トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。(5分毎に更新)
配信名:【WEEKLY SCHEDULE】08.22~08.28
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 RON  RON    1     100.00    2,853円
---- ---- ----       ----    2,853円
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Schedule Doko? INA DOKO? doko doko doko doko
2 00:00:00   Yato Corne Ina tweet
3 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
4 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
5 00:00:00   Soulgazer
6 00:00:00   Granlitar
7 00:00:00   Yato Corne don't forget to re-tweet Nabi cover Ina
8 00:00:00   RCSI
9 00:00:00   Yato Corne RCSI and Soul
10 00:00:00   Soulgazer
11 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Ayo ? Nabi mama and Ina singing ?
12 00:00:00   Yato Corne yeah premiere is... tOMORROW!
13 00:00:00   RCSI TOMORROW!?
14 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Also.. Rogue Tako is not alone
15 00:00:00   mysha 【ミシャ】 Hi takos
16 00:00:00   Yato Corne hi mysha
17 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Hey mysha
18 00:00:00   RCSI mysha
19 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Hello
20 00:00:00   William TRF Hi mysha
21 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Looks like today will be break day
22 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
23 00:00:00   Yato Corne wouldn't be so sure Warlock
24 00:00:00   ranpo yaho
25 00:00:00   Ammomagnet quite possible
26 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Ranpo
27 00:00:00   Ammomagnet hey ranpo
28 00:00:00   mysha 【ミシャ】
29 00:00:00   RCSI Oh, there it is
30 00:00:00   RCSI
31 00:00:00   iesius
32 00:00:00   teamakite
33 00:00:00   Yato Corne ... Ina...
34 00:00:00   teamakite stream today?..
35 00:00:00   RCSI schedule today too?
36 00:00:00   teamakite that's too much
37 00:00:00   Feed tomorrow's gonna be fun
38 00:00:00   RCSI I see
39 00:00:00   Dah Nuh Work done!
40 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Otsu Dah
41 00:00:00   Yato Corne otsu Dah
42 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Huh?
43 00:00:00   RCSI otsu Dah
44 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
45 00:00:00   Dah Nuh Ina said she's doing the additional RUST stream last week cause this week she'll be very busy with Myth anniversary preparations, so we might not get any schedule this week depending on her work.
46 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Oh
47 00:00:00   FamSalmon oh yeah she did say that
48 00:00:00   RCSI
49 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Preparations ?
50 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord I'm gonna leak member tier 3 member content : Ina draws Cute things
51 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Preparing for whatever anniversary projects she has going on. a Cover, celebration stream, there's some possibilities
52 00:00:00   Yato Corne for anniversary, for what exactly we don't know
53 00:00:00   Feed iirc Ina never mentioned no schedule, but pretty much everybody just assumed that anyway since she said she'll be busy until the anniversary
54 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
55 00:00:00   Feed with UMISEA, the concert thing, and her cover coming up we're starting to see some of the projects she was talking about too
56 00:00:00   Feed
57 00:00:00   Ammomagnet pretty much, I'm expecting 2 lighter weeks until the anniversary
58 00:00:00   Yato Corne yep
59 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord none noticed me leaking content , that means I can do it more often
60 00:00:00   Dah Nuh what I can say though, for tomorrow Nabi-mama has a scheduled MV cover with Ina, adn also there seems to be some Hololive Summer concert where Ina and Gura will make an appearance.
61 00:00:00   Ammomagnet oh nooo he will keep saying "Ina cute". How terrible
62 00:00:00   Yato Corne someone need to stop him... not me thought, i'm too bust eating cookies
63 00:00:00   Dah Nuh @Warlock Warlord I'll give you some head pats cause no one is paying attention to you!
64 00:00:00   ranpo im not hoping and hoping at the same time for the to have swimsuit
65 00:00:00   Dah Nuh If @Yato Corne is eating cookies too it means the curse from a few days ago was averted!
66 00:00:00   Wydken she's been working on so many things :InaPat:
67 00:00:00   Wydken for your hard work ina
68 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
69 00:00:00   Ammomagnet swimsuit part I don't see happening but who knows
70 00:00:00   FamSalmon
71 00:00:00   Feed I'm hoping for a swimsuit solely so Ina could use her 3D more
72 00:00:00   Feed it's dangerously cute
73 00:00:00   Yato Corne i mean who knows, they don't need to be in Japan to get access to swimsuits
74 00:00:00   RCSI
75 00:00:00   RCSI
76 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
77 00:00:00   Dah Nuh @ranpo InaInaSwimsuit... you've reminded me again of that masterpiece Dino did of Calli's revealing swimsuit design for Ina.
78 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Since Calli said "we didn't get swimsuits this year". But y'know, she didn't know about Ina and Gura being in hologra beforehand either so who's to say
79 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Ina finally reacted to Calli's design for Her
80 00:00:00   Dah Nuh That is a really good reaction.... ssg Ina-sama
81 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord She doesn't know Her art tagnis dangerous again PepeLaugh
82 00:00:00   Yato Corne and let's be honest, if she Calli did get swimsuit she would not tell us, remember the mascot thing?
83 00:00:00   Dah Nuh I need to check the art tag soon, cause I haven't in several day now
84 00:00:00   Ammomagnet mascot thing?
85 00:00:00   Yato Corne 1 week till reveal of myth plushie they kept saying that there is nothing done with it for now
86 00:00:00   Neftiaf <[INA is Cute]
87 00:00:00   Neftiaf im back
88 00:00:00   RCSI wb Neft
89 00:00:00   Yato Corne so what i'm saying temper your expectations but also don't trust everything talents says
90 00:00:00   Ammomagnet hmm I guess, can't recall
91 00:00:00   Yato Corne wb Nefti
92 00:00:00   Ammomagnet But the copiums good
93 00:00:00   Neftiaf oh did a cover
94 00:00:00   ranpo @Dah Nuh i saw the 2nd part of that too
95 00:00:00   Dah Nuh I thrust everything the priestess says. That's what it means to be a true follower! It's all about faith in this religion... We're not a cult, btw...
96 00:00:00   Dah Nuh @ranpo
97 00:00:00   RCSI We aren't? I mean...of course we are not a cult
98 00:00:00   Yato Corne we are just a friendly book club
99 00:00:00   Dah Nuh I think I slipped a KDTD there by mistake for some reason
100 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Book club without a book... AO-chan doko?
101 00:00:00   KoiKoi ONE MORE MONTH!!!!!
102 00:00:00   Dah Nuh AO-chan in a swimsuit doko?
103 00:00:00   Yato Corne Koi
104 00:00:00   KoiKoi
105 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Nice
106 00:00:00   Ammomagnet December for me
107 00:00:00   Yato Corne WE WILL BASK IN GOLDEN
108 00:00:00   Neftiaf >>><<<
109 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Chat will be very Christmasy with gold and silver
110 00:00:00   張庭維 Hokosai Senaei... 7
111 00:00:00   RCSI Next year for me
112 00:00:00   Soulgazer I think I memberd on New Years.
113 00:00:00   張庭維 ...Ah, September is coming
114 00:00:00   Yato Corne in next month i will be once again vulnerable to werewolf's... ya be
115 00:00:00   KoiKoi wait....are we shedding out silver coating to reveal a golden interior...or getting gold plating over our silver coating?
116 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated
117 00:00:00   KoiKoi
118 00:00:00   Ammomagnet I'm shapeshifting . You could say I'm mor-
119 00:00:00   張庭維 Then... who "waswolf"?
120 00:00:00   Yato Corne i think we first need to wash off silver paint
121 00:00:00   KoiKoi everyone asks "w(h)erewolf" but nobody asks howwolf
122 00:00:00   FamSalmon
123 00:00:00   KoiKoi
124 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord IKZZZZ!!!
125 00:00:00   KoiKoi :BONK:
126 00:00:00   Dah Nuh let's go~, @KoiKoi ! soon to be golden!
127 00:00:00   KoiKoi
128 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Why bonk an Inacent Dinodachi?
129 00:00:00   Yato Corne
130 00:00:00   RCSI
131 00:00:00   KoiKoi are you REALLY Inacent? are any of us?
132 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord of course
133 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
134 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Hai Everyone~What you all doing today?
135 00:00:00   KoiKoi Pain~
136 00:00:00   Neftiaf IKZ~
137 00:00:00   Neftiaf nm finally able to play n watch vod of kela birthday
138 00:00:00   Dah Nuh @xPAIN_PANGOx heeey! I'm just chilling a bit with these cute takos here after work!
139 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Pain
140 00:00:00   張庭維 Lez Gooo!!!! (Unwelcome School intensify)
141 00:00:00   Neftiaf pain
142 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Tako Senpai will become Golden Tako! Can't wait
143 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Trying to focus on a document with no success, wanted to go outside to take a breather but it's raining
144 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Ammomagnet
145 00:00:00   Allula
146 00:00:00   Neftiaf ammo
147 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Nice Dah~
148 00:00:00   Ammomagnet it's nothing serious thankfully . my brains just all over the place today
149 00:00:00   Dah Nuh rain might be starting here soon too. but I'd stay away from the outside world as much as possible, @Ammomagnet ...
150 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Ina Doko?
151 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
152 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx
153 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx
154 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Man I wish we got some rain
155 00:00:00   Neftiaf it was rainning here mins ago
156 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx It will happen Warlock... someday
157 00:00:00   Ammomagnet As long as I don't have to interact with random people outside can be fun
158 00:00:00   Ammomagnet But the rain seems to be letting up a bit for now, so I think I'll go for a short bike ride. Later
159 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Good luck Ammo~
160 00:00:00   Dah Nuh have fun @Ammomagnet
161 00:00:00   Yato Corne have fin Ammo
162 00:00:00   RCSI Have fun Ammo
163 00:00:00   Yato Corne have fun Ammo ( )
164 00:00:00   Neftiaf
165 00:00:00   Yato Corne
166 00:00:00   Neftiaf
167 00:00:00   Yato Corne 4 hours till tako time... so probably break after all
168 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx
169 00:00:00   FamSalmon she does occasionally post schedule an hour or so before stream sometimes
170 00:00:00   Dah Nuh We should stay shark... I mean sharp
171 00:00:00   teamakite
172 00:00:00   Dah Nuh this would be a good pun for Gura's comminity, though
173 00:00:00   Dah Nuh hey @teamakite
174 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Tea
175 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Expectations:Reality:
176 00:00:00   teamakite hi Dah, Pango!
