seen em, lemme talk to em, oh yea we havent been invited here, wait what do we do guys? | |
04月05日 22:58:02 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: where are you? I: im inside rn, lemme check the com center... ok we're in | |
04月05日 22:58:17 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: wait do i need to get in then? I: naah lets just go in the com center | |
04月05日 22:59:16 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: chat said its near their place I: damn we cant die here, someone died and their undies disappeared, ended up at someone's house | |
04月05日 23:00:24 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: you got leaks and dandilions? I: i got leaks cauliflowers and potato | |
04月05日 23:00:44 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: try speaking to the wizard, i wanna look for some stuff O: cant, its locked for me | |
04月05日 23:01:20 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: oh i got it here, now just need something thats white | |
04月05日 23:01:40 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: we only need... leek, but i gave my last one away | |
04月05日 23:02:22 |
M Hoshidayat | alamak | |
04月05日 23:02:37 |
M Hoshidayat | ok, we back again- | |
04月05日 23:02:42 |
Karl's Clips | refresh guys | |
04月05日 23:02:44 |
D.D. Investigator | WE BACK | |
04月05日 23:02:55 |
Karl's Clips | yopi disappeared ollie too | |
04月05日 23:02:58 |
M Hoshidayat | tadi kamu beneran ilang llie wkwkwk | |
04月05日 23:03:01 |
M Hoshidayat | ALAMAK | |
04月05日 23:03:07 |
04月05日 23:03:34 |
M Hoshidayat | ok, tt | |
04月05日 23:03:38 |
M Hoshidayat | *distraction dance* | |
04月05日 23:03:40 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: ok hold on, i made a new one, TT I: ok, dont ask what that is, just say yes ok?\ | |
04月05日 23:03:43 |
Karl's Clips | tete | |
04月05日 23:03:50 |
Karl's Clips | there she issss | |
04月05日 23:03:57 |
M Hoshidayat | okaeriii | |
04月05日 23:04:40 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: man its late, lets just go back, jody probs home rn O: oh really? lemme check I: i didnt do anything today, my energy's full | |
04月05日 23:05:09 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: hmm should i chop down some trees? can i use this axe? probs i can ewww zombie shoo | |
04月05日 23:05:29 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] IL do we have friendly fire here? O: no I: oh ok | |
04月05日 23:06:05 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: bats you're in the way damn it | |
04月05日 23:06:19 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: ok so it should fall this way, ok im right | |
04月05日 23:06:50 |
M Hoshidayat | lelelawar | |
04月05日 23:06:52 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: MOOM IM BEING GANGED BY BAT AAAA | |
04月05日 23:07:01 |
D.D. Investigator | *TO DAYAT | |
04月05日 23:07:17 |
M Hoshidayat | ak TO elu duluan Didi tikus | |
04月05日 23:07:51 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: aww i got 500 g from granpa O: awww | |
04月05日 23:08:09 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: i can finally go to the wizard, lemem go there for abit and then go meet jody | |
04月05日 23:08:23 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: water the plants? let iofi do it I: me? | |
04月05日 23:08:25 |
M Hoshidayat | emangnya nyampe? | |
04月05日 23:08:46 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: is this jody's guys? I: ok so left of the city O: oh the blue one is jody's ok? | |
04月05日 23:09:10 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i cant find the gold flower, ooh well its still the first year so we chilling | |
04月05日 23:09:38 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: hmm waht should we fish today~ | |
04月05日 23:10:23 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: the one with the most energy can u water the plar us? | |
04月05日 23:10:57 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: water sprinkler? its not that effective here, oh my gold went up, amazing! O: ok so where's robin's lost axe guys? | |
04月05日 23:11:23 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: do we have any seaweed? O" should be in one of the boxes I: oki | |
04月05日 23:11:43 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: how do we go to the south forest? | |
04月05日 23:12:16 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: oh from the wizard's place? ok I: hmmm this is quite the farming game | |
04月05日 23:12:29 |
M Hoshidayat | bus-bus apa yang ringan? | |
04月05日 23:12:41 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: ok give us more topics guys, O: yea if its from us, we might go abit too far | |
04月05日 23:12:57 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: leek where are you? | |
04月05日 23:13:21 |
M Hoshidayat | kanan terus llie kata chat | |
04月05日 23:13:44 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: personality wise i like sebastian but face i like eliot | |
04月05日 23:14:12 |
M Hoshidayat | nice | |
04月05日 23:14:34 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: ok so next question,,, where is robin's house? I: near the mineshaft, cant miss it | |
