時間 | 金額 元表示 | 円建て | 色 | チャンネル名 | チャット |
09/14 04:51:47 | CA$50.00 | ¥4344 | Quib | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 04:52:36 | MX$50.00 | ¥276 | Esteban | We're so lucky to have you in our lives |
09/14 04:53:27 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | DusKTheStray | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 04:58:54 | CA$10.00 | ¥868 | JasonDreams | Dante is red, Vergil is blue. I really love to chug jug with you | |
09/14 05:01:38 | £50.00 | ¥7610 | nullrefrepro | it doesn't feel like it's been a year at all... thanks for all that you do gura |
09/14 05:07:22 | PEN20.00 | ¥535 | yonos | You sound the happiest when talking about your genmates, and in the anniversary stream you all showed us why. Just a bit of that happiness literally melted everyone. | |
09/14 05:09:40 | $5.00 | ¥550 | RadCrab | thankyou for being so based and poggers, and making this past year ver ebic. <3 never change goora | |
09/14 05:10:04 | $9.99 | ¥1100 | Moon Demonz | Thanks for the memories Gura |
09/14 05:14:30 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Mintstone | Thank you, Gura! |
09/14 05:15:47 | ¥500 | ¥500 | スノ | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 05:19:26 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Captain Fleece | Happy one year, chef! There's no words to really express proper gratitude for all you've done for us so "thank you" will have to do. Thank you for working so hard and sharing your time, your beautiful singing, your contagious smile, and your inspiring passion with us. | |
09/14 05:19:56 | $5.00 | ¥550 | ValianthHero | I can't watch live stream because work but I steam cam here early to say it beeen an awesome year with you. | |
09/14 05:33:25 | $120.00 | ¥13215 | Dylan Parker | It's been an entire year and I'm not even sure what I should say, besides that I hope you're doing well. Since you've had such an impact on my own well being, it's only fair that you deserve to be well too |
09/14 05:45:04 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | TheBrume | of all the words in the english dictionary, none of them can really truly describe my feelings. I adore all of you girls so so much, and youve all inspired to be a better person a live a better life. Thanks holomyth, thanks gura, heres for next year | |
09/14 05:47:58 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Ciel Kirahoshi | おはサメどーもしえるです |
09/14 05:48:01 | £10.00 | ¥1522 | Puppet Cat | Happy 1 year anniversary, Gura! Thanks for all the laughs |
09/14 05:48:11 | €20.00 | ¥2597 | NoManaNoMegumin | I dont words but thank you for the very fun year gura |
09/14 06:15:21 | HK$500.00 | ¥7077 | Kel M. Cor | Happy Anniversary Gura! In case I miss the stream, here an aka SC to my favorite sharky | |
09/14 06:18:52 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Miguel Islas | Happy 1 Year Anniversary Sharky! What an unforgettable journey the past year has been. It was a pleasure to be there since the beginning. Thank you for the memories, the happy tears, the smiles, and always brightening my day. Love ya Gura! |
09/14 06:38:58 | CA$100.00 | ¥8688 | Quib | Happy anniversary! I got very emotional when you called it the best year of your life. Let's make the next one even better, I believe in you Gura! IKZ | |
09/14 06:39:05 | CA$50.00 | ¥4344 | Quib | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 06:39:11 | CA$20.00 | ¥1737 | Quib | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 06:39:17 | CA$10.00 | ¥868 | Quib | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 06:39:23 | CA$5.00 | ¥434 | Quib | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 06:39:29 | CA$2.00 | ¥173 | Quib | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 06:45:54 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Avril Helm | I don't know what the last year would have been like without you, but I'm 100% sure it would have been worse. Thanks for everything Gura, happy anniversary. |
09/14 06:58:24 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Brosepherous | Thank you for all of the great streams over the past year Gura! |
09/14 07:01:51 | ¥500 | ¥500 | I got a seat | (*゚ρ゚) | |
09/14 07:06:13 | £10.00 | ¥1522 | ùwú Lamp | Gura you lighted my everyday in past year, thank you so much for your fantastic stream. | |
09/14 07:07:19 | €200.00 | ¥25974 | linkis20 | Happy 1 Year Anniversary Gura! It's been half a year for me. Trash Taste with Calli got me interested and your singing got me to stay. Thanks you! It's been soooo fun these past half year! To season 2! いくぞおおお! | |
09/14 07:22:41 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | 山田風太郎 | YAGURA!! HAPPY FIRST ANNIVERSARY!! | |
09/14 07:26:26 | ARS500.00 | ¥561 | Leo V | Happy 1 year anniversary Gura! |
09/14 07:30:18 | $5.00 | ¥550 | BigShrimp | So glad you are getting a new outfit I'm very excited. Do you think you can you confirm or deny if you got a new.... Ya know? | |
09/14 07:39:42 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Pass Into Grace Golden Yearning | Test | |
09/14 07:42:31 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | TalismanG1 | Happy Anniversary Gura! Thank you for the 1 year of cute comedian shork, amazing singing and so much more! As a day 1 viewer, I am grateful to be a part of your journey unti the bitter end! | |
09/14 07:46:28 | ¥12,000 | ¥12000 | きゃろ | Your deliveries always bring me fun and happy times! Thank you for delivering so many hours of the year! I really, really, really enjoy it! I'm so happy! I'll be rooting for you and all the chumbuds! I love cute sharkie! | |
09/14 07:47:40 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | うわらば | Happy 1 year anniversary! | |
09/14 07:53:18 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Nero Z | Anniversary rainbow |
09/14 07:53:22 | HUF4,000 | ¥1486 | Dqwda | Happy 1 year annniversary Gura! | |
09/14 07:53:30 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Nero Z | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 07:53:46 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Nero Z | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 07:54:00 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Nero Z | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 07:54:12 | NT$1,500.00 | ¥5961 | Raymond Ttn | Happy Anniversary Gura! You are my favorite shark, so cute , and thanks your all stream that funny and happy. |
09/14 07:54:15 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Nero Z | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 07:54:32 | $2.00 | ¥220 | Nero Z | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 07:56:23 | ¥500 | ¥500 | ザーヒル | Guraちゃん1周年おめでとう! |
09/14 08:17:09 | CA$50.00 | ¥4344 | クライアス Klaius | happy 1st anniversary gura! thank you for such a wonderful year and for giving me so much inspiration. | |
09/14 08:19:26 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Not A youtube Bot | It was an incredible experience to watch a person grow so much in just a year. I think you've grown splendidly. Very well done you little sapphire. Be proud of yourself as you have every right to be. Here's to the many more adventures we will have. | |
09/14 08:19:42 | $30.00 | ¥3303 | Shisno | I don't think I can ever thank you enough Gura, you really changed my life. You have brought us endless smiles, laughs & inspiration. I love you so much! |
09/14 08:20:08 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | R3 | ||
09/14 08:29:20 | NT$150.00 | ¥596 | YOHCHI | Happy Anniversary Gura! Glad to have your gentle and energetic company this year, thank you for everything, love you amazing shark. |
09/14 08:32:50 | NT$170.00 | ¥675 | ismebella | Thank you for your hard work this year |
09/14 08:33:28 | PLN250.00 | ¥7151 | DuDuL | It's crazy to think that it's been a year already! Here's to another year and much much more! #MOTIVATED | |
09/14 08:37:34 | $1.99 | ¥219 | Blake - Undercover Chum-bud ,Agent B | Happy anniversary Gura | |
09/14 08:38:37 | CA$50.00 | ¥4344 | Soos | hard to believe it’s already been a year since debut, thank you and chumbuds for making last year a very good one for me. I really love this community and of course it’s been awesome hanging with you Gura! Happy anniversary | |
09/14 08:40:05 | $4.99 | ¥549 | Nitch | Happy Anniversary Sharkie! You’re always a joy to spend time with. I look forward to seeing all the wonderful things you do this next year. Sweet tato | |
09/14 08:41:38 | ¥2,000 | ¥2000 | munashiii000 | Happy first anniversary, Gura! Thank you for making my days brighter and more fun. I'll be rooting for you and the other EN members in Season 2 as well! | |
09/14 08:42:05 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Suspicious Bytes | 1 year let's go! |
09/14 08:45:31 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | J S | Happy 1 year Gura! Thank you for sharing your time with us. Your growth this year has been amazing to watch! What about your first year surprised you the most? Have fun today! | |
09/14 08:48:41 | A$100.00 | ¥8097 | Miyu Kig | ||
09/14 08:49:03 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | theDeathBerry | HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSERY!!! |
09/14 08:49:44 | $25.00 | ¥2753 | Fozzy | Congrats on the 1 year anniversary! Been watchingyour content since December and seeing your progress fromthen to now is heartwarming. Here's to another year filledwith fun, passion, and cute shark noises! | |
09/14 08:50:37 | $2.00 | ¥220 | Vittalinnie sirSithis | noticed missing |
09/14 08:51:50 | ¥10,000 | ¥10000 | 松ぼくり | Happy 1 Year Anniversary! Now, you have many awesome friends, supportive staff, and cute Kouhais around you. That's what you have acquired "KIZUNA(Bonds)" in your journey until today. I adore you. My life has changed when meeting you and your Kokoro. これからもみんなでIKZ! だいすき |
09/14 08:51:58 | MX$50.00 | ¥276 | Internet Explorer | Congratulations to Gura for 1 MILLION subscribers!!! | |
09/14 08:52:14 | CA$50.00 | ¥4344 | Joel Z | Thank you Gura for being such an adorable, sweet, degenerate shark. You've been a bright spot in my life over the past year. Keep up the great work. Here's to another year! |
09/14 08:53:26 | RUB2,000.00 | ¥3017 | Alex Nerv | Gura. Happy 1 year Anniversary. It was a happy year for you? Hope so. It was a great adventure. And I'm sure it will be even more interesting in the future. More happy moments. Let's continue this great adventure! |
09/14 08:54:20 | £10.00 | ¥1522 | Chocola & Vanilla | Happy Anniversar! I want to watch you play DmC 2013. Even though what they did to the story was bad. It's still a fun game and I reckon it will be a fun ride watching you play it. Ps Virus shark when? | |
09/14 08:54:24 | NT$3,000.00 | ¥11922 | ねこのこころ nyAkoko | Every hologirl is an outstanding performer, singer, game player, artist, but you are the one who shines the brightest and most special in my heart, so that we can remember the same laughter for every moment in the coming years!Happy Anniversary Gura! |
09/14 08:54:31 | €5.00 | ¥649 | 輝くエビ | Thank you so much for this year, and here's to the next one. |
09/14 08:55:22 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Andy Champlin | Happy Anniversary, Gura! To help you celebrate your anniversary I will be dedicating Chapter 4 of my Rachael Roth Ace Attorney story to you as soon as I finish it. Here is hoping we can always see your winning smile. | |
09/14 08:55:53 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Emi Henemimi | Thank you for the 1 year of fun Gura! Drawing you is always relaxing and has gotten me out of a bad spot with art. It means a lot when you like my art and I'm happy to keep supporting you |
09/14 08:57:24 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Venomancer100 | Happy 1 year anniversary Gura! Thanks for the company. Keeps getting better and better sharky |
09/14 08:57:37 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | ネオアームストロングサイクロンジェットアームストロング砲 | I came for Dante but stayed to shirmp for the cute shork, Happy 1 year anniversary Gura~ Your streams really have the charm to cheer people up. Looking forward to shrimp more in season 2~ | |
09/14 08:58:09 | CA$100.00 | ¥8688 | -An- | Thanks for the great year Gura, I will always support you! Best shark ever ~ |
09/14 08:58:31 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Scith13 | Happy anniversary, Gura! Thank you for all the fun times you've given us, and here's to many more! IKZ!!! | |
09/14 08:58:46 | HK$500.00 | ¥7077 | Kizami | Happy 1st year anniversary! |
09/14 08:59:04 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | bcmedz | Hey Gura! Wanted to thank you for everything that you do for us Shrimps every day and congratulations on the one year! I only found Hololive 2 months ago but I'm so glad that I can be part of this amazing community |
09/14 08:59:51 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | WingsCV | I'm horrible at praising people so... |
09/14 08:59:57 | ARS20.00 | ¥22 | Alejo | Feliz aniversario!! |
09/14 08:59:57 | NT$1,690.00 | ¥6716 | ccys | What A year Gura. What A year! | |
09/14 09:00:10 | A$100.00 | ¥8097 | Dantè | Gura thank you so much for the past year I've been recovering from a surgery for almost 2 years and you have helped me so much during this time bringing up my mood keeping me hopeful and riding my anxiety I don't know how I could ever thank you enough Gura love you |
09/14 09:00:19 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Adam Smith | Happy anniversary Gura! Yesterday when you sang Ride on Time u warmed my heart & made my day. Hope you are having tons of fun this week. Thank u for every sweet, funny, exciting, wholesome moment! | |