177 00:00:00   Neftiaf
178 00:00:00   Neftiaf hey dah
179 00:00:00   RCSI Feels like another break day tbh
180 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx
181 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Theres tako time today?
182 00:00:00   teamakite no info
183 00:00:00   Yato Corne maybe we get twitter space ?(Copium)
184 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Takoronie, RCSI~
185 00:00:00   teamakite I'd settle with a simple "y/n stream today" at this rate
186 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Koronie
187 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Hey yato, pain, *insert headpat tako*
188 00:00:00   RCSI Hey takoronie
189 00:00:00   teamakite hi Takoronie
190 00:00:00   Neftiaf takoronie
191 00:00:00   Just a takoronie RCSI,Teamkite,neftiaf
192 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Just realized after watching some clips of last night dbdl stream, kronii had the botan laugh
193 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx
194 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Anyone watched kaelas birthday stream?
195 00:00:00   Yato Corne i did watata~
196 00:00:00   Yato Corne Ina send a cute doodle
197 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Need to watch the VoD then
198 00:00:00   Neftiaf that she did
199 00:00:00   Neftiaf did a cute draw also
200 00:00:00   張庭維 Dan-dan doko...
201 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Oh...Dan Dan...
202 00:00:00   Chris Lung Tako PoWAH Hey Ina and Takos!
203 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Chris
204 00:00:00   Chris Lung Tako PoWAH Speaking of Dan Dan, my sisters cat is named that. But I am highly allergic to cats!
205 00:00:00   Yato Corne
206 00:00:00   Neftiaf
207 00:00:00   Yato Corne anyone knows if is there any EN stream today?
208 00:00:00   Neftiaf nope theres reine
209 00:00:00   Neftiaf astel n rio streaming
210 00:00:00   Chris Lung Tako PoWAH Calli playing Rust on 11 pm EST or 9 PM PST
211 00:00:00   Chris Lung Tako PoWAH tonight
212 00:00:00   Opty duCiel There's Regis in 5 hours, Magni and Kronii in 8 hours, Calli in 9 hours
213 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Hai Chris~
214 00:00:00   Yato Corne Opty
215 00:00:00   Yato Corne Regis playing MC right?
216 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Opty
217 00:00:00   Opty duCiel Yes
218 00:00:00   Opty duCiel Magni = Subnautica, Kronii = The Last Campfire
219 00:00:00   Just a takoronie So the “loud small group” did appear after yesterday
220 00:00:00   Opty duCiel Yeah, I heard about it (I didn't go see it though)
221 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Just watched a video, of it so probably saw less than half
222 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Naw, it was all there was it was literally 1 guy with multiple burner accounts
223 00:00:00   Blues, squishy tako that’s too busy to squish
224 00:00:00   Blues, squishy tako that’s too busy to squish Stopping by real quick to give pats before going back to work, have a nice day takos
225 00:00:00   Yato Corne Blues
226 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Hai Blues, good luck at work.
227 00:00:00   teamakite Ina tweet
228 00:00:00   Yato Corne Tako time tOMORROW
229 00:00:00   teamakite Takotime tomorrow
230 00:00:00   Vats
231 00:00:00   Vats TOMORROW?
232 00:00:00   RCSI
233 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Tomorrow
234 00:00:00   William TRF TOMORROW!?!
235 00:00:00   Wydken Tomorrow's gonna be amazing
236 00:00:00   Wydken
237 00:00:00   FamSalmon lots happening
238 00:00:00   Neftiaf tomorrow
239 00:00:00   Yato Corne we got Takotime times 3
240 00:00:00   Ammomagnet A song, a live appearance and a stream
241 00:00:00   RCSI
242 00:00:00   Yato Corne
243 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx
244 00:00:00   Wydken
245 00:00:00   iesius
246 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi everyone
247 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Hey Emir
248 00:00:00   Neftiaf emir
249 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Emircan
250 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi Ammo, Neft, Yato
251 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Emircan, Wydken, Vats, William, Famsalmon~
252 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi PAIN
253 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya chat!
254 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Ardy
255 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi Ardy
256 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Ardy~
257 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Hey Ardy
258 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami
259 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi Vivan
260 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami 'ellooo.
261 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Vivian
262 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Oooh, Fauna had a winning bet on Watame for the 1st race too.
263 00:00:00   Neftiaf ardy
264 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami She didn't go all in like Ina, though, oof.
265 00:00:00   Dah Nuh seems like there will be no takotime tonight. i'll probably sink it into a certain mmo. Need to get money
266 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Hai Vivian, Good luck and have fun Dah~
267 00:00:00   Dah Nuh @xPAIN_PANGOx
268 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi Dah good luck
269 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I hit 50 boxes in F/GO lotto so I'm tempted to just take a break and get to other games while there's down time in it.
270 00:00:00   despawn nabi and ina cover???
271 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Good luck and have fun Vivian~
272 00:00:00   Yato Corne yes despawn
273 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Hai Despawn,
274 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Summertime is also one of my favorites songand be sing by our priestess? WHAT A DEAL!
275 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Wait
276 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Hey Despawn!
277 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I got a gift sub to Reine without noticing.
278 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan nice
279 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Must've been gifted during her current stream
280 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Oh congrats!
281 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami
282 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx May i ask you guys a question? How many you holomember do your guys subscribe and join? ( I only subscribe and join our priestess). Just want to know.
283 00:00:00   Neftiaf i have 6 if i remember right
284 00:00:00   Neftiaf some others have more or 2
285 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Subscribe? Uhhh...good question.
286 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan I sub to all channels but only joined Ina
287 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi I've subscribed to all the members. But membership I have 6 (Soon to be 5 thanks to Sana's membership ending)
288 00:00:00   Neftiaf ah subscribe most of them also
289 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Membership? 3 paid, 3 gifts? I need to double-check on the Hooman membership.
290 00:00:00   Yato Corne i subscribed to everyone, never know if they don't decide to play something that i would watch
291 00:00:00   Yato Corne for membership only 2 Ina and Korone
292 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Wow,for the answer~
293 00:00:00   Neftiaf
294 00:00:00   Neftiaf <[Tomorrow]
295 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I'd have to catch the subscriptions but generally if I find myself watching their stuff (vod or stream) and enjoying it, I'll sub.
296 00:00:00   Neftiaf same
297 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan TOMORROW
298 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I need to give the new Umisea song a listen.
299 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Have fun Vivian~
300 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan oh thanks for the reminder Vivian I need to listen too
301 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx TOMORROW?!
302 00:00:00   Neftiaf <[TOMORROW~]
303 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
304 00:00:00   Yato Corne
305 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
306 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Good bye everyoneI'm going to bed now.so much and i wish you all will always have anderful day every day.
307 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan Good night PAIN
308 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi See you Pango!
309 00:00:00   William TRF Good night PANGO, sleep well
310 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi William
311 00:00:00   Yato Corne Good night Pain
312 00:00:00   William TRF Hi back Emircan
313 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Hello Takos
314 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi Warlock
315 00:00:00   William TRF Hey Warlock
316 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Warlock!
317 00:00:00   Neftiaf nit pango, hey ww
318 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
319 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi Jabber
320 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Emir
321 00:00:00   Neftiaf jabber
322 00:00:00   Yato Corne Jabber
323 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Nefti, Yato
324 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Jabber!
325 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Hey Jabber
326 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Ardy, Ronie
327 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi takoronie
328 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Hey emircan
329 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Oh hey Takoronie! Forgot to greet you
330 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord So Ina tweeted She busy with errands
331 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord But She will appear in something later tonight ?
332 00:00:00   Yato Corne probably no
333 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan No don't think so
334 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Isn't She singing with Gura?
335 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Sup ardy?
336 00:00:00   Feed ina and gura are gonna be guests in tomorrow's concert
337 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan oh hi Feed
338 00:00:00   Feed an hour after her song cover with nabi is released
339 00:00:00   Feed hello
340 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Feed
341 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Is this another case of Ina's skewed perception of "later" and "tomorrow" ?
342 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Doing good! A bit distracted with stuff that needs to be done, but okay otherwise
343 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Also heya Feed!
344 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Probably, Warlock.
345 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord OOF
346 00:00:00   Yato Corne we are getting 3 Inas tomorrow, can't really complain about that
347 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord I keep falling for it
348 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord 3 Inas ?
349 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi It's a lot of content tomorrow despite her being busy so I can't complain.
350 00:00:00   Yato Corne Cover, Hololive summer and Takotime
351 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
352 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) that mean, past Ina, present Ina and Future Ina
353 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord I see
354 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
355 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord What about Smol Ina?
356 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Smol Ina is...cute
357 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
358 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
359 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
360 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi The same goes for every Ina to be fair
361 00:00:00   Yato Corne but you know who else is cute?
362 00:00:00   Yato Corne you takos
363 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) you
364 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
365 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
366 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
367 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord We have tall L2D Ina , we have Smol L2D Ina , we have tall 3D Ina , we have Smol 3D Ina , we have Smol Scientist 3D Ina , we have MiIna ,we have Pokémon trainer Ina and.. uhh
368 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan more Inas
369 00:00:00   Yato Corne we school uniform Ina (vrchat)
370 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Ah yes .. we also have Smol Astronaut 3D Ina
371 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord True.. 3D VRC School Ina
372 00:00:00   Feed we also have Tutor Ina in the pink sweater and skirt
373 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord What?
374 00:00:00   Feed
375 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan Tutor Ina
376 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
377 00:00:00   Chris Lung Tako PoWAH
378 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi Lung
379 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Chris!
380 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Ah yes , we also have Illustration Inas , with tako sweater, with party dress, with Summer dress
381 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord The Inaverse is BEEEG
382 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord IKZZZ!!!