04月05日 23:15:30 |
M Hoshidayat | sama seharusnya | |
04月05日 23:15:41 |
M Hoshidayat | mantep | |
04月05日 23:15:46 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: i got some spring onions, u want some? I: no thanks O: btw is the progress same or diff? I: i hope its the same, cause we don wanna work twice O: oh chat said its shared | |
04月05日 23:16:28 |
M Hoshidayat | wkwkwkk, balik jalan2 lagiii | |
04月05日 23:16:33 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: ok from here on out we gonna be grinding again, ollie can u bring me some things like potato cauliflower etc? O: ...shoulda said something | |
04月05日 23:16:58 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: lemme check what we have, i forgot | |
04月05日 23:17:47 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: grab me one potato, and cauliflower O: i gave away the flower I: we got green beans or parsnip? O: we got one parsnip I: ok we should be getting some of them soon, for now lets fish | |
04月05日 23:18:08 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: oh its 8 pm, lets just go home O: home? I: im putting away my stuff | |
04月05日 23:18:38 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: ok so for the spring plants probs we can do it next year | |
04月05日 23:19:13 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: oh its a crab, nice O: can i sell the rest of the stuff? I: we should be ok | |
04月05日 23:19:49 |
M Hoshidayat | Ollie yg lelah sih wkkwkw | |
04月05日 23:19:53 |
M Hoshidayat | kan | |
04月05日 23:20:06 |
M Hoshidayat | nah, bahas remot- | |
04月05日 23:20:29 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: oh we got green beans! I: but cauliflowers gonna take a while | |
04月05日 23:21:00 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: lets try doing the fishing part of the com center O: sure thing lemme finish up here I: see? coop is way faster than solo play | |
04月05日 23:21:50 |
M Hoshidayat | nah, menarik nih | |
04月05日 23:21:52 |
M Hoshidayat | AKWOAKWOAKOWK | |
04月05日 23:22:00 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: cooking experience? for what? i just cook when i need, but never have i ever have an egg explode in my face | |
04月05日 23:22:37 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: is that a jab at the vtuber who cooked egg with a portable stove and the egg blew up after? | |
04月05日 23:23:01 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: is it an electric stove? would it also make eggs explode like in a microwave? | |
04月05日 23:23:07 |
M Hoshidayat | samaaa, biasanya gt | |
04月05日 23:24:01 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i wonder why does the egg explode when you microwave? even with the lagg O: probs the mithocondria reacted later after the eggs were cooked | |
04月05日 23:24:01 |
M Hoshidayat | gojiranya hamil lllie | |
04月05日 23:24:22 |
M Hoshidayat | nanti jadi space gojira | |
04月05日 23:24:39 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: you make me think now, godzilla reproduce by laying eggs right? | |
04月05日 23:25:09 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: ok lemme see... idt i've ever cooked too bad where it ended up being burned or similar | |
04月05日 23:25:57 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: oh did you know there's a tv show called the worlds worst cooker? O: oh thats news to me I: yea those gave me pain, one scene someone cut through the seed of an avocado diagonally | |
04月05日 23:26:31 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: what? but we stop at the seed cause its hard I: ikr? like, i'll show you later, its truly teriffying for me | |
04月05日 23:26:48 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: lemme check the show's title, while we fish | |
04月05日 23:27:24 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: oh worst cooks in america, 27 seaosns?? DAMN O: ofc america... damn thats still alot tho\ | |
04月05日 23:28:14 |
M Hoshidayat | nasi garem | |
04月05日 23:28:19 |
M Hoshidayat | yes, my people | |
04月05日 23:28:42 |
M Hoshidayat | sebutuh2nya wkkk | |
04月05日 23:28:43 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: like for me, when you rate mine, its not that bad O: oh btw u got any struggle food? like your fave I: struggle as in what? O: like u broke as f so you eat those food I: rice salt cracker | |
04月05日 23:29:18 |
M Hoshidayat | betul, nasi kecap ga begitu enakw kwkw | |
04月05日 23:29:43 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: what? I: yea i had a phase where i eat to live not live to eat O: salt..... why I: its good ok, i dont like it with soysauce that much O: but tahts just carbs and soduim I: ITS STRUGGE FOOD | |
04月05日 23:29:55 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: now probs just eggs if im that lazy | |
04月05日 23:30:23 |
M Hoshidayat | ahhhh | |
04月05日 23:30:30 |
M Hoshidayat | males masak asli | |
04月05日 23:30:44 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: like mine, not too fancy, would do rice, sunny side ups, and magi soysauce, atleast mine has protein I: i mean when im struggling i'd use crackers, im too lazy to cook anything | |
