配信名≪Getting Over It: ENDURANCE≫ Baeruto is aiming for the Gold Pot. #YOLOismyNinjaWay
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 50 640.84 \89,427
A$ AUD 9 118.98 \11,140
YEN YEN 6 7600 \7,600
WON KRW 2 30000 \3,238
SGD SGD 2 25.00 \2,595
NT$ TWD 3 435.00 \1,973
£ GBP 1 10.00 \1,750
MX$ MXN 3 215.00 \1,728
THB THB 1 200.00 \806
CA$ CAD 2 7.14 \747
MYR MYR 1 15.00 \453
CLP CLP 1 550 \97
ZAR - 1 39.99 \39
---- ---- ---- ---- \121,593

No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 Jun 9 23:14:14 $5.00   THEME SICKLE (Covenant of Chaos) My friend the artist told me he didn’t have any cyan, Azure, cobalt, navy, royal, or sapphire paint. That was completely out of the blue.
8 Jun 10 00:59:07 $10.00   THEME SICKLE (Covenant of Chaos)
I had a racing snail. Well, it raced cars actually. Drove a little car with an S on it, for "snail," and it was wicked fast. People would see it take off and go "Wow, look at that S Car go!"
9 Jun 10 01:01:59 $2.00   THEME SICKLE (Covenant of Chaos)
10 00:00:45 ¥100   鴨塩 (a無言スパチャ)
12 00:02:54 $5.00   THEME SICKLE (Covenant of Chaos)
I've been sober from math for three weeks. It was a hard addition to get over.
13 00:04:25 $10.00   xing255 You got this Bae! I lieve in you so much, you got the gamer skills and the sheer will to do it! Just try not to Mald too much ok Love ya much!
15 00:04:32 $5.00   THEME SICKLE (Covenant of Chaos)
Why was the peanut so salty? Because it got R O A S T E D
16 00:04:38 $5.00   darkness2101 When GOI, don't let frustration "Weigh" you down. Stay determined and "Hammer" through the challenges!
17 00:05:26 MX$25.00   Rene Alarcon Baeruto Time. Boom BOOM.
18 00:05:44 $20.00   darkness2101
Some Motivation before starting~ Remember, Bae, in the game of life and "Getting Over It," it's all about finding the right "Angle" for success! がんばれ! あきらめないで!
19 00:06:55 $20.00   THEME SICKLE (Covenant of Chaos)
So a centaur walks into a bar... The bartender says, "Hey, how's the sore throat?" The centaur replies, "My throat isn't horse but my legs are."
21 00:06:48 £10.00   Archon Good Morning Bae! its 2am Over Here Bae, looking forward to your company through my night shift :3
28 00:12:15 THB200.00   Yukari MAiG Coming over after Faunashu-sensei stream. Godspeed Baeruto! You can do it!
31 00:20:52 $20.00   JesseTheHappyGuy Kurhama
32 00:29:45 $10.00   Skellum Hey Bae, Diogenes facts for you. The man was a walking avatar of chaos. He presented people with feather plucked birds and claimed they were men, got beaten with sticks, lived in a pot, liked vegemite
35 00:47:28 $5.00   Richard G. I wouldn't want power because I'd end up acting aggressive. Just like the quote from Spider-Man, "with great power comes great responsibility."
36 00:48:37 ZAR39.99   Michael Louwrens Would you like a protractor?
38 00:51:20 $50.00   DANG IT JERRY! 50 minutes in 12 hours to go!
40 00:54:55 $6.00   Richard G.
Hey Baelz. I have to leave the stream early. Don't give up on your hopes and dreams, you'll get that gold pot. I'll see you and the Baerats later. Bye
41 00:56:35 $10.00   Arshaiden So Baeruto is Naruto at home. Naruhodo
42 00:57:19 NT$30.00   貓肉哥 (a無言スパチャ)
45 01:16:55 ¥5,000   Toshimoto U (a無言スパチャ)
47 01:18:02 $8.00   DANG IT JERRY!
42 more to go! Warmup is FINALLY done.
50 01:50:31 SGD20.00   ZK maybe the golden pot were the nakama you made along the way Baeruto
51 01:54:07 CA$5.50   moony2082 This'll make no sense if you havent seen Code Geass, but what about Jeremiah Gottwald?
55 02:01:21 CA$1.64   Iguana Guy
57 Jun 10 03:23:36 $1.16   GrumbleDogg ෴ˁǂᴥಠˀ෴ (a無言スパチャ)
58 02:21:50 CLP550   MonoFloyd (a無言スパチャ)
59 02:22:04 $1.16   -Inasanaty- (a無言スパチャ)
61 02:29:14 MX$65.00   Rene Alarcon
10 wins. It was a rocky start. But this was only the beginning of the Golden Pot exams for Baeruto.
62 02:36:38 $5.00   Eating Mike Tyson's Ass Good luck on finishing the game :)
63 02:46:42 A$7.99   Randomperson2021 Hey, put one of Ina’s followers in between a hard shell and you got yourself a Tacodatchi.
66 03:01:33 $29.00   DoctorWu great job singing and getting over it bae
67 03:14:00 $5.00   ecchi owl have you tried using shadow clones to multiply your gained experience?
