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title【MINECRAFT】 The tree is not my neck
sign cur num sum sum(YEN)
$ USD 110 801.49 \107,727
£ GBP 13 142.94 \23,280
CA$ CAD 16 126.83 \12,409
EUR EUR 8 32.96 \4,749
YEN YEN 4 3340 \3,340
A$ AUD 4 36.49 \3,266
MYR MYR 1 60.00 \1,797
DKK DKK 3 84.00 \1,625
MX$ MXN 1 200.00 \1,467
VND 4 160000 \912
R$ BRL 2 33.00 \849
NOK NOK 2 64.00 \817
ISK ISK 1 750 \720
CLP CLP 2 3564 \600
PLN PLN 2 17.49 \539
NZ$ NZD 1 5.50 \457
THB THB 1 100.00 \388
NT$ TWD 2 85.00 \373
CZK CZK 1 50.00 \305
TRY TRY 1 16.50 \117
---- ---- ---- ---- \165,737

no time
org currency icon name message
1 Mar 13 18:52:02 CA$1.64   Aaron Kan
2 Mar 13 18:52:11 $1.49   ghosty
3 Mar 13 18:52:21 $1.49   SJtree
4 Mar 13 18:52:29 CA$1.10   Glasses Kun (wordless superchat)
5 Mar 13 18:52:37 CA$1.49   Acheronta
6 Mar 13 18:52:40 $1.49   Thurman Merman
7 Mar 13 18:52:54 €1.49   sisimutso
8 Mar 13 18:53:05 $1.49   Diego Armando
9 Mar 13 18:53:18 £1.49   Paul
10 Mar 13 18:53:57 $1.49   Eldien
11 Mar 13 18:54:06 €1.49   Cyanophycée
12 Mar 13 18:54:26 £1.49   DaiDai
13 Mar 13 18:55:27 $1.49   Terrarianium
14 Mar 13 18:56:10 $0.99   CasualVader
15 Mar 13 18:56:10 $1.49   usernamenull
16 Mar 13 18:56:16 ¥2,000   Ryonaa Naama
17 Mar 13 18:56:37 ¥140   Ryonaa Naama
18 Mar 13 18:56:40 $1.49   Aster
19 Mar 13 18:58:52 £1.49   Mortal Tom
20 Mar 13 18:59:39 $1.49   MrObby
21 Mar 13 19:00:54 $1.49   SNIP [Said Nobody in Particular]
22 Mar 13 19:01:54 $1.49   KDBicoy
23 Mar 13 19:01:58 $1.49   Outrun the Wind
24 Mar 13 19:02:33 CA$11.00   Aaron Kan
My Decapitated Tree Oshi With A Weird Green-Haired Head With Branches As Horns Can't Possibly Be This Cute!
25 Mar 13 19:05:28 $1.49   KaijuRanger
26 Mar 13 19:05:33 $1.49   SpiritVet
27 Mar 13 19:06:47 CA$5.50   Evan Chisholm 10/10 thumbnail for minecraft 3.0: the tree is (not) my neck. (it'd be even scarier with a kubrick stare fauna, but maybe that's going too far)
28 Mar 13 19:08:48 CA$1.64   ikarus
30 Mar 13 19:09:41 $1.49   The Great Moof
31 Mar 13 19:09:48 $20.00   KDBicoy
Glad to see Fauna is following times rules for her birthday. FST holds strong this time around :_confy:
