配信名【HOLOCURE】early access, for us?! 🐾
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 68 794.87 \115,667
EUR EUR 8 365.96 \58,246
YEN YEN 34 27920 \27,920
CA$ CAD 13 88.00 \9,494
£ GBP 5 47.00 \8,695
NT$ TWD 6 1350.00 \6,153
HK$ HKD 1 250.00 \4,650
DKK DKK 2 200.00 \4,271
A$ AUD 5 37.00 \3,483
CLP CLP 3 15000 \2,537
PHP PHP 5 800.00 \2,048
MX$ MXN 3 200.00 \1,699
MYR MYR 3 51.00 \1,600
SEK SEK 1 100.00 \1,342
WON KRW 2 10000 \1,088
SGD SGD 1 10.00 \1,072
THB THB 3 240.00 \986
CHF CHF 1 5.00 \830
NOK NOK 1 50.00 \693
IDR IDR 1 50000.00 \474
ARS ARS 1 1000.00 \415
---- ---- ---- ---- \253,363
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 08月16日
¥1,000   にくたろう 二人が追加されたらどんなキャラになってほしいですか?やっぱりロケラン?
2 08月16日
NT$750.00   かみ箱 It's so relax to watching your stream and make timesatmp. Today is my birthday.Now I have a little requset :Remember last stream,Mococo jump on that someone to give him a *VIOLENCE CPR*? I request you two do that to me...フワモコちゃん大好きだ! BAU BAU
3 08月16日
$20.00   TheDAWinz I feel a need... A need for Extreme Violence!
4 00:03:22 CA$5.00   Eleos EXTREME BAU LENCE!
5 00:05:09 CLP5,000   Kairan BAU BAU
6 00:05:05 $2.00   Cryosite Tsuyoineko Bau Bau
7 00:05:46 ¥2,000   コンキメ おはよう!1日の始まりに二人を見られる幸せ
8 00:08:04 $5.00   C+HeroVT It would be cool to see you two and HoloAdvent to be in the game someday. Question is, do you two come together?
9 00:08:05 NT$75.00   LeftMoon BAU BAU!!
10 00:08:17 ¥1,000   Piroぴろ 明後日から頑張る 先にくしゃみ代置いときます
11 00:08:48 $5.00   -Kai No money? Here's some of mine moco-chan!
12 00:09:19 £10.00   Wilfer11 some money to help the gacha
14 00:12:09 ¥1,600   モッチ2 FUWAMOCO がんばえー"(∩>ω<∩)"日本から応援してるね( ᵒ̴̶̷̤◦ᵒ̴̶̷̤ )♡
15 00:13:32 $4.99   VarsonAbaddon its the extreme violence stream
16 00:13:45 $10.00   Wiley Corgi Bubba? More like BAUBBA!
17 00:14:09 A$2.00   Darth Warlock Cant wait to play as FuwaMoco in the next update.
18 00:15:01 ARS1,000.00   High On Caffeine BAU BAU
19 00:15:42 THB100.00   ドヤドヤ BAU BAU! greetings from Thailand! and Good night BAU BAU!
20 00:18:37 MX$50.00   Ortrus 【オルトロス】 Always love to see Fuwa-chan barkseating Moco-chan Also, wanna headpat one while belly rubbing the other
21 00:19:36 HK$250.00   see睇 かわいい BAU BAU
22 00:21:43 $5.00   RizumuGenki Stand next to Bubba and hold P to pet Bubba!
23 00:24:01 CA$5.00   Dog Strings I'm late! It's still the middle of my work day, but I ended a meeting early so I could catch the stream. Have fun, I'll be listening from the office.
24 00:24:47 NT$75.00   王承宇 i wonder what time is it for you, it's 4:30am here BAU BAU~~~
25 00:26:24 $5.00   V-Faction *boom*
26 00:30:08 $5.00   FUWAMOCO in my kokoro can we pet bubba?
