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配信名:【Cult Of The Lamb】You Mean "Phoenix"! Become As God... #kfp #キアライブ
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD   39     612.96   83,967円
 WON  KRW    8     237000   24,287円
 EUR  EUR    3      60.00    8,264円
  A$  AUD    9      75.00    7,068円
 NT$  TWD    1    1500.00    6,827円
 MX$  MXN    4     590.00    4,003円
 CA$  CAD    3      18.99    2,003円
 HK$  HKD    1     100.00    1,746円
 NOK  NOK    2     110.00    1,538円
 YEN  YEN    3       1000    1,000円
 SGD  SGD    2      10.00      985円
 PEN  PEN    1      10.00      357円
 COP  COP    1   10000.00      311円
---- ---- ----       ----  142,356円

No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 08/19
HK$100.00   Sky - KFP Helicopter [K0569] Viva La Kiara! Viva La Kiara! Viva La Kiara!
2 08/19
$99.99   Your Boy Stephen Adams / ようr ぼy sてpへん あだms Kikkeriki, Boss! I know you’re excited for HoloMyth’s 2nd anniversary coming next month. And it’s in the same month when my birthday was in… I would like to say, thank you for your fun times and having me around. Keep up the good work! I love you all!
6 08/20
$49.99   Tython KFP Legal Eagle Man…admitting to what we actually are kinda lowers my workload by 80%. But at least now we can wear these comfy robes out in public! Ok, so the robe is just a hybrid of the Burbday blanket and apron but this thing is comfy AF and I look fabulous!
7 08/20
$5.00   Pyra ホムラ - The Revanite KFP is not a cult. Because. A: No Chicken Cultist Skin. B: ... #WOKE #WOKE ... VIVA LA KIARA!
8 08/20
$50.00   Brendan - KFP M32 Rotary Grenade Launcher I'm back from my Scotland trip. My terrible luck with flying continues when I had a tooth shatter on the 10 hour plane there, and the less you know about that the better. I visited a lot of museums, tours; and it was fun trying all the Euro food like
9 08/20
CA$2.00   Jkhmonkey KFP Pentium II CPU we are now officially a cult. VIVA LA KIARA
10 08/20
$50.00   Brendan - KFP M32 Rotary Grenade Launcher haggis, schnitzel, fish and chips. But I am happy to be home again and able to watch streams. Also, TSA frowns on trying to bring a grenade launcher across borders so they took that.
11 08/20
$5.00   BlackFriction Welcome back my lovely bird oshi!
12 08/20
A$5.00   G D -KFP Emp Rec Mngr Viva La Kiara.. Glory to KFP.. we are not a Cult (?)
13 08/20
$5.00   Jim Tracy #WOKE #YOLK #MaybeACult
15 08/20
$10.00   Daniel Reber - KFP Head of Cult Denial Kiara, as your Head of Cult Denial I beg of you, please don't do anything TOO crazy today. I am preparing statements for whatever happens, but that can only go so far #WOKE#YOLK#NotACult
16 08/20
SGD5.00   Okuno Mike [#509] - KFP Engineering Supervisor #notnotacult
20 00:01:57 ₩50,000   이바레 (ibarrae) 4 birds in the opening Bremen TORI are so cute.
23 00:02:51 ¥500   kazu カズ (無言スパチャ)
24 00:03:01 $5.00   Jacob 47 Alt lovely intro
27 00:03:22 ₩65,000   Watame - Owl Pal Salt Dispenser #681 just do #woke #yolk like me! only one true love kiara. KFP is good cult for you! 세계 최고의 프라이드 치킨, 키아라! (world best idol, Kiara!)
28 00:03:28 $5.00   Darth Asuran - KFP Sith Lord if she can make one cult... why not a 2nd?
