トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。 |
配信名:【Elden Ring】 HOW DO I PARRY 【SPOILER WARNING】【#19】 |
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計 |
No | 時間 | 元金額 | 色 | icon | チャンネル名 | チャット |
円建て | ||||||
1 | 07/12 05:15:56 |
Sarty☆Fish | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
2 | 07/12 05:26:25 |
Joe Strong | Today is my 7th month as a Takodachi. |
3 | 07/12 05:50:12 |
name less | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
4 | 07/12 05:53:17 |
RATY | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
5 | 07/12 05:53:39 |
Frosty- | ||||
6 | 07/12 05:55:13 |
satannstuff | ||||
7 | 07/12 05:58:59 |
Silver Sky⁂ 🍠🐙 | TakoTime |
8 | 07/12 06:02:05 |
河豚乾 | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
9 | 07/12 06:02:25 |
SUSkage [Sickage-Traitor of Ouro Kronii] | oh hello again | |||
10 | 07/12 06:02:44 |
Poleece Man | ||||
11 | 07/12 06:03:04 |
カガミツキ | ||||
12 | 07/12 06:03:05 |
Royalty | ||||
13 | 07/12 06:03:09 |
Haman [Chumbuddie Master Fry Cook] | it’s Tako Time the best Time of the day |
14 | 07/12 06:03:26 |
cup noodle lover | ||||
15 | 07/12 06:03:27 |
VeeJaiii | ||||
16 | 07/12 06:03:29 |
Wah | ||||
17 | 07/12 06:03:30 |
林sid | ||||
18 | 07/12 06:03:32 |
Bradley Nguyen | ||||
19 | 07/12 06:03:35 |
Atmacs | ||||
20 | 07/12 06:03:45 |
Alex | ||||
21 | 07/12 06:03:46 |
warekosowa | GMAE | |||
22 | 07/12 06:03:57 |
Lilly S | Welcome back, Ina of the void! | |||
23 | 07/12 06:04:01 |
WOT_ISS | I want to finish elden ring, but I forget | |||
24 | 07/12 06:04:03 |
夜煞・ナイト・フューリー | ||||
25 | 07/12 06:04:10 |
JooP | ||||
26 | 07/12 06:04:14 |
TCL SYH | ||||
27 | 07/12 06:04:24 |
Opty duCiel | ||||
28 | 07/12 06:04:26 |
Alyda | ||||
29 | 07/12 06:04:36 |
Cervani | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
30 | 07/12 06:04:47 |
MercuryVision | ||||
31 | 07/12 06:05:07 |
Chocola & Vanilla | Remembering ELDEN RING, TOGETHAAAA |
32 | 07/12 06:05:22 |
Kaluguran | ||||
33 | 07/12 06:05:23 |
Taylor | ||||
34 | 07/12 06:05:36 |
satyricyst | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
35 | 07/12 06:06:57 |
rku 3 | wah | |||
36 | 07/12 06:07:26 |
Snek | Inya and Elden Ring TOGETHAAAA again |
37 | 07/12 06:07:47 |
Meiん | Welcome back to the Lands in Between, Ina! |
38 | 07/12 06:09:26 |
Lane | Behold, octopus |
39 | 07/12 06:10:31 |
WesNog🦋 | Ina and Elden Ring I can’t name a more Iconic duo! | |||
40 | 07/12 06:10:40 |
Jisui Jia | ||||
41 | 07/12 06:11:51 |
jjuo nan | ||||
42 | 07/12 06:12:09 |
cryptidbunny 🐏 | We are back, takos! | |||
43 | 07/12 06:12:14 |
Sarty☆Fish | Watched all of Shadows House over the weekend, it's so good! Thanks for the recommendation! | |||
44 | 07/12 06:14:50 |
Ethan Kretler | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
45 | 07/12 06:17:41 |
earnhrt03 | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
46 | 07/12 06:18:03 |
U4286 | long time no see,Ina's olden ring | |||
47 | 07/12 06:19:21 |
Gargoyle [#96] | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
48 | 07/12 06:20:20 |
henrycoxd | ||||
49 | 07/12 06:21:50 |
Doom Slayer Dragon | You can see the assassins if you use a Sentry Torch | |||
50 | 07/12 06:22:00 |
wanstarz Takodachi | Good morning Ina and fellow Takodachi's... |
51 | 07/12 06:22:18 |
Zaclath | ||||
52 | 07/12 06:22:20 |
Blue_Guardian95 | Hi Ina! Welcome back! | |||
53 | 07/12 06:28:55 |
Geo Falke | I've made it a point to not watch any Elden Ring streams because my brother bombards me with SoulsBorne trivia but I'm just happy you're back and streaming for us again that I'll my own biases aside | |||
54 | 07/12 06:30:57 |
JasonDreams | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
55 | 07/12 06:31:36 |
BKYLpenguin | Hi Ina! It was my birthday on Friday, but my internet was out. Can I get a late happy birthday for myself and any other takodachis today |
56 | 07/12 06:32:16 |
I am the Senate | ||||
57 | 07/12 06:32:19 |
Zanthox | What an area to start with after a break from ER! |
58 | 07/12 06:38:39 |
Trung Nguyễn | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
59 | 07/12 06:40:40 |
Sebbu-tan | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
60 | 07/12 06:43:08 |
Joe-07 | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
61 | 07/12 06:48:37 |
TheOnePaladin | they are playing the song of their people | |||
62 | 07/12 06:49:23 |
kanrokoti | A mushroom must be a fun guy bc it's fungi. |
