時間 | 金額 元表示 | 円建て | 色 | チャンネル名 | チャット |
09/15 04:53:12 | $50.00 | ¥5500 | Tenco12 | Hey Sana, favorite space fact: if there was a blazar too close to earth, the jets it's giving off have enough energy and are wide enough to completely wipe out all life on the earth in seconds. |
09/15 04:53:58 | $50.00 | ¥5500 | Tenco12 | you've been doing since debut. This might not come off as strong as I want it to since it's from a random person online, but I've been watching dozens of streamers for a few years now and you're the first to be my #1 fav this quickly. You really... | |
09/15 04:54:50 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Tenco12 | have a knack for keeping streams engaging and I hope you can see you 100% deserve this, and that you can show us more of your amazing skills in the future! | |
09/15 04:58:41 | €10.00 | ¥1300 | GTRaijin | ||
09/15 04:59:55 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Bones Malone | Here's to a good stream and fun times. Keep up the fun vibes we've all come to love from you. Sanalittes together BEEG | |
09/15 05:01:32 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Irish Wristwatch | Considering how early you're up, Good Morning! | |
09/15 05:01:38 | $49.99 | ¥5499 | shaithis77 | Let’s gooooooooo!!! SANA 4 LYFE!! | |
09/15 05:01:58 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Sev071 | Heya Sana! Just wanted to say hi, leave a tip, and wish you the best of luck with your upcoming jab. Looking forward to some space jam today. Cheers! | |
09/15 05:03:12 | $5.00 | ¥550 | MyGuyMatt | Welcome to the bread bank, we sell loafs. Got bread on the deck, and bread on the flo. TOASTED |
09/15 05:04:07 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Majin D | good morning, Sana~ good luck on your climb~ |
09/15 05:04:12 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Bones Malone | Buckle up Sanalittes, We're in for the long haul today. Maybe Sana will speed through and we just hangout all day | |
09/15 05:04:36 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Pancake Paradox | g'day, space | |
09/15 05:06:46 | CA$5.00 | ¥435 | Absolute Link | If you like this game, have you seen "Towerfall Ascension"? Same devs, similar gameplay, multiplayer VS and co-op! Sorry if it was already mentioned. | |
09/15 05:07:04 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | LC_Lapen | Why is Sana determined to get to Celeste's peak? It's to maintain her Moun-"Tan"! |
09/15 05:07:42 | $1.07 | ¥117 | Melman9812 /Jimmell98 | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/15 05:10:34 | MYR15.00 | ¥399 | Delly | Good morning, Sana! Let's get to the top |
09/15 05:11:11 | $4.99 | ¥548 | Hatake0217 | You are adorable, and I love your positive energy. You’ve become one of my favorite EN members. | |
09/15 05:12:34 | €5.00 | ¥650 | Bajingaa | hey there breaddy lady |
09/15 05:16:00 | PHP50.00 | ¥110 | Juanderer | Keep up the positive energy and have a g'day | |
09/15 05:19:13 | $4.99 | ¥548 | D3athParade | I heard Jupiter is mostly consist of gas and doesnt have a solid surface, so does that mean your boobas are the same? | |
09/15 05:24:34 | $50.00 | ¥5500 | Eli Smith | no grand proclamation behind this super chat, I think you've just been doing a good job so far in hololive and make me happy. Hope you have a good day | |
09/15 05:29:01 | $5.00 | ¥550 | StreyX | Wow, she really hit rock bottom didn't she? | |
09/15 05:31:03 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Bones Malone | Bork bork!! Woof Woof!! Grrrr!! | |
09/15 05:32:32 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Johnny T | Membership doko? | |
09/15 05:32:33 | $4.99 | ¥548 | Your Turn | ||
09/15 05:33:58 | €5.00 | ¥650 | Bolero Melody | Is this not the membership button? | |
