配信名【Captain Cook: Word Puzzle】VOCABULARIES 🔎📙【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 49 160.51 \23,225
IDR IDR 50 1289000.00 \12,403
NT$ TWD 6 1785.00 \8,298
EUR EUR 14 31.00 \4,883
MX$ MXN 10 320.00 \2,704
MYR MYR 10 76.80 \2,381
WON KRW 4 17000 \1,881
SGD SGD 5 13.00 \1,390
PLN PLN 1 25.00 \888
PHP PHP 4 275.00 \719
HK$ HKD 2 20.00 \369
---- ---- ---- ---- \59,141
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 07月04日
  breadpan (メンバーシップ入り)
2 07月04日
  ChocoChip (メンバーシップ入り)
3 00:00:35   Shierke (メンバーシップ入り)
4 00:04:02 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar word puzzle?? will another Kael's new word will appears here? can't wait for it. Glhf Kael
5 00:04:49 MYR6.00   Muhammad Maskawaih Malam, Ela~ mantap game puzzle patpat
6 00:05:21 $2.00   Andrew Swallie omnibus glasses flashback
7 00:05:51 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
haaah.. mulai randomny. ok, lanjut belok dlu dah
8 00:06:34 MYR6.00   Holobaby Malam Ela hope you enjoy brain bom where is yukata
9 00:07:49 NT$75.00   GSH sodanin i give you another one so that you have 3 of that
10 00:08:09   イマドキ hi Kae, ur glasses looks amazing. thank you for giving me ideas everytime and have fun playing the game! dood dooooddddddd!!!
11 00:08:10 €2.00   Yamabro haha you can't read that, take that L
12 00:08:38   Satriya Adi Firmansyah (メンバーシップ入り)
13 00:10:16 MYR6.00   Daniel wong NiceComidianBGM i laugh so hard cant stop sendHelp
14 00:10:58   Satriya Adi Firmansyah Comedian indeed
15 00:11:10 IDR50,000.00   Teddygoo the BGM is called Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod, I use it a lot when running DnD campaign
16 00:11:47 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
make a mustache of glasses?
17 00:11:50 IDR20,000.00   Jacob J Weebs all those glasses but u still cant see us together
18 07月04日
  ryoki Since I didn't read my dictionary yet I think I need to run, Otsu GLHF Kaela And Pemaloes. Btw cute glassesthanks yagoo
19 07月04日
  corvus. Double glasses Comedic BGM Random antics Spent 10 minutes adjusting glasses and Kaela still say she's not a comedian huh? hmm.....
20 00:13:24   sadarius waw a glasses puzzle indeed
21 07月04日
IDR20,000.00   Dohip lah, random banget, comedian emang
22 00:14:07 $5.69   twitjesse I like the round glasses, with your yellow hair it gives you Vash from Trigun vibes, love that anime both old and the new one.
23 00:16:12 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
guys kabarin y klo dah kelar, belokan dah mulai nyanyi
24 07月04日
  STX (メンバーシップ入り)
25 00:17:00 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
not comedian, she's SERIOUS...ly cool (cute)
26 00:20:39 NT$1,500.00   GSH sodanin
haha this month household
27 00:21:30   白井りつき. Ela itu kacamata nya pindah ke bawah idung, jadiin kumis
28 07月04日
$5.69   twitjesse
All you need to know about Trigun is Vash is very cool.
29 00:22:54 IDR20,000.00   Lian My oshi is comedian
30 00:23:00 NT$75.00   GSH sodanin
I haven't read dictionary yet
31 00:23:29 IDR20,000.00   kuruoshii "si paling komedian" 2 taun berturut-turut ini mah
32 00:23:39 $10.00   Andrew Swallie
ok this might seem random but trust me: Idk if you know, Kaela, but you're a tremendous help in my life. Was just talking about it with my best friend last night and felt you should knowTy, MalamLa
33 00:23:52   madogod Kaela i havent look at a dictionary since elementary school. Good luck
34 07月04日
₩5,000   테르엠 hi glasses! You look so cool today! The cute ela in the back also suits you!
35 00:24:16 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
oh, komediny dah selesai? ok ane balik. gl maenny
36 00:25:32 IDR20,000.00   Dohip
alright gg, belok ke tempat tdr, english aj broken
37 00:26:05 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
why this game bgm really fit to you?
38 00:26:05 IDR20,000.00   Lian
Nice bgm. sangat cocok dengan oshi kita ges
39 00:27:31 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
Andrew has to do vacation stuff so bye Ela adios
40 00:27:40 MYR6.00   Muhammad Maskawaih
easy for clippers no need to change bgm.
41 00:29:02 MYR6.00   Owlcean Ch. Stop using our luck to gacha words game ela
42 00:29:38 ₩2,000   테르엠
I think I found a game that suits my English skill
43 00:30:58 NT$75.00   GSH sodanin
i just quit my job so i'm back!!!!!
44 00:36:20 ₩5,000   테르엠
Finally, the difficulty of the game surpassed my English skills.
45 00:36:44 MX$20.00   Rene Alarcon Ckia would do it faster.
46 07月04日
  Curtsey mark II I'm not afraid of shadowban since I have another account huehuehue
47 00:41:55 IDR20,000.00   Fyn knp bgm nya cocok banget sama km sih laa?
48 00:42:38 MYR15.00   aLittleLover Vocabulary just like Mathematics, sometimes there are things that you won't use in real life.
49 00:42:53 IDR50,000.00   Alpha the bgm...umm...make my head goyang2...btw injak aku kaell hehehehehehe:D
50 00:42:57   ayyBailey I love you chat
51 00:43:12   Luthfi Alimumajid lah udah?
