No | 時間 | 金額 元表示 | 円建て | 色 | チャンネル名 | チャット |
1 | 10/17 23:55:59 | A$2.00 | ¥169 | Patrick Chen - KFP Barista | Guerilla stream let's go! Danke schon Kiara~ o7 | |
2 | 10/17 23:57:58 | $5.00 | ¥571 | Mr. Kazz Biggs | Y'all were some funny birds |
3 | 10/18 00:02:00 | ARS20.00 | ¥23 | Kakun | KFP Eggshell Counter | If you were a vegetable, you’d be a ‘cute-cumber.’ | |
4 | 10/18 00:04:22 | $2.00 | ¥228 | LookingForTheTop | Kiara gets into a tank, then makes a guerilla lol | |
5 | 10/18 00:10:02 | ₱125.00 | ¥281 | TK - KFP Chikin | Hi Kiara, I got a friend named Anon, in prechat, whose family are all positive including him. Can he get a kiss to make him feel better? | |
6 | 10/18 02:29:27 | $5.00 | ¥571 | kotori87 gaming | Hi Kiara! I know you don't currently live in Japan, but have you ever met other Hololive members IRL? If so, how did it go? If not, would you like to? | |
7 | 10/18 03:05:59 | $100.00 | ¥11428 | spanKFPenheim | Not trying to extend your SC reading...just taking advantage of the time between cats wanting attention. Can we get some other movies than Cats in the UR? | |
8 | 10/18 03:26:35 | $5.00 | ¥571 | Opportunity - KFP Airlines | Definitely not adding to the already big SC list | |
9 | 10/18 03:27:01 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | 春雨 / ホロライブENを和訳切り抜きch | 延長助かる代(夜中作業なのでw | |
10 | 10/18 03:28:00 | $4.99 | ¥570 | Tython KFP Legal Eagle | I cannot tell a lie, this is 100% just to add to the SC list | |
11 | 10/18 03:30:30 | €2.00 | ¥265 | Syrak - KFP Tsundere Chief | We can't think Tenchou | |
12 | 10/18 03:30:57 | A$2.00 | ¥169 | Patrick Chen - KFP Barista | We're basically seeing behind the scenes content |
13 | 10/18 03:31:39 | ARS50.00 | ¥57 | Bruno Gomez | hi Kiara. Thank you for always making us happy | |
14 | 10/18 03:31:48 | ARS50.00 | ¥57 | Sang | Could you read my message , my name and respond out lound sometimes?I I remember the policy on how you read superchat. | |
15 | 10/18 03:32:49 | ARS50.00 | ¥57 | Sang | But I do support you since beginning. the small green sc almost every stream in first month. some over all this time. that more than red super chat. | |
16 | 10/18 03:33:23 | ARS50.00 | ¥57 | Sang | I just throw some sc in when it's low time. so you could have some topic to read.same as my normal comment. I would like to apologies that some time | |
17 | 10/18 03:33:44 | ARS50.00 | ¥57 | Sang | I teasing you too far. I just see that chat quiet slow. so I try to make some conversation. I am not standing out so much for my oshi to recognize. | |
18 | 10/18 03:34:17 | ARS50.00 | ¥57 | Sang | I don't mind you that you just read my name as per your policy.but some time I have some serious question. that I would like some respond. | |
19 | 10/18 03:35:03 | ARS50.00 | ¥57 | Sang | I am also have many sickness,depression and family issues. for a long time your stream make my life enjoyable and open my eye. | |
20 | 10/18 03:35:48 | ARS50.00 | ¥57 | Sang | sorry for the message like this that might disturbing you, I know that there is a lot of pressure on you. work like this can screw young women mind. | |
21 | 10/18 03:36:48 | ARS50.00 | ¥57 | Sang | if you did not read this message out lound, don't thinking too much. I still enjoy your stream, tangent and sc readingand you still my First Oshi. | |