09/15 05:34:22 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Black☆Star300 | its bark is worse than its bite...maybe... | |
09/15 05:34:52 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Jackson Shaw | Hey Sana. I just wanted you to know you're doing a great job. Keep up the good work! :) | |
09/15 05:35:13 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Unholy | You can speak dog though so you should be friends | |
09/15 05:35:16 | CA$5.00 | ¥435 | Simon Gellatly | So if you're wondering why we're calling the blocks "Kevin", that's because that's the name of the VA of the growls | |
09/15 05:35:17 | $5.00 | ¥550 | RadCrab | Sana is best bread <3 | |
09/15 05:36:38 | RON10.00 | ¥262 | Wikidude | Training DOOG speech for Korone Collab, i see... | |
09/15 05:38:41 | $2.00 | ¥220 | LC_Lapen | I guess that block is a real Doberman "Pincher" | |
09/15 05:39:35 | ARS50.00 | ¥56 | Ibrahim | sup | |
09/15 05:47:28 | $5.00 | ¥550 | joellera | This section is *angry Kevin noises* | |
09/15 05:55:00 | $5.00 | ¥550 | StreyX | They really bumped up the difficulty here. | |
09/15 05:59:46 | CA$100.00 | ¥8703 | Joel Z | Sana: *cute space noises* | |
09/15 06:01:42 | NT$30.00 | ¥119 | Liang | you can do it | |
09/15 06:01:58 | €5.00 | ¥650 | Felix | I love your accent |
09/15 06:02:48 | $100.00 | ¥11001 | Stephen N. Parker | BEEG | |
09/15 06:03:25 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Watotodile - Dragoonic Detective 🏆🔎 | Hey Sana if you like this game I highly recommend Towerfall. It's made by the same company and it's a 6 Player VS Game, great for a Council Collab+Irys. Think Celeste movement but with bow and arrows. | |
09/15 06:04:23 | €10.00 | ¥1300 | Felix | you did it, i'm proud of you | |
09/15 06:08:04 | $19.99 | ¥2199 | Karona | Sana it’s amazing watching you play, I’m sure you’ll reach the top | |
09/15 06:11:21 | $5.00 | ¥550 | LC_Lapen | I may fall asleep shortly, but I know I'll wake up to a victorious Sana! You're amazing, I know you'll beat it! | |
09/15 06:12:23 | $5.00 | ¥550 | StreyX | For a "place of healing" it sure results in a lot of deaths. | |
09/15 06:13:06 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Manny O | ||
09/15 06:16:32 | €5.00 | ¥650 | cocousnuss - Senpai Kirito | thank you sana for streaming at such a late time. for once europe doesnt get the shorter end due to timezones | |
09/15 06:17:23 | £5.00 | ¥763 | angularwrangler | heyyyy.... YA! | |
09/15 06:21:49 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Bones Malone | The power of Crust compels you! You can dough it!! | |
09/15 06:26:23 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Antarcticite | Victorious Sana inbound | |
09/15 06:27:41 | $20.00 | ¥2200 | C Jett | Sana noises clip compilation please | |
09/15 06:31:18 | $20.00 | ¥2200 | Law Saying Room | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/15 06:35:11 | PLN10.00 | ¥285 | Nikodem Ossowski | Good job! Space is awesome! | |
09/15 06:35:42 | $20.00 | ¥2200 | ASpider | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/15 06:36:13 | NZ$10.00 | ¥783 | ENDESGA | It was so fun watching my game dev friends make Celeste, and I'm so glad such an amazing indie game is being played by the great BEEEG SANA | |
09/15 06:36:17 | R$10.00 | ¥211 | Falconi | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/15 06:37:03 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Alex Agcaoili | ||
09/15 06:39:32 | $5.00 | ¥550 | kuri | Celeste is such a good game. I love watching you play!! | |
09/15 06:43:12 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Melman9812 /Jimmell98 | Perseverance bonus | |
09/15 06:43:27 | €20.00 | ¥2600 | Furrgal | First time sending a superchat, just wanted to say thanks for the good vibes and I hope you enjoy the rest of the game BEEG friend |