383 00:00:00   Dvrk Hey takos, can't chat for long since I got no internet, so while I'm gone,
384 00:00:00   Yato Corne
385 00:00:00   Yato Corne Dvrk
386 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi See you Dvrk!
387 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi Dvrkbye Dvrk
388 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord I see artists have combined the power of Ina's back with Calli's design SwimsuitSO much Powerrrrrr!!!
389 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan ....UNLIMITED POWER
390 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
391 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami
392 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Super Auto Pets is more hard that its look
393 00:00:00   Chris Lung Tako PoWAH Emircan, Ardy, Warlock, Vivian, Jabber~
394 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami WAH.
395 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan Good night everyone take care
396 00:00:00   Yato Corne
397 00:00:00   Yato Corne Good night Emircan
398 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Good night Emircan!
399 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
400 00:00:00   William TRF Night Emircan
401 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Nit Emir, hey Chris
402 00:00:00   Allula
403 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Allu
404 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Allula!
405 00:00:00   McFluffles Heyo Takos
406 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Fluffles
407 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Fluffles
408 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Fluffles
409 00:00:00   a ducking Goose Am aliiivveee
410 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hi alive
411 00:00:00   a ducking Goose
412 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Navi!
413 00:00:00   mysha 【ミシャ】 G'night everyone
414 00:00:00   a ducking Goose G'morning afternoon evening comfi Takos
415 00:00:00   a ducking Goose g'night Mysha
416 00:00:00   a ducking Goose uuwa, Scorching. Winter can't come any sooner, am melting here
417 00:00:00   Yato Corne Good night mysha
418 00:00:00   Wydken
419 00:00:00   McFluffles
420 00:00:00   a ducking Goose
421 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Good night mysha! Also
422 00:00:00   Yato Corne
423 00:00:00   Blues, squishy tako that’s too busy to squish
424 00:00:00   KoiKoi
425 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
426 00:00:00   Chris Lung Tako PoWAH
427 00:00:00   RCSI
428 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Oh god...
429 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Kanata: Help.
430 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Teammate Suisei: Ikimasu [launches rocket from military base at Choco's house]
431 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
432 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I mean...that's one way to help Kanata. May just kill her and Choco, though.
433 00:00:00   Yato Corne i only saw ending (not gonna spoil it obviously) bit it sure was something
434 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami ...?
435 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Cult of the Lamb is on Switch?
436 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami ...actually considering Bind of Isaac is too I shouldn't be surprised.
437 00:00:00   Neftiaf it is vivi
438 00:00:00   Neftiaf and the dlc is free
439 00:00:00   Neftiaf or it was the last time I saw it
440 00:00:00   Yato Corne i meant the end of rust battle royale
441 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Oh nice.
442 00:00:00   teamakite Binding of Isaac is surprisingly power hungry at times, especially if you got some cool synergies going on... like, you can crash game on PC easily in that case
443 00:00:00   Yato Corne also YT ate one of my comments
444 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Oh I know; I switched subjects when I heard Korone starting the game up and heard Switch sounds.
445 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Oh no I mainly mean in terms of content I thought Cult of the Lamb would be a bit too yabai but...yeah, Binding of Isaac is moreso.
446 00:00:00   Neftiaf twitch cult of the lamb interaction was fun
447 00:00:00   teamakite oh yeah lmao, themes in Isaac are something... something else
448 00:00:00   Neftiaf didn't made it as cult but was fun to watch
449 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Mumei really could use the Mumeism thing for that game. Honestly it feels like it fits the Hoomans well.
450 00:00:00   Yato Corne yep, Lamb is rather tame in comparison
451 00:00:00   teamakite Yato you should play Repentance
452 00:00:00   teamakite and Afterbirth+ too
453 00:00:00   teamakite base game is very tame in comparison
454 00:00:00   Yato Corne yeah i need to at some point... but the backlog
455 00:00:00   teamakite it's well worth it trust me
456 00:00:00   Neftiaf can't buy games for some time now
457 00:00:00   Yato Corne i already have rebirth so i just need to buy DLCs
458 00:00:00   Yato Corne and i have 0 doubt it's worth the money, i know it's quality
459 00:00:00   teamakite do buy whole package when you do, Afterbirth+ has some balance issues
460 00:00:00   teamakite not even sure if you can buy not-whole package nowadays
461 00:00:00   teamakite oh yeah you still can
462 00:00:00   Yato Corne i checked and i can at least on GoG
463 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Well, put that on my Switch wishlist.
464 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Still have a bunch of game stuff in Pokemon games I want to get out of the way before S/V..
465 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) I do be back (and think I forgot to tell I was leaving )
466 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Has Watame shared impressions of spending Her first 1 on 1 collab with Ina ?asking for a friend
467 00:00:00   Yato Corne wb(?) Jabber
468 00:00:00   Yato Corne not sure probably yes since she had zatsu after stream today
469 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi wb Jabber! And I think Watame did but not sure
470 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
471 00:00:00   Neftiaf
472 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi It was cool to see them have a one on one collab though. Not gonna lie, it was one of the collabs I'd been hoping would happen. It was just as comfy and cute as I imagined
473 00:00:00   Yato Corne same Ardy
474 00:00:00   Drex
475 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Also, I don't know if it was mentioned here but Watame said a few months back how she got a passport and wanted to go visit EN members. She mentioned Kiara, Ina, and Fauna in particular.
476 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Drex!
477 00:00:00   Yato Corne off collab with best sheep?
478 00:00:00   Ammomagnet oh that's cool to hear!
479 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) now dinner brb
480 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami
481 00:00:00   a ducking Goose
482 00:00:00   Neftiaf kiawa did said something moths ago
483 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi wb Navi
484 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Oh hey to you as well Nefti
485 00:00:00   Neftiaf ardy navi
486 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
487 00:00:00   Yato Corne
488 00:00:00   a ducking Goose
489 00:00:00   SpudTako now that ina has her own place , she can accommodate watame i guess. only if she can get her own mattress first
490 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami They added Wesker (as killer), Ada, and Rebecca Chambers to DBD.
491 00:00:00   SpudTako hello takos, my bad sleep schedule has carried over to eu tz
492 00:00:00   Neftiaf spud mine is over the place I'm on holidays
493 00:00:00   Yato Corne that's sleep schedule will serve you well for Ina streams
494 00:00:00   Neftiaf IKZ
495 00:00:00   Yato Corne
496 00:00:00   Neftiaf
497 00:00:00   Yato Corne he devolving
498 00:00:00   Neftiaf im a tako can take many forms it's inevitable ~
499 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord IKZZZZ!!
500 00:00:00   Yato Corne
501 00:00:00   Neftiaf IKZ
502 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Spud! Weird sleeping schedules are very common around these parts
503 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
504 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Man it must be nice to see Tempus breathing new life into the Star's MC server
505 00:00:00   Neftiaf
506 00:00:00   Neftiaf yeah
507 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord IKZZZ!!!
508 00:00:00   Neftiaf saw the kobo collab
509 00:00:00   Yato Corne Tempus now have better xp farm than myth after 2 years
510 00:00:00   Yato Corne not counting guardian farm ofc
511 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
512 00:00:00   Yato Corne anyway, good night Takos
513 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Good night Yato!
514 00:00:00   Neftiaf nit yato
515 00:00:00   Neftiaf
516 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Nit Yato
517 00:00:00   RCSI Good night Yato
518 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Oof.
519 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Too bad Calli dislikes Minecraft , or else She would spearhead a MC collab between live and stars
520 00:00:00   Opty duCiel They don;t share servers
521 00:00:00   Opty duCiel ID already did a collab with Stars when ID was disconnected from the main server
522 00:00:00   Opty duCiel But once they connected to main server Stars couldn't visit anymore
523 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Yeah.
524 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Hopefully all of Holostars can share a server now, though.
525 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
526 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Kronii over analyzing a game title and worried of it
527 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
528 00:00:00   Neftiaf
529 00:00:00   am monke Did I somehow get a gift sub from a schedule "stream"
530 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord You got it from this chat
531 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) yes Monke
532 00:00:00   SpudTako it was like , yesterday ?
533 00:00:00   am monke i don't know that i've been in this chat until now
534 00:00:00   Neftiaf I did one yesterday
535 00:00:00   Neftiaf might be that if no one else did it
536 00:00:00   Neftiaf either way welcome
537 00:00:00   am monke E-mail says Otako I guess, but like I said don't think I was in this chat yesterday. Didn't think you could get one like that.
538 00:00:00   am monke thx for the welcome though, can't wait for my first real WAH w/ the emotes
539 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Apparently some people were being weird about Kronii collabing with Tempus.
540 00:00:00   McFluffles Yeah as a consequence of the schedule chat being always open but only populated by like 30-40 people at any given time, and gift subs coming in groups most of the time
541 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated gmorn everyone
542 00:00:00   McFluffles If someone drops gift subs here outside of normal streams, it's easy to suddenly find yourself a minted takodachi
543 00:00:00   McFluffles Mornin Silver
544 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Silver!
545 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Silver
546 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated
547 00:00:00   am monke ppl need to get over themselves, every Tempus x Myth/Council collab I've seen so far has been pure gold.
548 00:00:00   KoiKoi
549 00:00:00   Neftiaf 10 am morning silver~
550 00:00:00   Neftiaf
551 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated
552 00:00:00   Neftiaf
553 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Monke and Koi!
554 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Yyyyeah one cringe SC popped up and got struck down.
555 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated struck down?
556 00:00:00   Neftiaf man titan class arc is bugged u get double the damage now but its fun fly like superman
557 00:00:00   Neftiaf using the special
558 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami As in Kronii removed it.
559 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Basically just an SC insulting Tempus.
560 00:00:00   KoiKoi imagine paying money to show how ignorant you are.....
561 00:00:00   RCSI Saw some of the stuff being shared...somewhere. It's so ridiculous
562 00:00:00   Wydken yay work is done
563 00:00:00   RCSI
564 00:00:00   KoiKoi
565 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated otsu wyd burger tako
566 00:00:00   Feed not liking collabs between branches is whatever, but sending in money just to cry about it always felt counterproductive
567 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Yeah, it's pretty weird. They're throwing tantrums basically. Luckily there doesn't seem to be many of them.
