トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。(5分毎に更新)
配信名:【WEEKLY SCHEDULE】08.22~08.28
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:00:00   Dvrk morning cute takos
2 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Dvrk
3 00:00:00   Dvrk hey Yato
4 00:00:00   Neftiaf dvr yato
5 00:00:00   Dvrk Neft
6 00:00:00   mysha 【ミシャ】
7 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Im deaf… kobo jesus….
8 00:00:00   SpudTako an EN streams coming up ?
9 00:00:00   SpudTako any*
10 00:00:00   Yato Corne Vesper in a hour with more FTL (hi Spud )
11 00:00:00   Opty duCiel Kobo/Altare Valorant right now is the only EN stream anytime soon. Magni/Axel Portal 2 is happening 9 hours from now, same as Bae's six Baewatch drops
12 00:00:00   Opty duCiel Oops, missed Vesper's FTL in an hour
13 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Whos Rio btw?
14 00:00:00   Opty duCiel Rio is from Uproar
15 00:00:00   Opty duCiel Uproar is StarsJP 4th gen, to be clear
16 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Wow JP has 4 gens of stars
17 00:00:00   Dvrk
18 00:00:00   Yato Corne
19 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Amazing… and the girls have how many?
20 00:00:00   Neftiaf last one was holo x from jp
21 00:00:00   Yato Corne 5 jp, 3 Id and 2,5 EN
22 00:00:00   Yato Corne the half is IRYS (and Haachama )
23 00:00:00   Neftiaf 2,5 ? a yeah hirys
24 00:00:00   Neftiaf chama is gen 0
25 00:00:00   Neftiaf she claims ~
26 00:00:00   Neftiaf its interesting watching them interact with each others
27 00:00:00   Just a takoronie 2,5 I understood that reference
28 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Wait.. no I thought it was the gura thing..
29 00:00:00   Just a takoronie But you mean 2.5 since irys is stand alone basically
30 00:00:00   Yato Corne yep
31 00:00:00   Yato Corne but since her debut was only 1 month earlier than council people like to put them together
32 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Yea they call them “councilrys” something like that
33 00:00:00   Neftiaf so kobo want more plp for valorant
34 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord What's up with all these Bae reservations with Cultured Beach episode thumbnails?
35 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
36 00:00:00   Neftiaf the ratverse
37 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Multiverse of ratness
38 00:00:00   Neftiaf dif persona~
39 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Eh?
40 00:00:00   Neftiaf i stopped my grind just to watch this astel, kobo interaction n now is more jp en interaction fun
41 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Oh? the 3rd member is Astel?
42 00:00:00   Yato Corne oh hey Warlock
43 00:00:00   Just a takoronie The grind?
44 00:00:00   Neftiaf astel, kobo, rio
45 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord I see Regis
46 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
47 00:00:00   Neftiaf yeah regis my bad
48 00:00:00   Neftiaf was trying to type altare
49 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord So is Regis , Kobo and?
50 00:00:00   Neftiaf rio from jp
51 00:00:00   Dvrk you guys watched the latest hologra?
52 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Oh
53 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Not yet
54 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord I'm gonna watch that now
55 00:00:00   Yato Corne 0:37 for Sakana~ (sneaky animators )
56 00:00:00   Neftiaf just did an hour ago was fun
57 00:00:00   Neftiaf 0:39
58 00:00:00   Neftiaf
59 00:00:00   Yato Corne "Ina's back"
60 00:00:00   Neftiaf we got astel now
61 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Kobo very sneaky
62 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Why does valorant look like csgo fused with something else
63 00:00:00   Neftiaf cause it is
64 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord It pretty much is
65 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Kobo getting bullied
66 00:00:00   Neftiaf yup
67 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Poor kobo
68 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Which of those names is Bae's Ara Ara Onee-san personality ?
69 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
70 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Astel is good in FPS games
71 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord He is
72 00:00:00   Just a takoronie I think its shiika
73 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Or murasaki
74 00:00:00   Yato Corne Itsuka or Murasaki hits me more like Ara ara
75 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Its between those
76 00:00:00   Yato Corne where Shiika gives me more of a tomboy vibe
77 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Warlock are you a noel fan?
78 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Damm astel vs botan 1v1 imagine
79 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord I'm a fan of Her ASMR
80 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Ina and Guwa were so Cute in that UMISEA episode ...but is Chloe implying She ate them?
81 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Valorant is interesting because your aim is better when you're not moving.
82 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Which I suppose is much more realistic but if you're not used to it then it would take some mental adjustment.
83 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord IKZZZ!!!
84 00:00:00   Yato Corne
85 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Yato attacking Inacent Dinodachies again smh
86 00:00:00   Karmarov survivor of 100 Songs hmm Vesper has a Tako in his Crew now :P
87 00:00:00   Yato Corne AstroTako
88 00:00:00   Yato Corne where is this innocent dinodachi Warlock? i only see you
89 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord bruh
90 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord If Kobo had Regis infront of Her right now She would punch him
91 00:00:00   Yato Corne first she would need a ladder to reach him
92 00:00:00   Al, an epithet AFternoone, everyone.
93 00:00:00   Al, an epithet
94 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey AI
95 00:00:00   Al, an epithet Everyone see the UMISEA Hologra?
96 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Epithet just did lol the 3d models look so great. Also
97 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Not yet. Probably gonna shower and take a nap soon, then see it later.
98 00:00:00   Yato Corne yep a soon as it dropped
99 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Okay that was cute.
100 00:00:00   Al, an epithet Tonight they're going to be dropping another UMISEA original song, too
101 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Nice.
102 00:00:00   Al, an epithet Hopefully they have some collab streams; the last one was cursed but a lot of fun, and everyone's skills in eigo/japanese have definitely improved.
103 00:00:00   Yato Corne there are hints that there will be some events during hololive summer
104 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Why cursed?
105 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami DBD collab on the 30th.
106 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Bae, Kronii, Vesper, Regus (lol)
107 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Oh and Calli.
108 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I got confused because I was like "No wait it's Calli not Bae...wait it's Bae's schedule though."
109 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Summer festival is this week right?
110 00:00:00   Yato Corne yes
111 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated
112 00:00:00   Yato Corne Silver
113 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami . . .
114 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Sorry, clearing my eyes. Uh. . . the Ina swimsuit art seems to have uh...started.
115 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Though this one makes me think of an older Ina given the proportions.
116 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami (Not like in terms of big booba)
117 00:00:00   teamakite for some reason people keep buffing Ina in all sorts of ways, she doesn't even look like Ina in some arts
118 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Nah, this one's nice I'd say.
119 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami It's like taller Ina.
120 00:00:00   a ducking Goose
121 00:00:00   Yato Corne Navi
122 00:00:00   a ducking Goose I awake
123 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Ducking goose
124 00:00:00   Just a takoronie The swimsuit calli did for ame looks great
125 00:00:00   Drex
126 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Drex
127 00:00:00   Yato Corne Drex
128 00:00:00   Dvrk ive returned
129 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Dvrk
130 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Kaela keeps finding the oddest games to play She is truly the ID Kronii
131 00:00:00   Allula
132 00:00:00   Dvrk Takoronie
133 00:00:00   Dvrk hello Allu
134 00:00:00   Just a takoronie The that fact she played need for speed most wanted yesterday shocked me
135 00:00:00   Carhillion Good sunday comfy takos = w=)/
136 00:00:00   Yato Corne wb Dvr, Hey Carh and Allula
137 00:00:00   Carhillion Yo Yato, hisashiburi dana = w=)/
138 00:00:00   Dvrk Carh, Yato
139 00:00:00   Carhillion Hey Dvrk = w=)/
140 00:00:00   Carhillion I miss the tako ;-; ... even if she streamed two times yesterday 草
141 00:00:00   Feed I miss Ina too
142 00:00:00   Yato Corne well she will be busy for now
143 00:00:00   Dvrk new umisea song!!!
144 00:00:00   Feed Still miss her
145 00:00:00   Yato Corne just remember that she working for our sake
146 00:00:00   Feed Hope it gets finished soon
147 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Feed
148 00:00:00   Carhillion Humu humu
149 00:00:00   Feed
150 00:00:00   Dvrk
151 00:00:00   denzaj, the Slime with glasses droping by to say hi and back to study
152 00:00:00   Yato Corne Good luck denzaj
153 00:00:00   Carhillion hi denzaj good luck
154 00:00:00   Dvrk cya Denz
155 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Denzai goodluck, go get those A+
156 00:00:00   denzaj, the Slime with glasses and we don´t gread in letters but numbers
157 00:00:00   Carhillion Take that 10 or 100 then
158 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Then 100
159 00:00:00   Karmarov survivor of 100 Songs well just watched callis swim suite stream.. it was very cultured... especially considering the WAHnderfull swimsuite she draw for Ina
160 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Karmarov
161 00:00:00   Karmarov survivor of 100 Songs takoronie
162 00:00:00   Dvrk karma
163 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Wah and yea ina looked great, loved Ames too
164 00:00:00   Dvrk thank you calli
165 00:00:00   Karmarov survivor of 100 Songs Yeah we absolutly need to ask Ina next stream of she liked her swimsuite
166 00:00:00   Yato Corne she probably didn't check her art tag yes this time we will get for sure
167 00:00:00   Karmarov survivor of 100 Songs wait new Inaart?
168 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Theres new inaart? Let me guess.. calli was the start of it
169 00:00:00   Yato Corne yeah... there is a lot
170 00:00:00   Yato Corne and i mean a loooooot
171 00:00:00   Just a takoronie “Inas back”level?
172 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya chat!
173 00:00:00   Yato Corne not yet
174 00:00:00   Yato Corne but it's started just yesterday
175 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Ardy
176 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Calli works in mysterious ways
177 00:00:00   Karmarov survivor of 100 Songs i love the "exebition" one
178 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Awake from nap.
179 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord But Calli wasn't the first one to give Ina a Cultured swimsuit , Marine with the help of Rurudo sensei gave Her another nice 2 piece bikini
180 00:00:00   Karmarov survivor of 100 Songs need to search for that one
181 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Kobo taking after Kiwawa lol
182 00:00:00   Yato Corne yeah but Calli one is even more reveling... also she railed fanartis to drew more
183 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
184 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Like I said , Calli's zatsudan was more yabai than the art
185 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Calli knows what she does , its not like she never calculates stuff
186 00:00:00   Just a takoronie You are saying marine did one worse? I mean its marine so is expected
187 00:00:00   Yato Corne no, Calli was worse
188 00:00:00   Yato Corne Marine was actually tame in comparison
189 00:00:00   Karmarov survivor of 100 Songs duh i think marine is often massivly under estimated, taht women knows exactly what she is doing inmao
190 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Marine called Ina's booba "small rockets" to which Rurudo replied , "you are so gross, better tell that to Her in person"
191 00:00:00   Dvrk a swimsuit, is a swimsuit
192 00:00:00   Dvrk all are good
193 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Still waiting for the fabled 1 on 1 collab of Marine with Ina , after it was postponed it never came up again
194 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Speaking of collabs, did you guys hear that Ina will be with Watame in the Usaken Summer Festival this year?
195 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Ardyy!!
196 00:00:00   Dvrk
197 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Really?
198 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Ohhh? Nice.
199 00:00:00   Just a takoronie for real?
200 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord You are telling me that Watame asked Her out before Lamy?
201 00:00:00   Yato Corne Watame
202 00:00:00   Karmarov survivor of 100 Songs still waiting for Flare to come over to visit Kiwaw tbh..
203 00:00:00   Dvrk she has tentacles for everyone
204 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
205 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
206 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Huh por lamy, even nene jumped the fence first
207 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Yeah, Watame mentioned in her last MC stream apparently
208 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Poor Lamy? Ina built Lamy a house on the EN server.
209 00:00:00   Yato Corne sheep do be fast... i guess not sleeping have it's merits
210 00:00:00   Just a takoronie dvrk
211 00:00:00   Dvrk Ina's words, not mine
212 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Another Blonde in Ina's harem
213 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Bruh.
214 00:00:00   Just a takoronie How many blondes already?
215 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Apparently Ina will be busy in the early parts of the festival, but will be joining Watame later on? Ina's schedule continues to be very busy it seems
216 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Not that that's surprising at this point
217 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Yeah.
218 00:00:00   Yato Corne well Ina did say she will be busy for now
219 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Severe thunderstorm warning, yaaay.
220 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Also ... isn't Haato and Watame like one of the first "ships" ... Ina already collabed with Haachama and now WatameFull circle
221 00:00:00   Carhillion Ina's popular phase
222 00:00:00   Karmarov survivor of 100 Songs Ina was always popular look on how cute she is
223 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami
224 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Carh! And yeah she's always been popular. Look at how she is with Gen 5 in particular
225 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Indeed
226 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Our Priestess is Everyone's Darling
227 00:00:00   Yato Corne
228 00:00:00   Dvrk A thunderstorm Vivian?
229 00:00:00   Carhillion true true
230 00:00:00   Carhillion Ardy o/
231 00:00:00   Karmarov survivor of 100 Songs Vesper has damm good chances to win this hard mode run of FTL
232 00:00:00   Just a takoronie So its nene,watame, haachama 3 blondes right there
233 00:00:00   Dvrk she just needs botan to join, and she'll have 5th gen
234 00:00:00   Carhillion Polka too i think
235 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Remember when Ina kept winning polls by a made by clipper channels of who the fan base preffered as a lifetime companion aka Wife?