09/15 06:53:11 | €20.00 | ¥2600 | Felix | Peak-a-boo! Unrelated question, could you make a morning alarm to help your sanalites get out of bed early in the morning? Pretty pleeeeeeeease??? I'd be very grateful for that indeed UwU | |
09/15 07:09:16 | COP20,000.00 | ¥575 | Mad Joram | Oi, how are you? you amazing bwig lady! | |
09/15 07:11:34 | $19.99 | ¥2199 | chanlaman | Something that stays consistent over the course of this game is that no matter how frustratingly difficult the levels get, at least you can always say “well at least the music is good” | |
09/15 07:19:10 | $100.00 | ¥11001 | Tony Boyev | Unrelated to game, just want to support. I don't normally believe in astrology, but there's always been one little thing... I am a Pisces and - without exception - all of my girlfriends have been Libras. Anything fun there? Please keep doing what you're doing!! | |
09/15 07:25:32 | $4.99 | ¥548 | Chetnik | Hi Sana! I believe in you!!! | |
09/15 07:27:25 | $4.99 | ¥548 | Lawst Mawg | For the Strawberry! | |
09/15 07:29:48 | $5.00 | ¥550 | joellera | Can I buy stocks in Sananana Jam once you collect all the strawberries |
09/15 07:31:41 | MX$200.00 | ¥1105 | Cherry dude | JAM |
09/15 07:32:02 | $50.00 | ¥5500 | bajr | Climb that mountain, Sananaberry! | |
09/15 07:33:33 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Zerotaku | ||
09/15 07:33:44 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Reggie Steele-KFPSanallite Biochemist | You're doing great Sananana! | |
09/15 07:34:07 | £10.00 | ¥1526 | nanobotto | ||
09/15 07:35:46 | $4.99 | ¥548 | Defend | Sananana. Is. DETERMINED!!! | |
09/15 07:36:48 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Xeta24 | Tsundere Badeline kusa. | |
09/15 07:48:24 | R$5.00 | ¥105 | Samuel Pires | you can do it Sanananana | |
09/15 07:49:53 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Eric the KFP Tentacultist Investigator | Can't wait for the strawberry jam you've worked so hard to make for us! You got this Sana! SanaBeliever! |
09/15 07:53:58 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Moondog | I can't wait to strawberry jam out with you and the other sanalites when reach the top of the mountain. #SanaBeliever | |
09/15 07:56:14 | $5.00 | ¥550 | eyeball | do a strawberry jam making cooking stream after finishing this game? lol | |
09/15 08:03:07 | $2.00 | ¥220 | joellera | Hydration check |
09/15 08:04:18 | CA$2.00 | ¥174 | Zierlyn | DISTRACTION SC! | |
09/15 08:07:14 | $50.00 | ¥5500 | C Jett | GET!! THAT!! BREEEEEEEEEEEAD!! #SanaBeliever | |
09/15 08:07:51 | $20.00 | ¥2200 | Horasu | #sanabeliever | |
09/15 08:11:28 | $20.00 | ¥2200 | Boopsnootin | Yassssssssss #Sanabeliever! | |
09/15 08:11:42 | $50.00 | ¥5500 | Vince Batchelor | Always bet on bread #SanaBeliever | |
09/15 08:11:44 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Bones Malone | #SanaBeliever! And not a trace, of doubt in our minds! | |
09/15 08:11:51 | ₩5,000 | ¥469 | Man's Baest Friend | Take ma congrats money | |
09/15 08:12:12 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Rekiara | Woo! Everyone ought to chase their dreams the way Sana chases those |
09/15 08:12:14 | $20.00 | ¥2200 | Loading | Nice moves! | |
09/15 08:12:29 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | C Jett | ||
09/15 08:12:48 | NT$30.00 | ¥119 | R-Yong | #SanaBeliever |
09/15 08:22:49 | $20.00 | ¥2200 | Christiangcar73 | Good Luck! | |
09/15 08:41:47 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Cauchy [コーシ] | Gotta keep your eye on the block and your other eye on the death spikes and your other eye on SANANANA... ow, my eyes | |
09/15 08:43:30 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Molly | oh hey Sana! I rarely catch you live, I can't believe I might get to see you each the summit! | |
