No | 時間 | 金額 元表示 | 円建て | 色 | チャンネル名 | チャット |
1 | 10/14 08:01:18 | $19.99 | ¥2271 | Lawst Mawg | Konfauna! Can’t wait for strimmer to make with the screms! | |
2 | 10/14 08:02:14 | $10.00 | ¥1136 | t-dyno | You can do it Mama Nature!! Face your fears head on!! | |
3 | 10/14 08:02:28 | CLP2,500 | ¥344 | Kayroz | Konfauna~ |
4 | 10/14 08:02:56 | $5.00 | ¥568 | cannedsoup | hi |
5 | 10/14 08:03:03 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Majin D | if you're scared you can hold my hand~ um, branch |
6 | 10/14 08:03:08 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Duckemduck | Less than a minute in and we're already blessed, thank you. | |
7 | 10/14 08:03:18 | $6.66 | ¥756 | Dismal Frequency | Ganbare Fauna! | |
8 | 10/14 08:03:19 | $20.00 | ¥2272 | CHIKADENIZEN | TRIPLE DIGIT GANG LET'S GO | |
9 | 10/14 08:03:23 | $9.99 | ¥1135 | Quinn | Konfauna! Good luck with RE 7. I can’t stay because I have class, but I’ll be sure to watch the VOD. | |
10 | 10/14 08:03:58 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Frayya (프레이야) | I'm looking at the heartrate monitor, RESPECTFULLY | |
11 | 10/14 08:04:17 | MYR15.00 | ¥409 | Pterion | Looking at heart rate respectfully |
12 | 10/14 08:04:26 | $4.99 | ¥567 | Carlos Morales | Nature is SPEED at heart. | |
13 | 10/14 08:04:46 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Raven Mercer | Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start. Super Fauna mode activate. | |
14 | 10/14 08:05:44 | $19.99 | ¥2271 | Moon_ Truth9000 | Hi Fauna! This is my first ever superchat and I thought I’d send it to you. I love your streams and it’s great to tune in while working. Much love! | |
15 | 10/14 08:05:50 | ¥610 | ¥610 | とむとむ | It's a biohazard. Yay. | |
16 | 10/14 08:07:18 | $50.00 | ¥5681 | Doug Joseph | If your heart rate jumps, it's just because we saplings are so gosh darn cute! |
17 | 10/14 08:07:19 | $5.00 | ¥568 | austin nelson | I'm gonna miss the stream because I'm at work, But I'm looking forward to the VOD later. Good luck Fauna! | |
18 | 10/14 08:07:21 | $4.99 | ¥567 | ChemistWeeb | Sorry for missing the last few streams! I was in Florida with family and will update stream drinks for them eventually! Today's drink is just Merlot! |
19 | 10/14 08:08:07 | €5.00 | ¥657 | Ryūko【竜子】 | KONFAUNA |
20 | 10/14 08:08:20 | £5.00 | ¥773 | Sickage | But does she have bottom teeth? | |
21 | 10/14 08:08:33 | $4.99 | ¥567 | Rasmo | At least she has bottom teeth | |
22 | 10/14 08:08:58 | $10.00 | ¥1136 | Miguel lopez | ||
23 | 10/14 08:12:32 | $5.00 | ¥568 | ROBBERGON | You'll be ok OneeFauna. If things go bad, just use our sapling bodies to protect yourself | |
24 | 10/14 08:14:43 | PHP500.00 | ¥1123 | Kaede Nyuu | You deserve this for playing in the dark.. Perfection~ | |
25 | 10/14 08:14:49 | $5.00 | ¥568 | LC_Lapen | Being Nature, do you ever get spooked or scared by trees or plants? Gnarled or dead trees are especially terrifying, wondered what your thoughts were | |
26 | 10/14 08:14:52 | $10.00 | ¥1136 | Vypur under the Lemon Tree | Well I was saving this game to play it in VR but I don't think I'll ever actually get around to it. Oh well, might as well watch it with Fauna and my fellow Saplings! | |
27 | 10/14 08:15:20 | £10.00 | ¥1547 | Sickage | Mumei went down that path a loooooooooooooooooong time ago | |
28 | 10/14 08:17:40 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Donald Ervi | So it's Mumeis purse? | |
29 | 10/14 08:17:43 | $5.00 | ¥568 | The Edgy Penguin | I believe in the power of nature you can do this, just pretend Mia is Mumei and rescue her. | |