236 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord And She won those by a landslide every time
237 00:00:00   Just a takoronie There were polls like that?
238 00:00:00   Yato Corne yeah, some clippers made them
239 00:00:00   Yato Corne it was very long ago tho
240 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Polka and Ina is already a thing.
241 00:00:00   Just a takoronie I mean… no wonder ina kept winning it makes sense
242 00:00:00   Carhillion Oh i remember the ancient times
243 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
244 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Probably during their first year
245 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Yeah.
246 00:00:00   Carhillion Almost two years already... time flies
247 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami We're getting there, yeah.
248 00:00:00   Yato Corne yeah...
249 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Crazy how fast this year has gone...
250 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Possibly wouldn’t be surprised if soon they announce a EN gen 3
251 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi October would be the most likely if they do announce one soon.
252 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami My wallet can't handle a 4th oshi.
253 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami And my sleep schedule can't either.
254 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi That is the struggle
255 00:00:00   Just a takoronie You have.. 4 oshis? Took the harem route
256 00:00:00   Yato Corne 2 is my limit
257 00:00:00   Carhillion yeah... 4 oshis tho damn. I'm happy with my two oshis
258 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I said I can't handle 4.
259 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Yeah, it's for you right?
260 00:00:00   Just a takoronie I kind off have three but are primary. This is the other the rest i just watch for fun and support
261 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I have 3. 4 is too many unless like... somewhere there is a spot in the day for me to watch stuff.
262 00:00:00   Carhillion But you can 3, and that's admirable
263 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Yeah, Ina, Fauna, Kronii, for different reasons.
264 00:00:00   Yato Corne
265 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Though in order of memberships Fauna's came last purely because her membership unlock was after Kronii's.
266 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Yato is that a cat? Zeta?
267 00:00:00   Carhillion sasuga one shared braincell takos
268 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami That's a dog. Korone.
269 00:00:00   Yato Corne
270 00:00:00   Just a takoronie “ i die thank you foreva”
271 00:00:00   Carhillion The best doggo
272 00:00:00   Just a takoronie From JP I don’t consider any of these 2 oshis plus I don’t understand what they say but i watch their clips: suisei and botan. The way suisei sang re i am by aimer
273 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I would've gone with Sana is time-zones weren't a thing.
274 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi For me it's but I tend to prioritize Ina streams when they're both streaming.
275 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I do like a lot of JP members but time-zones are the main issue; I was following Suisei and Okayu's views for the MK8 tournament.
276 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Yeah, I had membership to Sana but I couldn't catch her streams live very often
277 00:00:00   Just a takoronie She streamed late?
278 00:00:00   Carhillion Yeah time zones... it's been really hard to catch an ina stream for me, so most of times I'll go with the VOD
279 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Sana's Australian so that's a heavy time-zone difference.
280 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Well bae streams at 10pm mostly my timezone, sometimes 1am
281 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I do like to follow along some of ID, Lamy, and some others, but not a ton of time to go catch vods.
282 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Bae's streams tend to be late night for me - usually when Kronii may also start or later.
283 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Sana's were more early morning or morning hours.
284 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Actually realizing I have more JP subscriptions than I thought.
285 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Alot of times kronii and bae almost stream at the sametime.
286 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I know.
287 00:00:00   Just a takoronie JP im subscribe to: fubuki, botan, suisei and pekora
288 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi I'm subscribed to everyone in Holopro, though I don't watch them all regularly.
289 00:00:00   Carhillion I think i am subscribed to all of them
290 00:00:00   Carhillion Yeah same Ardy
291 00:00:00   Yato Corne i mean it's impossible to watch 50+ talents
292 00:00:00   Carhillion That's why i only have two oshis
293 00:00:00   Dvrk unless?
294 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Yea it’s impossible
295 00:00:00   Carhillion unless we are the dark knight
296 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Unless?
297 00:00:00   Yato Corne Koyori , Watame and Kaela alone stream together more than 24 hours a day if you combine their stream time
298 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Yeah...
299 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Hoping schedules will be up soon.
300 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Or Fauna stream reservation pops up.
301 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami She said she wouldn't stream on the 26th and probably not on the 27th, so today is possible or it may just be a schedule for the rest of the week.
302 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Kaela doesn’t believe in sleeping
303 00:00:00   Carhillion Fair enough
304 00:00:00   Carhillion She's a kronie
305 00:00:00   Carhillion That's our curse
306 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Atleast kronii sleeps… i think
307 00:00:00   Yato Corne oh Nauris got into Vesper group, another space Tako =w=)7
308 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
309 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Who remembers that is tako
310 00:00:00   Dvrk is a tako, always a tako
311 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Yeah.
312 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
313 00:00:00   Carhillion once a tako, always a tako = w=)
314 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Once you are a tako, you can never go back.
315 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Kiwawa schedule, barely a minute old.
316 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Summer Festival TOMORROW... AoE2 on there?
317 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Did Ina say anything about Her newest 3D Summer hat?
318 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Makes me wonder if Fauna or Reine talked to her about it.
319 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
320 00:00:00   Dvrk TOMORROW?
321 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Kiwawa doing alot this week
322 00:00:00   Carhillion TOMORROW
323 00:00:00   KoiKoi Kiwawa always doin' lots
324 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Only resting day tuesday
325 00:00:00   Yato Corne summer hat is a part of hololive summer set, i think i already told you about this, same as a mask
326 00:00:00   Carhillion Koi = w=)/
327 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Koi
328 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi I'm glad that it will be my weekend so I can stay up late hours with less worry
329 00:00:00   KoiKoi
330 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami KFP Empire... I do hope Fauna has some AoE 2 planned.
331 00:00:00   KoiKoi Ello Takos~ Hope everyone is well!
332 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Yeah, it's a 3D asset that all Holomembers who have access to 3D can use
333 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Koi
334 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Koi!
335 00:00:00   Dvrk koi
336 00:00:00   Carhillion I'm good koi, didn't sleep today but it's all good = w=)7
337 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Kiwawa creating an empire huh
338 00:00:00   KoiKoi get some rest tonight at least~
339 00:00:00   Carhillion Hope you're doing good too
340 00:00:00   KoiKoi indeed. much better. I've been sick since Wednesday...finally started feeling better yesterday afternoon.
341 00:00:00   Carhillion humu
342 00:00:00   Yato Corne good to hear
343 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Glad you're feeling better
344 00:00:00   Carhillion Ayo nice = w=)b
345 00:00:00   KoiKoi
346 00:00:00   Dvrk
347 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord But the hat had holes specially for Ina's Cute flaps
348 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Carhilion and koi
349 00:00:00   Yato Corne i think they just... peeked out of it
350 00:00:00   Yato Corne Gura had the same exact hat btw
351 00:00:00   KoiKoi you know how inas tentacales come out of void portals
352 00:00:00   Just a takoronie I never knew her flaps could move until the clip where gura notices it and she says “ Omg so cute do it again”
353 00:00:00   Carhillion oh that shork
354 00:00:00   KoiKoi maybe she just made portals for her flaps through the hat?
355 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Yeah, her flap movement is always too cute
356 00:00:00   Carhillion Oh i need to watch, excuse me for a bit
357 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Take care, Carh!
358 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Speaking of, I gotta get ready for work in a few minutes so I'll just go ahead and take my leave for now. Take care, chat!
359 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord lol 3D Guwa's face is so round with pinchable cheeks
360 00:00:00   KoiKoi later Ardy~
361 00:00:00   Dvrk cya Ardy
362 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Ardy later
363 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Btw what do they mostly do on halloween?
364 00:00:00   Yato Corne Good luck at work Ardy
365 00:00:00   Yato Corne last time it was vr chat event + Ina had horror week
366 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Horror week? Playing horror games and such
367 00:00:00   ranpo Did Ina mention joining the Minecraft Summer Fes?
368 00:00:00   Carhillion How our priestess can be so cute...
369 00:00:00   Soulgazer Ina's apparently going to join Watame during her stream
370 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Because their Anniversary is very close to Halloween , last year their Anniversary VRC stream was Halloween themed
371 00:00:00   Soulgazer midwayish through
372 00:00:00   Dah Nuh what's up with the cookie purging threats on twitter! 4 of you guys think you can steal my cookies?
373 00:00:00   KoiKoi
374 00:00:00   Yato Corne yeah she was playing Soma and RE 7
375 00:00:00   Yato Corne oh hey Dah
376 00:00:00   Carhillion Gimme dat cookie
377 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Soul
378 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Oh. Just realized someone hasn't learned about Council's Halloween forms.
379 00:00:00   Soulgazer hey Yato
380 00:00:00   Dvrk cookie purging?
381 00:00:00   Yato Corne @Carhillion no way, you have your own
382 00:00:00   Carhillion Well i want yours too
383 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I am the Tako who delivers bonks to unseiso Takos and even I wouldn't take cookies away for that.
384 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
385 00:00:00   Carhillion sorry my brain just works with references
386 00:00:00   KoiKoi Dvrk...just something going around on twitter
387 00:00:00   Yato Corne this is what i was going for Carh (i see you too are DMC 3 enjoyer)
388 00:00:00   KoiKoi Carh~ for u
389 00:00:00   Carhillion humu
390 00:00:00   Dvrk ok koi...
391 00:00:00   ranpo @Soulgazer ooohh, thank you
392 00:00:00   Carhillion Koi = w=)/
393 00:00:00   Yato Corne oh hey Ranpo
394 00:00:00   Dvrk also hi ranpo
395 00:00:00   Carhillion Well it's been an honor takos = w=)7 But i need to go. Take care everyone, Cya.
396 00:00:00   Carhillion Until next time o7
397 00:00:00   Dvrk cya Carh
398 00:00:00   Yato Corne cya Carh
399 00:00:00   Neftiaf cya carh
400 00:00:00   Dah Nuh @Carhillion
401 00:00:00   KoiKoi later Carh~
402 00:00:00   KoiKoi Dah.....
403 00:00:00   KoiKoi I like how you changed the wording ever so slightly
404 00:00:00   Blues, squishy tako that’s too busy to squish Hello can’t remember last time I was in here
405 00:00:00   KoiKoi Blues~
406 00:00:00   Dvrk Blues
407 00:00:00   Yato Corne Blues ...
408 00:00:00   Neftiaf blues
409 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Blues!
410 00:00:00   Karmarov survivor of 100 Songs Blues
411 00:00:00   Blues, squishy tako that’s too busy to squish Takos I will remember to visit more
412 00:00:00   Yato Corne
413 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Blues
414 00:00:00   KoiKoi
415 00:00:00   William TRF Hey Blues
416 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Gura blowing Herself up with Reine and Anya was the highlight of the night
417 00:00:00   Yato Corne yeah saw the clip that was just perfect
418 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Ame driving around the girls was like an off collab road trip
419 00:00:00   Dvrk gura moment
420 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami
421 00:00:00   Yato Corne
422 00:00:00   Dvrk
423 00:00:00   Neftiaf
424 00:00:00   Neftiaf god raids are long dugeon
425 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Neftiaf
426 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I kinda want to take another nap.
427 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Just... super slow day.
428 00:00:00   Yato Corne yeah, not much happening
429 00:00:00   Just a takoronie What is the game that currently has the most toxic fanbase? For me i still don’t see one worst than rainbow six siege. N word left and right, getting team killed just cause
430 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I dunno.
431 00:00:00   Yato Corne probably still LOL
432 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I just try to avoid that stuff.
433 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Its a fun game if you play it with the right people and not ranked. Even tho in unranked if you pick the character another person wanted you will probably get team killed by that person
434 00:00:00   Neftiaf R6, LoL n COD thats the toxic fanbase i know
435 00:00:00   Neftiaf as u said N word, wild noise, troll n throw
436 00:00:00   Just a takoronie CoD has tone down abit tho, unlike cod4 and mw2 even BO1
437 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Yeah I don't play any of those.
438 00:00:00   Vats Watched some clips about Gura meeting some player az. I'm quite curious about who that would be.
439 00:00:00   Dvrk i think it's azki
440 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Azki yea
441 00:00:00   Haidir Abdillah
442 00:00:00   Vats There were clips saying it's AZKi, but I didn't see any evidence to iy.
443 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Az is Azki, yes.
444 00:00:00   Tyldar Gura did say that she checked her steam profile.
445 00:00:00   Yato Corne is Azki, Gura had her on her friend list
446 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami 35-65 minute nap let's go
447 00:00:00   Tyldar Let's goo
448 00:00:00   Vats Interesting.
449 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Man from jp theres alot of people i still don’t know. Didn’t know who Azki was
450 00:00:00   Vats I watch Soda when Flare or Watame isn't streaming, so I've checked some of AZKi's streams in the past. Never saw her playing anything other than Among Us and MC.
451 00:00:00   Yato Corne she used to not stream at all, she was (and still kinda is) mostly focused on music
452 00:00:00   Tyldar
453 00:00:00   Dvrk
454 00:00:00   Dvrk basically HoloJP's IRyS
455 00:00:00   Vats What puzzled me was the loot she threw at Gura.
456 00:00:00   Vats Someone just starting to play for the first time would probably still be struggling to survive.