09/14 09:00:33 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Kenneth Patterson | Thank you for making the world a brighter place for all of us. You have immense talents (except when it comes to aiming), and your thoughtfulness and humility are a credit to Mama and Papa Shark. | |
09/14 09:00:59 | NT$1,500.00 | ¥5961 | Ranshell | Happy 1 year, Chef! | |
09/14 09:01:09 | RUB2,000.00 | ¥3017 | Brom | We met year ago in very strange time and it was a turning point for me and a lot of people. Thank you for all memories and fun, new friends, hobbies, interests, for your amazing singing, for everything you gifted us. You truly know the magic ways, Chef! | |
09/14 09:01:13 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Chris | Congrats on the 1 year anniversary, Gura! |
09/14 09:01:15 | SEK100.00 | ¥1274 | ThaCreepZzz | Time sure flies fast when you’re having fun huh? It has already been a year and thanks for making that year so amazing Gura, and I’m happy you also felt the same about this year! Keep fighting Chef |
09/14 09:01:47 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Azure604 | Just sayin' howdy | |
09/14 09:01:56 | MYR150.00 | ¥3977 | Flaming pants | Happy Anniversary and thank you for all your hard work. | |
09/14 09:02:15 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Luke Fabis | I can’t ~not~ join the cavalcade of akasupas. Cheers, Gura! Thanks for a year of fun streams, and here’s to many more to come! | |
09/14 09:02:23 | $5.00 | ¥550 | ouch man | Cheers to another year boss | |
09/14 09:02:24 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Médecin T | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:02:37 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Jasper Fousek | happy anniversary! hope you continue to put out amazing and cute content! | |
09/14 09:02:37 | SEK50.00 | ¥637 | Alphafax of the Sås | Thank you for this last year, Gura. I'll always treasure these memories, and as always; I'm proud of you. Love ya lil' sharkie! |
09/14 09:03:16 | RUB200.00 | ¥301 | Brom | And thank you, chumbuddies, for giving support to our best shark all this time. You are truly wonderful, without you this would not be possible. To the new year of HoloEN we go! Happy Anniversary! |
09/14 09:03:19 | €100.00 | ¥12987 | Lauri | Happy anniversary Gura!Your streams have been highlight of the past year for me. | |
09/14 09:03:25 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Debry | Thank you for the past year Gura. It's been one of the best times of my life so far, and I know a big part of it is thanks to you. I'm glad you're here. Happy anniversary and here's to many more |
09/14 09:03:35 | NT$3,000.00 | ¥11922 | ボン | Happy Anniversary!!Thank you for your lovely smile on stream! |
09/14 09:03:43 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | denisealexa | THANK YOU for always being you and making everyone smile Gura! |
09/14 09:03:44 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | ODDchan | What a wonderful year it has been thank you so much | |
09/14 09:03:46 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Mason | Hey Gura! Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Time sure flies huh! I just want to say your sense of humor has helped me a lot over the past year, even during dark times. Here's to another year! Love ya Goomba! |
09/14 09:03:51 | ¥12,000 | ¥12000 | パオん | HAPPY 1st ANNIVERSARY! met you has been one of the most important things in my life. i've received many kindness and energy from you |
09/14 09:03:52 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | ManiSolKatti | Happy 1 year anniversary! Your cute & funny antics and your amazing singing helped save a lot of people this year. Both from boredom, and in more personal ways too. You deserve all the love the shrimps send you. Can't wait for the new outfit & everything else to come! | |
09/14 09:03:57 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | GigaChad Raico | Gooruh!!! I couldn't be a Shrimpier Shrimp. I found your content at a weird point in life and its made every one of my days Brighter. I couldn't be happier to share a Birthday with your anniversary!! Pet the Shork!!!! |
09/14 09:04:04 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Brandermau | Happy one year anniversary Goomba, here's to many more good times in the future! | |
09/14 09:04:14 | NZ$20.00 | ¥1564 | Dai Shan | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:04:18 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | IDKBacon 53 | I'm so glad YouTube recommended me a clip of you being drunk on new year's back in January. I've been watching you and the rest of EN for a while now and want to say congrats on your 1 year anniversary. Also congrats for taking my first Red superchat. | |
09/14 09:04:20 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Arizona Anime-Fan | Congratulations on 1 year Gura! | |
09/14 09:04:27 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Brandon | Gura Happy Anniversary, I can't wait to see what you have planned for the upcoming future! | |
09/14 09:04:31 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Verily Obfuscated | IKZ Season 2 | |
09/14 09:04:38 | NT$150.00 | ¥596 | Bra Bear | Thank you for all the year!! Thank you been yourself!! 謝謝妳! | |
09/14 09:04:38 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | PsiChaos | Yo Gura! Happy 1st Anniversary! Feels like time went by so fast, and yet so much has happened this year. I just wanna give a big big thanks for filling this past year with so many laughs and smiles. Here's to even more of them for the next year! | |
09/14 09:04:46 | ¥250 | ¥250 | リン | おはよう |
09/14 09:04:49 | $9.99 | ¥1100 | Chrom-man and Robin | OH MY GOD ITS THE ORIGINAL BGM! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY GURA!!! |
09/14 09:04:52 | €100.00 | ¥12987 | RYMM | Happy Anniversary, Gura! A BIG Danke Schön from the bottom of my heart to you and your friendsfor making our lives better each day. We're proud of you and can't wait what is coming next.So let's all jump into the next year full of fun and excitement. IKZ! |
09/14 09:04:54 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Linguslong | Happy Anniversary! Thank you so much for all the smiles you've given us this past year! On to Season 2! Love ya Chef |
09/14 09:04:56 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | 🔱SkyCat🪶 | Haaaappy anniversary! I'm so glad I was here for the whole ride. Thank you so much for being your wonderful, inimitable self. I can't even count all the times you've turned my day around. お疲れサメでした! | |
09/14 09:04:58 | $5.00 | ¥550 | JeeCee | Can't believe we are a year in already, thanks for everything you do VIVA LA GURAAAAAAA | |
09/14 09:04:59 | ¥2,000 | ¥2000 | ILE | Happy anniversary! | |
09/14 09:04:59 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Vittalinnie sirSithis | ||
09/14 09:05:02 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Colin1224 | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:05:04 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Vann Munson | Hey Gura! Hope you're enjoying reading these sc's in the future! I once told you that you saved my life. Well I want to rephrase that. You are saving my life. With every stream and every little thing you do, things get better and better. Thank you! |
09/14 09:05:16 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | WingsCV | Lol TY for everything you've done this past year. I never saw myself as someone who watches streams like this. Your warm, bright, bonkable personality makes your streams so much fun and chat REFLECTs the streamer |
09/14 09:05:28 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | mot0wn | Congratulations on one year! |
09/14 09:05:31 | $2.00 | ¥220 | Ultimadrago | Filling up the Chum Jar! |
09/14 09:05:32 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Fisher King | thank you for sticking around with us |
09/14 09:05:32 | PHP2,500.00 | ¥5510 | Haurchefant Greystone | Throughout this tumultuous times, you've been a hero to us all. You sang, slew demons, died (many multiples of times), and even worked up a sweat all for our entertainment. So while the EN curse might sometimes be cruel, remember that a smile better suits a hero! | |
09/14 09:05:33 | CA$10.00 | ¥868 | JasonDreams | directly into the jar, please | |
09/14 09:05:33 | PEN20.00 | ¥535 | Aaron | There is no better time to stop being stubborn than your anniversary, have my first superchat while I join the membershrimps. Thanks for this incredible year, and I wish you lots of happiness and success in this one to come. | |
09/14 09:05:37 | ₩2,000 | ¥187 | 김주안안안 | 爱你啾咪 | |
09/14 09:05:38 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | PandaShake | Thank you for the one year Goobah! Here's to many more!! | |
09/14 09:05:41 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Brawl Man876 | Thank you so much Gura for this wonderful year you have literally changed my life | |
09/14 09:05:41 | $110.00 | ¥12114 | Reifeltower | Thank you for everything Gura! | |
09/14 09:05:44 | CLP50,000 | ¥7008 | PLus | Happy anniversary Gura! thank you for all the fun memories this past year! your streams really made my days much better ever since i started watching them! thank you so much for everything!! | |
09/14 09:05:44 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Brendan Leal | Gura thanks fir an amazing year. I still remember watching the debut stream and being blown away by your singing. Been a fan ever since. You brighten the days of all the Chumbuds! Cannot wait for another year of great streams | |
09/14 09:05:46 | $200.00 | ¥22026 | daxtertk421 | congrats | |
09/14 09:05:50 | MYR15.00 | ¥397 | z0m0z | ||
09/14 09:05:50 | ¥500 | ¥500 | 紫錆_シセイ【狗神家】 | Ohayo-! | |
09/14 09:05:57 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Nathan Xiong | Hi gura! happy 365 day. here's to many more |
09/14 09:06:01 | ¥2,440 | ¥2440 | サトルゥ#凛fam | ぐらちゃん1周年おめでとう! |
09/14 09:06:07 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | Shoot Me | Put me into the chum jar |
09/14 09:06:08 | ¥10,000 | ¥10000 | pri _ | ||
09/14 09:06:09 | PLN50.00 | ¥1430 | Adik20 PL | I'm here not too long, but these few months that I've been here gave me countless amount of smiles and emotions. And now there is whole season 2 ahead. Thank you that you are here. Happy Anniversary! | |
09/14 09:06:10 | NOK2,000.00 | ¥25493 | ImTens | Thank you for making this year a special one. Im looking forward too many more | |
09/14 09:06:11 | ¥10,000 | ¥10000 | ぺろ。 | Happy 1 Year Anniversary! I'm so glad I found you, Gura! Thank you! I'll continue to support you! ぐらちゃんだいすき |
09/14 09:06:16 | ¥1,111 | ¥1111 | ひろゆき | HAPPY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! |
09/14 09:06:21 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Tombworld | Heyo, Gura! Congratulations on your first anniversary! You and the rest of HoloMyth have done so much to entertain so many people, and just when they needed it the most. I felt privileged to watch your streams last year and I can't wait to see what the future holds! | |
09/14 09:06:26 | NZ$50.00 | ¥3912 | NommyNom | ||
09/14 09:06:34 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | dcmska | Happy Anniversary! This first year was a lot of fun, onward to year 2! | |
09/14 09:06:34 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Austin Worthington | happy anniversary! I am so happy for you. thank you for an awesome year :3 | |
09/14 09:06:36 | ¥610 | ¥610 | リン | グラちゃん頑張って |
09/14 09:06:37 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Ciel Kirahoshi | 33%... almost like your accuracy., | |
09/14 09:06:38 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Korraganitar | YAY! THE OLD MUSIC IS BACK! I MISSED IT! | |
09/14 09:06:38 | $9.99 | ¥1100 | Lwyn | Thank you for the past year! |
09/14 09:06:48 | MX$10.00 | ¥55 | Alvarado Zavala Brandon | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:06:48 | $45.00 | ¥4955 | Skiddosaur | I cosplayed as you for a con a couple weeks ago and everyone loved it!! You have turned so many of my bad days into good, and all I can say is just thank you for being you. You are an amazing person and I love you so much. | |
09/14 09:06:49 | $5.00 | ¥550 | notFREEfood | RIP chum jar, thou hast made a valiant effort | |
09/14 09:06:50 | PLN10.00 | ¥286 | Jakub Grzybek | love your tail claps | |
09/14 09:06:54 | $1.99 | ¥219 | Guillermo C | I can’t stay for long but congrats on one year!!!! | |
09/14 09:06:54 | £5.00 | ¥761 | Hælendleof Loc, KFP Scrub Δ | HAPPY ANNIVERSARY GURAAA!! I wish I'd been able to hang out with you more than I have but you've been freaking amazing, here's to the next year!! | |
09/14 09:06:56 | $5.00 | ¥550 | 4-Armed Tako | you know i have to help fill the chum jar |
09/14 09:06:57 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | vdragon348 | Happy anniversary to the best shark! |
09/14 09:06:59 | $4.99 | ¥549 | Bungus_Chungus | I wuv you Goombah. Can’t wait to see what happens in year 2. | |
09/14 09:07:00 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | べあれっさー | ぐらちゃん1周年おめでとう! | |
09/14 09:07:01 | $300.00 | ¥33039 | The13thArisen | Hi Gura! Happy 1 year!!! You came out of the water for french fries and now you're making (literally) millions of shrimps happy every day. Thanks for everything you do, and here's to even more amazing years chef!!! | |
