時間 | 金額 元表示 | 円建て | 色 | チャンネル名 | チャット |
09/10 19:42:17 | ₱25.00 | ¥54 | Happy Birthday Manu! | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/10 20:01:32 | A$5.00 | ¥405 | Piiton | Island Survival lets goooo! | |
09/10 20:03:04 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Darkcloud | Good Morning Sana, i stayed up all night excited for your stream have a wonderful day today. | |
09/10 20:04:14 | A$10.00 | ¥811 | Pixy Misa | ||
09/10 20:04:36 | NOK50.00 | ¥631 | matin | hi sana!!! its my girlfriends birthday today!! her name is Ana, and id be super happy if u could wish her a happy birthday!! | |
09/10 20:04:38 | €5.00 | ¥650 | Bajingaa | well thank you. i think you look pretty bread as well |
09/10 20:04:59 | PHP125.00 | ¥274 | Gn Pandur | bread battle royale let's goooo | |
09/10 20:05:02 | $9.99 | ¥1097 | Alessandro Coelho | Hey Sana! Thank you very much for the stream today! I was wondering… could you say “how many breads have you eaten in your life?” for us? Much love from one of your Sanalites! | |
09/10 20:05:33 | $5.00 | ¥549 | LC_Lapen | If I'm a bread who makes bad jokes, I guess that makes me... PUNpernickle |
09/10 20:05:38 | CA$123.45 | ¥10697 | Joel Z | It's 4 AM and I can't sleep so I'm here and there's nowhere else I'd rather be! |
09/10 20:06:01 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | IDKBacon 53 | Good morning Sana. Just woke up for work, so I won't be able to watch the whole thing, but I hope you have a good stream. | |
09/10 20:06:06 | RUB200.00 | ¥300 | Kaya | Sana has big heart, big brain and big..... | |
09/10 20:07:00 | NT$15.00 | ¥59 | Eternal DIVE PART II | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/10 20:07:11 | RSD250 | ¥276 | Julia | everytime your stream starts my day becomes even breadder! love your original ideas, keep going! x | |
09/10 20:08:04 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | AwesomeRaptor21 | Hey Sana! It is 4am here, don't worry I'm up at this time anyway. I don't see your streams live very often but I am here to show my support. Sagittarius crew!! | |
09/10 20:09:10 | $9.99 | ¥1097 | Alessandro Coelho | Hey Sana! Thank you for the awesome stream today! I was wondering… could you say “how many breads have you eaten in your life?” for us? Much love from a Sanalite! |
09/10 20:09:51 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | PillarNexus the Ancient Gladiator | Love your spirit and creativity. Thanks for joining hololive. | |
09/10 20:10:37 | A$10.00 | ¥811 | Alex | Eat Yatagarasu | |
09/10 20:10:41 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | ASpider | This island sounds nice, can I just stay here? | |
09/10 20:10:45 | €5.00 | ¥650 | Ryūko【竜子】 | I really like looking the stars because they are pretty and mysterious . But I saw something more beautiful and it is Sana. My love for you is BEEG |
09/10 20:12:58 | A$5.00 | ¥405 | MrJoeVex | Yah sure it's not called the dunny island Sana? | |
09/10 20:13:24 | €2.00 | ¥260 | Asverd | I'd like a plane ticket to TP island please | |
09/10 20:16:07 | $2.00 | ¥219 | LC_Lapen | "Never tell me the odds!" -Sana Solo | |
09/10 20:23:36 | A$10.00 | ¥811 | Piiton | Thank you Yatagarasu for this Beach Villa Tent | |
09/10 20:25:35 | A$5.00 | ¥405 | Piiton | You'll survive if you pay A-tent-tion | |
09/10 20:26:08 | MX$100.00 | ¥552 | PenguinSebs | YEEES MORE HOROSCOPESSS!!! | |
09/10 20:26:24 | CA$5.00 | ¥433 | Altair X | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/10 20:27:04 | $5.00 | ¥549 | LC_Lapen | Leo here: thanks for the Flare Gun! Now I just need Noel bullets and a Marine holster. | |
09/10 20:27:51 | $5.00 | ¥549 | IDKBacon 53 | I saw a YouTube video of someone shooting 12 gauge shotgun shells from a flare gun. It's a weapon. | |
09/10 20:31:42 | $4.99 | ¥548 | KIRAX | Virgo playing on easy mode | |
09/10 20:35:01 | NT$30.00 | ¥119 | バガノノ バセバセ 巴嘎NONO 巴西巴西 | ||
09/10 20:35:01 | R$5.00 | ¥103 | Sir. Cavalcante 🌿 | Photo STONKS | |
09/10 20:35:45 | PHP125.00 | ¥274 | Williwaw | Libra gang here. I'll use the camera to document my descent into insanity and leave cryptic photos for the next survivor. | |