22 | 10/18 03:37:55 | ARS50.00 | ¥57 | Sang | never had Oshi before. watching Vtuber. and you are the First one after all. it's just mean the way I thought is not align with you. Good Night | |
23 | 10/18 03:38:19 | $50.00 | ¥5714 | MemeDude | Reading superchats makes me a very excited chicken. | |
24 | 10/18 03:39:52 | ARS50.00 | ¥57 | Sang | also sorry that some of my SC is in ARS, it's cheaper than SGD. and I still need to VPN out of Thailand to SC anyway. KFP Thailand Branch | |
25 | 10/18 03:41:11 | €2.00 | ¥265 | Hololive Clips for Studying | SUPER COLLAB!! non vedo l'ora! | |
26 | 10/18 03:43:35 | ARS50.00 | ¥57 | useful as ueue in queue | time to use open 189391 YouTube tabs | |
27 | 10/18 03:44:31 | $50.00 | ¥5714 | MemeDude | (Preemptive check if Kiara read my previous SC verbatim XD) | |
28 | 10/18 03:52:12 | $5.00 | ¥571 | Naweed Ahmedi | 2 DAYS OFF WOOOOOOOOOO LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO | |
29 | 10/18 03:52:38 | $20.00 | ¥2285 | ciarannihill | Just a tip to thank you for always going the extra mile in organizing such fun collabs and events! It's so important that someone takes the initiative to set up, and I appreciate you always stepping up. You rock Tenchou! |
30 | 10/18 03:52:48 | NT$75.00 | ¥306 | fafa | ||
31 | 10/18 03:53:52 | $10.00 | ¥1142 | Lushen Zener | Your efforts in herding holocats are not unappreciated or unnoticed. You're doing good work! | |
32 | 10/18 03:55:48 | ₩50,000 | ¥4831 | w0083 | Halloween is comming! Trick or Treat! I'm looking forward to this great collaboration. | |
33 | 10/18 03:56:04 | ₹100.00 | ¥150 | Kenneth_@16paisen | (無言スパチャ) | |
34 | 10/18 03:59:34 | $5.00 | ¥571 | chanlaman | Can't wait for the two councils of boneheads to collide. HOPEfully IRyS will survive being caught up in the middle. Thanks for setting it up, Tenchou | |
35 | 10/18 04:02:07 | MYR15.00 | ¥411 | Wei Azuya | Today is My 19th birthday , This year's wish isTenchou Always happy |
36 | 10/18 04:04:06 | $2.00 | ¥228 | Zephyr Kitten | Can confirm, am sleb | |
37 | 10/18 04:08:08 | $5.00 | ¥571 | Kampy | I feel like Worms is a great collab game in general. It's easy to pick up and doesn't rely on knowing eachother's language too much. | |
38 | 10/18 04:13:22 | ₩20,000 | ¥1932 | 김준현 | 키아라 누나 멋져, 예뻐, 아름다워, 귀여워~ 하트 뿅뿅!! 앞으로도 계속 활동했으면 좋겠어요~ | |
39 | 10/18 04:15:14 | $5.00 | ¥571 | FlannelFlightsofFancy KFP Most Valuable Person | HER NAME IN FIRE EMBLEM HEROES IS LITERALLY CROW. KRONII IS A HOLOBIRB | |
40 | 10/18 04:17:23 | €2.00 | ¥265 | Syrak - KFP Tsundere Chief | Is that how you see yourself? | |
41 | 10/18 04:17:40 | $5.00 | ¥571 | motion | Sure thing boss |
42 | 10/18 04:17:50 | CA$50.00 | ¥4621 | GreenWilder | Someone this hot can only be a phoenix. | |
43 | 10/18 04:17:55 | CA$5.00 | ¥462 | Eleos | Fowlswanix? | |
44 | 10/18 04:23:13 | ₩65,000 | ¥6280 | /워뇽워뇽 | 방송 보고 잤는데 다시 방송중이라 너무 행복해요! usual room에 있는거 같아요 | |
45 | 10/18 04:23:15 | $5.00 | ¥571 | Put me on A leash mommy ;] | Still waiting for you to put me on a leash mommy |
46 | 10/18 04:25:47 | €5.00 | ¥663 | Soldado 94 KFP Peacekeeper | Question: Is it going to be another German lesson? | |
47 | 10/18 04:30:11 | €10.00 | ¥1326 | Soldado 94 KFP Peacekeeper | Oh, by the way, I've signed up for French classes and since I don't have to go to work until Tuesday and the next class I have is the same day, I have you in the background while I clean up some notes | |
