top Merge real-time and archive extraction supacha is shown here.
title【SUPERCHAT READING】superchat reading super finale 💕🐾
sign cur num sum sum(YEN)
$ USD 69 1073.90 \157,002
EUR EUR 11 360.00 \56,827
YEN YEN 33 49820 \49,820
A$ AUD 7 107.00 \10,113
SGD SGD 6 93.00 \10,047
CA$ CAD 11 82.99 \8,940
R$ BRL 6 211.00 \6,235
SEK SEK 6 310.00 \4,105
£ GBP 1 20.00 \3,680
MYR MYR 1 94.90 \2,985
NT$ TWD 3 405.00 \1,857
MX$ MXN 3 200.00 \1,710
PHP PHP 4 650.00 \1,673
PLN PLN 1 25.00 \881
THB THB 2 200.00 \834
HUF HUF 1 2000 \820
IDR IDR 1 50000.00 \480
VND 1 50000 \303
TRY TRY 1 55.00 \301
ARS ARS 5 100.00 \41
---- ---- ---- ---- \318,654

no time
org currency icon name message
3 Sep 3 19:44:37 ¥200   犯三【Hansan】 参加はできないけど応援してるよ!無理せず読むんだよ
7 Sep 3 19:52:45 $9.99   AndyTran Archive代!Hope you two manage to catch up! Remember to take water breaks BAU BAU
8 Sep 3 19:52:57 ¥20,000   ฅなるみや なゆたฅ🐾 (読み上げ不要です)わ~~!Lifetime Showtime WAN!-hundred thousand再生おめでとー!!ふたりの歌声めちゃめちゃ好きなのでたくさんの人に届いてほしい!フワワちゃんの声は聞きほれちゃうくらいすっごいキレイでビブラートのかけ方がすきです モコちゃんの声はかわいくてかっこよくて、アクセントの付け方が上手なので楽しくて一緒に歌いたくなっちゃいます歌ってるフワモコもだいすき~!!superchat reading 応援しています!アーカイブで全編観れるの楽しみ
12 00:02:35 ¥500   れい
14 00:05:01 $9.99   Topshy Kretts ⌬ I sent a super that I don’t think has been read yet from the monetization stream that’s lost all context surrounding it. It’s probably going to be one of the first read in this stream.
15 00:05:11 ¥500   ツーシン ハ〜ロハロ🩵🩷
16 00:07:05 ₫50,000   Lurking Specialist 3 AM here, can I have a Fuwa-chan's evil laugh to get motivated? (since normally we only get Moco-chan's EHEHE xD)
18 00:08:43 $5.00   Grunkus If you're reading this, you're almost done.
19 00:09:02 $10.00   polarwolfsniper superchat reading will never end because ruffians will never stop
20 00:09:15 SEK50.00   HoloKnight What is your opinion on updog?
21 00:09:23 $10.00   nonodfox For the longest time ive been a huge vtuber fan but havent really found one that has fully clicked with me but im glad to have finally found my oshi's
22 00:10:14 £20.00   Miitanuk I love these earlier streams~ Can we have more please? BAU BAU!
23 00:10:31 PLN25.00   Husarz Koronny Moco-san you are one of the shining points of my dark life, I love to hear your voice despite my poor language skills, I'm grateful for your existence
25 00:11:40 HUF2,000   Dániel Fehér 🐾 I can't stay up tonight cuz of work tomorrow, but good luck on reading all the superchats! Bau bau!
27 00:13:22 €2.00   Raimy onlinewarrior BAU BAU!!! HAVE YOU 2 BEEN USED TO HOLOLIVE YET?!!
28 00:13:27 €22.00   Yupa It's fun to see you two work together in It Takes Two! Mococo mentioned she's good at puzzles, if you like more of a challenge I recommend the classic Portal 2, both single and co-op modes
29 00:13:35 $20.00   Thrashinuva🐾 You have a lot of SC's to read today so I figured I'd hold back and not SC. Ganre!!
31 00:18:14 ¥800   地獄のきょん フワモコの2人とも初めまして!英語は全然分かりませんが2人の反応が面白くて楽しく配信見てます。これからも応援してます。話は変わりますが、以前フワワが結婚してくださいって言われた時にモココが「私はどうなるの?」って言ってましたね。なので一夫多妻制が出来る国で結婚して仲良く3人で一緒に暮らしませんか?