04月05日 23:31:05 |
M Hoshidayat | kllo setiap hari mah bukan struggle llie wkwkw | |
04月05日 23:31:25 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: rice and crackers are nice ok O: the nutrition... I: ITS STRUGGLE FOOD, not everyday, but if im suuuuper lazy, rice and salt is nice | |
04月05日 23:31:34 |
M Hoshidayat | pantes bogel ya? | |
04月05日 23:31:58 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: u know rice and salt, put em in a plastic bag and shake em? yea thats nicce O: no wonder you're so small | |
04月05日 23:33:28 |
M Hoshidayat | aelah, llie wkkwkw | |
04月05日 23:33:39 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: hmmm i wonder if there a place i can buy chocolates at this time around? I: you're on a diet, go konbini choco | |
04月05日 23:33:57 |
M Hoshidayat | nikmatnya hiduo | |
04月05日 23:34:04 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: if u want chocolate, do the 70% cacao, its like that nice bitter mph~ | |
04月05日 23:34:14 |
M Hoshidayat | kayak hidup llie nikmatnya | |
04月05日 23:34:17 |
M Hoshidayat | pahit | |
04月05日 23:34:19 |
M Hoshidayat | WKOAWKAOWKOA | |
04月05日 23:34:49 |
M Hoshidayat | OAKWOAKOWA | |
04月05日 23:34:56 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: cause if you ask me, i'd rather sleep than eat O: i swear you're quite the something | |
04月05日 23:35:01 |
M Hoshidayat | oshiku gini amat ya | |
04月05日 23:35:09 |
M Hoshidayat | nah, eta | |
04月05日 23:35:36 |
M Hoshidayat | klo nggak mahal, nanti nyisa wkwkw | |
04月05日 23:35:42 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: even i wonder why im like this O: yea even with kobo, you need to go to a more pricy place so she'll be forced to finish her food | |
04月05日 23:36:18 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i swear she only eat chips all the time O: yea, she sings alot and only eat chips | |
04月05日 23:36:29 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: food is quite the broad topic i swear... | |
04月05日 23:37:01 |
M Hoshidayat | WKWKKWK | |
04月05日 23:37:05 |
M Hoshidayat | lgsg ketrigger | |
04月05日 23:37:14 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: rice with chocolate? I:EWWWW O: thats too far, diabetes yes but damn | |
04月05日 23:37:36 |
M Hoshidayat | indomie kuah kopi | |
04月05日 23:37:51 |
M Hoshidayat | MULAI | |
04月05日 23:37:55 |
M Hoshidayat | tp ak jd pengen makan | |
04月05日 23:38:01 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: indomie and cocolate? INDOMIE IS BEST BY ITSELF, ESPECIALLY (insert ad) | |
04月05日 23:38:03 |
M Hoshidayat | dhlh, ak bikin aja dah | |
04月05日 23:38:25 |
M Hoshidayat | pasti ada yg baru tau | |
04月05日 23:38:26 |
M Hoshidayat | WKWKWKWK | |
04月05日 23:38:47 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: btw tehre's a new rawon flavour, its nice, and when there are ppl reviewing it, some people just recently know that rawons are actually black O: probs gen z rightr? | |
04月05日 23:39:16 |
M Hoshidayat | typo dikit wkwkkw | |
04月05日 23:39:25 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: look even inchat they never had rawon O: you never had rawon? I: its the best soup like dish for me | |
04月05日 23:40:46 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: but yea to whomever made rendang, i thank you, like how did you figure out what to put what in a dish, that makes the famous rendang | |
04月05日 23:41:13 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: yea can someone found the theory on how rendang was made? O: maybe someone was cooking but forgot about it | |
04月05日 23:41:23 |
M Hoshidayat | aku heran | |
04月05日 23:41:33 |
M Hoshidayat | trus, "wahh, kopinya bagus" | |
04月05日 23:41:59 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: oh yea, the ones who drank kopi luwak, what were they thinking? like, its luwak poo, he collected it, and then proceed to cook | |
04月05日 23:42:25 |
M Hoshidayat | susu sapi |
04月05日 23:42:58 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: but what i dont get is how they ferment kimchi and able to eat it | |
04月05日 23:43:11 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: for us we follow recipes, so its easy right? | |
04月05日 23:43:20 |
M Hoshidayat | OAKWOAKOWKOAW | |
04月05日 23:43:33 |
M Hoshidayat | karena dia mau nyobain susu *** tapi ga bisa | |
04月05日 23:43:46 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: oh, did you ever think how ppl who drink cow milk start doing it? I: probs trying to copy the calf | |
04月05日 23:44:07 |
M Hoshidayat | ada cuy wkwkwk | |
04月05日 23:44:15 |
M Hoshidayat | WKWKWKWKWK | |
04月05日 23:44:27 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i mean until that is ok, but idk about the motivation to do it, like there are camels too and even horses O: OH YEA, lol chat said " the cow got SA'd ww" | |
04月05日 23:44:28 |
M Hoshidayat | "wah, enak jg ternyata susu hewan ini" | |
04月05日 23:44:45 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: yea and those probs were wild cows and not farm animals | |
04月05日 23:45:02 |
M Hoshidayat | WKKWWKWK | |
04月05日 23:45:20 |
M Hoshidayat | menyusui kok | |
