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title【Mario Maker 2】Challenging the EXTREME PRACTICE COURSE
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$ USD 37 1162.97 \158,442
SGD SGD 8 205.00 \20,918
HK$ HKD 6 800.00 \13,893
MX$ MXN 3 1550.00 \11,738
YEN YEN 6 9700 \9,700
NT$ TWD 4 1425.00 \6,315
WON KRW 3 30000 \3,056
RON RON 2 100.00 \3,046
EUR EUR 2 20.00 \3,034
MYR MYR 3 99.00 \3,025
NZ$ NZD 1 35.00 \2,946
PHP PHP 4 1100.00 \2,702
A$ AUD 2 22.00 \1,983
R$ BRL 1 11.00 \300
CA$ CAD 1 2.20 \219
---- ---- ---- ---- \241,317

no time
org currency icon name message
2 Apr 30 17:20:56 ¥1,000   ふのまろ
4 Apr 30 18:25:59 HK$50.00   オーバーRayster💎 (no need to speak out)This time Im really gonna be vod gang but my heart and soul are always supporting you Team B-est! Our best hope is in the team, so it's gonna be the winning team (1/2)
5 Apr 30 18:29:51 HK$50.00   オーバーRayster💎
(2/2)Yo iwys, I had a lot of fun with my grandma and relatives!:D Thank you for your blessing. I will post some pics on Twitter after I back home. Feel free to see them if you're interested in them~
6 Apr 30 18:48:06 $2.00   GrimCatnip [insert IRyS phrase here] (wordless superchat)
7 Apr 30 20:27:21 $10.00   J.M. Henry It's the-- Eye of the Mushroom, it's the thrill of the jump! Rising up to the challenge of a Koopa~ I got your training montage theme ready, so good luck and give it your !!
8 Apr 30 20:33:35 ¥1,000   Get ifphilo (wordless superchat)
10 Apr 30 22:15:41 NT$300.00   Kopiuly (wordless superchat)
12 May 1 01:10:50 SGD50.00   Kyanern Today's Labour Day, where we celebrate and appreciate workers by not working! Irony aside, thankfully it's a public holiday today because I've been missing out on your livestreams. Expecting lots of Mald today
13 May 1 01:15:44 PHP275.00   Prew Weeee Can't watch because of work. Love going to work during the holidays because we get paid double Have fun Breathe in Rage out
14 May 1 01:33:39 PHP275.00   greentea💎on purple purple block Good luck! Glad to see you're playing this. Team B let's go!! Hope you wont mald that much clearing the courses. in the past, some JPs used to clear some courses especially FBK's 'easy' level.
16 May 1 02:09:52 A$20.00   Ceiling Fan Appreciation Association Ooooooh some MM2. Someone is continuing their training arc I am going on a trip to Japan for just under 2 weeks tomorrow! I'm super excited but it means I'll miss a good amount of streams GL for tourney!
18 May 1 02:32:54 MYR30.00   Tierru (ティエル) (wordless superchat)
19 May 1 02:33:56 ₩10,000   Quaよん I believe you'll bring us great laughter again today Good Luck
20 May 1 02:38:38 SGD50.00   Bloody Emperor - IRyS HipRoll同好会. BaeRyS 神社 Happy Labour Day IRyS and all IRyStocrats! GambaRyS! Gonna be vod gang today as I'm bringing my kids to the game arcade now~
21 May 1 02:42:42 NZ$35.00   Cross J Finally back home so I can chill&relax to watch your streams rather than between train rides and such. Hope the training arc pays off for the tourney. FYI, I wasn't able to visit a butter cafe. Maybe for next time :_irysWink:
22 May 1 02:53:43 $472.00   Wrixne Lenti Combo dropped at 445 in 2 of 3 See The Worlds. Talk about consistent. This SC reflects your highest. Pretty good, but I'd like to see your full potential one day. Speaking of potential...swing your arms from side to side. Come on, it's time to go. Do the Mario! Take one step and then again. Let's do the Mario all together now!
23 May 1 02:53:45 $19.99   Huido Ch. Happy to end my b-day with everyone with a stream from our oshi. Good luck with the tourney iwys
33 00:12:49 $5.00   Mavjin8 Welcome to Mario Maker!
37 00:38:30 $1.99   ChaChi444 IRySoPro. Making it look easy
39 00:43:37 MYR9.00   外交官小咸鱼
40 00:48:20 $5.00   Bishop Team B gonna be smoving at this rate
41 00:54:50 $9.99   MarcoDotIO What’s this practice for? Is there a Hololive Super Mario competition coming up soon? Noticed it with other members playing Mario games.
47 01:15:58 ¥5,000   PONRyS•Knecht 今朝、この間のマイクラ配信見てたんだけど、泥棒になったということは、おかゆ社長の泥棒建設に入社したの? 泥棒建設はディスコードサーバーもあってしっかりしているみたいだね
49 01:17:49 $50.00   Roki Dang Irys you are absolutely gaming these courses! Did you do some kind of offline training arc?Good luck Irys! Keep it up!