32 00:19:40 R$20.00   Chihuahua Abyssgard Looking forward to Superchat Super Finale part 2 next week! Don't push yourselves too hard, we appreciate your love and effort and we'll keep drowning you in supas okay
33 00:21:55 $5.00   Yo Khoe Ohayo Fuwamoco! Would u do a a cover of the certified hood classic rap that ur senpais, OkaKoro, did? (Da Pump - If) I would to listen to it someday
35 00:23:17 PHP250.00   Andure' Bau bau! Thank you for always being considerate to us Ruffians! Can't wait for the HoloDogs7 collab!
36 00:23:46 CA$5.00   Kebby Don't tell korone I said this but you are the cutest dogs
38 00:25:11 $20.00   Junk Email Moco-chan! Fuwa-nee! from Texas! Y'all are the best! Do y'all have any favorite characters or character archetypes? I like the edgy, cool, and deep characters like Kratos and Guts. Moco-chan is best girl!
39 00:25:58 ¥100   椎名ゆい (wordless superchat)
40 00:26:10 $20.00   katsu I heard from a bird that doggy girlfriend is popular. So I will shoot my shot. this m-my confession. Fuwawa, you're smart and beautiful onee-san and I hope my feelings reach you. I love Mococo. Can I take her on a date. :3
42 00:27:44 $5.00   Bishop I feel conflicted sending a SC knowing how many you two have to readso um... gantte
43 00:28:22 ARS20.00   Bronachi. fuwawa is like a mom taking care of baby mococo
44 00:28:26 CA$50.00   Dog Strings You wanted to know about the Ruffian’s names? Mine is from the Monogatari novels. In short, the vampires have absurdly long names. I’m a fan of the name "Tropicalesque Home-A-Wave Dog-Strings". I don’t care about the character, but I love the name.
45 00:29:51 $2.00   shadowdemonlord
46 00:30:29 SEK100.00   HoloKnight
Color of clothing is something you can decide yourself. Hair color as well (and ear fuzz?). You can't change eye color without lenses though. That means that Mococo is blue, and Fuwawa is pink.
47 00:30:33 €20.00   IndeedJens I really enjoy the streams you two make. They always make me smile and I'm really glad to be part of this Community!
51 00:42:50 ARS20.00   Bronachi.
chubwawa and munchcoco
53 00:46:49 €20.00   deyz 🌿🐾 gotta sleep now thank you two for another fun week and for taking all this time to read all the superchats youre getting close to the end! BAU BAU!
54 00:46:56 ¥500   【Real Momoi Haruko】桃井はるこの屋根裏部屋 Good Morning From Tokyo
56 Sep 3 20:43:01 €20.00   Eko No thoughts, head empty, only bau bau. Thank you for all your hard work, you two are the best!
57 00:49:29 SEK50.00   HoloKnight
Regular dogs are red-green color blind. Is that true for FuwaMoco as well?
58 00:51:47 €100.00   Kronohoron Timezones usually make it hard for me to catch you two live. Especially since I like to keep the FWMC Morning vods in store for those slow mornings. I just wanted to say : you're doing good and thank you.
59 00:52:15 SEK50.00   HoloKnight
Ever seen the cartoon "Pinky And The Brain"? It reminds me of you.