36 00:04:35 $5.00   MyselfAgain #KFP #Notacult #yet
39 00:05:03 $2.00   Darth Asuran - KFP Sith Lord cult of the chicken
42 00:06:39 ₩10,000   히즈미-ヒズミ 호떡 always good
53 00:16:14 $50.00   Genwyn With how you dealt with Tunic, you're going to murder this game. I loved playing it and even went through multiple times. All hail Kiwawa!
54 00:16:24 $50.00   Squiggly Mustache FIERY CHICKEN BOSS, I've come to bargain. You dress up as Mama Ina for a stream and I'll forget kfp's ultimate secrets.... actually I don't think you have the "cake" for that...... I shall return with new negotiations.
57 00:18:40 $10.00   MisterVeeg a small offering
59 00:24:12 A$50.00   UNKNOWN Pray to the one and only true God, Takanashi Kiara. VIVA LA KIARA! GLORY TO KFP! #WOKE #YOLK FOREVER! We are definitely not a cult...
64 00:25:29 SGD5.00   Okuno Mike [#509] - KFP Engineering Supervisor Why does this game give me the Déjà vu
70 00:31:45 NOK55.00   TheGamerCreed Join the cult and get a complimentary T-shirt, what a deal
71 00:32:09 $50.00   Squiggly Mustache FIERY CHICKEN BOSS, I've come to re-negotiate. You help me squeeze Mama Ina's squishy hair, and I'll forget KFP'S ultimate secret. add I bonus, I'll TRY to behave. hm, hm... that sound more reasonable than you cosplay with the bar set too high.
73 00:34:53 ₩50,000   이바레 (ibarrae) I have a bad cold and I have a lot of fever. After taking the medicine, I feel very sleepy. I wanted to watch the stream as much as possible, but if I don't sleep now, I'm going to bed first because my condition is going to collapse.
74 00:35:03 ₩20,000   이바레 (ibarrae) I hope Tenchou also enjoys the stream. On behalf of me, KFPs, please watch hard. I'll watch the RE:Stream tomorrow
75 00:37:13 A$2.00   G D -KFP Emp Rec Mngr KIARA.. BEST BOSS EVER
76 00:37:56 $20.00   EvansL For helping resolve the whole Popcon Meet n Greet situation
80 00:46:16 ₩20,000   DC Park Hi, tencho.I glad to hear that you had a good time in Korea.also, I heard you'll appear at Seoul popcon.I want to meet you at popcon, but I have to attend chemistry conference that day. Instead, I leave this super chat
83 00:58:22 ₩10,000   pariah the chimkin nugget remember, Kiara Fry Piggies
85 01:03:04 $10.00   mistfist Praise Be To Kiara I got super addicted to it when it came out and I'm sooooo happy you're enjoying this game! The perfect amount of scary and cute for you!
86 01:03:11 $5.00   BlackFriction Paying my tithe to the Church of the Wawa Bless us Kiara. Blood for the Chicken God!
88 01:03:25 CA$10.00   Yuria of Londor KIWAWA CUTE
91 01:03:54 $5.00   BlackFriction CHICKEN BONES FOR THE CHICKEN THRONE
92 01:05:35 $5.00   boohoo723 but wait i joined KFP because you kept on insisting it was not a cult. am i in danger
95 01:17:22 $20.00   Moondog Here's my cult fees - uhhh I mean my employment fee. #NotACult
97 01:22:52 ¥250   Hai-Helfer鮫之丞{キアラ大好き侍} くしゃみ助かる
98 01:22:54 $5.00   Trevor G - ShadOwl of KFP Gesundheit!
99 01:22:56 A$2.00   G D -KFP Emp Rec Mngr Gesundheit
100 01:22:59 $5.00   Etho Bless
101 01:23:01 A$5.00   WanWanAwoo Bless
102 01:23:11 A$2.00   PatC - KFP Barista Bless you my idol/god Kiwawa
103 01:43:50 $4.99   Your Boy Stephen Adams / ようr ぼy sてpへん あだms That reminds me of a YouTube video called, “Hazbin Hotel” if you’ve heard about it…
105 01:50:03 $5.00   過ちKen you've been enjoying a lot of games lately and I've been enjoying watching you enjoy them. this and tunic have been great!