30 | 10/14 08:19:46 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Fleshy Mammal | just wanted to say hi fauna and chat! | |
31 | 10/14 08:22:35 | $123.45 | ¥14028 | Yakikorosu | Funding the Minecraft war chest. Begun, the Council Civil War, has. Just dig up us Saplings and we'll fight as well as we can with our atrophied muscles. | |
32 | 10/14 08:23:16 | CA$5.00 | ¥456 | Mesprege | I don't blame you, I know how it is.... | |
33 | 10/14 08:23:22 | PHP250.00 | ¥561 | [BLANK] | Welcome to the family Fauna! Are the abominations in that house your rejected Spore creations or did someone else make them?? | |
34 | 10/14 08:23:38 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Doug Joseph | This game is already "bugging" our Fauna. |
35 | 10/14 08:24:58 | €2.00 | ¥262 | Ryūko【竜子】 | People scares |
36 | 10/14 08:25:47 | £5.00 | ¥773 | Sickage | looks like The Flood infected that fridge ... | |
37 | 10/14 08:26:13 | $10.00 | ¥1136 | Donald Ervi | Ever seen a Dobsonfly or a Hellgramite? They are some scary looking things. Also, you got this Momma Nature! Go save your wife Mumei! | |
38 | 10/14 08:27:00 | CA$10.00 | ¥912 | Belgariad | FAUNA LOOK BEHIND YOU | |
39 | 10/14 08:29:18 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Markis2bi4 | You are both brave and smart to learn and understand the things that scare you. Few normal people do. | |
40 | 10/14 08:31:17 | $1.99 | ¥226 | kenshin491 | Yeah the ambient sound fx in this game are great. | |
41 | 10/14 08:33:31 | MYR30.00 | ¥818 | Stryv「ストライブ」 | Congrats on reaching 300k subs Fauna! and also good luck on RE7 playthrough, you can do it |
42 | 10/14 08:35:09 | $2.00 | ¥227 | tsukuyomiXfey | you like a movie...until you don't! love you mama! | |
43 | 10/14 08:42:24 | NT$500.00 | ¥2021 | dosorti | ||
44 | 10/14 08:43:32 | $10.00 | ¥1136 | Doug Joseph | We saplings would go into that house to save you, Fauna! |
45 | 10/14 08:45:10 | $10.00 | ¥1136 | ChuddlestheSasquatch | Alright Fauna, you win, you got me to finally simp for a Vtuber. Keep up the great work! Since I'm here though, thoughts on Bigfoot and other cryptids? | |
46 | 10/14 08:45:18 | $20.00 | ¥2272 | Estella | Boo! | |
47 | 10/14 08:46:37 | $142.00 | ¥16136 | Chisos de'Gondra | New heart rate high score! Be brave Fauna, we saplings are with you! | |
48 | 10/14 08:47:03 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Slick Otter | Beware the man and his man-shaped shadow! | |
49 | 10/14 08:49:04 | $10.00 | ¥1136 | Frayya (프레이야) | My boss at work is a huge RE nerd and he made me play RE7. I screamed and threw the controller when the body came out of the water. He indeed laughed the whole hour I played and I never went back. | |
50 | 10/14 08:53:18 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Raven Mercer | My Dog's name is Mia, and she looks at the screen each time you say her name. Shes very confused doggo. | |
51 | 10/14 08:55:16 | $10.00 | ¥1136 | PhatCoch | Hello first time here and I just wanted to say that I'm greatly enjoy your work keep it up. Also I know my name isn't appropriate so don't worry about not reading it out loud. | |
52 | 10/14 08:55:53 | $5.00 | ¥568 | yohflyer | Ok I haven't laughed that hard in a while (when Mia was getting attacked and you just stood there). | |
53 | 10/14 08:56:40 | CLP1,000 | ¥137 | El Canal Weaboo | Narrator: She's not calm | |
54 | 10/14 08:57:45 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Juan Meraz | U got this, we believe in u. Fortitude is ur friend and good luck with the game. | |
55 | 10/14 09:00:10 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Alligator Wani | This sprawling estate, a Mecca of madness and morbidity. Your work begins... | |