61 00:58:07 ¥500   Tak@P(たかぴ) FUWAMOCOちゃんデビューから1ヶ月が経ち色んなおめでとうがありましたね。いつも楽しい配信をありがとう。さて本日はAdventデビュー記念グッズの最終日ですね。脱獄前ボイスまだ聞けてないのでこれから楽しみです。もう捕まらないでねwww
63 01:00:24 $20.00   Anan🐾Onel CONGRATS ON 100K LIFETIME SHOWTIME VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!! \FUWA/\MOCO/\FUWA/\MOCO/
64 01:01:57 TRY55.00   Sha You two became my kamioshi in an instant!Can't wait to spend lots more time watching your streams!This is my first supa ever, ふわもこすき
65 01:04:13 $1.00   Anan🐾Onel
(wordless superchat)
66 01:04:15 $1.00   Thrashinuva🐾
(wordless superchat)
67 01:04:20 $1.00   Brandermau (wordless superchat)
68 01:04:25 $1.00   Erasariel (wordless superchat)
69 01:04:28 SGD1.00   401Six🐾 (wordless superchat)
70 01:04:30 $1.00   Bishop
(wordless superchat)
71 01:04:33 CA$1.00   Paperbacks_ (wordless superchat)
72 01:04:38 $1.00   tk [ruffian] 🐾 (wordless superchat)
73 01:04:42 R$1.00   Chihuahua Abyssgard
(wordless superchat)
74 01:04:43 $1.00   che-o (wordless superchat)
75 01:04:27 A$1.00   G D -KFP Emp Rec Mngr (wordless superchat)
76 Sep 3 20:59:54 CA$1.00   Paperbacks_
(wordless superchat)
77 01:04:58 €1.00   Lunchy🐾 (wordless superchat)
78 01:05:05 $1.00   ScrubPawn (wordless superchat)
79 01:05:09 PHP25.00   Memora (wordless superchat)
80 01:05:10 $1.00   Outrun the Wind (wordless superchat)
81 01:05:11 CA$1.00   Paperbacks_
(wordless superchat)
82 01:05:11 $1.00   tk [ruffian] 🐾
(wordless superchat)
83 01:05:12 A$1.00   G D -KFP Emp Rec Mngr
(wordless superchat)
84 01:05:24 $1.99   Topshy Kretts ⌬
Dollar train!
85 01:05:34 ¥160   Lima (wordless superchat)
86 01:06:04 €100.00   FabulousCupcake It's a bit late but thank you Mococo for the pep talk on Wednesday, I really needed that!
88 01:13:28 ¥200   Eins Hart
89 01:14:49 CA$6.99   Moosed (wordless superchat)
90 01:15:01 MX$100.00   Freak Video Gamer Bau Bau! May Fuwa-nee smile keep on shining! May Mococo keep on sneezing! You are both doing great. Thank you for protecting our smiles! We will also protect your smiles!
92 01:18:57 R$20.00   Chihuahua Abyssgard
Does Pero have a human form as well? I imagine him as a very big and muscular jii-san, like Whitebeard from One Piece.
93 01:25:12 SEK10.00   Noah JK (wordless superchat)
94 01:30:27 $19.99   Green Kringo🪐 Take my money you cute demon dogs
95 01:31:17 $100.00   otm🐾 Since you asked where Ruffians' names come from... otm comes from「大友」from the sengoku-era Ōtomo daimyo, who sent the first Japanese diplomats to Europe! I like the name because to me it symbolizes the first Japanese-Western cultural exchange.
97 01:33:04 $10.00   Cameron Lee Simpson You guys are so entertaining and I just wanted to say thank you and the rest of Advent for making us smile.
98 Sep 3 21:28:27 $10.00   Cyber Phoenix if I was to make you guys an instrumental with both of you rapping both in English and Japanese, would you? I'm already almost done with it. if not appropriate directly to you then who?
101 01:37:07 $5.00   Greg Fuwamoco, thank you for bringing a smile to my face whenever I watch your streams. And Mococo's "huh?"s give me life.
102 01:42:12 A$5.00   UsableUsernamee Been watching Hololive since mid-2020, but only with you two balls of energy did I find my oshis. Thank you for protecting our smiles! Bau Bau!
103 01:42:31 $50.00   Luci Rittenhouse You two made me come back to hololive and watching again. You two are so cute and are amazing doggos. Thank you. Also Fuwawa you are so adorable.
105 01:51:08 SGD20.00   Iris Trismegistus Fuwamoco has been playing great games! But I've been wondering if you'll try a western RPG like Baldurs Gate 3 & Starfield, or a RTS like Command & Conquer. Loving your streams so much, and amy to make fuwamoco my oshi! Bau!
106 01:51:24 MX$50.00   mi esposoアレクシス fuwamoco lovee!!! can i get a "よし よし" from fuwawa-nee-san
107 01:52:39 $9.99   Topshy Kretts ⌬
Will you have one character or two characters in Minecraft?
108 01:53:43 THB100.00   kuro neko I like FUWAWAMOCOCO NYA .You're so cute. Thank you for the stream. It's so fun. BAU BAU FUWAMOCO DAISUKI NYAA OYATSUMI FUWAMOCO NEE CHAN BAU BAU NYAA
109 01:54:53 $20.00   Anan🐾Onel
I saw your mosaic.wav tweet from the rawr & response, so I thought I'd say that my favorite song of theirs is 睡眠時 胸キュン 症候群. Not sure if it's karaoke-able, but check it out if you'd like!
