トップ ※配信中のホロメン同士によるチャットを抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
配信名:【Big Brain Academy】 I Can Count the Number of Braincells I Have With One Hand I Know It’s Not a Lot
Layout inspired by ArkahnX
12/06 22:49:50 Ninomae Ina'nis Oh my bad with the dates LOL the 2nd Black Mesa stream is the day right after the first one
12/06 22:50:17 Ninomae Ina'nis Timezone formatting is hard with 1 braincell
12/07 09:57:01 Gawr Gura its much easier with touchpad!!
12/07 11:16:08 Ninomae Ina'nis