09/14 09:07:07 | $5.00 | ¥550 | BigLemons99 | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:07:11 | $19.99 | ¥2201 | Roaming Data | BROKEN CHUM JAR HEREEE WE GOOOOO One year of Gura and also my anniversary! Cheers Gourd Goulash! | |
09/14 09:07:13 | $9.99 | ¥1100 | Gin Izuru | Cheers to another year. Thank you for everything that you and the rest of Holomyth do. You make it possible to get through the ridiculousness that is life. Loves Gura :) | |
09/14 09:07:14 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | SUN | maybe ill get into the chum jar someday.... | |
09/14 09:07:17 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Serge セルジェ | What a wonderful year it's been with you an all of the myth girls. You have been a beacon of comfy, goofy, cute energy since debut and made 2020 bearable for so many of us. Thanks sharky |
09/14 09:07:27 | A$20.00 | ¥1619 | Taccarin | Congrats on the 1 year Gura!! |
09/14 09:07:34 | A$30.99 | ¥2509 | シーノ | Happy 1 year anniversary! Looking forward to another year of holomyth fun! | |
09/14 09:07:37 | SGD5.00 | ¥410 | FuwaFuwa | Happy Anniversary Gura! Thank you for all the laughs and lovely singing! It really helped me to get through my first year in university. Love you | |
09/14 09:07:39 | £20.00 | ¥3044 | George Carter | Thank you for everything you do Gura, youre an inspiration to us all! keep up the good work, we love you |
09/14 09:07:41 | PEN5.00 | ¥133 | pini | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:07:48 | CA$10.00 | ¥868 | TurtleCubes | It's been a great year Gura! | |
09/14 09:07:50 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Moondog | Thank you for the fun year. Your content is fun and I'm happy to have found you and be here. |
09/14 09:08:01 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Bluenatic | Congrats on the first year! Hearing that it was the best year of your life is incredible. Here's to hoping the years to come are even better! I can't wait to see what's in store, IKZ! | |
09/14 09:08:03 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | knolasco07 | Congrats on your one year anniversary Gura!!! |
09/14 09:08:03 | CHF50.00 | ¥5973 | Cyanide | Dear Gura, its been an amazing year. Thank you so much for everything. I really am grateful to you and the community. Without you and the chumbuds I would never have been able to stop being fat in half a year, much love |
09/14 09:08:14 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | MudArcade | Thank you for all you do! Happy Anniversary! LOVE YOU SO MUCH GURA! | |
09/14 09:08:15 | NT$1,500.00 | ¥5961 | Shiki | Happy 1 Year Anniversary!!! |
09/14 09:08:15 | $2.00 | ¥220 | MACZ2021 | Thanks for the great year Gura, here's to another! | |
09/14 09:08:18 | HK$15.00 | ¥212 | Rex レックス | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:08:26 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Mr. ShadowAnt | Happy Sameversary! Can't wait for another year of watching the funniest, most adorable shark I know. | |
09/14 09:08:28 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Shmike | Can't believe it's already been so long. This past year has flown by so quickly. I can't write everything out in the SC, so I'm gonna start drafting my first letter soon. Thank you for all of the amazing memories, Gura. | |
09/14 09:08:40 | CA$50.00 | ¥4344 | Justin Reinhart | Fun fact: The human esophagus is about 10-11" long. You'll never see one that's 12" though, because then it would be a foot. Just a fact I wanted to share. It's not like I want you to talk about feet again or anything. No, of course not...バーバカ... | |
09/14 09:08:44 | ₩20,000 | ¥1874 | 혜성-hyesung | Congratulations on your first anniversary, sharkie! I've been watching the stream since 4 months ago, and every moment was so fun!! |
09/14 09:08:46 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Randy RJ | 1 year of no bottom teeth, being as flat as a pancake, and having the most thickest tail and most cutest shark in the world. LET'S GOOOOO!!! |
09/14 09:08:50 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Exilon | I love Goomba Roomba. I love the new badges. I love Gawr Goomba! Not in the weird way. | |
09/14 09:08:53 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Lily hooper | She hates the OG bgm friends =*( | |
09/14 09:08:53 | CA$50.00 | ¥4344 | Justin Reinhart | But seriously, we tease you a lot, but I hope you know how much we love you and your streams. You've become a huge part of our lives, and have brightened our days. Congratulations, Sharky. I'm looking forward to another amazing year with you. | |
09/14 09:08:59 | SGD5.00 | ¥410 | Aliexa-nya Delta | Happy 1 year anniversary Gura! Thank you for always entertaining us, your streams never fail to make me smile! |
09/14 09:09:04 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Brawl Flowers | Hey Gura. Just want to wish you a Happy anniversary. You've helped cheer up during rough moments of the past year and I'm glad I got to know your channel. I look forward to the years to come. and I just want to say thank you. | |
09/14 09:09:06 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Biggus Shrimpus | Thank you for being there for us this past year! You're such a sweet person Gura! | |
09/14 09:09:08 | $5.00 | ¥550 | DBZ | yeeeeehaw | |
09/14 09:09:18 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | egg | Happy 1 year anniversary, Gura. You've come a long way and I can't wait to see where you go from here |
09/14 09:09:23 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | こけウサ | Omedeto Same-chan ! |
09/14 09:09:31 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Mitai | HAPPY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY GURAAAA - a wild shrimp | |
09/14 09:09:32 | $99.99 | ¥11012 | ViableMonkey | Happy one year anniversary Gura!! |
09/14 09:09:34 | $99.99 | ¥11012 | AndyKappn | Happy anniversary, Gura! Thank you so much to you and the rest of Hololive for all the joy and laughter you’ve brought us over the last year. Here’s to another year of fun! I hope all your dreams continue to come true! Shaaaaaark! | |
09/14 09:09:39 | NT$30.00 | ¥119 | 保炉雷撫‧胃炎‧賀宇瑠グラ | ||
09/14 09:09:42 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Barracuda Hunter | Congrats on 1 year Gura! Thank you so much for all the fun times, and here's to many more years of nonstop Holomyth LOVE! |
09/14 09:09:46 | $5.00 | ¥550 | kidloco | happy anniversary, today i sleep you singing and i dream nicely, happy anniversary | |
09/14 09:09:48 | ₩10,000 | ¥937 | 피카미 •마나이타 | congratulations! gura. are you turning 3001 now? | |
09/14 09:09:49 | RUB1,000.00 | ¥1508 | LokZul | HAPPY ANNIVERSARY | |
09/14 09:09:59 | HK$25.00 | ¥353 | 野良プーギー | Happy anniversary.(≧ω≦) | |
09/14 09:09:59 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Steve | Congrats on 1 year! Lets go season 2! | |
09/14 09:10:07 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Usagi1992 | Happy one year Anniversary Gawr Gura!! I've been subscribed to you since your Christmas karaoke stream. May you have another happy year in Hololive |
09/14 09:10:09 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Sleepy Ronin | Happy one year anniversary Gura. Thank you for all the fun times the past year. Looking forward to many more to come. | |
09/14 09:10:13 | $5.00 | ¥550 | YeezusPieces 2 | Happy 1 year anniversary! | |
09/14 09:10:16 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Bishop Johnson | Happy 1 year Gura | |
09/14 09:10:17 | ₩10,000 | ¥937 | 가람휘_Ga Ram hwi | hi gura Happy 1st anniversary I met you 2 months ago happy to meet you I wish I could stream for a long time | |
09/14 09:10:24 | ¥610 | ¥610 | 草野 | 一周年おめでとう |
09/14 09:10:32 | $5.00 | ¥550 | nakedsnake 76 | Happy anniversary Gura! Hope everyone's having a good day. | |
09/14 09:10:42 | $2.00 | ¥220 | Pota - Delivery Haa-corn | Happy 1st Same-potato | |
09/14 09:10:47 | $5.00 | ¥550 | The Casual Commander | Watson changes the entire timeline with one move, passing the derpy music along to the special Goombah. | |
09/14 09:10:55 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | flimflammable | Congrats on the 1 year anniversary Gura! Here's to the next year of fun and laughs together! | |
09/14 09:10:57 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Baldrexs | Hey Sharkie! Thanks for the wonderful year! Thank you for always making us smile & putting up with our shenanigans |
09/14 09:10:59 | HK$500.00 | ¥7077 | ときね | The anniversary stream was a bliss. Land shaaark! Myth collab always make me smile. We are lucky to have HoloMyth this year. You brought us so much happiness more than one can imagine. Gura you are so cute watching your streams make my days more relaxing and comfortable | |
09/14 09:11:06 | NT$330.00 | ¥1311 | Guan Wen | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:11:19 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Xander Krivacka | Thanks for all the laughs, Gura! | |
09/14 09:11:20 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Emmanuel T | Gura Out of all the Scooby-Doo characters you'd be Scrappy-Doo. | |
09/14 09:11:21 | €50.00 | ¥6493 | Shrimp330 | Happy 1st year anniversary Shark! Thank you for the funny contents that you and your friends provide. Season 2 IKZ! | |
09/14 09:11:25 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Dramatic_Gaming | Happy Same-versary Gura! From baby shark to over 3M shrimps and beyond, Thank you being a bright light in this crazy year. | |
09/14 09:11:28 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Flan | Happy anniversary to you and the rest of HoloMyth! I've been watching since day 1 and I enjoy all of your streams! Thank you so much! |
09/14 09:11:30 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Smush K | 1 year let's go! keep being you Shark | |
09/14 09:11:37 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Ernie | Congratulations on 1 year Gura!!! Thank you for all the laughs and great moments!!! Looking forward to what the future holds!!! Love you chef!!! | |
09/14 09:11:39 | HK$500.00 | ¥7077 | 源泰郎 | Happy 1year anniversary gura |
09/14 09:11:53 | $5.00 | ¥550 | MrBones | Hi Gura, Happy 1 year SAMEVersary. Watching you grow from debut to now has been a hell of a ride. Youve been a huge inspiration here's to another year | |
09/14 09:12:03 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | dragonstryke58 | Conrats on 1 year anniversary!!! Thank you for being such an amazing shark! You have brought so much joy and laughter to my life! Keep being you and I wish you much much more success in the coming year!! | |
09/14 09:12:04 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Ain't It | Hey Gura! I just want to say thank you for an absolutely amazing year. You have been an absolute joy to watch and always make me smile. PS, as a country boy, your country accent is adorable |
09/14 09:12:10 | ₩10,000 | ¥937 | YameっKing_Jang대리 | Congratulation! Happy 1st anniversary! Gura's debut was Genesis for me! 큐티 사메~~~포에버~~~ | |
09/14 09:12:22 | CA$6.99 | ¥607 | Sora383 | Happy Anniversary to the best shark in the ocean! I only just found your videos a few months ago but they have made the last few months fantastic! | |
09/14 09:12:27 | ¥250 | ¥250 | ちゃすけ | ||
09/14 09:12:30 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Heyhows itgoin99 | Happy anniversary Gura. You've accomplished a great deal in a showrt amount of time. Keep up the great work, and may there be many more years in the future. | |
09/14 09:12:30 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | dude892 | Man, can't believe its been a year already since I fell down the hole, and I have you and the rest of HoloMyth for making me trip into it. I had a great year watching all of you, and look forward to another one | |
09/14 09:12:38 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Ethan Gavette | New emotes featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series | |
09/14 09:12:46 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Edaskire | little bit late but HAPPY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY GURA! Thanks so much for the hard work and all the fun throughout this last year, and I hope everything is wonderful for you moving forward as well! | |
09/14 09:13:25 | $15.00 | ¥1651 | Karl Williams | HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! |
09/14 09:13:32 | ₩12,000 | ¥1124 | 김결천 | Happy 1st anniversary! | |
09/14 09:13:32 | ₩1,100 | ¥103 | n효준 | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:13:44 | SGD5.00 | ¥410 | Play | Thank you for the one year shark |
09/14 09:13:59 | CA$20.00 | ¥1737 | Ryo Okuda | Happy 1st year anniversary, Gura! | |
09/14 09:14:03 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | DctrGizmo | Last night was honestly the best time of my life! I'm so glad I started following you and hololive-en seven months ago and my life hasn't been the same since. Here's to the next year! |
09/14 09:14:06 | CLP5,000 | ¥700 | Matias Alcántara | Hi Gura! congrats for ur 1 year, just wanted to thank you for this wonderful year, you helped me a lot through a hard moment in my life, you are a great treasure for me & the chumbuds, we love you |
09/14 09:14:13 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Derpiguy | Happy Anniversary gamer, its been a fun year and glad you could help so many shrimps pass the time and spend time with you, and maybe by the 2nd anniversary the Jar will be working after 5 minutes |
09/14 09:14:28 | ₩10,000 | ¥937 | 김한경 | ||
09/14 09:14:29 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Midori Yuri | Good to see ya, Gura! | |
