トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
配信名:we celebrate with cursed food (?), games, and watchalong 🎉
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD   24     321.96   48,269円
 IDR  IDR   23 1701777.00   16,388円
 WON  KRW    2     150000   15,720円
 YEN  YEN    7       5200    5,200円
 PHP  PHP   10    2000.00    5,084円
  R$  BRL    4     150.00    4,266円
   £  GBP    1      20.00    3,367円
 RON  RON    1      50.00    1,489円
 CA$  CAD    1      10.00    1,088円
 EUR  EUR    1       6.66      976円
 MYR  MYR    4      28.00      888円
 NOK  NOK    1      50.00      706円
 SEK  SEK    1      20.00      267円
  ₫  VND    1      20000      122円
---- ---- ----       ----  103,830円

No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
3 Oct 20 13:27:20 PHP500.00   byonni I sadly can't be around to celebrate with you, but congratulations on the milestone, chief! Thanks for all the good times, and here's to many more!
13 Oct 20 15:33:46 R$20.00   Marcelo Yoshida Human Centipede on background!!!
15 Oct 20 15:36:20 £20.00   DarkWr4ith Congratulations on 600k chief. Here's to 666k, then 700k, then 1 million, then world domination. Thanks for all the laughs and relaxing streams. You're definitely the cutest streamer on the internet.
16 Oct 20 15:36:36 IDR35,000.00   CreateCraft food? so u gonna review whiskas?
17 Oct 20 15:37:59 PHP125.00   Cams Chief is immune to poison so this "proof" you speak of is invalid... Still a cat
19 Oct 20 15:39:19 IDR50,000.00   Anchor Vath Just writing my last words here: I've followed you since the beginning and I love you so much.. Bazo (Congrats on 600k btw Zet)
20 Oct 20 15:39:31 IDR100,000.00   Narita Tedja semoga perut Zeta baik-baik aja nanti
23 Oct 20 15:40:00 $10.00   Corey O'Dell wait what
29 Oct 20 15:45:54 IDR50,000.00   SuperNova congrats on 600k subs my secret wai- i mean agent, semoga cepet 1m subs ya
31 Oct 20 15:48:37 $10.00   Pancake God Congrats!
33 Oct 20 15:49:09 R$10.00   Marcelo Yoshida
Is this the legendary local cuisine if I ever visit Indonesia?
34 Oct 20 15:50:33 $10.00   Corey O'Dell
Is this why haachama got food poisoning when she traveled, because she ate your "cooking"?
36 Oct 20 15:53:42 IDR77,777.00   Rimura congrats 600k subs chief -w-
39 Oct 20 15:54:47 IDR20,000.00   UruHaru🦋 -Elite Secret Unit- Pake Heart monitor sabi nihh
40 Oct 20 15:54:55 MYR10.00   Luqman Congrats on the 600K!!
41 Oct 20 15:58:33 ¥200   目黒_meguro バゾくん たのしそう
44 Oct 20 16:09:07 IDR100,000.00   Mustafa Zaki Assagaf zeta where is the membership wallpaper? i need cute cat wallpaper for my pc
45 Oct 20 16:10:57 $4.99   RM46 Cute kitten raging at games ASMR. 100/10
46 Oct 20 16:22:02 $2.00   Jesus Alberto [Mumei toe] Hi Z. I do a 105 High score. Congratulations
49 Oct 20 16:23:19 IDR50,000.00   Anchor Vath
Funds for the puke bucket
51 Oct 20 16:24:55 PHP125.00   byonni
Hi chief! I came back as soon as I could so I can watch---- actually, maybe I'll just watch the vod. Have fun!
53 Oct 20 16:26:19 $5.00   LuoLei Zhao Is this how you were able to build up Poison Resistence in the Secret Agent Academy?
56 Oct 20 16:29:30 $1.99   the43rdGuru Cats shouldn’t eat people food Uweeeee
57 Oct 20 16:29:46 R$20.00   Marcelo Yoshida
Thanks for bringing a moment of happiness in our life chief!
59 Oct 20 16:34:56 IDR50,000.00   Mangoroot [I'm mango who taste like coffee] i know i am delicious chief, please be gentle i have soft side
60 Oct 20 16:36:10 NOK50.00   Zolfried will we bring out the Blender? asking for a clock
61 Oct 20 16:36:54 MYR6.00   Stephan the Pelted try check out Milo + Egg
62 Oct 20 16:37:19 IDR20,000.00   Satrio Bimo hallo zeta coba ngomong bahasa Jawa dong
64 Oct 20 16:37:35 IDR20,000.00   Anchor Vath
Sure, I'll eat the ramen
65 Oct 20 16:42:08 IDR100,000.00   Sen here, for medicine bill
66 Oct 20 16:42:48 $20.00   TaiyakiFerret Congrats on 600K chief! It still baffles me how a cute, sussy, cultist, cat girl ended up being my main oshi, but I've enjoyed every second of it. Thanks for all the joy you give us, but how about a regular salad next time?
68 Oct 20 16:45:31 ¥500   べル Zetaちゃん60万人おめでとう!
69 Oct 20 16:48:04 R$100.00   Marcelo Yoshida
Hey Zeta, congrats on 600K! And on your courage in this stream! We'll need buddies for tomorrow handcam stream right?