32 Mar 13 19:10:16 $1.49   bluerobot
33 Mar 13 19:10:39 $1.49   King Shark
34 Mar 13 19:12:09 $1.49   RedNox64
35 Mar 13 19:12:24 £1.49   ExquisiteCoffee
36 Mar 13 19:12:44 $10.00   SNIP [Said Nobody in Particular]
good call using biblically accurate Fauna neck for the thumbnail
37 Mar 13 19:12:50 CA$1.64   Evan Chisholm
38 Mar 13 19:13:31 CA$12.00   Jagdblume This is some neck-xt level thumbnail design right here.
39 Mar 13 19:15:33 €5.00   Cyanophycée
Fauna, you're my favorite streamer for many reasons, and this thumbnail is definitely one of them
40 Mar 13 19:15:53 $0.99   copperchef
42 Mar 13 19:18:12 €1.49   HighAge
43 Mar 13 19:20:31 A$1.49   Botan
44 Mar 13 19:20:54 $5.00   Bishop Don't let others say otherwise, but you have a normal sized neck[_heart] It's everyone else in EN that has a pencil neck[_panik]
45 Mar 13 19:21:31 £0.99   Mr Fujisawa
46 Mar 13 19:26:08 $5.00   Bishop
Now as to whether the tree looks like the Demon Lord's castle... I mean, even this little guy is collecting the Triforce to stop you right now
47 Mar 13 19:31:10 $1.49   Splinterman
48 Mar 13 19:45:19 $0.99   FinalAtonement
49 Mar 13 19:46:01 $1.49   Life Swordsman
50 Mar 13 19:46:23 $1.49   Bishop
52 Mar 13 19:56:25 $1.49   Jeff S
53 Mar 13 19:58:33 $1.49   Scrimp Fried Rice
54 Mar 13 20:02:55 $1.49   Lunar
55 Mar 13 20:03:53 $1.49   tjh7558
56 Mar 13 20:09:44 $10.00   SpiritVet
Hi Fauna, since you typically don't stream on Tuesdays, here's an early White Day gift for you. Thank you for all your amazing streams! We saplings all love and appreciate you!
57 Mar 13 20:12:45 $1.49   Sam
58 Mar 13 20:16:56 $50.00   bluerobot
trees are ordinarily beautiful but this one is simply exquisite
59 Mar 13 20:20:21 $1.49   ChocoLatte
61 Mar 13 20:28:12 $0.99   RollStep
62 Mar 13 20:31:08 $1.49   Tracker
63 Mar 13 20:44:16 PLN7.49   Casulono
64 Mar 13 20:55:35 $20.00   DubCity Hi Fauna, today is my birthday! Congrats on 700k, I've been watching since debut, and it's been so fun to see you grow! Are there any new interesting space facts that you could share with us?
68 Mar 13 21:13:09 $0.99   Shrub
72 Mar 13 21:22:37 $1.49   MajesticBearSong
73 Mar 13 21:24:28 $0.99   Tentacultist
74 Mar 13 21:24:47 $1.49   SentiEnt Sapling
76 Mar 13 21:25:39 PLN10.00   Casulono
TFW FST is ruined because you didn't have DST yet
77 Mar 13 21:36:28 $5.00   MajesticBearSong
Have you ever watched city planner plays? His cities: skylines videos are extremely comfy to watch before bed
78 Mar 13 21:38:00 $0.99   Rrman
79 Mar 13 21:38:10 CLP814   Saphyer
80 Mar 13 21:38:23 $1.49   Silly Buns
81 Mar 13 21:44:41 CA$6.99   Fonzy Welcome to Fauna’s forest! Traversing this neck of the woods is treecky business! You can’t leaf either, so sit tight and enjoy the tea!
82 Mar 13 21:45:11 €1.49   KevinC - KFP Samurai
83 Mar 13 21:47:09 $1.49   Vypur under the Lemon Tree
84 Mar 13 21:47:48 CLP2,750   Kayroz
87 Mar 13 21:51:59 $1.49   GrumbleDogg ꧁{o_o}꧂
94 Mar 13 21:55:59 CA$1.64   🌿Saplingbat
95 Mar 13 21:56:15 $1.49   Fontdog
96 Mar 13 21:56:29 MYR60.00   Azhar Zuhair It seems like some JP members (Shiraken Group) were really surprised knowing it was you that build this massive tree instead of Godchama. And also they thought you were building Sagrada Familia instead of a tree
98 Mar 13 21:57:19 $1.49   Revelence 91
102 Mar 13 21:58:52 TRY16.50   Giro
105 00:00:13 $1.49   José
106 00:00:22 $10.00   GrumbleDogg ꧁{o_o}꧂
Good afternoon Fauna. It's still a bit chilly here but I hope its all nice weather in your... ahem... Neck of the Woods.