457 00:00:00   Vats Specially if playing alone and not getting a jumpstart from the others.
458 00:00:00   Link Tako Hiya everytako
459 00:00:00   Vats
460 00:00:00   Yato Corne it was not her first appearance, she was playing before
461 00:00:00   Tyldar hi
462 00:00:00   Yato Corne we just didn't know who
463 00:00:00   Dvrk Link!
464 00:00:00   Yato Corne also Hey Link
465 00:00:00   Yato Corne and Tyldar
466 00:00:00   Feed I miss Ina
467 00:00:00   Lei minecraft summer festival soon, will we see priestess
468 00:00:00   Dvrk
469 00:00:00   Yato Corne
470 00:00:00   Vats how mysterious
471 00:00:00   Link Tako Vats, Yato, Tyldar
472 00:00:00   Vats
473 00:00:00   Link Tako Dvrk
474 00:00:00   Feed I wonder what time the watame date is. I think Kiara has hers with Reine at 4am PST
475 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
476 00:00:00   mysha 【ミシャ】 Goodnight everyone
477 00:00:00   Dvrk cya mysha
478 00:00:00   Yato Corne good night mysha
479 00:00:00   Tyldar
480 00:00:00   Link Tako Night mysha
481 00:00:00   Link Tako Warlock my tako
482 00:00:00   Neftiaf nit mysha
483 00:00:00   Link Tako Neft
484 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Hello
485 00:00:00   Neftiaf link
486 00:00:00   swoog @Feed iirc watame said she would start her stream at around 7:30 PM JST and ina would join in a bit later, maybe around 8-8:30 PM JST
487 00:00:00   swoog but she messaged ina after her stream so we'll see
488 00:00:00   Yato Corne Shirey Ina will tweet about it
489 00:00:00   Yato Corne also swoog
490 00:00:00   Dvrk
491 00:00:00   swoog
492 00:00:00   swoog i've been watching nagasaki biopark streams of capybaras they are so wonderful
493 00:00:00   swoog i wonder if ina has seen any
494 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Swoog
495 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Also ame zatsu in 20min
496 00:00:00   swoog
497 00:00:00   Dvrk swoog
498 00:00:00   Dvrk
499 00:00:00   Wydken great streams
500 00:00:00   Yato Corne Wyd
501 00:00:00   Wydken hey
502 00:00:00   KoiKoi Wyd~ swoog~
503 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Ooooooocean Man
504 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami
505 00:00:00   KoiKoi .....whered you get that cookie!?
506 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I have a package of cookies right next to me to snack on.
507 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord #inART is getting dangerous again ... How will Ina react this time...
508 00:00:00   KoiKoi
509 00:00:00   KoiKoi Warlock....I'm betting....dissappointment
510 00:00:00   Yato Corne t-t-there is nothing wrong with InART, no need to look Ina
511 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I have my own back-up cookies for when I need them. The only problem is the packaging sometimes.
512 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Uh-oh.
513 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
514 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I mean I saw some uuhh...larger asset ones but nothing too wild.
515 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord ppl took pics of the UMISEA episode , there is a split second Ina's back is shown
516 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord And Her Bakery
517 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord They knew what they were doing
518 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
519 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Goth Ina
520 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Wait it’s getting worse? I entered and it was still fairly controlled vs the back thing
521 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Nah it seems tame still.
522 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Bonus goth Ina, though.
523 00:00:00   Just a takoronie I saved goth ina
524 00:00:00   swoog i thought they were still drawing her back! .. heh
525 00:00:00   Just a takoronie The back thing is controlled now
526 00:00:00   swoog get it cus you can't tell the difference between her front and her-... nevermind
527 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami
528 00:00:00   axtremulus Bless this art
529 00:00:00   Yato Corne
530 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami
531 00:00:00   Dah Nuh why did I install it...
532 00:00:00   Neftiaf ?
533 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Install wh-- PSO2?
534 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Cat ears watson
535 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Oh man...
536 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami The Milk Bar in Majora's Mask...
537 00:00:00   Dah Nuh @Vivian Kurayami 10/10 answer
538 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami ...also the side-quest with Romani and Cremia. So damn weird and also creepy.
539 00:00:00   Dah Nuh i did it last night after the stream, and besides eating and sleeping, I seem to have only played it up until just now... were mmos always this addicting?
540 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I wonder how Noel will react to that.
541 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami
542 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami They are.
543 00:00:00   Yato Corne yea Dah... yes
544 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami We must rescue Dah.
545 00:00:00   Dah Nuh I need to pray for ascension in the tentacult temple and offer myself as a sacrifice...
546 00:00:00   Dvrk sang Violet
547 00:00:00   Yato Corne
548 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami
549 00:00:00   RCSI
550 00:00:00   RCSI Also hi
551 00:00:00   Yato Corne RCSI
552 00:00:00   Dah Nuh I'm going to sleep! take care everyone... don't play mmos...
553 00:00:00   Dah Nuh hey @RCSI
554 00:00:00   Neftiaf i play destiny 2 as mmo lol
555 00:00:00   Neftiaf so i know rcsi
556 00:00:00   RCSI Good night Dah
557 00:00:00   Neftiaf nit dah
558 00:00:00   Yato Corne Good night Dah
559 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I used to play Destiny 2. Lack of friends actively playing kind of killed drive to play. That + time commitment.
560 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami F/GO was less time-consuming and doesn't require friends or PvP so I was like
561 00:00:00   RCSI What do you mean neft?
562 00:00:00   Neftiaf i played 8 hrs today in destiny doing raids
563 00:00:00   Neftiaf i did 14 hrs 2 days ago
564 00:00:00   Neftiaf i played lost ark for quite some time then change it to destiny cant do both
565 00:00:00   RCSI Ah, yeah can't speak for destiny but I played WoW a lot back in the day
566 00:00:00   Neftiaf yeah wow its hard also
567 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Playing all 3 classes in Destiny 2 and actively working on them (and dailies) every day...uuugh.
568 00:00:00   Yato Corne only MMO i played was GW1, i liked that it was not subscription based
569 00:00:00   Neftiaf i played gw2 when it came out play it for quite some time then quit since i lacked plp to play with
570 00:00:00   Neftiaf
571 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Oof, F/GO freezing up and crashing on me a few times. Phone please.
572 00:00:00   Neftiaf i cant play f/go its region locked lol
573 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Just be glad you don't play the Forbidden Server.
574 00:00:00   Neftiaf yup
575 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Forbidden server changes to non-CN Servants are a little funny.
576 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
577 00:00:00   Yato Corne Real Jabber
578 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Vesper is still going
579 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Yato
580 00:00:00   Yato Corne you mean Vesper still winning
581 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) yes
582 00:00:00   Yato Corne well not it's about to got down, with boarders and mind control
583 00:00:00   Yato Corne Grandpa did it
584 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) I try to listen but working now so is a little hard, and headphones are only for Ina
585 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I want Suisei to teach Fauna the ways of rust...
586 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami [insert yandere face]
587 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Yandere Fauna
588 00:00:00   Yato Corne well, now i can go to sleep without regrets
589 00:00:00   Yato Corne good night Takos
590 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Nit Yato
591 00:00:00   Neftiaf nit yato
592 00:00:00   Allula Nighty everytako
593 00:00:00   KoiKoi gn Yato~ gn Allu~
594 00:00:00   Neftiaf nit allula
595 00:00:00   Neftiaf 12 mints
596 00:00:00   Neftiaf minutes*
597 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Nit Allu
598 00:00:00   Neftiaf
599 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami
600 00:00:00   Neftiaf verse
601 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) nefti is in dragon mode
602 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) IKZZZ
603 00:00:00   Dvrk dragondachi
604 00:00:00   Lyudmilia Ina's going on a date with watame in the summer festival
605 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) , , hey Lyud
606 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
607 00:00:00   Neftiaf when is it jabber?
608 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) yes (check Watame chane)
609 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) in 9 hours
610 00:00:00   Neftiaf should i forsake my sleep or use quite abit alarms
611 00:00:00   Dvrk 5:30 am...
612 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Im gonna do the second, maybe be productive and stay up
613 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Miyu activated neurons
614 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Sports Girl
615 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Warlock miyu indeed
616 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Jabber!!
617 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Ronie
618 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Shiika too tho…
619 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) I like this one
620 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
621 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
622 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami You guys at it again
623 00:00:00   Dvrk what the Takos doin?
624 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Gonna watch
625 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) still working
626 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Being unseiso as usual it seems.
627 00:00:00   張庭維 Halo~/
628 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Hmm? Fauna retweeted...
629 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Ahh cute image. For some reason it wouldn't show up in notifications at first.
630 00:00:00   Dvrk
631 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Deck
632 00:00:00   Dvrk Deck
633 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami So...what's different with the Summer Festival this year?
634 00:00:00   Dvrk new Ina date
635 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami No, I mean it sounds like less of EN will be there?
636 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Checking inventory to see if I can max out Summer Jeanne...
637 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Or is it just who in EN will have perspectives?
638 00:00:00   Just a takoronie in 10min
639 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami There we go. Summer Jeanne setup in party formation is Umisea
640 00:00:00   Just a takoronie I swear it said 10pm.. now its 10:30pm
641 00:00:00   Feed Bae sent out a tweet stating a 30min delay
642 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Feed , hope she dosent blame mr squeaks for it, mumei blames friend always
643 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord 3:30 am for me
644 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
645 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) im gonna leave chat for now, cya later
646 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Neft around?
647 00:00:00   Feed Take care
648 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Jabber Tako
649 00:00:00   Dvrk cya Jabber
650 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Well. Time to get the nose to the grindstone.
651 00:00:00   Tyldar Fauna minecraft guerrilla?
652 00:00:00   RCSI Time for us to sleep Warlock
653 00:00:00   RCSI If we want to watch the stream live, that is
654 00:00:00   RCSI kidding
655 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Yeah, she snuck one in there.
656 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Ina tweeted about her stream...
657 00:00:00   RCSI Yeah...
658 00:00:00   Neftiaf IKZ
659 00:00:00   Neftiaf
660 00:00:00   Dvrk !?
661 00:00:00   Lei takosheep takosheep takosheep
662 00:00:00   張庭維 Tako sleep?
663 00:00:00   Lei yes
664 00:00:00   Neftiaf i get more gift sub at twitch than yt, so far no luck lol
665 00:00:00   Dvrk
666 00:00:00   Dvrk smh yt why you gotta make features you copy from twitch worse...
667 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Playing it slow with emotes today so I don't get bonked
668 00:00:00   Dvrk I hope council hasn't forgotten to visit sana tower...
669 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Finally, after waiting 10 thousand years, im a brat member.
670 00:00:00   Dvrk
671 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord UMISEA
672 00:00:00   Dvrk it's called gun powder but there's no gun in MC
673 00:00:00   Dvrk Oh, definitely didn't forget about that haha....
674 00:00:00   Feed New UMISEA just dropped
675 00:00:00   Feed
676 00:00:00   Dvrk
677 00:00:00   Feed I wonder if future UMISEA things will have Ina and Gura actually do things
678 00:00:00   Dvrk sana tower mention
679 00:00:00   Dvrk fauna hasn't forgotten
680 00:00:00   SpudTako ouf 3am PT stream with watame
681 00:00:00   SpudTako ina going ham this month for anniversary as well
682 00:00:00   Dvrk
683 00:00:00   SpudTako feedchloe joining umisea
684 00:00:00   Dvrk
685 00:00:00   Endy takos i forgor someone remind me of the festival time?
686 00:00:00   Endy
687 00:00:00   Lei glory to umisea
688 00:00:00   張庭維 Umi...nani?
689 00:00:00   SpudTako endy , might be a side effect of you watching too many crimes against enderkind
690 00:00:00   Endy Spud you know me too well
691 00:00:00   Endy but i found it, takos remember to tune in to Watame's channel for ina's pov of the festival
692 00:00:00   張庭維 Does Ardy=Endy?
693 00:00:00   Neftiaf Endy~
694 00:00:00   Endy neftiaf
695 00:00:00   Neftiaf there is one in 7 hrs
696 00:00:00   SpudTako i dont know how i feel about ina in a tentacle skirt / petticoat
697 00:00:00   Dvrk Endy!
698 00:00:00   張庭維 Anyway, hey Endy
699 00:00:00   SpudTako muchendy
700 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Eh?? Fauna in MC
701 00:00:00   Dvrk Also @張庭維 , UMISEA is sea based group with membs: Marine, Aqua, Ina, gooba and recently, Chloe
702 00:00:00   SpudTako new song is out on spotify , 4:50 instead of the 1min + on youtube
703 00:00:00   SpudTako the first song is also full length on spotify which is longer than the original MV
704 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Imagine making Godzilla sized Dinogura in Minecraft
705 00:00:00   Lei we got an Ina Ina Ina~ in the full song 3:35
706 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
707 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
708 00:00:00   Neftiaf
709 00:00:00   Dvrk
710 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) I have arrived home, now eat dinner , hey Dark
711 00:00:00   Dvrk Hey Jabber
712 00:00:00   SpudTako ina inaaa inaa
713 00:00:00   RCSI
714 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Requesting a search and rescue party for bae. What im watching and hearing from her stream worries me
715 00:00:00   Neftiaf short at hololive en channel
716 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
717 00:00:00   Dvrk
718 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) what happened to bae??
