配信名【KARAOKE 歌枠 】750K subscribers peafowl :D!! thumbnail in progress【Pavolia Reine/hololiveID 2nd gen】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 16 214.00 \29,115
PHP PHP 3 2947.50 \7,247
EUR EUR 3 25.00 \3,748
YEN YEN 5 3500 \3,500
IDR IDR 6 320000.00 \2,959
A$ AUD 2 27.50 \2,495
NT$ TWD 4 375.00 \1,659
CA$ CAD 1 2.79 \278
CLP CLP 1 1100 \184
THB THB 1 40.00 \159
---- ---- ---- ---- \51,344

No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
2 May 4 10:04:08 NT$75.00   God Damn it
9 00:05:50 IDR50,000.00   uutariw Congrats for 750k Reine! :_tonjok:
11 00:08:29 IDR50,000.00   Reiza Kloise Congrats on the 750k Reine! And thank you for singing for us when it's your accoplishment. You are really someone I'll always gladly support
12 00:10:24 $2.00   Anton M dis cute mep is singing rn
14 00:11:28 $2.00   Velvet Nimbus Daddy Weine's deep voice makes my heart tingle!
19 00:25:17 ¥800   sanitation_master レイネさんのおかげでインドネシアが好きなりました。7月にジョグジャカルタに旅行予定です。 Thanks to Reine, I came to like to Indonesia. I am planning to travel to Yogyakarta in July.
20 00:25:38 PHP137.50   azure_blade Thank you for the Ikimonogakari song. Happy 750k!
21 00:26:20 IDR50,000.00   변다 Byeon dha Request ussewa, aku mau dikatain reine
25 00:29:51 $2.00   Anton M
Chu~ I'm sorry, bur Reine is too cute
26 00:31:13 THB40.00   Mick McBaldy YES!!!!
27 00:31:17 $5.00   Sloth of Shadows That was too cute...my heart is failing. Cover yes please
28 00:33:19 IDR50,000.00   Constantin Maam, can you sing Yoasobi - Idol?
30 00:35:03 NT$75.00  
33 00:41:34 CA$2.79   Jack Payne Kobayashi’s Peafowl Maid w/ Kannaya and Lucollie
34 00:46:18 IDR20,000.00   변다 Byeon dha
Reine no ko
35 00:48:10 A$7.50   Crusty Congrats on the 750K subs, Reine! Looking forward to seeing what the future brings!
39 00:59:38 PHP55.00   Addsss dont skip ads onegai JOINDA to remove ads
43 01:20:56 $10.00   Jacob 47 STREAM SPARKS
44 01:23:14 $5.00   Sloth of Shadows
Cause sparks light the haheng, turn the dark of the night into haheng
45 01:28:25 €5.00   Aria Lavinde Haheng sure is very versatile. lol
47 01:34:54 $50.00   Anton M
48 01:37:13 PHP2,755.00   Crispy Crackers Very Cute songs today! Congrats on the 750k and hyped to see you perform in the EN concert.
49 01:37:48 ¥1,000   キリトリ 推し(レイネ)が推し(ぺこちゃん)の曲歌ってくれるの最高すぎるんよな...
50 01:40:51 $5.00   Anton M
PEKORANDOMBRAIN Peko keeps multiplying!
51 01:44:21 ¥1,000   キリトリ
52 01:47:02 $10.00   Javier Rodriguez Congrats on 750k Reine. Also great choice in singing Melissa, one of my favorite songs.
53 01:55:28 $2.00   Anton M
I'm imagining Reine with animal ears. Nyao-u nyao~
54 02:02:55 $100.00   Sloth of Shadows
Thanks for the haheng karaoke and congrats on 750k! It’s been so rewarding to see you grow from 150k when I subbed to now. Super excited to see you at the EN concert! Going to try for venue tickets but if I don’t get them I’ll be cheering for you from the stream.
55 02:07:11 NT$150.00   God Damn it
56 02:08:57 CLP1,100   1er apóstol del completo I don't have money for RoyalTea
57 02:10:47 $2.00   Sloth of Shadows
One more for the Honey and Clover song
58 02:11:40 ¥200   アンドロメダ (a無言スパチャ)
59 02:14:53 €10.00   FartunaZa
60 02:15:31 $5.00   Thadeas Thanks for the Karaoke Reine
61 02:16:33 $2.00   Anton M
:patpatpat: gj today Reine. Have a nice haheng
62 02:17:05 A$20.00   Violet Gelato Thanks for the awesome Karaoke and Congrats on 750k! Can't want to see you in July!
63 02:17:34 ¥500   blank
64 02:17:36 IDR100,000.00   Moexfire - Rez 750k omedetou... yang selalu ditunggu nih, karaokenya Reine selalu fun dan seru pokoknya.
65 02:17:50 €10.00   Aria Lavinde
Otsuk-haheng-sama deshita, Reine-sama~ Thanks for the karaoke and congratulations again on 750K subscribers! (*'▽'*)♪
66 02:18:07 $10.00   Sidescroller Def Thanks for the karaoke!
67 02:18:14 NT$75.00   God Damn it
69 02:19:12 $2.00   Anton M
And she shoomed...