63 | 07/12 06:50:36 |
nifboy | We love the doot |
64 | 07/12 06:50:43 |
Prickly Cactus | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
65 | 07/12 06:51:12 |
Requilious | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
66 | 07/12 06:52:22 |
Eduardo Tapia | Good luck Ina! Just recently bought the game so hopefully I will on day be as good as you! |
67 | 07/12 06:55:30 |
Gardon 92 | I love watching your streams. They're always so comfy |
68 | 07/12 06:56:34 |
Wolf. | calling me ? |
69 | 07/12 06:58:08 |
绍鸿 | ||||
70 | 07/12 07:02:04 |
Ikemay Elixfay | THE PARRY GODDESS COMETH | |||
71 | 07/12 07:04:14 |
JL | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
72 | 07/12 07:04:16 |
itsserjuuu | So much hp | |||
73 | 07/12 07:06:52 |
Bunun Ali | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
74 | 07/12 07:08:07 |
SIMP MASTER | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
75 | 07/12 07:08:10 |
Bakajin | Lesson here: never run from your problems, they'll always catch up to you. | |||
76 | 07/12 07:11:26 |
Mavjin8 | Time for Round 2 | |||
77 | 07/12 07:13:48 |
Vinndolyn | You missed a shortcut running from the mages right before the boss Inya |
78 | 07/12 07:16:08 |
Sora | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
79 | 07/12 07:22:01 |
WulfShadow | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
80 | 07/12 07:22:47 |
Jon C | Go INA GO! |
81 | 07/12 07:23:27 |
Zinras | The parry queen returns |
82 | 07/12 07:23:46 |
Terror Brutal | ||||
83 | 07/12 07:23:58 |
Pancake God | ||||
84 | 07/12 07:24:08 |
itsfluffee | Hello | |||
85 | 07/12 07:25:05 |
F75 | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
86 | 07/12 07:25:47 |
Majorooo | ||||
87 | 07/12 07:25:49 |
Tako Doki doki | ||||
88 | 07/12 07:28:19 |
Phoenix2612 | ||||
89 | 07/12 07:30:25 |
joost1120 | Go next! | |||
90 | 07/12 07:30:51 |
Diingle | wah them to death | |||
91 | 07/12 07:34:09 |
Slime | that seemed almost an anime fight |
92 | 07/12 07:40:25 |
走失的風鈴草LA | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
93 | 07/12 07:41:26 |
ぴく | いな、またELDEN RING やってくれてうれしいよ、この先の最強BOSSもがんばって |
94 | 07/12 07:42:31 |
Rinney Rin | ||||
95 | 07/12 07:42:33 |
傘下輕擁Umbrella | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
96 | 07/12 07:44:54 |
C N | She's craving for some tako skewer | |||
97 | 07/12 07:50:44 |
Killer Lobster | Proud to be a Takodachi |
98 | 07/12 07:51:00 |
Arturo Riestra | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
99 | 07/12 07:53:01 |
David T.R. | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
100 | 07/12 07:57:06 |
tigrenchik | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
101 | 07/12 07:57:25 |
Garik Garza - KFP Librarian | Finlay is in the top 3 summons in the game. | |||
102 | 07/12 07:59:15 |
Anexes Stormlord | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
103 | 07/12 08:01:47 |
Rezrider 2000 | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
104 | 07/12 08:07:29 |
Sajvinder Bolina | can i get a Michael moose themed |
105 | 07/12 08:08:34 |
Ryalith [Tako Eats Delivery Driver] | It's ok Ina. |
106 | 07/12 08:09:12 |
Jake | I'm sending every last ounce of good luck I have for the battle ahead Ina! Whatever happens, you must SOLO HER. |
107 | 07/12 08:10:47 |
Armanian Kenshi | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
108 | 07/12 08:15:43 |
Voided Warranty | Hey Ina did you know that killing it is its weakness? | |||
109 | 07/12 08:15:49 |
Mythkaz | BTW, Congrats on Marrying Ollie(?)! | |||
110 | 07/12 08:17:37 |
FulsomeCorgi | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
111 | 07/12 08:20:34 |
梅友仁 | You can cheese is by jumping onto the branches and hit it with ranged weapons. | |||
112 | 07/12 08:20:56 |
ShadowCat117 | ||||
113 | 07/12 08:21:20 |
Umberhulk | Thank you for bringing me happiness Ina |
114 | 07/12 08:22:05 |
grimfold2 | Rule 4 this | |||
115 | 07/12 08:23:36 |
Ron 💎 | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
116 | 07/12 08:25:23 |
Connie | ||||
117 | 07/12 08:25:36 |
zaini ikhwan | ||||
118 | 07/12 08:26:10 |
Reiza | Good job today ina you got far | |||
119 | 07/12 08:26:18 |
Dwibton | (メンバーシップ入り) | |||
120 | 07/12 08:26:59 |
Ittapon | You've derusted Elden Ring today so it's good! Until next time! | |||
121 | 07/12 08:28:01 |
SIUTSZ Ng | Take care and be strong INA!!! All takotachi are stay with you~PATPATPATPAT | |||