09/15 08:46:17 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Anorin1001 | gj Sana | |
09/15 08:46:20 | CA$5.00 | ¥435 | Rayval | LETS GOO | |
09/15 08:46:29 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Gen Froggy | ||
09/15 08:46:39 | $5.00 | ¥550 | XLauncher | The cutest noises in all of Hololive! | |
09/15 08:46:50 | $1.00 | ¥110 | Dennis Wu | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/15 08:46:51 | CZK100.00 | ¥512 | walkinghero | you sure have some mental fortitude |
09/15 08:46:51 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Foxxy Loveshakes | #SANABELIEVER | |
09/15 08:50:37 | $1.11 | ¥122 | Taimi Hime | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/15 08:54:38 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Elizabeth V | Sana, currently in a 3 hour queue - Your Celeste gameplay will get me through this wait |
09/15 08:56:12 | CA$10.00 | ¥870 | カナダより中野まあく | ||
09/15 08:58:18 | £25.00 | ¥3816 | Steadfast | Just finished work and was looking for a Hololive stream to watch and chill, only to find the hype of you still going with Celeste, keep it up Sana!! | |
09/15 08:58:40 | CA$5.00 | ¥435 | C Chee | Have a bloody good time |
09/15 08:59:50 | $5.00 | ¥550 | StreyX | We're with you Sana, we knead to see you finish this. | |
09/15 08:59:52 | $4.99 | ¥548 | Lawst Mawg | You got this Sana! | |
09/15 09:00:39 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Molly | Sana reaching the peak is exciting too. I'd rather catch the collaboration VOD and be here for this | |
09/15 09:00:52 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Anya Carlson | You got this, Sana!! #SanaBeliever P.S. our favorite tea website just launched a bunch of new oolong teas/chestnut teas | |
09/15 09:01:29 | ARS50.00 | ¥56 | Amelia's Simp | I will not leave! We started this together we will finish it together! #SanaBeliever | |
09/15 09:02:34 | $5.00 | ¥550 | ChibiKeaton | To the moon, Sana! we believe! | |
09/15 09:05:01 | MX$50.00 | ¥276 | セぺダエリック | You got this, Sana! Keep going , you are so close also you are really good playing videogames | |
09/15 09:09:27 | CA$10.00 | ¥870 | steeledminer616 | I just wanna say; I love that you do long streams since I can trust that I'll catch it at some point. Keep it up BEEG Girl! |
09/15 09:11:16 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Mista' Kleen' | S a n a m a m a |
09/15 09:13:34 | A$10.00 | ¥807 | Yukiko Suzugawa | I've got a mid-sem and speech today for Uni, and watching you definitely is calming my nerves! Thanks for always bringing a BEEEG smile to our faces! Wish me luck ahaha | |
09/15 09:14:22 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Ernie | You are BEEG METAL Sana. Love you!!! | |
09/15 09:15:04 | PHP125.00 | ¥275 | Shan Shan | You can do it Sana! |
09/15 09:23:30 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Pancake Paradox | What if the REAL mountain is the friends we made along the way? | |
09/15 09:23:31 | €4.99 | ¥648 | Osmo 454 | Can you be me mum? | |
09/15 09:32:54 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Luminous721 | Can I get a 21 from the Sana herself? | |
09/15 09:34:33 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Miguel Dominguez | after this, you'll either have a new found love for strawberries or never want to see them again | |
09/15 09:34:48 | £4.49 | ¥685 | Emil | Sana, do you know what’s funnier than 24? | |
09/15 09:44:21 | $2.00 | ¥220 | Mathtron 5000 | Remember Madeline says Trans Rights! | |
09/15 09:45:55 | PLN10.00 | ¥285 | Nikodem Ossowski | Five! | |
09/15 09:46:13 | A$2.99 | ¥241 | Piiton | Final 5 lets goooo Sana!! | |
09/15 09:46:26 | PLN10.00 | ¥285 | Nikodem Ossowski | Four! | |
09/15 09:48:45 | PLN10.00 | ¥285 | Nikodem Ossowski | Three! | |
