トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。(5分毎に更新) |
配信名:【Schedule & Chat】Weekly Kroniicles ⏳ |
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計 |
No | 時間 | 元金額 | 色 | icon | チャンネル名 | チャット |
円建て | ||||||
1 | 10月31日 00:00:01 |
Warleader | ||||
2 | 10月31日 00:00:11 |
Random Clipper | Slime rancher 1 or 2 |
3 | 10月31日 00:00:52 |
Rewind44 | 1 | |||
4 | 10月31日 00:01:00 |
Random Clipper | Nice |
5 | 10月31日 00:01:20 |
Random Clipper | I completed slime rancher 1's main story line, and I'm debating if I should unlock the rest of the stuff |
6 | 10月31日 00:01:40 |
Orange Robot | I'm having fun starting off with Vampire Survivors and ESO | |||
7 | 10月31日 00:02:00 |
Random Clipper | Bob |
8 | 10月31日 00:02:48 |
Orange Robot | I'm playing as a manlet Dark elf mage | |||
9 | 10月31日 00:03:59 |
Random Clipper | Never actually interacted with ESO before |
10 | 10月31日 00:10:26 |
Orange Robot | Well first time trying it out yesterday. Plays like a regular Elder Scrolls game but mixed with MMO gameplay elements | |||
11 | 10月31日 00:13:04 |
Random Clipper | Does the horse climb mountains |
12 | 10月31日 00:13:39 |
Orange Robot | I'll let you know when I get one | |||
13 | 10月31日 00:15:07 |
Random Clipper | ||||
14 | 10月31日 00:24:23 |
Rewind44 | ||||
15 | 10月31日 00:25:08 |
Random Clipper | Oh right, you can get it pretty early :krote | |||
16 | 10月31日 00:25:23 |
Random Clipper | The upgrade system of this game is pretty weird |
17 | 10月31日 00:25:52 |
Orange Robot | Is it fun though? | |||
18 | 10月31日 00:26:19 |
Random Clipper | Well, discovering cute slimes which I can experiment to make my perfect dosh maker is somewhat fun |
19 | 10月31日 00:28:34 |
Warleader | Have you discovered 7Zee yet RC? |
20 | 10月31日 00:29:16 |
Warleader | Yeah, the upgrade system is pretty different from the 2nd game, they didn't introduce the crafting system until later into the development cycle. | |||
21 | 10月31日 00:29:37 |
Random Clipper | Dude, 7zee is too much grind | |||
22 | 10月31日 00:29:56 |
Random Clipper | Which is a shame, cause some content is actually locked behind it | |||
23 | 10月31日 00:30:41 |
Warleader | Just git gud. |
24 | 10月31日 00:30:52 |
Random Clipper | I just hate how badly the game convey progression, like there's not much objectives you can follow, and the game didn't actually tell you how you can unlock the side areas | |||
25 | 10月31日 00:31:30 |
Random Clipper | Like, how dafuq was I suppose to know that I need this specific upgrade that is useless to me, and then complete a trade offer with him, just so I can unlock new areas | |||
26 | 10月31日 00:32:08 |
Warleader | Do you mean like the people's places that you teleport too? | |||
27 | 10月31日 00:32:29 |
Random Clipper | Yeah, I stumble upon the silver slime mansion on chance | |||
28 | 10月31日 00:32:39 |
Warleader | Also which upgrade was useless? | |||
29 | 10月31日 00:32:58 |
Random Clipper | Unlocking treasure was pretty useless to me at that point of the game that I got it | |||
30 | 10月31日 00:33:13 |
Random Clipper | Its too expensive for little payoff for what I already unlocked | |||
31 | 10月31日 00:33:26 |
Warleader | Treasure cracker is a pretty good upgrade though.. | |||
32 | 10月31日 00:34:09 |
Random Clipper | I'm not sure about the unlock requirement, but I got it at like day 30 or something, which at that point i'm already don't need it I think | |||
33 | 10月31日 00:35:01 |
Warleader | Treasure pods have recipes and resources locked in them. | |||
34 | 10月31日 00:35:02 |
Random Clipper | And beside, I don't think the game let's you know where the treasures pods that you already discovered but didn't unlock are, so that's just hour spent on backtracking | |||
35 | 10月31日 00:36:09 |
Random Clipper | I think you can get rare resources from them or something | |||
36 | 10月31日 00:36:52 |
Random Clipper | You see that's the thing, I just know there's treasures pods, but they don't give me a reason to pursue it | |||
37 | 10月31日 00:37:41 |
Warleader | You get resources and recipes. | |||
38 | 10月31日 00:37:50 |
Warleader | Things that are rare and free. | |||
39 | 10月31日 00:38:07 |
Warleader | And teleporters and warp depots. | |||
40 | 10月31日 00:38:09 |
Random Clipper | Well, 25k for the last upgrade ain't exactly free | |||
41 | 10月31日 00:38:16 |
Warleader | And other miscellaneous gadgets. | |||
42 | 10月31日 00:38:39 |
Random Clipper | I think I would had pursue the treasure pods if they actually marked the pods you already found on the maps, so I don't have to backtrack or rely on third party websites | |||
43 | 10月31日 00:38:51 |
Random Clipper | Do they change that in slime rancher 2? | |||
44 | 10月31日 00:39:21 |
Warleader | Don't think so, or not yet at least. This is only the first version of the game. | |||
45 | 10月31日 00:40:05 |
Random Clipper | Okay, another gripe i have is that, how dafuq was I suppose to know each biome provides specific resources if you put the right drill on it | |||
46 | 10月31日 00:40:54 |
Random Clipper | The game didn't tell me, I just knew that I got this resource that I just can't seem to find | |||
47 | 10月31日 00:41:06 |
Random Clipper | Like, can't they had made a flavour text for the resource? | |||
48 | 10月31日 00:42:19 |
Random Clipper | Anyway, that's most of the gripe I have with the game, its how little information they actually tell you |
49 | 10月31日 00:42:54 |
Warleader | Indigonium description. "Indigonium is the ore that gives the Indigo Quarry its name. There's a little indigonium found in every inch of the quarry, but the purest ore is only found deep underground." | |||
50 | 10月31日 00:43:22 |
Random Clipper | Yeah, I discovered that, but how about faqqing honey | |||
51 | 10月31日 00:43:51 |
Random Clipper | And I don't think you get that indigonium description unless you actually collected one before | |||
52 | 10月31日 00:44:09 |
Warleader | "All the rich pollens and sweet nectars found in the Moss Blanket combine in beautiful alchemy to form some of the most delicious honey in the galaxy." | |||
53 | 10月31日 00:44:11 |
Random Clipper | So its information locked behind progression | |||
54 | 10月31日 00:44:27 |
Warleader | You can still find them by opening treasure pods. | |||
55 | 10月31日 00:44:39 |
Random Clipper | Well, faq | |||
56 | 10月31日 00:45:01 |
Warleader | Skill issue. |
57 | 10月31日 00:45:16 |
Random Clipper | That's just stoopid imo | |||
58 | 10月31日 00:45:47 |
Random Clipper | Sure, it's my lack of interest in the pods that made this issue happened, but they didn't really told us What's in the pods, and why we should go get it | |||
59 | 10月31日 00:46:18 |
Warleader | Gee, why would I want to go for something called TREASURE PODS. | |||
60 | 10月31日 00:46:27 |
Random Clipper | Like I unlocked the drills before I got the upgrade for unlocking pods, why dafuq am I suppose to know | |||
61 | 10月31日 00:47:01 |
Random Clipper | I just think its bad game design | |||
62 | 10月31日 00:47:28 |
Warleader | I just think you're bad. |
63 | 10月31日 00:48:00 |
Warleader | Or haven't played enough games. Or aren't good at coming to logical conclusions. Or have poor observational skills. | |||
64 | 10月31日 00:48:01 |
Random Clipper | Nah bro, I think its bad game design. But that just my opinion | |||
65 | 10月31日 00:48:35 |
Random Clipper | Like what is the requirement to get the treasure pod upgrade anyway? | |||
66 | 10月31日 00:48:45 |
Random Clipper | Why dafuq did I get the drills before I even get the pods upgrade | |||
67 | 10月31日 00:48:51 |
Random Clipper | Like how | |||
68 | 10月31日 00:49:29 |
Warleader | Definitely could be better, the game doesn't do a whole lot to actually explain what you should be doing and how you should do it. But consider extremely popular well received games. | |||
69 | 10月31日 00:49:37 |
Warleader | Like Minecraft and Terraria. | |||
70 | 10月31日 00:49:54 |
Random Clipper | Okay, I never actually played minecraft, but terraria is different | |||
71 | 10月31日 00:49:56 |
Warleader | Oh btw, you get the treasure pod cracker after you unlock the Lab and build your first gadget. | |||
72 | 10月31日 00:50:41 |
Random Clipper | Like in terraria, if you got any question, just ask the guide, and he will tell you where's your next progression, what bosses there are, and what you can do | |||
73 | 10月31日 00:50:58 |
Random Clipper | And if you any crafing question, just put the material and give it to the guide | |||
74 | 10月31日 00:51:11 |
Random Clipper | Terraria actually gave you a progression guide | |||
75 | 10月31日 00:51:43 |
Random Clipper | Don't know what's your next upgrade is? Just ask the guide, and he will tell you to break alter to spawn materials | |||
76 | 10月31日 00:51:48 |
Rewind44 | ||||
77 | 10月31日 00:52:24 |
Warleader | Gonna be honest, Iforgot the guide actually has some use to him. |
78 | 10月31日 00:52:28 |
Random Clipper | Wonder why the game is so hard? Oh just ask the guide, and he will tell you that you can buy shady items from gun seller npc | |||
79 | 10月31日 00:52:37 |
Warleader | Hasn't been useful to me in years. | |||
80 | 10月31日 00:53:09 |
Random Clipper | The guide will even tell you to throw the doll into the lava and that there's sky islands and there's hell | |||
81 | 10月31日 00:53:33 |
Random Clipper | He will sometimes even tell you what npc you can unlock, and how to unlock the, | |||
82 | 10月31日 00:53:52 |
Random Clipper | And then you got slime rancher, which might not be the worse, but come on, it can be better | |||
83 | 10月31日 00:55:06 |
Random Clipper | Like maybe tell others what TREASURE actually means? | |||
84 | 10月31日 00:55:20 |
Random Clipper | For all I know, it can just be another 3 carrots and 2 rock plort | |||
85 | 10月31日 00:55:56 |
Warleader | Can any of the lurkers here explain in a simplified manner that RC will understand why video game players might be interested in treasure? | |||
86 | 10月31日 00:57:18 |
Random Clipper | Like, how dafuq am I suppose to be interested in treasure when gold plorts, one of the rarest thing in the game, is worthless in money after like the first 3 hours | |||
87 | 10月31日 00:58:14 |
Warleader | Because you unlock it relatively into the mid-late game and it costs a not insignificant amount of money to do so. | |||
88 | 10月31日 00:59:17 |
Random Clipper | Anyway, enough about treasure | |||
89 | 10月31日 00:59:38 |
Random Clipper | Did the game in any given point, actually told you how to unlock the side areas from npcs | |||
90 | 10月31日 01:00:21 |
Warleader | No. | |||
91 | 10月31日 01:00:50 |
Random Clipper | Welp | |||
92 | 10月31日 01:01:56 |
Random Clipper | Anyway, that's just my honest opnion about the game. I know it's just my experience and my skill issue, but come on, the game design could be better | |||
93 | 10月31日 01:02:30 |
Rewind44 | ||||
94 | 10月31日 01:02:32 |
Random Clipper | But I also understand that very much of it is experimental, so I just hope that they will somehow make it better in slime rancher 2 | |||
95 | 10月31日 01:02:33 |
Rewind44 | smh | |||
96 | 10月31日 01:02:36 |
Warleader | Did you have fun? |
97 | 10月31日 01:02:57 |
Random Clipper | Honestly, I have, that's why I'm so angry about the pods thingie | |||
98 | 10月31日 01:03:17 |
Random Clipper | It was fun to crash the plorts market twice, and now everything cost the same as pink plorts | |||
99 | 10月31日 01:03:51 |
Warleader | Btw, I told you when you unlock the treasure cracker earlier. | |||
100 | 10月31日 01:04:11 |
Random Clipper | And without spoilers, the last area of the game is honestly very nice, I had some trouble unlocked the fountain, but after that it was magical | |||
101 | 10月31日 01:04:24 |
Random Clipper | The slimes design are so cute and unique, but I still hate phase lemon | |||
102 | 10月31日 01:04:55 |
Warleader | Phase lemon and odd onions my behated. | |||
103 | 10月31日 01:05:10 |
Random Clipper | Like dude, it's actually so bad | |||
104 | 10月31日 01:05:18 |
Random Clipper | Like did they actually told you how to get phase lemon? | |||
105 | 10月31日 01:05:32 |
Warleader | Nope. That part I will say is bad. | |||
106 | 10月31日 01:05:33 |
Random Clipper | Like I was playing around for like few hours before I just gave up and google search | |||
107 | 10月31日 01:06:07 |
Warleader | You have to shoot other fruit into the tree. |
108 | 10月31日 01:06:09 |
Random Clipper | And the quantum slime, is just atrocious to deal with, my god | |||
109 | 10月31日 01:06:29 |
Random Clipper | In the end, what I did was, I cracked a crate and got a phase lemon | |||
110 | 10月31日 01:06:30 |
Warleader | Quantum isn't too bad as long as they're fed and happy. | |||
111 | 10月31日 01:07:17 |
Random Clipper | Like dude, they escape so easily | |||
112 | 10月31日 01:07:29 |
Random Clipper | And another thing, how dafuq does chicken breeding works?!?!? | |||
113 | 10月31日 01:08:03 |
Random Clipper | They say they won't breed if there's more than 12 adults, but they won't breed even with that either | |||
114 | 10月31日 01:08:19 |
Warleader | Well, when a roostro and a hen love each other very much... | |||
115 | 10月31日 01:09:07 |
Random Clipper | Like, chicken breeding feels so scuffed, that it feels a lot quicker just to make them largo with a plant/fruit eater and farm that instead | |||
116 | 10月31日 01:09:08 |
Rewind44 | ||||
117 | 10月31日 01:09:32 |
Warleader | First off, always have a largo. | |||
118 | 10月31日 01:09:38 |
Warleader | Secondly, obviously. | |||
119 | 10月31日 01:10:07 |
Warleader | Thirdly chicken breeding is pretty slow in the first game, I tended to have 2 roostros and 4 hens in a coop for breeding. | |||
120 | 10月31日 01:10:42 |
Random Clipper | The method i found most effective was 4 rooster and 8 hens | |||
121 | 10月31日 01:10:57 |
Warleader | Fourthly, you should think of it as an additional resource, it's not sustainable or quick to use them as a primary food source, especially given the ease of garden grown foods. | |||
122 | 10月31日 01:11:27 |
Random Clipper | Yeah, that's how I feel, it's optional | |||
123 | 10月31日 01:11:52 |
Random Clipper | A lot of things in the game feels optional for you, and there's no clear 1 path of progression, it's a matter of preference | |||
124 | 10月31日 01:12:26 |
Random Clipper | And it's also a matter of preference that I made my dock into a water slime and fire slime farming complex | |||
125 | 10月31日 01:13:01 |
Warleader | RC seems somewhat perplexed that a game is giving him freedom. |
126 | 10月31日 01:13:50 |
Random Clipper | But you see, if you see things as optional | |||
127 | 10月31日 01:14:14 |
Random Clipper | Like a lot of things are optional | |||
128 | 10月31日 01:14:27 |
Random Clipper | You didn't even need to unlock the lab if you want to beat the story | |||
129 | 10月31日 01:15:09 |
Random Clipper | But freedom is when you have the option to do something without need another, so why dafuq is the mining resource description locked behind pods, another optional thing in the game | |||
130 | 10月31日 01:15:59 |
Random Clipper | Like, if one thing is optional, that thing should be self contained, not linked to another optional sutff | |||
131 | 10月31日 01:16:08 |
Warleader | RC is so used to being hand-held that he doesn't experiment. |
132 | 10月31日 01:17:04 |
Random Clipper | Like, I'm just saying that its bad game design, to have an optional stuff linked to a different optional stuff. | |||
133 | 10月31日 01:17:42 |
Warleader | Also, wouldn't it make sense that a DRILL would work better in a quarry? An APIARY would work better in a place that's got plants and honey slimes? A PUMP works better in a place that's been dried up? | |||
134 | 10月31日 01:17:50 |
Warleader | Implying that it once was full of water? | |||
135 | 10月31日 01:18:24 |
Random Clipper | Well, you can say that our hub, got all three of those biomes, then why doesn't it work there | |||
136 | 10月31日 01:18:35 |
Random Clipper | Cause that's actually the first thing I checked | |||
137 | 10月31日 01:19:23 |
Warleader | Oh I agree with that. | |||
138 | 10月31日 01:19:25 |
Random Clipper | I just thought that it's something that requires a higher level drill cause of rarity reason | |||
139 | 10月31日 01:19:32 |
Warleader | It should work that way. | |||
140 | 10月31日 01:19:38 |
Random Clipper | You see | |||
141 | 10月31日 01:19:42 |
Random Clipper | Its inconsistent | |||
142 | 10月31日 01:19:48 |
Warleader | But I also understand why it doesn't. | |||
143 | 10月31日 01:19:52 |
Warleader | Game balance. | |||
144 | 10月31日 01:20:12 |
Random Clipper | Yeah, in hind sight we get it, but when you're trying to discover stuff, that's just bad | |||
145 | 10月31日 01:20:30 |
Warleader | The game has two main aspects, exploration and ranching. It wants to encourage you to do both. | |||
146 | 10月31日 01:20:40 |
Rewind44 | HBD Mel |
147 | 10月31日 01:20:47 |
Random Clipper | ||||
148 | 10月31日 01:20:48 |
Warleader | With experimentation along the way. | |||
149 | 10月31日 01:20:54 |
Warleader | ||||
150 | 10月31日 01:21:18 |
Random Clipper | Like, oh somehow the dry reef in my lab is lower quality then the one infront of my house, so I won't get spiral water | |||
151 | 10月31日 01:21:26 |
Random Clipper | That's just stoopid inconsistency | |||
152 | 10月31日 01:21:32 |
Random Clipper | Than* | |||
153 | 10月31日 01:21:45 |
Warleader | And as I said, I agree with that. | |||
154 | 10月31日 01:22:37 |
Random Clipper | Like, the only thing, that could imply, treasure pods being tied to having the things you need, is that there's one treasure pod, inside the lab when you unlock it | |||
155 | 10月31日 01:22:57 |
Random Clipper | That's the closest thing to a hint that we will get from the game about the resource | |||
156 | 10月31日 01:23:11 |
Warleader | Ooh, a game doing show not tell. Revolutionary. |
157 | 10月31日 01:23:40 |
Random Clipper | Anyway, I hope they some how made it better in slime rancher 2 | |||
158 | 10月31日 01:24:12 |
Warleader | You've been watching Kronii play. What do you think? |
159 | 10月31日 01:24:14 |
Random Clipper | Like makes pods visible on the map after you discover it or something, so it encourage backtracking | |||
160 | 10月31日 01:24:30 |
Random Clipper | I'm just malding at kronii not making largos | |||
161 | 10月31日 01:25:11 |
Orange Robot | Send a supa about it then |
162 | 10月31日 01:25:15 |
Warleader | :mykronie: | |||
163 | 10月31日 01:25:26 |
Orange Robot | Include that you are malding as well. | |||
164 | 10月31日 01:25:36 |
Random Clipper | Bob |
165 | 10月31日 01:25:50 |
Warleader | I already know Kronii won't make largos. | |||
166 | 10月31日 01:26:12 |
Random Clipper | I do like the new variety of slimes, the upgrade system is so much cleaner and easier to navigate, and upgrades are harder but more impactful, resources are easier to transfer | |||