09/14 09:14:46 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | FloppyBlarg 117 | Hey Gura!!! Happy Anniversary! Been a supporter since day one, you gave me lots of great content when I needed it the most. I hope you and Myth continue to do great things in the future! | |
09/14 09:14:52 | HK$788.00 | ¥11153 | briellelol | Hello Gura! Happy debut anniversary! This is my first ever super chat, saved only for this very special occasion. This year has been an AMAZING year for me, and it's all thanks to the cutest shark in the world. Thank you Gura! | |
09/14 09:14:55 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Captain Fleece | ||
09/14 09:15:00 | $5.00 | ¥550 | The Casual Commander | ||
09/14 09:15:06 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | theDeathBerry | NOW IM |
09/14 09:15:14 | $5.00 | ¥550 | TriStain | Happy one year! Here's to another year of shenanigans and definitely not thinking about feet! | |
09/14 09:15:18 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Odyssey | Happy 1 year anniversary Gura!!! Thank you for all the laughs, smiles, and even the yabai. I can't wait to see what's in store for you this new year. ChumBud for LIFE |
09/14 09:15:19 | PLN10.00 | ¥286 | Jakub Grzybek | :_BlueLight:Anakin :_RedLight:Vader | |
09/14 09:15:20 | $6.00 | ¥660 | 茨木童子 | 1周年おめでとうございます、サメちゃん!! |
09/14 09:15:21 | CA$20.00 | ¥1737 | Selakiir セラキル | This is |
09/14 09:15:21 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Bladejarrod1999 | Lets go gura! keep doing the great work! | |
09/14 09:15:24 | MYR15.00 | ¥397 | A Cure | congrats 1 year goomba | |
09/14 09:15:38 | CLP50,000 | ¥7008 | Merkén seiso | Congratulations on a new year!!! Thank you so much for making my evenings so much more joyful. GURA IS FOREVER!!! | |
09/14 09:15:39 | $2.00 | ¥220 | Pota - Delivery Haa-corn | ||
09/14 09:15:40 | $49.99 | ¥5505 | Dio Broly78 | Happy Anniversary Gura!!! FYI: Did an obstacle course race and had to walk across a balance beam. Sang the Shark Song to help me get across. Never stop being yourself Big Little Shark!!!! | |
09/14 09:15:41 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Jon of Arc ✝️📿 | Congrats on one year Gura!!!! |
09/14 09:15:41 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | RocketGoat | Thanks for the amazing year Gura! It's been a blast! |
09/14 09:15:43 | ₩100,000 | ¥9372 | 안태현 | Happy 1 year anniversary again! | |
09/14 09:15:48 | MYR15.00 | ¥397 | Kaeci | Happy 1st Anniversary Gura!! All the best for your future endeavours and stay awesome!! Hope to see what you have in check for us in the future!! ILY |
09/14 09:15:53 | $4.99 | ¥549 | CuteFork Cosplay | Thank you Gura for all your hard work! Thanks to you I have become motivated to be a vtuber and I can only hope to make others smile as much as you do | |
09/14 09:16:04 | ₩100,000 | ¥9372 | 안태현 | yesterday was so fun! | |
09/14 09:16:06 | ₩5,900 | ¥552 | zzapaninii | Congratulation Happy guraversary!!!! Thank you for your 1 year! | |
09/14 09:16:21 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Jordasauris | you were the first vtuber i watched and now im a simp for like 5. thanks gura. but really thanks for being super entertaining. you are awesome. | |
09/14 09:16:32 | ₩100,000 | ¥9372 | 안태현 | thank you always | |
09/14 09:16:39 | $1.99 | ¥219 | Machina | ||
09/14 09:16:40 | MYR30.00 | ¥795 | DarthThertle | Happy 1st Anni, funni shak | |
09/14 09:16:43 | ₩10,000 | ¥937 | scv3651 | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:16:46 | $5.00 | ¥550 | jesterexe | you're a very talented entertainer that should be so proud of all your success! thanks for the excellent content sharky | |
09/14 09:16:55 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Erebus | Great work on year one! I really can't properly explain how excellent you and the myth girls are, but thank you. Your singing is beautiful and you are a natural entertainer. I am so glad you joined Hololive. | |
09/14 09:16:56 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | HotSpamMusubi | Happy 1st Anniversary Gura! You were the first to hook me into HoloEN and well, the rest is history. It's been amazing to see how much you've grown in the past year. You've been such a joy to watch and I can't wait to see what you achieve next! |
09/14 09:16:59 | NT$1,500.00 | ¥5961 | くもいも | Happy 1 year anniversary the cutest shark!! I'm glad to meet you. Hope you can be always happy and health!! I'll expect more stream and more songs you bring us. | |
09/14 09:17:02 | NT$300.00 | ¥1192 | eddy Teng | Gura so QT. I love you. Thank you for your 1 year! | |
09/14 09:17:12 | ¥610 | ¥610 | Shuko P | おはさめにゃん(=^・×・^=) 1st anniversary おめでとう!! |
09/14 09:17:24 | ₩5,000 | ¥468 | john wick | Congratulations on your first anniversary. Yesterday's broadcast was very cute. | |
09/14 09:17:30 | MX$50.00 | ¥276 | Shadow Pencil | Happy 1st anniversary Gura! | |
09/14 09:17:33 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | sniperut | Scuff 100% Wouldn't have it any other way Goomba! Thank you for pulling me into this ridiculous rabbit hole! Here's to another year and BEYOND! | |
09/14 09:17:36 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | TsunLastSpock | Thank you so much for a year of amazing streams! You've made a really difficult year so much better with your laughter and screams and joy and singing and overall talent. Here's to many many more, sharkie! LETS GET MOTIVATED! | |
09/14 09:17:39 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | BrutusSalad | Remember when Calli was pure?? | |
09/14 09:17:49 | A$5.00 | ¥404 | Martial Zen | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:18:00 | £20.00 | ¥3044 | Lizard Wizard | Voting that for Season 2 instead of a Purity and Intelligence chart it should be a Motivated and Power chart. | |
09/14 09:18:03 | NT$330.00 | ¥1311 | Tim | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:18:20 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | シャロ-syaron- | so cute SHARK!! happy Anniversary!! | |
09/14 09:18:23 | PHP2,500.00 | ¥5510 | anj | 1 year of shark noises and me staring at the screen going awwww kyut... waduhek? haha thanks gura for hapee year | |
09/14 09:18:29 | $200.00 | ¥22026 | I am the Senate | Happy Anniversary! Here's a little something to show my appreciation for my favorite VTuber. Can't wait to see what kind of amazing things you do in the future! |
09/14 09:18:31 | PHP250.00 | ¥551 | Max Ciel | This is my first time donating. Happy Anniversary Gura!!!! I'm really excited to get your Nendoroid!! | |
09/14 09:18:33 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Chazz Q | Middle left | |
09/14 09:18:58 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | The13thArisen | Remember Gura...47 minutes of feet video | |
09/14 09:18:59 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Luore / ルオレ | Congrats on the 1st year, definitely more left | |
09/14 09:19:10 | ₱500.00 | ¥1102 | Mittsu | Happy 1st Anniversary gura!!! wasnt there from the start but you keep me inspired and MOTIVATED! Not to mention happy so i thank you from the bottom of my heart for being you and making millions of chumbuds |
09/14 09:19:11 | NT$1,500.00 | ¥5961 | I’m Seiso | HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Are you Seiso? |
09/14 09:19:13 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | RagingBadger[バジャー] | Heya Gwoombers. Still feels like yesterday when you first debuted. I remember how I felt bad for you when you were struggling with Maneater, but now, I just laugh |
09/14 09:19:13 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Bishop Johnson | Straight to the bottom, we all say yesterday's collab | |
09/14 09:19:15 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Pepeloni | Happy 1 year anniversary! Cheers to another year! |
09/14 09:19:18 | NT$300.00 | ¥1192 | BirderJoel | Happy 1st year anniversary ! Thank you for the past amazing work!!! |
09/14 09:19:20 | $5.00 | ¥550 | TalismanG1 | "Step Bro I'm stuck" | |
09/14 09:19:24 | $5.00 | ¥550 | PhiGeek | Gura, 1 2 5??? more left pls | |
09/14 09:19:28 | $2.00 | ¥220 | Serana_Mobz | 2 X 2 | |
09/14 09:19:31 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Wolrok | Do a poll | |
09/14 09:19:33 | $4.99 | ¥549 | Brandon | Feet level down | |
09/14 09:19:35 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | LucaUmbriel | ||
09/14 09:19:38 | $5.00 | ¥550 | The Casual Commander | Like halfway down all the way left. | |
09/14 09:19:44 | $2.00 | ¥220 | wildnexus | Step bro Gura needs your help! | |
09/14 09:19:49 | $5.00 | ¥550 | ghosty | You have a 45 minute feet compilation video. . . Lower lol | |
09/14 09:19:49 | £5.00 | ¥761 | 'Ello Guv'ner | Below the line Gura, need i remind you of the 48 minutes of feet? | |
09/14 09:19:50 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Saiyza | Your anniversary hijinks... | |
09/14 09:19:57 | $5.00 | ¥550 | The Box Ghost™ | Gura, look at the chum jar. You know what it is from. If you aren't 3/4 to the bottom you're lying to yourself and us. | |
09/14 09:20:03 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Yumemaboroshi | Happy anniversary, Gura! Thank you becoming part of my daily routine and get through the hard times. I love you always, you adorable shark. Keep it up | |
09/14 09:20:04 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Impulse Gundam | LET'S NOT FORGET YOUR SEISO XMAS |
09/14 09:20:04 | $2.72 | ¥299 | A.J. Mixup | What is this | |
09/14 09:20:16 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Flynn | you have a chum jar on your desk, definitely below the middle line |
09/14 09:20:18 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Suzuri - すずり | you have a feet compilation more down | |
09/14 09:20:21 | $5.00 | ¥550 | ToaOfTwilightZKai | Hey Gura what's a Buttfor? | |
09/14 09:20:26 | $4.99 | ¥549 | TH3 MlLKM4N | Almost halfway down the bottom of the y axis miss Gawr Gorgonzola | |
09/14 09:20:29 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | コモンビル | Happy 1st anniversary Gura!! I'm always watching the stream. It's so cute and I love you!! | |
09/14 09:20:32 | $2.00 | ¥220 | Tech | Gura is bottom right or mid Sharky is not dumb! | |
09/14 09:20:33 | ₩5,000 | ¥468 | turtle- with-glasses | Thank you 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ! I'm so happy happy this time. | |
09/14 09:20:34 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Isekai Animangamer | Happy 1 year anniversary to the world's cutest and gura8est neko bshark girl! Thank you so much for all of the fun times! Love ya and look forward to the future! |
09/14 09:20:36 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | advent | Gura-same! Happy 1-year anniversary!! |
09/14 09:20:38 | NT$100.00 | ¥397 | Mike Lin | Congratulations | |
09/14 09:20:54 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | うめしそ | ぐらちゃん1周年おめでとう! / Happy 1 year anniversary Gura-chan! | |
09/14 09:20:55 | $2.00 | ¥220 | ciberkid22 | Remember, 9 + 10 = 11 | |
09/14 09:21:08 | $2.00 | ¥220 | Jonathan Mendoza | aren't you smart? what's 17 x 9 | |
09/14 09:21:19 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Terabiel | Chumbuddy once told me ame is gunna scold me, I aint the smortest shork in the school! She was lookin kinda smug, with a moustache on her mug, and a hat that she thinks is so cool. (We Love You GURA!) | |
09/14 09:21:24 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Dustin Rollings | NONE OF YOU ARE FREE FROM SIN, LOL | |
09/14 09:22:55 | $5.00 | ¥550 | DRCEQ | Amelia is bottom right. We wouldn't have SMOL Myth without her ingenuity and tech savvy. | |
09/14 09:22:56 | $25.00 | ¥2753 | Chyafu | chart is rigged for sure | |
09/14 09:22:57 | SGD2.00 | ¥164 | DY Haku | Happy anniversary Gura! | |
09/14 09:22:57 | HK$500.00 | ¥7077 | Peacock | Happy anniversary Gura! I love your giggle so much and you made my day every time I watch your stream. Thank you for your company and every happiness you gave me! | |
09/14 09:23:00 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | McPenguinz | You've developed so much as a streamer this past year Gura, I think you have a lot to be proud of. You've really grown into your own, with an amazing sense of humor and wonderful entertainment skills. Thank you gwambus |
09/14 09:23:15 | $1.00 | ¥110 | FloppyBlarg 117 | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:23:18 | CA$0.99 | ¥86 | Rexthedinopup2 : The Sequel | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:23:24 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Jiemboh | Gura you were teabagging Calli literally yesterday and using a light stick suggestively. Don't put Ame lower than yourself. Also, congrats on anniversary! | |
09/14 09:23:31 | €2.00 | ¥259 | Shirone | Congrats Guwa on the 1 Year ! You did great ^^ | |
09/14 09:23:33 | $15.00 | ¥1651 | Christian Parks | Happy 1 year anniversary Gura! happy that you still stream often, oh yea also almond milk is still the best water | |
09/14 09:23:38 | $5.00 | ¥550 | ichbinism | RIGGED, you just want her next to you! | |
09/14 09:23:38 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Zeitgeist | She will be close to you in terms of Vertical position |
09/14 09:23:41 | £2.00 | ¥304 | Atrum Starstryder | Ame is the Bottom Right quadrant Gura, Accept it |
09/14 09:23:51 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Actiondanny | Kiara is lewd, but she is NOT dumb. That's be clear by now. It's time for the running joke to slow down. Kiara is bottom-RIGHT, and if you wanna disagree, try doing it in three different languages. | |