56 | 10/14 09:01:06 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Kire Amors | I'ma FAUNdler n I go round n round n round | |
57 | 10/14 09:01:27 | $10.00 | ¥1136 | Mohbi | Mother nature be brave | |
58 | 10/14 09:01:28 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Azure604 | this is an apt time for the old saying: "There's plenty of fish in the sea" | |
59 | 10/14 09:01:53 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Flopd M | Mind over matter mama nature. You got this! | |
60 | 10/14 09:01:54 | $4.99 | ¥567 | Lawst Mawg | We can hold your hand Fauna. It’ll be okay. | |
61 | 10/14 09:02:17 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Alligator Wani | WIFE FIGHT BACK? KILL WIFE! | |
62 | 10/14 09:02:53 | $9.99 | ¥1135 | Wrixne Lenti | Be brave! Also that HR monitor sure went up. | |
63 | 10/14 09:03:40 | $2.00 | ¥227 | Docta Helghast | Everyone knows wounds can be healed with alchohol! | |
64 | 10/14 09:04:12 | $2.00 | ¥227 | The Edgy Penguin | Donating to the Fauna Mia divorce court funds | |
65 | 10/14 09:04:38 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Alligator Wani | Wife gone. Think about wife. Regret. | |
66 | 10/14 09:05:21 | $1.99 | ¥226 | kenshin491 | Hanging in there ok? | |
67 | 10/14 09:09:15 | $10.00 | ¥1136 | ZERO WAYOUT | CROUCH IS LIFE. WHO NEEDS TO RUN WHEN YOU CAN CROUCH? | |
68 | 10/14 09:09:42 | $50.00 | ¥5681 | MajesticBearSong | Hi Faunaaa! Thank you sincerely for retweeting my art the other day, it really means a lot. Normally I run out of motivation and leave a work in progress, but your comfy asmr streams kept me inspired! I hope to make many more pieces for you |
69 | 10/14 09:10:16 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Alligator Wani | If it bleeds, we can kill it. If it doesn't bleed, we can sure as hell try. | |
70 | 10/14 09:10:28 | HK$25.00 | ¥364 | Votato | Who needs a wife when we have Fauna |
71 | 10/14 09:11:05 | $4.99 | ¥567 | kenshin491 | As someone who’s worked maintenance, when you touch something gross, after you do it once you sorta just commit to the end goal. | |
72 | 10/14 09:11:23 | $100.00 | ¥11363 | Scott | Konfauna gozaimasu! Watching you climb the corporate ladder at Bunkeronii, flee overseas from oppression, & start a Civil War made my overtime 1000x more enjoyable so here’s your share! Your humor, assortment of noises, & huge muscles have secured your spot as my oshi~ | |
73 | 10/14 09:13:02 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Alligator Wani | If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must FIGHT, Fauna! | |
74 | 10/14 09:14:24 | $1.99 | ¥226 | kenshin491 | Yandere vs Yandere! | |
75 | 10/14 09:14:50 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Yenway | Press R2 to fire blood out of your stump. | |
76 | 10/14 09:15:59 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Revelence 91 | Looks like your struggling a bit, so here's some $ to give you "A hand" lol | |
77 | 10/14 09:21:39 | $10.00 | ¥1136 | a primate brain | Welcome to the family, Faun. | |
78 | 10/14 09:21:55 | $20.00 | ¥2272 | AmayariX | Welcome to the Family, Fauna. | |
79 | 10/14 09:22:04 | $10.00 | ¥1136 | Umiboshi | gg btw fauna | |
80 | 10/14 09:22:10 | MX$50.00 | ¥274 | Miguel Macias | Welcome to the family son! |
81 | 10/14 09:22:26 | $4.99 | ¥567 | Basic Moose | Welcome to the Faumily, sapling. | |
82 | 10/14 09:22:57 | $2.00 | ¥227 | Revelence 91 | Bad lady beaten, Fauna asserting Yandere Dominance | |
83 | 10/14 09:25:19 | $1.49 | ¥169 | RollStep | ||
84 | 10/14 09:25:35 | £1.00 | ¥154 | Sickage | (無言スパチャ) | |
85 | 10/14 09:25:52 | $1.00 | ¥113 | DoomsDayDan | (無言スパチャ) | |