167 | 10月31日 01:26:38 |
Random Clipper | Overall, slime rancher 2 is already better at game design, which is good | |||
168 | 10月31日 01:27:14 |
Random Clipper | Though, I hope the market doesn't crash as easily as the first game |
169 | 10月31日 01:27:20 |
Warleader | Did you know that originally in the first game, gordos wouldn't show on your map at all. |
170 | 10月31日 01:27:44 |
Random Clipper | That's just terrible, cause you need gordos to progress the game | |||
171 | 10月31日 01:28:08 |
Orange Robot | Maybe I'll just buy Slime Rancher 2 then | |||
172 | 10月31日 01:28:19 |
Warleader | At least nowadays they show up if you've fed them once. | |||
173 | 10月31日 01:28:33 |
Random Clipper | Though, I would argue, unlike treasure pods, most gordos are placed in unique and memorable places that might not be easy to get to, but memorable | |||
174 | 10月31日 01:28:44 |
Warleader | In the 2nd game they show up if you have the map section and have gotten close enough to them. | |||
175 | 10月31日 01:29:00 |
Random Clipper | I see |
176 | 10月31日 01:29:17 |
Random Clipper | I would recommend the first game, just to progress through the main storyline once, |
177 | 10月31日 01:29:29 |
Warleader | Also for all the content it has. | |||
178 | 10月31日 01:29:30 |
Random Clipper | And crashing the plort market |
179 | 10月31日 01:29:42 |
Warleader | It has way more than the 2nd game at the moment. | |||
180 | 10月31日 01:29:43 |
Rewind44 | Man these poor chimkins are being eaten left and right |
181 | 10月31日 01:29:48 |
Warleader | More of everything. | |||
182 | 10月31日 01:29:58 |
Warleader | And it's on sale for real cheap right now. | |||
183 | 10月31日 01:30:03 |
Warleader | Don't bother with the DLC. | |||
184 | 10月31日 01:30:14 |
Orange Robot | Understood. Will think of getting both some time | |||
185 | 10月31日 01:30:26 |
Random Clipper | Naisu |
186 | 10月31日 01:30:53 |
Orange Robot | Need to get through my backlog still | |||
187 | 10月31日 01:31:01 |
Warleader | No rad slimes in the 2nd game right now. |
188 | 10月31日 01:31:02 |
Random Clipper | Anyway, what's your favourite slimes, wall |
189 | 10月31日 01:31:57 |
Random Clipper | WHAT | |||
190 | 10月31日 01:32:04 |
Random Clipper | THAT'S STOOPID | |||
191 | 10月31日 01:32:56 |
Rewind44 | Oh shoot, the time just passed by, I need to nom |
192 | 10月31日 01:33:01 |
Warleader | In no particular order: Dervish, Mosaic, Puddle, Boom, Rad, Honey. | |||
193 | 10月31日 01:33:11 |
Random Clipper | ||||
194 | 10月31日 01:33:31 |
Random Clipper | Dude, mosaic is so beautiful, which making unlocked them so worth it | |||
195 | 10月31日 01:33:50 |
Warleader | The 2nd game is in early access right now. Still got a lot of stuff to be added. No drones either. | |||
196 | 10月31日 01:34:08 |
Warleader | Mosaic so good. But yeah, those are my 6 favourite in no order. | |||
197 | 10月31日 01:34:32 |
Warleader | 2nd game introduced a fair number of slimes though. | |||
198 | 10月31日 01:34:38 |
Warleader | Flutter slime my behated. | |||
199 | 10月31日 01:35:01 |
Random Clipper | For me its: fire, mosaic, tangle and rad/crystal largos | |||
200 | 10月31日 01:35:23 |
Random Clipper | Fire slimes are just better puddle slimes |
201 | 10月31日 01:36:22 |
Random Clipper | I'm looking forward to slime rancher 2 full release |
202 | 10月31日 01:37:07 |
Warleader | ||||
203 | 10月31日 01:37:45 |
Random Clipper | One thing I hope is that we get to explore the sea |
204 | 10月31日 01:37:52 |
Warleader | More of a water over fire guy. |
205 | 10月31日 01:39:55 |
Warleader | *emergency recalls back to base* | |||
206 | 10月31日 01:40:04 |
Random Clipper | ||||
207 | 10月31日 01:41:10 |
Rewind44 | ||||
208 | 10月31日 01:41:43 |
Random Clipper | ||||
209 | 10月31日 01:42:21 |
Random Clipper | I hope they make teleporters more easily accessible in 2 :kropre | |||
210 | 10月31日 01:42:51 |
Random Clipper | Clock |
211 | 10月31日 01:43:26 |
Rewind44 | ||||
212 | 10月31日 01:48:11 |
Random Clipper | Anyway, look at the time |
213 | 10月31日 01:48:18 |
Random Clipper | ||||
214 | 10月31日 01:48:20 |
Random Clipper | ||||
215 | 10月31日 01:51:10 |
Rewind44 | ||||
216 | 10月31日 02:00:40 |
Rewind44 | ||||
217 | 10月31日 02:38:05 |
MiscDan | Hello free chat |
218 | 10月31日 02:38:35 |
Rewind44 | ||||
219 | 10月31日 03:02:10 |
MiscDan | Rewind |
220 | 10月31日 03:03:50 |
Rewind44 | ||||
221 | 10月31日 03:05:23 |
Orange Robot | Hiho! |
222 | 10月31日 03:05:45 |
Orange Robot | It is Sunday and I am playing Vampire Survivors while listening to a Fauna VOD |
223 | 10月31日 03:06:18 |
MiscDan | Orange |
224 | 10月31日 03:07:59 |
Orange Robot | Yee |
225 | 10月31日 03:19:37 |
Orange Robot | I love Fauna's enthusiasm for Skyrim |
226 | 10月31日 03:39:31 |
Rewind44 | ||||
227 | 10月31日 04:52:40 |
Rewind44 | ||||
228 | 10月31日 04:59:35 |
Orange Robot | ||||
229 | 10月31日 05:19:47 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | So any idea what holoween will be yet | |||
230 | 10月31日 05:22:35 |
Rewind44 | ||||
231 | 10月31日 05:23:05 |
Rewind44 | ||||
232 | 10月31日 05:23:39 |
Orange Robot | Probably similar to the VR collabs in the past. With smol council having halloween outfits | |||
233 | 10月31日 05:23:57 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | yt does not allow me to have 3 oshi marks | |||
234 | 10月31日 05:24:09 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | and I am having sadness about sana | |||
235 | 10月31日 05:24:14 |
Rewind44 | ||||
236 | 10月31日 05:24:18 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | so the hourglass gotta go for a bit |
237 | 10月31日 05:34:49 |
Kipa12312 | Misery |
238 | 10月31日 05:34:58 |
Kipa12312 | Orange, Rewind |
239 | 10月31日 05:35:08 |
Rewind44 | ||||
240 | 10月31日 05:52:03 |
Orange Robot | We've only had Sana for 1 year, but she'll always be remembered. |
241 | 10月31日 05:57:18 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
242 | 10月31日 05:57:37 |
Pedro 50 | ||||
243 | 10月31日 05:57:53 |
Rewind44 | ||||
244 | 10月31日 05:58:31 |
Pedro 50 | ||||
245 | 10月31日 06:00:47 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
246 | 10月31日 06:05:26 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Daily Reminder #106: Ouro Kronii is dope and based and superlit |
247 | 10月31日 06:05:57 |
Rewind44 | ||||
248 | 10月31日 06:07:15 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | How you guys are doing good, I have been as active recently |
249 | 10月31日 06:07:23 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | *haven’t | |||
250 | 10月31日 06:07:53 |
Rewind44 | ||||
251 | 10月31日 06:09:43 |
Rewind44 | ||||
252 | 10月31日 06:17:34 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | That’s good, stream in less than 6 hours |
253 | 10月31日 06:19:56 |
SpacialAeon | ||||
254 | 10月31日 06:22:23 |
Rewind44 | ||||
255 | 10月31日 06:27:10 |
Random Clipper | bis |
256 | 10月31日 06:27:24 |
Rewind44 | ||||
257 | 10月31日 06:31:09 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Hey RC |
258 | 10月31日 06:32:25 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | it looks like they got new HoloweEN 3D outfits, this is gonna be fun | |||
259 | 10月31日 06:39:40 |
Random Clipper | ||||
260 | 10月31日 06:46:45 |
Izanashi Lena | ||||
261 | 10月31日 06:48:40 |
Random Clipper | Lena |
262 | 10月31日 06:50:39 |
Rewind44 | ||||
263 | 10月31日 07:00:04 |
birbybrib | hello everyone | |||
264 | 10月31日 07:00:21 |
Rewind44 | ||||
265 | 10月31日 07:04:15 |
Rewind44 | ||||
266 | 10月31日 07:05:06 |
birbybrib | ok have a good nap |
267 | 10月31日 07:09:23 |
Random Clipper | rEWIND |
268 | 10月31日 07:09:33 |
Random Clipper | BirbyBrib |
269 | 10月31日 07:18:11 |
birbybrib | ||||
270 | 10月31日 07:30:41 |
Andy Jo | 2 Sana member vods left. Be back for the HoloweEN stream. | |||
271 | 10月31日 07:31:22 |
Andy Jo | Also, Myth's Bad Ending, I watched it before work and was tearing up. | |||
272 | 10月31日 07:36:22 |
Andy Jo | Violet Evergarden movie. |
273 | 10月31日 07:40:42 |
Random Clipper | Andy |
274 | 10月31日 07:41:16 |
Andy Jo | ||||
275 | 10月31日 07:46:41 |
birbybrib | oh yeah that animation was really well done | |||
276 | 10月31日 07:53:35 |
桂木 Heiwa | おは~(´Д⊂ヽ | |||
277 | 10月31日 07:57:45 |
Random Clipper | Heiwa |
278 | 10月31日 08:06:20 |
birbybrib | ||||
279 | 10月31日 08:06:33 |
birbybrib | dude the sour cream and onion pringles gotta be one of the best flavours | |||
280 | 10月31日 08:07:20 |
Andy Jo | Holy shoot. I was watching the wrong moive. | |||
281 | 10月31日 08:14:38 |
Andy Jo | Had no idea there was another Violet Evergarden movie. | |||
282 | 10月31日 08:17:28 |
Mellow | the holoween is escape room |
283 | 10月31日 08:24:53 |
Orange Robot | Mumei and Amelia are the ones with POV so far | |||
284 | 10月31日 08:25:54 |
Substidude | It's an hour earlier than the schedule indicates, isn't it? |
285 | 10月31日 08:28:10 |
Orange Robot | No, it's still 11 PM EDT | |||
286 | 10月31日 08:28:48 |
Orange Robot | I can't decide which POV I should watch. Help me choose? (both isn't an option) | |||
287 | 10月31日 08:35:14 |
Lambo | Mumei |
288 | 10月31日 08:37:00 |
Mellow | mumei is the player ame is the host right? | |||
289 | 10月31日 08:37:14 |
SpacialAeon | to my understanding, Mumei will be a first person pov, while Ame's might be like the camera views | |||
290 | 10月31日 08:37:52 |
Mellow | ||||
291 | 10月31日 08:38:51 |
Lambo | maybe |
292 | 10月31日 08:43:42 |
桂木 Heiwa | RC, birbybrib, Andy, Orange Robot, Substidude, Lambo, Mellow, (´∀`)つ旦~~ | |||
293 | 10月31日 08:43:50 |
Substidude | It's a dicey 5:00am stream for me, I'll see what I can do. I'll watch Mumei if these two will be POV's we're provided with | |||
294 | 10月31日 08:44:07 |
Substidude | Heiwa! |
295 | 10月31日 08:44:14 |
Lambo | Heiwa |
296 | 10月31日 08:45:57 |
桂木 Heiwa | Have a nice great super wonderful extraordinaire day everyone (*≧∇≦)ノ そうしてクロニー様大好き (/▽\)~ |
297 | 10月31日 08:46:35 |
Substidude | You too! |
298 | 10月31日 08:46:44 |
Orange Robot | I'm leaning towards Ame since she has more experience with VR equipment than Mumei. | |||
299 | 10月31日 08:47:00 |
Orange Robot | Of course if Kronii has a POV I'll watch hers, obviously | |||
300 | 10月31日 08:47:29 |
Lambo | Kronii pov |
301 | 10月31日 08:49:15 |
Mellow | Hei Heiwa! |
302 | 10月31日 08:51:29 |
Substidude | Valid point. Do you think the aquarium date was partly to familiarize Mumei to VR equipment? |
303 | 10月31日 08:55:07 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Escape room |
304 | 10月31日 08:56:52 |
Kipa12312 | shark cooking soon | |||
305 | 10月31日 08:57:16 |
Substidude | Misery, Kipa! |
306 | 10月31日 08:57:20 |
Kipa12312 | can't wait to see her make trout yogurt |
307 | 10月31日 08:57:54 |
Kipa12312 | Substidude, Misery, Mellow, Lambo, Orange, Heiwa |
308 | 10月31日 08:58:27 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Sub |
309 | 10月31日 08:59:03 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | OJ |
310 | 10月31日 08:59:12 |
Kipa12312 | bro, where's my clone ate?! |
311 | 10月31日 08:59:25 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | ||||
312 | 10月31日 08:59:27 |
Kipa12312 | "Special"Aeon |
313 | 10月31日 08:59:54 |
Kipa12312 | *throws nuggets in Misery's open mouth before I am eaten* | |||
314 | 10月31日 09:00:06 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | ||||
315 | 10月31日 09:00:29 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Good strategy |
316 | 10月31日 09:00:53 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
317 | 10月31日 09:03:55 |
Lambo | Kipa, Misery |
318 | 10月31日 09:04:10 |
Substidude | I'll go sleep before I get vored... See you around, my Kromies. Maybe as soon as the Holoween escape room |
319 | 10月31日 09:05:26 |
SpacialAeon | *vores substidude in their sleep* | |||
320 | 10月31日 09:05:27 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
321 | 10月31日 09:05:30 |
Lambo | cya substidude |
322 | 10月31日 09:05:35 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
323 | 10月31日 09:05:42 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Dammit Aeon beat me to it |
324 | 10月31日 09:05:43 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
325 | 10月31日 09:05:48 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Seeya Subby~ | |||
326 | 10月31日 09:06:48 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | btw loving the colours @SpacialAeon | |||
327 | 10月31日 09:07:09 |
SpatialAeon | I just realized I spelt spatial wrong... | |||
328 | 10月31日 09:07:21 |
Lambo | ||||
329 | 10月31日 09:07:31 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | ||||
330 | 10月31日 09:07:55 |
SpatialAeon | I only realized bc of you Misery, lol | |||
331 | 10月31日 09:07:58 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
332 | 10月31日 09:08:13 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Well.... you are welcome |
333 | 10月31日 09:08:15 |
Kipa12312 | Chef Goober | |||
334 | 10月31日 09:10:43 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | |
335 | 10月31日 09:11:15 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
336 | 10月31日 09:13:38 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
337 | 10月31日 09:14:18 |
Rekkuza | So will we get DistortionAeon at a later point? | |||
338 | 10月31日 09:14:26 |
Rekkuza | Also how'd this Aeon come to be? | |||
339 | 10月31日 09:14:34 |
Rekkuza | Also also, hello there | |||
340 | 10月31日 09:14:44 |
SpatialAeon | Well, uh...I...hrm... | |||
341 | 10月31日 09:14:49 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Oh no, we cannot allow Aeon to distort... | |||
342 | 10月31日 09:14:53 |
SpatialAeon | Hey Rekky! | |||
343 | 10月31日 09:14:57 |
Kipa12312 | Dis Tort(oise) Aeon | |||
344 | 10月31日 09:15:18 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
345 | 10月31日 09:15:18 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | We gotta book him while he is still himself |
346 | 10月31日 09:15:26 |
Rekkuza | Well we got we now have Dialga and Palkia at this point, why not giratina? | |||
347 | 10月31日 09:15:37 |
Rekkuza | Ugh. Typing. | |||
348 | 10月31日 09:15:54 |
Rekkuza | Anyways, hope things have been well. | |||
349 | 10月31日 09:15:59 |
SpatialAeon | I saw another within the depths of space, and they summoned me here. | |||
350 | 10月31日 09:16:11 |
Rekkuza | Hm. | |||
351 | 10月31日 09:16:14 |
Kipa12312 | Same to you, Rekkuza |
352 | 10月31日 09:16:26 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | BreadAeon |
353 | 10月31日 09:16:28 |
SpatialAeon | And yeah, hope things're well for you too, Rekky! | |||
354 | 10月31日 09:16:31 |
Kipa12312 | FEET LOAF?! |
355 | 10月31日 09:16:40 |
SpatialAeon | What Kipa | |||
356 | 10月31日 09:16:51 |
Kipa12312 | Goompus | |||
357 | 10月31日 09:16:55 |
Kipa12312 | she cookin | |||
358 | 10月31日 09:17:05 |
Kipa12312 | and mentioned making Feet loaf | |||
359 | 10月31日 09:17:12 |
Kipa12312 | I will NOT explain | |||
360 | 10月31日 09:17:29 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | #3: Goomba Foot Loaf, the last thing you want in your bread is shark feet, but as it turns out, that might just be what you get | |||
361 | 10月31日 09:17:31 |
SpatialAeon | Oh lol, yeah im watching I guess I just missed it lmao. Pekora is overwhelming her a bit | |||
362 | 10月31日 09:17:45 |
Rekkuza | Things are okay. | |||
363 | 10月31日 09:17:57 |
Kipa12312 | lmao That's understandable, Aeon | |||
364 | 10月31日 09:20:06 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | ||||
365 | 10月31日 09:20:10 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | ||||
366 | 10月31日 09:20:31 |
SpatialAeon | ...LOOK THE SHARK SAID IT, NOT ME | |||
367 | 10月31日 09:20:37 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
368 | 10月31日 09:20:46 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Oh yeah I said it on twitter but if I see any of you making "rock hard" jokes about Medusaronii I am gonna skin you alive |
369 | 10月31日 09:21:08 |
Rekkuza | Hm. | |||
370 | 10月31日 09:21:22 |
Kipa12312 | Medusaronii makes me incredibly. . . | |||
371 | 10月31日 09:21:29 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Don't you "hm" me, young man! | |||
372 | 10月31日 09:21:50 |
Rekkuza | Well I haven't seen the art, first off. | |||
373 | 10月31日 09:21:59 |
Kipa12312 | sadge |
374 | 10月31日 09:22:24 |
SpatialAeon | Whats this about Medusaronii? Ive been kinda out of the loop over the past few days | |||
375 | 10月31日 09:22:30 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Is is speculation on her halloween vr model |
376 | 10月31日 09:22:30 |
AgentofShield11 | What da kronies doin | |||
377 | 10月31日 09:22:30 |
Rekkuza | Second, that's quite the assumption to have for me. | |||
378 | 10月31日 09:22:38 |
Rekkuza | Third, I'm... not exactly in that mood. | |||
379 | 10月31日 09:22:43 |
Mellow | what is gura supposed to be cooking |
380 | 10月31日 09:22:54 |
Kipa12312 | Boogers |
381 | 10月31日 09:22:55 |
SpatialAeon | Ah, I see | |||
382 | 10月31日 09:23:05 |
Kipa12312 | she makin da shork goop | |||
383 | 10月31日 09:23:13 |
Kipa12312 | fishy slime | |||
384 | 10月31日 09:23:26 |
Kipa12312 | crustacean crud | |||
385 | 10月31日 09:23:51 |
SpatialAeon | And...um, well I dont really know what to say or anything, but...hrm...sorry about your grandfather, Rekkuza | |||
386 | 10月31日 09:24:27 |
Rekkuza | Yeah... Although, sorry for bringing that up here to begin with. | |||
387 | 10月31日 09:24:27 |
Kipa12312 | oh dang |
388 | 10月31日 09:24:38 |
AgentofShield11 | That escalated rather quickly... | |||
389 | 10月31日 09:24:42 |
Kipa12312 | Sorry, to hear |
390 | 10月31日 09:24:45 |
Rekkuza | Yeah it did. | |||
391 | 10月31日 09:24:51 |
Rekkuza | I'll drop it here. | |||
392 | 10月31日 09:24:51 |
AgentofShield11 | My condolences | |||
393 | 10月31日 09:24:55 |
Kipa12312 | It's alright, Rekkuza |
394 | 10月31日 09:24:56 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | oh snap, heya Agnet | |||
395 | 10月31日 09:25:04 |
Kipa12312 | AGENT |
396 | 10月31日 09:25:09 |
Rekkuza | And yeah, hello there, Agent. | |||
397 | 10月31日 09:25:11 |
Kipa12312 | brb | |||
398 | 10月31日 09:28:03 |
Greed | she's in guras chat | |||
399 | 10月31日 09:28:07 |
Greed | ||||
400 | 10月31日 09:28:59 |
AgentofShield11 | Well i suppose there’s the reason gura’s part of SNOT | |||
401 | 10月31日 09:29:20 |
SpatialAeon | Like this actually looks gross LMAO | |||
402 | 10月31日 09:29:25 |
SpatialAeon | Like...what the hell | |||
403 | 10月31日 09:30:48 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
404 | 10月31日 09:31:01 |
Kipa12312 | what she say? | |||
405 | 10月31日 09:31:03 |
SpatialAeon | Greetings, Yubi | |||
406 | 10月31日 09:31:20 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | eat it coward. | |||
407 | 10月31日 09:31:22 |
SpatialAeon | I missed it, so idk | |||
408 | 10月31日 09:31:28 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | I'll try it if you do first | |||
409 | 10月31日 09:31:28 |
SpatialAeon | Oh lol | |||
