配信名【 guerilla】cats? what are those? =( ^ w ^ )= 【 cats are organized neatly】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 58 254.34 \33,509
IDR IDR 13 540000.00 \4,627
YEN YEN 7 3855 \3,855
PHP PHP 11 1470.00 \3,545
R$ BRL 13 121.00 \3,021
CA$ CAD 4 18.70 \1,796
£ GBP 1 10.00 \1,605
A$ AUD 3 12.00 \1,057
NT$ TWD 3 225.00 \970
WON KRW 1 5000 \502
CLP CLP 2 2200 \350
---- ---- ---- ---- \54,837
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 03月21日
  KFP - Tony the Talon Trimmer (メンバーシップ入り)
2 03月21日
  Yaang Pagi chieeef, aku kelas dulu yaaa dadaaah
3 00:03:50 IDR50,000.00   FBC Ohazeta~ I believe you can organize your subjects well catlord
4 00:03:57 R$5.50   GM Lemmy Zetetris.
5 00:04:34 $4.00   Rin
6 00:05:08 PHP137.50   Cams
7 00:05:35 R$11.00   Marcelo Yoshida This cat is so cute!!! So is the vtuber at its side!!!
8 00:05:49 ¥1,000   ジュドナス@ジュドさんです ゼータちゃんおはよう 朝配信めずらしい!嬉しいなー
9 00:05:49 $5.00   Rin
'Sup cat. Nice to see a rare morning stream from you at a time that I am absolutely free to watch
10 00:05:58 ¥100   ツヴァイ (a無言スパチャ)
11 00:05:59   아메홈즈 (メンバーシップ入り)
12 00:06:25 $4.99   Jesús Alberto [High Priest of Mumeism] Hi Zeta. I’m still hyped for HoloFes. I can’t wait for your 3D Idol Outfit next year and maybe your 3D Outfit and of course HOLOH3RO Anniversary.
13 00:06:35   DarkWr4ith But there are 2 cats though
14 00:06:21 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar Chief, can i ask you something? If Kael is a cat what kind cai she is?
15 03月21日
  Sky Fay Good meowning
16 00:06:54 ¥200   目黒_meguro zeta tensai(ten years old)
17 00:06:55 $2.00   Seta-kun Why am I seeing double
18 00:10:22   Naga Indosiar (メンバーシップ入り)
19 00:10:36 $2.00   Rin
U got this far with cat instinct
20 00:11:11 $10.00   Aznsoulreaper What can I do to get my icon perms back?
21 00:12:18 CA$5.50   Musashi Cam Zeta got this far in this game by imagining herself in that box
22 00:14:52 £10.00   DarkWr4ith What are the bets on how many more hours Zeta will be stuck on level 43?
23 00:16:27 $5.00   SaucyCharmander My cat sits on me every night when Im sleeping so dont need you to, also the puzzle piece in the bottom right corner keeps moving I cant focus fix plz
24 00:17:27 $5.00   Rin
Zeta before: "STOP MEOWING!" Zeta now: "MEOW FOR ME CHAT!" Is morning Zeta different from night Zeta?
25 00:17:33 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
Chief, Scottish fold or American curl?
26 00:21:46 $1.99   Jesús Alberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
Quick question. How is 7x8?
27 00:22:52 $5.00   GretchenDawntreader only organize cats in the Grid, you and the tuxie are not the cats to be organized :)
28 03月21日
  Marcelo Yoshida 5
29 00:23:59 $1.99   Jesús Alberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
I love your seagull/car whiper laugh. Never change
30 00:24:24   Nigek 「ナイジェッく」 (メンバーシップ入り)
31 03月21日
IDR20,000.00   Tetsuya Kim I have to work, chief. Bye bye have fun
32 00:25:11   yuduki GL
33 00:26:17 $5.00   Chris Cheeseman Its FREE
34 00:26:55 R$11.00   Marcelo Yoshida
Free Supas Fetish?
35 00:27:27   Gvolee SAV tdi udh bener knp dikembaliin?
36 00:28:39 ¥500   魚雷魚:LOCK Expo:Day1&Day2で行って来ました。Zetaちゃんかわいかったよ。ドリンクはちょっと甘酸っぱくておいしかったです。たのしかった。ありがとう!