27 00:30:09 MX$100.00   Freak Video Gamer Have fun playing Holocure! may items and collabs to discover, save all the fans and keep protecting those smiles. Pressing P to head pat Fuwawa and Mococo. You are doing great! BAU BAU!
28 00:30:26 NOK50.00   toastmastah You can pet Bubba as long as he is close and you press P
29 00:30:47 $4.99   booce master ANYLUCK ON PERO???
30 00:32:49 $5.00   Eating Mike Tyson's Ass I always enjoy watching your streams
31 00:32:56 $1.99   Fabian Burchard Funny thing. My nickname is actually Bubba
32 00:35:57 CA$10.00   CrimsonPhoenix A small little fun fact, the creator of this game is the same person that was a lead animator for both Onimai and River City Girl. You two might know this but I just want to throw this out there.
33 00:36:14 €52.00   CassiusB bau bau
34 08月16日
$50.00   Reynard Watching you two "pacify" the fans for the other talents made me wonder, what do Ruffians look like? Hopefully we have more bones than Pero! Two is too few!! Also, what kind of skills and items do you think you two would have in Holocure?
35 00:38:02 A$10.00   G D -KFP Emp Rec Mngr Doing so good Moco-chan, keep it up
36 00:38:48 ¥200   ダラケ貓 (a無言スパチャ)
37 00:41:41 MYR30.00   Krestonosty203 Hi fuwamoco today is my birthday and I'm celebrating by watching you two streaming my favorite game! Thank you for protecting our smiles BAU BAU!
38 00:42:23 CLP5,000   Yami
Moco-chan motivates me to play this once it's out!! I love you Fuwawa!! Bau bau~
39 08月16日
$20.00   katsu Mococo Pro Gamer! Amazing!
40 00:43:44 $10.00   Zed - Sin Archbishop of [Defiance] Hello FuwaMoco~! Its time to start thinking on how you guys would like to be in this game... will you be like Pyra/Mythra, or will you be like Ice Climbers?
41 00:44:36 CA$10.00   Riley Ducharme Heard you just unlocked Super Chats
42 00:44:38 CA$5.00   Jon E. G Super Chatto unlocked
43 00:44:40 PHP250.00   Lord Ashton Mococo saved the fans!!! And Fuwawa too I guess.
44 00:44:25 ¥500   アリババ 初めてのクリアおめでとうございますめっちゃ上手かったよ
45 00:44:51 $10.00   TheDAWinz
Great job fuwawa you really carried that
46 00:46:26 ¥1,000   chaton彡 回避が上手かったー クリアおめでとう〜
47 00:47:02 €111.98   CassiusB
48 00:49:24 €5.00   X-shunin Thank you so much for having EU friendly streams BAU BAU!
49 00:50:18 $9.99   Huntman Funds for mococo’s gacha addiction
50 08月16日
MX$50.00   SirLuciferMx Congrats on getting Kronii on your first roll, don't let Kronii know about it! BAU BAU
51 00:52:11 $10.00   ジャレッド Bau Bau! Fuwamoco Love!
52 00:52:43 $5.00   ᛗᛁᛏᛊ_ᛞ (Mits_d) Special is so cute
53 00:52:44 NT$75.00   バガノノ バセバセ 巴嘎NONO 巴西巴西 初見です どうも 初次見面 你好 你們好可愛
54 00:53:31 $4.99   Lawst Mawg Good luck on your runs girls, and unlock every Senpai! BAU BAU 🩵🩷
55 08月16日
$5.00   Spawnfreak I feel your pain Mococo, gaps would drive me mad. BAU BAU!
56 00:54:24 $10.00   Reynard
It's pretraining for Spooky's Mansion!
57 08月16日
$5.00   Keaira キエラ BAU BAU
58 00:55:08 $10.00   Raziel 💎 Use this to buy yourself's some treats to make yall feel better!