410 | 10月31日 09:31:29 |
Kipa12312 | lol "Eat it Coward" | |||
411 | 10月31日 09:31:34 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
412 | 10月31日 09:31:36 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | thats what she said | |||
413 | 10月31日 09:31:52 |
Kipa12312 | thanks, Yubi | |||
414 | 10月31日 09:32:00 |
Kipa12312 | I checked holodex also |
415 | 10月31日 09:32:03 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
416 | 10月31日 09:32:09 |
SpatialAeon | Unrelated note, I made nachos | |||
417 | 10月31日 09:32:10 |
Kipa12312 | I forget it shows | |||
418 | 10月31日 09:32:26 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
419 | 10月31日 09:32:59 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | nice | |||
420 | 10月31日 09:33:22 |
AgentofShield11 | Did you steal them? Cause then they’d be not-chos |
421 | 10月31日 09:33:44 |
Kipa12312 | who of EN would be the Glizzy Gobbler Champ? | |||
422 | 10月31日 09:34:02 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
423 | 10月31日 09:34:14 |
SpatialAeon | Uhmm....Hrm... | |||
424 | 10月31日 09:34:19 |
SpatialAeon | Who would be? | |||
425 | 10月31日 09:34:25 |
birbybrib | Calli i would assume | |||
426 | 10月31日 09:34:28 |
SpatialAeon | I honestly dont know | |||
427 | 10月31日 09:34:38 |
Kipa12312 | Gura is shark tho so she could have competition | |||
428 | 10月31日 09:34:41 |
Kipa12312 | lmao Birby | |||
429 | 10月31日 09:34:57 |
Kipa12312 | Calli is true American, she'd probably would be | |||
430 | 10月31日 09:36:05 |
birbybrib | yeah thats what i was thinking | |||
431 | 10月31日 09:36:13 |
birbybrib | good minds think alike | |||
432 | 10月31日 09:36:26 |
Kipa12312 | lmao da fingies | |||
433 | 10月31日 09:37:00 |
Kipa12312 | my fingies aren't symmetrical |
434 | 10月31日 09:37:38 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Glizzy Gobbler......... | |||
435 | 10月31日 09:37:59 |
Kipa12312 | You could gobble with the best of them, Misery |
436 | 10月31日 09:38:20 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | No.... I think hiveminds are disqualified |
437 | 10月31日 09:39:43 |
Kipa12312 | but one single Misery? You could be the Glizzy Gobbler World Champ if you applied yourself |
438 | 10月31日 09:40:05 |
SpatialAeon | Id like to think that I would be a more efficient gobbler than a single insect | |||
439 | 10月31日 09:40:20 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | But what about a single amoeba? | |||
440 | 10月31日 09:40:23 |
SpatialAeon | However, I feel as though I would surely be disqualified | |||
441 | 10月31日 09:40:38 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | *absorbs your glizzies bevore you can eat them* | |||
442 | 10月31日 09:41:17 |
Kipa12312 | Now we are getting onto whether the amount of glizzy gobbled is proportionate to body weight and size or just the amount of glizzy consumed | |||
443 | 10月31日 09:41:48 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | If I emergency mitosis in the middle of the contest does both still count as the contestant that entered? | |||
444 | 10月31日 09:41:57 |
SpatialAeon | ...If i eat the amoeba that ate the glizzies, does that count as eating the glizzies? | |||
445 | 10月31日 09:42:06 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | ||||
446 | 10月31日 09:42:22 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
447 | 10月31日 09:42:48 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | "glizzy gobbling gontest gone gwrong (gone geggsual)" | |||
448 | 10月31日 09:43:10 |
Kipa12312 | gomeone got gregenante | |||
449 | 10月31日 09:43:15 |
Kipa12312 | 🫃 | |||
450 | 10月31日 09:43:25 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
451 | 10月31日 09:47:53 |
SpatialAeon | The coffee... | |||
452 | 10月31日 09:47:55 |
SpatialAeon | It calls to me... | |||
453 | 10月31日 09:47:59 |
SpatialAeon | I shall return | |||
454 | 10月31日 09:48:01 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
455 | 10月31日 09:48:04 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | ||||
456 | 10月31日 09:48:09 |
Kipa12312 | don't die, Aeon | |||
457 | 10月31日 09:48:10 |
AgentofShield11 | Shark having a sausage party with her chat |
458 | 10月31日 09:48:11 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
459 | 10月31日 09:49:01 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | ||||
460 | 10月31日 09:49:22 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
461 | 10月31日 09:52:06 |
Mellow | I just discovered theater mode in holodex |
462 | 10月31日 09:54:04 |
SpatialAeon | i only ever use holodex for the multiview tbh | |||
463 | 10月31日 09:54:04 |
Kipa12312 | oh yeah that is useful to know about | |||
464 | 10月31日 09:54:21 |
Kipa12312 | I only use to see Kronii chats | |||
465 | 10月31日 09:54:47 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Dedicated kronie | |||
466 | 10月31日 09:54:47 |
SpatialAeon | You mean hololyzer kipa? | |||
467 | 10月31日 09:55:28 |
SpatialAeon | The shark almost offed herself | |||
468 | 10月31日 09:55:31 |
SpatialAeon | Oh my goodness | |||
469 | 10月31日 09:56:06 |
SpatialAeon | Okay so no one should EVER trust the shark with a knife LMAO | |||
470 | 10月31日 09:59:49 |
Kipa12312 | what did she do, Aeon? | |||
471 | 10月31日 10:00:22 |
SpatialAeon | She dropped a knife, then I assume panicked in an attempt to avoid the knife, dropped a dish or something and it shattered all over the floor by her feet | |||
472 | 10月31日 10:00:35 |
Kipa12312 | also no, I meant dex to just see what Kronii said in a stream chat easily | |||
473 | 10月31日 10:00:52 |
SpatialAeon | Oh holodex does that? I did not know, huh | |||
474 | 10月31日 10:00:55 |
Kipa12312 | whelp, vod time |
475 | 10月31日 10:01:25 |
Kipa12312 | yeah, It's some little button I forget which tho | |||
476 | 10月31日 10:11:51 |
A Wicked One | What's a kronie's favorite herb? | |||
477 | 10月31日 10:12:26 |
Kipa12312 | da dank type | |||
478 | 10月31日 10:12:28 |
A Wicked One | Thyme | |||
479 | 10月31日 10:12:31 |
Kipa12312 | oregon oh | |||
480 | 10月31日 10:12:40 |
SpatialAeon | LMAO Kipa | |||
481 | 10月31日 10:13:09 |
Kipa12312 | I still can't forgive her for pronouncing oregano as "ore-uh-gawn-oh" | |||
482 | 10月31日 10:14:57 |
SpatialAeon | ...does...does she really? Not 'o-re-ga-no'? | |||
483 | 10月31日 10:15:30 |
Kipa12312 | she said it recently | |||
484 | 10月31日 10:15:39 |
Kipa12312 | idk if it was the watchalong | |||
485 | 10月31日 10:15:49 |
A Wicked One | There must not be many Italians in the great north | |||
486 | 10月31日 10:15:49 |
Kipa12312 | I just remember her saying it, and me cringing | |||
487 | 10月31日 10:16:33 |
SpatialAeon | Ah, I missed a few streams with her in it, so it could have been any one of those if it was recently | |||
488 | 10月31日 10:16:41 |
Kipa12312 | not many I'd guess | |||
489 | 10月31日 10:16:50 |
Kipa12312 | I really don't remember | |||
490 | 10月31日 10:17:00 |
Kipa12312 | Oh it could have been the SNOT food review | |||
491 | 10月31日 10:17:23 |
SpatialAeon | Yeah that seems like it would be appropriate, and I havent seen SNOT collab either | |||
492 | 10月31日 10:17:26 |
Kipa12312 | that would make sense more than the shining, except for the food storage scenes | |||
493 | 10月31日 10:17:32 |
A Wicked One | I missed that one, I would imagine mumei would correct her there | |||
494 | 10月31日 10:17:41 |
Kipa12312 | timestamp it and let me know | |||
495 | 10月31日 10:17:46 |
Kipa12312 | lol | |||
496 | 10月31日 10:18:03 |
Kipa12312 | I need to find some way in which she isn't perfect woman | |||
497 | 10月31日 10:18:04 |
dabombishere123 | Does someone know what the bloody hell Gura made? | |||
498 | 10月31日 10:18:12 |
dabombishere123 | Also hello everyone |
499 | 10月31日 10:18:14 |
SpatialAeon | Nope no idea LMAO | |||
500 | 10月31日 10:18:16 |
SpatialAeon | Hey bombom! | |||
501 | 10月31日 10:18:22 |
Kipa12312 | I think it's meant to be worms and dirt | |||
502 | 10月31日 10:18:26 |
Kipa12312 | BOMB |
503 | 10月31日 10:18:30 |
AgentofShield11 | Sup dabomb |
504 | 10月31日 10:18:40 |
SpatialAeon | The first thing was supposed to be boogers, the second was bloody fingers, and yeah I assume this is worms | |||
505 | 10月31日 10:18:48 |
Kipa12312 | Worms are some kind of gelatinous whip cream, and oreo crumbles maybe for dirt? | |||
506 | 10月31日 10:19:00 |
Kipa12312 | Strawberry Jello?! | |||
507 | 10月31日 10:19:02 |
A Wicked One | ||||
508 | 10月31日 10:19:42 |
dabombishere123 | Aeon |
509 | 10月31日 10:19:44 |
Kipa12312 | how do you make Jello that color? | |||
510 | 10月31日 10:20:02 |
Random Clipper | ||||
511 | 10月31日 10:20:04 |
dabombishere123 | Food coloring? | |||
512 | 10月31日 10:20:15 |
SpatialAeon | Ye I assume food coloring or smth | |||
513 | 10月31日 10:20:20 |
A Wicked One | Gura's stream reminds me of a toy I had growing up. It was like a mad scientist lab where you would make creepy food. The refills were expensive so we only made the stuff once. | |||
514 | 10月31日 10:20:26 |
Kipa12312 | but it looks putrid | |||
515 | 10月31日 10:20:39 |
Kipa12312 | OH SAME, Wicked | |||
516 | 10月31日 10:20:45 |
SpatialAeon | I mean, you can mix colors to get that result | |||
517 | 10月31日 10:20:52 |
Kipa12312 | I remember mine made worms and bugs and stuff | |||
518 | 10月31日 10:21:13 |
A Wicked One | Yeah worms were the main thing | |||
519 | 10月31日 10:23:02 |
Kipa12312 | Where's Misery when you need them? | |||
520 | 10月31日 10:23:36 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Getting tilted at Arknights | |||
521 | 10月31日 10:23:46 |
Kipa12312 | ouf | |||
522 | 10月31日 10:23:57 |
Kipa12312 | Gura made a worm hive | |||
523 | 10月31日 10:24:06 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | ||||
524 | 10月31日 10:24:08 |
Kipa12312 | just thought you'd like to know you may have competition | |||
525 | 10月31日 10:24:14 |
Random Clipper | ||||
526 | 10月31日 10:24:17 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Wow, okay | |||
527 | 10月31日 10:24:23 |
Kipa12312 | RC |
528 | 10月31日 10:24:39 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Apparently Kipa thinks I can be rivaled by some shark's worms |
529 | 10月31日 10:24:45 |
Kipa12312 | I don't think they'l be around for long tho, She's gonna eat them | |||
530 | 10月31日 10:24:49 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
531 | 10月31日 10:25:45 |
Kipa12312 | Yo, Gura mentioned the candy kit! |
532 | 10月31日 10:27:04 |
Random Clipper | ||||
533 | 10月31日 10:27:14 |
SpatialAeon | Oh hey RC! | |||
534 | 10月31日 10:28:46 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Hell yeah, the professional breeder saving my ass yet again | |||
535 | 10月31日 10:29:26 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
536 | 10月31日 10:29:37 |
Kipa12312 | bruh wot? | |||
537 | 10月31日 10:29:58 |
SpatialAeon | So is this Arknights anime you mentioned, does it only have one episode right now? | |||
538 | 10月31日 10:30:07 |
dabombishere123 | RC |
539 | 10月31日 10:30:08 |
SpatialAeon | Arknights: Prelude to Dawn? | |||
540 | 10月31日 10:30:14 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Yeah, next episode probably on friday | |||
541 | 10月31日 10:30:22 |
SpatialAeon | Ah okay, cool | |||
542 | 10月31日 10:30:30 |
dabombishere123 | I thought tonight’s collab was all EN, but Gura said she you guys tomorrow? | |||
543 | 10月31日 10:30:57 |
dabombishere123 | *see | |||
544 | 10月31日 10:31:02 |
SpatialAeon | She may have been talking to the shrimps/chum-whatever-they-are specifically | |||
545 | 10月31日 10:31:13 |
SpatialAeon | Like, on her channel | |||
546 | 10月31日 10:31:27 |
dabombishere123 | Oh, ok |
547 | 10月31日 10:32:25 |
Mellow | i think its full concil + ame and calli | |||
548 | 10月31日 10:32:54 |
SpatialAeon | Yeah I mean, I dont know for sure. Ina is on break, Irys is on break, so Gura could also not be attending for some reason | |||
549 | 10月31日 10:33:11 |
SpatialAeon | I dont know about Kiara, but pretty sure its late for her | |||
550 | 10月31日 10:33:49 |
SpatialAeon | And now that I think about it, I havent heard anyone say that the collab would be full en | |||
551 | 10月31日 10:34:47 |
SpatialAeon | DEZ DIED NO | |||
552 | 10月31日 10:35:10 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Probs was just assumes since it is labeled as "holoen" | |||
553 | 10月31日 10:35:43 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
554 | 10月31日 10:36:03 |
dabombishere123 | Rip Deez | |||
555 | 10月31日 10:36:04 |
SpatialAeon | Axel is also infected lmao | |||
556 | 10月31日 10:37:19 |
dabombishere123 | RIPBOZO | |||
557 | 10月31日 10:38:29 |
Random Clipper | o7 | |||
558 | 10月31日 10:49:52 |
Random Clipper | LMAO AXEL | |||
559 | 10月31日 10:55:04 |
Kipa12312 | what da dog boi do? | |||
560 | 10月31日 10:55:20 |
SpatialAeon | Uh he was shot to death by altare | |||
561 | 10月31日 10:55:28 |
SpatialAeon | And took like a bazillion bullets, then ended his tream | |||
562 | 10月31日 10:55:31 |
SpatialAeon | stream* | |||
563 | 10月31日 10:55:33 |
Kipa12312 | LMAO |
564 | 10月31日 10:56:01 |
SpatialAeon | Now Altare is gettin hyped up by chat to go on a zombie-slaying rampage in the name of his fallen brothers | |||
565 | 10月31日 10:57:09 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
566 | 10月31日 10:57:39 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | "a visit to a strange place will give you renewed perspective" yes it has giving me the renewed perspective that the other place has better fried rice | |||
567 | 10月31日 10:58:29 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
568 | 10月31日 10:58:37 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | ||||
569 | 10月31日 10:58:46 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Good god you poor thing | |||
570 | 10月31日 10:58:58 |
SpatialAeon | I have no idea what that means | |||
571 | 10月31日 10:59:01 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
572 | 10月31日 10:59:01 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
573 | 10月31日 10:59:09 |
Kipa12312 | he got ifunnied |
574 | 10月31日 10:59:55 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
575 | 10月31日 11:03:36 |
Andy Jo | Up comes Calli | |||
576 | 10月31日 11:04:04 |
Andy Jo | Up comes Calli's Holloween stream. Wonder if they'll link up, or stand alone... | |||
577 | 10月31日 11:08:14 |
Random Clipper | LMAO ALTARE | |||
578 | 10月31日 11:08:16 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Is she called that because she is from California? | |||
579 | 10月31日 11:08:21 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
580 | 10月31日 11:08:23 |
Kipa12312 | lol | |||
581 | 10月31日 11:08:31 |
Andy Jo | Calli a Texan. | |||
582 | 10月31日 11:08:31 |
Random Clipper | NO BITE | |||
583 | 10月31日 11:08:41 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Tear off their lips, Yubi | |||
584 | 10月31日 11:09:27 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
585 | 10月31日 11:09:40 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | ||||
586 | 10月31日 11:11:21 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
587 | 10月31日 11:11:51 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Slaplings slap!! :_slap:!! | |||
588 | 10月31日 11:11:56 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | ...and hug I guess | |||
589 | 10月31日 11:12:08 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
590 | 10月31日 11:12:14 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | ||||
591 | 10月31日 11:12:41 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | Saplings help build each other's pain tolerance so we can conquer easier |
592 | 10月31日 11:13:02 |
Kipa12312 | Ina likes whiteclaws |
593 | 10月31日 11:13:56 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
594 | 10月31日 11:16:18 |
SpatialAeon | Okay is it just me or is calli really quiet? | |||
595 | 10月31日 11:18:47 |
SpatialAeon | Annnnd Altare down | |||
596 | 10月31日 11:18:49 |
Random Clipper | Altare o7 | |||
597 | 10月31日 11:18:52 |
SpatialAeon | Tempus dead | |||
598 | 10月31日 11:18:52 |
Greed | Only 2 povs |
599 | 10月31日 11:18:53 |
SpatialAeon | F | |||
600 | 10月31日 11:18:58 |
Random Clipper | DAMN 660 zombies | |||
601 | 10月31日 11:19:14 |
SpatialAeon | They told us there would only be two, Ame is camera mode, Mumei is first person | |||
602 | 10月31日 11:19:23 |
SpatialAeon | Also Greedings! | |||
603 | 10月31日 11:19:47 |
Kipa12312 | Cam Ame |
604 | 10月31日 11:19:50 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
605 | 10月31日 11:19:55 |
Kipa12312 | Ame in general |
606 | 10月31日 11:22:25 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | General Ame??? |
607 | 10月31日 11:22:36 |
SpatialAeon | General Ame |
608 | 10月31日 11:22:40 |
SpatialAeon | Calli's thicc legs... | |||
609 | 10月31日 11:22:58 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | oh I just realized what day it is | |||
610 | 10月31日 11:23:12 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | nvm I cannot stay up for this enjoy the stream gnite kronies | |||
611 | 10月31日 11:23:15 |
🌿MiseryMisume🪐 | ||||
612 | 10月31日 11:23:25 |
SpatialAeon | Ah okay, GN Misery! Take care! | |||
613 | 10月31日 11:23:30 |
Rekkuza | Gnite Misery. | |||
614 | 10月31日 11:23:44 |
Rekkuza | I guess sunday's be like that for most. | |||
615 | 10月31日 11:24:07 |
SpatialAeon | Yeah, it does make sense. Technically, I really shouldnt be staying up this late anyways | |||
616 | 10月31日 11:24:07 |
Random Clipper | Misery |
617 | 10月31日 11:24:14 |
SpatialAeon | But screw sleep, who needs it? lmao | |||
618 | 10月31日 11:24:25 |
Rekkuza | You do. | |||
619 | 10月31日 11:24:27 |
SpatialAeon | Also I do this every sunday anyways lol | |||
620 | 10月31日 11:24:59 |
Rekkuza | Well it depends on when you have to wake up anyway. | |||
621 | 10月31日 11:25:07 |
Random Clipper | So, who's in the halloween collab abyway | |||
622 | 10月31日 11:25:12 |
SpatialAeon | Wait I....did....hrm.... | |||
623 | 10月31日 11:25:22 |
Random Clipper | CouncilRyS and which myth members? | |||
624 | 10月31日 11:25:42 |
SpatialAeon | I think I slept today? Huh... | |||
625 | 10月31日 11:25:47 |
SpatialAeon | And uh we dont know, RC | |||
626 | 10月31日 11:25:51 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
627 | 10月31日 11:26:24 |
Random Clipper | I mean, based on mumei's thumbnail, I'm trying to guess | |||
628 | 10月31日 11:26:46 |
SpatialAeon | Oh I havent really looked at the thumbnail | |||
629 | 10月31日 11:27:44 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
630 | 10月31日 11:27:57 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
631 | 10月31日 11:28:59 |
Random Clipper | So ina is taking a rest, kiara probably asleep, and calli can't stay for long | |||
632 | 10月31日 11:29:20 |
SpatialAeon | Ye, most likely | |||
633 | 10月31日 11:29:29 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
634 | 10月31日 11:29:33 |
Random Clipper | Gura ain't joining? | |||
635 | 10月31日 11:29:40 |