04月05日 23:45:24 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: do whales have milk? I: idk, its a mamal tho | |
04月05日 23:45:43 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: oh whales breastfeed too? i've never seen those documentaries | |
04月05日 23:46:02 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: but it's mixed with salt water? O: then it's salty www | |
04月05日 23:46:10 |
D.D. Investigator | JELEK | |
04月05日 23:46:44 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: yea, who was the first person to milk a cow... | |
04月05日 23:47:11 |
M Hoshidayat | cari aja, di internet ada www | |
04月05日 23:47:25 |
M Hoshidayat | platypus emangnya masih ada say | |
04月05日 23:47:33 |
M Hoshidayat | makin ke sini makin ke san | |
04月05日 23:47:37 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: but yea whale milk, makes u curious, i wanna taste I: if someone DOES have em, where is it from? O: atleasy platypus milk then | |
04月05日 23:48:15 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: lets make a trap for crabs O: i need woods and copper bar I: hmm whats this? flower dance? today? at 9? | |
04月05日 23:49:05 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: if we coop do we dance with each other or with amate? btw u need copper bar ? its here O: ok thanks, now idk what i should do | |
04月05日 23:50:11 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: put it in the lake? ok I: where is it again? O: you cand do it near the wizard too, oh you need to have worms? I: you need a body of water only? ok | |
04月05日 23:50:29 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: btw where was the flower thingy? is it today? should be at 9 am, oh tomorrow ok | |
04月05日 23:50:39 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: try putting it on the water first | |
04月05日 23:51:07 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: oh you gotta put bait for each trap, ok | |
04月05日 23:51:36 |
M Hoshidayat | awww |
04月05日 23:51:53 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: but for real if im not playing this with you, idt i would continue playing I: yea same www O: like i play games that can be coop so i can play with friends www | |
04月05日 23:52:58 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: chat how do you set the bait? oh you put the box first then the bait ok, O: so we wait til tomorrow? ok | |
04月05日 23:53:15 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: can i ask them to the dance with me? no? ok | |
04月05日 23:53:35 |
04月05日 23:53:47 |
M Hoshidayat | udah bener tadi diajak ngobrol wkwkwk | |
04月05日 23:53:48 |
04月05日 23:53:50 |
M Hoshidayat | ||
04月05日 23:54:01 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i wanted to give him some fishh awww | |
04月05日 23:55:11 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: put the bait? how do you do that? I: go to bait and right click it | |
04月05日 23:56:09 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] O: how do you put the bait again? I: click and grab to the rod O: ohh ok, dont make me get an anchovie after buying this line | |
04月05日 23:56:43 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN]I: feesh where u going huh? feesh | |
04月05日 23:57:23 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: i just know recently that caesar salads have anchovies, u know how they made the dressing infront of you right? they use anchovies O: really? i thought those were vegans | |
04月05日 23:59:02 |
M Hoshidayat | oiya, iya wkwkwk | |
04月05日 23:59:06 |
M Hoshidayat | IYAA KWKWWK | |
04月05日 23:59:16 |
M Hoshidayat | sempet didatengin emaknya jg, sampe teriak2 sendiri | |
04月05日 23:59:37 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: when u remember risu played this when she first debuted with the super high voice www O: eeh? then why isnt she playing with us now? :') | |
04月06日 00:00:02 |
M Hoshidayat | tengilan yg dlu | |
04月06日 00:00:11 |
M Hoshidayat | padahal yg dulu "keliatan" polos | |
04月06日 00:00:12 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: honestly i like flat face risu, her face is so memeable O: i mean she's pretty and mature now, but the flat face is just... perfect | |
04月06日 00:00:15 |
M Hoshidayat | Iya wkwkwk | |
04月06日 00:00:27 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: like her expression when she laughs with the flat face is sooo good | |
04月06日 00:01:24 |
M Hoshidayat | wah, mantep nih wkwkwk | |
04月06日 00:01:43 |
M Hoshidayat | okii, makasih buat streamnyaaa~ | |
04月06日 00:01:47 |
M Hoshidayat | YESSSSSSSSSSS | |
04月06日 00:02:09 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: ok thats it thanks for watching today any anouncement? O: we got DAYS WITH OLLIE releasing at 9th of april, look dor ward to it | |
04月06日 00:02:40 |
M Hoshidayat | 20.00 WIB yaaww | |
04月06日 00:03:01 |
D.D. Investigator | [EN] I: for me, tomorrow there is an official program in the hololive channel about us and area 15 so loook forward at the 20.00 hours (10 pm jst) | |
04月06日 00:03:11 |
D.D. Investigator | OTSUIOLLIE |
04月06日 00:03:29 |
04月06日 00:03:30 |
Kureiji Ollie | OTSUIOLLIE!! | |
04月06日 00:03:52 |
M Hoshidayat |