48 | 10/18 04:33:44 | $5.00 | ¥571 | Sci サイ | Good luck with heart rate challenge, Boss. | |
49 | 10/18 04:37:07 | A$5.00 | ¥424 | G D - KFP | Salute to you for going ahead with outlast to collab with Gura |
50 | 10/18 04:37:50 | $2.00 | ¥228 | Trevor G - Hootle of KFP | Gesundheit | |
51 | 10/18 04:37:51 | $5.00 | ¥571 | Etho | Bless | |
52 | 10/18 04:37:51 | A$5.00 | ¥424 | WanWanAwoo | Gesundheit | |
53 | 10/18 04:37:51 | A$5.00 | ¥424 | G D - KFP | Gesundheit | |
54 | 10/18 04:38:09 | A$2.00 | ¥169 | Patrick Chen - KFP Barista | Gesunheit Kiara |
55 | 10/18 04:40:49 | $5.00 | ¥571 | Mavjin8 | Both | |
56 | 10/18 04:46:04 | $2.00 | ¥228 | Colonel Kotori - KFP Little Bird | Do you like Alpacas more than Chickens? |
57 | 10/18 05:00:19 | ARS500.00 | ¥576 | jarnMod - KFP Sticky Note Service | Dear 10chou, apology if this is repetitive, but recent SC system hiccup shows that you'll really benefit from using IFTTT. When you get SC, it will add 1 line to the sheet with date, amount, color, profile pic & accountURL. Am not sponsored. | |
58 | 10/18 05:09:06 | $2.00 | ¥228 | Colonel Kotori - KFP Little Bird | YOU SUPPORTED KFC!? MAMA!!!!! | |
59 | 10/18 05:10:28 | $2.00 | ¥228 | Colonel Kotori - KFP Little Bird | KFC is unprofessional.... Smh. A shame upon them. | |
60 | 10/18 05:11:23 | ARS500.00 | ¥576 | jarnMod - KFP Sticky Note Service | Dear 10chou, I also fail to get KFP "Vegan Chicken" certified. I have shown that our chicken eat only french-fries and beer. Never touch meat. Definitely vegan. FDA wasn't convinced. Don't know why. | |
61 | 10/18 05:12:07 | $5.00 | ¥571 | Tesla Haxz | Hello from Kentucky! home of KFC. we wont lose to you, kiara! but we look forward to the rivalry | |
62 | 10/18 05:18:41 | €5.00 | ¥663 | Soldado 94 KFP Peacekeeper | This is a seiso stream, so no swearing. | |
63 | 10/18 05:39:03 | €2.00 | ¥265 | Syrak - KFP Tsundere Chief | Something something Eternal Boomer | |
64 | 10/18 05:39:26 | €10.00 | ¥1326 | Thanh Long Vu | it's been a while and idk what to write but keep it going :D | |
65 | 10/18 05:39:44 | CLP1,000 | ¥139 | El Canal Weaboo | *sip* Ready for the crispy chicken - Boomer Kiara | |
66 | 10/18 05:40:05 | $2.00 | ¥228 | Harborline - KFP Racecar | Not just the line: the trashcan is ALSO thin :^) | |
67 | 10/18 05:40:07 | HK$25.00 | ¥367 | Sky - KFP Helicopter | so……how about "longevity"? | |
68 | 10/18 05:40:37 | $5.00 | ¥571 | Colonel Kotori - KFP Little Bird | Fun Fact, Chickens only live 10 years maximum. So "chicken old" isnt a big number... | |
69 | 10/18 05:41:05 | £2.00 | ¥314 | Pudding Ch. | Kiara why you so cute | |
70 | 10/18 05:54:12 | PEN2.00 | ¥58 | DAKUMA | you'll always be my oshi tenchou!!! | |
71 | 10/18 05:54:37 | $2.00 | ¥228 | BlackFriction | my oshi til the end of times | |
72 | 10/18 05:55:10 | $50.00 | ¥5714 | Wicki Toons | Will simp for Cat wedding. | |
73 | 10/18 05:55:16 | £2.00 | ¥314 | Sittadon KFP Astronomer | You did nothing wrong, I have a fever, need2 rest | |
74 | 10/18 05:55:20 | A$2.00 | ¥169 | G D - KFP | ||
75 | 10/18 05:56:14 | €2.00 | ¥265 | Dominik K - KFP Wingman | Cat Marriage stream reminder |
76 | 10/18 05:57:52 | A$2.00 | ¥169 | G D - KFP | YES YES.... I LOVE the VR CAT MARRIAGE |