110 01:55:45 $5.00   Chestnut Bowl Has Mococo admitted that Zero no Tsukaima is an isekai anime?
112 01:57:29 $50.00   Stingray I will protect you two with my stinger, and i am keeping healthy thank you, and I take naps before your streams so I have energy to be chaotic with you two and every ruffian BAU BAU
113 01:58:12 $20.00   Anan🐾Onel
"BAU is life" - feels like a meditation mantra when you say it like that/ bauuuuuuuu
114 02:02:34 $25.00   Eintokun BAU BAU!! I have a question. In the advent debut animation. I did not see Pero with you, so you forgot Pero in the cell?? Is that why Pero is trying to hijack your channel and hide away from FWMC sisters? BAU BAU
116 02:11:42 SGD2.00   Onii-CHAN can i hug mocococo
117 02:13:06 A$50.00   Lux Aeterna 🐾 Since both of you are such big fans of anime did either of you go through a chuunibyou phase? I can imagine Mococo walking around with an eyepatch to conceal her hidden powers. Love you both!
118 02:14:39 ¥3,200   シュガー&ソルト🧪ラッキーミルク フワワちゃんモココちゃんBAUBAU🩵🩷いつものジャケット姿好きだけど、ジャケットを脱いだラフな格好も可愛すぎる\(//∇//)\そして新しい待機アニメーションめっちゃ可愛いね二人のいつも元気いっぱいの明るい笑顔にいっぱい元気もらってるよ♪これからも沢山BAUBAUしようね🩷
119 02:15:56 ¥200   ホルニッセ フワモコちゃんおはようお仕事行ってきます
120 02:16:21 $20.00   Eintokun
Fuwawa superior, but Mococo is still cute
121 02:21:40 $20.00   TheDAWinz I love super chat readings because mococo's bare shoulders are exposed to the world
122 02:23:19 A$20.00   G D -KFP Emp Rec Mngr
More SC for FuwaMoco?.... Bau Bau
123 02:24:19 ¥320   こすもす【KOSMOS】 いつも元気で可愛い配信をありがとう(いつかフワモコの尻尾に住みたい!)
124 02:27:09 $10.00   metal561 MY FRIEND LEBE LEFT TELL HIM TO COME BACK
125 02:28:52 MYR94.90   Mr. Bravo🐾 Good Job on Superchat Reading FuwaMoco!!
126 02:29:53 $100.00   Idiocy :_BAU::_BAU:
127 02:31:04 A$10.00   Reckless4800 Both Moco-chan and Fuwa-chan do such a good job at protecting our smiles! You both deserve all the hugs, headpats and treats from us Ruffians!
128 02:33:47 $10.00   otm🐾
129 02:33:49 $5.00   Thrashinuva🐾
Sneeze tax
130 02:33:53 CA$2.00   Paperbacks_
TSKR Moco-chi
131 02:33:54 $5.00   Anan🐾Onel
sneeze tax
132 02:33:57 SGD10.00   401Six🐾
Sneeze tax
133 Sep 3 22:29:07 ¥2,000   コンキメ🐾 くしゃみ代
134 Sep 3 22:29:07 ¥200   Y K TSKR
135 02:34:09 ¥320   ぽん•de•リング あびたー!!
136 Sep 3 22:29:25 ¥500   aaamereuuu[あめれう] sneeze tax
137 02:34:22 ¥1,000   スカル くしゃみ代
138 02:34:31 $9.99   Green Kringo🪐
Sneeze tax
139 02:35:04 ¥1,600   Piroぴろ 明後日からBAUBAU くしゃみ代
140 02:35:59 ¥200   炎使いエルク 浴びたーくしゃみ助かった
141 02:36:11 $5.00   venomous2die4 Can't wait until you two hit one BAUllion subs!
143 02:47:37 SEK50.00   Erik Litsenius If your human ears are merely decoration, how exactly does Moco-chan use her headphones?
145 02:58:53 $5.00   bignanime I understand.
148 03:06:22 R$100.00   🐾 Alizoneto Rocha 🐾 One for each is the way BAU BAU hope you can keep giving us love anywhere fate leads you two!