09/10 20:36:13 | $4.99 | ¥548 | Jeff Star | ||
09/10 20:37:45 | A$5.00 | ¥405 | Rickbane | LIKE A CHAINSAW, A WEATHER HACKING CHAINSAW | |
09/10 20:38:03 | PHP125.00 | ¥274 | ETKun - KFP Time Enjoyer | As a scorpio, I will make a whole mansion out of the trees and toilet paper | |
09/10 20:38:12 | $4.99 | ¥548 | KIRAX | The chainsaw is good until you need to charge it | |
09/10 20:38:55 | €5.00 | ¥650 | Bajingaa | Scorpio Gang WILL survive |
09/10 20:39:06 | NZ$8.99 | ¥702 | Dormant Lizard | I like to chopped woods for fire wood!!! Though I don’t really want to anger Fauna. | |
09/10 20:39:16 | CA$5.00 | ¥433 | CashewZero | Okay Leo's new plan, we shoot the Scorpios- then use their Chainsaw to steal the survival kit from the Virgos | |
09/10 20:39:42 | A$5.00 | ¥405 | 🪐 Albedo JFP 🪐 | YOOOOOOO I always wanted to be a chainsaw but my mum said it wasn't possible. Glad I was able to finally prove her wrong! | |
09/10 20:40:17 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Jello-mancy | ||
09/10 20:43:36 | €5.00 | ¥650 | Nauris | I'm a Capricorn that would just decide to swim through the swarm infested waters with the knowledge that they actually rarely attack humans. | |
09/10 20:45:54 | €2.00 | ¥260 | Silias | I heard Super Chats are free now! | |
09/10 20:46:45 | $5.00 | ¥549 | VanguardCommander | morning | |
09/10 20:46:47 | A$5.00 | ¥405 | Piiton | You can watch Hololive on your Coconut Computer | |
09/10 20:47:18 | $5.00 | ¥549 | MrBones | 10% Chance to survive, 100% Chance to party in the inflatable duck boat |
09/10 20:47:23 | CA$5.00 | ¥433 | Altair X | Reject humanity become coconut | |
09/10 20:47:53 | A$5.00 | ¥405 | Aleph Bet | I'm watching this stream on my coconut computer right now. | |
09/10 20:48:16 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Nimu90 | yes i get to slep | |
09/10 20:49:33 | $20.00 | ¥2197 | Yuushin | cosmic gummy worm just literally threw the book at me >< | |
09/10 20:49:41 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | DarthMarth | I love your positivity and your streams (esp. Celeste). I'm getting a new telescope! What aperture size is best for viewing you? (Respectfully of course!) Where in the sky should I look? See you soon! | |
09/10 20:53:55 | $5.00 | ¥549 | LC_Lapen | Thank you for the fun Stream Sana! Learned a lot about the Sign's characteristics by associating how hax and busted they were! | |
09/10 20:55:47 | ₱500.00 | ¥1099 | azure_blade | SSR odds at surviving but has a good time? Now that's the life! |
09/10 20:55:53 | MX$100.00 | ¥552 | PenguinSebs | hope scorpio is stravinsky | |
09/10 20:56:10 | $5.00 | ¥549 | AwesomeRaptor21 | As a Sagittarius, you may have given me a low survival rating, but at the very least I look good. |
09/10 20:56:34 | NOK20.00 | ¥252 | NuDimon | Only Public Domain performances are safe | |
09/10 20:56:47 | A$10.00 | ¥811 | End3rW1z | I bet your favorite classical music is Moonlight Sana-ta!! | |
09/10 20:57:02 | $2.00 | ¥219 | CrystallizedBoo | Gemini should be 100% since 50% + 50% is 100% | |
09/10 20:57:21 | $100.00 | ¥10989 | Manny O | Love your personality, design, and streams Sana. Keep up the great work. | |
09/10 20:57:34 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Rago | So, if Cancer survives, builds a country, and Scorpio becomes Chainsaw Man, nice... btw, can I bring Wilson with me? | |
09/10 20:57:39 | NZ$8.99 | ¥702 | Dormant Lizard | Please don’t tell Fauna about the trees I cut down please! | |
09/10 20:58:15 | $4.99 | ¥548 | vspence2 | As a Pisces, I hate that you’re right but yah,,, you’re right ;A; | |
09/10 20:59:00 | SEK100.00 | ¥1275 | Spiffelight | Bread puns never go stale |
09/10 20:59:41 | NT$150.00 | ¥595 | YOHCHI | Sana thank you for the project, it was really interesting! | |
09/10 20:59:47 | A$2.00 | ¥162 | dddarkwing | Gemini will distract Shork with feet, and escape | |
09/10 21:00:07 | SEK50.00 | ¥637 | martin stingers | Aquarius here, my creativity won't save me from sharks you know, I can't just think my way out of a jaw | |