77 | 10/18 05:57:55 | $50.00 | ¥5714 | BlackFriction | Bros... the toxoplasmosis has won... not like this... | |
78 | 10/18 05:58:16 | $5.00 | ¥571 | mistfist | Imagine marrying your cats when Ame is right there | |
79 | 10/18 05:59:02 | $5.00 | ¥571 | Jim Tracy | This is gonna be a LEGENDARY stream! |
80 | 10/18 05:59:41 | ARS20.00 | ¥23 | Kakun | KFP Eggshell Counter | Kiara take your |
81 | 10/18 06:00:07 | £5.00 | ¥786 | ryc03 | Ina the priest(ess), Ame the official, Calli and Gura the Wingman and Bridesmate, Council the Flowergirls! | |
82 | 10/18 06:01:09 | $5.00 | ¥571 | Kampy | Isn't this like marrying your kids? lol | |
83 | 10/18 06:03:01 | $5.00 | ¥571 | Moondog | I'll join the wedding as long as there is an open bar. | |
84 | 10/18 06:04:16 | RUB1,000.00 | ¥1609 | Anton M | Hi Kiara! You were talking about former KFP employees earlier... Does it mean that KFP is short on employees and I can apply for a vacant position? | |
85 | 10/18 06:15:40 | €2.00 | ¥265 | Lord Ewok! - KFP Winemaker | Inspiration: Maybe for the dances in the future? | |
86 | 10/18 06:17:14 | €5.00 | ¥663 | SmokieWins | look into facepulls, i used to get tension headaches from neck strain, that exercise helped me a lot and all you need is a resistance band+door frame | |
87 | 10/18 06:20:04 | €2.00 | ¥265 | Lord Ewok! - KFP Winemaker | We believe in you |
88 | 10/18 06:24:27 | PLN500.00 | ¥14505 | Slavic Fellow | One year ago, around this time, I discovered HoloEN and within it - a certain majestic phoenix. It has been a wild ride, during which you helped me through the roughest time in my life. Thank you for all these smiles. And thank you for giving us strength to keep going | |
89 | 10/18 06:25:59 | PLN25.00 | ¥725 | Slavic Fellow | PS - Sorry for joining membership so late. PPS - Sorry about adding to the pile of SC's. PPPS - Love ya Tenchou. | |
90 | 10/18 06:43:58 | £1.00 | ¥157 | Resident Steve | (無言スパチャ) | |
91 | 10/18 06:44:00 | $1.00 | ¥114 | Jinro | (無言スパチャ) | |
92 | 10/18 06:44:14 | $1.00 | ¥114 | Shroomeks | (無言スパチャ) | |
93 | 10/18 06:44:17 | MX$10.00 | ¥56 | Friedscrew - KFP R&D Engineer | (無言スパチャ) | |
94 | 10/18 06:44:23 | RUB30.00 | ¥48 | forsacc | (無言スパチャ) | |
95 | 10/18 06:44:34 | A$1.00 | ¥84 | lordandmaster14 | (無言スパチャ) | |
96 | 10/18 06:44:38 | A$1.00 | ¥84 | G D - KFP | (無言スパチャ) | |
97 | 10/18 06:44:42 | $1.00 | ¥114 | Jim Tracy | (無言スパチャ) | |
98 | 10/18 06:45:54 | A$2.00 | ¥169 | G D - KFP | Cute Chonkers |
99 | 10/18 06:46:03 | HK$5.00 | ¥73 | Sky - KFP Helicopter | (無言スパチャ) | |
100 | 10/18 06:46:34 | $1.00 | ¥114 | Jello-mancy | (無言スパチャ) | |
101 | 10/18 06:46:40 | RUB30.00 | ¥48 | forsacc | (無言スパチャ) | |
102 | 10/18 06:46:55 | A$1.00 | ¥84 | G D - KFP | (無言スパチャ) | |
103 | 10/18 06:57:27 | A$5.00 | ¥424 | Patrick Chen - KFP Barista | I stand by what I asked in a tweet, but I do think it'd be cool if you checked out "VA-11 Hall-A" Vallhalla for some game variety. |
104 | 10/18 07:04:44 | $100.00 | ¥11428 | randomcollusion | what about butter first to prevent the syrup from making the pancake soggy | |
105 | 10/18 07:05:51 | SEK100.00 | ¥1327 | Laser-boss | LASER!! | |
106 | 10/18 07:19:50 | ¥200 | ¥200 | ハイエンターきょーか | キアラちゃんおはようございます! | |
107 | 10/18 07:21:50 | €5.00 | ¥663 | Dimas Mache | wie gehts kiara |
108 | 10/18 07:25:44 | MYR6.00 | ¥164 | StrarfAoi | gud mor and gud nite from malaysia. is 6.25am here | |