71 Oct 20 16:49:19 IDR20,000.00   UN-C you called?
73 Oct 20 16:50:07 IDR20,000.00   UN-C
I'm here ma'am
74 Oct 20 16:54:03 IDR50,000.00   Hikari your voice is kinda shaky it's concerning not gonna lie
75 Oct 20 16:54:08 IDR20,000.00   Nao_8 Besoknya collab sama toilet
76 Oct 20 16:54:33 $10.00   Mikotey Thanks for playing the game! I'm so happy you liked it enough to play on stream even though it's a simple flappy bird gameHope it didn't frustrate you too much. Congrats on 600k!
77 Oct 20 17:20:08 $9.99   Hiban Keep up the great work 🫡
78 Oct 20 17:22:49 IDR600,000.00   FBC congrats for 600k, and stomach-kun
79 Oct 20 17:24:38 ¥1,000   s hiiragi 60万人おめでとう
80 Oct 20 17:25:02 $10.00   Chris Cheeseman Uweee
82 Oct 20 17:26:06 PHP125.00   Cams
Hey boss, I read somewhere that kombucha is good for upset stomach. Maybe you should try it?
83 Oct 20 17:26:59 ¥1,000   ーぷはー 600kおめでとうございますuweee!
84 Oct 20 17:27:05 RON50.00   Silverlord [Sussy Cat Zetanist] Hey chief, congrats and thanks again for all your work. Hope you will not suffer too much after the Vestia Zeta Special. I will try it tomorrow!
85 Oct 20 17:28:07 ¥1,000   ゆでガエル 600k おめでとう!!いつもたのしいstreamありがとう!!
87 Oct 20 17:30:10 CA$10.00   Baby Yoisho I will try the Vestia Special when I recover from my flu Sorry I haven't been active lately, but I wanna say belated congratulations on the 600k subs! Onto 696,969 next!
90 Oct 20 17:32:59 IDR20,000.00   Alam Kamikaze i have a baby cat in my room, how to raise it.
91 Oct 20 17:36:56 IDR100,000.00   Anchor Vath
Gonna have to go pass out, congrats once again for the 600k! Here's to many more years of more bats- celebrations like this. You're the oolest, most mazing, ensai agent!
92 Oct 20 17:39:31 ¥1,000   lugens Motacilla alba おだいじにw
93 Oct 20 17:39:46 ₩100,000   프로페서 K Long time no see, Zeta Congrats for 600k! And.. can you chu to Cams?
94 Oct 20 17:40:07 $1.99   AllTheRiches Cats can totally eat chocolate. Only once though
96 Oct 20 17:42:55 IDR20,000.00   UN-C
kedama bazo?
97 Oct 20 17:46:51 SEK20.00   APENLIVE Omg you are a cat so no bugs for you
98 Oct 20 17:47:11 $20.00   Corey O'Dell
For real, congrats on 600k! I'm relatively recent to watching your streams, but they're fantastically comfy and you're great at interacting with chat (: 700k いくぞー!!
99 Oct 20 17:47:47 IDR50,000.00   roxy zz congrats for 600k chief. BTW I Dare u to translate 50 19 into france
100 Oct 20 17:48:00 MYR6.00   Stephan the Pelted
try Milo + Egg (google image) next time
101 Oct 20 17:49:05 PHP125.00   byonni
That's interesting! All I know is that my heart rate increases every time you stream
103 Oct 20 17:51:34 ¥500   コーデリア【Cordelia】 眠れなくなったので何かおやつください!
106 Oct 20 17:54:42 $5.00   Greg Zeta, I will eat your recipe if you feed it to me. Congrats on 600K!
110 Oct 20 18:05:37 $5.00   JimmyBoombox I'm new but did you ever mention what type of cat you are?
111 Oct 20 18:06:17 MYR6.00   Luqman
hows your stomach
112 Oct 20 18:06:49 ₩50,000   프로페서 K
I'm always here. By the way, is it okay to prepare a Disneyland ticket for your birthday? Or... is Deeznutland okay?
113 Oct 20 18:09:08 PHP125.00   byonni
I think us Zecretaries will enjoy that salary very much, chief
114 Oct 20 18:11:20 PHP125.00   anoako Hi I'm a new Zecretary, didn't know we get our salary as part of the ice cream
115 Oct 20 18:12:47 IDR50,000.00   FBC
Did the aftertaste affect you that much or is it the smell? If it's the aftertaste then i'm scared to try it
116 Oct 20 18:13:32 PHP125.00   Cams
Hey boss, I read somewhere that kombucha is good for upset stomach. Maybe you should try it?
117 Oct 20 18:14:16 $2.00   Greg
We warned you Chief, chocolate isn't good for cats
118 Oct 20 18:16:39 $2.00   TaiyakiFerret
119 Oct 20 18:17:54 PHP125.00   Cams
Kombucha mouth on deez nutz...
120 Oct 20 18:18:08 $5.00   Blink Poke Celery basically has negative calories so adding it to ice cream makes it healthier right?
122 Oct 20 18:19:42 ₫20,000   nora sino おつゼータ、
123 Oct 20 18:20:30 IDR79,000.00   Cefilua (無言スパチャ)
125 Oct 20 18:21:09 €6.66   zipli
126 Oct 20 18:21:10 $100.00   Ryan Sagala (無言スパチャ)
127 Oct 20 18:21:15 $50.00   Ryan Sagala
128 Oct 20 18:21:16 $20.00   Ryan Sagala
129 Oct 20 18:21:17 $10.00   Ryan Sagala
130 Oct 20 18:21:18 PHP500.00   byonni
Don't apologize. We're celebrating you, silly. Get well soon!
131 Oct 20 18:21:19 $5.00   Ryan Sagala
132 Oct 20 18:22:11 $2.00   Ryan Sagala