719 00:00:00   Dvrk huh?
720 00:00:00   Dvrk but Neft, aren't those shorts old?
721 00:00:00   Dvrk they're just being reuploaded from the shorts channel
722 00:00:00   Neftiaf no idea im tired
723 00:00:00   Dvrk ah naruhone
724 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Hi Tired
725 00:00:00   Neftiaf <[Im off take care takos]
726 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Me: why did I block this guy? [notices his replies in on-screen chat] Oh right.
727 00:00:00   Dvrk cya Neft
728 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Nit Nefti
729 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I don't understand people who, literally when anything is said, respond with "COPIUM".
730 00:00:00   Dvrk that's their coping mechanism
731 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami
732 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami "I had a good day today." "COPIUM "
733 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami
734 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Fauna officially planning on building a raid farm.
735 00:00:00   Dvrk
736 00:00:00   Dvrk And she's gonna break the server's economy, based
737 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami And building a village that contrasts heavily with Phoenixton where the villagers live in peace and freedom; instead they will be forced to work.
738 00:00:00   RCSI losing her mind over expensive fruit in Japan
739 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Jabber she didn’t know who hideo kojima was, she didn’t know what metal gear is, she thought norman reedus was sean bean
740 00:00:00   Just a takoronie She didn’t know what death stranding was
741 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Nahone
742 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) oh poor Bae, but yes, I have seen some Vtubers from Japan going banana () cause they learn that here in Latam fruit is cheap
743 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Latam? So thats why we have same timezones
744 00:00:00   Dvrk
745 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Ronie?? where are you??
746 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Yea and chat was like “for the love of matsuri get her out of australia.”
747 00:00:00   Dvrk 4 dollars per kilogram for bananas!?
748 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Me latam too, the tiny island of PR
749 00:00:00   Dvrk I don't blame her, what
750 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) nahone
751 00:00:00   Just a takoronie You?
752 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Banana kg here is like 1.3 usd on the supermarket (not the cheapest place tbh) and with inflation
753 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) from the land of earthquakes and spanishn't (Chile)
754 00:00:00   Dvrk Takoronie, you're a tentacle!!!
755 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Jabber my respect to you guys, because ive only lived 1 earthquake in my life and I didn’t feel safe in my own house for weeks and it was nothing compared to the ones you guys experience
756 00:00:00   Just a takoronie true I didn’t notice that! I saw ao chan till now
757 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
758 00:00:00   Dvrk 🇲🇽
759 00:00:00   Dvrk no mexican flag emote?
760 00:00:00   Dvrk google pls
761 00:00:00   ranpo Ayo what happened to Ina's art tag again? It's trending again lmao
762 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Drvk you are from mexico?
763 00:00:00   Dvrk I think we know why ranpo
764 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Ranpo
765 00:00:00   Dvrk
766 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Is it trending? fr?
767 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi On break at work atm, but just to answer Deck's question: No, I am not Endy. That's a different tako. Anyway, back to it
768 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Calli started it
769 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord I just opened twitter and Gura is trending
770 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Dvrk then: saludos. Latam holo live fans are RARE with capital letters
771 00:00:00   Dvrk cya Ardy
772 00:00:00   Dvrk Saludos querido tako amigo! esque los tacos
773 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Tacos
774 00:00:00   ranpo ello takoronie, Dvrk, Ardy, Warlock
775 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Hm. I forgot what I was about to mention.
776 00:00:00   ranpo @Warlock Warlord i guess that differs from countries to countries
777 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Ranpo
778 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Where is Latam?
779 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Latino America
780 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Aaaahhhh.
781 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I still haven't remembered what I was going to ask. Hm. Oh, earthquakes.
782 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Woah... I didn't some Cultured Ladies liked to cosplay Gura
783 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord know*
784 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) basically any country in the america that speak a Latin "derived" language (aka Spanish, Portuguese and French)
785 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami The only earthquake I can claim to have "experienced" was elsewhere in the state far, far away. It knocked something over in my room and I was confused by it.
786 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Apparently there's a fault line in the state I never knew of.
787 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Jabber lives right there with “el cinturon de fuego” from the pacific
788 00:00:00   Dvrk
789 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) also where teh Nazca and South American tectonic plates collide
790 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Thats where some of the big boys happen
791 00:00:00   Rubi Good morning
792 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord lol someone made a Hololive fan game that plays like Space Invaders , except is kagainiki shooting SCs to the girls
793 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
794 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) hey Rubi
795 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Rubi good morning
796 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord And is bullet hell
797 00:00:00   Dvrk morning rubi
798 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Yabe.
799 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord lol @Harutimu_415's animation of that one frame when Ina showed Her back
800 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
801 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Oh, you evolved. Did you notice?
802 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) we had the 1, 4 and 9 most powerfull earthquake that is registered by man
803 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Jabber at Chile?
804 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) yes
805 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Here is hurricane highway, September is full of close calls
806 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord The quake that moved Earth's axis
807 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
808 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I live in tornado alley so Summer is...yeah.
809 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Mumei's going with Lui? Oya oya, Holotori
810 00:00:00   Just a takoronie We had 4 years ago the third strongest hurricane ever to touch ground on this side. Cat 5 170mph winds.. ill never ever forget that day
811 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) I have never been on a Hurricane or Tornado
812 00:00:00   Dvrk same, been in a flood, twice
813 00:00:00   RCSI I live in a place that is sunny all year
814 00:00:00   Just a takoronie The best i could describe those winds which we were in since 2am when they started to pick up as it made landfall to 6pm. Imagine a jet engine starting right besides you
815 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I've never been in a tornado.
816 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Pretty sure I'd be dead otherwise.
817 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Flooding happens here every now and then but how bad it gets really varies. A place near here has issues with it flooding houses when it's bad.
818 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Hurricanes... apparently there's a few rare cases of them making it here just because they were strong enough to keep going so far inland before dying entirely.
819 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Yea hurricanes once they touch land they start to lose strength. Here everything was destroyed but the places where it made landfall, had it even worse
820 00:00:00   Link Tako Dvrk
821 00:00:00   Link Tako It’s taco time
822 00:00:00   Dvrk I've experienced a snow fall, which is SUPER rare to happen
823 00:00:00   Dvrk Not a disaster, but then there was no electricity and water because the pipes were frozen
824 00:00:00   Dvrk TACO TIME?!
825 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Gah, not sure what I did but my neck is hurting a bunch when I move it the wrong way.
826 00:00:00   Link Tako Tengo hambre bro y las tiendas están cerradas
827 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Snow is normal here. Basically we get all four seasons but the extremes (Summer and Winter) have been getting worse.
828 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Though last Winter we barely got much of any which I'm totally fine with because a year or two before that it wouldn't get warm enough for it to melt.
829 00:00:00   Dvrk Todas?!
830 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Ive never experienced snow
831 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Link tako habla español?
832 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I'd say you're not missing much but it's fun when you're a kid.
833 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami As an adult it sucks because you have to shovel the driveway.
834 00:00:00   Link Tako Ni modo, a comer sopa maruchan
835 00:00:00   Link Tako @Just I do speak Spanish and English
836 00:00:00   Dvrk maruchan
837 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) its basically a miracle here if snow Summer in the other hand.....is eating part of fall and spring (winter feels shorter too)
838 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami ...Maruchan? Like the ramen brand?
839 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Also when the road turns into black ice.. driving is extremely dangerous
840 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) yes, the ramen brand
841 00:00:00   Dvrk Yes vivian, quite popular here in Latam.
842 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Yeah, here any places where it doesn't normally snow pretty much shuts down entirely with an inch of snow.
843 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) yesterday we had some Maruchan on the work
844 00:00:00   Link Tako Hahaha old reliable
845 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Namely Texas which...yeah. Big issues for them the last few years with Winter.
846 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Here rain replaces snow, the reason winter and Christmas is cold it’s because it rains alot and even the day is cold even with a sunny day
847 00:00:00   Link Tako It mostly rains in my area
848 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I like the chicken flavor.
849 00:00:00   Dvrk With the little I experienced snow, definitely was a pain to remove the snow that was compressed and basically turned into ice
850 00:00:00   Link Tako Like 80%of the year
851 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) same, most rain, and ofcourse christmas here is on summer (search calurosa navidad song)
852 00:00:00   Link Tako Chicken flavor is the best
853 00:00:00   Just a takoronie The ID is sick,but she wanna stream and sacrifice zecretary’s
854 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Zeta's gonna be playing Cult of the Lamb so I'm gonna lurk there and continue grinding lotto boxes in F/GO.
855 00:00:00   Link Tako Imma sleep to catch Watame and the priestess date nite everytako
856 00:00:00   Link Tako Los quiero mucho
857 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Oh right when is that?
858 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Im gonna take a cup of coffee and do the same
859 00:00:00   Dvrk in 5 hrs
860 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) that
861 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Mmmnn...yeah that's not so doable.
862 00:00:00   Dvrk No yo mas Link
863 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Gonna need to vod it.
864 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) holy pancakes, 5 hours only
865 00:00:00   Feed found a group to go to the festival with
866 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Hmm guess ill watch zeta and fall asleep with it like it happened with calli which then asleep i heard calli far away
867 00:00:00   Jessie Chang
868 00:00:00   Dvrk
869 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Feed bae? Because bae was searching too
870 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) last time I fall asleep listen to Calli.....man that dream was weird
871 00:00:00   Feed Dunno. Ame just said a group
872 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Why jabber?
873 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Good weird or bad weird?
874 00:00:00   Dvrk new okayu original?
875 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) I had the previous nigth a really painfull nigthmare with sleep paralisys (to the point that I wake up, didnt sleep more and my body actually was in pain)
876 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Okayu released something new a few days ago I think
877 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Oh. Bad weird.
878 00:00:00   Dvrk No, that's just bad bad
879 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) then I falled asleep next day (calli was playing earthbound) and had the same nigthmare again, but Calli apeared and said "just wake up *insert swear here) and saved me
880 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) so weird in the good sense
881 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami I've had Holomembers in dreams before but only one of the dreams I'd classify as weird because it involved Haachama being Haachama and being terrifying.
882 00:00:00   Just a takoronie “Just wake up Mofo” is what i imagined and with her voice
883 00:00:00   Dvrk oh you right vivian, it's on spotify
884 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) yes, that
885 00:00:00   張庭維 Finally, finish my LoR route again~!
886 00:00:00   Dvrk idk what that is but Deck!
887 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Vivian.. terrifying haachama?
888 00:00:00   Dvrk oh this song is a banger
889 00:00:00   Just a takoronie I barely dream or have nightmares recently but with holomembers ive had only 1 and it was with bae lol
890 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Yeah, like imagine you look in a direction and it happens to be in the direction Haachama is (regardless of how far away she is) and just from that the ground below you is shaking.
891 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Because that's what was going on and it got worse the closer she was.
892 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Thats a nightmare right there
893 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Nah not really. Lucid dream so while unnverving I can just decide "she cannot find me"
894 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami So I'd just sneak away.
895 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Granted she did eventually but nothing bad happened.
896 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) I found the song with eng sub ?v=-nMI7qhirZQ (part of my childhood)
897 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Which would be worst? Nightmare with pekora or nightmare with suisei
898 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) how is that a Nightmare??
899 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Hmmm...for me neither really can get there. The moment I feel out of my depth or like things are going bad, I wake myself up.
900 00:00:00   Dvrk 31 minutos!!!
901 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami 31 minutes?
902 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) It was a local puppet show about a news studio
903 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Jabber i mean they are not gonna be acting cute more like their rust selves
904 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Did I stutter??
905 00:00:00   Dvrk he's already accepted his fate takoronie...
906 00:00:00   Aesthetic Gaming Guys i've had a dream about Ina once again
907 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Aesthetic
908 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Jabber you know theres no running away so you just accept
909 00:00:00   Dvrk Aesthetic
910 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) its ok, we respawn
911 00:00:00   Aesthetic Gaming are we really meant to be? i mean me and Ina haha
912 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) that is the good part of dreams, to experience the impossible
913 00:00:00   Just a takoronie True, takos are immortal and in my case.. can i revert time too?
914 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Aesthetic
915 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) dunno about kromies skills, but I know you are a Tako so you can be cute
916 00:00:00   Dvrk
917 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Omg that reminds me.. in inas art theres was an art of a literal fusion of a tako and a kronie. It was a tako but also had a kind of shape with in its belly the clock i think its still there
918 00:00:00   RCSI I sleep and may join the vod club if I don't wake up for the stream good night chat
919 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Nit RC
920 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Later RCSI
921 00:00:00   Dvrk cya RCSI
922 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Only Kronii or Ame can mess with time.
923 00:00:00   Vivian Kurayami Time to get ready for bed.
924 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Nit Takos
925 00:00:00   Dvrk Also gonna head out, see you takos
926 00:00:00   Feed Time to make some coffee.
927 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya chat!
928 00:00:00   Dah Nuh hey everyone! , hey @Ardy Bacardi !
929 00:00:00   Feed Hello
930 00:00:00   Feed Oh sweet Gura put up a POV
931 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Dah!
932 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi And Feed too!
933 00:00:00   Feed
934 00:00:00   DaOrigNerdz Good evening guys
935 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Orig!