109 | 10/18 07:28:11 | $4.99 | ¥570 | Solaire Solalalalalemon | Kiara! Sparks is a banger! My gf is clapping her hands and her cheeks to the melodies that hits just right. *chefs kiss* | |
110 | 10/18 07:32:02 | $5.00 | ¥571 | BlackFriction | When you put it that way... please continue | |
111 | 10/18 07:38:12 | NT$75.00 | ¥306 | 毛毛 - KFP | ||
112 | 10/18 07:39:51 | BGN100.00 | ¥6775 | Angel | Think of it this way, Tenchou, when people collab with Pekora, they expect a hearty Konpeko, I know you can relate to this a Nousagi. So don't sell your Kikkerikis short! Give them your all! | |
113 | 10/18 07:44:57 | $1.00 | ¥114 | SIMS 1 PLEASE PLAY ME | (無言スパチャ) | |
114 | 10/18 07:48:17 | $5.00 | ¥571 | Trevor G - Hootle of KFP | Gesundheit x2 | |
115 | 10/18 07:48:17 | A$2.00 | ¥169 | G D - KFP | Gesundheit x 2 | |
116 | 10/18 07:48:18 | $5.00 | ¥571 | Etho | Bless x2 | |
117 | 10/18 07:48:42 | ¥500 | ¥500 | 今野ユッキーサブ | 今度は英語圏アマアスなんだ?見に行きたいな | |
118 | 10/18 07:48:42 | A$2.00 | ¥169 | Patrick Chen - KFP Barista | Kiara... my wallet is crying. I mean Gesundheit x3 | |
119 | 10/18 07:48:44 | $2.00 | ¥228 | Trevor G - Hootle of KFP | Gesundheit +1 more | |
120 | 10/18 07:48:44 | A$2.00 | ¥169 | G D - KFP | Gesundheit third time Lol | |
121 | 10/18 07:52:30 | BGN100.00 | ¥6775 | Angel | Also, I'll never forget how Gura once very correctly praised you as an expert ice breaker. I hope you haven't forgoten that not only fans love you for how good you are at brigtrning up a conversation, especially when you just let loose insead of ständig 読みing the 空気. | |
122 | 10/18 07:58:49 | ₩5,000 | ¥483 | Elvenea | I have no doubts that some B-movies can make immortals feel mortal. Something like Devilman the Movie... Really possible. | |
123 | 10/18 08:01:51 | CLP1,000 | ¥139 | El Canal Weaboo | Kiara don't read this |
124 | 10/18 08:01:53 | SEK50.00 | ¥663 | Uzza | Can you answer this question | |
125 | 10/18 08:18:21 | €4.99 | ¥661 | sweep | Kiara, there’s a guy in your YTC that makes my heart flutter every time he types. I’m motionless whenever he’s not here. Any tips on approaching him? | |
126 | 10/18 08:29:11 | $100.00 | ¥11428 | BlackFriction | Alright Kiara give us your cutest and softest Kikkeriki. Do it for this crispy chicken bucket. Also amazing work during the turducken collab, you three are incredible together. love ya! | |
127 | 10/18 08:32:11 | $1.99 | ¥227 | KFP Project Ch. | What is mercy? Sowy for using this ch. I had to | |
128 | 10/18 08:32:26 | A$50.00 | ¥4240 | G D - KFP | ||
129 | 10/18 08:32:27 | NT$150.00 | ¥613 | Taichi-KFP_Puppeteer | ||
130 | 10/18 08:32:29 | $2.00 | ¥228 | Naweed Ahmedi | not so fast | |
131 | 10/18 08:32:37 | $10.00 | ¥1142 | motion | I dont agree with this ship its bull | |
132 | 10/18 08:33:17 | HK$25.00 | ¥367 | Sky - KFP Helicopter | don't leave us | |
133 | 10/18 08:33:27 | A$2.00 | ¥169 | Patrick Chen - KFP Barista | Auf Wiedersehen my oshi, love ya to bits |
134 | 10/18 08:33:42 | $5.00 | ¥571 | SpicyChikenTako | Auf Wiedersehen | |
135 | 10/18 08:34:59 | ARS20.00 | ¥23 | Kakun | KFP Eggshell Counter | DON'T LEAVE I LOVE YOU | |
136 | 10/18 08:36:39 | A$20.00 | ¥1696 | G D - KFP | Rice Cooker fund | |
137 | 10/18 08:37:23 | $10.00 | ¥1142 | Elpnt | COOK RICER FUND | |
138 | 10/18 08:38:08 | $10.00 | ¥1142 | jswagburg | Rice cooker and pizza fund! |