51 01:19:27 $10.00   J TheRealMcCoy Welcome to Rage The Game, where psycho's are born
53 01:24:58 ¥2,000   PONRyS•Knecht
出すと気持ちのいいもの 液 久々に爆笑した
55 01:31:30 $10.00   GrumbleDogg ɛ{ŎゝŎ}ɜ Now that you're more familiar with Super Mario Maker, would you be down to play viewer created levels? I'm pretty sure there are few creative IRyStocrats good at Mario level design
56 01:35:21 NT$75.00   Allen The most adorable and beautiful Princess Ilys I would like to ask you if you are a camera? Why do I smile when I see you?
57 01:37:59 SGD20.00   Some Lame Stuff ! What is Mario's full Japanese name? Itsumi Mario!
60 01:57:12 $100.00   LN of [H] IRyS, there is NOTHING wrong with skipping levels. Some of them are badly designed by their creators. Also, FWIW Super Mario World is not super difficult. In fact, the controls are better than SMB1 and SMB3 because it's the first game to use SPIN JUMP.
63 02:14:18 $2.00   Peter Campi An interesting map: P59-698-55G
65 02:23:22 SGD10.00   Shawnical feels like your brain blue screen everytime you lose control
66 02:23:33 $20.00   ShinyX riiiight, don't let the rage out on yoshi the controller on the other hand
67 02:24:27 PHP275.00   DG Dragon | 💎 Never expect (Y)Oshi no Ko(pe) to be this great watch!
68 02:24:35 CA$2.20   TurtleCubes I love IRyS Mario Maker content
69 02:29:44 $50.00   LN of [H]
IRyS, please understand it's your first day. Do you really expect to play Expert levels immediately?
70 02:30:05 HK$500.00   Haruka Your body will follow to move when you tried to jump, I wonder if you do this with rhythm game too. Fudge, far, fun, shoot, ship, how many words you've created today? I was having my Häagen-Dazs while watching you suffer. Buy one for you, hope you feel happy
71 02:30:43 A$2.00   Feisty Frankfurt Damn I wished Peach fed me for the rest of my life
73 02:39:59 $5.00   Brandon Collins Have you tried your Senpai Fubuki's "Easy" Stage? 3JS-M63-3WG
75 02:40:40 €10.00   RNG If you want to play some Holo levels, User ID VC9-1DT-71G belongs to Minato Aqua, and she has a bunch of levels uploaded :D
76 02:41:49 HK$50.00   Haruka
it's okay to be an easy nephilim....umm... sounds something wrong
77 02:41:54 RON50.00   Hopeful Hantako I've never seen you go from kimochi to babu so quickly and so instantly in any game lmao. I'm glad you're enjoying mario though, I'm sure you'll do great in the race
79 02:44:29 R$11.00   Erik Balthazar Imagine if the last stage of these easy mode stages is actually a nightmare difficulty level stage?
83 02:57:15 $10.00   Mavjin8
If you want Shy Guys, there's Yoshi's Island. It's a pretty solid game and only has 2 rules. "Make Eggs, Throw Eggs" and "Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy".
86 03:00:25 ¥500   ディッセン. くしゃみ助かる
91 03:02:39 MX$125.00   Ar1s my oshi has embraced her being 100% fujoshi, BL FTW! also, have u ever thought about: u have a pair of wings, a pair of halos, horns, pointy (cute) ears, u know what goes well with all that? A TAIL
92 03:06:14 $50.00   Roki
I need to sleep for work now. Irys I hope you get some good sleep tonight! Sweet dreams! It was a really fun stream to watch! Love ya
93 03:18:39 ₩10,000   Anthi7💎 鬼畜なスーパーマリオメーカー2にようこそ!ちなみにコースを登録するためには本人がコースをクリアしなければならないんだよ。言い換えるとexpert以上のコースを作る人ってみんな楽しさを分かち合うための頑張り屋さんたちだねwところで最後のrunはめちゃ上手くなったね!やはり練習の成果かな!
94 03:19:01 ¥200   FU KU アイリス本番も頑張ってね!液サイトしすぎないように!落ち着いてね~!
95 03:20:22 $10.00   Bishop
IRyS racking up the sponsershipscongrats
97 03:21:19 $15.00   gomerzillmer I wasn't even pretending to count anything in the game this time, so...uhhhh, here's $5 per sneeze?
98 03:21:20 HK$50.00   William Ng You are doing much better than last stream
99 03:22:02 ₩10,000   Quaよん
男は顔で勝負 IRySは男は顔とHeartのどちらが大事だと思いますか?
100 03:22:13 $10.00   noir24 You did great on the practice course and def. improved! Hope you are able to figure how your sleeping schedule soon. Also Sponso so popular
101 03:22:15 $10.00   GrumbleDogg ɛ{ŎゝŎ}ɜ
If there's one thing you learn when training in Mario Maker, it's that whatever doesn't kill you makes you... smaller. You actually improved a lot within 3 hours so pat yourself on the back.
102 03:22:20 €10.00   Walid Thank you for playing my level! I never thought I would ever make a music level (it's kinda hard lol) but I'm used to try lots of things for the first time for you lol, I'm really happy you liked it!