936 00:00:00   Vats Two of my favorite Holomem in one stream. Is it fine to have such thing??
937 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Vats! It should be a lot of fun and ultra comfy too
938 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Well, I guess how comfy it is depends on how crazy the festival gets
939 00:00:00   Vats Not even the Ancient Ones can resist the power of fluff.
940 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Takos
941 00:00:00   William TRF Hi Yato
942 00:00:00   Yato Corne William, Vats, Ardy, Orig and Feed
943 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Yato and William!
944 00:00:00   William TRF Hey Andy
945 00:00:00   Feed Hello
946 00:00:00   張庭維 Month left till the new route (of free chat / weekly schdule room )...
947 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Last thing Ina said about it is that she'll extend this free chat's end date rather than make a new one. But who knows.
948 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
949 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Jabber!
950 00:00:00   RCSI good morning to you too Jabber
951 00:00:00   Yato Corne Jabber and RCSI
952 00:00:00   William TRF Morning Jabber and deck
953 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi RCSI
954 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Ardy, Yato, RC, William
955 00:00:00   Yato Corne hmm, chat slowly filling with ... good
956 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi I contributed
957 00:00:00   RCSI
958 00:00:00   Feed Ina's online
959 00:00:00   Drex
960 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Drex!
961 00:00:00   Yato Corne
962 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] ina is gonna be on watame’s stream?
963 00:00:00   Lyudmilia yes
964 00:00:00   William TRF Seems so kris
965 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] oh nice nice
966 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Kris and Lyud
967 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Kris, Lyud
968 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] hi
969 00:00:00   RCSI
970 00:00:00   Lyudmilia yo kis yato jabber feed drex ardy william
971 00:00:00   Lyudmilia hawo rcsi
972 00:00:00   Feed Hello
973 00:00:00   William TRF Hi Lyud
974 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Feed
975 00:00:00   Rapostrophe
976 00:00:00   nitarn_p
977 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Kris, Lyud, Rapostrophe and nitarn!
978 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Rapo, Nitarn
979 00:00:00   Rapostrophe Heya
980 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hello Rapos and Nitam
981 00:00:00   William TRF Hey Feed, Rapos, nitarn
982 00:00:00   Lyudmilia they really setup a derby this year
983 00:00:00   Chris Lung Tako PoWAH Howdy Ina and Takos!
984 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] hey chris
985 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Chris
986 00:00:00   Lyudmilia ina's not late
987 00:00:00   RCSI
988 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Chris!
989 00:00:00   Yato Corne
990 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Also Be extremely busy but still make time for things forever!...Pain tako?
991 00:00:00   RCSI
992 00:00:00   Lyudmilia
993 00:00:00   Chris Lung Tako PoWAH
994 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] soon
995 00:00:00   Yamato /
996 00:00:00   Yato Corne
997 00:00:00   Yato Corne Yamato
998 00:00:00   Feed Ina soon
999 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi It's Yamato! Hi
1000 00:00:00   nitarn_p Hello, everyone.
1001 00:00:00   Yamato heya Ardy, nitarn~
1002 00:00:00   McFluffles ~
1003 00:00:00   McFluffles Home just in time
1004 00:00:00   Yato Corne Fluffles
1005 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] nice fluffles
1006 00:00:00   Yamato heya Fluffles
1007 00:00:00   RCSI McFluffles
1008 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Fluffles!
1009 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Yamato, Fluffles
1010 00:00:00   McFluffles Heyo Takos
1011 00:00:00   Yamato Jabber~
1012 00:00:00   William TRF
1013 00:00:00   Chris Lung Tako PoWAH Ardy, Yato, RCSI, Lyud, Kris, Yamato, nitarn, Fluffles, Jabber, William~
1014 00:00:00   Yamato Yato
1015 00:00:00   Yamato heya Chris~
1016 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Chris
1017 00:00:00   Lyudmilia yo chris
1018 00:00:00   William TRF Hey chris
1019 00:00:00   Rubi
1020 00:00:00   RCSI Hey Chris
1021 00:00:00   ranpo
1022 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Rubi
1023 00:00:00   RCSI Hey Rubi
1024 00:00:00   William TRF Rubi, ranpo
1025 00:00:00   Yato Corne IKZ
1026 00:00:00   Rubi Stream started
1027 00:00:00   Yamato ikz~
1028 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] lets go!
1029 00:00:00   Chris Lung Tako PoWAH Live start
1030 00:00:00   McFluffles
1031 00:00:00   Lyudmilia Translations are available on watame's chat
1032 00:00:00   Yamato
1033 00:00:00   Lyudmilia i dont have to do anything
1034 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1035 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1036 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi You have to be cute still...but that comes naturally to you
1037 00:00:00   Yamato relax and enjoy the stream I guess Lyud
1038 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] ina!
1039 00:00:00   RCSI
1040 00:00:00   McFluffles Translations for the weak, just gonna vibe to Ina and Watame voices
1041 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris]
1042 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1043 00:00:00   RCSI
1044 00:00:00   Feed
1045 00:00:00   McFluffles
1046 00:00:00   Tyldar
1047 00:00:00   Yamato konbandododo
1048 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1049 00:00:00   Maceswinger
1050 00:00:00   Soulgazer
1051 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1052 00:00:00   Neftiaf mornning takos i made it
1053 00:00:00   Yamato heya Nefti
1054 00:00:00   Yato Corne Nefti
1055 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Nefti
1056 00:00:00   Yamato unko?
1057 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1058 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] hey nefti
1059 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Nefti!
1060 00:00:00   張庭維 Yamato!!
1061 00:00:00   Chris Lung Tako PoWAH Neft~
1062 00:00:00   Yato Corne YAGOO
1063 00:00:00   Yato Corne Kaeluma69, ssg
1064 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) nice
1065 00:00:00   Yato Corne MajideHayai
1066 00:00:00   Yamato
1067 00:00:00   Yato Corne Ina's back
1068 00:00:00   ranpo
1069 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1070 00:00:00   Yamato WTM really likes Ina's back
1071 00:00:00   RCSI
1072 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi The way she told Ina
1073 00:00:00   Yato Corne i forgot Watame knows about that
1074 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) who dont
1075 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris]
1076 00:00:00   RCSI
1077 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1078 00:00:00   SpudTako double cookie !
1079 00:00:00   teamakite a tad late, but I do be here
1080 00:00:00   Yato Corne tea you made it
1081 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Tea
1082 00:00:00   RCSI Hey tea
1083 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] hey tea
1084 00:00:00   Neftiaf tea
1085 00:00:00   teamakite Yato, RCSI, Jabber, Neft, Spud, Kris
1086 00:00:00   Yamato choco-sen~
1087 00:00:00   teamakite Yamato, ranpo
1088 00:00:00   SpudTako ina first time interact with choco sensei ?
1089 00:00:00   Yamato heya tea~
1090 00:00:00   Yato Corne LOL
1091 00:00:00   Tyldar
1092 00:00:00   Yamato
1093 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] oh my
1094 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1095 00:00:00   RCSI
1096 00:00:00   teamakite
1097 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1098 00:00:00   SpudTako
1099 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1100 00:00:00   Yamato not sure Spud, could be
1101 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1102 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi First time on stream I think
1103 00:00:00   Yamato lol
1104 00:00:00   Yato Corne i don't recall Ina interreacting with Choco before, on stream ofc
1105 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) words werent for me and I already melted
1106 00:00:00   Neftiaf oh u should watch her play rust jabber
1107 00:00:00   Yamato ina cheating on her date I can't believe it
1108 00:00:00   Yato Corne TMT
1109 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Is not cheating if both are into it
1110 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Nefti, I know about Choco-sensei powers but I was talking about Ina
1111 00:00:00   SpudTako knowing ina , im guessing she traded her love for choco sensei for emeralds ?
1112 00:00:00   SpudTako oya oya
1113 00:00:00   Neftiaf holoconcil n myth its there, not yet
1114 00:00:00   William TRF No either, yet
1115 00:00:00   Rudobicon why mincraft
1116 00:00:00   SpudTako still salty with minecraft ?
1117 00:00:00   Yamato Calli said she does not like MC and won't play it outside of big events iirc
1118 00:00:00   Yato Corne pretty sure Calli said that she will still take part in bigger MC events
1119 00:00:00   Neftiaf she said something about not going back
1120 00:00:00   Lei ina cute
1121 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Ina cute, Watame cute, Lei cute
1122 00:00:00   Neftiaf there were to much backseeting like in rust
1123 00:00:00   張庭維
1124 00:00:00   Lei jabber cuter
1125 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Calli also not the biggest minecraft fan, understadable, If where me I choose Ark or Valheim instead
1126 00:00:00   Yato Corne Watame hnggggggg
1127 00:00:00   Yato Corne oh hello Lei
1128 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1129 00:00:00   Neftiaf ever heard of Citadel forged with fire jabber?
1130 00:00:00   Lei watame getting victory chu if she wins owo
1131 00:00:00   Neftiaf its like rust but with magic
1132 00:00:00   Lei hello yato
1133 00:00:00   Yato Corne lucky
1134 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) I see, gonna check it later
1135 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi This is too cute I'm gonna die
1136 00:00:00   RCSI
1137 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1138 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris]
1139 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1140 00:00:00   Yamato is Ina on some other channels voice?
1141 00:00:00   Lyudmilia
1142 00:00:00   Lyudmilia i love horse racing
1143 00:00:00   OK Kei inyaaaaaaa
1144 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Kei
1145 00:00:00   Yato Corne Kei
1146 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Kei!
1147 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1148 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] hey kei
1149 00:00:00   RCSI Kei
1150 00:00:00   DaOrigNerdz
1151 00:00:00   OK Kei oh hi, jabber! yato! ardy! kris! rcsi!
1152 00:00:00   OK Kei how's yall doing?
1153 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) DaO
1154 00:00:00   Neftiaf kei
1155 00:00:00   Yamato heya Kei~
1156 00:00:00   Neftiaf dao
1157 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi I think Ina's listening to the stream though, you can see her model laugh
1158 00:00:00   Yato Corne Ina doko
1159 00:00:00   DaOrigNerdz Hello guys can i ask a question? What's the normal blood pressure? 100/60 or 120/60?
1160 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) I barely sleep
1161 00:00:00   OK Kei oh hi, neft! yamato!
1162 00:00:00   SpudTako 100/60
1163 00:00:00   DaOrigNerdz My blood pressure is low 60/60
1164 00:00:00   Yato Corne 60/60
1165 00:00:00   SpudTako are you still alive
1166 00:00:00   DaOrigNerdz Oooh thanks 100/60 is the normal blood pressure hmm i see
1167 00:00:00   DaOrigNerdz Yes im still alive i just need to eat more iron foods
1168 00:00:00   Lei ina
1169 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi I think Ina's eating food now
1170 00:00:00   Tyldar
1171 00:00:00   Yamato Ina eating?
1172 00:00:00   RCSI
1173 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Lei and Tydlar!
1174 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1175 00:00:00   Tyldar
1176 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] i wonder what shes snacking on…
1177 00:00:00   OK Kei nom nom
1178 00:00:00   Lei
1179 00:00:00   Soulgazer
1180 00:00:00   Yato Corne What are you eating Ina?
1181 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] ooh this will be interesting, each horse has different speeds after all
1182 00:00:00   Yato Corne someday it will work
1183 00:00:00   Yamato nice try Yato
1184 00:00:00   OK Kei lmaoooo
1185 00:00:00   Wydken
1186 00:00:00   Yamato heya Wyd~
1187 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) try taggin Yato
1188 00:00:00   OK Kei oh hi, wyd!
1189 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) hey Wyd
1190 00:00:00   Yato Corne oh hey In- i mean Wyd
1191 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] hey wyd
1192 00:00:00   RCSI Hey Wyd
1193 00:00:00   Wydken
1194 00:00:00   Yato Corne i'm not chad enough to do it Jabber
1195 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Wyd!
1196 00:00:00   Wydken
1197 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) nice try Yato, we now that you are Ina
1198 00:00:00   DaOrigNerdz See you at Saturday guys i will go study again and tomorrow is monday have a great day
1199 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1200 00:00:00   Yato Corne cya Orig
1201 00:00:00   DaOrigNerdz Wait tomorrow is Tuesday not monday hahahaha
1202 00:00:00   Yamato take care
1203 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Cya DaO
1204 00:00:00   OK Kei later, orig! good luck on those studies!!
1205 00:00:00   DaOrigNerdz Thank you :>
1206 00:00:00   RCSI Cya Orig, gl with your studies
1207 00:00:00   OK Kei mogu mogu lmao
1208 00:00:00   Wydken that tweet
1209 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] oh hey i see the tweet
1210 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Take care Orig! Good luck!
1211 00:00:00   Neftiaf later dao
1212 00:00:00   Yamato mogu mogu
1213 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1214 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1215 00:00:00   RCSI
1216 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita] Hi Tako’s
1217 00:00:00   OK Kei any of yall mogu-ing too?
1218 00:00:00   OK Kei oh hi, negita!
1219 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Negita
1220 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Negita
1221 00:00:00   Yamato heya Negita~
1222 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] hey negita
1223 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Negita!