149 03:10:12 ¥200   迷刀PONPON丸 BAU BAU!
150 03:10:28 THB100.00   Lilith This is my birthday! I hope you two and all ruffians have a great day and lots of smiles today and always! BTW good luck on reading all the superchats
152 03:14:11 €20.00   Hans_Senpai BAU BAU! Confession time: back when memberships first opened, I may have blocked the "backrooms" at a friends place, just to become a first day doggie pack member there in secret. Understandable... right?
154 03:16:50 $20.00   DeepFriedScream Thank you for the long stream! Each stream is always lots of fun. (By the way, did you read the unarchived rock n rawr karaoke superchats already?) Looking forward to the next stream!
156 03:30:34 €50.00   Mchai Bau Bau Fuwamoco! Sorry if it was answered already but what's a good Donut to brood over? It has me pondering
159 03:37:25 $20.00   Anan🐾Onel
Speaking of Doggy Pack stream ideas, may I suggest a 天使のたまご watchalong? Kind of a silly/unserious suggestion since it probably won't work well as a watchalong, but it's my favorite anime movie, so I thought I'd say it anyway
163 04:34:26 $99.99   Rin FuwaMoco love I really like how you both love Hololive just like us. I love the way Fuwawa sways her head side to side when she sings. I love Mococo’s smug side eye when she gets complimented. I look forward to watching you both for a very long time BAU BAU !!
164 04:40:04 ¥1,000   つおぽん zwg33s(特別なポン酢) 毎日会えるの嬉しい
165 04:40:51 ¥1,600   Soorachan3 ふわもこだいすきよー!!
169 05:05:06 $5.00   Thrashinuva🐾
Sneeze tax
170 05:05:10 $20.00   otm🐾
gesundheit combo!
171 05:05:14 CA$4.00   Ngao Bless you~
172 Sep 4 01:00:21 SGD10.00   401Six🐾
Sneeze tax
173 05:05:15 CA$2.00   Paperbacks_
174 05:05:16 $1.99   MoriCalliopelover ROBLOX EN when?
175 05:05:17 ¥2,000   コンキメ🐾
176 05:05:19 $5.00   Anan🐾Onel
sneeze tax
177 05:05:26 ¥200   くれもと まさや くしゃみだあああああああ!!!
178 05:05:43 $2.00   Bishop
sneeze tax-sukaru
179 05:05:46 $2.00   blacksmithmcw 🐾 Sneeze Tax
180 05:05:46 ¥300   利息の錬金術師 みどりちゃん くしゃみ助かる
181 05:05:47 ¥1,000   Piroぴろ 明後日からBAUBAU
182 05:05:48 $5.00   WalkingCorpse Bless You!
183 05:07:32 $1.99   MoriCalliopelover
roblox en when?
185 05:11:23 $5.00   Morally Immoral To think it's been a month, it feels like last week you debuted. Here's to many more. BAU BAU!
186 05:16:38 ARS20.00   Bronachi.
i see a cavity gweeeeeeee gonna pull it out eeeeee
189 05:24:19 $50.00   Anan🐾Onel
The biggest surprise of the past month was that I found a kamioshi, which is you two. I've never followed a streamer or super chatted like this before. Thanks for all your hard work and for keeping my smile protected!
190 05:25:07 $20.00   art Congrats on reading EVERY SUPERCHAT. I was watching while packing and cooking dinner and it made it lots of fun! I saw Fuwawa struggling to blink and I was wondering who's the better... whistler?
191 05:25:11 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 Congrats on reading all of the supas up to this point FuwaMoco! So proud of you, giving you both headpats
193 05:25:57 NT$300.00   塩漬けの魚-鹹魚 I am a fan from Taiwan, because my English and Japanese are not so good so I often can't understand what you say, but I still love you two, and I have watched all the live. I am very happy to meet you. FuwaMoco大好き!翻訳ソフトTSKR
194 05:27:28 IDR50,000.00   Joy Manoppo hi fuwamoco. i just asking if fuwa and moco hired as rally driver, whos gonna driving a rally car, and who is gonna reads some pacenotes (co driver)?