09/10 21:00:18 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Injury To Insult | Thank you for these wonderful Holoscope streams. They're super fun and give me a vastly different perspective than my preconceived notions. | |
09/10 21:00:50 | $5.00 | ¥549 | mistfist | As an Artisan Bread, it's good to know I won't be on my island loafing around | |
09/10 21:01:14 | A$2.99 | ¥242 | cynicalAlchemist | ||
09/10 21:02:04 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | ユタ | sana-chan very cute! | |
09/10 21:02:17 | PHP50.00 | ¥109 | モンテアレグレアイリャン パウル | as a libra,I'm sure to lose that 25% survival rate | |
09/10 21:03:16 | A$50.00 | ¥4055 | Travocado | Since I've only got a 10% chance to survive, I'm sending you my lifes savings just in case | |
09/10 21:03:20 | ARS20.00 | ¥22 | LagGer卡哥 | Scorpio |
09/10 21:05:01 | MYR15.00 | ¥15 | AnzioMozie | Finally caught your livestream, love your personality and streams, keep it up! | |
09/10 21:05:13 | HK$25.00 | ¥353 | Thanaphon B. | I love all of your streams, but Holoscope is indeed my favorite. Your next topic is interesting af. Keep it up, Sana! | |
09/10 21:05:18 | $20.00 | ¥2197 | Ginzaki | We aren't violent. Cause we're pan dulce. | |
09/10 21:05:48 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Leonel Contreras | At least for me, your schedules work perfectly because I watch your streams before or after work, which helps a lot to cheer me up and keep going forward |
09/10 21:05:55 | NT$75.00 | ¥297 | 熱狗香腸 | hotdog/sausage | |
09/10 21:06:53 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Christiangcar73 | Due to timing, sometimes its hard catching you live, but ill try my best to make it thank you for brightening our day | |
09/10 21:07:39 | A$5.00 | ¥405 | TheDutchman | As an AU Boi I'm glad that I have something to watch after work and don't have to wake up super early to catch streams | |
09/10 21:08:24 | $4.99 | ¥548 | axtremulus | Catching a stream live is like catching fresh baked bread out of the oven |
09/10 21:09:27 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Chinook Guy | Sorry I am late my queen. I send all of my love from an American Cancer. | |
09/10 21:10:29 | €5.00 | ¥650 | Zat | I got an email the other day telling me how to read maps backwards. Turns out it was just spam. | |
09/10 21:12:46 | MYR6.00 | ¥6 | Hisyam970302 | We Pisces may b dead but our |
09/10 21:15:17 | $50.00 | ¥5494 | Uncle Sloppy | Sana, what is your opinion on No Man's Sky? | |
09/10 21:15:36 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Furluge | You carry a survival kit on you every day just so Yadegrasu can make you trade it for a compass. Feels bad man. | |
09/10 21:15:49 | NT$150.00 | ¥595 | Wolfychan | Sana so cute! We love you |
09/10 21:16:27 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Ice White - CFAA | Sennding medkits to all the sign~ |
09/10 21:18:02 | £5.00 | ¥759 | Evildeadfan102 | Sana, your an amazing streamer and I'm really enjoying watching your streams back. I'm currently watching Celeste and its making me want to play it. | |
09/10 21:18:13 | €5.00 | ¥650 | Johan | Hi Sana, have you ever played Kerbal Space Program? If not, I give it a BEEG recommendation |
09/10 21:18:16 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Blackhat0061 | ||
09/10 21:19:03 | $4.99 | ¥548 | Galatea Solare {SSRB Soratomo} | You make me think of EN Sora. Your streams are comfortable, happy places and while there doesn’t seem to be many of us yet we love you wholeheartedly. | |
09/10 21:19:22 | NT$75.00 | ¥297 | 熱狗香腸 | when is the member ship coming? can't wait to use those cute drawing | |
09/10 21:19:22 | RUB200.00 | ¥300 | Гражданин Польши市民 ポーランド | Хлеб |
09/10 21:21:38 | NOK100.00 | ¥1263 | Kethran | Another great space game is Outer Wilds. One of the best games ever made for a blind playthrough. Love your streams and the holoscopes. Thank you for the utility knife. | |
09/10 21:23:20 | $20.00 | ¥2197 | Eby_Not_A_Cult | Any plans for an all Aussie Collab when the ban is lifted? Bae and yourself vs Haachama and Kiara in any game/competition. |