09/14 09:24:52 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | John Laws | Howdy Gura |
09/14 09:25:05 | A$5.00 | ¥404 | Yithmir • KFP Born to Fly forced to Fry 🐤 | KFP RISE UP | |
09/14 09:25:09 | ₩1,000 | ¥93 | 김효명 | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:25:24 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Ranivus Ch. | TOP middle-LEFT |
09/14 09:25:50 | $5.00 | ¥550 | YEW | happy anniversary gura we love you!! | |
09/14 09:25:53 | $4.99 | ¥549 | Berserking | Blue colored SC, Chat river | |
09/14 09:26:02 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Lilith | Honestly Kiara is smarter than most people give her credit for. | |
09/14 09:26:04 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Justin Thyme | Wasn't here at debut but watchied soon after. I just want to say thank you for everthing you do. I absolutly love your singing. You have been a treasure to watch grow, thank you for everything. Keep being you, we love ya. | |
09/14 09:26:12 | $4.99 | ¥549 | Luke Fabis | Calli is dead-bottom after what she did to her scythe yesterday. | |
09/14 09:26:13 | $2.00 | ¥220 | Christian Parks | ||
09/14 09:26:15 | ¥2,440 | ¥2440 | NEP | 一周年おめでとう!!Time with you are always so fun that can’t believe is been a year. You are my motivation to learn english, as first i can hardly understand but i feel i got much better now! Thanks for the amazing year~ ぐらちゃん大好きです! | |
09/14 09:26:18 | €10.00 | ¥1298 | THXihateIT | Myth-Dango in the middle, starting at the bottom | |
09/14 09:26:37 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | AnimeSquirrel | I believe Gura is lower Middle and right of center. | |
09/14 09:26:49 | MX$200.00 | ¥1107 | Forever Zero | Happy anniversary Gura! Since I became a fan of yours it's been nothing but great memories, every stream it's an adventure and I'm sure you will reach even beyond the stars, you're a super idol after all, thank you Gura | |
09/14 09:27:09 | $9.99 | ¥1100 | Berserking | Life is great here, greater than it once was | |
09/14 09:27:34 | MYR30.00 | ¥795 | ZORRO zakani | Hey Gura.Happy 1 year anniversary.I am your Shrimp from Malaysia and the pronunciation of my currency is Malaysian Ringgit(MYR) and i hope for you to always have beautiful and happy life |
09/14 09:28:31 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Kevin_da_Zombie | Happy 1 Year Anniversary Gura! I only just recently became a membershrimp. But you've been giving me so much joy for quite some time. Thank you Sharky | |
09/14 09:28:45 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Ieatramen Daily | Heyyy guraaaaaaa!!! Happy Anniversary!!! Thank you for an awesome Year!!! Loveyaaaaaguraaaa!!! |
09/14 09:28:46 | $4.99 | ¥549 | Ojisan | Lyrical genius | |
09/14 09:29:04 | ¥250 | ¥250 | ミントのチャンネルです | A | |
09/14 09:29:44 | $19.99 | ¥2201 | Berserking | Young and crazy, growing like a breeze | |
09/14 09:29:53 | $5.00 | ¥550 | TalismanG1 | I'm a firm believer that Calli has always been Dead Center | |
09/14 09:30:04 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Deconyus | Just found you like weeks ago and i gotta know. do you know any sawblade tooth sharks? | |
09/14 09:31:04 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Servant Kanon | In Calli's defense, Smol Calli is a separate entity | |
09/14 09:31:08 | $49.99 | ¥5505 | Berserking | Hololive, take me home. To the stream, where I belong!!! | |
09/14 09:31:14 | R$2.90 | ¥60 | kokomi 💭 | HAPPY 1 YEAR SHARK QUEEN!! |
09/14 09:31:26 | SGD20.00 | ¥1640 | S17 B32 | Happy 1stAnniversary! At debut, I pegged you as HoloMyth's moe-blob… Boy did I underestimate you. You're cute. But you also sing Sabaton, play DMC, run THE BEST TTRPG character, and other fun stuff. You're a cool Shork, Gura! | |
09/14 09:31:32 | $5.00 | ¥550 | J S | What about the scythe? What about the glowstick gooruh?? | |
09/14 09:31:49 | ¥500 | ¥500 | アルティメットエイジ | ||
09/14 09:32:04 | $5.00 | ¥550 | DeskKun | Two words MEAT SPIN! | |
09/14 09:32:14 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Lily hooper | Gura remember when you told your mama you dont wear panties than asked her what color her panties were? Are you sure you dont need to be lower? | |
09/14 09:32:18 | NZ$2.00 | ¥156 | Lev S | Put Ina and Kali on top right and everybody.. B.R | |
09/14 09:32:22 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | elJuice | lower, you were t bagging calli yesterday | |
09/14 09:32:28 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Zeitgeist | Average of Watson and Kiara seems like a good position for you |
09/14 09:32:31 | $4.99 | ¥549 | Kento | “Stepbrother help!” - Gura via Luigi stream. | |
09/14 09:32:37 | $5.00 | ¥550 | neoinvisiblemoose | Kiara needs to be further right and higher! | |
09/14 09:32:45 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | MaladjustedPlatypus | Someone with 47 minutes of feet content deserves only the bottom of the purity chart. | |
09/14 09:32:52 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Yenway | Joke's on you, Gura. You've got other things to do, but I have nothing better to do with my life. | |
09/14 09:33:03 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Pina | Happy one year anniversary stinky! | |
09/14 09:33:07 | $5.00 | ¥550 | The Casual Commander | 47 minutes of feet mentions... The infamous "Meat Spin" stream title... 1, 2, 5... Gooruh pls. | |
09/14 09:33:08 | £2.00 | ¥304 | Atrum Starstryder | Ame & Kiara further right (correct purity though) | |
09/14 09:33:19 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | DaRealGFishy | Gura after your stunt with the lightstick last night you definitely need to be lower. |
09/14 09:33:24 | R$2.00 | ¥41 | Matheus Scapin | salve rom | |
09/14 09:33:28 | CA$2.00 | ¥173 | Party Row | the chat is the most |
09/14 09:33:31 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Hunt3rDragon | Will Project: Hope and the Holo council be added to the chart? | |
09/14 09:34:16 | CLP2,500 | ¥350 | Radiance | Imagine putting a nendoroid inside a chum bucket and putting yourself at middle seiso, happy anniversary gura!! |
09/14 09:34:30 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Bishop Johnson | How the mighty have fallen |
09/14 09:34:41 | $99.99 | ¥11012 | Berserking | HoloMyth, mountain of laughs! Take me home, HoloRoads. (Sorry this Rainbow was so bad, happy 1year anniversary). | |
09/14 09:34:48 | ₩5,900 | ¥552 | zzapaninii | Kiara can go more up amd right.. right..? | |
09/14 09:34:53 | $5.00 | ¥550 | WingsCV | We can GRAPH The Slow corruption of our Shark over the past year now xDDD | |
09/14 09:35:06 | HK$10.00 | ¥141 | *てる | Happy 1 year Anniversary! Little shark! |
09/14 09:35:23 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Pants | Need I remind you of the lightstick, cardboard Calli, sussy bus(sy), step-brother, this isn't a bathtub, master bait. Fisting water and much more. Gura, your purity is so far down it greeted Bae and Sana and kept going. | |
09/14 09:35:33 | $5.00 | ¥550 | The Casual Commander | I can see the clickbait thumbnails with "Corruption" tag. Clippers I'm doing your work for you. | |
09/14 09:35:39 | NT$750.00 | ¥2980 | 曾偉為weiwei | Happy Anniversary Gura! Thank you for the angel voices in every karaoke, and thank you for the effort in every single stream. |
09/14 09:35:41 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Chandler Himmel | Love you and all the EN girl's streams. I normally just watch the vods but boy I almost cried watching the group anniversary vod. Here's to season 2! | |
09/14 09:36:02 | HK$100.00 | ¥1415 | B.R.Terrence TM | Happy anniversary Goorah!! Thank you for bought us an amazing year!!! Motivated as always!! I will support (simp) you forever lil shOrk!! Best wishes!! | |
09/14 09:36:13 | $5.00 | ¥550 | relair13 | You're much closer to the center of the chart, smart shark! Don't sell yourself short |
09/14 09:36:32 | $5.00 | ¥550 | bigpoopyboi peepeepants | happy anniversary gura! its been a lot of fun watching you, keep up the good work | |
09/14 09:36:38 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | DarkB. Andy | Happy Anniversary Gura!I have a song request for future entertainment: Can you do “Stereo Love” by Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina? You don’t need to sing the lyrics, I mostly want you do sounds of the background music, especially the accordion. | |
09/14 09:36:49 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Nash | Fun year, thanks for being so nice to us. I hope you'll charm us with your siren song for years to come! |
09/14 09:36:50 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | ellesnyt (ɛls) | THANK YOU. 8 little letters, 1 little space, tell you the reason for the smile on my f4ce, for all that you do I sincerely appreciate! I will give my tiny support wherever sharkventure takes me |
09/14 09:37:03 | $2.00 | ¥220 | Mrblueblur | How do you think you and the other girls grew? | |
09/14 09:38:07 | $19.99 | ¥2201 | Berserking | Hey, said my red may not have gone through. If it didn’t I just wanna say happy 1 year anniversary. Thank you for making my life better. Sorry for the cringe semi-rainbow. | |
09/14 09:38:27 | A$5.00 | ¥404 | Kieu Nguyen | Happy Anniversary, Gura! Here's to our favourite shark. |
09/14 09:38:37 | R$100.00 | ¥2098 | Natog | My first aka. Thank you Goowa, for changing my life, for being you, for sharing happiness with us, you always bright my days. I love you so much smol seison't siren shark, please put me in chum jar! Happy 1 year anniversary! IKZ to new adventures! |
09/14 09:38:37 | HK$50.00 | ¥707 | クレスト | Gura 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY~~ I don't want to go to work today. I really want to call in sick.(on duty T.T) | |
09/14 09:40:37 | $5.00 | ¥550 | GigaChad Raico | Gurah No!!! Todd Claims Another innocent waifu... | |
09/14 09:40:55 | $5.00 | ¥550 | mushy | dear god yes | |
09/14 09:42:42 | SGD10.00 | ¥820 | S17 B32 | Hard to believe this Shork became a big name VTuber, huh? Taco-bell commercial, 3 mil subs, cute nendoroid… look at all you have achieved, Gura! May you and your many friends have another great year! | |
09/14 09:43:32 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Sparky Zhang | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:43:48 | ₩5,000 | ¥468 | 아직한발남았다 | Hello Gura~ We, Koreans, congratulate you on your 1st anniversary, thank you for always giving good broadcasts | |
09/14 09:43:55 | A$20.00 | ¥1619 | Jacky Nguyen | Congrats on the 1 Year anniversary!!! Don't know what to say, I've really enjoyed your content! Keep going Gura!!! |
09/14 09:44:30 | PLN1,000.00 | ¥28604 | Pan Śmierci 404 | Happy Anniversery Gura. Usually I know what I want to say, but today... I just wish for all your dreams to come true. |
09/14 09:45:05 | CA$20.00 | ¥1737 | Adastra | Happy anniversary sharky! Your goofy streams and singing always make smile. Keep on keepin on and let's have another great year |
09/14 09:45:06 | $4.99 | ¥549 | The Fett | Congrats on one year! Let’s gooooooo! | |
09/14 09:45:14 | $5.00 | ¥550 | The Einhander | Bottom Teeth FUND!!! IKZZZZZ!!!! | |
09/14 09:45:23 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Randy RJ | Yeah, I love your fangs! FLASH THOSE PEARLY WHITES, SHARKGIRL!!!! |
09/14 09:45:27 | $9.99 | ¥1100 | Mr. Shadow | Hi Gura, been a shrimp for 1 month now! Love your content! I’ve taken on the task of watching all of your streams since the beginning. Just wondering, do you remember Phillip? | |
09/14 09:45:34 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Ranivus Ch. | I love nacho mama~!!! | |
09/14 09:46:05 | $4.99 | ¥549 | Luke Fabis | Just FYI people, she said ahoge, not ahegao. She was referring to a cowlick. | |
09/14 09:46:13 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Bishop Johnson | The |
09/14 09:46:16 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Electric Jesus | Ahoge Fund | |
09/14 09:46:17 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Hank Hill - Asst Mgr Strickland Propane | Congratulations on one year. Let's talk about how Strickland Propane can meet your heating and cooling needs. | |
09/14 09:46:40 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | wahoo | gura, thank you for keeping me going with your goofiness! whenever im sad ill watch clips from your streams, keep up the great work dorkus | |
09/14 09:46:40 | $25.00 | ¥2753 | Timothy Marks | As long as we're discussing old memes, would you be willing to say "Shaaaark! Shaaark!" for old time's sake? | |
09/14 09:46:42 | CA$27.99 | ¥2431 | Cow UwU | Happy 1 year anniversary gura!! For skyrim vr I highly recommend the mod called vrik, it adds an immersive body that you can view yourself instead of floating hands which is way more satisfying and comfy |
09/14 09:46:51 | R$2.00 | ¥41 | Kahléo | WE LOVE YOU GURAAAAAAA | |
09/14 09:47:17 | ₩100,000 | ¥9372 | 이성민 Mac Sungminson | Congrats Gura! All the time we've spent was a full happy and joy. You also encouraged me to start studying English again and improve my drawing skills. Thank you for your sweet voicc, cool accent, funny reaction, mystical eyes, fluffy hair, cute cheeks, and sharky teeth | |
09/14 09:47:39 | ¥610 | ¥610 | あんころもち | Happy anniversary gura! I love your streaming |
09/14 09:47:53 | $9.99 | ¥1100 | Bella | Happy Anniversary! I am so glad I fell down the Gura Rabbit hole. It's been a great ride. Especially hearing you sing. It's been fun hanging with the Chumbuds as well. You are a gift 2 all of us. | |
09/14 09:48:13 | $2.00 | ¥220 | TheKissylips | That's just growing up in general it seems. | |