568 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated oh i see
569 00:00:00   Neftiaf nice wyd
570 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Wyd! Congrats
571 00:00:00   Wydken how are ya takos?
572 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Otsutako Wyd
573 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated didnt sleep for nearly enough so im hope you doin well wyd and takos
574 00:00:00   Neftiaf there is always that bad side of the fan base that god mad at anything, but so far the short collab btw branches been going wild n fun
575 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) I have cake
576 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Silver
577 00:00:00   Neftiaf that kobo collab was gold with jp n en boys
578 00:00:00   KoiKoi
579 00:00:00   Feed Watching
580 00:00:00   Neftiaf got*
581 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) as always just ignore
582 00:00:00   Wydken I'm doing alive did a few extra hours so tomorrow i can watch the concert
583 00:00:00   KoiKoi I think the all the stars tend to have good chemistry with the more outgoing girls....
584 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated
585 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Wait... ppl sending bad SCs again?
586 00:00:00   KoiKoi I love Ollies streams playing apex with the guys~
587 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated i love
588 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated you
589 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
590 00:00:00   Neftiaf <[INA Cute]
591 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated apparently warlock yes
592 00:00:00   KoiKoi
593 00:00:00   Neftiaf yeah ww
594 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami It's not worth getting into it when it's people in chat, but calling out cringe SCs for that sort of thing as cringe is pretty effective.
595 00:00:00   알파카는 과제중
596 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Hi 알파카는 과제중!
597 00:00:00   KoiKoi oh a Korean-bro~
598 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated burger from korea
599 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) hey, SC is deleted but money stay
600 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated
601 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Silver
602 00:00:00   Feed reminds me of Ame getting some dumb SCs too after singing with Altare and then responding by saying "hey thanks for the money!"
603 00:00:00   Feed
604 00:00:00   KoiKoi
605 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) based
606 00:00:00   KoiKoi Love that about Ame.....still remember when she was yelling at backseaters to at least backseat with a SC...
607 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Yeah Ame has had to deal with that sort of thing before.
608 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Calli too.
609 00:00:00   KoiKoi
610 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Ina had it happen once back in Hollow Knight were someone SC'd a spoiler.
611 00:00:00   KoiKoi I feel like Calli is more apt to call people out and make a joke out of it, while Ame is more likely to ignore it.
612 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Aaaaand someone else doing it...
613 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Controlling language. -__-
614 00:00:00   am monke Oh, did Ame do another Duets karaoke that I missed?
615 00:00:00   KoiKoi um, excuse me...we prefer the term "moderated" language here..../s
616 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated checking out kronii stream, this lil guy Ember looks a wee bit like an amogus character
617 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
618 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami "No one would be depressed if you don't collab with Tempus, but the opposite is not true". Like c'mon.
619 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Gotta love these so-called fans getting pissy because "No my waifu can't hang out with guys"
620 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated thats a classic
621 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated big frog
622 00:00:00   am monke Anyone know what Calli's Peace Party is gonna be all about? I'm assuming that's why most of EN hasn't streamed today
623 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Oh right, Kronii has her lights as a sort of backseating thing
624 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Calli said in a previous Rust stream that she was going to hold a peace party near her pool when the server was near reset. I assume that's what it will be
625 00:00:00   Feed from what I assume, Calli sent out invites to all the holos playing rust to hang out at her pool house and have some BBQ to chat
626 00:00:00   Feed I remember Ame saying she'd go
627 00:00:00   Feed Also Ame has that derby race too
628 00:00:00   am monke with a name like that, i kinda hope she boobytraps the pool somehow for the lulz, i don't know RUST though
629 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami The pool seems to have collapsed unless she rebuilt it.
630 00:00:00   Opty duCiel She rebuilt it since Ame was last there
631 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Oh good, good.
632 00:00:00   RCSI Oh no, streams
633 00:00:00   RCSI stream*
634 00:00:00   RCSI Oh, nm then
635 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Let me know how the party goes
636 00:00:00   am monke oof, bad timing for the JP girls
637 00:00:00   Neftiaf ill read u takos tomorrow~ im off to grind some time at destiny 2 n sleep
638 00:00:00   Neftiaf
639 00:00:00   RCSI Good luck with the grind Neft and good night
640 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) cya and nit Nefti
641 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated
642 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi See you Nefti!
643 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Wait... why is this game Kronii playing looking familiar...
644 00:00:00   Opty duCiel I think Ame played it once, let me double check
645 00:00:00   Opty duCiel Yeah, Ame and Lamy have played it
646 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Ah.. no wonder
647 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
648 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Seen people play RUST reminded me of a game someone used to play years ago in Twitch that I used to watch , it was a Zombie game ...um L4D or 7 days to die? but they installed a popular mod
649 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord That turned the game to be played exactly how RUST works
650 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord except with Zombies around
651 00:00:00   Neftiaf still need to check out the so called tako rust server
652 00:00:00   Neftiaf but been busy
653 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Tako RUST?
654 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami And I spotted a red SC also trying to rationalize the idea that "Tempus bad".
655 00:00:00   Neftiaf a tako said it so days ago
656 00:00:00   Neftiaf some*
657 00:00:00   Neftiaf let me see if it was true or fake news
658 00:00:00   Feed It's probably best to leave the drama in those streams. Giving it attention just makes it worse
659 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami The SCs will probably be addressed but the sad people who don't like the idea of EN and Tempus doing things better just get used to it or leave.
660 00:00:00   Neftiaf oh it exist
661 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Takos exist.
662 00:00:00   McFluffles Takos exist?
663 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi I...I exist?
664 00:00:00   張庭維 Of course (and, wel-halo~
665 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) we exist, hi Deck
666 00:00:00   Silverforger [ Never Invited ]
667 00:00:00   RCSI
668 00:00:00   Neftiaf there is a tako rust server
669 00:00:00   McFluffles Kind of tempting, that
670 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Deck
671 00:00:00   Neftiaf deck fluff
672 00:00:00   Silverforger [ Never Invited ] i will now go work and suffer from existential crisis, cya takos in a bit
673 00:00:00   Neftiaf gl siver
674 00:00:00   Opty duCiel Ame has arrived
675 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) good luck Silver cute Tako
676 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Ame came to the party? Nice.
677 00:00:00   Opty duCiel They're looking at Ame's demolition derby, where Calli has immediately crashed a car into the wall
678 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Good luck Silver!
679 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami
680 00:00:00   Link Tako Hi
681 00:00:00   Link Tako Bye
682 00:00:00   Link Tako Night chat
683 00:00:00   Neftiaf nit link
684 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi See you Link
685 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Kronii's wrapping things up.
686 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Nit Link
687 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord LOL Calli's helm
688 00:00:00   Neftiaf either is a npc or the admin watching u n stalking u or idk, was there draw i sign im off to sleep (rust server)
689 00:00:00   Neftiaf draw a sign*
690 00:00:00   Neftiaf did a spoil
691 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Poor Ame had a rough day in RUST
692 00:00:00   ranpo wait there's another war TOMORROW?
693 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Ye.
694 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Tomorrow is the true last day.
695 00:00:00   ranpo sweet! did ina mention joining?
696 00:00:00   Feed Ina isn't doing anything for RUST until maybe after the wipe
697 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Yeah, Ina said she probably won't play it until after the reset so I wouldn't expect her there
698 00:00:00   Feed even then she said she probably won't do more than one more stream too since it requires too big of a time commitment
699 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Yeah, unfortunately.
700 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Honestly I was kind of surprised she played it in the first place with how much of a time commitment it is.
701 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi The streams she did though were great so I'm glad she did
702 00:00:00   Tyldar
703 00:00:00   RCSI
704 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Lol Calli.
705 00:00:00   張庭維 And, I found my phone~
706 00:00:00   Tyldar sorry what event? my mind tabbed out for a moment.
707 00:00:00   Opty duCiel Calli's got something happening at the same time as the Holo concert
708 00:00:00   Tyldar ah so she didn't really gave any details then
709 00:00:00   Opty duCiel Yeah, she's not sure how much she's allowed to say
710 00:00:00   Tyldar
711 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Man there’s something about callis 3D model that makes her look so cute
712 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Calli is cute
713 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Can't argue there
714 00:00:00   Opty duCiel Ah, now we know what Calli's MCing
715 00:00:00   Opty duCiel The Next Manga Awards
716 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Opty what is MCing
717 00:00:00   Opty duCiel Master of Ceremonies aka presenting, like what A-chan and Fubuki often do for official videos
718 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) oh, nahone
719 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Oh that's cool!
720 00:00:00   Silverforger [ Never Invited ]
721 00:00:00   Opty duCiel It looks like the Holo Concert is at 8pm JST and the Awards are at 9pm JST
722 00:00:00   Just a takoronie So streams are over for tonight
723 00:00:00   RCSI Magni is still at it
724 00:00:00   Silverforger [ Never Invited ] hes still magging underwrater?
725 00:00:00   RCSI
726 00:00:00   Opty duCiel Kaela stream starts in 7m
727 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Holy it says hes been streaming for 4h
728 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Hm.
729 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Hoping we'll have some clips of Kronii talking about/bonking people for being rude about Tempus.
730 00:00:00   Opty duCiel It's already been clipped
731 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami 'cuz based on a response to her latest tweet it sounds like-- okay then lol
732 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Algorithm work faster, I expect that stuff in my recommended when I refresh.
733 00:00:00   Just a takoronie 100MT, thats quite the explosion power..
734 00:00:00   RCSI bed time, good night chat lets see if I can wake up in time for the events...probably not
735 00:00:00   Silverforger [ Never Invited ]
736 00:00:00   Just a takoronie RCSI gn, sleep well in the void
737 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Good night RCSI!
738 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Nit RC
739 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Man it is sad that stuff even needs to be addressed. I didn't know about the Kobo thing.
740 00:00:00   Just a takoronie The kobo thing?
741 00:00:00   Opty duCiel What Kobo thing?
742 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Also kaela
743 00:00:00   Opty duCiel ???