37 00:29:31   strigger93 (メンバーシップ入り)
38 00:30:16   Bakatsu (メンバーシップ入り)
39 00:30:34 $5.00   Robin Dude You have us
40 03月21日
  Higa / ひが なるほど、左の猫がゼータちゃんだったのか
41 00:33:47   Nathanael Sugiharto pusing berkedok gimmick
42 03月21日
  Aigumi Nah nah, baru aja tdi bilang tensai jinx tskr
43 00:36:33   Diamond Demon I love this cat
44 03月21日
  Marcelo Yoshida 5
45 00:38:20 $5.00   SlayerWraith [Hooman General] ad revenue fund. here ya go
46 00:39:17 $2.00   NamingSystem hahahaHAHAHA
47 00:39:23 R$11.00   Marcelo Yoshida
Laugh fetish confirmed
48 03月21日
  柊之木 5
49 00:39:42 IDR50,000.00   FBC
50 00:39:49 $2.00   Clinton Griffin How do you say ring in Indonesia??
51 00:40:18   SlayerWraith [Hooman General] NO I DONT.......
52 00:40:36 CA$2.20   PumpJack McGee This stream is sponsored by RAID: SHADOW LEGENDS
53 03月21日
  Marcelo Yoshida 5
54 00:40:41 $2.00   Ninjastahr I have premium so you get no ad rev from me - wait
55 00:40:54 $1.99   Jesús Alberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
I have an Owl, Coyote and Agent Fetish. Good luck.
56 00:41:25 $5.00   DyslexicTumbleWeeb what did the caveman say when he hit his toe? "Me, ow" I'll see myself out.....Good Luck!
57 03月21日
  SlayerWraith [Hooman General] 1
58 00:41:54 CA$5.50   Musashi Cam
here some ad revenue and my scientific discovery. Cat are liquid, Zeta's a cat so that mean that Zeta's also a liquid.
59 00:41:55 R$22.00   Marcelo Yoshida
Thanks for exposing my membership fetish chief
60 00:43:09 ¥1,000   コーデリア【Cordelia】 Thanks for the morning activity! I hope you had a great time at the expo! I loved your impersonations of the various cats! あさかつ おつかれさま! EXPOたのしかったね!いろんなネコのものまね よかったよ!
61 00:44:17 IDR50,000.00   Cefilua
62 00:44:48   Flakarmor Mandated fun is best fun
63 00:44:55 ¥555   柊之木 Saya mendengar seekor kucing lucu sedang mengemas kucingnya di dalam kotak. Sebelum kamu mengemas Zeta, rapikan ekormu! Kemarilah!
64 00:47:28 IDR20,000.00   Mohammad Afiq Maulana kak ak jp
65 03月21日
  Ryan Sagala I put the Cereal before the milk and finally add the bowl last on top of everything.
66 00:49:27 IDR20,000.00   Apriliana Purnama Sidik pagi Zeta, baru bangun nih
67 00:50:05 $5.00   Aznsoulreaper
I put cereal in my mouth and drink milk
68 00:50:27 IDR100,000.00   Cefilua
Izin ngantor ya chief. Good luck buat touching grass nya nanti
69 00:51:21 PHP137.50   Cams
Chief can you
70 00:51:38 $4.99   Jesús Alberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
I put cereal in my mouth and you put milk in your mouth and we kiss each other. Thank you for the milk Chief
71 00:52:54 IDR100,000.00   Agar Itu yg disebelah adekmu kah chief?
72 00:57:26 PHP150.00   byonni So I just woke up to Zeta looking up what vore is. That's something new. Good morning to you too, chief, I guess?
73 00:57:35   Luuny 🐧 So in light of recent comments, would you like to explain Bazo being "emergency rations"?
74 00:57:48 $20.00   Rin
I just rage quitted a game. How are you doing? Almost rage quit yet?
75 00:58:17 R$11.00   Marcelo Yoshida
Never change zeta!
76 03月21日
  Josho you really do have a demonetization fetish huh
77 00:58:56   Alyda (メンバーシップ入り)
78 00:59:54   Greed-1914 No copium here
79 01:00:15 PHP137.50   byonni
80 01:01:44 $5.00   TaiyakiFerret Get a nice keyboard with hot swappable switches so you can just replace the broken keys chief.