SpatialAeon | Calli said she cant stay for long because Ame told her it would interfere with something (or something along those lines) | |||
636 | 10月31日 11:29:49 |
SpatialAeon | Well, I suppose not, no | |||
637 | 10月31日 11:30:10 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
638 | 10月31日 11:30:12 |
Mellow | weekly reminder to watch witch from mercury | |||
639 | 10月31日 11:30:21 |
SpatialAeon | You dont like the shark, Yubi? | |||
640 | 10月31日 11:30:30 |
SpatialAeon | Also thanks Mellow! And hellow Mellow! | |||
641 | 10月31日 11:30:33 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
642 | 10月31日 11:30:40 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
643 | 10月31日 11:30:48 |
Rekkuza | I'm pretty sure Yubi has made that pretty clear in the past. | |||
644 | 10月31日 11:30:53 |
Mellow | Hi Spatial! |
645 | 10月31日 11:31:06 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
646 | 10月31日 11:31:11 |
SpatialAeon | Look, my memory aint great |
647 | 10月31日 11:31:23 |
SpatialAeon | I can barely remember anything from last week | |||
648 | 10月31日 11:31:31 |
Rekkuza | Hello there, Yubi, Mellow, RC btw. | |||
649 | 10月31日 11:31:38 |
Random Clipper | Rekkuza |
650 | 10月31日 11:31:42 |
Rekkuza | My memory is fickle. | |||
651 | 10月31日 11:32:00 |
Random Clipper | I thought yubi doesn't hate gura, he just wants to yeet her :kroth | |||
652 | 10月31日 11:32:12 |
SpatialAeon | kroth | |||
653 | 10月31日 11:32:29 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
654 | 10月31日 11:33:15 |
Mellow | Rekkuza! |
655 | 10月31日 11:34:48 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Hey guys |
656 | 10月31日 11:34:55 |
SpatialAeon | Hey Boros! | |||
657 | 10月31日 11:34:57 |
Rekkuza | Hello there, BiS | |||
658 | 10月31日 11:35:01 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
659 | 10月31日 11:35:08 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
660 | 10月31日 11:35:36 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Hey Rekkuza |
661 | 10月31日 11:35:44 |
SpatialAeon | Indeed, another has been summoned | |||
662 | 10月31日 11:35:56 |
Random Clipper | BiS |
663 | 10月31日 11:36:33 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | RC |
664 | 10月31日 11:37:03 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | I think the Kronii shadow looks kinda like Medusa, this might be pretty cute |
665 | 10月31日 11:37:41 |
666 | 10月31日 11:37:48 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | they might have halloween costume models? | |||
667 | 10月31日 11:38:09 |
SpatialAeon | Hello, Emperor | |||
668 | 10月31日 11:38:15 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | ||||
669 | 10月31日 11:38:16 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
670 | 10月31日 11:38:27 |
Rekkuza | Hello there, Emperor | |||
671 | 10月31日 11:38:28 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Yeah dad, looks like new models to me |
672 | 10月31日 11:38:37 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | ||||
673 | 10月31日 11:38:37 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
674 | 10月31日 11:38:41 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Lamiaronii |
675 | 10月31日 11:38:58 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
676 | 10月31日 11:39:01 |
Carhillion | Gorgonronii |
677 | 10月31日 11:39:10 |
SpatialAeon | 'ello Car! | |||
678 | 10月31日 11:39:24 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | huh... so... i got gifted with a membership on mum channel nice i guess | |||
679 | 10月31日 11:39:33 |
SpatialAeon | Wait I gotta finish somethin before the stream starts, i be back | |||
680 | 10月31日 11:39:43 |
Rekkuza | Hello there, Car | |||
681 | 10月31日 11:40:05 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | The hoomans are nice, but I prefer Kronie prechat |
682 | 10月31日 11:42:01 |
Random Clipper | Snakeronii |
683 | 10月31日 11:42:03 |
Random Clipper | Car |
684 | 10月31日 11:42:56 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | The hoomans love me... | |||
685 | 10月31日 11:44:46 |
AgentofShield11 | Snoopin around in mumei’s prechat? | |||
686 | 10月31日 11:44:59 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | I feel like the humans are a lot like th Kronies | |||
687 | 10月31日 11:45:04 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Kronii is just mean to us | |||
688 | 10月31日 11:45:55 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
689 | 10月31日 11:45:59 |
SpatialAeon | AHAHAHAHA | |||
690 | 10月31日 11:46:04 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | i got gifted with a membership so gonna use it i gues | |||
691 | 10月31日 11:46:30 |
AgentofShield11 | Is it only ame and mumei pov? | |||
692 | 10月31日 11:46:35 |
SpatialAeon | Ye | |||
693 | 10月31日 11:46:45 |
SpatialAeon | Ame - Cameraman, Owl - First person view | |||
694 | 10月31日 11:47:24 |
Kipa12312 | Owl - First Person Kronii view | |||
695 | 10月31日 11:47:56 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Kronmei POV |
696 | 10月31日 11:48:24 |
Random Clipper | Owl - POV: You're dating Kronii |
697 | 10月31日 11:48:32 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
698 | 10月31日 11:48:44 |
SpatialAeon | Oh Ame stream delayed by 15 mins | |||
699 | 10月31日 11:48:52 |
AgentofShield11 | Then I’ll be off to the latter’s pov. If I don’t report back here, I probably went to sleep, so good night in advance |
700 | 10月31日 11:49:03 |
Random Clipper | Agent |
701 | 10月31日 11:49:07 |
Rekkuza | Alrighty | |||
702 | 10月31日 11:49:08 |
SpatialAeon | Okay, farewell in our advance Agent! | |||
703 | 10月31日 11:49:35 |
Kipa12312 | good night, and enjoy the stream, Agent | |||
704 | 10月31日 11:49:39 |
AgentofShield11 | Aaaaaand there’s the retweet | |||
705 | 10月31日 11:50:48 |
Carhillion | noice | |||
706 | 10月31日 11:51:00 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
707 | 10月31日 11:51:38 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Kronii really likes the retweet button |
708 | 10月31日 11:51:40 |
Carhillion | Gnia agent = w=)/ | |||
709 | 10月31日 11:54:46 |
Greed | ||||
710 | 10月31日 11:56:37 |
Random Clipper | ||||
711 | 10月31日 11:56:44 |
Random Clipper | Time to wake up rewind |
712 | 10月31日 11:57:19 |
Kurozora | Gonna be vod gang tonight but just wanted to say hi and hope y’all enjoy tonight’s festivities. | |||
713 | 10月31日 11:58:00 |
SpatialAeon | Aight, take care Kuro! Good luck with whatever ya got goin on! | |||
714 | 10月31日 11:58:04 |
Rekkuza | Oh. Hope things are well for ya, Kuro. | |||
715 | 10月31日 11:58:07 |
Rekkuza | And take care. | |||
716 | 10月31日 11:59:11 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Alright, Yubi is cancelled, he said our prechat is cringe |
717 | 10月31日 11:59:38 |
Rekkuza | Hm. | |||
718 | 10月31日 11:59:42 |
Rewind44 | ||||
719 | 10月31日 11:59:43 |
Kurozora | Things be okay with me haha, but thanks. I be at a wedding rn. | |||
720 | 10月31日 11:59:44 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
721 | 10月31日 11:59:53 |
SpatialAeon | Oh have fun at the wedding! | |||
722 | 10月31日 11:59:57 |
Rekkuza | I mean, if that was the case, he's 90% the reason why prechat is the way it is. | |||
723 | 10月31日 12:00:02 |
SpatialAeon | And welcome back Rewind! | |||
724 | 10月31日 12:00:02 |
Rekkuza | And hello there, Rewind. | |||
725 | 10月31日 12:00:14 |
Kurozora | But yeah take care everyone haha. Also, at least we are free | |||
726 | 10月31日 12:00:24 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Fr fr |
727 | 10月31日 12:00:28 |
SpatialAeon | Yeah its not like hes one of the most influential kronies or anything, no, not at all lmao | |||
728 | 10月31日 12:00:33 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
729 | 10月31日 12:00:40 |
SpatialAeon | Oh there it is lmao | |||
730 | 10月31日 12:00:50 |
Random Clipper | Kuro |
731 | 10月31日 12:00:54 |
Random Clipper | Rewind |
732 | 10月31日 12:00:59 |
Rekkuza | Well at least you know that yourself. | |||
733 | 10月31日 12:01:26 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
734 | 10月31日 12:02:40 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Ngl we're al a little cringe, and that's pretty based |
735 | 10月31日 12:04:14 |
Kipa12312 | Everyone is Cringe | |||
736 | 10月31日 12:04:20 |
Kipa12312 | Especially Kronii |
737 | 10月31日 12:04:25 |
Random Clipper | waiting room at calli |
738 | 10月31日 12:04:43 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
739 | 10月31日 12:04:48 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
740 | 10月31日 12:05:01 |
Kipa12312 | calli lil skrillington | |||
741 | 10月31日 12:06:01 |
Random Clipper | ||||
742 | 10月31日 12:06:28 |
Kipa12312 | Calli's Skrilly thighs | |||
743 | 10月31日 12:06:59 |
744 | 10月31日 12:07:01 |
Random Clipper | Kronii |
745 | 10月31日 12:07:05 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
746 | 10月31日 12:07:08 |
桂木 Heiwa | Vod gang (/。\) | |||
747 | 10月31日 12:07:17 |
SpatialAeon | Hei Heiwa! | |||
748 | 10月31日 12:07:39 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Heiwa |
749 | 10月31日 12:07:49 |
Rekkuza | Hello there, Heiwa | |||
750 | 10月31日 12:08:07 |
Rekkuza | Well at least depending on your timezone, you'll actually watch it on halloween. | |||
751 | 10月31日 12:08:21 |
SpatialAeon | Ame Stream Delay +5 mins | |||
752 | 10月31日 12:08:41 |
Random Clipper | ||||
753 | 10月31日 12:08:57 |
Random Clipper | ||||
754 | 10月31日 12:09:00 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
755 | 10月31日 12:09:07 |
Kipa12312 | Sweet but faqqed up | |||
756 | 10月31日 12:09:19 |
Rewind44 | ||||
757 | 10月31日 12:09:47 |
SpatialAeon | Thats Rei, isnt it? |
758 | 10月31日 12:10:25 |
Random Clipper | ||||
759 | 10月31日 12:10:35 |
Lambo | Rei |
760 | 10月31日 12:10:54 |
Random Clipper | Kronii eyebrow merch :krostare: | |||
761 | 10月31日 12:11:49 |
SpatialAeon | Irys... | |||
762 | 10月31日 12:11:50 |
Random Clipper | IRyS |
763 | 10月31日 12:12:00 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Oh wait was Calli's stream also part of the halloween stuff? |
764 | 10月31日 12:12:15 |
SpatialAeon | Not really, but now she is in vc with the others while waiting | |||
765 | 10月31日 12:12:15 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | I had no clue |
766 | 10月31日 12:12:20 |
SpatialAeon | You can still join and hear this | |||
767 | 10月31日 12:13:01 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Yeah thats what I'm doing now |
768 | 10月31日 12:13:42 |
Random Clipper | I see that Calli learnt from magni, and decided to turn Kronii down by 75% in case she screams |
769 | 10月31日 12:13:51 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
770 | 10月31日 12:13:56 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
771 | 10月31日 12:14:04 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Fr she's so quiet | |||
772 | 10月31日 12:14:15 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
773 | 10月31日 12:14:52 |
Rekkuza | UGH | |||
774 | 10月31日 12:15:04 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Kronii noooooo | |||
775 | 10月31日 12:15:06 |
Pedro 50 | ||||
776 | 10月31日 12:15:10 |
Random Clipper | ||||
777 | 10月31日 12:15:17 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
778 | 10月31日 12:15:17 |
Sabas | ||||
779 | 10月31日 12:15:23 |
Kipa12312 | I think I'm gonna catch the vod for this | |||
780 | 10月31日 12:15:28 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
781 | 10月31日 12:15:35 |
SpatialAeon | Hey Sabas! | |||
782 | 10月31日 12:15:38 |
Rewind44 | ||||
783 | 10月31日 12:15:39 |
SpatialAeon | And Kipa |
784 | 10月31日 12:15:47 |
Rekkuza | Jeez. | |||
785 | 10月31日 12:15:48 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Sabas and Kipa |
786 | 10月31日 12:15:56 |
Rekkuza | And hello there, Sabas and Kipa. | |||
787 | 10月31日 12:16:18 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
788 | 10月31日 12:16:20 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Kronii please no pimple asmr |
789 | 10月31日 12:16:59 |
Kipa12312 | yes please pimple asmr | |||
790 | 10月31日 12:17:14 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
791 | 10月31日 12:17:54 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
792 | 10月31日 12:18:15 |
Random Clipper | Seafoamboy: you will enjoy them, some of my finest work | |||
793 | 10月31日 12:18:38 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
794 | 10月31日 12:19:19 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | it took you 5 minutes of hooman membership to forsake us |
795 | 10月31日 12:19:48 |
Random Clipper | Come on, hit me with hooman memba again |
796 | 10月31日 12:19:52 |
Random Clipper | ||||
797 | 10月31日 12:20:36 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | FEET | |||
798 | 10月31日 12:20:38 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | why are they talking about feet again |
799 | 10月31日 12:20:55 |
SpatialAeon | WHAT CALLI LMAO | |||
800 | 10月31日 12:21:10 |
Rewind44 | ||||
801 | 10月31日 12:21:41 |
Lambo | ||||
802 | 10月31日 12:21:49 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
803 | 10月31日 12:21:56 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
804 | 10月31日 12:22:14 |
Random Clipper | ||||
805 | 10月31日 12:22:54 |
Rewind44 | ||||
806 | 10月31日 12:22:54 |
Greed | ||||
807 | 10月31日 12:23:03 |
Random Clipper | Clock |
808 | 10月31日 12:23:05 |
Random Clipper | Kronii |
809 | 10月31日 12:23:07 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
810 | 10月31日 12:23:12 |
Greed | kronii |
811 | 10月31日 12:23:25 |
Pedro 50 | ||||
812 | 10月31日 12:23:37 |
Lambo | BIG BIG CHUNGUS | |||
813 | 10月31日 12:23:37 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
814 | 10月31日 12:23:52 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
815 | 10月31日 12:24:30 |
Rewind44 | LMAO | |||
816 | 10月31日 12:25:34 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Almost time for Medusaroniii |
817 | 10月31日 12:25:55 |
Random Clipper | Spooder and christmas |
818 | 10月31日 12:26:04 |
Rewind44 | Spiderbae spiderbae, does whatever a spiderbae does | |||
819 | 10月31日 12:26:08 |
Random Clipper | Nun IryS |
820 | 10月31日 12:26:14 |
Random Clipper | NunRyS is reaaaaal | |||
821 | 10月31日 12:26:19 |
Lambo | Nunirys |
822 | 10月31日 12:26:19 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
823 | 10月31日 12:26:29 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Lmao Calli spoliers |
824 | 10月31日 12:26:36 |
Rewind44 | ||||
825 | 10月31日 12:26:49 |
Greed | spoiled |
826 | 10月31日 12:26:49 |
Random Clipper | Calli |
827 | 10月31日 12:26:58 |
SpatialAeon | Whatever it was, I missed it lol | |||
828 | 10月31日 12:27:24 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | We saw Bae, Ame and Irys |
829 | 10月31日 12:27:46 |
Random Clipper | ||||
830 | 10月31日 12:28:15 |
Sabas | ||||
831 | 10月31日 12:28:20 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
832 | 10月31日 12:28:27 |
Sabas | ||||
833 | 10月31日 12:28:36 |
Lambo | ||||
834 | 10月31日 12:28:41 |
Greed | ||||
835 | 10月31日 12:28:44 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | I guess Calli is also streaming a POV? |
836 | 10月31日 12:29:14 |
Random Clipper | ||||
837 | 10月31日 12:29:24 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
838 | 10月31日 12:29:25 |
Random Clipper | Mumei cuteeee | |||
839 | 10月31日 12:29:39 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | The scuff is REAL |
840 | 10月31日 12:29:50 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
841 | 10月31日 12:30:36 |
Random Clipper | Kronii is here |
842 | 10月31日 12:30:41 |
Lambo | Kroniis voice... | |||
843 | 10月31日 12:30:48 |
Greed | I think she's putting the suit on |
844 | 10月31日 12:31:06 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Kronii in a suit |
845 | 10月31日 12:31:17 |
Lambo | ||||
846 | 10月31日 12:31:30 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Oooh her snakes |
847 | 10月31日 12:31:49 |
Greed | Cowfauna | |||
848 | 10月31日 12:31:51 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
849 | 10月31日 12:31:59 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | STHEY CUTE | |||
850 | 10月31日 12:32:05 |
Greed | nurse? | |||
851 | 10月31日 12:32:05 |
852 | 10月31日 12:32:14 |
Mellow | oh no... i can already imagine the fanart | |||
853 | 10月31日 12:32:14 |
Random Clipper | Kronii egytian |
854 | 10月31日 12:32:14 |
Pedro 50 | ||||
855 | 10月31日 12:32:17 |
Greed | oh yea medusa | |||
856 | 10月31日 12:32:22 |
Rewind44 | Boros hair |
857 | 10月31日 12:32:25 |
Carhillion | MEDUSARONIIIIII | |||
858 | 10月31日 12:32:27 |
Rekkuza | Unfortunately, I can too. | |||
859 | 10月31日 12:32:34 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | MEDUSARONII IS REAL | |||
860 | 10月31日 12:32:35 |
Random Clipper | Cuteeeee | |||
861 | 10月31日 12:32:37 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
862 | 10月31日 12:32:38 |
SpatialAeon | Misery is gonna have a lot of blood on their hands after this lmao | |||
863 | 10月31日 12:32:38 |
Mellow | ||||
864 | 10月31日 12:32:47 |
Lambo | ||||
865 | 10月31日 12:32:57 |
Greed | ||||
866 | 10月31日 12:33:01 |
Kipa12312 | she scares me | |||
867 | 10月31日 12:33:36 |
Rewind44 | Ame reminds me of FMA |
868 | 10月31日 12:33:50 |
Rekkuza | Wait a sec... | |||
869 | 10月31日 12:33:55 |
Random Clipper | So, faucat, spooderbae, medusaronie, Edward Ame, nunrys and whatever calli is | |||
870 | 10月31日 12:34:02 |
Greed | May yaggo be with you |
871 | 10月31日 12:34:06 |
Random Clipper | And little red ridding mumei | |||
872 | 10月31日 12:34:15 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
873 | 10月31日 12:34:19 |
dabombishere123 | Ame outfit lmao | |||
874 | 10月31日 12:34:40 |
Rewind44 | O_O | |||
875 | 10月31日 12:34:46 |
DawnDeath - KFP Gwak Rider | Im stoned | |||
876 | 10月31日 12:34:54 |
Random Clipper | Kronii cuteeeee | |||
877 | 10月31日 12:34:57 |
Lambo | ||||
878 | 10月31日 12:34:59 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Actually ridiculously cute | |||
879 | 10月31日 12:35:02 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
880 | 10月31日 12:35:06 |
Random Clipper | ||||
881 | 10月31日 12:35:12 |
Greed | ||||
882 | 10月31日 12:35:28 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
883 | 10月31日 12:35:38 |
Flashburn | ||||
884 | 10月31日 12:35:41 |
Rewind44 | ||||
885 | 10月31日 12:35:42 |
Lambo | Kronii is a perv |
886 | 10月31日 12:35:47 |
Random Clipper | ||||
887 | 10月31日 12:35:54 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | KRONII |
888 | 10月31日 12:35:58 |
Greed | kronii fighting irys |
889 | 10月31日 12:35:59 |
Rewind44 | Tbag |
890 | 10月31日 12:36:00 |
DawnDeath - KFP Gwak Rider | oh boy not the FMA reference | |||
891 | 10月31日 12:36:22 |
Rewind44 | ||||
892 | 10月31日 12:36:25 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | TBAG LMAOOO | |||
893 | 10月31日 12:36:43 |
Greed | ||||
894 | 10月31日 12:36:50 |
Lambo | ||||
895 | 10月31日 12:36:58 |
Random Clipper | ||||
896 | 10月31日 12:37:14 |
Random Clipper | ||||