09/14 09:48:39 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | Brown Neko | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:49:10 | R$1.00 | ¥20 | Kahléo | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:49:14 | NT$150.00 | ¥596 | Brown Neko | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:49:17 | A$20.00 | ¥1619 | SmolBrain | Gura can fly | |
09/14 09:49:26 | A$20.00 | ¥1619 | Ting Cao | Happy 1st Anniversary! | |
09/14 09:49:31 | CA$50.00 | ¥4344 | Greiver393 | Happy 1st anniversary Gura, thanks for the wonderful year, can't wait for the next. | |
09/14 09:49:36 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Sci サイ | gawr goomba | |
09/14 09:49:42 | NT$300.00 | ¥1192 | Brown Neko | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:50:00 | NT$750.00 | ¥2980 | Brown Neko | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:50:09 | $5.00 | ¥550 | BULLYHUNTER_78 | My brother died only a week before you debuted. You and the rest of the EN girls got me through some hard times, and I'm so glad to see you flourish. | |
09/14 09:50:18 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Last Sin Obi | A tip to the Ruler of the Sea for her 1 year anniversary. She may not be able to handle Minecraft water physics but she made waves in our hearts and built a strong community at the moment she said "A". Stay motivated shark. | |
09/14 09:50:41 | $2.00 | ¥220 | Serana_Mobz | NIHONGO JOUZO | |
09/14 09:50:53 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Saucekay3 | Gura with the VR dancing skills. Your anniversary stream brought precious memories when I used to play VRChat. Thanks for making memories with us | |
09/14 09:51:37 | NT$1,500.00 | ¥5961 | Brown Neko | (my first rainbow)Happy anniversary SHARKY!! l want thank you for your company in the past 1 year. There were so many fun and happy memories. You have cheered up and inspired so many people in creation including me. Can't wait for sharing the sec year with you. | |
09/14 09:51:40 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Pota - Delivery Haa-corn | |
09/14 09:51:52 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Luis Hernandez | ||
09/14 09:51:58 | $9.99 | ¥1100 | Gabriel Rodil | Happy Guraverssary, Gura it’s amazing how you livestream get more for a year, time flies by so quickly, I’m exited for the upcoming livestream of Hololive EN season 2, I hope you have an amazing day. | |
09/14 09:53:34 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | BlueCube | ||
09/14 09:53:40 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Yenway | If it's too front-heavy, would having it tighter put more weight on the back and balance it out? | |
09/14 09:53:46 | SGD30.00 | ¥2461 | Rinelle | Happy Anniversary Gura!! Love your content! You're the reason I started watching Hololive streams and it has been a really fun experience! Thanks for all the hardwork! Heres to another year and many to come!!! |
09/14 09:54:14 | $99.99 | ¥11012 | Heidy C | happy anni to u and all of myth! i cant find the words to tell u how much we appreciate u all.gura ur humor is so contagious,i hope u know how special u are to me and all the chums.we'll always support u,heres to more years stuck with us! ps the credits ystd made me cry | |
09/14 09:54:29 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | QuazarHS | Cwispy | |
09/14 09:54:49 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Chewiepew | if you adjust the headset for a bit it can feel better | |
09/14 09:55:02 | $4.99 | ¥549 | Spydr-Bro | Happy one year anniversary!!! Can’t wait to meet you at fan expo!! | |
09/14 09:55:12 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | HappySwan | Happy ANNIVERSARY!!!! | |
09/14 09:55:15 | A$10.00 | ¥809 | LastAngel Gamer | happy anniversary | |
09/14 09:56:13 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | PhyshStycc | I'm happy you guys are getting into VR! I have been an enthusiast and developer in the space for several years and love to see more people going down the rabbit hole. Welcome to the metaverse. | |
09/14 09:57:07 | HK$38.00 | ¥537 | lyliu | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 09:57:09 | $5.00 | ¥550 | No Name. | If YOU want to play it, please do play Maneater again. It feels like yesterday that I was watching an adorkable shark wandering around lost. |
09/14 09:57:17 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Luke Pilcher | Happy Anniversary! Can't wait to see what next year holds! | |
09/14 09:57:18 | CA$10.00 | ¥868 | Demyoko | i remember Gura's first cute little A *sniff* shes grown so much | |
09/14 09:57:53 | R$5.00 | ¥104 | Seed Squall | Hi,gura big fan. I'd love for a double date Same x Shion x Aqua x Ame. Just imagine the c̶h̶a̶o̶s̶ tee tee!! | |
09/14 09:57:56 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Knightbro19 | ||
09/14 09:57:57 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Logbro | Congrats on the one year, Gura! Big fan of your impressions / accents and your music / karaoke! (Your Sabaton and Konosuba always slap) Can we get your best cowboy 'Shooo-wheeee'? | |
09/14 09:58:10 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Saygrin | GURAS MOM IS A F***ING HERO | |
09/14 09:58:21 | ¥500 | ¥500 | Tm | Congratulations!! this is small celebration for u. Im Japanese, LOVE SAME-CHAN♡ | |
09/14 09:58:25 | ¥1,220 | ¥1220 | A Yamaguchi | 1周年おめでとうございます!! 可愛いサメちゃんにいつも癒されています |
09/14 09:58:37 | A$10.00 | ¥809 | Nop | thank you for bringing us all so much joy, lols over the years..you've been us all so much happiness! keep being awesome! |
09/14 09:58:44 | HK$15.00 | ¥212 | 小黑 | ||
09/14 09:59:12 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Justin Thyme | Also, very proud of you. | |
09/14 09:59:23 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Fateburn | I love me hololive. I love me shark. I love me shark mum | |
09/14 10:00:28 | ¥500 | ¥500 | たまごえっぐ | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 10:00:32 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | AcTioN | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 10:00:35 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Stephen,C | tell your Mama I said thank you for telling you to audition for Hololive! You are the person that got me into this rabbit hole and I'm very grateful!! | |
09/14 10:00:38 | MYR15.00 | ¥397 | takeru kenji | ||
09/14 10:00:53 | $9.99 | ¥1100 | Tyler Von Mehz | On the topic of your power stance drawing was it one of your usual drawings or can you… can you actually draw? | |
09/14 10:01:00 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Gator | Ah yes, I love going over the highlights of me just absolutely bullying you Gura. | |
09/14 10:01:00 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | supernic | My first superchat! Thank you gura for this whole year, i'm forever grateful that I could find you and your content, it has for sure changed my life. Can't wait for all you do in the future! |
09/14 10:01:11 | ¥500 | ¥500 | あおい | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 10:01:12 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | immortalis_ | Gura! It somehow doesn't feel like it's been that long, but happy 1st year anniversary!! It's been a lot of fun since the very beginning, looking forward to another year! |
09/14 10:01:35 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Zythe 3v1L™ | Happy 1 year Anniversary GRumbus!! <("<)(>")>PARTAY!<("<)(>")> | |
09/14 10:02:27 | ₱99.00 | ¥218 | DamnSheep | OMG IS GURA AND what is 8 times 9? | |
09/14 10:02:44 | $300.00 | ¥33039 | Ravine Alden | Happy Anniversary Gura! As a gift for you and the chumbuds, I made a video compiling some of your best moments over the last year! It’s titled Gawr Gura, A Reflection. Watch it if you have time later! Since I only just learned video editing for a month it might be a little scuffed… To another wonderful year! | |
09/14 10:03:21 | $5.00 | ¥550 | No Money No Life | I want Gura brand clothes just like like u wearing literally everything | |
09/14 10:04:21 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Jose Fernandez | SHARK!! | |
09/14 10:04:30 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Pota - Delivery Haa-corn | Shark Fact, Gura wasn't a Apex predator, | |
09/14 10:04:33 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | lbmaian | Happy Anniversary Gura! Cutest apex predator |
09/14 10:04:41 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | FeelTheZephyr | Happy anniversary Gura! Been a fun year, glad you and all of HoloMyth have each other |
09/14 10:04:42 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | 01435 1402 | サメさん、一周年おめでとうございます! かわいいサメさんに、いつも癒されています。 これからも頑張って下さい。 | |
09/14 10:04:58 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Gator | I'm laughing at you thinking you're the apex predator here sharky. Gators > Sharks | |
09/14 10:05:57 | A$10.00 | ¥809 | SmolBrain | Ha |
09/14 10:06:43 | ¥500 | ¥500 | GAI《ガイ》 【NorthLight】 | happy Anniversary Gura!! おめでとう!ぐらちゃん! | |
09/14 10:07:04 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Xorss | You still do that laugh | |
09/14 10:07:37 | $7.77 | ¥855 | asas asas | I had to miss most of the debuts so this was actually the second holoEN stream I saw live. I always believed in you, Gura. |
09/14 10:07:53 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | SneakySnake001 | Present Gura cringing at Past Gura might just be peak content. | |
09/14 10:08:23 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | MechaNoire | So nostalgic! I'm so very happy to be here one year later! Looking forward to the future! |
09/14 10:08:43 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Pass Into Grace Golden Yearning | Thank you for what you have done for yourself. | |
09/14 10:08:47 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Yuki89 | Gura Congratulations on the 1 year anniversary!!! You were the 1st VTuber I really got into & will always stick with. Anytime you feel down just remember we're here for YOU being YOU. |
09/14 10:09:13 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | Noel Wu | Happy Shark | |
09/14 10:09:19 | CA$5.00 | ¥434 | JasonDreams | you might be my oshi but I can't let you bully my oshi like that | |
09/14 10:09:23 | $5.00 | ¥550 | dadaism | dont worry the part where you ate people was funny | |
09/14 10:09:49 | A$10.00 | ¥809 | TaichoKyon 「館長キョン」 | I'd fully fund a Mogu Mogu cover from our beloved shaaaaak | |
09/14 10:10:04 | MYR6.00 | ¥159 | Xross V | shark seeing shark playing game as a shark | |
09/14 10:10:16 | CA$10.00 | ¥868 | Selakiir セラキル | hahahahaha, go easy on your past self Gura, it was your first stream, and even if you were cringing, you were still cute, also I'm sure you'll do much better if you ever decide to do a revenge stream | |
09/14 10:10:29 | $19.99 | ¥2201 | Karona | You’re still as cute as ever, congratulations on your first year and the first of many years I’m sure | |
09/14 10:10:36 | $30.00 | ¥3303 | Starfish | Congrats on 1 year gura! Although I'd like to talk about how much you've grown, you're sitll looking pretty smol to me. |
09/14 10:10:45 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | MisterPlane | The violent dominance from your Muse Dash stream was the reason I started watching | |
09/14 10:11:08 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Chibbers the Squirrel | I enjoyed the Maneater stream at the time, you were cute and shy and it was endearing. Don't be too hard on yourself |
09/14 10:11:15 | $49.99 | ¥5505 | Denim Dan | One year, Gura. One year of laughter, karaoke, wonderful gaming moments, and gradually sliding down the graph into the Seison’t territory. You’re a real gem, sharky, and I hope you’re proud of what you’ve accomplished! Here’s to more fun times, Gura! | |
09/14 10:11:18 | PHP500.00 | ¥1102 | Kaede Nyuu | We love you back then, and we still love you now.. You did your best despite the results! |
09/14 10:11:23 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Nomos Horat | The contrast from Maneater to Muse Dash was seriously impressive, it worked out really well | |
09/14 10:11:29 | ¥500 | ¥500 | ぷーま | ŧ‹"((。´ω`。))ŧ‹” | |
09/14 10:12:29 | CA$5.00 | ¥434 | Tony Chan KFP Memester | Happy Anniversary! It has been an amazing year and it awesome getting to see you grow as a streamer and person. 10Q for getting me in the rabbit hole | |
09/14 10:12:43 | $500.00 | ¥55066 | Hyono Kachida | Hello Gura, I first watched you in January and it's thanks to you that I now love vtubers. You are truly an Amezing Shark and I'm so glad to give you my first ever superchat! I really love you and all the HoloMembers. You made this year very Inateresting. I hope one day you will be able to stream your favorite horse game! Here's to Inather year |
09/14 10:12:49 | MYR300.00 | ¥7955 | Chew Benjamin | Thanks yootub open supachad for my country before georgy 1yr ann :_GuraAA: Here's my first superchat ever. Looking forward to new outfit & 2yr ann :_GuYum: Wish your dreams come true and always be happy gura:_gurapat::_gurapat::_gurapat: | |
09/14 10:13:10 | HK$25.00 | ¥353 | Nguyễn Ngọc Quang | Love u little sharky | |
09/14 10:13:10 | A$100.00 | ¥8097 | SmolBrain | Gura is a rhythm game god | |
09/14 10:14:16 | $2.00 | ¥220 | Kamusz | i think that laugh is so cute | |
09/14 10:14:24 | $49.99 | ¥5505 | BreakingPhobia103 | There is so much I want to say but the most important thing is I’m proud of your personal growth as a person and a professional. Also proud of how bottom left you became even if you don’t admit to it. Happy 1 year anniversary Tiburonsita hermosa |