744 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Basically Kobo at one point mentioned having dated before.
745 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Cue people freaking out because of course they are mad at people living a life that doesn't involve them.
746 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Her stream, shes reading the SCs from i imagine her birthday and all and shes almost cried for a moment
747 00:00:00   Opty duCiel Oh, I thought you meant something relating to Holostars
748 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Yeah, birthday SCs can be overwhelming.
749 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Nah. ID generally doesn't have this issue come up when they do things with Holostars.
750 00:00:00   Feed
751 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi It's unfortunate that some people are like that. Probably the best thing we can do is just ignore them and support the talents. From what I've seen there aren't a lot of them, they're just loud.
752 00:00:00   Feed Ignoring would absolutely be best
753 00:00:00   Feed It's generally the best option even if nobody ever bothers to try it
754 00:00:00   Opty duCiel Yeah, I think now that it's officially been addressed, ignoring them from now on is definitely best
755 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Yeah.
756 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I'll give them a proverbial bonk in the ignore sense, possibly report then ignore if they say something rude.
757 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Ardy i second what you and the others say, ignore and support the talents which i think every single one is great. Hololive has done a great job scouting
758 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Tempted to throw some more thoughts out there on Twitter but lord knows that never ends well.
759 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) better not
760 00:00:00   Silverforger [ Never Invited ] throw
761 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Namely because people on Twitter can turn any sentence into something completely different. "I like Hololive." "OH SO YOU'RE SAYING [x] IS TRASH?!"
762 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Oh it's...after 2:00. Time to prep for bed.
763 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Good night Viv!
764 00:00:00   Silverforger [ Never Invited ]
765 00:00:00   Opty duCiel Viv
766 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Highly recommend not going to war on twitter, because people act on the other side of the monitor like they have rabbies and a baseball bat but infront they run faster than usain bolt
767 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Usually all that does is fan the flames.
768 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Exactly, so its better to just ignore everything and support them, thats the best way to counter what they want to do. Ina has said it “ takos are peaceful.”
769 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
770 00:00:00   張庭維 I'm the patato (before summer ends...) =
771 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi You're a cute potato
772 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Nit Takos
773 00:00:00   Silverforger [ Never Invited ]
774 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Good night Jabber!
775 00:00:00   Opty duCiel Reminder: Nabi+Ina's collab cover of Summertime is happening in 2 hours on Nabi's channel and an hour later Hololive's Climax Story Live is happening with Ina and Gura making an appearance
776 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi I'm staying up for it (To be fair, it's not far off from when I normally sleep anyway )
777 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Magni has been playing Subnautica for over 7 hours now The entire thing has been one Hardcore mode run, too
778 00:00:00   Kino
779 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Kino!
780 00:00:00   Lyudmilia soon
781 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Lyud! Waku waku
782 00:00:00   Lyudmilia yo ardy
783 00:00:00   Allula <(Ohatako~~)
784 00:00:00   Allula Wha Dez is still streaming
785 00:00:00   Wydken
786 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Takos everyone ready?
787 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Yato and Allula! I'm so ready
788 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi And yeah Dez is still streaming Same hardcore mode run too
789 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Oh hey Wyd too
790 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Ardy
791 00:00:00   Wydken
792 00:00:00   Yato Corne Wyd
793 00:00:00   Wydken hey Ardy, yato, lyud, allula
794 00:00:00   Lyudmilia yo allu wyd yato
795 00:00:00   Yato Corne Lyud
796 00:00:00   mroziu hi
797 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya mroziu!
798 00:00:00   Yato Corne mroziu
799 00:00:00   mroziu Ardy, Yato
800 00:00:00   Lyudmilia yo mroziu !
801 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Hey takos. Excitement ahead
802 00:00:00   Wydken hey mroziu, ammo
803 00:00:00   Yato Corne Ammo
804 00:00:00   mroziu Lyud, Wyd , hey Ammo
805 00:00:00   OK Kei soon
806 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Ammo and Kei!
807 00:00:00   Yato Corne Kei
808 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
809 00:00:00   OK Kei oh hi, ardy! yato!
810 00:00:00   mroziu hi Kei
811 00:00:00   Allula
812 00:00:00   OK Kei oh hi, mroziu!
813 00:00:00   Yato Corne Allula
814 00:00:00   Lyudmilia hi kei smileyface
815 00:00:00   Lyudmilia yo ammo
816 00:00:00   mroziu hey Allula
817 00:00:00   Wydken kei
818 00:00:00   OK Kei oh hi, lyud!
819 00:00:00   OK Kei oh hi, wyd!
820 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi everyone
821 00:00:00   teamakite got here in time
822 00:00:00   teamakite hello takos
823 00:00:00   Yato Corne tea
824 00:00:00   OK Kei oh hi, emircan! tea!
825 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Hai everyone~
826 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Emircan, tea, and Pango!
827 00:00:00   teamakite Yato , Lyud, Kei, Emircan, mroziu, Pango, Allu, Ammo, Ardy
828 00:00:00   mroziu yo Tea, Pango
829 00:00:00   Yato Corne Emircan
830 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
831 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Ikuzo!!!
832 00:00:00   mroziu o hi Emir
833 00:00:00   OK Kei
834 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi tea, Kei, PAIN, Ardy, mroziu, Yato, Ammo
835 00:00:00   Ammomagnet ooh let's gooo
836 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
837 00:00:00   mroziu
838 00:00:00   Wydken IKZ
839 00:00:00   teamakite
840 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
841 00:00:00   Yato Corne let's goooooooo
842 00:00:00   Exyael
843 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
844 00:00:00   Trickster You guys watching the song premiere too?
845 00:00:00   OK Kei yessir!!
846 00:00:00   Yato Corne yes Trickster
847 00:00:00   Yato Corne
848 00:00:00   Yato Corne 50 sec waku waku
849 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Trickster! We are
850 00:00:00   teamakite hi Trickster!
851 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx
852 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
853 00:00:00   mroziu hi Trickster
854 00:00:00   teamakite
855 00:00:00   Wydken
856 00:00:00   Ammomagnet CUUTE
857 00:00:00   mroziu
858 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi Trickster
859 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
860 00:00:00   Yato Corne
861 00:00:00   teamakite instantly dead, too cute
862 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
863 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
864 00:00:00   Exyael
865 00:00:00   teamakite
866 00:00:00   OK Kei CUTE!!
867 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Soo good already
868 00:00:00   Yato Corne oh it's MV
869 00:00:00   Yato Corne ultra cuteeeeee
870 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
871 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
872 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
873 00:00:00   Wydken AHH SO CUTE!
874 00:00:00   Yato Corne HNggggg
875 00:00:00   teamakite Ina driving
876 00:00:00   Yato Corne
877 00:00:00   Exyael
878 00:00:00   teamakite omg it's us
879 00:00:00   Yato Corne omg it's US
880 00:00:00   mroziu
881 00:00:00   Wydken tako!
882 00:00:00   teamakite Yato lmaoooo
883 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Songs really good too
884 00:00:00   Yato Corne LEL
885 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
886 00:00:00   teamakite
887 00:00:00   Allula
888 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
889 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
890 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
891 00:00:00   Yato Corne
892 00:00:00   Exyael
893 00:00:00   Yato Corne
894 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
895 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
896 00:00:00   mroziu
897 00:00:00   herry chou
898 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
899 00:00:00   Wydken
900 00:00:00   teamakite
901 00:00:00   Yato Corne
902 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
903 00:00:00   mroziu
904 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx
905 00:00:00   teamakite
906 00:00:00   Yato Corne oh yeah, i will be looping it for a while for sure
907 00:00:00   Wydken
908 00:00:00   OK Kei
909 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
910 00:00:00   Ammomagnet So good
911 00:00:00   Allula
912 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
913 00:00:00   Exyael
914 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi I'm die, thank you forever
915 00:00:00   herry chou
916 00:00:00   Trickster
917 00:00:00   Lei ssg nabi mama living out her waifu dreams with the priestess
918 00:00:00   mroziu my break is over, see ya later takos
919 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx Now can't wait for Ina's 3D swimsuit
920 00:00:00   Yato Corne later mroziu
921 00:00:00   INAcolyte of the Tentacult nderful song to wake up to and start the day
922 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan take care mroziu
923 00:00:00   Ammomagnet cya mroziu
924 00:00:00   Yato Corne now back to work, see you in less than hour
925 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx mroziu
926 00:00:00   Lyudmilia so cute....
927 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan cya Yato
928 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx
929 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi See you mroziu and Yato!
930 00:00:00   Ammomagnet cute...
931 00:00:00   Allula Back to lurking until Summer, stay comfy
932 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Take care Allula
933 00:00:00   teamakite same, it's mor... lurkin' time
934 00:00:00   Wydken too cute...
935 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi The MV and song are so good and so cute
936 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan going to lurking mode take care everyone
937 00:00:00   teamakite oh hi Wyd
938 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi And take care tea and Parkan!
939 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi Wyd
940 00:00:00   xPAIN_PANGOx I'm gonna grab some food, see you guys in later stream~
941 00:00:00   OK Kei sunglasses ina looking very cool
942 00:00:00   teamakite she is pretty cool in general too
943 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
944 00:00:00   OK Kei you're not wrong
945 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
946 00:00:00   Dah Nuh summertime (cinnamons × evening cinema)
947 00:00:00   Wydken
948 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
949 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi I'm going to be looping that song a lot in the coming days, but for now I'm going back to Dez's unintentional endurance stream
950 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Jabber!
951 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi Dah, Jabber
952 00:00:00   OK Kei the mag still magging lmaooo
953 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Ardy, Emir
954 00:00:00   Dah Nuh hey everyone. I've been lurking in the background cause these days I have a tone of work coming
955 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Dah
956 00:00:00   teamakite does maggin man play on the most minimal settings imaginable?
957 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi What's funny is that before the stream Mag's manager was telling him that starting on hardcore may be a bad idea.
958 00:00:00   teamakite hi Dah, Jabber
959 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi And later during the stream his manager messaged him and couldn't believe he still hasn't died yet
960 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Dah!