1224 00:00:00   Yamato I ate before the stream Kei
1225 00:00:00   RCSI Hey Negita
1226 00:00:00   teamakite mogu-ing ice cream
1227 00:00:00   OK Kei mmm!! what flavor?
1228 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Oh hey tea!
1229 00:00:00   teamakite hi Negita, Kei, Ardy, Wyd
1230 00:00:00   Lei
1231 00:00:00   Yato Corne i only have green tea
1232 00:00:00   RCSI Plan to go back to bed after, so no eating for me
1233 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) to early to eat, but drinking some coffee
1234 00:00:00   teamakite hi Lei!
1235 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1236 00:00:00   OK Kei oh hi, tea!
1237 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] i wonder who will get the horse with the better stats
1238 00:00:00   Yato Corne hmm Watame horse seems to have decent speed
1239 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Watame horse seem to be cute
1240 00:00:00   OK Kei cute = best stats
1241 00:00:00   OK Kei this is the one.
1242 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita] Watame ganbare~
1243 00:00:00   Neftiaf negita
1244 00:00:00   RCSI
1245 00:00:00   Lei ina and kronii fighting lmao
1246 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Ganbare!
1247 00:00:00   Tyldar Kronii and Ina punching each other
1248 00:00:00   Yato Corne TakoTime fighting?
1249 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] poor takotime
1250 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1251 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) doko?
1252 00:00:00   Yato Corne Gura?
1253 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Go Watame!
1254 00:00:00   Yato Corne practice
1255 00:00:00   OK Kei wakuwakuwakuwakuwakuwakuwaku
1256 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1257 00:00:00   Yamato
1258 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1259 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] ina has seen something
1260 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1261 00:00:00   OK Kei
1262 00:00:00   RCSI
1263 00:00:00   OK Kei GO SHEEP GO!
1264 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Ina's expression
1265 00:00:00   Yato Corne Watame GAMING
1266 00:00:00   Tyldar
1267 00:00:00   Wydken
1268 00:00:00   RCSI
1269 00:00:00   Lei omgggg
1270 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1271 00:00:00   Yamato yay!
1273 00:00:00   McFluffles SHE GAMIN
1274 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1275 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1276 00:00:00   Lyudmilia LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
1277 00:00:00   Yamato
1278 00:00:00   William TRF
1279 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] oh my, that was clean
1280 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) LETS TOOOOOOO
1281 00:00:00   RCSI
1282 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1283 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1284 00:00:00   Yamato haha they are too cute together
1285 00:00:00   Wydken yaaay!
1286 00:00:00   グジェリオ[Gujerio] WATAME DIDIT!!!!!
1287 00:00:00   Lei
1288 00:00:00   SpudTako is ina in any other EN vc ?
1289 00:00:00   Yamato I don't think so Spud, she tweeted mogu mogu and is probably eating
1290 00:00:00   Tyldar Don't think so, probably just eating while watching
1291 00:00:00   Lei Perfect time to mogu mogu
1292 00:00:00   Tyldar
1293 00:00:00   Vats Someone nerf that sheep
1294 00:00:00   Wydken what the ina seeing
1295 00:00:00   Vats *everthing*
1296 00:00:00   Yato Corne maybe she saw what's on top of mushroom...
1297 00:00:00   Lei ina rich
1298 00:00:00   グジェリオ[Gujerio] オッズ10倍!?
1299 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1300 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Gujerio
1301 00:00:00   Yato Corne Inaaaaaa
1302 00:00:00   Tyldar She won like a 100?
1303 00:00:00   Yamato okaeri~
1304 00:00:00   Lei 1=10
1305 00:00:00   グジェリオ[Gujerio] [EN] Ina gets 100Dia
1306 00:00:00   Yato Corne 100?!?
1307 00:00:00   OK Kei
1308 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] thats… alot
1309 00:00:00   Vats
1310 00:00:00   Yato Corne Ina used all bad luck in rust
1311 00:00:00   グジェリオ[Gujerio] That match has 10 odds
1312 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) lets hope she dont lose it in the next race
1313 00:00:00   グジェリオ[Gujerio] So, Ina’s 10 diamonds will become 100 diamonds
1314 00:00:00   Vats All-in on *NKO
1315 00:00:00   Yamato I mean, they already put their bets, so I don't think Ina can lose diamonds
1316 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) yeah, but wanted to make the joke
1317 00:00:00   Vats
1318 00:00:00   Soulgazer so many diamonds
1319 00:00:00   Yato Corne RICH TAKO
1320 00:00:00   Lei
1321 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] OH
1322 00:00:00   Yamato rich!
1323 00:00:00   RCSI
1324 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] money money money
1325 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1326 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1327 00:00:00   SpudTako
1328 00:00:00   Wydken + w+)
1329 00:00:00   RCSI
1330 00:00:00   Vats Miosha sounds so mature when talking in English.
1331 00:00:00   OK Kei all in?!
1332 00:00:00   Tyldar Ina's greed...
1333 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1334 00:00:00   RCSI
1335 00:00:00   Yamato oh no, not all in again
1336 00:00:00   OK Kei if you win once, that means you can win again!!
1337 00:00:00   Vats
1338 00:00:00   Wydken 1k diamonds tho + w+)
1339 00:00:00   Lei oh..no...
1340 00:00:00   Yato Corne there have to be a limit to greed
1341 00:00:00   Vats *NKO is blue #4.
1342 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1343 00:00:00   SpudTako pancakes !
1344 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] no… not the greed
1345 00:00:00   OK Kei oh yum!
1346 00:00:00   Yato Corne Koyori... oh nyo
1347 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi She got caught Cute though
1348 00:00:00   OK Kei ohh phew
1349 00:00:00   Vats Ina speaks so softly in Japanese.
1350 00:00:00   Yato Corne Unko so slowwwwww
1351 00:00:00   OK Kei not enough fiber lmao
1352 00:00:00   Yamato mikochi op
1353 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) slow like Unko
1354 00:00:00   McFluffles Photo Finish, that
1355 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1356 00:00:00   Vats
1357 00:00:00   OK Kei unkoyo lmao
1358 00:00:00   Lei
1359 00:00:00   RCSI
1360 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] ah, unkos stats might be… subpar
1361 00:00:00   Tyldar The chat is full of
1362 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) oh, Unko was.....unko
1363 00:00:00   Vats Did each one bring their horse or they are totally random?
1364 00:00:00   Yato Corne i think they were provided for event
1365 00:00:00   SpudTako unkoyooo
1366 00:00:00   Vats Can only hope they have identical stats.
1367 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) probably no
1368 00:00:00   Vats
1369 00:00:00   Wydken I think everyone brought their own horse
1370 00:00:00   Tyldar Ina forgor her horse's name
1371 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi I'm not surprised
1372 00:00:00   McFluffles I wouldn't be too surprised if most of them aren't really aware that Minecraft horses HAVE randomized stats
1373 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1374 00:00:00   Yato Corne you are making good point Fluffles
1375 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] yeah, i dont think its something the average person would know abiut
1376 00:00:00   McFluffles It's not really something you're going to notice unless you go out of your way to ride multiple horses
1377 00:00:00   Vats And they just use Elytra aor go on foot most of the time.
1378 00:00:00   McFluffles And if you can get multiple saddles and horses, you're PROBABLY able to just go get an Elytra yeah
1379 00:00:00   Vats Horses are severely underused.
1380 00:00:00   Yato Corne Kaela
1381 00:00:00   McFluffles Especially since all the servers are post-Ender Dragon
1382 00:00:00   SpudTako Calli did quit MC
1383 00:00:00   McFluffles Plus it can be a hassle to keep them alive/keep track of them when exploring
1384 00:00:00   Yato Corne chu
1385 00:00:00   Lei omg chu time
1386 00:00:00   OK Kei chu?
1387 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) but even if they know, real horses arent all equal, so it have sense to have different stats horse
1388 00:00:00   Vats
1389 00:00:00   Yamato
1390 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1391 00:00:00   Vats
1392 00:00:00   OK Kei wow~
1393 00:00:00   McFluffles Tru Jabber, but at the same time it's not like most other Minecraft animals have more than cosmetic differences
1394 00:00:00   Wydken
1395 00:00:00   Vats kiii~
1396 00:00:00   Lei
1397 00:00:00   RCSI
1398 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris]
1399 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1400 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1401 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) it should not be a surprise how good is Ina at flerting yet Is always a surprise how good she is
1402 00:00:00   ranpo pegaSUS
1403 00:00:00   Lei oh the giggles
1404 00:00:00   Vats fangirling for pekora
1405 00:00:00   OK Kei the thrill of betting
1406 00:00:00   OK Kei SUSUME!
1407 00:00:00   Yato Corne TMT
1408 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1409 00:00:00   Yamato naisu
1410 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1411 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1412 00:00:00   Soulgazer
1413 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1414 00:00:00   OK Kei
1415 00:00:00   RCSI
1416 00:00:00   Tyldar ma kneee
1417 00:00:00   Wydken Let's gooooooo!!! ina is rich!
1418 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita] niceeeeeeeeee
1419 00:00:00   William TRF
1420 00:00:00   Lei
1421 00:00:00   SpudTako kronii hot
1422 00:00:00   Neftiaf need brb
1423 00:00:00   OK Kei
1424 00:00:00   Vats
1425 00:00:00   SpudTako whew theres a max
1426 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi This collab is still too cute btw. I'm sure you didn't need me to tell you that but I sure did anyway
1427 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris]
1428 00:00:00   McFluffles
1429 00:00:00   Vats
1430 00:00:00   Vats I like how a supposedly idol company pretty much shows that gambling is cool
1431 00:00:00   McFluffles Of course
1432 00:00:00   McFluffles Gotta get people gambling for idol merch
1433 00:00:00   Vats All the cool kids are doing it.
1434 00:00:00   Yato Corne Polka
1435 00:00:00   McFluffles It's like gacha, except you get actual merch instead of shiny jpegs
1436 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) imagine gambling for something else instead of shiny JPEGS, couldnt be me
1437 00:00:00   Vats
1438 00:00:00   McFluffles I'll have you know I have spent at LEAST **** dollars on shiny Jpegs
1439 00:00:00   グジェリオ[Gujerio] Ina uses all 100 diamonds
1440 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1441 00:00:00   OK Kei 100?!
1442 00:00:00   Yato Corne YA BE
1443 00:00:00   RCSI
1444 00:00:00   OK Kei lets get itttttttttttt
1445 00:00:00   Yamato go big or go home - Ina probably
1446 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) look like Ina didnt learn the lesson after Rust
1447 00:00:00   McFluffles Hopefully it goes better than her Rust gambling
1448 00:00:00   Vats
1449 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] ‘hopefully’
1450 00:00:00   Vats
1451 00:00:00   Neftiaf i though i have work in some hours, checked my schedule im in holidays
1452 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Nefti lets tooooo
1453 00:00:00   OK Kei lets go, neft!!
1454 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1455 00:00:00   Wydken ALL IN !
1456 00:00:00   OK Kei all in.
1457 00:00:00   グジェリオ[Gujerio] Neftie
1458 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) 50 from each own
1459 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Nice Nefti!
1460 00:00:00   Neftiaf IKZ~
1461 00:00:00   Yato Corne let's gooo Neftiiiii
1462 00:00:00   OK Kei and pancake!!!!
1463 00:00:00   OK Kei do it for the pancake!
1464 00:00:00   Yamato wataojisan power!
1465 00:00:00   Yato Corne Cat spotted
1466 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Zeta or Fubuki??
1467 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Ina getting distracted by cats as usual. I expect nothing less
1468 00:00:00   Vats
1469 00:00:00   Yato Corne not a catto nya
1470 00:00:00   OK Kei LMAO
1471 00:00:00   OK Kei cuteeeee lmao
1472 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1473 00:00:00   Vats Someone pass me the insulin injectors, please.
1474 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1475 00:00:00   RCSI
1476 00:00:00   Yamato てぇてぇ
1477 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1478 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita] super cute
1479 00:00:00   OK Kei wow!!!!
1480 00:00:00   Neftiaf there is vs
1481 00:00:00   Vats Polka asserting dominance.
1482 00:00:00   Yato Corne Giri Giri waruku nai Watame~
1483 00:00:00   Yato Corne LOL
1484 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1485 00:00:00   Neftiaf won
1486 00:00:00   OK Kei eigo jouzu!
1487 00:00:00   Yato Corne KFP nooooo
1488 00:00:00   Yamato lol
1489 00:00:00   OK Kei they're just children!
1490 00:00:00   McFluffles lmao
1491 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] rip chickens
1492 00:00:00   Vats
1493 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] of course kiara played it
1494 00:00:00   Yato Corne provided the chickens
1495 00:00:00   McFluffles They really do get creative with this stuff though, I love it
1496 00:00:00   SpudTako poor chicks
1497 00:00:00   Vats
1498 00:00:00   Yato Corne Tamago
1499 00:00:00   Yato Corne either got shot or fall to lava what monster made this contraption!... Kaela?
1500 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi They were made extinct
1501 00:00:00   OK Kei cat?
1502 00:00:00   Yato Corne get the Cat!!!
1503 00:00:00   Yato Corne Kronii?
1504 00:00:00   Yato Corne is that machine broken, i swear Watame got few stuff?
1505 00:00:00   OK Kei hmmm, i thought so too... hmmmm oh well!
