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title【MINECRAFT】This Is An Owl's World And You're Just Living In It
sign cur num sum sum(YEN)
$ USD 41 201.82 \27,199
NT$ TWD 2 3000.00 \13,173
EUR EUR 2 13.99 \2,072
MX$ MXN 1 250.00 \1,894
£ GBP 1 10.00 \1,700
PHP PHP 2 590.70 \1,428
WON KRW 1 10000 \1,018
SGD SGD 1 5.00 \508
A$ AUD 1 5.00 \456
YEN YEN 3 420 \420
THB THB 1 100.00 \400
PEN PEN 1 11.00 \397
CA$ CAD 2 3.28 \330
CRC CRC 1 700.00 \173
TRY TRY 1 22.00 \151
---- ---- ---- ---- \51,319

no time
org currency icon name message
2 May 9 21:28:06 $0.99   Jesús Owlberto [High Priest of Mumeism]
3 May 9 23:35:59 $20.00   Eva - ᛖᚠᚪ ᛞᚩᚳᚩ oh hi, Mumei. I fell asleep during the last stream (gomen), but I have some comments from the zatsu portion! I, too, struggle with eczema AND never liked sleeping facing a door or mirror. Thanks for being so relatable :D
4 May 9 23:51:25 $1.49   Justin Thyme
5 May 9 23:54:43 CA$1.64   0btuse
7 May 9 23:55:47 $1.49   Blytz Kryeg
8 May 9 23:56:05 $1.49   Blytz Kryeg
9 May 9 23:57:20 $1.49   Blytz Kryeg
10 May 9 23:58:54 $1.49   Blytz Kryeg
11 May 10 00:51:14 $1.49   I Am The Senate
12 May 10 01:03:19 $5.00   ChocoLatte Hi Mooms! Today is my bday! Thanks for the fun streams & being welcoming since I've first joined the community on January! Got any motivational dons?
15 May 10 01:34:53 ¥140   mizo
19 May 10 01:46:05 $2.99   Mike T
21 May 10 01:47:02 $1.49   KanashiiWolf
22 May 10 01:51:24 $5.00   Bishop If this is an owl's world and we're just living in it, then do we still have to pay rent? (pls don't say yes)
24 May 10 01:53:43 $0.99   warekosowa
25 May 10 01:54:08 CRC700.00   HareKaze
26 May 10 02:00:02 CA$1.64   The Samurai
27 May 10 02:00:18 $1.49   SlayerWraith [Hooman General]
28 May 10 02:00:50 ¥140   YUI
29 May 10 02:01:09 PHP40.70   Wexie
30 May 10 02:01:40 $0.99   Vincent Kong
31 May 10 02:02:12 $1.49   Tenfen
33 00:00:42 $20.00   UndeadedCamel I take umbrage with your title, Mubvley. Not all of us are living, you know. I have been dead (living'nt) for years and have been haunting your streams ever since. The accident wasn't your fault. You have to let us go. Free u
40 00:04:06 $5.00   Seta-kun The Headless Hooman
42 00:09:15 $50.00   Cat Rice Mumei, I've routed your stream to every monitor in my company. I think I've managed to conver some into Moomin Vikings because they're now at my door with axes and tourches. On another note, how to escape a room with one exit? Asking for a friend.
45 00:16:46 SGD5.00   My Oshi Can't Pronounce My Name - aicragej I'm not doing so hot Mooms... I might lose my job. But maybe it's because I keep watching your streams instead of working
46 00:22:45 $2.00   EGoodTyler I don't know your the streamer!!
52 00:33:53 $4.99   Aike - KFP Company Bus Driver currently drinking a banana vanilla smoothie cause i had a gnarly leg cramp and on the other a calf cramp… Banana is berry right!!!
53 00:35:56 $2.00   Justin Thyme
will you share your recipe when you perfect it?
54 00:38:33 $5.00   MasterWalt I survived Basic Training on PBJ Sandwiches. Did not eat them before nor since.
