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3 May 5 12:14:05 $50.00   Jim Tracy Finally had the chance to listen to Psycho and it's so awesome!! Love how you went all out with your vocals, plus the song is perfect for you. The wait for your 2nd original was totally worth it, definitely going to be streaming it a ton!
4 May 5 12:45:31 $50.00   Jim Tracy
Just saw the EP news as well, so hype for a full EP of your music; can't wait to see what kind of songs you come up with!!
6 May 5 12:57:57 ¥100   鴨塩 (wordless superchat)
9 00:02:37 NT$90.00   Allen Hey Bae You are the only person on earth who makes me feel that I am not alone.
10 00:03:59 ₩10,000   Qumin [kjumin] Please let me say "Towa-sama Towa-juseyo!" means "Help us Towa" in KR. I've been waiting for this time Ina and Towa coming together. INAFF
12 00:05:02 £5.00   Meadow Fairy when I was just looking to your new song and I get notification saying you are live. Going to listen to it again later but love the tempo on it
18 00:11:09 €10.00   Jalorda - Hi Bae, Question: Now that Psycho is released i wonder if Irys is gonna make a "But i can fix her" song xd. Joke aside im proud of you Bae the amount of work that you put in is insane GG
20 00:12:18 A$2.00   The Hybrid Sapling Tako speed run to death XD
21 00:14:03 NZ$2.20   Skye Marshall Any deaths are just "practice", I believe in you
23 00:15:28 CA$5.50   lDeadPirate CHERRY BOG ROLL WHEN¿
26 00:31:05 $5.00   Commander Kyubey sub as in like sub-marine (below water), sub-terranean (below the ground), so sub-5 minutes is below 5 minutes
28 00:33:29 $5.00   Kyden_x7 Good luck Bae during the Mario Maker tournament bring home that W for us.
29 00:33:33 $4.99   WingsCV I swear I thought you said someone was being “Corgi” instead of dorky and I can’t I unhear it O-o
30 00:34:57 ¥200   raiifrost BE CAREFUL THERE"S A GOOMBA THERE
32 00:45:46 $5.00   nosaint317 Bae gonna be speed running Jump King before we know it.
37 00:55:57 $5.00   GrumbleDogg ෴ˁǂᴥಠˀ෴ orz
38 00:56:08 $5.00   darkness2101 (シ_ _ )シ Team F最高
39 00:56:12 A$5.00   Tiff Thunderchocolate You actually did it! You are the hope of Team F.
40 00:56:18 $20.00   saltedbread Dogeza... Great job Bae! Towa's back is saved (maybe)
41 00:56:22 THB40.00   Buffy BearBear
42 00:56:33 $5.00   AcerBandit lol here... orz good job getting sub 3 min
43 00:57:13 $10.00   xing255 Bow down to the real Rat god here!
44 00:57:34 $10.00   Black Knight
45 00:58:03 €20.00   RiDeth orz Please accept my humble dogeza o' great and magnificent gamer rat
46 01:02:43 PLN50.00   NekoInDaBox F is for Friends, F is for Fun,This rat is a psycho and has a gun,We may not take first prize but that's okayI'm still rooting for cute little Bae (you're Team F's hope orz)
48 01:24:06 $9.99   Roboute Guiilliman I see now why Bae is crazy in the new MV. Insanity by Mario.
49 01:36:40 CA$22.00   High-Fructose Corn Syrup KFP Artificial Sweetener Fubuki's map is 3JS-M63-3WG
50 01:46:23 CA$12.00   High-Fructose Corn Syrup KFP Artificial Sweetener
One of my earliest Hololive memories is watching Mio lose her sanity to this map back in 2019
51 01:49:42 R$11.00   Guren San How do you feel as the biggest hope in team F? (I wish you guys the bets of lucks lol)
52 01:50:12 NT$300.00   PorCos Need some advice?
54 02:00:32 $50.00   Colossal Saiyan Hey Bae! Just wanted to say I enjoyed your new cover that just so happened to come out on my B-Day which is today! I appreciate the stars aligning with that one As for the cover though, to say it's great wouldn’t be enough. It's DIVINE.
57 02:33:44 ₩5,000   Man's Baest Friend You are the Best
58 02:33:54 ¥500   たきち You are super Player!!!!
59 02:37:04 €20.00   Anonymous247n Congrats Sorry for being so entertained, you're just too funny If anything, i think we all knew you could do it! So just believe in the us who believe in you!
60 02:38:03 THB40.00   Buffy BearBear
Congrats on beating KFP stage! and good luck tmr
61 02:38:24 $5.00   Tony Bomboozled You said that Brats wouldn't enjoy seeing you rage at hard games, yet we got this amazing stream. That being said, you're still in dogeza debt, lady!
62 02:39:48 ¥500   Fukki Very late dogeza for the sub 3 mins run, also congrats on beating the usual room!
64 02:40:17 ₩10,000   やよい軒 As was the case with GOI, experience continues to accumulate and grow up You can be proud of yourself 대회도 기대할게요!
65 02:40:18 $20.00   saltedbread
100% thought you were never going to finish that course but you did it! The patience you showed and sheer will to escape the Usual Room was amazing! I think your efforts today will bear fruit in the event. Go Team F!!
66 02:40:30 ¥800   まのちゃ太郎🛸💜 べーちゃん難しいステージクリアおめでとう!!諦めなかったべーちゃんかっこよかったよ明後日からゴールデンウィーク終わって仕事だからリアルタイムで配信見れないけどアーカイブで応援してるね!
67 02:40:34 $10.00   -Inasanaty- STREAM PSYCHO
69 02:41:26 $10.00   Kevin牛 The last couple of weeks have been pretty frustrating for me at work, but watching you and the other girls learn Mario and get so much better in such a short time has helped me through it.
70 02:42:15 $2.00   taco tom Mirai Saik- I mean Psycho Saikou! It's so good Bae
71 02:42:32 MX$125.00   Rene Alarcon Everyone on Team F should wear a mustache for luck and team unity. It works. True story.
73 02:47:27 MYR6.00   Tat congrats
74 02:47:31 HK$100.00   CC ch (wordless superchat)
75 02:51:03 ¥800   Gaius クリアおめでとうございます。昨日初めて放送を観ました。日本語がとても可愛いく楽しい放送でした。これからも応援します
76 02:53:12 $1.99   Beeg Mac Hi Bae can I get a Happy Bday from my Favorite Rat
77 02:54:45 ¥320   ジーク・フライハイト たくさん練習したベーちゃんに不可能はない!本番は楽しい時間になりますように!Let's go bae
78 02:59:15 ¥200   FU KU べーちゃん遅くまでお疲れ様!明日頑張ってね~!
79 03:00:34 ¥200   Fukki
I believe team F will win with all that buffs
80 03:02:40 £10.00   Baz Zerfire Hi bae, i have been naughty and just listened to Psycho. It is amazing how much range you display in that song and is such a stark contrast to how you are in your streams. Thank you for producing it.
81 03:14:18 CA$5.50   TheDinoflagellate Good luck on the tournament tomorrow! I'll be cheering for you guys team f! Your new song is so lit btw! I love it! Thanks for all your hard work!
82 03:14:48 $10.00   Gerthddyn Confirmed not on Tidal yet, but Amazon Music is up as well.