111 00:02:19 $2.00   Revelence 91
Spring? It's still snowing here
112 00:02:36 $2.00   ashyoon Spring sure ain't coming to Fauna's room though
114 00:04:16 $5.00   Sevens Ch. im drinking a iced pumpkin spice matcha latte but i was curious, do you warm your oat milk before you blend or after if you want to drink it hot?
115 00:05:09 $4.99   CasualVader
The thumbnail is top tier.
117 00:07:05 $1.99   mixedby20three Made a mistake today. Bummed out but hanging on
121 00:08:48 ₫50,000   Giorgio Daylight saving is basically not exist in asia.
122 00:09:57 CA$11.00   Johnny Elijasialuk Am a happy man, before I watch the stream with my daughter. I drank 4 cans of Tomato Juice called V8, would highly recommend.
123 00:10:26 $100.00   Yakikorosu "N E C K" emote when???
127 00:12:55 CZK50.00   Cute Anime Girls Are The Best I really like your visions of the inner space of The Tree. I can't wait for the day it's finished.
128 00:13:00 £10.00   TriNova (Missed the window to SC yesterday, sorry!) There's a vid of the Hitman devs reacting to speed runs. One of them was a 6 second Dubai run and the dev dejectedly said "That level took a year to make."
135 00:14:06 $10.00   SentiEnt Sapling
If the controller is truly broken and you want another Xbox one, you might like Microsoft's "Xbox Design lab" where you can fully customize all the colors including accents.
136 00:14:30 $1.49   xMoonPie
137 00:14:40 $5.00   yowutis Hey Fauna, don't know if you've been asked before but have you considered playiing the unofficial fan mod, called Penumbra: Necrologue, it's on steam.
141 00:15:09 $2.00   Revelence 91
145 00:15:23 CA$11.00   Glasses Kun
love the new emotes! Now all we need is a pray emote
164 00:17:30 $10.00   美味しいたこ焼き THIS... IS... SPARTAAAAAA!!!!!!
167 00:17:42 CA$13.99   Fonzy
If you run out of wood, it’s better to remove the stacks of wood on the trunk you didn’t fill up so nothing spawns on top of them
173 00:19:56 $5.00   UnundedentedCamel You're making 'tree'mendous progress. 'Wood' work!
174 00:20:09 $1.99   kenshin491 Are me your fault Mom?
177 00:24:50 $2.00   robtheimpure "oh you like nature? name every plant"
178 00:25:28 ¥200   もふもふオオカミ
179 00:25:47 ₫50,000   San Yang if you make wood block from 4 log blocks then it won't have light-color side. it looks better imo.
184 00:27:38 $2.00   warren the last Lord of cinder where can you watch the concert
188 00:32:02 $10.00   MisterVeeg march merch madness limits the ability to joke about PC funds. Still gonna do it anyway though
189 00:33:00 $5.00   Outrun the Wind
Someday on the eve of Fauna's 5th Anniversary: "Oh man I really need to get my new computer!"
190 00:33:30 £2.00   Anime life (wordless superchat)
191 00:34:02 $2.00   Lerma Bean The Charlies protested for not being nominated
192 00:34:42 £2.00   Anime life
(wordless superchat)
193 00:34:52 $50.00   PinoyKun32 Konfauna! I just got back from my trip to the Philippines! I couldn't catch a lot of your streams as my internet access was spotty, but I'm glad to be back to catch my favorite kirin. Can I please get a "Welcome Home" hug, Ate Fauna-nee-sama?
198 00:36:43 $5.00   ashyoon
Neuro-sama said today that she likes "carbon-based" life forms(?), which is fair; though I'd say I'm more of a fan of their mother
200 00:37:39 $5.00   Magical Girl Use Iris for shaders; It has way better performance than Optifine~ I heard somewhere that Kaela uses it.
203 00:43:29 ₫50,000   Giorgio
My hobby is watching Ceres Fauna
204 00:44:09 $5.00   Com Tlancy I cry at movie theaters too, I totally get you on that! It's like, emotionally overwhelming lol
205 00:44:48 DKK50.00   Thymos Your recent member's stream reminded me to ask if you've watched the caving horror film "The Descent"? I think it'd make a good watch-along if not!