961 00:00:00   teamakite cutting it close lmao
962 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Tea
963 00:00:00   Dah Nuh @teamakite @Ardy Bacardi @Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
964 00:00:00   McFluffles HOME just in time, can watch the cover then be awake for Summer thing
965 00:00:00   McFluffles Heyo Takos
966 00:00:00   Feed oh they went live
967 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Hey Fluffles
968 00:00:00   Dah Nuh hey @McFluffles
969 00:00:00   teamakite hi Fluffles, Feed
970 00:00:00   McFluffles BETRAYAL
971 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Lol
972 00:00:00   Feed hello
973 00:00:00   teamakite
974 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
975 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
976 00:00:00   teamakite this is pepepoint worthy moment
977 00:00:00   Ammomagnet it's probably opening bgm for now, gotta hurry
978 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan I'm back
979 00:00:00   Dah Nuh wb @Emircan Parkan
980 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Hi Back
981 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan Dah, Jabber
982 00:00:00   Yato Corne i do be back
983 00:00:00   Yato Corne and it started !!!
984 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Dah
985 00:00:00   Dah Nuh hey @Yato Corne
986 00:00:00   McFluffles That's one lucky Tako, getting to swim with Ina
987 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan wb Yato
988 00:00:00   teamakite it was me
989 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi Fluffles
990 00:00:00   Yato Corne i was the water actually
991 00:00:00   teamakite I give you 7.8/10 Yato
992 00:00:00   McFluffles Idunno Yato, the name "tea" sounds closer to being Water to me
993 00:00:00   張庭維 It's already evenin !?
994 00:00:00   teamakite
995 00:00:00   Yato Corne but tea is just a grass juice
996 00:00:00   Ammomagnet It's starting!
997 00:00:00   Dah Nuh the tako is cute... All the animation is well made. The autotune is a bit overused and covers our priestess beautiful voice a bit too much, but the MV is so cute and chill.
998 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi Deck
999 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) I was te floater
1000 00:00:00   Ammomagnet I think the autotune is there to match the original tbf
1001 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi wb everyone!
1002 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1003 00:00:00   Yato Corne omg Ina
1004 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1005 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Yeah the original song had autotune at that part too
1006 00:00:00   McFluffles Special Guest: Ina and Gura but not in swimsuits
1007 00:00:00   Yato Corne Unless...
1008 00:00:00   teamakite day ruined
1009 00:00:00   McFluffles Entirely possible they surprise us with it, granted
1010 00:00:00   McFluffles (Also obligatory pointer that Ina's default outfit... covers about as much as a swimsuit in some cases)
1011 00:00:00   Ammomagnet I don't really care either way myself
1012 00:00:00   teamakite there is nothing to cover anyway
1013 00:00:00   Wydken ammo
1014 00:00:00   teamakite
1015 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1016 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1017 00:00:00   Exyael
1018 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1019 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1020 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1021 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Wyd
1022 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1023 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi But yeah, I've doubted that they would get swimsuits from the beginning. But I'm with Ammo in that I don't really care either way. Ina in 3D alone is a huge blessing
1024 00:00:00   teamakite I mean, yeah, I don't really care myself, just seeing Ina is nice
1025 00:00:00   McFluffles Yeah pretty much, I'm just here for some Holomusic before bed and a quick Ina appearance
1026 00:00:00   Dah Nuh hey, it didn't happen yet. So there is still hope they'll be in swimsuit...
1027 00:00:00   teamakite gotta refill that Inanium amirite
1028 00:00:00   teamakite oh well we should have takotime today
1029 00:00:00   Ammomagnet I always forget Marine is that short
1030 00:00:00   Yato Corne i mean having new 3d outfit it's nice, even if it will be used like once- twice
1031 00:00:00   Dah Nuh but I agree with you guys. Ina is a blessing in any shape and form. Even when she's doing a twitter space and basically has no form, only voice.
1032 00:00:00   teamakite btw how long is this supposed to be? Anyone know?
1033 00:00:00   Yato Corne 1 hour probably
1034 00:00:00   Ammomagnet ^
1035 00:00:00   teamakite understandable, 10Q
1036 00:00:00   Ammomagnet I do wonder how the choreography for Umisea songs would look like, they're so chaotic
1037 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi I wonder how Ina's choreography in particular would look like for that
1038 00:00:00   Ammomagnet "I tried my best" she said
1039 00:00:00   Ammomagnet curious
1040 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1041 00:00:00   Yato Corne i wonder if she
1042 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1043 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1044 00:00:00   teamakite she totally did :takopium:
1045 00:00:00   Dah Nuh good one @Yato Corne
1046 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1047 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi I think she could do a more energetic dance if she practiced enough, but she would be dead afterwards
1048 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) its gonna look ultra cute
1049 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi I'll be honest, I don't care about the dab thing but Warlock wouldn't be able to handle it and that would be funny. So I'm rooting for you guys
1050 00:00:00   teamakite you're pretty based Ardy
1051 00:00:00   Ammomagnet got your priorities straight, I see
1052 00:00:00   Yato Corne good reason Ardy
1053 00:00:00   Dah Nuh take that, Warlock!
1054 00:00:00   Dah Nuh He isn't going to parry this one
1055 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1056 00:00:00   William TRF
1057 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) (poor warlock ^2)
1058 00:00:00   teamakite hololive should have a dab festival
1059 00:00:00   teamakite may the best dab win
1060 00:00:00   Ammomagnet o-oh yeah i forgot to watch the holosummer story to the end haha...
1061 00:00:00   teamakite
1062 00:00:00   Yato Corne Ammo pls
1063 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Shion
1064 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1065 00:00:00   Ammomagnet DId I miss anything
1066 00:00:00   McFluffles Wait were we supposed to watch Holosummer for the plot?
1067 00:00:00   Feed luna cute
1068 00:00:00   McFluffles I figured people watched it for the plot
1069 00:00:00   teamakite there was a story?
1070 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1071 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan No?
1072 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1073 00:00:00   Allula Definitely watched for the plot ()
1074 00:00:00   McFluffles All I know is Marine was nice enough to let Yagoo out of prison so he could fly over to the Crunchyroll Expo
1075 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Damn I like Shions singing voice
1076 00:00:00   Dah Nuh was the plot revealing?
1077 00:00:00   McFluffles Well, you can judge the plot here and now, it's on full display
1078 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Shion voice is amazing
1079 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) and she cute
1080 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1081 00:00:00   Dah Nuh I see. So the clips I saw were a well made summary... oh yeah, case they were about summer
1082 00:00:00   Dah Nuh cause*
1083 00:00:00   Allula Her voice is great
1084 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Blue Clapper!
1085 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1086 00:00:00   McFluffles
1087 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) blue clappers
1088 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Blue clapper
1089 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1090 00:00:00   McFluffles Not quite the same without the extremely loud claps though
1091 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1092 00:00:00   張庭維 Eh?
1093 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Polka and Botan tail
1094 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan tail
1095 00:00:00   Yato Corne Jabber...
1096 00:00:00   Lyudmilia WAMY
1097 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Lyud
1098 00:00:00   Ammomagnet POLPOL
1099 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi Lyud
1100 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi They're so cute
1101 00:00:00   Dah Nuh 4th gen cute
1102 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1103 00:00:00   Allula
1104 00:00:00   Dah Nuh Polka cute!
1105 00:00:00   William TRF
1106 00:00:00   Exyael
1107 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1108 00:00:00   Wydken
1109 00:00:00   McFluffles
1110 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1111 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1112 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1113 00:00:00   McFluffles If it weren't 5AM I'd probably be actually clapping my hands, too
1114 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Understandable Fluffles
1115 00:00:00   William TRF
1116 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1117 00:00:00   Dah Nuh If Gura ever sings this song I wander if would sound "clap your feet" in her version
1118 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1119 00:00:00   Neftiaf have any en member showed up yet?just woke up n hi takos
1120 00:00:00   Dah Nuh not yet
1121 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Bruh, the heck are you saying....she would sing "showme your feet" instead
1122 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi Neft
1123 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Nefti, not yet
1124 00:00:00   Dah Nuh @Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) not sure what I just read
1125 00:00:00   Yato Corne they will be probably last
1126 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1127 00:00:00   Yato Corne merch already?
1128 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Nefti! What the others said
1129 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi So it seems
1130 00:00:00   teamakite smh shilling merch
1131 00:00:00   teamakite hi Neft!
1132 00:00:00   Ammomagnet wait we'll see Ojou
1133 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1134 00:00:00   Dah Nuh aki dance
1135 00:00:00   Ammomagnet might go over an hour too, who knows
1136 00:00:00   teamakite friend
1137 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi With the pace it's going, I wouldn't be surprised if it's more than an hour
1138 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1139 00:00:00   friend 親愛
1140 00:00:00   nitarn_p
1141 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Fubu tail
1142 00:00:00   Dah Nuh center stage chama
1143 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1144 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1145 00:00:00   McFluffles I hope it's not over an hour, I actually have to get up today
1146 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1147 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1148 00:00:00   Yato Corne but it's already today for you
1149 00:00:00   friend 親愛 jabber
1150 00:00:00   McFluffles Tru
1151 00:00:00   Yato Corne Friend
1152 00:00:00   Ammomagnet hmm Aqua, Towa and Suisei haven't performe yet. Perhaps....
1153 00:00:00   friend 親愛 also hello there takos hope you all are having a great day
1154 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi I gotta say, I expected the spammers to show up in chat the second Fubuki showed up on screen
1155 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Hey friend
1156 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya friend!
1157 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Friend
1158 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi friend
1159 00:00:00   Yato Corne it's not live so they don't care
1160 00:00:00   teamakite hello friend
1161 00:00:00   Yato Corne Flare
1162 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Flare!!!
1163 00:00:00   teamakite "obligatory joke about Hyde"
1164 00:00:00   teamakite
1165 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Flare
1166 00:00:00   Dah Nuh will there be a joke about hips too?