09/14 10:14:49 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Stratty B. | Happy anniversary! | |
09/14 10:14:59 | RUB200.00 | ¥301 | Brom | You would do way better now because you become more confident and seasoned! Back then you was new to this, now you truly are the Apex Predator! | |
09/14 10:15:42 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Nohbdy there | When you were complaining about being a rhythm gamer.. that clip is what first made me fall in love...Chumbud for life. | |
09/14 10:16:00 | ₩1,000 | ¥93 | ffaaafaafaf fffafa | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 10:16:00 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Gigamanx11 | Happy 1 year! Here's a cheer for the more to come! | |
09/14 10:16:11 | $4.99 | ¥549 | Nitch | How do you dislike this?!?!? You were absolutely precious!!! And you still are!! | |
09/14 10:16:35 | ¥500 | ¥500 | 神代つかさ | ぐらちゃん1周年おめでとう!Happy 1st anniversary! | |
09/14 10:16:40 | CLP2,500 | ¥350 | Luis Alberto Jiménez Verdugo | Happy 1st year Gura. Hope you will be with us for a long time |
09/14 10:16:48 | $4.99 | ¥549 | Cl4p-455 | GUWA | |
09/14 10:17:32 | NT$1,500.00 | ¥5961 | CowboYuchen | Happy 1st Anniversary Gura! Thank you for all the happiness you have brought this year. You brought me out of my heavy life. Seeing or hearing you heals the mind and body. I hope you are happy 24 hours a day! Can't wait for the next year! Sorry for my broken English. | |
09/14 10:20:22 | NT$1,500.00 | ¥5961 | 24 | YEAH~ | |
09/14 10:20:32 | NT$1,500.00 | ¥5961 | 24 | YEAH~~ | |
09/14 10:20:39 | NT$150.00 | ¥596 | homura Akatuki | Hi gura. So cute. I love you so much. | |
09/14 10:20:42 | NT$1,500.00 | ¥5961 | 24 | YEAH~~~ | |
09/14 10:20:54 | NT$300.00 | ¥1192 | 24 | Thank you~ | |
09/14 10:21:04 | NT$150.00 | ¥596 | 24 | Thank you~~ | |
09/14 10:21:40 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | GCubed64 | Happy anniversary ya goofy shark! You and the rest of myth appeared at the right time when I was working fourteen-hour workdays five days a week. I cannot thank you enough for making those days pretty dang great! Here's to another great year! | |
09/14 10:22:15 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | DabiidA | GURA! Happy Anniversary to you and HoloMyth! It's been a whole year, and your streams always make my day! From entertaining game commentary to singing beautifully in karaoke, you've been such a positive influence in my life! Thank you so much for all you do! |
09/14 10:23:10 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Espurr | I like to think that the accent you had back then is your Atlantean accent | |
09/14 10:23:44 | $5.00 | ¥550 | DoomsDayDan | Looking forward to you reacting to this at 18 months. WHICH GURA DO I SHOOT | |
09/14 10:24:01 | $4.99 | ¥549 | Luke Fabis | This has to become a thing. 6 months from now, we need to see Gura reacting to Gura reacting to Gura reacting to Gura. | |
09/14 10:24:41 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Pass Into Grace Golden Yearning | ||
09/14 10:24:42 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Arnulfo Mendez | CONGRATULATIONS ON 1 YR ANNIVERSARY | |
09/14 10:25:13 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | aaa945aaa | nothing better than having breakfast with u'r stream |
09/14 10:25:20 | $1.99 | ¥219 | Julio Passos | You like rhythm games? Why not try rhythm heaven? | |
09/14 10:27:21 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Pota - Delivery Haa-corn | uh oh, spaghetti ohs | |
09/14 10:27:46 | CA$100.00 | ¥8688 | Jordan Kirby | Happy 1 year Gura! You are truly an amazing entertainer who has brought me so much laughs and smiles this year. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise. I'm looking forward to another year full of Joy. Happy anniversary and much love |
09/14 10:31:40 | CLP500 | ¥70 | Reivaj 2020 | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 10:32:38 | ¥500 | ¥500 | 雅楼・GAROU・鷹森尊ぇ | Happy 1st anniversary!仕事中なのでアーカイブ見ます! | |
09/14 10:32:54 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Jetfire | Double Gura harmony is heaven |
09/14 10:33:30 | CA$100.00 | ¥8688 | LeglessLex | Gura You're soooo QYOUUUUU TTT lol stay dope fren :P | |
09/14 10:33:36 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Danny Van Overbeke | Congrats on 1 year. About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer, and your streams have helped a lot in helping me get through one of the hardest years of my life. | |
09/14 10:38:41 | CA$50.00 | ¥4344 | pufr pubr | thanks for the great year goora! I always look forward seeing your antics on stream. Love ya! | |
09/14 10:40:04 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Eating Mike Tyson's Ass | Congratulations on the one year anniversary! |
09/14 10:40:35 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Michael Oooks | Chuck Norris doesn’t read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants. :) | |
09/14 10:41:43 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | WYBLACKWOLF | Hi Gura. It's been a year already? Hard to believe, You're an incredibly kind beautiful soul, you bring so much happiness to all of us, just hearing you speak makes me smile. Can't wait to see what the future holds. I love you and all of HoloMyth |
09/14 10:41:58 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Jax | 1 to my donation amount? wheres the rest of em? | |
09/14 10:42:11 | A$10.00 | ¥809 | Dayza | I understand getting confused about 1 to 5 initially. But the duration that the confusion persisted... | |
09/14 10:42:13 | $5.00 | ¥550 | knolasco07 | In Gura's defense, this is why we say 2 'through' 5 and not 2 to 5. | |
09/14 10:42:55 | €1.00 | ¥129 | Andy Axe | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 10:44:15 | NT$1,500.00 | ¥5961 | Sean Chou | What a wonderful year! I really appreciate that for hanging out, Gura. Hoping you feel same too. Please be the smartest, cutest shark as you been, and having fun everytime! In the end, I wanna say, Xie Xie, wo ai ni. Happy 1st anniversary!!! | |
09/14 10:45:57 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Luke M | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 10:46:16 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Kerf Merf | sh,eark. | |
09/14 10:46:27 | MYR30.00 | ¥795 | Chen Devl | I missed many many live stream with you, but i will stay until very end with you and the other, HAPPY 1ST YEAR ANNIVERSARY |
09/14 10:47:49 | NT$300.00 | ¥1192 | Roger Liao | Happy anniversary Gooruh! | |
09/14 10:48:32 | CA$10.00 | ¥868 | Lorenz Mil | IS IT RAINING OR ITS JUST ME EYES BEING MOISTY | |
09/14 10:48:41 | ₩100,000 | ¥9372 | 안태현 | good | |
09/14 10:48:50 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | AKsTF2 | Thanks for the past year Gura! It's been a wild and super fun ride! Hope to see you for many more! | |
09/14 10:48:58 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Cantaloupeslope | We appreciate you shark | |
09/14 10:49:16 | ARS100.00 | ¥112 | n | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 10:49:38 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | doomsday87 | Happy Anniversary! This has been a fun trip through memory lane. Great stream! | |
09/14 10:49:45 | SGD5.00 | ¥410 | arcanex725 | Happy a-nniversary! | |
09/14 10:49:49 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Ciel Kirahoshi | Heya Goover. Happy Anniversary. I'm so glad that I decided to just one day watch you and fully support you. You've given me so much joy, and I wanted to thank you. I'm still working on writing the novel slowly for you and the other girls. I'm pumped again to write. |
09/14 10:49:51 | $4.99 | ¥549 | Ryan Yee | Nostalgic | |
09/14 10:50:09 | R$20.00 | ¥419 | Xuam | Congratulations on 1 year Gura! Thanks for all the memories! |
09/14 10:50:26 | $4.99 | ¥549 | CedricTheBard | We love you so much Gura!!! Congrats on the one year anniversary! We make my, and many others, days so much brighter. Love ya | |
09/14 10:50:31 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | armoredGolem | HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! |
09/14 10:50:32 | PEN5.00 | ¥133 | pini | don't worry, the last part got all of us | |
09/14 10:50:33 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Scarper Montmorency | Thank you soooo much Gura! For everything you do, and all that you have yet to do |
09/14 10:50:35 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Grilled Soup | We love you Gura! We're so proud of you. Congrats on the one year! Thank you for the awesome first year. I hope there are many more to come. | |
09/14 10:50:51 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Aztec Zombie | I'm not crying |
09/14 10:50:53 | PHP125.00 | ¥275 | Mikwing Z. Nuts | Happy 1-year! | |
09/14 10:51:00 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Duckemduck | Congrats on 1 year of memories Gura! | |
09/14 10:51:07 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Elson Elson | Gura we love you | |
09/14 10:51:12 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | parmesan | we love you so much gura, happy anniversary!!! this next year is gonna be even better |
09/14 10:51:19 | $5.00 | ¥550 | FightingFoo | Happy one year Gura! | |
09/14 10:51:46 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | KnowBuddyEweNo | Thanks for a great year, Gura! I've enjoyed it and am glad it seems you have as well! | |
09/14 10:51:47 | SGD10.00 | ¥820 | Azazel Necros | congrats on your 1year guts hope for many more | |
09/14 10:51:52 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | BlackMage666 | We love you Sharky! Thanks for a year of joy and fun! Here's to several more! |
09/14 10:52:26 | MX$50.00 | ¥276 | Miguel Macias | thank you so much for the wonderful year Gura!! I loved every single one of your streams, you're so fun to watch. don't worry we can all cry together | |
09/14 10:52:27 | ¥500 | ¥500 | 赤柴 -akashiba- | HAPPY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY GURA!! おめでとう! | |
09/14 10:52:28 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Clopez | Its hard to put into words how much you and the other hologirls help me and everyone else, since you continue to work hard to make us happy we will always do the same for you, heres to another amazing year! | |
09/14 10:52:32 | A$2.00 | ¥161 | rokenji | happy 1 year anniversary love you gura |
09/14 10:52:32 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | darkruhtra | Gura, it has been a fun year watching you making cute quality contexts, and being an absolute meme champ. You are a total blessing for we shrimps. | |
09/14 10:52:33 | SGD5.00 | ¥410 | Srepin | Thank you for the amazing year! | |
09/14 10:52:40 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Dissonance | Thank you for taking us on this journey with you. It's been a wonderful year, and I'm sure next year ain't gonna be less. Thank you Gura for always being you |
09/14 10:52:41 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Wingless | Man, the lifespan on roofs has been really short around here lately. Everywhere I go, leaks, leaks everywhere! | |
09/14 10:52:43 | CA$10.00 | ¥868 | LeglessLex | Never 4get shark whispers youtube is always listening-proceeds 2get violated in every asoect of ur life kuz truth came out then true SH¡T ON UM GURA |
09/14 10:52:51 | CA$10.00 | ¥868 | Enchanter Tim | It's been some year eh shark? While that may not seem like much in the long run, you've already given so many countless laughs on days there may not have been any otherwise. Thank you, always. | |
09/14 10:52:54 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Twig Branch | Jesus, the nostalgia is real. Happy 1-year Gura, can't wait to see what you do this year! | |
09/14 10:52:57 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | CowboYuchen | happy tears! | |
09/14 10:52:58 | $300.00 | ¥33039 | Pass Into Grace Golden Yearning | Be kind to yourself and don't worry about our opinions. | |
09/14 10:52:58 | PEN3.00 | ¥80 | Jprau1111 | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 10:53:01 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Crushermach3 | 1 year down and more to go. conGURAts on making it this far |
09/14 10:53:04 | $5.00 | ¥550 | TonyTheTiger | Just keep doing you sharky, because you are Grrreat! Happy Anniversary, Gura! | |
09/14 10:53:04 | $19.99 | ¥2201 | Jose Emiliano | Hmm, montage… like the one about feet?!?!? | |
09/14 10:53:09 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | BombFox | Congrats on one year Gura. You keep being you. | |
09/14 10:53:09 | ¥610 | ¥610 | ふぉーれす | I love you | |
09/14 10:53:20 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Smite The Can Lord | I just wanted to thank you for all the smiles and joy you have brought me and everyone else. You helped me get through a hard time and every hard time since. Thank you for streaming. Happy 1 year | |
09/14 10:53:27 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | ㄟ夢 E-Mon | It is really a fun and unforgettable year, we love you and thank you for you did everything in past year. meet you is my pleasure |
09/14 10:53:27 | $49.99 | ¥5505 | カイリ | Congrats on the first anniversary. Thanks for making the world a bit brighter this last year. | |
09/14 10:53:41 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | 鄭郁恒 | Now we have the emotional shark. Thank you Gura for making us a happy year. | |
09/14 10:53:48 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Miyo | ||