897 | 10月31日 12:37:23 |
Greed | ||||
898 | 10月31日 12:37:27 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
899 | 10月31日 12:37:43 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Krofau |
900 | 10月31日 12:38:08 |
Random Clipper | Animol |
901 | 10月31日 12:38:34 |
Rewind44 | ||||
902 | 10月31日 12:38:41 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Ame is gonna die |
903 | 10月31日 12:39:03 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
904 | 10月31日 12:39:13 |
DawnDeath - KFP Gwak Rider | ||||
905 | 10月31日 12:39:27 |
Rewind44 | ||||
906 | 10月31日 12:40:22 |
Lambo | ||||
907 | 10月31日 12:40:28 |
Random Clipper | kronmei cuteeee |
908 | 10月31日 12:40:31 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Kronmei as well |
909 | 10月31日 12:40:51 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Krofaumei is always winning |
910 | 10月31日 12:41:06 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
911 | 10月31日 12:42:51 |
Greed | ||||
912 | 10月31日 12:42:55 |
Rudol Zeppili | ||||
913 | 10月31日 12:43:11 |
Rudol Zeppili | ||||
914 | 10月31日 12:43:17 |
Random Clipper | ||||
915 | 10月31日 12:43:25 |
dabombishere123 | Just drawing no tip pp’s | |||
916 | 10月31日 12:43:31 |
Rudol Zeppili | ||||
917 | 10月31日 12:43:36 |
Lambo | ||||
918 | 10月31日 12:43:38 |
DawnDeath - KFP Gwak Rider | ||||
919 | 10月31日 12:44:11 |
Rewind44 | ||||
920 | 10月31日 12:44:12 |
Greed | ||||
921 | 10月31日 12:44:31 |
dabombishere123 | IRyS puddle |
922 | 10月31日 12:44:37 |
Flashburn | ||||
923 | 10月31日 12:44:42 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Nooo it’s cause she didn’t Kanpai enough |
924 | 10月31日 12:44:49 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
925 | 10月31日 12:44:49 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | It’s Gantai’s fault | |||
926 | 10月31日 12:45:00 |
SpatialAeon | Hey Flash! | |||
927 | 10月31日 12:45:11 |
Flashburn | ||||
928 | 10月31日 12:45:22 |
Rudol Zeppili | ||||
929 | 10月31日 12:46:47 |
Random Clipper | flash |
930 | 10月31日 12:47:03 |
Flashburn | ||||
931 | 10月31日 12:47:21 |
Rudol Zeppili | ||||
932 | 10月31日 12:47:33 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
933 | 10月31日 12:49:24 |
SpatialAeon | Waitwaitwait...what happens when Time dies...? | |||
934 | 10月31日 12:49:26 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | so true kronii | |||
935 | 10月31日 12:49:30 |
SpatialAeon | Does it all just...stop? | |||
936 | 10月31日 12:49:58 |
Lambo | probably |
937 | 10月31日 12:49:59 |
Rewind44 | ||||
938 | 10月31日 12:50:03 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | YABE | |||
939 | 10月31日 12:50:11 |
Greed | ||||
940 | 10月31日 12:50:11 |
Lambo | ||||
941 | 10月31日 12:50:45 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
942 | 10月31日 12:50:50 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
943 | 10月31日 12:50:58 |
SpatialAeon | Mumei to Calli "I dont even know who you are" | |||
944 | 10月31日 12:51:14 |
Rewind44 | ||||
945 | 10月31日 12:51:23 |
Rewind44 | Ghostmei | |||
946 | 10月31日 12:51:30 |
Rudol Zeppili | What |
947 | 10月31日 12:51:38 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Helicopter |
948 | 10月31日 12:52:12 |
Flashburn | ||||
949 | 10月31日 12:52:24 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
950 | 10月31日 12:52:31 |
Lambo | ||||
951 | 10月31日 12:52:33 |
dabombishere123 | ||||
952 | 10月31日 12:52:41 |
dabombishere123 | They’re riding Kronii, I guess | |||
953 | 10月31日 12:52:42 |
Greed | ||||
954 | 10月31日 12:52:44 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
955 | 10月31日 12:52:48 |
Random Clipper | ||||
956 | 10月31日 12:53:08 |
Random Clipper | god, irys describing kronii's hips |
957 | 10月31日 12:53:32 |
Flashburn | My TimeRyS crumbs... |
958 | 10月31日 12:53:37 |
dabombishere123 | Birthing hips | |||
959 | 10月31日 12:53:41 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Kronii is shipped with everyone in council except Bae basically |
960 | 10月31日 12:53:47 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
961 | 10月31日 12:53:55 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
962 | 10月31日 12:54:39 |
dabombishere123 | Cute lil Boros in Kronii’s hair | |||
963 | 10月31日 12:55:13 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Fr fr I’m about to become Boros is cute for next week |
964 | 10月31日 12:55:15 |
Random Clipper | plums hips |
965 | 10月31日 12:55:36 |
Random Clipper | cute mooms |
966 | 10月31日 12:55:49 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
967 | 10月31日 12:55:51 |
Kipa12312 | You hsould, Boros | |||
968 | 10月31日 12:56:06 |
SpatialAeon | Do it Boros! | |||
969 | 10月31日 12:57:01 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Yeah I’ll do it tommorow, need to waugh and see if we do anything spoooky tommorrow | |||
970 | 10月31日 12:57:31 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Though I hope that Kronii takes tomorrow to rest (and enjoy the holiday) |
971 | 10月31日 12:58:28 |
Random Clipper | yeah, kronii should say, schedule late, am tired, will post it later, and rest for tomorrow | |||
972 | 10月31日 12:59:12 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | Kronii will probably take tomorrow off | |||
973 | 10月31日 12:59:43 |
Kipa12312 | kronii |
974 | 10月31日 12:59:44 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | She should, it’s a good time to hang out with friends |
975 | 10月31日 13:00:08 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
976 | 10月31日 13:00:13 |
SpatialAeon | Humu humu |
977 | 10月31日 13:00:15 |
Random Clipper | when is Halloween anyway | |||
978 | 10月31日 13:00:16 |
Lambo | ||||
979 | 10月31日 13:00:19 |
dabombishere123 | Oh, you guys don’t have the tier 1 membership? She said she’s gonna work on finalizing her cover song | |||
980 | 10月31日 13:00:21 |
SpatialAeon | Tomorrow | |||
981 | 10月31日 13:00:31 |
Flashburn | right now if you're EST | |||
982 | 10月31日 13:00:33 |
Rewind44 | Halloween is Monday RC |
983 | 10月31日 13:00:33 |
SpatialAeon | Or I guess, today for est folk, just later on | |||
984 | 10月31日 13:00:45 |
Random Clipper | i see |
985 | 10月31日 13:00:47 |
Lambo | we back |
986 | 10月31日 13:00:47 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Happy Halloween ESTronies |
987 | 10月31日 13:00:55 |
dabombishere123 | ESTronies |
988 | 10月31日 13:01:01 |
Rekkuza | Oh right. | |||
989 | 10月31日 13:01:09 |
Rekkuza | ||||
990 | 10月31日 13:01:22 |
Rewind44 | ||||
991 | 10月31日 13:01:26 |
Random Clipper | ||||
992 | 10月31日 13:01:41 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
993 | 10月31日 13:02:03 |
Lambo | SHE CAN | |||
994 | 10月31日 13:02:06 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
995 | 10月31日 13:02:07 |
Rewind44 | ||||
996 | 10月31日 13:02:08 |
Flashburn | ||||
997 | 10月31日 13:02:13 |
Lambo | ||||
998 | 10月31日 13:02:14 |
Random Clipper | kronii |
999 | 10月31日 13:02:16 |
Greed | ||||
1000 | 10月31日 13:02:23 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Ouro Bronie Nooooooo | |||
1001 | 10月31日 13:02:28 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | BRONII LMAOOOOOOOOOOO | |||
1002 | 10月31日 13:02:38 |
Lambo | that face |
1003 | 10月31日 13:02:40 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1004 | 10月31日 13:02:47 |
Kipa12312 | Is Kronii a bronii? | |||
1005 | 10月31日 13:02:55 |
Greed | ||||
1006 | 10月31日 13:02:57 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | LMAOOO | |||
1007 | 10月31日 13:02:58 |
Random Clipper | LMAO | |||
1008 | 10月31日 13:03:05 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | VINE BOOM | |||
1009 | 10月31日 13:03:05 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1010 | 10月31日 13:03:06 |
Lambo | ohhhhh | |||
1011 | 10月31日 13:03:10 |
Greed | ||||
1012 | 10月31日 13:03:35 |
BlackKnight03 | I'm only here to say 'You had how long to think of a name for your medusa form, g** d***** Kronii...' | |||
1013 | 10月31日 13:03:57 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | LMAO | |||
1014 | 10月31日 13:04:00 |
Random Clipper | bk |
1015 | 10月31日 13:04:05 |
Rekkuza | She really put thought into it, and then short circuited | |||
1016 | 10月31日 13:04:12 |
Rekkuza | Also hello there, BK | |||
1017 | 10月31日 13:04:25 |
BlackKnight03 | hello there Rekku, RC, yubi | |||
1018 | 10月31日 13:04:32 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1019 | 10月31日 13:04:37 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1020 | 10月31日 13:04:39 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Hey BK |
1021 | 10月31日 13:04:55 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1022 | 10月31日 13:05:17 |
Random Clipper | is medusa in feh | |||
1023 | 10月31日 13:05:29 |
Rekkuza | Hmm. | |||
1024 | 10月31日 13:05:36 |
Rekkuza | There are gorgons in fire emblem. | |||
1025 | 10月31日 13:05:44 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1026 | 10月31日 13:05:44 |
Rekkuza | Well in Sacred stone. | |||
1027 | 10月31日 13:06:00 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | HOW DID SHE DO THAT | |||
1028 | 10月31日 13:06:08 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
1029 | 10月31日 13:06:37 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1030 | 10月31日 13:06:50 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1031 | 10月31日 13:06:58 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1032 | 10月31日 13:07:14 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1033 | 10月31日 13:07:28 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1034 | 10月31日 13:07:31 |
1035 | 10月31日 13:07:33 |
SpatialAeon | THE WORLD IS OVER | |||
1036 | 10月31日 13:07:33 |
Random Clipper | kronii limit testing | |||
1037 | 10月31日 13:07:35 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
1038 | 10月31日 13:07:56 |
Random Clipper | btw, wheres bar | |||
1039 | 10月31日 13:08:00 |
Random Clipper | bae* | |||
1040 | 10月31日 13:08:25 |
Lambo | LOL | |||
1041 | 10月31日 13:08:27 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Kronii has no limit, she can always p2w |
1042 | 10月31日 13:08:28 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1043 | 10月31日 13:08:37 |
Flashburn | ||||
1044 | 10月31日 13:08:41 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
1045 | 10月31日 13:09:13 |
Greed | ame and bae might be fixing something | |||
1046 | 10月31日 13:09:14 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1047 | 10月31日 13:09:15 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1048 | 10月31日 13:09:19 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | AYO? | |||
1049 | 10月31日 13:09:30 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1050 | 10月31日 13:09:32 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Lmao that timing | |||
1051 | 10月31日 13:09:38 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1052 | 10月31日 13:09:42 |
Greed | ||||
1053 | 10月31日 13:09:42 |
Lambo | ||||
1054 | 10月31日 13:10:10 |
Greed | ||||
1055 | 10月31日 13:10:22 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1056 | 10月31日 13:10:56 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1057 | 10月31日 13:11:21 |
SpatialAeon | YES | |||
1058 | 10月31日 13:11:30 |
1059 | 10月31日 13:11:37 |
SpatialAeon | WOOOOOOO | |||
1060 | 10月31日 13:11:40 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | I’m stuck |
1061 | 10月31日 13:12:02 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1062 | 10月31日 13:12:19 |
BlackKnight03 | Given Kronii could look at herself in a mirror and not turn herself to stone, she's a Lamia and not a gorgon. | |||
1063 | 10月31日 13:12:26 |
dabombishere123 | I was wondering where Calli was, but her song MV dropped like 10 min ago. | |||
1064 | 10月31日 13:13:56 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | I haven’t listened to it yet, is it a banger? |
1065 | 10月31日 13:14:38 |
Lambo | ||||
1066 | 10月31日 13:14:45 |
Yubi pucker(professional Kromie Kisser) | ||||
1067 | 10月31日 13:14:50 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1068 | 10月31日 13:14:54 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1069 | 10月31日 13:14:56 |
Kipa12312 | why we laughing? | |||
1070 | 10月31日 13:15:18 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | GIRLBOSS LETS GOOO | |||
1071 | 10月31日 13:15:45 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Nvm it was girlbye not girlboss |
1072 | 10月31日 13:16:31 |
dabombishere123 | Who’s controlling the Luigi board? |
1073 | 10月31日 13:16:41 |
Flashburn | Ame probably | |||
1074 | 10月31日 13:17:04 |
Random Clipper | where's bae | |||
1075 | 10月31日 13:17:26 |
Greed | ame or bae | |||
1076 | 10月31日 13:19:24 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1077 | 10月31日 13:19:49 |
Lambo | ayyyy | |||
1078 | 10月31日 13:19:58 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1079 | 10月31日 13:20:03 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1080 | 10月31日 13:20:04 |
Greed | ||||
1081 | 10月31日 13:20:06 |
dabombishere123 | 5head | |||
1082 | 10月31日 13:20:09 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Kronii Beeg Brain |
1083 | 10月31日 13:20:20 |
dabombishere123 | Das our smart Warden |
1084 | 10月31日 13:20:20 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Fr fr she’s so smart |
1085 | 10月31日 13:20:58 |
Greed | ||||
1086 | 10月31日 13:21:02 |
Lambo | Kronii |
1087 | 10月31日 13:22:05 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1088 | 10月31日 13:22:12 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | what is irys doing to that object |
1089 | 10月31日 13:22:57 |
Random Clipper | play rise |
1090 | 10月31日 13:23:04 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1091 | 10月31日 13:23:07 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Kronii knows music |
1092 | 10月31日 13:23:24 |
Greed | wait she knows how to read it? | |||
1093 | 10月31日 13:23:32 |
Rewind44 | Hope with a Knife |
1094 | 10月31日 13:23:42 |
RTSE | Kronii better at music than our Vsinger |
1095 | 10月31日 13:23:43 |
Random Clipper | kronii played the piano before nom | |||
1096 | 10月31日 13:24:04 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1097 | 10月31日 13:24:11 |
dabombishere123 | It spelled BON3R | |||
1098 | 10月31日 13:24:12 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Yeah didn’t Kronii say she did some band stuff before |
1099 | 10月31日 13:24:24 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
1100 | 10月31日 13:24:44 |
Greed | ohh might have missed that |
1101 | 10月31日 13:25:12 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Damn Calli is walking around double cheeked up |
1102 | 10月31日 13:25:51 |
Kipa12312 | I think Kronii said that in powerwash? | |||
1103 | 10月31日 13:25:57 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1104 | 10月31日 13:26:01 |
Rewind44 | New room | |||
1105 | 10月31日 13:26:08 |
Kipa12312 | new room? | |||
1106 | 10月31日 13:26:15 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1107 | 10月31日 13:26:23 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | warden is beeg brain |
1108 | 10月31日 13:26:26 |
Greed | light the candles? |
1109 | 10月31日 13:27:11 |
Greed | ||||
1110 | 10月31日 13:27:16 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1111 | 10月31日 13:27:17 |
Lambo | ||||
1112 | 10月31日 13:27:34 |
Mizwira | Kronii really is the serious puzzle solver huh? |
1113 | 10月31日 13:27:54 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1114 | 10月31日 13:28:00 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1115 | 10月31日 13:28:01 |
RTSE | Look at how much puzzle game she played | |||
1116 | 10月31日 13:28:04 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Fr she smort |
1117 | 10月31日 13:28:11 |
Lambo | smartronii | |||
1118 | 10月31日 13:28:45 |
Rewind44 | beeg brain |
1119 | 10月31日 13:28:48 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | That’s why she won the beeg brain games |
1120 | 10月31日 13:29:07 |
Greed | Ahoy! | |||
1121 | 10月31日 13:29:16 |
Rewind44 | Dolls |
1122 | 10月31日 13:29:25 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1123 | 10月31日 13:30:31 |
Kipa12312 | are they in RE Mansion? | |||
1124 | 10月31日 13:30:39 |
Kipa12312 | Whatta MANSION! | |||
1125 | 10月31日 13:30:57 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1126 | 10月31日 13:30:57 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1127 | 10月31日 13:31:02 |
Lambo | ||||
1128 | 10月31日 13:31:07 |
Greed | ||||
1129 | 10月31日 13:31:19 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
1130 | 10月31日 13:31:26 |
Mizwira | ||||
1131 | 10月31日 13:31:28 |
Kipa12312 | IS THAT THE MEME TREE?! | |||
1132 | 10月31日 13:31:32 |
Mellow | youngest sapling |
1133 | 10月31日 13:32:02 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
1134 | 10月31日 13:32:09 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1135 | 10月31日 13:32:24 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1136 | 10月31日 13:32:27 |
Lambo | ||||
1137 | 10月31日 13:32:27 |
Rekkuza | LOL | |||
1138 | 10月31日 13:32:30 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | THE TREE |
1139 | 10月31日 13:32:30 |
Rewind44 | RIP Tree | |||
1140 | 10月31日 13:32:37 |
Rekkuza | Nooo. The tree didn't deserve that. | |||
1141 | 10月31日 13:32:51 |
Sabas | Kronii and Fauna |
1142 | 10月31日 13:32:55 |
Random Clipper | so, are they solving puzzles around the house to build a human? | |||
1143 | 10月31日 13:32:56 |
dabombishere123 | AUUUUGHHH | |||
1144 | 10月31日 13:33:04 |
Random Clipper | fingers, eyeballs | |||
1145 | 10月31日 13:33:27 |
Kipa12312 | Kronii laughing? | |||
1146 | 10月31日 13:33:28 |
BlackKnight03 | They're building dracula | |||
1147 | 10月31日 13:33:42 |
Kipa12312 | What a horrible night to have a curse! | |||
1148 | 10月31日 13:33:49 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1149 | 10月31日 13:34:02 |
Greed | irys |
1150 | 10月31日 13:34:03 |
Kipa12312 | ripperonii | |||
1151 | 10月31日 13:34:12 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Irys committed self Mafia |
1152 | 10月31日 13:34:21 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1153 | 10月31日 13:34:23 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1154 | 10月31日 13:34:41 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1155 | 10月31日 13:34:45 |
Rewind44 | speedrunning strats | |||
1156 | 10月31日 13:35:19 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Absolutely golden stream so far |
1157 | 10月31日 13:35:49 |
Kipa12312 | gotta catch the first hour and whatever minutes | |||
1158 | 10月31日 13:36:16 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1159 | 10月31日 13:36:25 |
Mizwira | Creepy |
1160 | 10月31日 13:36:27 |
Flashburn | ||||
1161 | 10月31日 13:36:33 |
Lambo | ||||
1162 | 10月31日 13:36:33 |
Greed | ||||
1163 | 10月31日 13:36:52 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1164 | 10月31日 13:36:57 |
Rekkuza | Uhhh | |||
1165 | 10月31日 13:36:58 |
Lambo | OH GOD THE FACE | |||
1166 | 10月31日 13:37:19 |
dabombishere123 | Calli cheeks |