107 01:56:45 $5.00   BlackFriction THE FATHER THE SON AND THE HOLY WAWA
108 01:56:49 COP10,000.00   Mithin I shall show my devotion to the god Kiwawa
110 02:02:19 MX$50.00   Frostare Fast food and soul food? I'm sold!
111 02:03:00 €50.00   Raigana 10/10, would worship again
113 02:07:42 $10.00   U:R? KFP is the best cult...
114 02:08:45 PEN10.00   DAKUMA Kiwawaaa I'm so happy you are liking this game, I've been waiting for it to come out for a while, its so creepy and adorableI love it. I have to go to class but I'll check the rest od the VOD later
115 02:10:18 CA$6.99   Nero Blitz They are starving!Feed them!
116 02:10:52 MX$20.00   Frostare Feed your flock!
118 02:20:29 NT$1,500.00   AL-Gin老琴 have a nice day thank you.
122 02:31:31 MX$20.00   Frostare That's what happens to KFP competition
125 02:35:17 MX$500.00   Luis Angeles [Takomander] Mr Squig ahem I mean Agent Cookie, good job on your infiltration into the chickens den, soon we will get their recipts and get a full control over the whole chain of fast food supply, just remember the secret code Ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli
127 02:45:32 $2.00   Jerorawr XD - KFP Sous Chef (#937) (At least I'm safe inside my mind.)
128 02:45:49 $5.00   BlackFriction You live rent free in my head 24/7
135 03:41:02 $19.99   bediahvandougaljones Can you pray for an easy and quick time rescuing my merch from the post office Tenchou?
136 03:49:42 NOK55.00   TheGamerCreed Yet another excellent choice of game Kiara, I’ll definitely make sure to pick it up and play it myself
137 03:50:01 €5.00   DaGreatRV0 SUPACHATTO TAIMU
138 03:50:49 $5.00   Salubrious Beets I don't have to include cult taxes with my wages now too, do I? Cute game!
141 04:02:43 ¥250   Hai-Helfer鮫之丞{キアラ大好き侍} くしゃみ助かる
142 04:02:48 A$5.00   WanWanAwoo sneeze x2
143 04:02:50 $5.00   Etho Bless x2
144 04:02:58 $2.00   Brendan - KFP M32 Rotary Grenade Launcher Blessed Be Kiwawa
145 04:03:02 $5.00   Trevor G - ShadOwl of KFP Gesundheit
146 04:03:11 A$2.00   G D -KFP Emp Rec Mngr gesundheit x 2
147 04:08:16 A$2.00   G D -KFP Emp Rec Mngr Unknown had one just recently
148 04:10:29 $5.00   Naweed Ahmedi I'm doing data entry at work right now and just entered a guy's name as Baskin because of that ice cream tangent yabe
149 04:14:17 ₩12,000   安兌洙 How was your trip tenchou? Last time I asked places to visit in Austria a month ago, and I'm back from that trip! It was such a peaceful place! I hope you had a great time in Korea! 앞으로도 좋은 방송 부탁드립니다!
156 04:56:25 €5.00   SpaceWaterfall KFP I'm so sorry for missing so many streams and being gone in the last 2,5 months, was just so busy with uni in the week and work on weekends
157 04:58:55 $5.00   LookingForTheTop I'm curious but have you seen Fauna's desserts tier list? does she have a correct opinion or do we start serving saplings in the KFP menu?
160 05:04:53 $5.00   Naweed Ahmedi O Great Fashionista Phoenix/Kult Leader, what are your thoughts on the swimsuit designs Calli designed for you, Ame and herself?
164 05:17:20 $2.00   Cruz Thank you!