206 00:45:45 $20.00   hissatsu99 I used to love trees. Then that "thing" came. The arbor monstrum has blotted out the sun. Our crops fail. We dwell in the eternal shadow of that botanical abomination. All hope is lost.- Doomed Minecraft villager #372
207 00:45:39 $10.00   Zoeinks I love the movie theater experience, so much so I worked at one all through high school, got a lot of free movies! (I also understand feeling more emotional at the theater as well, I'm the same LOL)
208 00:45:58 $5.00   TariTari Fauna has only seen 5 movies in her life and three of them were Twilight...
209 00:45:59 $5.00   SentiEnt Sapling
Fauna potentially getting emotional over twilight is truly an INFJ moment.
212 00:46:51 $10.00   The Great Moof
I used to see a new Hollywood movie every weekend w/my friends but eventually i saw too many & got burned out. also i lost all my friends and became a lonely weeb, rip.
216 00:52:05 R$22.00   GM Lemmy Thank you for another chill stream, Fauna. Those are always my favorites. I can't wait to see everyone's reaction to your masterpiece once you finish building the World Neck.
218 00:53:32 R$11.00   realm087 Fanua legit building the Erdtree.
219 00:54:08 $10.00   Ikemay Elixfay Faundrassil
222 00:54:49 £2.00   Lilith-Rose Gloria
223 00:54:57 $4.99   Speedy G Potassium Yggdrasapling
225 00:55:29 DKK20.00   DarkJSN I vote for Ceresdrasil :D
227 00:56:25 CA$2.20   Silver Raxtus Faundrasil
229 00:56:57 $10.00   Pacifist Orca Yygdrasil is thr world tree in Norse Mythology. How about Uuuugdrasil? Uuuuu
231 00:57:15 NZ$5.50   Miickopii Neckdrasil. sorry...
232 00:57:30 $20.00   Koop_ DA_woop i dont know about a name but it sure looks like it belongs in this neck of the woods
233 00:57:48 $5.00   Capt. Sharky World Tree of Fauna "WTF"
234 00:58:01 £5.00   Bone Removal Expert Put a Wide Fauna Head on the top
235 00:58:04 NT$70.00   Kanna National Nature Neck
238 01:00:09 $2.00   CashMoneyRobot The Tree of Seasons
239 01:00:42 $1.99   Typetimeguac How about Natures Extremely Cool Creation, or NECC
240 01:02:09 $2.00   Outrun the Wind
Passersby. Otherwise known as rubberneckers
241 01:02:34 $5.00   Eldien
Both "Ceres" and "Fauna" are Latin, so how about Sylvia - from the Latin word for forest (silva).
242 01:02:56 CA$22.00   Acheronta
La Saprada Familia. Ceres' Crazy Castle. Gus. The Headache. SPF 100. So many names for such a beautiful build.
243 01:03:54 $5.00   ashyoon
OMG I just realized: Did you know that the Korean Kanji equivalent to tree is 목 ("mok"), which is a homonym for NECK in plain Korean?
244 01:08:04 €10.00   tunaryu Look at that Fauna's neck from on top of Chloe's head. I can already see a time lapse of the progress in the future.
246 01:12:26 NT$15.00   お兄ちゃんなんてだいっきらい (wordless superchat)
248 01:16:56 $2.00   RotokEralil Torch or lightstone or type of lantern for light?
249 01:18:45 $5.00   Logan McCarthy Is the tree your neck, yet, Fauna-sama?
252 01:23:35 ISK750   ThorirPP might already know this, but you should use wood blocks instead of logs at some point. They have the bark on all six sides. Also: LOVE WATCHING YOU!
254 01:27:24 CA$22.00   Orian Johnson It's been so nice to watch you working in this... neck of the woods... while I cook dinner. Thank you for all the comfy streams!
255 01:29:15 ₫10,000   Yu (wordless superchat)
256 01:30:49 $5.00   MajesticBearSong
*poorly disguised bear voice* actually bears are very nice and fluffy. nothing bad can have those cute ears. please pet us-uhhh them. and give snacks.