09/14 10:53:56 | $19.99 | ¥2201 | RedRaven | Love ya lots Gura, keep being you sharky! | |
09/14 10:54:01 | $9.99 | ¥1100 | Daniel Steininger | I don’t get to watch your streams often because of my busy schedule. Popped in to say thank you for all of the enjoyable moments over the past year! | |
09/14 10:54:03 | $4.99 | ¥549 | Omegez | Happy anniversary, that videos yesterday and today really tore me up. Putting into words how much I care about you myth girls is hard, luv u guys lots | |
09/14 10:54:12 | CA$10.00 | ¥868 | Dex Luther | Congrats to you you and all the girls for 1 year! It's been amazing. I hope you all remember that even when you have downs, they end up being ups in the end because of how you've all grown. | |
09/14 10:54:24 | MYR6.00 | ¥159 | いゆう | You are great thank you | |
09/14 10:54:31 | R$20.00 | ¥419 | Raz Ev'Bra | Hey Gooooruh! this is my first SC! I just wanted to say that you and the girls have undoubtedly changed my life for the better. We all love you little shokie! | |
09/14 10:54:32 | HK$500.00 | ¥7077 | Nasu | Support you forever, Gura | |
09/14 10:54:34 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | arturo0727 | Happy 1st anniversary Gura. You have brought so much happiness to my daily life, after a very hard 18months. I look forward for many more years and for your 3D debut with the other girls.Thank you. | |
09/14 10:54:43 | SGD20.00 | ¥1640 | Kserflame | Happy Anniversary!!! | |
09/14 10:54:48 | PHP125.00 | ¥275 | GemuRift | You deserve all the love Sharky |
09/14 10:54:49 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Chewy Dewy | so many great memories this past year! thank you for letting us spend all this time with you and hope theres plenty more moments to create with each other! we love you sharky |
09/14 10:55:11 | €1.49 | ¥193 | Suvi-Tuuli Allan KFP Gum Under the Table | ||
09/14 10:55:44 | $30.00 | ¥3303 | Mjd 7 | Gura this past year had been a blast hanging out with you all of you and absolutely look forward to what the next year will bring XD | |
09/14 10:55:56 | $4.99 | ¥549 | Heaven | :v | |
09/14 10:55:58 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | PsiChaos | Thanks again for an amazing year, Gura! Appreciate all the hard work you and all the girls do behind the scenes for our sake! | |
09/14 10:55:58 | PHP125.00 | ¥275 | Dabiiiid | Congrats on 1 yeaaaar!!! Thanks for making my yt feed more interesting |
09/14 10:56:10 | NT$300.00 | ¥1192 | Casey | I-ne | |
09/14 10:56:30 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Lilith | Happy 1 year Gura! You've helped make it wonderful and we're looking forward to the next year too! Really though, thank you for being you and bringing so many of us so much joy. | |
09/14 10:56:39 | NT$150.00 | ¥596 | star Temo | Thank you for everything in this year. We love you Gura. You are the best! Happy Anniversary |
09/14 10:56:51 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Super Raveman | It's been an amazing year, Goomba!!! Glad to be here to see how big you've grown and how far you've come.. Keep on keepin' on. |
09/14 10:56:53 | ¥610 | ¥610 | NEP | We of course care about YOU,GURA.you are so important to all of us and we want to celebrate as more as possible anniversary with you.We always love ya | |
09/14 10:57:15 | A$100.00 | ¥8097 | Mjerksen | Happy 1 year Sharky! It's been a real pleasure to watch you grow this year, and I can't wait to see what you'll do in the future! The past year has been so rough for many people, myself included and you've been a beacon of light and happiness for me. IKUZO GURA! <3 | |
09/14 10:57:30 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Randy *Randy* | Hope you don't get tired of us, Gura, because were here to stay! | |
09/14 10:57:31 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Tony ManFlash | I dare you to play the greatest rhythm game of all time: Geometry Dash | |
09/14 10:57:35 | NZ$8.99 | ¥703 | TheBootyCallOf Cthulhu | Ey just wanted to say I’m proud of you mah man, mah homie, this fish guy with teeth. Ye. Le’ mao | |
09/14 10:58:05 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Garuda Panzer | 1 Year down, more to go. | |
09/14 10:58:28 | SEK50.00 | ¥637 | Deadhead | Sending a virtual hug to smol shork. |
09/14 10:58:37 | BOB25.00 | ¥397 | Roldamus | Ready for another race with Hakos Bael? |
09/14 10:58:42 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Marouku | Thank you gura for a year of being yaself. You can def git gud at beat saber with your rhythm game skill. if yer corn ain't knee high by July and so on :X nendroid buy if i can | |
09/14 10:58:45 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Cynicade | I'm bad at this. I can't make it funny so let's go with cringe! You've made me smile more in one short year than anything else. Thanks for being you, Chef. Proud of you. Happy 1st Anniv. We love ya. | |
09/14 10:58:48 | SGD10.00 | ¥820 | TeeKay | Quick question: can you spell Same without Ame? | |
09/14 10:58:58 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | HAZELink | Happy 1 year Gura! Can't wait for your nendoroid to ship! Thank you for being you!~ Here's to another great year! | |
09/14 10:59:41 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | AiYaYa | happy 1 year gooruh |
09/14 10:59:58 | $2.00 | ¥220 | Neptoon | haha tiny shark | |
09/14 11:00:04 | SEK50.00 | ¥637 | Sharko | Morning Gura happy anniversary, it's my birthday on the 15th, hope you have a great 2nd year full of fun moments and thank you for a great year. | |
09/14 11:00:20 | $5.00 | ¥550 | TheGerm | happy anniversary! how are you feeling about the FanExpo in Dallas this weekend?! | |
09/14 11:00:47 | ¥500 | ¥500 | Shu Tonkatsu | 1周年おめでとう! | |
09/14 11:01:33 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Thorenthal | I have a simple dream of speaking with you someday. Until then, all I got is ten bucks. I wish I could properly tell you how lucky we are, especially how lucky the girls are to have you in our lives. | |
09/14 11:01:48 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | BajaRito | Happy 1 year Gura!!! You definitely made the year a whole lot better and I cant thank you enough! Keep on shining bright and keep on doing your best! | |
09/14 11:01:48 | $15.00 | ¥1651 | Damon Dougherty | You gotta GET. THAT. DIRT OFF YOUR SHOULDER. | |
09/14 11:02:10 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Josh 2.0 | Would you ever collab with streamers outside of Hololive? | |
09/14 11:02:23 | $5.00 | ¥550 | kirito5ao | I sadly must go to bed and get up early for work tomorrow. Happy Anniversary Gura. Will watch the vod tomorrow | |
09/14 11:02:35 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Glue for brains | "I think I give less of a thing" In my neck of the woods, we call that "ain't care" and it's something more people need to take that up | |
09/14 11:03:25 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Kitsune Harukaze | just preordered my gura nendoroid |
09/14 11:03:36 | $11.11 | ¥1223 | JayTeamations | Yabai? More like Ya Based! (haha. ha. imma see myself out) On another note, thank you for bringing me and many others peace of mind, Gura. Appreciate ya |
09/14 11:04:09 | ₱250.00 | ¥551 | Aldrin | offline collab anytime soon with anyone from EN? love you gura happy anniversary!!! | |
09/14 11:04:18 | MYR60.00 | ¥1591 | NevilleZai | Happy 1 year Anniversary GURA!! First SC to my first lovely Vtuber!! Thank u for letting me know about Vtuber and bring me happiness everyday! | |
09/14 11:04:20 | CRC2,500.00 | ¥440 | Starky Kun | Yes gura your opinion is the most important feel free to do do whatever you want roast whenever you want cry whenever you want and say wathever | |
09/14 11:04:21 | £5.00 | ¥761 | Ausar 17 | Hi Gura just wanted to say you may or may not think to highly of yourself in the old streams but you got me out of a dark place back then thank you |
09/14 11:04:44 | $2.00 | ¥220 | Revelence 91 | Got a Nendoroid pre-ordered, Thanks Gura!! | |
09/14 11:04:48 | NT$300.00 | ¥1192 | オルタ | Happy 1 year Sharky! |
09/14 11:05:29 | ¥610 | ¥610 | ふぉーれす | Loooooove! | |
09/14 11:05:32 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Brad B. | Gura, we're glad you came into Hololive and became the big shark we love today. It has definitely been a wild ride this year, and I can't wait to see what these following years will have in store. Happy Anniversary!!! | |
09/14 11:06:03 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Calmirion | Happy Anniversary! Thanks for all the smiles and silliness these last 12 months, wishing you absolute the best for the next year! | |
09/14 11:06:12 | HRK50.00 | ¥866 | Krampus86 | Forwards Gura, always forward |
09/14 11:06:55 | CHF2.00 | ¥238 | Adri | UUUUUUUUUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH ToT | |
09/14 11:07:33 | $2.00 | ¥220 | The Box Ghost™ | Asking 4 "noodles". OF YOURSELF. Sigma grindset. | |
09/14 11:07:44 | ¥5,000 | ¥5000 | 宵闇の舞 | Happy 1 year~ | |
09/14 11:08:28 | $1.99 | ¥219 | DoomsDayDan | This is some really advanced NTR | |
09/14 11:08:37 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | C W | Would you consider singing Marty Robbin's "El Paso" someday? | |
09/14 11:09:28 | COP20,000.00 | ¥570 | DavidArci 5 | Thanks to shark, AHORA ESTOY MOTIVADO | |
09/14 11:09:47 | PHP250.00 | ¥551 | Fooqs | hey gura! thank you for 365 days of happiness. speaking of years, did your hair become white when you turned 80 or 8000? asking for a friend.... | |
09/14 11:09:59 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Nina Rose | For the nekkid incident, aren't your models animated Live2D drawings, not 3D models? ...does this mean Nacho-mama drew you in your bday suit? | |
09/14 11:10:24 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Mahou Point | gee, gura your vr roleplay fantasies sound pretty intense |
09/14 11:10:58 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | AnGBK | Ame in Shion model or Shion | |
09/14 11:11:56 | MYR15.00 | ¥397 | jesterdist | It's already been a year? Stay MOTIVATED Sharkie! | |
09/14 11:12:09 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | ArtOfBlart | Take pride in your choices Gura! You gave us all the moments we love with all the scuff. Can't fix up someone doing their best! Fly high swim far so we all can laugh cry happy tears with sore sides | |
09/14 11:12:25 | $20.00 | ¥2202 | Andrew Song | happy anniversary gura! thanks for everything!!! | |
09/14 11:12:28 | HK$500.00 | ¥7077 | rudymeow | Happy Anniversary!Thanks for all smile and comedies and cute moment last year!And great singing.I already looking forward Gura reacting to Gura reacting to Gura to reacting to Gura debut next year. | |
09/14 11:12:29 | $5.00 | ¥550 | PsiChaos | Gura, how could you force Ame to dress up as Shion and make her live out your fantasies? |
09/14 11:12:33 | $100.00 | ¥11013 | Dylan Parker | no u | |
09/14 11:12:36 | CA$20.00 | ¥1737 | GLC H | Happy 1 year Gura! Thank you for being my gateway to the other EN members, and thank you for being here the past year to always brighten up the mood. Been a ride seeing you and HoloMyth grow, best of luck onward! |
09/14 11:13:11 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Fernando M. | Been one helluva year Gura, Happy 1 year Anniversary! | |
09/14 11:13:13 | SGD100.00 | ¥8203 | Prauun | Thank you so much for one year of fun! You've done so much for us, thank you thank you | |
09/14 11:14:36 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | DroidPerson | thank you for an amazing year Gooruh |
09/14 11:14:52 | A$5.00 | ¥404 | MAD L | Happy Anniversary Gura! Stay motivated! | |
09/14 11:15:26 | $1.99 | ¥219 | Julio Passos | the future is so bright you gotta wear shades! | |
09/14 11:15:56 | $50.00 | ¥5506 | Ridge / Nyan-BotXV | Thank you Gura for the stream and for being with us for this past year. We love you very much and hope the best for you in the future. Stay the cute shark you always have been. Also, please stop bullying past Gura. she was doing her best and was cute | |
09/14 11:16:14 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | TheDAWinz | hey i recognize IGOR by tyle the creator! | |
09/14 11:16:18 | NT$300.00 | ¥1192 | ダルビッシュ千夜 | Thank you for bringing into Hololive Universe. Happy Anniversary, Gura. | |
09/14 11:16:23 | NT$150.00 | ¥596 | Slime Meteor | Hi, Gura. Happy Anniversary! And thank you for this year. | |
09/14 11:16:44 | €20.00 | ¥2597 | Advent | You have come so far! SO proud of you of Goomba, I've been watching your streams since day 1! |
09/14 11:16:45 | €10.00 | ¥1298 | Dom Stoel | Happy Anniversary Gura! Thank you for an amazing year with so many fun memories and for always managing to make me laugh no matter what. | |
09/14 11:16:58 | MYR6.00 | ¥159 | Jn | The journey still continue, love you gura |
09/14 11:17:31 | $4.99 | ¥549 | Berserking | Here’s to another year. | |
09/14 11:17:34 | $10.00 | ¥1101 | Wolrok | Here's to year two, Shark. | |
09/14 11:18:00 | $5.00 | ¥550 | CMP | That Tatsuro reference. Thank you for it. | |
09/14 11:18:15 | ₩100,000 | ¥9372 | 탐정 | ||
09/14 11:18:32 | A$20.00 | ¥1619 | Zhumingz | Congrats to Gura on an amazing year! Hope more to come in season 2! |
09/14 11:18:41 | CLP500 | ¥70 | Adivina | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/14 11:18:50 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Boss345 | Here's to another year and many more |
09/14 11:19:01 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Azure604 | 'nother supa for the road, IKZ year 2! | |
09/14 11:19:20 | $5.00 | ¥550 | Nemuri Knightley | Thank you and see you in season 2 |