1506 00:00:00   OK Kei
1507 00:00:00   Wydken ganbare watame!
1508 00:00:00   Vats Moona made the shooting range.
1509 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1510 00:00:00   Yamato No.1 ikz~
1511 00:00:00   Vats
1512 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Hey takos . Just got to watching, what's going on?
1513 00:00:00   Yamato gambling and horse race Ammo, heya~
1514 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] hey ammo, just minigames from what i see
1515 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Ammo, Watame will be gaming soon
1516 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Ina is being cute
1517 00:00:00   OK Kei we horse racing!!
1518 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) hey Ammo
1519 00:00:00   OK Kei oh hi, ammo!
1520 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] oh yeah, horse racing
1521 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Ammo! There's been races and lethal amounts of cuteness
1522 00:00:00   Yato Corne Watame horse is once again decent
1523 00:00:00   OK Kei lets go, sheep!!!
1524 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Horse racing? That's cool
1525 00:00:00   Ammomagnet So many POVs
1526 00:00:00   OK Kei cheering on the sheep for that big cash!!
1527 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1528 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi I think I just saw a silent Ina yawn
1529 00:00:00   Vats Suichan...
1530 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris]
1531 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1532 00:00:00   RCSI
1533 00:00:00   Yato Corne Nene
1534 00:00:00   Vats Nene
1535 00:00:00   Yato Corne Ina
1536 00:00:00   Wydken cute ina
1537 00:00:00   Vats
1538 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1539 00:00:00   Vats Kaela is out there for seal blood :KUSA:
1540 00:00:00   Yamato again?
1541 00:00:00   Yato Corne Kiara
1542 00:00:00   Yato Corne Kaela arena is really popular huh
1543 00:00:00   Neftiaf nene is with the
1544 00:00:00   McFluffles Mixing a seal with a penguin seems like a bad idea
1545 00:00:00   Vats What are they waiting for?
1546 00:00:00   OK Kei
1547 00:00:00   Wydken
1548 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1549 00:00:00   Vats
1550 00:00:00   RCSI
1551 00:00:00   Ammomagnet I think they were counting the odds?
1552 00:00:00   Wydken ow o
1553 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1554 00:00:00   Vats
1555 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita] 26!?
1556 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Is Ina in a meeting atm?
1557 00:00:00   Wydken
1558 00:00:00   Yato Corne no, she ended it just before stream
1559 00:00:00   Yamato no, the players of the horse race are in a different VC, Warlock
1560 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Ahhh
1561 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Naruhodo
1562 00:00:00   Vats 3
1563 00:00:00   Yamato 3? so 300 diamonds if WTM wins?
1564 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1565 00:00:00   グジェリオ[Gujerio] WATAME has 3 odds
1566 00:00:00   Yato Corne oh god
1567 00:00:00   Yato Corne Gambareeeee
1568 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] thats alot of diamonds
1569 00:00:00   グジェリオ[Gujerio] So, if watame wins, Ina will get 300 diamonds
1570 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita] ganbare Watameeeee
1571 00:00:00   OK Kei oohh!! i see!
1572 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1573 00:00:00   グジェリオ[Gujerio]
1574 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1575 00:00:00   OK Kei LETS GO!!!
1576 00:00:00   Yato Corne NOoooo
1577 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Go WATAME
1578 00:00:00   Yamato ahh
1579 00:00:00   Yato Corne she panicking
1580 00:00:00   Wydken go watame!
1581 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1582 00:00:00   Ammomagnet oh nyo
1583 00:00:00   Tyldar rip
1584 00:00:00   Yamato zenloss inc
1585 00:00:00   Yato Corne 3rd
1586 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] oh dear
1587 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1588 00:00:00   McFluffles Ina's face is that of one going "oh dang there go the diamonds"
1589 00:00:00   Yamato nice try
1590 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Not last
1591 00:00:00   Yato Corne Unko is SO SLOW
1592 00:00:00   Wydken
1593 00:00:00   グジェリオ[Gujerio]
1594 00:00:00   Tyldar Unko indeed,
1595 00:00:00   RCSI
1596 00:00:00   OK Kei
1597 00:00:00   Vats
1598 00:00:00   グジェリオ[Gujerio] Watame did her best
1599 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1600 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1601 00:00:00   RCSI
1602 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1603 00:00:00   張庭維 Welp, see you days later~
1604 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1605 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] rng horse too strong
1606 00:00:00   グジェリオ[Gujerio] *RUST stream flashbacks*
1607 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi See you Deck!
1608 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Cya Deck
1609 00:00:00   グジェリオ[Gujerio] Deck
1610 00:00:00   Yato Corne cya Deck
1611 00:00:00   RCSI Cya Deck
1612 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi With Ina's luck I was expecting it honestly
1613 00:00:00   OK Kei later, deck!
1614 00:00:00   Vats Plot twist: Ina secretly bet on Miko.
1615 00:00:00   Wydken ina zenloss?
1616 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Fireworks next
1617 00:00:00   グジェリオ[Gujerio] @Vats oh, really
1618 00:00:00   OK Kei KOWA
1619 00:00:00   Yamato lol
1620 00:00:00   グジェリオ[Gujerio] Fireworks will begin at 55!
1621 00:00:00   OK Kei
1622 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1623 00:00:00   Vats
1624 00:00:00   RCSI
1625 00:00:00   Vats
1626 00:00:00   グジェリオ[Gujerio]
1627 00:00:00   Yamato
1628 00:00:00   Wydken
1629 00:00:00   Lei
1630 00:00:00   OK Kei
1631 00:00:00   ranpo
1632 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1633 00:00:00   RCSI
1634 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1635 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi :oya:
1636 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1637 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi even
1638 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1639 00:00:00   OK Kei kinda kowa ngl
1640 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris]
1641 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1642 00:00:00   OK Kei mel!!
1643 00:00:00   Yamato Mel
1644 00:00:00   Vats
1645 00:00:00   Yato Corne Ina is now a vampire
1646 00:00:00   Wydken kapu kapu!
1647 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Kapu kapu!
1648 00:00:00   Vats Sodabae
1649 00:00:00   Yamato harobo~
1650 00:00:00   Vats
1651 00:00:00   Yamato kronii x mumei teetee
1652 00:00:00   Vats kromei tee tee
1653 00:00:00   Yato Corne Tee Tee
1654 00:00:00   RCSI
1655 00:00:00   OK Kei very cute
1656 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita] Tee Tee
1657 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1658 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Tamaya~
1659 00:00:00   teamakite
1660 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1661 00:00:00   Yamato
1662 00:00:00   RCSI
1663 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris]
1664 00:00:00   Vats
1665 00:00:00   William TRF
1666 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris]
1667 00:00:00   swoog
1668 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1669 00:00:00   RCSI
1670 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1671 00:00:00   OK Kei tamaya!!
1672 00:00:00   Wydken
1673 00:00:00   ranpo
1674 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1675 00:00:00   Soulgazer
1676 00:00:00   OK Kei oh wow
1677 00:00:00   RCSI
1678 00:00:00   Yamato oya oya
1679 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1680 00:00:00   Wydken
1681 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1682 00:00:00   Lei
1683 00:00:00   Yato Corne another one to harem
1684 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] oh my
1685 00:00:00   Yato Corne ?
1686 00:00:00   Vats
1687 00:00:00   Yamato
1688 00:00:00   RCSI
1689 00:00:00   OK Kei chu!!!
1690 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1691 00:00:00   swoog
1692 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1693 00:00:00   Ammomagnet hnnngg
1694 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1695 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) swoog
1696 00:00:00   OK Kei a lot of chus today
1697 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1698 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) :takochuu:
1699 00:00:00   Yato Corne swoog
1700 00:00:00   Vats i'm die thank you forever
1701 00:00:00   Yamato
1702 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1703 00:00:00   Wydken TeeTee
1704 00:00:00   Ammomagnet WataIna
1705 00:00:00   OK Kei 88888
1706 00:00:00   Lei lmao 10/10 on yelp
1707 00:00:00   Vats wahtame~
1708 00:00:00   Yamato oh lol
1709 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] oh those poor animals
1710 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1711 00:00:00   Vats
1712 00:00:00   Yato Corne lol
1713 00:00:00   RCSI
1714 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris]
1715 00:00:00   Soulgazer
1716 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1717 00:00:00   William TRF
1718 00:00:00   Yato Corne i think Haachama made this?
1719 00:00:00   Vats Ina boing boing
1720 00:00:00   RCSI
1721 00:00:00   OK Kei the tower looks like candy corn lmao
1722 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Haachama, Matsuri and Nene were making this iirc
1723 00:00:00   Wydken lmao
1724 00:00:00   Yato Corne Watame translator
1725 00:00:00   RCSI
1726 00:00:00   OK Kei
1727 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1728 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1729 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1730 00:00:00   RCSI
1731 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1732 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
1733 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris]
1734 00:00:00   Soulgazer
1735 00:00:00   OK Kei
1736 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1737 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1738 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1739 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord This Stream has gone longer than I thought , hang in there Priestess!!
1740 00:00:00   SpudTako
1741 00:00:00   RCSI
1742 00:00:00   Yamato kikkeriki?
1743 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1744 00:00:00   Wydken
1745 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1746 00:00:00   RCSI
1747 00:00:00   Yamato handholding!
1748 00:00:00   Lyudmilia
1749 00:00:00   OK Kei ofu
1750 00:00:00   William TRF
1751 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1752 00:00:00   Wydken offu
1753 00:00:00   Wydken lmfao
1754 00:00:00   Ammomagnet offu
1755 00:00:00   RCSI offu
1756 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita] おっふ
1757 00:00:00   Yato Corne offu
1758 00:00:00   Tyldar what manga or anime sorry?
1759 00:00:00   Yamato oh no, not the slots
1760 00:00:00   Yato Corne oh slot
1761 00:00:00   OK Kei whoa, thats so cool
1762 00:00:00   Wydken woah!
1763 00:00:00   Yato Corne what's pretty impressive nhl
1764 00:00:00   RCSI Neat
1765 00:00:00   Yato Corne *ngl
1766 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi That's some fancy tech there
1767 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Tyldar The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
1768 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1769 00:00:00   Yato Corne let's goooooo
1770 00:00:00   Yamato yatta!
1771 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1772 00:00:00   OK Kei LETS GO!
1773 00:00:00   RCSI
1774 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1775 00:00:00   OK Kei offu...
1776 00:00:00   RCSI
1777 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1778 00:00:00   Yamato wakipai?
1779 00:00:00   Yato Corne Save the cookies Ina!!!
1780 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Ina?
1781 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Not the cookies
1782 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1783 00:00:00   Yato Corne Ina broke it lol
1784 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1785 00:00:00   RCSI
1786 00:00:00   William TRF
1787 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1788 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1789 00:00:00   Yamato lol
1790 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) how
1791 00:00:00   Yato Corne Cooked
1792 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Lmao
1793 00:00:00   Yamato is she stuck under it?
1794 00:00:00   Yato Corne INA
1795 00:00:00   Yato Corne LMAOOO
1796 00:00:00   Wydken LMAOO
1797 00:00:00   Yato Corne HAHAHA
1798 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1799 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi LOL
1800 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1801 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris]
1802 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1803 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Ina stuck
1804 00:00:00   OK Kei ah ina
1805 00:00:00   Yato Corne how did that even happen lmaoooo
1806 00:00:00   OK Kei i looked away for like a few seconds and shes stuck lmaoo
1807 00:00:00   Yamato I guess because of the ping?
1808 00:00:00   Lei ina
1809 00:00:00   Tyldar @Ammomagnet a bit late but
1810 00:00:00   Yato Corne turns out it was not Ina-proof
1811 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi All I'll say is that Ina is amazing in more ways than one
1812 00:00:00   Yato Corne Freeeeedom
1813 00:00:00   OK Kei safe!!
1814 00:00:00   Yamato
1815 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1816 00:00:00   RCSI
1817 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita] Watame!
1818 00:00:00   Yato Corne *simply amazing
1819 00:00:00   Tyldar rip
1820 00:00:00   OK Kei ah
1821 00:00:00   Trickster and after all that she died
1822 00:00:00   Yamato sprint and jump?
1823 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi She tried
1824 00:00:00   OK Kei dont worry, free hearts
1825 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Platforming is still not her strength
1826 00:00:00   OK Kei yo!!!
1827 00:00:00   RCSI
1828 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1829 00:00:00   Yamato nice a totem
1830 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1831 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Sniper Ina strikes again
1832 00:00:00   OK Kei gamers!
1833 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1834 00:00:00   Ammomagnet platforming?
1835 00:00:00   Yato Corne ya be
1836 00:00:00   Yamato Iroha
1837 00:00:00   Yato Corne lol
1838 00:00:00   Yato Corne nice
1839 00:00:00   Tyldar
1840 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1841 00:00:00   RCSI
1842 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1843 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1844 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] lol
1845 00:00:00   Dvrk mornin
1846 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Dark
1847 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Dvrk
1848 00:00:00   Yamato heya Dvrk
1849 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] hey dvrk
1850 00:00:00   RCSI Good morning Dvrk
1851 00:00:00   Dvrk might be late but watame still be streamingso we good
1852 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi She heard gacha and became interested
1853 00:00:00   Yato Corne Ina lmaooo
1854 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Dvrk!