86 | 10/14 09:26:04 | £1.00 | ¥154 | Sickage | (無言スパチャ) | |
87 | 10/14 09:26:14 | $1.00 | ¥113 | Outrun the Wind | (無言スパチャ) | |
88 | 10/14 09:26:14 | CLP500 | ¥68 | Kayroz | (無言スパチャ) | |
89 | 10/14 09:26:14 | $1.00 | ¥113 | eyeball | (無言スパチャ) | |
90 | 10/14 09:26:16 | ¥100 | ¥100 | プロ❨プログラミングって何ですか?❩ | (無言スパチャ) | |
91 | 10/14 09:26:20 | HK$5.00 | ¥72 | Sunny | (無言スパチャ) | |
92 | 10/14 09:26:33 | $1.00 | ¥113 | Xayah Btw🌿 | (無言スパチャ) | |
93 | 10/14 09:26:33 | €1.00 | ¥131 | Ceradys | (無言スパチャ) | |
94 | 10/14 09:26:36 | $1.00 | ¥113 | Juny A | (無言スパチャ) | |
95 | 10/14 09:26:46 | $1.00 | ¥113 | NamingSystem | (無言スパチャ) | |
96 | 10/14 09:27:10 | ¥400 | ¥400 | アルティメットエイジ | ||
97 | 10/14 09:27:29 | $100.00 | ¥11363 | Revan: Mori's Deadbeat in Space | ||
98 | 10/14 09:27:31 | $10.00 | ¥1136 | 美味しいたこ焼き | ||
99 | 10/14 09:34:18 | $20.00 | ¥2272 | Colorful Anon | Hercules Beetles are the best. | |
100 | 10/14 09:39:33 | RUB400.00 | ¥633 | Anton M | That's the most thrilling re7 stream I've ever seen! I can feel how Fauna's anxiety spreads to me. | |
101 | 10/14 09:41:51 | $10.00 | ¥1136 | Mashimaru | Thank you for the blessed scream |
102 | 10/14 09:43:26 | $2.00 | ¥227 | P. A. | The worst that could happen is you get a game over | |
103 | 10/14 09:45:02 | ¥200 | ¥200 | ハイエンターきょーか | 怖いだろうけど頑張れ!! | |
104 | 10/14 09:49:03 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Imaginary Man | Don't run from Daddy. He's just worried about you. | |
105 | 10/14 09:49:51 | PHP125.00 | ¥280 | Aeshi「アイシ」 | Such a blessed stream full of blessed screams! |
106 | 10/14 09:50:50 | MYR15.00 | ¥409 | Kotori You | nice fauna you are great\(ಡ₩ಡ)/ | |
107 | 10/14 09:55:14 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Azure604 | courage juice fund lads, let's go | |
108 | 10/14 09:56:02 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Frayya (프레이야) | Keep going Fauna, I beliv in u | |
109 | 10/14 09:56:49 | HK$50.00 | ¥729 | ok li | Fauna you can play with VR next time |
110 | 10/14 09:58:16 | €10.00 | ¥1314 | Firetoutou | Well good luck...also...Shovel. | |
111 | 10/14 09:59:41 | €5.00 | ¥657 | Firetoutou | Nice car Ethan. | |
112 | 10/14 10:00:29 | $9.99 | ¥1135 | s t r a w b e r r i | This father figure isn’t like Calli at all |
113 | 10/14 10:05:09 | NT$15.00 | ¥60 | 斎藤ひろし | (無言スパチャ) | |
114 | 10/14 10:05:28 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Tom Tornados | (無言スパチャ) | |
115 | 10/14 10:09:38 | CA$10.00 | ¥912 | Gofofo Kefu | Thank you it was nice meeting you its my first stream with you today. | |
116 | 10/14 10:10:15 | $10.00 | ¥1136 | Suture | You debuted the day I started my new job in a new city. Your soothing voice and personality has lowered my anxiety in this new place. I appreciate you. | |
117 | 10/14 10:10:16 | CRC1,000.00 | ¥181 | Kitzuru | Call Irys for youre next Stream!! | |
118 | 10/14 10:10:44 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Yenway | Congrats on beating the first boss, Fauna. He realized you were too powerful for him, and chose to go out on his own terms. | |
119 | 10/14 10:10:51 | ¥500 | ¥500 | 液晶用イサチア酸 | Thanks for the stream,Im so fun. |
120 | 10/14 10:10:53 | ¥200 | ¥200 | 澪ユキ「みおユキ」『崇める悲哀』【尻尾の鈴ガチ恋勢】【雪民】【Saplings】 | It was so much fun! | |
121 | 10/14 10:11:21 | ¥500 | ¥500 | たいしくん!★(taishi kun) | Thank you for your stream! | |
122 | 10/14 10:11:25 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Majin D | you were a very brave Fauna today, and it was really fun~ |
123 | 10/14 10:11:28 | $2.00 | ¥227 | MrObby | Great gaming tonight! |
124 | 10/14 10:11:29 | ¥1,000 | ¥1000 | べあれっさー | ||
125 | 10/14 10:11:32 | $5.00 | ¥568 | Daniel Do | Yeet |