記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 12 68.96 \9,158
VND 2 300000 \1,689
EUR EUR 1 5.00 \704
£ GBP 2 4.00 \641
IDR IDR 2 70000.00 \603
YEN YEN 1 200 \200
---- ---- ---- ---- \12,995
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:03:42   Your Botol Kecap Ch. (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:05:24 $10.00   raysmashbrawl176 Yo Risu, I don't have much time but I'm here to say that Slowpoke community is finally a thing. Take with that information what you will.
3 03月16日
  Your Botol Kecap Ch. apapun rasanya.. holomie rasa mie goreng tetap yg terbaik
4 00:07:16 $4.99   pixymisa777 Good morning Risu! Your good luck message a week ago worked - I got the job! Truly a good luck squirrel. <3
5 03月16日
6 00:16:16 ₫200,000   NIO CHIU
7 00:20:33   イズナ0025 リスちゃんの配信いやされる〜♪
8 00:20:58 ₫100,000   Giligowla Mugs R I S U
9 00:51:52   Safa Ardhany (メンバーシップ入り)
10 01:11:47 $2.00   DogStreet hello Risu
11 01:18:21 £2.00   Gorbz Serious mode? Sirisu? Risirious?
12 03月16日
13 01:36:38 IDR50,000.00   RK Risu, sudah main seri game "Voice of Card" belum? Game bermodel table-top rpg ini produsernya Yoko Taro dan musiknya juga bagus.
14 01:38:40   Barny (メンバーシップ入り)
15 02:00:55   幽夢影 (メンバーシップ入り)
16 02:09:10 $4.99   MudArcade Tip for Risu being too cute
17 03月17日
  TaraTera Regularly scheduled reminder of your mortality brought to you by cute squirrel
18 02:27:51 $10.00   The Edgy Penguin Risu don't read the Shadow Lord's diary you'll embarrass him. Also I love all the existential thoughts the NieR games bring up its fascinated and also kinda disturbing to think about
19 02:31:29 £2.00   Atrum Starstryder Gestalt's = Mumei & the Shades = Scary Face Mumei
20 02:34:31 €5.00   BlaZé Yoko Taro said this about his philosophy for NieR's mentality : "You don't have to be a psycho to kill people, you just have to think you're right."
21 02:35:52   Minukaro you got this!
22 02:37:48 $10.00   Walker Sunrise Channel The humans are also selfish for not caring that the Replicants have their own consciousness and soul; in their minds, the bodies "belong" to them, regardless of if they have their own existence.
23 02:38:49 $4.99   Ant the Fool I feel like Nier was trying to convince himself rather than dunk on Shadow Nier
24 02:39:31 $5.00   MaladjustedPlatypus Time to revive her with the power of friendship
25 02:45:36   Itsuki Kuro Prisuner #12K96 I'll be honest though, for me, the final boss battle hits harder with Dad Nier, since it's two dads fighting for their daughters.
26 02:51:00 ¥200   せんせい, gg
27 02:59:39   Keiko hi
28 03:03:29 $5.00   No Nein #Risu4Seiyuu
29 03:34:26   BIRD (メンバーシップ入り)
30 03:51:54 $5.00   MaladjustedPlatypus
Doesn't Indonesian also use romanized characters (alphabet?) Means that ID also has letters that sound different in different words, no?
31 03:57:01 $5.00   No Nein
Risu bloody bedtime story hour is great
32 04:08:01 $1.99   NamingSystem (a無言スパチャ)
33 03月17日
  LegoVWCrazyFan Risu, I've just received a package with the birthday set!! Rubber mat looks superb. And the tail cushion! THE TAIL
34 04:35:24 IDR20,000.00   exyezed ty mba risu