57 00:52:55 NT$1,500.00   DDDJ Hello mumei update to plane wifi sc. Wifi was down after 1 hour of using I couldnt even finish your stream and after i checked my balance it turn out the price was 50$this is my last money for this week Could you do Kita omurice magic spell so i can enjoy my foods pls
58 00:54:58 $5.00   Orvishana I'm not 100% sure, but you might want lightning rods neer by since it is made of wood.
59 00:57:38 $2.00   StarCreator bless you
60 00:58:55 $2.00   Wiryan Tirta no I swear I don't kno any other owls other than u
63 01:03:04 $1.99   Destiny X
65 01:04:38 $2.00   Orvishana
keeps the wooden owl from burning
67 01:24:17 A$5.00   Jackie Chan this pixel owl is cool and all but rip my man's hairline out here fighting for it's life rn
68 01:27:06 $10.00   Gubbins oh hi, Mumei. I started listening to Movements because of you. do you have any other band recommendations in the same vein? I've got some for you too if you're interested I could SC them next time
69 May 10 03:30:05 $1.00   Homies V4 (wordless superchat)
70 May 10 03:32:16 $2.00   Homies V4
Get on all fours and spread it bbg
72 01:38:08 $1.00   Justin Thyme
(wordless superchat)
73 01:38:36 $1.00   Outrun the Wind (wordless superchat)
81 02:30:52 $2.00   Stratisfy super cute mumei!
85 02:46:17 €2.00   Azary the big owl is very cute
88 03:05:14 NT$1,500.00   ⑉ Ò ㅅ Ó ⑉ (⑉ > ㅅ < )b『 NICE!!! CUTE~ CUTE~』
91 03:11:21 PHP550.00   Wexie
Chonky Hootsiefer complete! Yay! It's menacingly cuuute like the person who built it!
92 03:14:50 $5.00   UndeadedCamel
Sorry I just realized "aliven't" is much more epic and cool than "living'nt". Could you Mandela Effect my original message. Also please free us from
93 03:17:30 MX$250.00   Luis Angeles [Takomander] Hi Mumei, I got an email from an old rich King of Africa that was dying, he told me that he would give me his inheritance but only if I bought a ticket for this stream, here's the money for the ticket, I cant wait to be rich
95 03:21:15 PEN11.00   Touko Mumei Mumei Mumei, what happened with the question every stream, could you ask us a question?
96 03:22:29 $4.99   Aike - KFP Company Bus Driver
0 cramps since the stream started so i think it worked! i had like 2 on each leg lasting like 5min each in the span of 30min before my smoothie
98 03:23:01 THB100.00   DDDJ
thanks you mumei i counldn't get a refund but im happy now
99 03:27:11 £10.00   Accipita Good Moomin Mumei, It's 6.30am here and you are a very pleasant distraction from getting ready for a very slow day
100 03:27:52 ₩10,000   I Sang Min Hello Mumei! Thank you for playing Minecraft. It's my favorite game!! Hope U have fun!
102 03:31:52 ¥140   たこ焼き
103 03:33:55 TRY22.00   Bünyamin Yenikomşu BEN KEMAL GELİYORUM
104 03:35:29 $9.99   CoachZed The Nigerian Prince scam sounds ridiculous because they target the sorts of people who won’t question it. If you notice that a prince contacting you is unlikely, then you’re too smart to be a target.
105 03:35:59 $5.00   Erik_W1 Hey Moom. I have a question; why are oranges called oranges but lemons aren't called yellows and limes aren't called greens?
106 03:36:18 $5.00   EtchySketchy Excited to see Fauna and Mumei moomin~ Also any updates for the 800k celebration?
107 03:39:47 €11.99   The French Vtuber Enjoyer Mumei I’m wondering if your outfit changes depending on the advances of civilization, cause it would be interesting to see what it would look like with a Type I, II or III civilization
108 03:40:19 $1.49   Erik_W1
109 03:41:17 $2.00   Shredjward Excited to hear whatever new songs you learned!