103 03:23:07 MYR60.00   Furious Tree Man Thanks for the fun stream!
104 03:24:56 $10.00   Satoshi Oda You've been improving so fast! I've seen a bit of the others members playing and I think you might already be the best player on Team B
106 03:28:29 SGD10.00   Yi Xuan Tan The other day I showed my sister your Top of the World karaoke and she gave you a pachi pachi! The bad news is that she eigo jouzu'd you And also, sleep blessings
107 03:29:33 SGD10.00   lAngelingl💎 IRyS has been improving quickly in Mario, stonks! I wish I can say the same about playing rhythm games lol. Congrats on sponsoRyS! Time for me to put rhythm games aside to fish for horrors
108 03:30:45 $50.00   Mavjin8
HiRyS! You finished your goal (twice) in less than an hour, this could have been your shortest stream! Also with the Snowball throwing stage you should have all the basics needed for the tournament. And if you ever do stream Smash, get the DLC too.
109 03:32:12 $10.00   -Inasanaty- You definitely did much better this time, that 2 hour sleep debuff really held back your nephalim Mario skills!
110 03:32:12 SGD5.00   lAngelingl💎
huh I always thought increasing note speed would make it more difficult instead.. maybe I should try pushing it up to see if it makes it easier.
111 03:32:19 NT$750.00   Asakura好葉 Pillow fund, hope you sleep well.
112 03:32:59 $10.00   Dusk Rose I went and watched ur VOD of super Mario world yesterday, have confidence I'm terrible at platformers and u did better than I normally would, and I grew up with that game on the actual SNES
113 03:33:16 MX$1,300.00   Rene Alarcon That was good progress today! Even if the salt made you regress to Chibi form for a moment there. If Expert was hard, search the Kaizo levels on youtube.They are crazy.Take in account, the creator has to beat the stage first before uploading.Throat relief funds for you.
114 03:33:45 $10.00   J.M. Henry
So on a scale of 1 to "Ya-Hooo!" How ready do you feel for this tourney? On Bang Dream tho, is there a groupyou would do a tie-in song with one day? I vote Roselia!
115 03:36:48 HK$100.00   Haruka
You can't sleep maybe because you moved to a new place. Try to low down the temperature and don't use phone when you want to sleep. Please have a nice dream, don't banG dream. Hope you rest well
116 03:37:22 $10.00   Garahel Since you're getting back into rhythm games will you dust off your unused taiko sticks? o:
117 03:39:25 MX$125.00   Rene Alarcon
Random quick question: What is your opinion of the Nakama Power trope in shonen? That was something that turned me off Fairy Tail for a bit, from how they abused it.
119 03:49:31 $20.00   GordonJ Our sweet babu has been improving a lot! I know it must have been painful and frustrating, but you've come out a lot stronger, wear that M ha- I mean I hat with pride! Also congrats on the sponsorship
120 03:49:35 $5.00   Bishop
bless you
121 03:49:40 $5.00   -Inasanaty-
Still a sneeze
122 03:49:44 $5.00   Luis Miguel: CFAA and Nene's Husband Oh I heard a sneeze
124 03:52:08 SGD50.00   Bloody Emperor - IRyS HipRoll同好会. BaeRyS 神社
Back for SC Reading! Hopefully there's enough MaldRyS and PonRyS for me to enjoy in the VOD. Btw since Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible manga ended, did you finish that? Also had you read classics like Ghostsweeper Mikami or Jigoku Sensei Nube?
125 03:55:12 $10.00   SeñorShiitake!💎 Think you're ready and going to do well. Cant wait for the event!
126 03:58:28 $100.00   Wrixne Lenti
On a sleepy note, needing sleeping aids every time is pretty much dependence. Riding it out is a good start, but may not work alone. For example, same routine (like phone, sleep-wake time) = same result. Sleep routine review time(?) Whatever it is, Hope you sort it out!
127 03:58:28 $10.00   Satoshi Oda
What you need is a Tempur-pedic(tm) bed. That way you can adjust the firm or softness of the bed and fall right to sleep the moment you lay down!
128 03:59:51 NT$300.00   AlanYoyoUwU💎 Have you heard of the Military Sleep Method? It's been shown to be effective for 96% of people who try it! I sometimes use it when I've limited time to sleep. It really works!! Maybe you could try it too!love you~
129 03:59:56 RON50.00   Hopeful Hantako
I wish I could donate sleep...
130 03:59:57 PHP275.00   greentea💎on purple purple block
IWyS SLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPP SSSSLLLLEEEEEEPPPPP too much rhythm games? eat first. I will sleep as well. I watched an elite to finish mario world LOL
131 04:01:39 $20.00   Mavjin8
Since we got to see some automatic and BGM stages today, just wanted to say I put that Nico Nico Medley stage video in the #IRyShow tag. Hope you can get a good sleep before tomorrow's stream, looking forward to it!
132 04:02:59 $10.00   GrumbleDogg ɛ{ŎゝŎ}ɜ
If you need something to help you to sleep, I can share my latest work presentation. It put some of my co-workers to sleep quick. Jokes aside, I really hope you can catch those elusive Zs.