トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。(5分毎に更新)
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
  A$  AUD    1     100.00    9,478円
---- ---- ----       ----    9,478円
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:00:00   Anonny Mouse i can't stop replaying the new MV
2 00:00:00   Anonny Mouse send help
3 00:00:00   friend 親愛
4 00:00:00   Joseph Song
5 00:00:00   Hong
6 00:00:00   しゅん
7 00:00:00   saber chan time to wait
8 00:00:00   Druidlover Hope the panel with Kiara went well
9 00:00:00   Aydelotte アイデロット
10 00:00:00   WATCHDOGS
11 00:00:00   Nazeto
12 00:00:00   TosuuKzT. hey
13 00:00:00   chara choco 641?
14 00:00:00   Anonny Mouse
15 00:00:00   Aydelotte アイデロット
16 00:00:00   Nazeto
17 00:00:00   WATCHDOGS
18 00:00:00   しゅん
19 00:00:00   Ken Wil KR bros. How was the con?
20 00:00:00   Abilash lol boomer vs zoomer
21 00:00:00   Certifried Nousagi looking forward to it esp delivering hope and pre-reset wars. will bae join a bigger war? a en civil war perhaps? or maybe a baerys war?
22 00:00:00   Priere what happened to her feed? there's a lot of "schedules"