09/15 09:49:00 | £2.00 | ¥305 | Martynas Janarauskas | 3! | |
09/15 09:50:59 | PLN10.00 | ¥285 | Nikodem Ossowski | Two! | |
09/15 09:53:15 | PLN10.00 | ¥285 | Nikodem Ossowski | One! | |
09/15 09:53:39 | $20.00 | ¥2200 | Brosepherous | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/15 09:53:40 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Smashy | TOUCHDOWN | |
09/15 09:53:43 | PLN25.00 | ¥713 | Nikodem Ossowski | And done! Congrats! | |
09/15 09:53:45 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Kelson Ball | ZERO | |
09/15 09:53:45 | $4.99 | ¥548 | Defend | 0!!!! Congratulations Sananana!! |
09/15 09:53:49 | CA$20.00 | ¥1740 | GLC H | Blast off! There no limiter to what Sana can do! Er wait... Honestly, it was inspiring to see your persistence and excitement for Celeste, on top of your clever planning and beeg skills. Congrats on the summit climb Sana! | |
09/15 09:53:52 | SGD5.00 | ¥409 | Lin(林) | ||
09/15 09:54:01 | $30.00 | ¥3300 | Moondog | Congrats on getting to the top of the mountain Sana! I'm excited to eat the jam! | |
09/15 09:54:01 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Baku Haku | Congratulations, Sana! now go do the B-sides. | |
09/15 09:54:03 | $50.00 | ¥5500 | DayLightKnight | Congrats on summiting Mt. Celeste Sana! Can't wait to have some of your strawberry jam! | |
09/15 09:54:07 | $5.00 | ¥550 | cowboy_arnold | LETS GOOOO JAM FOR ALL THE SANELLITES! | |
09/15 09:54:09 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Horasu | B sides, C sides, and the other 2 chapters now? |
09/15 09:54:18 | £0.99 | ¥151 | Emil | ||
09/15 09:54:18 | CA$100.00 | ¥8703 | Luke Wilkans | You did it Sana! Congrats! While I may not always be able to catch your streams live this journey to the Mountaintop has been a blast! Thank you for the wonderful journey and the delicious strawberry jam! #SanaBeliever | |
09/15 09:54:19 | $99.99 | ¥10999 | And Viewers Like You | CONGRATULATIONS! Time to enjoy some jam with the sanallites~ | |
09/15 09:54:19 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Eff TeeEye | My first Hololive Superchat! Thank you for playing my favorite game on stream! It's been a blast climbing a mountain and collecting strawberries with you! | |
09/15 09:54:28 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | SimplySenku | OMEDETOU!!! | |
09/15 09:54:29 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | Liang | Congratulations!! |
09/15 09:54:29 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Carlos G | ||
09/15 09:54:30 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | ASpider | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/15 09:54:31 | $5.00 | ¥550 | kuri | Good job Sana! You played way better than me. It was so fun to watch!!! | |
09/15 09:54:33 | €2.00 | ¥260 | marconehuen | Congrats Sana! | |
09/15 09:54:34 | $20.00 | ¥2200 | Molly | Congratulations on reaching the top Sana!! I don't often catch your streams live, so I feel incredibly lucky being here for this well earned moment. Your persistence and positive attitude amazed me. Congrats Space Mommy!!! | |
09/15 09:54:42 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | ichbinism | ||
09/15 09:54:43 | $50.00 | ¥5500 | not_Lu | Top of da world Ma! | |
09/15 09:54:44 | $123.00 | ¥13531 | C Jett | One dollar for every strawberry you were able to grab for us on your way up to mountain, thanks a lot! | |
09/15 09:54:45 | PHP500.00 | ¥1103 | じゃん | Congratulations! | |
09/15 09:54:48 | $20.00 | ¥2200 | Bones Malone | Congrats Sana!! I'm ready for my Strawberry jam sandwich!! | |
09/15 09:54:48 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Sci サイ | Grats Sana! |
09/15 09:54:49 | $5.00 | ¥550 | BitBlaster | ||