1167 00:00:00   Neftiaf hips IKZ
1168 00:00:00   teamakite "obligatory joke about Hyde going morbin with Flare hips"
1169 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Hips
1170 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1171 00:00:00   teamakite INA
1172 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) IKZZZZZZ
1173 00:00:00   Exyael
1174 00:00:00   teamakite GURA
1175 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1176 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1177 00:00:00   Wydken inaaa
1178 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan INA
1179 00:00:00   Ammomagnet UMISEA
1180 00:00:00   Tyldar
1181 00:00:00   Yato Corne IKZ
1182 00:00:00   Ammomagnet LET'S GOOOOOOOO
1183 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1184 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1185 00:00:00   William TRF
1186 00:00:00   Exyael
1187 00:00:00   Ammomagnet WOOOOOOOOO
1188 00:00:00   OK Kei ITS HER
1189 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1190 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1191 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1192 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1193 00:00:00   friend 親愛
1194 00:00:00   teamakite
1195 00:00:00   Yato Corne Ina Ina Inaaaaaaa~
1196 00:00:00   Exyael
1197 00:00:00   Ammomagnet INA INA IIINNAAA
1198 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi She's so cute
1199 00:00:00   William TRF
1200 00:00:00   Yato Corne i'm dying takos
1201 00:00:00   teamakite
1202 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1203 00:00:00   Ammomagnet oh
1204 00:00:00   Ammomagnet hnnnnggggg
1205 00:00:00   McFluffles EN Winning, only ones with unique swimsuits
1206 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan dont die Yato we still have takotime today
1207 00:00:00   Desburger C.
1208 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1209 00:00:00   Neftiaf made it on time
1210 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1211 00:00:00   teamakite
1212 00:00:00   Dah Nuh that's some energy dance the priestess is doing out there
1213 00:00:00   Yato Corne i must say she keeping up with others !
1214 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Song change
1215 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1216 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1217 00:00:00   McFluffles oh hai Chloe
1218 00:00:00   friend 親愛
1219 00:00:00   teamakite clearly that indoor bike doing work
1220 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Ina is doing great!
1221 00:00:00   Exyael
1222 00:00:00   McFluffles Can't deny I expected that to become official after she showed up last Hologra with them
1223 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Maybe trying to dance this made her realize she needed the bike
1224 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi I knew she could do it. She was probably dead afterwards, but still!
1225 00:00:00   teamakite
1226 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1227 00:00:00   Yato Corne it's not even about stamina whole chorography is good
1228 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1229 00:00:00   Feed Is that really Ina dancing?
1230 00:00:00   William TRF
1231 00:00:00   Exyael
1232 00:00:00   teamakite she did her best she said, I guess it's her
1233 00:00:00   Yato Corne yes, she said did her best
1234 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) of course, she have the moves
1235 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1236 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1237 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1238 00:00:00   teamakite
1239 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1240 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1241 00:00:00   Ammomagnet why wouldn't it be
1242 00:00:00   friend 親愛
1243 00:00:00   Yato Corne also it wasn't perfect so it can't be professional dance
1244 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1245 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1246 00:00:00   Exyael
1247 00:00:00   Dah Nuh amazing
1248 00:00:00   William TRF
1249 00:00:00   McFluffles Is there an Orca emote, I can't find one
1250 00:00:00   Neftiaf we got INANIUMMMMMMMMMMMMM~~~~ BOYSSSSS~~~
1251 00:00:00   herry chou
1252 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan doko
1253 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1254 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Ina Ina Inaaa
1255 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1256 00:00:00   Neftiaf ᵃⁿᵈ ᵍⁱʳˡˢ~~
1257 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Cuute
1258 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1259 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1260 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1261 00:00:00   William TRF
1262 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1263 00:00:00   friend 親愛 ina so cute
1264 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1265 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan too cute
1266 00:00:00   Wydken ina
1267 00:00:00   Dah Nuh UMISEA
1268 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1269 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1270 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1271 00:00:00   Neftiaf the flaps
1272 00:00:00   Exyael
1273 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1274 00:00:00   Ammomagnet my heart
1275 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Ina is actually the tallest of them
1276 00:00:00   Yato Corne will there be Ina merch?
1277 00:00:00   Neftiaf help to much sugar
1278 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1279 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1280 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Ina....
1281 00:00:00   Exyael
1282 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1283 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) ssg
1284 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1285 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1286 00:00:00   Allula
1287 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1288 00:00:00   Wydken that was so cute
1289 00:00:00   William TRF
1290 00:00:00   teamakite
1291 00:00:00   Dah Nuh shhhh!
1292 00:00:00   Ammomagnet cute
1293 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) I ded 4ever
1294 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi That was worth staying up for 100%
1295 00:00:00   Yato Corne Based
1296 00:00:00   teamakite gigachad move
1297 00:00:00   Lei AAAAA our oshi is so cuuuute
1298 00:00:00   herry chou
1299 00:00:00   Tyldar
1300 00:00:00   friend 親愛
1301 00:00:00   McFluffles Oh jeez I just scrolled down and there's almost 200K people watching this, wow
1302 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Peko tail
1303 00:00:00   Yato Corne well there is everyone here... also swimsuits
1304 00:00:00   Ammomagnet trying to recover
1305 00:00:00   Dah Nuh omg
1306 00:00:00   OK Kei that was very cute
1307 00:00:00   Dah Nuh 200k lets go
1308 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan Watame tail
1309 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Watame tail
1310 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan Jabber
1311 00:00:00   Dah Nuh I took a sneaky break from work... hope I don't get in trouble
1312 00:00:00   Ammomagnet it was for a good cause Dah
1313 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Worth it for Ina
1314 00:00:00   Neftiaf azki feets
1315 00:00:00   Dah Nuh Indeed
1316 00:00:00   Neftiaf worth it dah~
1317 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1318 00:00:00   nitarn_p
1319 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan same Dah
1320 00:00:00   Yato Corne we are eating good today
1321 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1322 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1323 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1324 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1325 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1326 00:00:00   friend 親愛
1327 00:00:00   Dah Nuh woops... hope sharing those won't cause Ina to have to search for food 6hours after she wakes up
1328 00:00:00   Dah Nuh again
1329 00:00:00   Lei
1330 00:00:00   Yato Corne let's goooooooooo
1331 00:00:00   Yato Corne Korone!!!!!!
1332 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1333 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan Towa
1334 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Koone and La+ tail
1335 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1336 00:00:00   Dah Nuh Yagooo soing
1337 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan Towa tail
1338 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita] Yukata!
1339 00:00:00   friend 親愛 dont forget towa tail
1340 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Towa Tail
1341 00:00:00   Neftiaf jabber yato
1342 00:00:00   Lei is this the yagoo dance
1343 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) (I type after seeing the tail )
1344 00:00:00   Dah Nuh you tow, restrain yourselves
1345 00:00:00   Dah Nuh two*
1346 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi You have very understandable preferences Their tails are cute as heck though to be fair
1347 00:00:00   friend 親愛 im trying to see if there's a hidden yagoo
1348 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) I refuse
1349 00:00:00   Dah Nuh yagoo will appear up there in the center
1350 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan No
1351 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1352 00:00:00   Yato Corne cut them a slack, it's special occasion
1353 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1354 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi He'll rise from the center, flex and destroy the stadium
1356 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Sui-chan probably gonna close this out hmm
1357 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1358 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi This is really cute btw. Just thought I'd let you know
1359 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1360 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1361 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1362 00:00:00   Wydken no way, i was thinking the same
1363 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1364 00:00:00   Wydken
1365 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan Yamada
1366 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1367 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1368 00:00:00   KoiKoi
1369 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita] Yubi Yubi
1370 00:00:00   McFluffles Well anyways I best get some sleep, gnite Takos
1371 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1372 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Good night Fluffles
1373 00:00:00   Dah Nuh take care @McFluffles
1374 00:00:00   Neftiaf nit fluffles
1375 00:00:00   friend 親愛 g'night fluffles
1376 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan Good night Fluffles
1377 00:00:00   KoiKoi nite Fluffles~
1378 00:00:00   Yato Corne Good night Fluffles
1379 00:00:00   William TRF Night FLuffles
1380 00:00:00   Yato Corne last song
1381 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Good night Fluffles!
1382 00:00:00   Ammomagnet nooooo
1383 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan noooo
1384 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi So it is an hour after all
1385 00:00:00   Dah Nuh it was fun while it lasted
1386 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Sui-chan, Ojou at least left
1387 00:00:00   teamakite encore time?
1388 00:00:00   Dah Nuh I can't believe it's been a n hour already
1389 00:00:00   teamakite yep
1390 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1391 00:00:00   Ammomagnet OMG
1392 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Mio-mama
1393 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan Ojou
1394 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1395 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1396 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1397 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan Mio tail
1398 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1399 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Mio tail is hiding
1400 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) but look at Mio ears
1401 00:00:00   Yato Corne yeah Jabber only fake one is visibble
1402 00:00:00   friend 親愛
1403 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan Ojou's horns
1404 00:00:00   Dah Nuh I'm not sure, but am I right that Ina said she's leveled up her dance skills preparing for this?
1405 00:00:00   Dah Nuh (me bad at japanese)
1406 00:00:00   Ammomagnet I forgot what she said, I'll rewatch after this anyway
1407 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Did Ina and Gura sing already?
1408 00:00:00   Yato Corne yes Warlock
1409 00:00:00   Yato Corne you missed everything
1410 00:00:00   Dah Nuh @Warlock Warlord they did unfortunately
1411 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Ack
1412 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
1413 00:00:00   Dah Nuh @Warlock Warlord
1414 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) you missed Ina flip
1415 00:00:00   Dah Nuh @Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1416 00:00:00   Ammomagnet So lovely...
1417 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1418 00:00:00   Yato Corne don't worry, i'm sure Ina was clipped Warlock
1419 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Warlock! They were cute as heck, and Ina was dancing unusually energetic. Definitely watch the VOD
1420 00:00:00   Yato Corne clippers uploading it as we speak
1421 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1422 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan plot?
1423 00:00:00   Ammomagnet A-chan??
1424 00:00:00   Yato Corne eh?
1425 00:00:00   Yato Corne nani???
1426 00:00:00   teamakite huh?
1427 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1428 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1429 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1430 00:00:00   Yato Corne what is this?
1431 00:00:00   Ammomagnet this is the ending video mentioned in the description I think
1432 00:00:00   teamakite is this like Hololive Land?