81 01:01:57 $5.00   Rin
I am playing Destiny 2 PvP. Also I broke my mouse before from playing ranking in Overwatch LOL
82 01:04:31 $4.99   Jesús Alberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
If you says Zeta in a mirror 3 times at 11:07 PM, she appear you, steal your things and burn your kitchen. WHAT A DEAL
83 01:04:40 CLP1,100   Zhanni Long live cat lord!!
84 01:05:23   Rainy wake up at 3:00 am to watch the catlord, got it!
85 01:07:01 $5.00   DH Membership fee
86 01:08:31 $5.00   Rin
87 01:09:32   Erionn Looking forward to the next stream!
88 01:10:07 PHP275.00   byonni
I can help! I think you really need to just arrange the cats so they fit the box. Then it's just a matter of getting gud. Hope that helps!
89 01:10:11 CLP1,100   Zhanni
It's just that we don't want to get addicted to yo
90 01:10:25 $10.00   Rin
Let's make a deal. U do this alone for the next 30mins. If u solve this in the next 30mins, we will do a batsu for u. If u can't, u will have to do batsu for us. there is your motivation
91 01:10:41   badguy No.
92 01:11:10 $5.00   DeskKun An issue you are running in to is you keep making shapes that you can't fill, very early. Remember the shapes you *can't* make, not what you can.
93 01:20:52 $2.00   Ninjastahr
Go to IRyS for your hope, as we have none for you.
94 01:21:59   gwentile (メンバーシップ入り)
95 01:22:36 IDR20,000.00   ꦱꦼꦤ꧀ wait Zeta is wake up in the morning?
96 01:23:29 CA$5.50   Musashi Cam
Seem my prayer worked Zeta
97 01:25:34   Muhammad Ibnu Rasya suara zeta jadi nyamuk
98 01:26:42 R$5.50   Marcelo Yoshida
99 01:27:02 $2.00   Ninjastahr
100 01:27:53 $1.99   Jesús Alberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
PussyCatBoots is “El Gato con Botas”. Diablo-Devil
101 01:29:26 $2.00   One Joke Man Zeta do you appear in the game's later levels?
102 01:29:43 $5.00   Rin
It's more fun seeing you suffer after all the batsu suffers you made us went through
103 01:30:44 $1.49   Majin D
104 01:30:54 $20.00   Rin
105 01:34:12 ₩5,000   강주영 If you are not going to see a vet, are you going to see a cat behavior correction specialist?
106 01:34:43 A$5.00   DisGuy(ディスガイ) So Zeta, is it true that your a member of Shadow Garden, that organization with elves? I suppose it explains your chuunibyou'ness and catlord cover..
107 01:35:18 $1.99   Destiny X
108 01:35:25 $1.99   Jesús Alberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
I hope everything is going well in your doctor
109 01:35:51 PHP137.50   byonni
110 01:39:05   himaru shirosuke ohayou chief!
111 01:40:40 $1.99   Jesús Alberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
Ready pass 30 mins, don’t lose doctor appointment.
112 01:42:49 $2.00   Rin
Did you just "I'm fine. How about u?" us????
113 01:45:49 R$11.00   Marcelo Yoshida
Yesterday you said tomorrow! Just DO IT!
114 01:51:56 $5.00   Aznsoulreaper
Is this game harder than playing support in OW2?
115 02:00:38 PHP55.00   byonni
116 02:07:32   Salvador Barron (メンバーシップ入り)
117 02:07:38 PHP27.50   mgmm (a無言スパチャ)
118 02:07:40 $2.00   Rin
Good knowing you cat. You lived a good life
119 02:08:10   牛乳MILK zeta is cattttt
120 03月21日
  greentea💎on purple purple block No. this is fine. i am fine.
121 02:10:15 PHP137.50   Cams
Nope I like seeing you suffer
122 02:10:27   Z nope
123 03月21日
  Dwi Ikhsan D again?
124 02:11:06   Syauqi Maulana Nasrianto TSKR
125 02:11:09 $5.00   Ninjastahr
The only other holomem streaming is shion, two streams at once is doable. You're stuck with us.