1855 00:00:00   Dvrk Hey Jabber, Yato, Yamato, Chris, RCSI and every Tako
1856 00:00:00   Dvrk heya Ardy
1857 00:00:00   Yato Corne Ina doko
1858 00:00:00   Yato Corne doko doko doko
1859 00:00:00   Dvrk she left
1860 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita] Ina doko?
1861 00:00:00   RCSI
1862 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Ina Inai
1863 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) I still can hear her voice
1864 00:00:00   Dvrk 8 mins?
1865 00:00:00   Neftiaf
1866 00:00:00   Dvrk so what happened while I was asleep?
1867 00:00:00   Yamato horse races, cute WTM x Ina teetee, almost gambling zenloss
1868 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi A whole bunch of horse races and a whole bunch of cuteness, Dvrk
1869 00:00:00   Yato Corne horse racing and gambling
1870 00:00:00   Nty Ghost Hi Everyone and what happen?
1871 00:00:00   張庭維 in HoloSummer
1872 00:00:00   Yamato heya Nty
1873 00:00:00   Yato Corne Noel Milk?
1874 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Heya Nty!
1875 00:00:00   Yato Corne Hey Nty
1876 00:00:00   Dvrk teetee moments that I miss?
1877 00:00:00   Nty Ghost Yamato Yato Good evening
1878 00:00:00   Vats Noel mjölk.
1879 00:00:00   Dvrk
1880 00:00:00   Dvrk also hey Nty
1881 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1882 00:00:00   Vats WAMY water.
1883 00:00:00   Dvrk
1884 00:00:00   Yato Corne Ina Koko
1885 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1886 00:00:00   Vats Truly gourmet stuff.
1887 00:00:00   Dvrk she's back!
1888 00:00:00   Yato Corne Noel milk saves the day
1889 00:00:00   Nty Ghost Ardy Dvrk Good evening
1890 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi I see Ina again,
1891 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] ina!
1892 00:00:00   Ammomagnet lol
1893 00:00:00   Vats
1894 00:00:00   Vats Lui's kinoko
1895 00:00:00   Dvrk
1896 00:00:00   Yamato lol
1897 00:00:00   SpudTako wow ina going looong
1898 00:00:00   Dvrk
1899 00:00:00   Vats ShiraKen
1900 00:00:00   Yato Corne Flare
1901 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
1902 00:00:00   Neftiaf wow crashed my chrome with so many vods going
1903 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1904 00:00:00   Dvrk chrome isn't strong enough
1905 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
1906 00:00:00   OK Kei ooh!
1907 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Flare shall be in Ina's harem
1908 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1909 00:00:00   Yamato that is a long fall
1910 00:00:00   Dvrk in this the horror house?
1911 00:00:00   Neftiaf i had like 10 views lol
1912 00:00:00   Ammomagnet yes
1913 00:00:00   Yato Corne looks a bit like it
1914 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Shiraken horror house
1915 00:00:00   Vats @Warlock Warlord that would be awesome.
1916 00:00:00   Yamato rip FPS?
1917 00:00:00   Yato Corne yeah, i recognize this
1918 00:00:00   Ammomagnet yep
1919 00:00:00   Dvrk these fps scare me
1920 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] oh, how spooky
1921 00:00:00   Yato Corne low FPS, the real horror of any gamer
1922 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1923 00:00:00   Dvrk
1924 00:00:00   Dvrk that was pretty cool
1925 00:00:00   Yamato slow speaking Mikochi is scary
1926 00:00:00   Vats
1927 00:00:00   Dvrk
1928 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1929 00:00:00   OK Kei
1930 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris]
1931 00:00:00   Dvrk
1932 00:00:00   Yamato that is really well made
1933 00:00:00   RCSI
1934 00:00:00   Dvrk
1935 00:00:00   Yato Corne rioght
1936 00:00:00   Vats rioght
1937 00:00:00   OK Kei rioght
1938 00:00:00   Nty Ghost What happening?
1939 00:00:00   Yato Corne minor spelling mistake
1940 00:00:00   RCSI
1941 00:00:00   Yamato loud!
1942 00:00:00   Dvrk
1943 00:00:00   William TRF
1944 00:00:00   Wydken woah
1945 00:00:00   OK Kei oh god
1946 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1947 00:00:00   teamakite
1948 00:00:00   Yato Corne
1949 00:00:00   Vats Suichan?
1950 00:00:00   William TRF 11
1951 00:00:00   Nty Ghost
1952 00:00:00   Dvrk I hear suichan, I scream, and then run
1953 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] oh dear
1954 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita]
1955 00:00:00   Yato Corne LOL
1956 00:00:00   RCSI
1957 00:00:00   Yamato ya be!
1958 00:00:00   Vats LOOOL this is great
1959 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Lmao
1960 00:00:00   Dvrk
1961 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] now this is true terror
1962 00:00:00   Nty Ghost someone please tell me what you guys talking about?
1963 00:00:00   Yato Corne Miko really went all out this year
1964 00:00:00   Yamato the summer fest stream
1965 00:00:00   Yato Corne Ina on Watame stream Nty
1966 00:00:00   Yamato
1967 00:00:00   Neftiaf lol polka
1968 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris]
1969 00:00:00   Yato Corne oh no
1970 00:00:00   Dvrk
1971 00:00:00   Yato Corne low FPS
1972 00:00:00   Nty Ghost ohhh
1973 00:00:00   RCSI
1974 00:00:00   William TRF
1975 00:00:00   Nty Ghost live?
1976 00:00:00   Yato Corne yes
1977 00:00:00   Vats Jesus
1978 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1979 00:00:00   Tyldar
1980 00:00:00   Dvrk they lived!
1981 00:00:00   Yamato yes, started 3 1/2 hours ago
1982 00:00:00   Dvrk
1983 00:00:00   Yamato that was great
1984 00:00:00   Dvrk
1985 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Was cool seeing Sui-chans pov at the same time
1986 00:00:00   Yato Corne that was amazing
1987 00:00:00   Nty Ghost
1988 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
1989 00:00:00   ranpo it's so high quality wow
1990 00:00:00   OK Kei
1991 00:00:00   Yato Corne MiComet went all out
1992 00:00:00   RCSI
1993 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] that was very well-made
1994 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris]
1995 00:00:00   Tyldar
1996 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
1997 00:00:00   swoog that was crazy
1998 00:00:00   RCSI
1999 00:00:00   Nty Ghost I really need to study japanese
2000 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi That was really good
2001 00:00:00   Wydken ko wa
2002 00:00:00   swoog polka's scream at the end
2003 00:00:00   Yamato
2004 00:00:00   RCSI
2005 00:00:00   Tyldar
2006 00:00:00   Lyudmilia zamn
2007 00:00:00   Lyudmilia that was pretty good
2008 00:00:00   Dvrk
2009 00:00:00   Vats Polka's scream really activated that fight or flight instinct.
2010 00:00:00   OK Kei true true
2011 00:00:00   OK Kei when she screamed, it really felt like "ah!! danger!! run!"
2012 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Polka really sold that, yeah
2013 00:00:00   Karmarov survivor of 100 Songs
2014 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris]
2015 00:00:00   OK Kei
2016 00:00:00   Dvrk could you consider it rushia level scream?
2017 00:00:00   Yato Corne
2018 00:00:00   Soulgazer
2019 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
2020 00:00:00   RCSI
2021 00:00:00   Yamato
2022 00:00:00   RCSI
2023 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris]
2024 00:00:00   Yato Corne
2025 00:00:00   Soulgazer
2026 00:00:00   Dvrk
2027 00:00:00   Yamato oya, more chu
2028 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi
2029 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
2030 00:00:00   OK Kei bye byeeeeeeeeee
2031 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] ah, its over now
2032 00:00:00   Dvrk
2033 00:00:00   Nty Ghost well
2034 00:00:00   RCSI
2035 00:00:00   Yamato for the stream Ina
2036 00:00:00   William TRF
2037 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako)
2038 00:00:00   teamakite
2039 00:00:00   OK Kei
2040 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
2041 00:00:00   RCSI
2042 00:00:00   Dvrk
2043 00:00:00   teamakite
2044 00:00:00   Soulgazer
2045 00:00:00   Jabber "Jabber Tako" Tako (Jabber Tako) Im gonna try to get mor sleep, Cyaa
2046 00:00:00   Wydken
2047 00:00:00   Yamato gn Jabber~
2048 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Good night Jabber
2049 00:00:00   Christian Bondoc [kris] guess i be taking my leave too, cya guys
2050 00:00:00   Nty Ghost Lady Ina
2051 00:00:00   RCSI gn Jabber
2052 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Incredible stream, 10/10. Just as good as the Usaken Festival stream last year
2053 00:00:00   RCSI Cya kris
2054 00:00:00   Yato Corne Good night Jabber
2055 00:00:00   teamakite good night Jabber, cya kris
2056 00:00:00   Dvrk gn Jabber and Christian
2057 00:00:00   Yato Corne cya Kris
2058 00:00:00   OK Kei owahsumi takos! = w=)7
2059 00:00:00   Yato Corne Good night Kei
2060 00:00:00   teamakite good night Kei
2061 00:00:00   Wydken Otsu = w=)7
2062 00:00:00   Wydken good night kei
2063 00:00:00   William TRF See you all later, been fun
2064 00:00:00   Dvrk gn Kei
2065 00:00:00   Yamato didn't expect the stream to last this long, need to go too. gn to the tako's goingto sleep
2066 00:00:00   RCSI Good night Kei, cya William
2067 00:00:00   Dvrk cya William
2068 00:00:00   RCSI Take care Yamato
2069 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Good night Jabber, Kei, William and any tako I missed!
2070 00:00:00   Yato Corne gonna finish rest of the work, later takos
2071 00:00:00   Yato Corne cya William and Yamato
2072 00:00:00   Yamato WTM still going?
2073 00:00:00   Neftiaf jabber, kai, yamatoo, other takos
2074 00:00:00   Dvrk cya Yamato and Yato
2075 00:00:00   teamakite cya William, Yamato, Yato
2076 00:00:00   Dvrk ina doko?
2077 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Cya Yamato, Yato, kris, William. Gn Kei
2078 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita] Takodachi's
2079 00:00:00   Dvrk zeta
2080 00:00:00   Nty Ghost To everyone
2081 00:00:00   nitarn_p
2082 00:00:00   Dvrk takos that are leaving
2083 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Can't wait for the compilation clips to come out, No way to keep up with all that's happening
2084 00:00:00   Nty Ghost I stay here for awhile
2085 00:00:00   ねぎた[Negita] Good night
2086 00:00:00   swoog gnight takos
2087 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Watame took Ina to Her limitsalmost 4 hours?
2088 00:00:00   Neftiaf neguta, nty swoog
2089 00:00:00   Ammomagnet I'll probably take a look at the other festival streams. Gotta watch the first 1h30min of WataIna date later too
2090 00:00:00   Nty Ghost Negita Good night
2091 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Good night Negita, swoog
2092 00:00:00   Vats Soda-chan just turned around and decked Suisei in the face
2093 00:00:00   Ammomagnet
2094 00:00:00   teamakite good night swoog, Negita
2095 00:00:00   Chris Lung Tako PoWAH
2096 00:00:00   Ardy Bacardi Time for me to get to sleep too. See you takos!
2097 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Good night Ardy
2098 00:00:00   teamakite good night Ardy
2099 00:00:00   Neftiaf ardy
2100 00:00:00   Desburger C. Evening takos
2101 00:00:00   Desburger C. Nini Ardy
2102 00:00:00   Dvrk cya Ardy and Hey Des
2103 00:00:00   Neftiaf des
2104 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Ina will be Potako the rest of the day probably after that
2105 00:00:00   RCSI Yep, break day today. With that, good night chat *the sun is rising*
2106 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Kanata and Azki seem to be having fun in the haunted house
2107 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Good night RCSI
2108 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord Ina exhausted means Squishy Time IKZZZZZ
2109 00:00:00   Neftiaf nite rcsi
2110 00:00:00   Neftiaf
2111 00:00:00   KoiKoi
2112 00:00:00   teamakite good night RCSI
2113 00:00:00   Desburger C. Dvrk, Neft, Warlock, RCSI, Ammo, Koi
2114 00:00:00   KoiKoi Des~
2115 00:00:00   Ammomagnet Hey Des
2116 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated back at the capital, hey takos been quite a while
2117 00:00:00   Neftiaf silver
2118 00:00:00   Nty Ghost Hi silver
2119 00:00:00   Desburger C. Silver, Nty
2120 00:00:00   FamSalmon only caught a bit of the stream live, did Ina mention if Monday was a break day?
2121 00:00:00   Neftiaf consider it half off, since she was at the festival
2122 00:00:00   Nty Ghost Desburger Good evening
2123 00:00:00   FamSalmon got it, have a great rest of your day/evenings
2124 00:00:00   Neftiaf u too fam
2125 00:00:00   Silverforger, Lost and Defeated neft, fam slam, nty, desburger, ammonsterhunter, koi, warlock, tea, yato, rcsi, dvrk, ardy (nini ), vats, chris, swoogity (nini ) takos
2126 00:00:00   An Dee live in 30 days Aware...
2127 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord
2128 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord I'm working sleepy
2129 00:00:00   Warlock Warlord But was worth it