262 01:43:11 ¥1,000   イサチア酸 Isatia I saw Buff Fauna chopped off the world tree with her bare hands
263 01:43:17 £10.00   Matthew McMatthewface Welcome. Welcome to Sapling 17.You have chosen, or been chosen to relocate to one of our finest remaining rural centers. I thought so much of Sapling 17 that I elected to establish my Council here
264 01:42:42 €2.00   P'titeLouise Hi! Do you think cat-girls are more cats or human?
265 01:46:41 $20.00   James Cameron Just be careful you don't build your tree over a large deposit of unobtanium
266 01:49:26 $10.00   Rem Forrest Fauna your favorite food is Mac and Cheese so it is ok...
267 01:53:41 MX$200.00   Rafael Gómez Cruz Hi Fauna can't watch this live, but I wanted to tell you its my birthday anyways thank you for everything as always gtg
270 01:56:33 $5.00   DeskKun First, put up lightning rods! Also, for ideas/suggestion talk to Hachama, she is absurdly good at free form building projects. Oh, also Hiya!
271 01:57:30 $10.00   Nazeem Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.
272 02:05:49 $2.00   Alviise I love Minecraft monday
274 02:09:18 £4.99   Zane Kudo Happy White Day Fauna
275 02:09:34 $5.00   Mazzie Schommer You should check out Girls'Frontline. It's an anime based off a video game series. it's an action anime. My favorite character is M4 Sopmod II.
277 02:16:05 $1.49   Animeninja
279 02:18:30 $100.00   Mayushii ♪Tu-Tu-Ru♪
281 02:21:31 $5.00   TheNinjaWarrior27 Fauna as someone who is now studying physics thanks to Steins;Gate i'm begging you to watch it
283 02:24:17 $10.00   Bishiki☆Hoshi Fauna you can't be a hipster. you are to mainstream. ( ・◇・)?
284 02:25:55 $5.00   Bishop
While we're on the topic of Tu-Tu-Ru, would you consider giving Konosuba another try?
286 02:27:58 €10.00   Ginko I laughed a lot with Konosuba, now I feel devastated
287 02:33:11 $5.00   Ari Aika The world of comedy and slice of life anime is vast, it's time to dive in
288 02:33:21 THB100.00   Cloud Zextion little busters? hayate?
291 Mar 14 00:35:02 $20.00   Final Flight If you're looking for an anime with cute girls doing cute things, there's always Sora no Woto. It might look slightly generic, but it's actually pretty great. Good luck with the tree, and 4th Fes!
292 02:35:02 A$5.00   Yithmir 🐔 🐸 Proud of wawa always I too was deeply invested in the deep history and sad subplot of goon#43 and how he was painfully crushed by a steamroller #soedgy
294 02:40:30 NOK50.00   Andareas You seem to have a lot of movie and game similarities with another funny streamer I know called Northernlion. You have great taste.
298 02:49:04 $1.99   kenshin491
Re: Faun?
299 02:54:19 A$10.00   Soli Novo High Stakes Teletubbies
301 02:57:52 $5.00   Pride Hololive+ coming soon for 4.99 USD
302 03:08:10 A$20.00   Pixy Misa You seem to be building Isengard. Beware of ents.
303 03:08:51 NOK14.00   OrangeMilkshake
304 03:12:09 $20.00   Simpleton〜 Fun fact: Trees in Minecraft can be made to grow exponentially so long as you inverse the cubed roots.
305 03:12:14 $5.00   UnundedentedCamel
Nice! The base is turning out A-'oak'-kay. Here's a supa to celebrate the 'acacia'n. Can't wait to see it when everything's 'spruce'd things up.
306 03:13:05 DKK14.00   Ole Rasmussen
307 03:13:20 $10.00   Jeff S
(wordless superchat)
308 03:13:31 £100.00   Paul
12th of March was my birthday! I wish you the best on your world tree building and the upcoming 4th Fes. Cannot wait for you and the ConuncilRyS shows up on the big stage