1167 | 10月31日 13:37:27 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Oh hellll nah | |||
1168 | 10月31日 13:37:35 |
Greed | omfg | |||
1169 | 10月31日 13:37:37 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
1170 | 10月31日 13:37:38 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1171 | 10月31日 13:37:41 |
Rekkuza | Welp. | |||
1172 | 10月31日 13:37:43 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Lmao Bae popped | |||
1173 | 10月31日 13:38:10 |
Greed | I'm wearing my headphones scared the sheed out of me | |||
1174 | 10月31日 13:38:15 |
Greed | ||||
1175 | 10月31日 13:38:25 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1176 | 10月31日 13:38:42 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1177 | 10月31日 13:38:53 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1178 | 10月31日 13:38:59 |
Lambo | ||||
1179 | 10月31日 13:39:02 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1180 | 10月31日 13:39:02 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
1181 | 10月31日 13:39:12 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1182 | 10月31日 13:39:12 |
Mizwira | LOL | |||
1183 | 10月31日 13:39:16 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1184 | 10月31日 13:39:17 |
Greed | ||||
1185 | 10月31日 13:39:21 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | what is going onnnn |
1186 | 10月31日 13:39:21 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1187 | 10月31日 13:39:33 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1188 | 10月31日 13:39:48 |
Random Clipper | kronii stop gaslighting the ghost |
1189 | 10月31日 13:40:04 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1190 | 10月31日 13:40:11 |
Kipa12312 | logging off of discord | |||
1191 | 10月31日 13:41:50 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1192 | 10月31日 13:41:55 |
Kipa12312 | Catgurl Fauna?! |
1193 | 10月31日 13:41:55 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Fr fr Frankengirl needs alone time |
1194 | 10月31日 13:41:56 |
Rewind44 | Ame | |||
1195 | 10月31日 13:42:05 |
Kipa12312 | SpoderBae | |||
1196 | 10月31日 13:42:07 |
Lambo | rat is back |
1197 | 10月31日 13:42:21 |
Kipa12312 | Ame is cute | |||
1198 | 10月31日 13:42:38 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1199 | 10月31日 13:43:56 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1200 | 10月31日 13:44:00 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1201 | 10月31日 13:44:03 |
Greed | ||||
1202 | 10月31日 13:44:09 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
1203 | 10月31日 13:44:15 |
Lambo | ||||
1204 | 10月31日 13:44:20 |
Rewind44 | Bae ran away |
1205 | 10月31日 13:44:44 |
Kipa12312 | NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! | |||
1206 | 10月31日 13:44:46 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1207 | 10月31日 13:44:46 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | rip Frank |
1208 | 10月31日 13:45:58 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | This stream is a fever dream | |||
1209 | 10月31日 13:46:17 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1210 | 10月31日 13:47:04 |
Random Clipper | all 3d streams feel like a fever stream | |||
1211 | 10月31日 13:47:39 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
1212 | 10月31日 13:47:43 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1213 | 10月31日 13:48:13 |
Greed | ||||
1214 | 10月31日 13:48:17 |
Random Clipper | stream is already ending?!?! | |||
1215 | 10月31日 13:48:58 |
Kipa12312 | well they did escape,right? | |||
1216 | 10月31日 13:49:06 |
SpatialAeon | I mean, its been like 2 hours RC lol | |||
1217 | 10月31日 13:49:21 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Kronii being sweet as always | |||
1218 | 10月31日 13:49:27 |
1219 | 10月31日 13:49:28 |
SpatialAeon | Actually an hour and a half bc of delay probably | |||
1220 | 10月31日 13:49:28 |
Random Clipper | not enough |
1221 | 10月31日 13:49:32 |
Kipa12312 | oof | |||
1222 | 10月31日 13:49:34 |
SpatialAeon | But still |
1223 | 10月31日 13:49:39 |
Kipa12312 | 6 hours not hours 6 | |||
1224 | 10月31日 13:49:49 |
Kipa12312 | 89 minutes | |||
1225 | 10月31日 13:49:55 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1226 | 10月31日 13:49:57 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Maybe not completely done, but basically finished | |||
1227 | 10月31日 13:50:00 |
Kipa12312 | I joined at the 69th minute | |||
1228 | 10月31日 13:50:04 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
1229 | 10月31日 13:50:07 |
SpatialAeon | Nice | |||
1230 | 10月31日 13:50:08 |
Kipa12312 | I'm not kidding | |||
1231 | 10月31日 13:50:08 |
dabombishere123 | Yeah, VR makes many motion sicl | |||
1232 | 10月31日 13:50:13 |
Lambo | ||||
1233 | 10月31日 13:50:14 |
Flashburn | ||||
1234 | 10月31日 13:50:16 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1235 | 10月31日 13:50:18 |
Greed | ||||
1236 | 10月31日 13:50:36 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1237 | 10月31日 13:50:37 |
Kipa12312 | oh yeah, Bomb, I just realized that may be why Gura didn't join in | |||
1238 | 10月31日 13:50:45 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1239 | 10月31日 13:51:19 |
Kipa12312 | CUTE!!!! | |||
1240 | 10月31日 13:51:37 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Time Bros |
1241 | 10月31日 13:51:38 |
Rewind44 | Paw beans | |||
1242 | 10月31日 13:51:46 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1243 | 10月31日 13:51:51 |
Kipa12312 | Cuteronii | |||
1244 | 10月31日 13:52:01 |
Flashburn | I want to hear how Kronii babytalks Time Mutt.... | |||
1245 | 10月31日 13:52:16 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1246 | 10月31日 13:52:39 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1247 | 10月31日 13:52:41 |
Kipa12312 | I wanna be Time Mutt if she talks down to them | |||
1248 | 10月31日 13:52:48 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1249 | 10月31日 13:52:57 |
SpatialAeon | Boomei | |||
1250 | 10月31日 13:53:05 |
Sabas | boomeiiii | |||
1251 | 10月31日 13:53:35 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1252 | 10月31日 13:53:49 |
Kipa12312 | uh, what she do? | |||
1253 | 10月31日 13:53:50 |
Lambo | oh my | |||
1254 | 10月31日 13:53:56 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1255 | 10月31日 13:53:58 |
Greed | ||||
1256 | 10月31日 13:54:37 |
Random Clipper | holoween |
1257 | 10月31日 13:54:44 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Hmm? | |||
1258 | 10月31日 13:55:20 |
Lambo | what | |||
1259 | 10月31日 13:55:24 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1260 | 10月31日 13:55:26 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | what | |||
1261 | 10月31日 13:55:31 |
SpatialAeon | I mean.... | |||
1262 | 10月31日 13:55:31 |
Kipa12312 | wot? |
1263 | 10月31日 13:55:35 |
SpatialAeon | Yknow, it happens | |||
1264 | 10月31日 13:55:53 |
Kipa12312 | I'd let her kill me | |||
1265 | 10月31日 13:55:56 |
dabombishere123 | Went from 0-100 real quick | |||
1266 | 10月31日 13:55:57 |
Lambo | I can fix her |
1267 | 10月31日 13:56:00 |
Kipa12312 | I mean what? |
1268 | 10月31日 13:56:08 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Calli wot? | |||
1269 | 10月31日 13:56:41 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1270 | 10月31日 13:56:51 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1271 | 10月31日 13:57:01 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Kronii |
1272 | 10月31日 13:57:26 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1273 | 10月31日 13:57:40 |
Kipa12312 | buncha cuties | |||
1274 | 10月31日 13:57:40 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
1275 | 10月31日 13:57:40 |
Greed | ||||
1276 | 10月31日 13:57:47 |
Random Clipper | that was a lot of fun |
1277 | 10月31日 13:58:06 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | great stream |
1278 | 10月31日 13:58:13 |
Greed | When is mumei singing? | |||
1279 | 10月31日 13:58:16 |
Random Clipper | now, please shower me with all Medusaroniie fanarts |
1280 | 10月31日 13:58:21 |
dabombishere123 | See mumeiter | |||
1281 | 10月31日 13:58:22 |
Lambo | was great |
1282 | 10月31日 13:58:28 |
AgentofShield11 | Nice fun collab! |
1283 | 10月31日 13:58:30 |
Lambo | WHAT | |||
1284 | 10月31日 13:58:36 |
dabombishere123 | I mean wat | |||
1285 | 10月31日 13:58:39 |
Random Clipper | PLEASE BONBOM | |||
1286 | 10月31日 13:58:40 |
Kipa12312 | Medusussy | |||
1287 | 10月31日 13:58:43 |
Mizwira | ||||
1288 | 10月31日 13:58:45 |
Lambo | I mean, not wrong |
1289 | 10月31日 13:58:50 |
dabombishere123 | ||||
1290 | 10月31日 13:59:00 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | IRySosussy | |||
1291 | 10月31日 13:59:12 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1292 | 10月31日 13:59:19 |
AgentofShield11 | come to think of it, I wonder if the members that didn’t take part had costumes just in case |
1293 | 10月31日 13:59:33 |
SpatialAeon | Potentially | |||
1294 | 10月31日 13:59:35 |
SpatialAeon | Who knows | |||
1295 | 10月31日 13:59:36 |
Random Clipper | i mean, calli is probably just that | |||
1296 | 10月31日 13:59:39 |
SpatialAeon | It was fun, though | |||
1297 | 10月31日 14:00:28 |
Mellow | when is the next horror short? |
1298 | 10月31日 14:00:38 |
SpatialAeon | Both are tomorrow | |||
1299 | 10月31日 14:00:38 |
RTSE | Tomorrow | |||
1300 | 10月31日 14:00:40 |
AgentofShield11 | Anyways I’ll be off to bed now, good night! |
1301 | 10月31日 14:00:42 |
SpatialAeon | Sometime | |||
1302 | 10月31日 14:00:51 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1303 | 10月31日 14:00:52 |
Mellow | thanks |
1304 | 10月31日 14:00:54 |
Kipa12312 | Good night, Agent |
1305 | 10月31日 14:00:56 |
SpatialAeon | Farewell, Agent! Rest well! | |||
1306 | 10月31日 14:00:57 |
Random Clipper | agent |
1307 | 10月31日 14:01:07 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Happy Halloween, hope you guys go to some parties and enjoy it |
1308 | 10月31日 14:01:08 |
Mellow | fawnwell agent | |||
1309 | 10月31日 14:01:09 |
dabombishere123 | Agent |
1310 | 10月31日 14:01:11 |
Random Clipper | oh, two episodes tomorrow? | |||
1311 | 10月31日 14:01:13 |
Lambo | rest well Agent |
1312 | 10月31日 14:01:23 |
dabombishere123 | Episode 2 | |||
1313 | 10月31日 14:01:25 |
Greed | just 1 tomorrow | |||
1314 | 10月31日 14:01:25 |
SpatialAeon | I mean, I got work so nothin goin on for me! But i do hope you all have fun! | |||
1315 | 10月31日 14:01:38 |
Lambo | oh yeah, Happy Halloween everyone |
1316 | 10月31日 14:01:40 |
SpatialAeon | No one episode, and then whoever asked about Mumei karaoke is tomorrow | |||
1317 | 10月31日 14:01:51 |
Greed | next one is on Nov 1 | |||
1318 | 10月31日 14:01:52 |
SpatialAeon | No, one episode* | |||
1319 | 10月31日 14:01:57 |
Greed | oh ok thanks | |||
1320 | 10月31日 14:02:02 |
dabombishere123 | Yes, Happy Halloween, my clocks |
1321 | 10月31日 14:02:06 |
Kipa12312 | HapHaWeen | |||
1322 | 10月31日 14:02:22 |
Rekkuza | Welp. | |||
1323 | 10月31日 14:02:27 |
Rekkuza | Time to wait for that fanart. | |||
1324 | 10月31日 14:02:34 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
1325 | 10月31日 14:02:38 |
Rekkuza | And yeah, happy halloween. | |||
1326 | 10月31日 14:02:39 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1327 | 10月31日 14:02:45 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | ||||
1328 | 10月31日 14:02:46 |
SpatialAeon | Some artists were probably rushin the second her model was revealed | |||
1329 | 10月31日 14:02:56 |
Lambo | Imma go rank up in Overwatch. Cya kronies |
1330 | 10月31日 14:02:58 |
Rekkuza | It do be like that. | |||
1331 | 10月31日 14:03:01 |
Greed | 1am |
1332 | 10月31日 14:03:04 |
SpatialAeon | Farewell, little lost lamb | |||
1333 | 10月31日 14:03:05 |
Rekkuza | Take care, Lambo | |||
1334 | 10月31日 14:03:07 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | We now have ~ 40 hours to make Medusaroniiart before Kronii can bonk us |
1335 | 10月31日 14:03:10 |
Kipa12312 | nice, Who do yo play, Lambo? | |||
1336 | 10月31日 14:03:14 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1337 | 10月31日 14:03:15 |
Kipa12312 | good luck with OW | |||
1338 | 10月31日 14:03:33 |
Rekkuza | That's pretty generous for some artists | |||
1339 | 10月31日 14:03:33 |
Greed | Time to watch anime |
1340 | 10月31日 14:03:38 |
Random Clipper | lamb |
1341 | 10月31日 14:03:41 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | GL Lambo |
1342 | 10月31日 14:03:45 |
Random Clipper | greed |
1343 | 10月31日 14:03:58 |
Kipa12312 | enjoy the amine, Greed |
1344 | 10月31日 14:03:59 |
Random Clipper | is mumei karaoke today or tomorrow | |||
1345 | 10月31日 14:04:16 |
Warleader | Tomorrow most likely. | |||
1346 | 10月31日 14:04:24 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | On the 31st for NA folks | |||
1347 | 10月31日 14:04:31 |
Warleader | Although, Moom 3am karaoke. :PauseChamp: | |||
1348 | 10月31日 14:04:41 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1349 | 10月31日 14:04:45 |
Random Clipper | wall |
1350 | 10月31日 14:04:48 |
SpatialAeon | oh right so anyways.... | |||
1351 | 10月31日 14:04:58 |
SpatialAeon | you guys seen Dez's sonic week? | |||
1352 | 10月31日 14:05:12 |
Kipa12312 | noh? | |||
1353 | 10月31日 14:05:17 |
SpatialAeon | we got SA2 Hero Story, Sonic Heroes, and Shadow the Hedgehog | |||
1354 | 10月31日 14:05:30 |
Rekkuza | Oh god | |||
1355 | 10月31日 14:05:31 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Bits and pieces, but streams have been very dense this week | |||
1356 | 10月31日 14:05:40 |
Rekkuza | He's actually playing Shadow the hedgehog? | |||
1357 | 10月31日 14:05:46 |
SpatialAeon | Yep all are this week | |||
1358 | 10月31日 14:05:49 |
Kipa12312 | Yeyeye, ShadOW the EDGEhog | |||
1359 | 10月31日 14:05:50 |
SpatialAeon | Yep LMAO | |||
1360 | 10月31日 14:05:59 |
Rekkuza | But YOOO I'll be there for the final boss of Sonic heroes at the very least. | |||
1361 | 10月31日 14:06:21 |
Random Clipper | ayo, hit me in fc when that happens | |||
1362 | 10月31日 14:06:34 |
SpatialAeon | Im probably gonna have to be vod, but im so excited about that regardless | |||
1363 | 10月31日 14:06:40 |
Kipa12312 | his schedule is up already, ya? | |||
1364 | 10月31日 14:06:46 |
dabombishere123 | I’ll hit you in the RC when that happens | |||
1365 | 10月31日 14:06:53 |
SpatialAeon | Its been 10 000 years....since ive seen that game | |||
1366 | 10月31日 14:06:59 |
SpatialAeon | and yeah it is Kipa | |||
1367 | 10月31日 14:07:12 |
Kipa12312 | seen Heroes? | |||
1368 | 10月31日 14:07:16 |
SpatialAeon | also PC building off collab with vesper | |||
1369 | 10月31日 14:07:29 |
SpatialAeon | Heroes and Shadow, tbh | |||
1370 | 10月31日 14:07:39 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1371 | 10月31日 14:07:48 |
Kipa12312 | I liked Heroes | |||
1372 | 10月31日 14:08:01 |
SpatialAeon | the last time I saw those two was when I played em when they came out | |||
1373 | 10月31日 14:08:07 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Good night guys |
1374 | 10月31日 14:08:11 |
SpatialAeon | Heroes was a god tier game | |||
1375 | 10月31日 14:08:14 |
Rekkuza | Gnite BiS | |||
1376 | 10月31日 14:08:17 |
SpatialAeon | GN Boros! | |||
1377 | 10月31日 14:08:24 |
Kipa12312 | good night, cutie |
1378 | 10月31日 14:08:34 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1379 | 10月31日 14:08:34 |
SpatialAeon | Okay who was your favorite team in heroes? | |||
1380 | 10月31日 14:08:46 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Before I leave though, Heroes was fun |
1381 | 10月31日 14:09:01 |
Kipa12312 | I only ever beat team rose lol | |||
1382 | 10月31日 14:09:08 |
SpatialAeon | WHAT KIPA | |||
1383 | 10月31日 14:09:17 |
1384 | 10月31日 14:09:18 |
Random Clipper | bis |
1385 | 10月31日 14:09:21 |
Kipa12312 | I liked Chaotix and Shadow one | |||
1386 | 10月31日 14:09:33 |
Kipa12312 | I was a kid, and I hated the grinding stages | |||
1387 | 10月31日 14:09:43 |
SpatialAeon | Ah ye good point lol | |||
1388 | 10月31日 14:09:44 |
Kipa12312 | so I would stop if I couldn't beat them | |||
1389 | 10月31日 14:10:49 |
Flashburn | faq Team Chaotix | |||
1390 | 10月31日 14:11:28 |
Flashburn | I can't tell you how many hours I spent looking for the mission items or whatever | |||
1391 | 10月31日 14:11:31 |
Kipa12312 | lul I hate Charmy or whatever | |||
1392 | 10月31日 14:11:46 |
SpatialAeon | I was Team Dark, specifically because of 0M3GA | |||
1393 | 10月31日 14:12:10 |
Kipa12312 | Nom Egga was cool | |||
1394 | 10月31日 14:12:18 |
SpatialAeon | I didnt really have that tough a time with Team Chaotix, I thought they were pretty cool | |||
1395 | 10月31日 14:12:39 |
Kipa12312 | I fforgot how far I got with sonic team |
1396 | 10月31日 14:12:40 |
SpatialAeon | Chaotix is probably #2, then Sonic, then Rose | |||
1397 | 10月31日 14:13:52 |
Kipa12312 | I think maybe half way in Sonic team? | |||
1398 | 10月31日 14:13:52 |
SpatialAeon | anyways, have you seen the final boss, Kipa, or do you not know? | |||
1399 | 10月31日 14:14:01 |
Kipa12312 | also there's a stage called Frog Forest | |||
1400 | 10月31日 14:14:03 |
SpatialAeon | No one spoil it! | |||
1401 | 10月31日 14:14:09 |
Kipa12312 | yeah, it was in the manual | |||
1402 | 10月31日 14:14:17 |
Rekkuza | lol | |||
1403 | 10月31日 14:14:25 |
SpatialAeon | ...oh you read the manual LMAO | |||
1404 | 10月31日 14:14:33 |
SpatialAeon | I completely forgot about that | |||
1405 | 10月31日 14:14:39 |
Kipa12312 | yeah, cool lore in ther bruh | |||
1406 | 10月31日 14:14:39 |
Flashburn | imagine not reading game manuals | |||
1407 | 10月31日 14:14:50 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1408 | 10月31日 14:15:07 |
SpatialAeon | Oh no, I read them, but after I beat the game | |||
1409 | 10月31日 14:15:25 |
SpatialAeon | Maybe im weird for that though lol | |||
1410 | 10月31日 14:15:32 |
Rekkuza | It's like people wondering how to do the regi puzzles in the gen 3 pokemon games, but the answers were technically in the manuals | |||
1411 | 10月31日 14:15:49 |
Kipa12312 | I'd take them to read in the car as a kid | |||
1412 | 10月31日 14:15:59 |
Kipa12312 | I didn't know they were in there, Rekkuza? | |||
1413 | 10月31日 14:16:19 |
Kipa12312 | I had the strategy guide, so I read that more tho | |||
1414 | 10月31日 14:18:23 |
Rekkuza | I think the area before you do that relicanth/wailord puzzle has the alphabet | |||
1415 | 10月31日 14:18:27 |
Rekkuza | So there's that at least. | |||
1416 | 10月31日 14:18:54 |
Kipa12312 | yeah it was | |||
1417 | 10月31日 14:19:25 |
Kipa12312 | also I think the only reason I have nostalgia for D/P is because I had the strategy guide for it also | |||
1418 | 10月31日 14:19:44 |
Kipa12312 | it was fun knowing where everything was, and how to get what pokemon and stuff | |||
1419 | 10月31日 14:20:13 |
Rekkuza | Speaking of which, one of the memories I had was getting pokerus in that game without getting it from someone else. | |||
1420 | 10月31日 14:20:26 |
Kipa12312 | It's weird, I don't really like that game when comparing it, but I have a lot of good memories of it | |||