1433 00:00:00   Yato Corne omg it was me
1434 00:00:00   Allula BEEG TAKO
1435 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1436 00:00:00   teamakite man this is cool
1437 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi This is pretty cool
1438 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan
1439 00:00:00   Wydken holo summer LORE is crazy
1440 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1441 00:00:00   Exyael
1442 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1443 00:00:00   friend 親愛
1444 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1445 00:00:00   Dr. Cheese Sup chads
1446 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Dr. Cheese!
1447 00:00:00   Dah Nuh maybe it's the teaser for a virtual battle mmorpg with a full dive device
1448 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hello Cheese
1449 00:00:00   teamakite hello Dr. Cheese
1450 00:00:00   Dr. Cheese
1451 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1452 00:00:00   Lei sss 2022 ver
1453 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan hi Cheese
1454 00:00:00   Dah Nuh hey @Dr. Cheese
1455 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1456 00:00:00   friend 親愛 hi dr cheese
1457 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1458 00:00:00   Feed Ok time for energy drinks and water
1459 00:00:00   Ammomagnet So we've seen Ina perform Violet and a group song now in 3D. Journey like a thousand years next goal?
1460 00:00:00   Dah Nuh ok, time to return to work
1461 00:00:00   Wydken great concert
1462 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan good luck Dah
1463 00:00:00   Lei time to sleep ina cute
1464 00:00:00   Wydken same good luck dah
1465 00:00:00   Dah Nuh probably when they actually debut their 3d
1466 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi See you Dah and Wyd!
1467 00:00:00   Yato Corne Good luck Dah and Wyd
1468 00:00:00   Wydken see you later = w=)7
1469 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan good luck Wyd
1470 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1471 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Cya Wyd, Dah G'night Lei
1472 00:00:00   Yato Corne oh Magman actually finished stream
1473 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita] Takodachis
1474 00:00:00   Allula
1475 00:00:00   Neftiaf cya wyd, dah
1476 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan going back to work see you guys at takotime
1477 00:00:00   Yato Corne Good night Lei and cya Negita
1478 00:00:00   Neftiaf negita
1479 00:00:00   friend 親愛 see ya dah, wyd and g'night lei
1480 00:00:00   Exyael
1481 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita] good night
1482 00:00:00   Yato Corne Good luck Emircan
1483 00:00:00   Lei
1484 00:00:00   Dah Nuh @ねぎた[Negita] \
1485 00:00:00   Neftiaf lei, n other takos leaving
1486 00:00:00   FamSalmon
1487 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi See you Negita and Emircan!
1488 00:00:00   Emircan Parkan Good night Lei, bye Negita
1489 00:00:00   William TRF All the Takos leaving rn
1490 00:00:00   friend 親愛 takecare emi, gnight negita
1491 00:00:00   Dah Nuh I see the stream isn't closed yet... hidden ending maybe? In a swimsuit?
1492 00:00:00   Dah Nuh oh, just ended
1493 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1494 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1495 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord I was able to wake up for the premier of NabIna coverVery Cute
1496 00:00:00   friend 親愛 gonna go back to being one with the wall see ya takos
1497 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Yeah, the cover was great too
1498 00:00:00   Yato Corne cya Friend
1499 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi And see you friend!
1500 00:00:00   Yato Corne reminder that there is stream later today
1501 00:00:00   Dah Nuh cya @friend 親愛
1502 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Now to look for the part where Ina sings in the VOD
1503 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi I knew Ina could pull off a dance that energetic if she practiced (Despite what she says) but I'm sure she was dying afterwards
1504 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Like discussed earlier, that was probably part of the motivation to get an exercise bike.
1505 00:00:00   teamakite in the second half
1506 00:00:00   Yato Corne i must say that Ina definitely improved her dancing skills
1507 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) back to sleep
1508 00:00:00   Yato Corne Good night Jabber
1509 00:00:00   Yato Corne choreography was on the point
1510 00:00:00   Ammomagnet She didn't really show much of her dancing before, Violets choreo is simple, and this is very much the first time we've seen her do a dance like this
1511 00:00:00   Yato Corne well there was also Kiara birthday
1512 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Ina doing the robot may in fact be the best dance yet
1513 00:00:00   teamakite
1514 00:00:00   teamakite the dab was great
1515 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1516 00:00:00   Ammomagnet which was pretty much their own choreo
1517 00:00:00   Ammomagnet just do something
1518 00:00:00   Neftiaf back to the floor this tako go, a busy day it's gonna be
1519 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Enjoy the floor Neft
1520 00:00:00   Yato Corne take care Nefri
1521 00:00:00   Yato Corne *Nefti
1522 00:00:00   William TRF Good luck Neft
1523 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi See you Nefti!
1524 00:00:00   Dah Nuh she was doing pretty well in the training session Kiara where Kiara was coaching them with the low poly models. I knew she could pull of something like this
1525 00:00:00   Dah Nuh off*
1526 00:00:00   Dah Nuh why am I even typing... the typos are overwhelming me today
1527 00:00:00   Wydken cuteness overdose does that to people
1528 00:00:00   KoiKoi
1529 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1530 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1531 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1532 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1533 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Speaking of, I guess I should at least get a few hours of sleep. See you takos!
1534 00:00:00   Yato Corne Good night Ardy
1535 00:00:00   Dr. Cheese The summer stream was nice. Glad Ina was invited.
1536 00:00:00   Dr. Cheese Also, I want more Cult of the Lamb >.<
1537 00:00:00   Chris Lung Tako PoWAH Good morning Ina and Takos!
1538 00:00:00   Chris Lung Tako PoWAH I missed everything, well vod time then
1539 00:00:00   KoiKoi
1540 00:00:00   teamakite good night Ardy, hi Chris!
1541 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Chris
1542 00:00:00   yuukoto hey takos, just watched the summer concert, was someone else dancing for gura and ina or they were actually dancing themselves?
1543 00:00:00   ♡-lizzy-♡ 28
1544 00:00:00   yuukoto if so i don't know how they did it but it looks amazing!
1545 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Themselves
1546 00:00:00   Ammomagnet It's a pre-recorded part, it is interesting how they'd do it if not everyone is at the same location
1547 00:00:00   yuukoto yooo that's crazy!
1548 00:00:00   Yato Corne i mean we had case of Fubuki dancing (and singing) with Fubuki before
1549 00:00:00   Myaku I bet it was difficult but it looked super good!
1550 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Sure, there's also the MC part, I just wonder how it's done is all
1551 00:00:00   yuukoto true, i guess now they have a lot more equipment to do stuff like this without traveling
1552 00:00:00   yuukoto discord call probably? lol
1553 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Probably renting some proper studio overseas. That sounds plausible
1554 00:00:00   yuukoto aka ame's house ww
1555 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Yeah
1556 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Did Ina become Potako after that dance ?
1557 00:00:00   SpudTako she did say she can only last 1 dance hence the training bike
1558 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
1559 00:00:00   Desburger C. Evening takos
1560 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Hello
1561 00:00:00   Yato Corne Des
1562 00:00:00   Silverforger [ Never Invited ]
1563 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord INA SCHEDULE DOKO?
1564 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Evening Des
1565 00:00:00   SpudTako omg we are in the MV !
1566 00:00:00   SpudTako theres gonna be a stream tonight
1567 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Probably busy, I imagine she'd tweet about the live otherwise
1568 00:00:00   Ammomagnet rewatching the MC part... flap physics
1569 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord The MC?
1570 00:00:00   Ammomagnet talking bit after the song
1571 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Ohh ..
1572 00:00:00   Desburger C. Warlock, Yato, Silver, Ammo, Spud
1573 00:00:00   Desburger C. She’s still sleeping maybe?
1574 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
1575 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord With the Hololive channel having SCs open they probably made more money than if they sold tickets to watch the show
1576 00:00:00   SpudTako hello des
1577 00:00:00   SpudTako its a good tester on SC revenue vs paid lives, but both also take a cut from heir earnings
1578 00:00:00   SpudTako both youtube and the live hosting site and ticket sales
1579 00:00:00   Silverforger [ Never Invited ] hey des tako
1580 00:00:00   Yato Corne 200K people...the biggest avenue here can only accommodate 50K people
1581 00:00:00   SpudTako but doing it on youtube free would give the broke fans good fan service ( not the ecchi kind )
1582 00:00:00   Ammomagnet @Dah Nuh Ina was saying that last year was already exciting, but dancing with everyone in the live show this year, the tension felt like it "leveled up" even more compared to last year
1583 00:00:00   Dah Nuh @Ammomagnet you remembered I ask about it, such a chad!
1584 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Is the festival song an original one? is very catchy
1585 00:00:00   Yato Corne that song sadly lacked dancing YAGOO, 0/10
1586 00:00:00   Yato Corne i guess it had Korone so i'm switching it to7,8/10 not enough YAGOO
1587 00:00:00   Ammomagnet haha np . Since you asked and I couldn't remember it, I was curious too
1588 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
1589 00:00:00   SpudTako ouf , anyone having their bitrate dying for the summer MV #4
1590 00:00:00   SpudTako rip youtube
1591 00:00:00   Dah Nuh looks good on my end, idk
1592 00:00:00   Yato Corne same here
1593 00:00:00   SpudTako
1594 00:00:00   SpudTako erm.... the body tracking looks like ina is dancing in plaforms IRL ?
1595 00:00:00   Ammomagnet now that'd be interesting but I doubt she'd be that crazy
1596 00:00:00   Dah Nuh lol, just saw an old clip where Ina explains that the ghost tako emote () is actually a marshmallow tako I mean if we're gonna be food it's the same thing anyways right?
1597 00:00:00   Yato Corne Koyori singing stellar ;
1598 00:00:00   Dah Nuh
1599 00:00:00   Yato Corne yeah we kinda hi-jacked the emote ... just like i'm doing with right now
1600 00:00:00   Ammomagnet It just works, I don't know what we'd use marshamallow for otherwise
1601 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Ina moved gracefully on stageSasuga Long Legs Priestess
1602 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord How is Vesper manifesting himself as every meme to ever exist in the internet with his thumbnails