09/15 09:54:50 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Fimbulwinter | Congrats on the victory! This has been a lot of fun to watch, thanks! | |
09/15 09:54:54 | PHP500.00 | ¥1103 | Naa Mu | GG Sanana na nananana na! | |
09/15 09:54:55 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | omisfly | I BELIEVED, OMEDETOU SANA |
09/15 09:54:58 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Miguel Dominguez | YOU DID IT!! |
09/15 09:54:58 | ARS1,000.00 | ¥1120 | Bread O' Life | THANK YOU FOR TEACHING US HOW TO COUNT | |
09/15 09:54:59 | $5.00 | ¥550 | mistfist | Congrats on climbing the mountain for the first time! I love this game, and hope you enjoyed the climb. | |
09/15 09:55:00 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Mathtron 5000 | GG'S!!! Now speedruns when?? We are always looking for new runners of this game and its a very satisfying speedrun to nail down. | |
09/15 09:55:18 | CA$2.00 | ¥174 | Andrew | ||
09/15 09:55:24 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Majin D | Sana's gamer skills are out of this world~! congrats~! | |
09/15 09:55:39 | R$5.00 | ¥105 | 部洲居 | ||
09/15 09:55:51 | $2.00 | ¥220 | 橘吉良 | I hike and I agree, reaching the top is great. | |
09/15 09:56:15 | MX$50.00 | ¥276 | セぺダエリック | YOU DID IT SANA! CONGRATS |
09/15 09:56:15 | $19.99 | ¥2199 | Karona | Amazing as always, congratulations on making it to the top. Has a certain shark nibbled on your forbidden gummy worm yet? | |
09/15 09:56:35 | $20.00 | ¥2200 | KenseiMuyo | Truly a hard fought victory, congrats Sana |
09/15 09:57:01 | $20.00 | ¥2200 | NoBody Green | ||
09/15 09:57:05 | $5.00 | ¥550 | WolfScythe7 | We will always believe in you Sana |
09/15 09:57:11 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | R-Yong | You did it, great job , beautiful BEEEG SANA, Congratulations |
09/15 09:57:43 | $50.00 | ¥5500 | Stephen N. Parker | CONGRATS!!!! | |
09/15 09:57:52 | MX$20.00 | ¥110 | Luna | #SanaBeliver | |
09/15 09:58:09 | €5.00 | ¥650 | BlaZé | Congratz on beating Celeste! You'll need more Hearts for those, but do you plan on tackling Chp8... and maybe even Chp9? Regardless, keep doing you! | |
09/15 09:58:15 | €5.00 | ¥650 | Pundee | ||
09/15 09:58:38 | $123.00 | ¥13531 | Taimi Hime | GG Sananana! Now let's make that jam for the bread! |
09/15 09:58:54 | ₹100.00 | ¥149 | nine dots | ||
09/15 09:58:57 | CA$2.00 | ¥174 | BINGO Chan | ||
09/15 09:59:09 | $9.99 | ¥1099 | Bryce Bees KFP Bee Sanallite B33 | You did it!!!! HAZAH it was a very fun journey #SanaBeliever | |
09/15 09:59:13 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Tombe44 | Congrats Sana on the BEEG victory! | |
09/15 09:59:18 | CA$5.00 | ¥435 | ClumsyHero クラムジー・ヒーロー | ||
09/15 09:59:43 | ARS100.00 | ¥112 | Red Lan | ||
09/15 10:00:56 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Eric | ||
09/15 10:01:14 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Mike Weber | Just recently started climbing a mountain of my own, cleaning up a lot of building life problems. Maybe sounds kinda dumb but being here for the end is just what I needed today. Thank you, Sana. | |
09/15 10:01:58 | MYR15.00 | ¥399 | CryBaby_bible-thump | Congrats Sana you always impress me with the spirit of never give up.#SanaBeliever | |
09/15 10:02:29 | ARS50.00 | ¥56 | Amelia's Simp | Congrats Sana! We knew you could do it! You are amazing! | |
09/15 10:02:47 | PHP125.00 | ¥275 | atsuidesune | Congrats on reaching that beautiful flag! And thank you for the Strawberry jam pie!! | |
09/15 10:03:12 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | ship | Congrats on the clear! | |
09/15 10:03:48 | PHP250.00 | ¥551 | じゃん | So... if you take your size limiter off while holding a jar of jam does it get bigger too? We could be eating jam for centuries! |