126 02:11:16 $5.00   Lunarstar Well since you asked so nicely...... I'm staying. Go Vestia! Woooooo
127 02:11:38 $2.00   Syntax Error I'll help! You win by filling the boxes with cats.
128 02:12:39 $5.00   Rin
Zeta, you are legit going through "5 Stages of Acceptance", and you are at the "Bargaining" stage right now LMFAOOO! Just rage quit already
129 02:13:02   Taiga (メンバーシップ入り)
130 03月21日
  greentea💎on purple purple block 5
131 02:15:26 A$5.00   DisGuy(ディスガイ)
Why does the cat you have on your head have no head? Is your plan to attach yours onto it's body? Are you intending to become a talking cat?
132 02:16:30 PHP137.50   greentea💎on purple purple block Zeta's bwain disintegrating...
133 02:17:03 R$5.50   GM Lemmy
Kinda funny how we can see a cat body with no head and a cat head with no body at the same time at the bottom right of the screen....
134 02:18:44 R$5.50   GM Lemmy
The legendary grey kawaii sphynx...
135 02:20:53 A$2.00   Feisty Frankfurt MOM THE CATS MAKIN WEIRD NOISES AGAIN
136 02:21:50 NT$75.00   ~RAW~ Actually doubted about zatsu since the beginning of stream
137 02:22:55 $5.00   Rin
I'm watching two grey cat's streams rn. Will one of them finish reading sc or will the other one rage quit the game first? lemme find out
138 02:25:02 $5.00   aris 385 Chief, what was your opinion of how chat was going to be before debut and how has that changed since? You got these cats puzzles, I believe in you
139 02:25:26 $1.99   Jesús Alberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
Why are you cheating, Zeta?
140 03月21日
  Akira P5 Cheater
141 02:27:44 R$11.00   Marcelo Yoshida
Cheater cheater! Pumpkin eater!
142 03月21日
  Gizmoさん BroI’ve never seen a holomem cheat using another holomems stream
143 02:28:11 NT$75.00   ~RAW~
more like long and malding for Zeta
144 03月21日
  Maryanto Firman Fauzi cheat power
145 02:30:43 R$5.50   Marcelo Yoshida
Are you copying your friend's homework zeta?
146 02:30:46 $1.49   JimmyBoombox
147 02:30:51 PHP137.50   Cams
Modern problems require modern solutions. Ssg chief 10sai
148 02:31:01 $5.00   aris 385
Chief, Reine beat this puzzle game in 1 hour and 41 minutes
149 03月21日
  Cel Celesta we dont trust you anymore chief, you cheating
150 02:33:17 $10.00   Rin
I finished working on my project, so I'm gonna go to sleep. Good luck with the rest of the game Zeta! Dont rage quit like me, ok? Also, enjoy your grass touching and good luck at the Vet! Otsundere~
151 02:34:30 ¥500   コーデリア【Cordelia】
152 02:36:13 R$5.50   Marcelo Yoshida
The boy who cried wolf, I see
153 02:36:14   tzachquiel cheateeer
154 02:36:43 NT$75.00   ~RAW~
I believe your ability as secret agent and Chief of Zecretary, but not your problem-solving, direction, and platform skill
155 02:37:35 $2.00   badguy i caught up to you
156 02:37:58 $1.49   TimeParadox
157 02:38:05 IDR20,000.00   himaru shirosuke I believe in you chief, so don't cry
158 02:39:03 $2.00   Ninjastahr
Congrats moona on providing zeta with wisdom!
159 03月21日
  Spinach blessed by wisdom, totally not cheating by watching someone stream
160 02:39:52 $1.99   Jesús Alberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
You can’t count on anyone, especially your heroes.
161 02:39:59 IDR20,000.00   Nikolas Santoso zet lagi UTS nih bagi wisdomnya dikit lah
162 02:40:37   「後門」 (メンバーシップ入り)
163 02:41:09 $5.00   aris 385
I had believed in you Chief
164 02:50:51 $1.99   Jesús Alberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
My wisdom is “Don’t cheat”
165 02:53:18   alphabet (メンバーシップ入り)