72 03:43:44 $1.16   -Inasanaty-
73 03:43:45 $1.16   GrumbleDogg ෴ˁǂᴥಠˀ෴
74 03:44:11 $1.16   darkness2101
75 03:44:21 $1.16   DekuJames (a無言スパチャ)
76 03:45:29 NT$330.00   FireFox My Oshi truly get a voice that have been kissed by angel
78 03:45:53 A$10.00   Tiff Thunderchocolate See past Bae is cool, but present Bae is cool too! Congrats on 16mins PB - more to come this stream & next!
79 03:46:30 $49.99   Gudao Grand Order Hey Bae Congrats on 1 Mil on Psycho such a banger song
80 03:47:46 $160.00   V-Faction (a無言スパチャ)
84 04:16:02 $1.99   RM46 What’s this BGM called?? I really love it!
85 04:25:16 $4.99   RM46
“Karen’s dumpy?” MISS BAELZ, you literally made me laugh and spit out my ice cream lmfao
86 04:28:20 $20.00   hissatsu99 LIttle known fact: Bennet is always watching. Whenever his game is streamed, he's alerted. The rage and suffering of vtubers sustains him. Good luck surviving his grief machine. You've improved a lot.
87 04:36:41 $1.16   darkness2101
88 04:39:23 ¥1,000   FU KU 壺おじお疲れ様ー!べーちゃんの歌もめっちゃ良かったよー!
89 04:42:20 $4.99   RM46
I got here about 20 minutes ago, but how many times did Bae the Chaos Rat completely break within this span of about 4.5 hours??
91 04:47:24 $1.99   C.J. O'Dell Hugs and headpats for Bae
92 04:53:19 $1.16   GrumbleDogg ෴ˁǂᴥಠˀ෴
93 04:53:38 $1.16   -Inasanaty-
94 04:53:53 $0.99   Kunia Veas (a無言スパチャ)
95 04:54:05 $1.16   darkness2101
97 05:33:23 ₩10,000   안녕알리 What a tough challenge
99 05:44:10 ¥200   FU KU
102 05:56:38 $5.00   yannis helms this song is so good! also why did you push the orange off the table?
104 06:00:30 $2.00   taco tom is this just roleplay of Sae's Casino?
107 06:09:02 A$10.00   SizeExtraMedium Diogenes was an ancient Greek philosopher who lived in a barrel and was rude to everyone. You could check his wiki page for pronunciation, or you could keep saying it wrong on purpose to annoy people.
108 06:20:53 $2.00   Nozomi Sora Have a good break! See ya in a bit!
109 06:22:51 A$20.00   WolkenKatz - the Tower of Bae I'm off to play dice, see you tomorrow Bae! Don't go too Psycho before then!
110 06:30:51 $1.16   -Inasanaty-
111 06:32:07 $2.00   myuzu bae is cute ~
112 06:36:32 $20.00   saltedbread Have to drive to the airport in 90m and need some ZZZs so gonna to take a nap now. Good luck with the endurance
119 06:56:41 ₩20,000   やよい軒 It may be different for each person, but I like this chilling time the most. Don't worry, just trust bae
122 07:11:07 MX$125.00   Rene Alarcon
20 wins! More golden at every passing hour. Inspired by Focus mode and LoFi music Baeruto also achieved a 14 minute PB at this point.
123 07:42:42 ¥800   Araya プレイのレベルアップすばらしいです 目と頭は1時間サイクルくらいで休ませて下さいね
131 08:34:23 $1.16   -Inasanaty-
132 08:34:44 $0.99   Kunia Veas
133 08:36:08 $50.00   Ryamatronic Just completed my 50 wins!! Thank you for the final boost of morale and I happily wait patiently for when you get there too
139 08:57:19 $4.99   homestead how long were u at the house of siren? i just left a couple weeks ago, i was there for 11 months. had no idea you worked there. the drama got too bad.
140 08:57:41 A$5.00   LemonLizard She hasn't lost it, she never had it to begin with...
141 08:58:29 $50.00   Jeff Star Hi Bae Pekora said HoloJP are getting Kingdom hearts Perms and I was wondering if EN will have it?
142 09:00:46 A$25.00   Ricky Halfway!
143 09:03:37 A$5.00   LemonLizard
Magic Kitten is said to be 6-8 years old reading level, which seems perfectly in character
144 09:12:37 SGD5.00   Okuno Mike [#509] - KFP Engineering Supervisor No worries, you are not alone. I fell asleep when I was sitting right in front of the lecturer.
145 09:17:55 $10.00   The Salty Lemon good morning from America you've made a lot of progress sense i when to bed 8 hours ago.
146 09:20:28 $5.00   -Inasanaty-
147 09:21:50 A$30.99   Noobert891 891? Any believe u willing played this for 9 hours
148 09:22:45 A$5.00   Da Carp Been here since the beginning! lets goo! GG today!
149 09:22:57 ¥500   FU KU
151 09:24:19 NT$75.00   Kayama Thanks for 9 hours stream! otsu!see you tomorrow!
152 Jun 10 10:28:04 MYR15.00   Flaming pants This movie is very long with an occasionally whiny protagonist but it is still very entertaining. Can't wait for the sequel!! Could be a trilogy even!