配信名【Raft】chill but not really because this is not co-op【Kaela x Kronii / hololive】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 6 54.00 \7,458
IDR IDR 5 210000.00 \1,935
MX$ MXN 2 150.00 \1,236
A$ AUD 2 10.00 \941
EUR EUR 1 5.00 \777
MYR MYR 2 12.00 \364
NT$ TWD 1 75.00 \334
CA$ CAD 1 2.00 \209
INR INR 1 40.00 \67
---- ---- ---- ---- \13,321
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 07月18日
  Heldinata 5
2 07月18日
  Fyn (メンバーシップ入り)
3 07月18日
  Azziel (メンバーシップ入り)
4 07月18日
  Mad4n (メンバーシップ入り)
5 07月19日
  東巴小熊 little kuma (メンバーシップ入り)
6 07月19日
  Waka Moka ☆₍ᐢ•ﻌ•ᐢ₎☆ (メンバーシップ入り)
7 07月19日
$2.00   Andrew Swallie i will be asleep for this stream so glhf! PagiLa~
8 07月19日
  Constantine (メンバーシップ入り)
9 07月19日
  katakuraかたくら 1
10 00:07:04 MYR6.00   Muhammad Maskawaih Pagi, Ela & Kronii! Have fun BBQ-ing~
11 00:08:24 IDR20,000.00   Teddygoo been some time since you played e-sports, GLHF!
12 00:18:41 A$5.00   Feisty Frankfurt hello ela chu chu chu! just wanted to say ur neck cover arrived and its really useful for when Im riding :D
13 00:29:27 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j no competition? wow this is rare
14 00:38:10 $10.00   SiNaC 8 ecosystem can't defend itself. sounds like a skill issue
15 00:38:30 $10.00   V-Faction It ain't easy being treesy
16 00:39:28 $10.00   This Dumbarse Happy for another episode of the Adventures of Shark Smith and Time Chef!
17 07月19日
$2.00   Don't Look At My Profile Picture kaela so cool
18 01:11:13   Miko101 Scamming at bingo I see
19 01:13:03 MYR6.00   Unknown Creature got flame didnt work so open ur stream middle work
20 07月19日
  Teddygoo 5
21 01:49:18 $20.00   Karona Thanks Kaela for carrying Kronii in raft. You wouldn't believe the terrible jokes that Kronii tells and we have to suffer through. Its always fun to watch you two collab
22 07月19日
  MysteriousLee 10
23 01:56:00 MX$100.00   Luis Angeles [Takomander] Oh no Kaela, it's terrible, there's a poor Pemaloe Child in the hospital with a terrible desease and the doctors say that the only cure is to know the curse question Kronii asked Gura, please help us
24 02:25:12 IDR20,000.00   Bimo Aulia Cakrabuana Clocksmith combination tskr
25 03:04:49 ₹40.00   Shank Mugen RAFT LETSS GOO (Will have to catch VOD later)
26 03:58:10 €5.00   Marek Zielinski To Raft or to Bruce... ^^ GO ladies go ^^
27 04:19:50 A$5.00   SorryVB How could you Chop
28 04:31:54 IDR100,000.00   jonathan ryan j
TimeSmith will always be the best dynamic r̶i̶v̶a̶l̶ duo in my book. hammers down. top notch collab/relationship/rivalry. and the best thing is, bruces will go extinct by the end of this stream. nice
29 04:36:40 NT$75.00   SKKD-69 I'm sorry to say this now, but sometimes your flute hits Kronii wwww
30 04:41:48 IDR50,000.00   jonathan ryan j
guess kronii hold the pants in this relationship, or maybe the one holding the pants always change bcoz it is also a competition for this two. imagine
31 04:43:36 MX$50.00   Rene Alarcon Oh Kaelasama. All this shark killing reminds of the phrase: "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain".
32 04:51:52 CA$2.00   Elusive Urge TimeSmith forever
33 04:58:22   sudoggs Surprise supa! bye bye