1421 | 10月31日 14:20:37 |
SpatialAeon | iirc there was a small chance to just get it | |||
1422 | 10月31日 14:20:42 |
SpatialAeon | But dont quote me on that | |||
1423 | 10月31日 14:20:47 |
Rekkuza | It's rarer then getting a shiny. | |||
1424 | 10月31日 14:20:58 |
SpatialAeon | Oh dman | |||
1425 | 10月31日 14:21:00 |
SpatialAeon | damn* | |||
1426 | 10月31日 14:21:03 |
Kipa12312 | OH, I've only ever had pokerus once. In crystal or gold, my koffing had it | |||
1427 | 10月31日 14:21:26 |
Rekkuza | Didn't even know what that was at the time either. | |||
1428 | 10月31日 14:21:40 |
SpatialAeon | Oh same, when my pokemon got it I had no clue what it was | |||
1429 | 10月31日 14:21:42 |
Kipa12312 | It goes away with time right, not gameplay? because I think I saved and then haven't played since then | |||
1430 | 10月31日 14:21:47 |
Kipa12312 | but it's been years | |||
1431 | 10月31日 14:22:02 |
SpatialAeon | I believe it goes away after a certain amount of steps | |||
1432 | 10月31日 14:22:07 |
Rekkuza | I think as long as the pokerus pokemon stays in the pc, it won't go away. | |||
1433 | 10月31日 14:22:16 |
Kipa12312 | oh then it should still have it | |||
1434 | 10月31日 14:22:20 |
SpatialAeon | And i dont think it goes away, I think it just only spreads it and doesnt have the ev effect or whatever it did | |||
1435 | 10月31日 14:22:29 |
SpatialAeon | But I could be wrong | |||
1436 | 10月31日 14:22:30 |
Kipa12312 | if the battery is still alive | |||
1437 | 10月31日 14:22:36 |
Mark Howard | Happy Halloween guys |
1438 | 10月31日 14:22:47 |
SpatialAeon | Happy halloween, Mark! | |||
1439 | 10月31日 14:22:52 |
Kipa12312 | HapHaWeen |
1440 | 10月31日 14:22:55 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1441 | 10月31日 14:22:56 |
Rekkuza | Hello there, Mark. And happy halloween to you, too. | |||
1442 | 10月31日 14:24:29 |
Mark Howard | That was a blessing collab |
1443 | 10月31日 14:24:48 |
Kipa12312 | oh yeah, I need to watch the vod! | |||
1444 | 10月31日 14:25:37 |
Rekkuza | Calli's has a bit of pre Mumei/Ame stream talk. | |||
1445 | 10月31日 14:26:00 |
SpatialAeon | Oh yeah you should probably catch the end of Calli's stream then switch to Ame/Mumei | |||
1446 | 10月31日 14:26:12 |
Kipa12312 | yeah, I was watching a bit of that | |||
1447 | 10月31日 14:26:28 |
Random Clipper | park yong gi already working on medusaronii |
1448 | 10月31日 14:26:36 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
1449 | 10月31日 14:26:42 |
Random Clipper | mark |
1450 | 10月31日 14:29:57 |
Kipa12312 | lmao Kronii got embarrassed when Calli called her out | |||
1451 | 10月31日 14:35:31 |
Nil | Hello, everyone. | |||
1452 | 10月31日 14:35:43 |
SpatialAeon | Hey Nil! | |||
1453 | 10月31日 14:35:52 |
Rekkuza | Hello there, Nil | |||
1454 | 10月31日 14:36:04 |
Kipa12312 | Nil |
1455 | 10月31日 14:36:17 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1456 | 10月31日 14:36:25 |
Kipa12312 | happy halloween, Nil |
1457 | 10月31日 14:36:28 |
Random Clipper | nil |
1458 | 10月31日 14:36:30 |
Mark Howard | Hi Nil | |||
1459 | 10月31日 14:36:38 |
SpatialAeon | Ye, happy halloween! Hows the void doin? | |||
1460 | 10月31日 14:37:08 |
Mark Howard | I can`t stop laughing when Kronii was teabaging irys... | |||
1461 | 10月31日 14:37:39 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
1462 | 10月31日 14:37:48 |
Nil | The Void is the same as ever, Aeon. Thanks for asking. | |||
1463 | 10月31日 14:38:12 |
Random Clipper | vyragami angel kronii |
1464 | 10月31日 14:39:26 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1465 | 10月31日 14:39:54 |
SpatialAeon | Man down, we need a medic! Is anyone here a doctor?!? | |||
1466 | 10月31日 14:40:29 |
SpatialAeon | Er wait, actually, frog down! | |||
1467 | 10月31日 14:40:39 |
SpatialAeon | Anyone taking chemistry class? | |||
1468 | 10月31日 14:40:47 |
Kipa12312 | I'm not dying lol | |||
1469 | 10月31日 14:40:50 |
SpatialAeon | I MEAN BIOLOGY | |||
1470 | 10月31日 14:40:55 |
SpatialAeon | NOT CHEMISTRY | |||
1471 | 10月31日 14:40:56 |
SpatialAeon | UNDO | |||
1472 | 10月31日 14:41:02 |
Kipa12312 | RC might need a doctor tho | |||
1473 | 10月31日 14:41:05 |
Kipa12312 | LMAO | |||
1474 | 10月31日 14:42:14 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1475 | 10月31日 14:45:02 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1476 | 10月31日 14:45:12 |
SpatialAeon | GN Rewind! | |||
1477 | 10月31日 14:45:14 |
Rekkuza | Rest well, Rewind. | |||
1478 | 10月31日 14:45:23 |
Random Clipper | rewind |
1479 | 10月31日 14:45:59 |
Kipa12312 | night, Rewind |
1480 | 10月31日 14:53:19 |
Mark Howard | good night Rewind | |||
1481 | 10月31日 14:53:54 |
Mark Howard | Time to deliver some candy. | |||
1482 | 10月31日 14:54:27 |
SpatialAeon | Aight, take care Mark! | |||
1483 | 10月31日 14:54:44 |
Kipa12312 | take care, Mark |
1484 | 10月31日 14:55:07 |
Rekkuza | See ya, Mark. | |||
1485 | 10月31日 14:56:09 |
Mark Howard | ||||
1486 | 10月31日 15:04:41 |
Random Clipper | mark |
1487 | 10月31日 15:04:52 |
Random Clipper | zenya art |
1488 | 10月31日 15:07:33 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1489 | 10月31日 15:29:40 |
AquaticLettuce | ||||
1490 | 10月31日 15:30:01 |
Kipa12312 | Aquatic |
1491 | 10月31日 15:30:11 |
SpatialAeon | Hey aquatic! | |||
1492 | 10月31日 15:30:29 |
Random Clipper | Lettuce |
1493 | 10月31日 15:37:26 |
Random Clipper | Man, this is just the worse, Im tearing up | |||
1494 | 10月31日 15:37:40 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
1495 | 10月31日 15:37:41 |
Kipa12312 | wha happun? | |||
1496 | 10月31日 15:37:57 |
Random Clipper | I'm slicing onion with a butter knife | |||
1497 | 10月31日 15:37:59 |
Random Clipper | And it sux | |||
1498 | 10月31日 15:38:05 |
SpatialAeon | LMAO | |||
1499 | 10月31日 15:38:07 |
SpatialAeon | AHAHAHAHAHA | |||
1500 | 10月31日 15:38:13 |
Greed | LOL | |||
1501 | 10月31日 15:38:14 |
Kipa12312 | oh LMAO | |||
1502 | 10月31日 15:39:49 |
Random Clipper | It kinda works, but it's so slow and I'm crying | |||
1503 | 10月31日 15:40:09 |
Kipa12312 | cook with your mouth like in that video they talked about in the SNOT collab | |||
1504 | 10月31日 15:42:05 |
Random Clipper | Kinda reminds me how before swallowing your vegetables , you open your mouth so the leaves can do photosynthesis one last time for extra energy | |||
1505 | 10月31日 15:42:19 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1506 | 10月31日 15:44:14 |
Random Clipper | Hmmm | |||
1507 | 10月31日 15:48:08 |
SpatialAeon | What're ya cookin RC? | |||
1508 | 10月31日 15:50:57 |
Random Clipper | The biggest atrocity of my life | |||
1509 | 10月31日 15:51:36 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1510 | 10月31日 15:51:36 |
Greed | Onion icecream? |
1511 | 10月31日 15:51:44 |
SpatialAeon | I see... | |||
1512 | 10月31日 15:51:45 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1513 | 10月31日 15:53:24 |
Pluviam Ambulare | Hello FC | |||
1514 | 10月31日 15:53:32 |
SpatialAeon | Hey Plum! | |||
1515 | 10月31日 15:53:35 |
Rekkuza | Hello there, Pluv | |||
1516 | 10月31日 15:53:45 |
Random Clipper | Oh god, now it looks like hell's sewage system | |||
1517 | 10月31日 15:53:49 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1518 | 10月31日 15:53:49 |
Random Clipper | Why did it become this color | |||
1519 | 10月31日 15:54:04 |
Kipa12312 | are you making like a chili or something? | |||
1520 | 10月31日 15:54:04 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
1521 | 10月31日 15:54:04 |
Pluviam Ambulare | Interesting reading material you all collecting here | |||
1522 | 10月31日 15:54:05 |
Random Clipper | Plam |
1523 | 10月31日 15:54:19 |
Random Clipper | I'm making noodle broth | |||
1524 | 10月31日 15:54:25 |
Kipa12312 | ooh | |||
1525 | 10月31日 15:55:49 |
Kipa12312 | |
1526 | 10月31日 15:57:15 |
Random Clipper | Oooh, it looks pretty nice, the texture is decent, though it smells like burnt toast | |||
1527 | 10月31日 15:58:43 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1528 | 10月31日 15:58:44 |
Random Clipper | Actually not bad, 7.5/10 | |||
1529 | 10月31日 15:58:53 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1530 | 10月31日 15:59:02 |
Pluviam Ambulare | RC is speed running the stages of grief, I think this one is acceptance | |||
1531 | 10月31日 15:59:04 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1532 | 10月31日 15:59:18 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
1533 | 10月31日 16:04:41 |
Pluviam Ambulare | I'm not very educated in the proper etiquette for this kind of situations... how much longer do we wait before calling an ambulance for RC? | |||
1534 | 10月31日 16:04:51 |
SpatialAeon | Eeehhhh | |||
1535 | 10月31日 16:04:54 |
SpatialAeon | Hrrrmmm | |||
1536 | 10月31日 16:05:00 |
SpatialAeon | Ahhhh he'll be fiiiiine | |||
1537 | 10月31日 16:05:04 |
Kipa12312 | hrmm |
1538 | 10月31日 16:05:09 |
SpatialAeon | Us Kronie's always come back somehow | |||
1539 | 10月31日 16:05:52 |
Pluviam Ambulare | It sounds as if you all already called dibs on RC's stuff... | |||
1540 | 10月31日 16:06:03 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
1541 | 10月31日 16:06:09 |
Kipa12312 | what stuff? | |||
1542 | 10月31日 16:06:16 |
Kipa12312 | I thought he had nothing | |||
1543 | 10月31日 16:06:17 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
1544 | 10月31日 16:06:40 |
SpatialAeon | I mean...he has lungs, a heart....You can probably get some cash outta those | |||
1545 | 10月31日 16:06:41 |
Random Clipper | Okay, overall, its a decent meal, I messed up my steps, so might had burnt the noodle. But third time will be it |
1546 | 10月31日 16:06:56 |
Kipa12312 | not if the food destroyed them | |||
1547 | 10月31日 16:07:04 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
1548 | 10月31日 16:07:16 |
Kipa12312 | uh don't mind Aeon, RC | |||
1549 | 10月31日 16:07:28 |
SpatialAeon | Uh yeah, I uh... | |||
1550 | 10月31日 16:07:41 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1551 | 10月31日 16:07:44 |
SpatialAeon | Dont mind what? | |||
1552 | 10月31日 16:07:49 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
1553 | 10月31日 16:08:09 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1554 | 10月31日 16:08:15 |
Pluviam Ambulare | I have so many questions.... aren't noodles boiled? How does one burn them?! | |||
1555 | 10月31日 16:08:31 |
SpatialAeon | Be RC and you will find a way apparently lmao | |||
1556 | 10月31日 16:09:49 |
SpatialAeon | DRAWING HANDS SUCKS | |||
1557 | 10月31日 16:10:19 |
Rekkuza | Yep. lol | |||
1558 | 10月31日 16:11:44 |
Pluviam Ambulare | Even AI struggles with hands | |||
1559 | 10月31日 16:11:53 |
Random Clipper | And for my next magic trick | |||
1560 | 10月31日 16:11:55 |
Random Clipper | I will try | |||
1561 | 10月31日 16:11:59 |
Random Clipper | To boil this potato! | |||
1562 | 10月31日 16:12:02 |
Random Clipper | And make it out alive | |||
1563 | 10月31日 16:12:09 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
1564 | 10月31日 16:12:10 |
Kipa12312 | potat |
1565 | 10月31日 16:12:19 |
SpatialAeon | Dont let the scary potato kill ya there lol | |||
1566 | 10月31日 16:12:36 |
SpatialAeon | Man imagine being killed by a boiling potato | |||
1567 | 10月31日 16:12:40 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
1568 | 10月31日 16:13:00 |
Kipa12312 | I mean | |||
1569 | 10月31日 16:13:23 |
Kipa12312 | something something, South Park movie, but that wasn't boiled | |||
1570 | 10月31日 16:13:32 |
Pluviam Ambulare | You need to have faith in RC, I'm sure if there's a way RC can find it! | |||
1571 | 10月31日 16:15:42 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1572 | 10月31日 16:19:56 |
Kipa12312 | OH NO HE DIED!!!!! | |||
1573 | 10月31日 16:20:01 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1574 | 10月31日 16:20:16 |
SpatialAeon | There ya go, looks like he succeeded lmao | |||
1575 | 10月31日 16:20:24 |
SpatialAeon | I CALL DIBS ON HIS...HANDS | |||
1576 | 10月31日 16:21:08 |
Pluviam Ambulare | Ha! Is just a novelty method of cooking! A makeshift sauna to boil the potato! | |||
1577 | 10月31日 16:22:04 |
Pluviam Ambulare | I hope RC remembered to left the coffin before starting the fire this time | |||
1578 | 10月31日 16:33:15 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1579 | 10月31日 16:48:23 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1580 | 10月31日 16:48:29 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1581 | 10月31日 16:48:32 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1582 | 10月31日 16:48:34 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1583 | 10月31日 16:48:43 |
Random Clipper | I got potato |
1584 | 10月31日 16:50:18 |
Pluviam Ambulare | The potato emerged from the coffin... and is mind controlling RC... | |||
1585 | 10月31日 16:52:15 |
Random Clipper | Not if I eat it first |
1586 | 10月31日 16:55:11 |
Kipa12312 | ||||
1587 | 10月31日 17:05:08 |
SpatialAeon | ||||
1588 | 10月31日 17:40:17 |
Kipa12312 | gn, chat |
1589 | 10月31日 17:40:30 |
Rekkuza | Gnite Kipa | |||
1590 | 10月31日 17:41:09 |
SpatialAeon | gn Kipa! | |||
1591 | 10月31日 17:46:28 |
Random Clipper | Kipa |
1592 | 10月31日 17:48:00 |
Pluviam Ambulare | G'nite Kipa | |||
1593 | 10月31日 18:14:21 |
SpatialAeon | Well then, im gone. Take care lads! | |||
1594 | 10月31日 18:14:31 |
Rekkuza | Take care, Aeon. | |||
1595 | 10月31日 18:17:42 |
Random Clipper | Aeon |
1596 | 10月31日 18:17:57 |
Random Clipper | The fact that kronii haven't said delay scheduled is making me a bit worried |
1597 | 10月31日 18:18:38 |
Warleader | Don't worry. | |||
1598 | 10月31日 18:18:47 |
Warleader | We'll just get the schedule at 5am her time. | |||
1599 | 10月31日 18:20:22 |
Flashburn | It'll probably be dropped tomorrow cuz it's Halloween | |||
1600 | 10月31日 18:20:22 |
Random Clipper | Humu |
1601 | 10月31日 18:20:33 |
Random Clipper | I hope so |
1602 | 10月31日 18:21:48 |
Warleader | Is Halloween really that big of a deal? | |||
1603 | 10月31日 18:22:18 |
AquaticLettuce | for kids yea | |||
1604 | 10月31日 18:22:25 |
AquaticLettuce | is it not down under? | |||
1605 | 10月31日 18:22:47 |
Rekkuza | Well, I feel it'd be more so cause she did a 6 day week. Might as well post it tomorrow and have a rest. | |||
1606 | 10月31日 18:22:51 |
Pluviam Ambulare | G'nite Aeon | |||
1607 | 10月31日 18:23:56 |
Random Clipper | Well, if kids try to walk at night here, they be working in a factory the next morning | |||
1608 | 10月31日 18:24:24 |
Flashburn | do they at least get paid? |
1609 | 10月31日 18:24:40 |
Warleader | In some neighbourhoods it's kind of a thing down here. But that's mostly due to encroaching Americanisation, not many actually participate in it. It also stopped pretty hard because of the C-virus. | |||
1610 | 10月31日 18:24:53 |
Pluviam Ambulare | Why would you confess to kidnap children for a living on FC of all places?! | |||
1611 | 10月31日 18:25:58 |
Random Clipper | Free advertisement |
1612 | 10月31日 18:28:54 |
Flashburn | oh wait, they'd get paid in worthless IDR. Nevermind, I'm not going there. | |||
1613 | 10月31日 18:32:32 |
Pluviam Ambulare | What's the point on kidnapping if you're going to pay them afterwards? | |||
1614 | 10月31日 18:33:05 |
Flashburn | uhhh, fair labor laws? |
1615 | 10月31日 18:33:28 |
Random Clipper | Professionals have standards | |||
1616 | 10月31日 18:34:37 |
Pluviam Ambulare | The only law that matters on this side of the pond is the law of the free market, anything else is just rhetoric | |||
1617 | 10月31日 18:46:36 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1618 | 10月31日 18:47:37 |
Rekkuza | Hope you rested well, Rewind. | |||
1619 | 10月31日 18:47:51 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1620 | 10月31日 18:48:31 |
Rekkuza | Which on that note, I'll be heading to bed. So take care, chat. |
1621 | 10月31日 18:48:55 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1622 | 10月31日 18:48:59 |
Pluviam Ambulare | Hi Rewind and G'nite Rek | |||
1623 | 10月31日 18:50:34 |
Random Clipper | Rekkuza |
1624 | 10月31日 18:50:42 |
Random Clipper | Rewind |
1625 | 10月31日 18:54:05 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1626 | 10月31日 19:00:50 |
Rewind44 | 1 Day and 10 Hours until Nahida |
1627 | 10月31日 19:05:28 |
Pluviam Ambulare | !!!!!!???!!!! | |||
1628 | 10月31日 19:05:51 |
Pluviam Ambulare | !!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? | |||
1629 | 10月31日 19:06:06 |
Pluviam Ambulare | AWAKEN EVERYONE!!!!! | |||
1630 | 10月31日 19:07:05 |
Rewind44 | Schedule | |||
1631 | 10月31日 19:07:07 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1632 | 10月31日 19:07:09 |
Pluviam Ambulare | PEOPLE!!! WE HAVE KARAOKE!!! WHERE IS EVERYONE!!!! | |||
1633 | 10月31日 19:07:18 |
Mizwira | WEW | |||
1634 | 10月31日 19:07:27 |
Random Clipper | IG WIAG | |||
1635 | 10月31日 19:07:30 |
Random Clipper | WE HAVE HAVE KARAOKE | |||
1636 | 10月31日 19:07:34 |
Flashburn | AWAKE | |||
1637 | 10月31日 19:07:41 |
AquaticLettuce | KARAOKE | |||
1638 | 10月31日 19:07:44 |
Random Clipper | LETS GOOOOOOOOO | |||
1639 | 10月31日 19:07:51 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1640 | 10月31日 19:07:54 |
Flashburn | KARAOKE YES | |||
1641 | 10月31日 19:07:55 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | I AM HEREEEEE | |||
1642 | 10月31日 19:08:00 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | LETS GOOOOOOOO | |||
1643 | 10月31日 19:08:01 |
Mizwira | 3am schedule |
1644 | 10月31日 19:08:05 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | ||||
1645 | 10月31日 19:08:05 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1646 | 10月31日 19:08:06 |
Random Clipper | KARAOKE |
1647 | 10月31日 19:08:11 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | KARAOKEEEEEEE | |||
1648 | 10月31日 19:08:26 |
Flashburn | Finishing It Takes Two w/ Kaela | |||
1649 | 10月31日 19:08:35 |
Random Clipper | It takes two |
1650 | 10月31日 19:08:41 |
Mizwira | Rewind |
1651 | 10月31日 19:08:44 |
Flashburn | and she must want to inflict pain on herself because more RE8 :_kroemga | |||
1652 | 10月31日 19:08:44 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | ALSO RESIDENT EVILLLL | |||
1653 | 10月31日 19:08:46 |
Morsey | karaoke |
1654 | 10月31日 19:08:50 |
Flashburn | * |
1655 | 10月31日 19:08:57 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | MAN SHE'S GIVING ME TREAT | |||
1656 | 10月31日 19:09:04 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1657 | 10月31日 19:09:11 |
Random Clipper | Antichamber, doesn't that game gives aneurysm |
1658 | 10月31日 19:09:12 |
Pluviam Ambulare | You know she just want more time alone with the nice smiling sisters | |||
1659 | 10月31日 19:09:16 |
Rewind44 | This schedule is |
1660 | 10月31日 19:09:17 |
AquaticLettuce | Finishing it takes 2 as well which is nice | |||
1661 | 10月31日 19:09:24 |
AquaticLettuce | also im surprised shes doing more village LOL | |||
1662 | 10月31日 19:09:25 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | ||||
1663 | 10月31日 19:09:26 |
Morsey | ||||
1664 | 10月31日 19:09:30 |