59 00:57:46 $10.00   Vicrael You can't pet Friend. Please forgive me
60 01:01:18 €64.98   CassiusB
61 01:01:50 €100.00   Elouda (a無言スパチャ)
62 01:03:24 A$10.00   Lone Wolf Gaming Watching you guys on no sleep while playing Pokemon Unite as as Zacian is an absolute trip. Have a good one from Australia!
63 01:03:25 $5.00   Patrick Hall u two are too precious, BAU BAU
64 01:05:08 $5.00   Daniel Gold At this point anything you grab will be fine except Halu and Injection type Asacoco (the item not the weapon) enjoy the game BAU BAU
65 01:05:10 $5.00   blacksmithmcw If Holocure was a Japanese dish, what would it be?
66 01:06:43 ¥500   真輝(マキ) フワモコちゃんおはよう。今日から仕事なので行く準備しながら見てます。ホロキュア頑張ってね。
67 01:08:58 THB100.00   INU157 gacha fund!
68 01:14:10 $85.01   EsotericWoes Bau bau
69 01:15:11 CHF5.00   ChegiCH アチアチホットチキンバー thank you for brightening up our evenings with your energy bau bau
70 01:18:35 CA$5.00   Mero Nya Ch. Every day you stream, is a lucky day to us. Thanks, Fuwawa and Mococo, for being the best smile guardians ever
71 01:19:36 $10.00   Patrick Hall
72 01:19:39 ¥1,000   Yakuhana I really like Mumei's special
73 01:20:14 DKK100.00   Flakarmor (a無言スパチャ)
74 01:20:29 $2.00   BIG HAM BAU BAU
75 01:22:23 €5.00   Paraplex Bau Bau
76 01:24:46 $100.00   Happy Pupper Coins for gacha addiction!
77 01:29:23 $100.00   Mofutonin After hearing a package was delivered to the wrong address and hearing there is little chance of getting it back (rip signed Polka card). I was sad but I'm glad to say that my smile has returned watching you guys do your best. Thanks for protecting my smile! BAU BAU!
78 01:32:27 CA$10.00   Ngao Bless you~
79 08月16日
¥2,000   コンキメ
80 01:32:33 $5.00   Anan Onel Sneeze tax
81 01:32:33 $10.00   otm🐾 gesundheit!
82 01:32:37 $5.00   Reynard
Bless you Mococo
83 08月16日
SGD10.00   401Six🐾 Sneeze tax
84 01:32:39 $2.00   Megiddo (a無言スパチャ)
85 01:32:41 ¥200   犯三【Hansan】 くしゃみ助かる
86 01:32:45 $5.00   Thrashinuva🐾 Sneeze tax
87 01:32:48 $4.99   secret_simp_account Sneeze tax
88 01:32:48 $5.00   -Kai
More moco sneezes
89 01:32:51 $5.00   Itta Sneeze tax season 3
90 01:32:57 ¥1,600   天空の牡丹百合[EN]Botan Yuri TSKR
91 01:33:02 ¥100   ししゃもいぬ【パピヨンもちこ】 (a無言スパチャ)
92 01:33:04 DKK100.00   Argondo sneeze tax
93 01:33:05 £2.00   Nathan (a無言スパチャ)
94 01:33:10 $2.00   blacksmithmcw
Sneeze Tax! Thanks again for the cute!
95 01:33:13 $4.99   AllTheRiches💎 Bless you
96 01:33:21 $10.00   TheDAWinz
Your holocure characters will def have a powerful SNEEZE attack
97 01:33:25 A$10.00   G D -KFP Emp Rec Mngr
Gesundheit... Tskr, sneeze tax Bau Bau
98 01:33:27 A$5.00   Lux Aeterna Sneeze tax
99 01:33:30 THB40.00   INU157
sneeze tax?