09/15 10:05:17 | A$20.00 | ¥1615 | End3rW1z | Good job completing the game! And just in time for a special fanart I just completed on Twitter. Now to go buy more hand SANAtizers! Please don't push yourself to stream after the vaccine shot. Your health is top priority. | |
09/15 10:05:43 | $5.00 | ¥550 | StreyX | We're all over the moon that you've finished the game. | |
09/15 10:05:48 | $30.75 | ¥3382 | Bread For Battle | A quarter for every jar of strawberry jam, must invest! |
09/15 10:06:11 | £4.49 | ¥685 | iylia | Goodnight sana |
09/15 10:06:30 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | RollStep | You are really great Sana. Never surrender |
09/15 10:07:07 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Koriar | This game is very dear to me, and you did an amazing job with it, just like I knew you could. Thank you for helping to introduce it to new people! | |
09/15 10:08:13 | CA$2.00 | ¥174 | Christian Beritan [C.F.A.A] 🧀🌿 | Badeline is hot not gonna lie |
09/15 10:11:38 | $20.00 | ¥2200 | memory card | Corn and now strawberries? Congratulations! |
09/15 10:12:41 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Dennis Wu | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/15 10:13:43 | $9.99 | ¥1099 | RJ | Good stuff queen, so happy you made it to the summit and even happier I was there to see it myself. | |
09/15 10:14:21 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Firestorm672 | Amazing play though and thank you for always being a joy to watch! | |
09/15 10:22:47 | €5.00 | ¥650 | Johan | Hi Sana, thank you for the jam! Have you payed Kerbal Space Program before? I think you'd really like it. Cheers |
09/15 10:23:44 | $20.00 | ¥2200 | Shokatshin | Congratulations on completing Celeste. | |
09/15 10:23:53 | $49.99 | ¥5499 | Super Eurobeat | Thanks for the dope stream! |
09/15 10:24:00 | PHP50.00 | ¥110 | Kuro Neko | which is more denser you or a black hole??? | |
09/15 10:25:56 | MX$100.00 | ¥552 | Crystal GS | Thank you SO much for the stream, it made my shift way easier lol | |
09/15 10:27:04 | A$10.00 | ¥807 | マツダ | Congrats Sana! おつかれさまです! | |
09/15 10:27:35 | €4.99 | ¥648 | Osmo 454 | I love you Sana! Crush me! |
09/15 10:28:23 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | TheDAWinz | Hey Sana, do you know about the Star E10? | |
09/15 10:29:19 | PHP500.00 | ¥1103 | ArcaneMundane | Hi Sana! This is my first super chat ever, just wanted to say you've been doing a great job the past month! Keep it up! | |
09/15 10:30:59 | €1.99 | ¥258 | Osmo 454 | Does your size limiter work also as a toaster? | |
09/15 10:31:34 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | Christiangcar73 | Love the streams, always stay positive and gratz | |
09/15 10:33:43 | €4.99 | ¥648 | Osmo 454 | What is the current and resistance of your size limiter? What voltage you use? | |
09/15 10:34:54 | $20.00 | ¥2200 | Generic Guy | oh wow I have quite the video to watch since I slept over it all :,) congrats on reaching the top Sana! Looking forward to every next stream, and especially the 3-stream day coming up and eventual membership. BEEG Sana love! | |
09/15 10:36:13 | €1.99 | ¥258 | Osmo 454 | LOVE YOU SANA YOU ARE THE BEST! |
09/15 10:36:17 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Mista' Kleen' | Sana-lite' Pre Order |
09/15 10:49:16 | PHP250.00 | ¥551 | Wheee Terry | SANAAAA!!!! thanks again for the great stream!! you're always a great companion while I'm working, and you never fail to make my day better :'))) looking forward to more sana streams !!! we love youuu | |
09/15 10:50:19 | $10.00 | ¥1100 | TheDAWinz | humans are bigger to the size of the universe, than they are to the plank scale and fundamental particles. Pretty amazing to think about, almost as amazing as being a sanallite, but not quite! | |
09/15 10:50:48 | CA$2.00 | ¥174 | カナダより中野まあく |