195 05:28:34 R$20.00   Flower Mocha Appreciation Society You girls were too efficient today! You were done much too fast so here's a SC to try to keep you with us a bit more
197 05:29:45 ARS20.00   Bronachi.
why are You locked in the bathroom?
198 05:30:37 ¥320   Yammy Cover your ears, Mococo. …OK? Fuwawa, step on me!
199 05:32:12 PHP250.00   Lord Ashton Another superchat!
201 05:38:41 $5.00   Beastmode I have to say it again. I'm so proud of you! Keep up the good work, but don't forget to take care of yourselves
202 05:38:46 $20.00   TruSanKyuu Good job making it through the backlog of SCs! I was at anime convention this past weekend and found there was already a lot of FuwaMoco art, you two are already making a big impact! Also Fuwanee and Mocochan both best girls!
203 05:38:52 ¥5,000   成田インセント🧪 たくさんのスパチャ読みお疲れ様だよ~! フワワちゃんとモココちゃんの声を聞いてるとすごい癒されてる! 日本語の配信も楽しみにてるよ~! コラボもめっちゃ楽しみ!さっそくいじるための作戦を考えてるのいいねw フワモコちゃんが先輩たちと気軽にコラボできるように応援してるよ! 遅くなったけど、メンバーシップ開設と登録者50万人もおめでとう! オリジナル曲もたくさん聞くね!! これからもずっとずっと応援し続けてるよ~! BAU BAU!
205 05:49:59 €5.00   Ondalf🐾 Thanks for bringing smile, my first and only kamioshis. Keep up the good work! Smile haven't stopped since your debut! Love your voices!
206 05:52:25 PHP125.00   Pibsu Thank you for working hard to protect our smiles but please make sure to not overdo it since your smiles are also part of what makes us happy. Bau Bau
207 06:00:55 NT$30.00   Shih Tzu Dog MOCO大好
208 06:01:31 SGD50.00   BauingJakin my first superchat for both of you! I really love the interactions between you 2 in your streams. i'm really happy mococo finally called you fuwa-nee too. mococo's pup talk was a real power boost for my week too. I'll support you guys all the way!
209 06:02:34 NT$75.00   Shih Tzu Dog
MOCO beautiful and cute
210 06:03:41 R$50.00   Alcatraz Love my self some Fluff, Can't live without the Fuzz
211 06:05:22 ARS20.00   Bronachi.
mococo do a flip
212 06:06:23 CA$5.00   Invisible Loner I was 3hrs late so i'll be going back to watch what I missed, your streams are always really fun
213 06:07:09 ¥3,200   aaamereuuu[あめれう]
No BAU BAU no life
214 06:10:15 $20.00   TheDAWinz
BTW i remember the thing about if there would be any differences if you switched bodies with eachother, you both said there would be none but i thought of one thing, fuwawa would inherit mococo's allergies!
215 06:16:49 $20.00   blacksmithmcw 🐾
I heard you couldn't wait to get away from us Ruffians... TOO BAD! Here's one more! Sorry, not sorry.
216 06:17:20 $20.00   Shizno🪐 Service demon dogs should be allowed in Cons. After all your job is to protect our smiles!
217 06:18:39 $20.00   Kami Kugel been listening you while at work. a few times customers were looking at me laughing like I'm crazy. big belly rub moment.
218 06:20:14 $1.99   MoriCalliopelover
you should try streaming on youtube
219 06:20:32 ¥1,600   ローゼ スパチャ読みお疲れ様!これからも応援してるね!
220 06:21:41 $20.00   ScrubPawn
Since we're approaching the end of the readings; We know of Mococo's TODAY cannon, are there any other cannons she has? Perhaps a BAU cannon? Something else? Could we get a cannon sendoff perhaps?
221 06:24:46 A$20.00   NotLefthandMan Asking this question might be Taihen, but have you heard of the Surfin' Bird? Especially you Mococo?
222 06:24:57 ¥200   炎使いエルク
223 06:25:10 ¥200   ジル·きょーか 長時間おつかれさまだ~!!のどをゆっくり休めてね~!!
224 06:27:40 MX$50.00   mi esposoアレクシス
not end!!! fuwamoco for ever!!!!!!
225 06:28:17 CA$5.00   Paperbacks_
227 Sep 4 02:27:34 $20.00   AndyTran
Could only catch the tail end live, but thanks for the ゆっくりまったりゆったり SC reading!