100 01:33:39 €2.00   Athlon 200GE Sneeze tax
101 08月16日
MYR6.00   ゆるぬこ Daily Mission: Completed
102 01:34:05 ¥500   洋平 浴びた〜
103 01:34:34 MYR15.00   Mr. Bravo🐾 Sneeze tax
104 01:34:54 ¥200   斎藤 いっぱいくしゃみしていこう♪フワモコちゃんは、可愛いから、何も悪くない!!!!!バウバウ
105 01:35:19 $19.99   Baubaurian #02 Sneeze tax
106 01:35:32 SEK100.00   Erik Nyström Mococo the Greedy One. Let the gacha flow! Bau Bau
107 08月16日
108 01:40:46 $5.00   Greg SUPER CHATTO TIME
109 01:41:01 $4.99   secret_simp_account
Mococo…you are scaring me
110 01:41:18 PHP125.00   Memora Moco-chan you're scaring me...
111 01:42:13 $5.00   Bishop Moco-chan extra cute when greedy
112 01:43:07 £20.00   Holokami Here's my holocoins for you, Mococo-chan
113 01:43:25 ¥1,000   ーひでー フワモコおるか?おるよ~♪
114 01:44:38 $5.00   ɥsǝlʌ Nice win! Mission Successful!
115 01:45:06 CA$5.00   PK Scratch Oooh, unlocked Membership? Nice. Pre-ordering my Membership now.
116 01:45:20 ¥500   Zeiss[つぁいす] stage2もすぐにクリアできてすごい!あとプレイ中すごくさわがしくて楽しすぎるw
117 01:45:40 CA$5.00   Error: Unknown Did someone say Membership? Bau Bau!
118 01:46:32 €25.00   CassiusB
119 01:47:12 ¥480   秋雨時雨
120 01:48:50 $5.00   Noir You're both adorable. That is all. *headpats and leaves*
121 08月16日
CA$10.00   Fonzy congrats! you have IRyS, the current best at farming gold!
122 01:54:19 ¥500   ーひでー
123 01:55:05 $10.00   TrollCapAmerica They changed greed stamp thsi patch and Irys is no longer best farmer. Its now Reine
124 02:04:39 NT$300.00   羅董LoDong Love FUWAMOCO BAU BAU!!MOCOCO's voice deeply captivates me.最喜歡妳了MOCOCO. MOCOCO can say"zui xi huan ni Lodong" this is love you for chinese.
125 02:17:22 $20.00   Anan Onel
Love FUWAMOCO BAU BAU!! Can you say "We love you, Ruffians!"? This is "love you" in English.
126 02:23:19 $10.00   Hillariousman Stamps only affect your Main weapon, so you have to aim that Nephilim Beam at the enemies, also you'll wan SUPPA CHATTO TIME
127 02:25:59 $5.00   StarCreator Super Chatto Time!
128 02:26:45 $1.99   Aike - KFP Company Bus Driver since you said supachatto
129 02:27:39 ₩5,000   火日木-ひびき- スパチャ!BAU!BAU!
130 02:29:19 $10.00   Mikki RYOUGRAPH It's Super Chatto Time!!! I can't wait to play holocure again with the new updates! When holoAdvent gets added (one day hopefully), what kind of Special Move does FuwaMoco want?
131 02:33:07 $10.00   Rey Jaggy Mococo gaming mode Engage!
132 02:36:07 $10.00   LongHorseStudios 10 for 10
133 02:36:31 PHP50.00   Lara Jamila Chat forgot greed stamp changed now. Ur good Moco
134 02:45:56 $1.00   Shendowx (a無言スパチャ)
135 02:47:42 ¥200   Dackman FUWAMOKO BAU BAU〜! Thank you for the good fight!
136 02:49:48 CA$5.00   exmello What did YOU think? Are you addicted?