Random Clipper | LMAO, watch her drop the game after completing the sister level |
1665 | 10月31日 19:10:16 |
TopNepGear | Good week |
1666 | 10月31日 19:10:17 |
Random Clipper | Still, it's a good week |
1667 | 10月31日 19:10:28 |
Rewind44 | She's not working on Monday but taking a day off. Halloween time |
1668 | 10月31日 19:10:35 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1669 | 10月31日 19:10:52 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | good schedule | |||
1670 | 10月31日 19:10:57 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | ||||
1671 | 10月31日 19:11:07 |
Shimi | Karaoke |
1672 | 10月31日 19:11:16 |
TopNepGear | yeah cause we're going trick or treating tonight |
1673 | 10月31日 19:11:17 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1674 | 10月31日 19:11:31 |
Random Clipper | And now, she will proceed to went radio silence for a few hours, go one a retweet spree in 7 am, and sleb | |||
1675 | 10月31日 19:11:42 |
Shimi | Rewind44 |
1676 | 10月31日 19:14:00 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | yeah she's Ain't going to sleep yet | |||
1677 | 10月31日 19:14:19 |
Random Clipper | Oh, when did free chat changed |
1678 | 10月31日 19:14:23 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | she's gonna open the phone and her long list of webtoon | |||
1679 | 10月31日 19:14:27 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1680 | 10月31日 19:14:46 |
Rewind44 | Ever since Pluviam announced it RC | |||
1681 | 10月31日 19:14:46 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | and read for a few hours like me | |||
1682 | 10月31日 19:15:15 |
Random Clipper | Hmm, that's weird, did she change FC before posting on twitter? | |||
1683 | 10月31日 19:15:21 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | fC changed? | |||
1684 | 10月31日 19:15:31 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | how? | |||
1685 | 10月31日 19:15:33 |
Warleader | She usually does that RC. | |||
1686 | 10月31日 19:15:33 |
Shimi | RC, Shizu |
1687 | 10月31日 19:15:46 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1688 | 10月31日 19:15:52 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1689 | 10月31日 19:15:52 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | also hello fellow Kroniies | |||
1690 | 10月31日 19:15:59 |
Random Clipper | Hmmm |
1691 | 10月31日 19:15:59 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | Hugsss |
1692 | 10月31日 19:15:59 |
Warleader | ||||
1693 | 10月31日 19:16:10 |
Random Clipper | Anyway, I'm so hype for karaoke |
1694 | 10月31日 19:16:18 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | I don't understand the change | |||
1695 | 10月31日 19:16:22 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | ||||
1696 | 10月31日 19:16:27 |
Shimi | War |
1697 | 10月31日 19:16:36 |
Rewind44 | Shizuka, it means the thumbnail on FC | |||
1698 | 10月31日 19:16:40 |
Warleader | Shiz, the schedule changed. | |||
1699 | 10月31日 19:16:55 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | oh the pic | |||
1700 | 10月31日 19:17:06 |
AquaticLettuce | welcome back blythe | |||
1701 | 10月31日 19:17:11 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | I thought she morb Kromies or smtg | |||
1702 | 10月31日 19:17:17 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1703 | 10月31日 19:17:31 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | ||||
1704 | 10月31日 19:17:32 |
Blythe | Aquatic |
1705 | 10月31日 19:17:42 |
Blythe | my clock |
1706 | 10月31日 19:17:45 |
Renato Guimarães 🪐 | Just woke up from at dream where Kronii did a Twitter space talking about rice (the food) at 10AM, wish I could remember the rest | |||
1707 | 10月31日 19:18:00 |
Blythe | Renato |
1708 | 10月31日 19:18:12 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1709 | 10月31日 19:18:23 |
Renato Guimarães 🪐 | Blythe |
1710 | 10月31日 19:18:31 |
Renato Guimarães 🪐 | Rewind |
1711 | 10月31日 19:18:35 |
Random Clipper | Renato |
1712 | 10月31日 19:19:14 |
Renato Guimarães 🪐 | Random Clipper |
1713 | 10月31日 19:19:39 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | also imma go back read spicy fanfic | |||
1714 | 10月31日 19:19:55 |
Ouro Shizuka [Innocent Kromie] | adiós Kroniies |
1715 | 10月31日 19:19:55 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1716 | 10月31日 19:20:00 |
Shimi | Renato |
1717 | 10月31日 19:20:21 |
Blythe | Shimi |
1718 | 10月31日 19:20:34 |
Renato Guimarães 🪐 | Shimi |
1719 | 10月31日 19:22:01 |
Random Clipper | Shimi |
1720 | 10月31日 19:23:24 |
Blythe | RC |
1721 | 10月31日 19:23:38 |
Random Clipper | Blyat |
1722 | 10月31日 19:23:57 |
Shimi | RC |
1723 | 10月31日 19:31:39 |
Blythe | Siri and Cortana collab |
1724 | 10月31日 19:31:46 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | karaoke |
1725 | 10月31日 19:31:56 |
Renato Guimarães 🪐 | I have to go now, bye guys | |||
1726 | 10月31日 19:32:22 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | ||||
1727 | 10月31日 19:32:50 |
Renato Guimarães 🪐 | I know... |
1728 | 10月31日 19:33:17 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1729 | 10月31日 19:33:26 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | ||||
1730 | 10月31日 19:33:41 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1731 | 10月31日 19:33:56 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | take care Renato | |||
1732 | 10月31日 19:34:11 |
Renato Guimarães 🪐 | See you Rewind! Have a great day! See you No Shades! |
1733 | 10月31日 19:34:13 |
Blythe | bye Renato |
1734 | 10月31日 19:34:19 |
Blythe | Emperor |
1735 | 10月31日 19:34:38 |
Renato Guimarães 🪐 | Bye Blythe! |
1736 | 10月31日 19:35:07 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | ||||
1737 | 10月31日 19:36:11 |
Blythe | ||||
1738 | 10月31日 19:37:40 |
Random Clipper | Empy |
1739 | 10月31日 19:37:57 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | ||||
1740 | 10月31日 19:38:04 |
桂木 Heiwa | ただいまヾ(≧∀≦*)ノ〃 シャワあびたい... またね | |||
1741 | 10月31日 19:38:39 |
Blythe | Heiwa |
1742 | 10月31日 19:39:20 |
Random Clipper | Heiwa |
1743 | 10月31日 19:39:38 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1744 | 10月31日 19:40:42 |
Random Clipper | Okay, why is miku in genshin now | |||
1745 | 10月31日 19:40:51 |
Blythe | fr fr | |||
1746 | 10月31日 19:42:34 |
Blythe | scara |
1747 | 10月31日 19:42:40 |
Random Clipper | and wait, wanderer is arm | |||
1748 | 10月31日 19:42:43 |
Random Clipper | Scara? | |||
1749 | 10月31日 19:42:54 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | shush spoilers | |||
1750 | 10月31日 19:42:59 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | omg rc | |||
1751 | 10月31日 19:43:23 |
AquaticLettuce | wait they added miku to genshin wtf? | |||
1752 | 10月31日 19:43:41 |
Blythe | Miku |
1753 | 10月31日 19:43:56 |
Random Clipper | How is that spoiler, it's like saying non members spoilt members cause they guess something correctly | |||
1754 | 10月31日 19:44:21 |
Blythe | ||||
1755 | 10月31日 19:44:27 |
AquaticLettuce | oh its a genshin mod lmao | |||
1756 | 10月31日 19:45:30 |
Blythe | scaramouche, RC | |||
1757 | 10月31日 19:46:41 |
Random Clipper | I don't get it, scara is actually gonna be a playable character??? | |||
1758 | 10月31日 19:46:47 |
Random Clipper | His asian mom hit him THAT hard?!?!? | |||
1759 | 10月31日 19:47:08 |
Blythe | ohh the wanderer |
1760 | 10月31日 19:47:09 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | can't say more | |||
1761 | 10月31日 19:47:11 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1762 | 10月31日 19:47:21 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | shushhh | |||
1763 | 10月31日 19:47:40 |
Blythe | ||||
1764 | 10月31日 19:48:51 |
Rewind44 | 2 more days for dook dook archon, may you get a raddish in your pulls |
1765 | 10月31日 19:49:06 |
Blythe | Yae |
1766 | 10月31日 19:49:24 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | i have 20 pulls |
1767 | 10月31日 19:49:29 |
Random Clipper | Please be good, dook dook |
1768 | 10月31日 19:49:36 |
Random Clipper | I have 20k primos |
1769 | 10月31日 19:49:36 |
Blythe | ||||
1770 | 10月31日 19:50:22 |
Rewind44 | I have 180 pulls |
1771 | 10月31日 19:50:24 |
Blythe | Qiqi is waiting for you, RC |
1772 | 10月31日 19:50:48 |
Random Clipper | I have guarantee pity |
1773 | 10月31日 19:50:54 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1774 | 10月31日 19:51:03 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | rc what a coincidence | |||
1775 | 10月31日 19:51:10 |
Blythe | Pray to Kronii |
1776 | 10月31日 19:51:14 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | i have 2.k |
1777 | 10月31日 19:51:24 |
Rewind44 | i want to see the Sumeru collectibles on the map, Tighnari please |
1778 | 10月31日 19:51:37 |
Blythe | ||||
1779 | 10月31日 19:51:57 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | same | |||
1780 | 10月31日 19:52:12 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1781 | 10月31日 19:52:20 |
Random Clipper | I just want a dendro xinqiu |
1782 | 10月31日 19:52:37 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1783 | 10月31日 19:52:46 |
Blythe | Nilou? | |||
1784 | 10月31日 19:53:00 |
Blythe | wait no |
1785 | 10月31日 19:53:05 |
Random Clipper | Nilou dps |
1786 | 10月31日 19:53:13 |
Nil | It gets me every time.... | |||
1787 | 10月31日 19:53:30 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1788 | 10月31日 19:53:31 |
Blythe | Nil |
1789 | 10月31日 19:53:39 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | nilou killed me, i rolled her weapon but got jade cutter | |||
1790 | 10月31日 19:53:42 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | ||||
1791 | 10月31日 19:53:50 |
Blythe | ||||
1792 | 10月31日 19:54:54 |
Random Clipper | I got 2 jade spear, and now I have dps zhong li |
1793 | 10月31日 19:56:56 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | I have 3 of that Geo claymore |
1794 | 10月31日 19:57:08 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1795 | 10月31日 19:57:31 |
1796 | 10月31日 19:57:53 |
Blythe | Pray to Kronii |
1797 | 10月31日 19:58:01 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1798 | 10月31日 19:58:36 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | ||||
1799 | 10月31日 19:59:04 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1800 | 10月31日 19:59:23 |
Blythe | the last time I pray to Kronii, I got the budget Kronii |
1801 | 10月31日 20:00:12 |
Flashburn | ||||
1802 | 10月31日 20:00:30 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | ||||
1803 | 10月31日 20:00:38 |
Blythe | Flash |
1804 | 10月31日 20:00:46 |
Blythe | ||||
1805 | 10月31日 20:00:53 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | ||||
1806 | 10月31日 20:01:27 |
Flashburn | Am excite for karaoke, I hope this means her singing lessons are going well. |
1807 | 10月31日 20:02:00 |
Blythe | welcome |
1808 | 10月31日 20:04:44 |
桂木 Heiwa | Blythe, RC, Rewind, Empy, Aquatic, Nil, Flash (੭ु´・ω・`)੭ु⁾⁾ | |||
1809 | 10月31日 20:04:54 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1810 | 10月31日 20:04:54 |
No Shades EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time | ||||
1811 | 10月31日 20:04:55 |
Blythe | ||||
1812 | 10月31日 20:04:58 |
Random Clipper | Clock |
1813 | 10月31日 20:05:25 |
桂木 Heiwa | Time for vod(≧▽≦) | |||
1814 | 10月31日 20:06:03 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1815 | 10月31日 20:14:29 |
Rewind44 | brb |
1816 | 10月31日 20:14:32 |
Pluviam Ambulare | Long day but is done for now. Good night and rest well FC | |||
1817 | 10月31日 20:16:23 |
桂木 Heiwa | Plum(´∀`)つ旦~~ | |||
1818 | 10月31日 20:20:38 |
Flashburn | 'night Pluv | |||
1819 | 10月31日 20:23:42 |
Random Clipper | Plam |
1820 | 10月31日 21:07:20 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1821 | 10月31日 21:07:48 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1822 | 10月31日 21:09:58 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1823 | 10月31日 21:37:10 |
Warleader | Axel birthday this week. |
1824 | 10月31日 21:37:18 |
Warleader | Same time as Kronii stream. |
1825 | 10月31日 21:37:30 |
Warleader | Holodex be put to use once more. | |||
1826 | 10月31日 21:38:09 |
Random Clipper | WE ACTUALLY GET TCG FOR GENSHIN???? | |||
1827 | 10月31日 21:39:18 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1828 | 10月31日 21:39:30 |
Rewind44 | Same time they announced the animu | |||
1829 | 10月31日 21:39:59 |
RTSE | I wonder if Kronii doesn't call him or sent him a video or just pull a Bae | |||
1830 | 10月31日 21:40:01 |
Rewind44 | We can play with other players but tcg rewards are not locked in a competitive format |
1831 | 10月31日 21:40:08 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1832 | 10月31日 21:40:25 |
Carhillion | Karaoke |
1833 | 10月31日 21:40:30 |
RTSE | But i want Axel to call Kronii my other me | |||
1834 | 10月31日 21:40:32 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1835 | 10月31日 21:42:35 |
Carhillion | Yo = w=)/ morning | |||
1836 | 10月31日 21:45:42 |
Little Miss Mitsuri 🌸 蜜璃ちゃん | let's goo live in 134 days | |||
1837 | 10月31日 21:46:11 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1838 | 10月31日 21:46:48 |
Random Clipper | RTSE |
1839 | 10月31日 21:46:58 |
Random Clipper | Mitsuri |
1840 | 10月31日 21:47:13 |
Random Clipper | Car |
1841 | 10月31日 21:48:43 |
Random Clipper | Man, me hungry |
1842 | 10月31日 21:48:54 |
Random Clipper | The more I eat, the hungrier I get |
1843 | 10月31日 21:49:21 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1844 | 10月31日 22:12:46 |
Orange Robot | Good morning, everyone! |
1845 | 10月31日 22:12:56 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1846 | 10月31日 22:13:08 |
Orange Robot | I'm going to watch the Halloween collab before I have work in 4 hours |
1847 | 10月31日 22:13:16 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1848 | 10月31日 22:14:06 |
Orange Robot | Schedule looks interesting in the fact that we have RE:V so soon, plus unarchived karaoke too. I thought we wouldn't have both until next year! |
1849 | 10月31日 22:15:25 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1850 | 10月31日 22:15:40 |
Orange Robot | I've seen Ame's antichamber playthrough, so I know it will be a comfy puzzle solving game with Kronii. | |||
1851 | 10月31日 22:16:31 |
Orange Robot | It Takes Two I haven't seen the previous streams for, so I'll be skipping that one. | |||
1852 | 10月31日 22:17:15 |
Orange Robot | Of course I know everyone will enjoy hearing two deep voiced girls at the same time! |
1853 | 10月31日 22:18:53 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | ||||
1854 | 10月31日 22:19:18 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Yeah I’m surprised a kronii actually wanted to continue the RE play through so soon | |||
1855 | 10月31日 22:19:24 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1856 | 10月31日 22:19:33 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | And also Krokaraoke |
1857 | 10月31日 22:20:27 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1858 | 10月31日 22:22:40 |
Orange Robot | For those that watched Mumei's and ame's POV yesterday, which one would you suggest? | |||
1859 | 10月31日 22:23:36 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | I watched Mumei |
1860 | 10月31日 22:23:37 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1861 | 10月31日 22:23:57 |
Rewind44 | Youc an also stream both at the same time if you want to | |||
1862 | 10月31日 22:24:22 |
Rewind44 | Also Calli's stream has a sneak peek of some chatting before the streams begun if you wanna check that out | |||
1863 | 10月31日 22:25:44 |
Orange Robot | Kronii pov on Ame's channel? How does that work? |
1864 | 10月31日 22:26:12 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Ame was the Camerawoman, she did 3rd person POV’s | |||
1865 | 10月31日 22:26:45 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1866 | 10月31日 22:27:07 |
Orange Robot | So wouldn't Ame's stream be better to see everyone's model then? | |||
1867 | 10月31日 22:28:16 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | I suppose, depends on what you want |
1868 | 10月31日 22:29:04 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1869 | 10月31日 22:30:06 |
Orange Robot | Then Ame PoV it is for me! |
1870 | 10月31日 22:30:39 |
Random Clipper | BiS |
1871 | 10月31日 22:31:07 |
Random Clipper | At least kronii taking a break on halloween, go get dem treats |
1872 | 10月31日 22:31:08 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1873 | 10月31日 22:31:25 |
Random Clipper | Not really |
1874 | 10月31日 22:31:32 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1875 | 10月31日 22:31:55 |
Random Clipper | Well, general rule of content creation, if you can't think of a title and thumbnail, don't do it |
1876 | 10月31日 22:32:05 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | RC |
1877 | 10月31日 22:32:32 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1878 | 10月31日 22:32:48 |
Random Clipper | Rewind, it's already NNN for us |
1879 | 10月31日 22:32:52 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | No Nut Krovember |
1880 | 10月31日 22:33:10 |
Random Clipper | Graveyard shift doesn't give you EST privilege |
1881 | 10月31日 22:33:26 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1882 | 10月31日 22:33:44 |
Random Clipper | It's basically already is |
1883 | 10月31日 22:33:49 |
Orange Robot | Nonstop Nut November for me. I did the other challenge last year | |||
1884 | 10月31日 22:34:16 |
Orange Robot | I have my Kronii and Marine "content" ready just for the occasion |
1885 | 10月31日 22:34:33 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1886 | 10月31日 22:34:51 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1887 | 10月31日 22:34:54 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1888 | 10月31日 22:35:02 |
桂木 Heiwa | |ω・) | |||
1889 | 10月31日 22:35:04 |
Rewind44 | STUN SEED |
1890 | 10月31日 22:35:12 |
Orange Robot | ||||
1891 | 10月31日 22:35:17 |
Rewind44 | |ω・)/ | |||
1892 | 10月31日 22:36:14 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Now we can have cyberpunk nuts |
1893 | 10月31日 22:40:38 |
Random Clipper | That time when she tweeted a squirrel stapler fact is something else |
1894 | 10月31日 22:49:56 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1895 | 10月31日 22:52:25 |
Random Clipper | Clock |
1896 | 10月31日 22:55:11 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1897 | 10月31日 22:55:41 |
Rewind44 | There goes my fries |
1898 | 10月31日 23:32:14 |
Random Clipper | ||||
1899 | 10月31日 23:34:42 |
A Wicked One | Are you handing out fries to trick or treaters? | |||
1900 | 10月31日 23:35:17 |
Rewind44 | ||||
1901 | 10月31日 23:35:47 |
A Wicked One | ||||
1902 | 10月31日 23:37:07 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Sup Wicked |
1903 | 10月31日 23:46:45 |
Random Clipper | Wicked |
1904 | 10月31日 23:51:18 |
Boros is SPOOKY [and fiendish] | Last night was so fun |
1905 | 10月31日 23:54:22 |
Random Clipper | It is |
1906 | 10月31日 23:55:01 |
Rewind44 | ||||