137 02:49:49 ¥2,000   よっしー168号 ふわもこのお財布(さいふ)はフワワちゃんが管理(かんり)した方がよさそうだ…モコちゃんガチャの沼(ぬま)に沈(しず)んじゃう
138 02:50:14 ¥500   犯三【Hansan】
139 02:50:57 $10.00   Zed - Sin Archbishop of [Defiance]
Hello FuwaMoco~! Its time to start thinking on how you guys would like to be and how you both will play in this game... will you be like Pyra/Mythra, or will you be like Ice Climbers?
140 02:51:27 $9.99   Baubauian11 (a無言スパチャ)
141 02:51:28 ¥500   村正⚔ お疲れ様でした!とっても可愛かったよ
142 02:51:36 $20.00   Anan Onel
You're inspiring me to finally get around to learning Japanese!
143 02:52:53 $1.99   Duke Akiona Thank you for streaming on my birthday
144 02:53:09 $4.99   Fabian Burchard
Hide the money from Moco-Chan if we end up marrying her
145 02:55:06 CA$10.00   Ngao
You did great! Hopefully you don't get too addicted!
146 02:55:33 ¥500   幻夢 I can't imagine what would happen if Fuwamoko participated in Holocure. If it's Super Smash Bros., I can imagine it being like an ice climber.
147 02:56:12 ₩5,000   火日木-ひびき-
148 02:57:36 $5.00   Lark Marcus
149 02:58:12 ¥200   アリババ
150 02:58:51 ¥320   うっし〜
151 02:59:32 ¥1,000   robot 135 いっぱいちゅき BAU BAU
152 03:00:23 ¥2,000   Charlie(ちゃーりー) 仕事前にかわいい2人を見れて幸せ今日も頑張れそう!日本語雑談楽しみにしてるね〜最後につい最近誕生日を迎えたのでお祝いしてもらえると嬉しいです!BAU BAU
153 03:00:49 £10.00   Squidilicious - スクイディリシャス Thank you for the HoloCure stream! It was so much fun to watch Moco-chan FEED THE GREED. I can't wait to see more in the future! BAU BAU
154 03:00:58 NT$75.00   天草悠人-BAU民= Ruffians BAU BAU (Sorry, I'm late)
155 03:01:33 $4.99   Topshy Kretts ⌬ I want to see both of you draw one proposal for what us ruffians should look like.
156 03:01:41 ¥800   berufa nanalogca U^ェ^U BAU BAU U・x・U
157 03:02:23 $5.00   John Ngo OTSUBAURE! BAU BAU!
158 03:02:43 PHP125.00   Zen3rd Mococo is an Extreme Pro Gamer! BAU BAU!
159 03:03:56 ¥320   一味時々七味🏴‍☠ Very cute!
160 08月16日
¥2,000   しんや 今日も朝から、元気なフワモコちゃんが観れて幸せ!BGMを口ずさむフワちゃんも、コインとガチャでにっこにこのモコちゃんも、どちらもすごくかわいかったよ~!!🩵🩷いずれ、フワモコもペロもこのゲームに追加されてほしいね!…ペロが敵でも撃てる?w BAU BAU
161 08月16日
¥500   れい 今日もかわいかったよー
162 03:13:25 $5.00   ᚺᛖᛊᚢᛊ ᚨᛚᛒᛖᚱᛏᛟ [Jesus Alberto] Hi Fuwawa and Mococo. Can i marry with both of them?
163 03:14:04 £5.00   Soulinks Did someone say 'gatcha'...? Moco-chan? BAU BAU!
164 03:14:12 ¥200   アリババ
165 03:14:13 PHP250.00   ズモトZumoto🐾 I love the interaction between Fuwawa and Mococo very much! Thank you for the stream I'm now excited for the release of HoloCure tomorrow! I love you both! BAU BAU!
166 03:18:07 ¥1,000   成田インセント🧪 限定に弱いフワワちゃんかわいいw 2人ともお金の使いすぎには気をつけてねw 英語がわからなくても2人が楽しそうに話してるの見てると癒される~ 楽しい配信をありがとう!ずっと応援してるね~!
167 03:18:47 CA$3.00   Paperbacks_