52 07月04日
  Maulana User bgm yang sangat menggambarkan kaela kovalskia
53 00:45:55 €2.00   Yamabro
This BGM is driving me crazy i'm gonna throw kursi
54 07月04日
  Daiki Daki (メンバーシップ入り)
55 00:48:07 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
tbh this bgm make me sleepy. can i go sleep now?
56 00:48:24 $2.69   Butterball you rolling your r's is asmr to me
57 00:50:48 $2.00   Magdalenus Rex Happy 7/4 Ela, also merch shipped probs week left!
58 00:51:22 IDR20,000.00   Alpha
bgm penghantar tidur...my eyes half open right now
59 00:52:20   W1holesale I hope you are excited for the summer event. I am happy you are in it this year. BTW, when will you play Need for Speed or a racing game again?
60 00:52:35 IDR20,000.00   SOSO if elite Miko join, the stream gonna be RIOT
61 00:52:50 MX$20.00   Rene Alarcon
"BGM is bad". Any parent : First time?
62 00:53:28 €2.00   Yamabro
BGM changed but my kursi is already outside
63 00:56:09 $2.00   xRubywolfx Brain so big glasses got smaller on your head
64 00:56:37 $5.00   Steam Goliath BGM: Legendary item. Once equipped, you cannot take it off. -20 intelligence. Gives all allies within 100,000 km the same debuff.
65 00:57:06 €2.00   Yamabro
66 00:57:28 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
ok otsulemao
67 00:58:03 IDR20,000.00   Alpha
are you joking me? my eyes getting closed now
68 01:01:52 $2.00   Steam Goliath
The BGM is too powerful and working too well
69 01:04:03 $2.00   xRubywolfx
you know I typo all the time so we doomed
70 01:06:13 $2.00   xRubywolfx
71 07月04日
$5.69   MysteriousLee We don't spell anymore, our phone auto corrects for us.
72 01:07:02 MX$50.00   Rene Alarcon
Alternative stream title : Are you smarter than a 3rd grader?
73 01:07:59 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
ok guys, i'm give up. there will not be any tagging for this one.
74 01:08:06 $2.00   xRubywolfx
75 01:09:18 $2.00   xRubywolfx
No can't shadowban if I send slow SCs
76 01:12:21 MX$50.00   Rene Alarcon
I'm so glad v o r e isn't valid. Imagine explaining that to the kids.
77 01:13:01 MYR6.00   Sherly maybe if u make the bgm louder u become smarter?
78 01:13:45 $2.00   xRubywolfx
79 01:14:24 $2.00   Andrew Swallie
if I hit jackpot in Vegas I send big SC btw
80 01:14:55 $10.00   Pancake God Happy 4th of July Kaela! I'm glad I can enjoy you being cute today pat pat chu chu
81 01:15:37   GardenPark Wow what a educational game Thank you miss Kaela! Now I know English better
82 01:17:24 MX$50.00   Rene Alarcon
Kaelasama is becoming a kids vtuber. Yay all ages! Suddenly one day: Kaelegskia. Kids need PTSD therapy bills. Sad.
83 01:18:35 $5.00   Andrew Swallie
btw be safe with your luck, guys, especially with$$; gambling or gacha or anythingor around kaela, she likes to steal it. have a safe 4th, AmeriMaloe
84 01:20:10   gcke +1 braincell already
85 01:20:33   dmk we are so back
86 01:21:07 €2.00   Yamabro
87 01:23:15 $2.00   xRubywolfx
88 07月04日
IDR20,000.00   Archaster my fave letters are : U, R, A, Q, T
89 01:24:10 $2.00   xRubywolfx
90 01:24:44 $2.00   xRubywolfx
My job here is done
91 01:32:12   Fuuza07 (メンバーシップ入り)
92 01:41:35 $5.69   twitjesse
I'm no help, English was my worst subject back in school. I'm a native speaker and haven't heard some of these words before.
93 01:42:32 IDR20,000.00   CavePenguin where were ewer?
94 07月04日
  39Lith_ I feel inklid samart
95 07月04日
  Fasler ID (メンバーシップ入り)
96 01:45:05 IDR20,000.00   Sharr Dextera Just join the stream, and become confused already.
97 01:45:50 SGD5.00   gcke Ela steal my luck, my tweet quote, and now my braincells
98 01:46:05 $5.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak This is too much for my small pemaloe brain. I'm out. Also, join membership for more words,terms,expressions, idioms, etc
99 01:46:17 IDR20,000.00   Buddy leave me alone (insert ewer) Ahh. this is meme btw
100 07月04日
IDR20,000.00   ムラ•ラビット (Akxera) Wer ewer ewer bablas angine
101 07月04日
IDR20,000.00   Dohip
la GN yah, sanityku udh 0, gk sanggup lgi
102 01:49:22 €2.00   Yamabro
I'm gonna broke my monitor
103 01:49:44 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
Only big brain viewers will join membership
104 01:49:56 IDR20,000.00   Fyn
YESS this bgm again.. Kaela's original theme song
105 01:49:56 PLN25.00   dmk btw, those shade glasses aren't small, it's just Ela got big brain after this game
106 01:50:20 SGD2.00   Okuno Mike [#509] - KPF Engineering Supervisor The game as serious as you. Seriously comedic.
107 07月04日
$2.69   twitjesse
You missed my SC a bit ago.
108 01:51:03 IDR50,000.00   Dohip
my braincell already gone beyond saving so i need sleep
109 01:53:04 MX$20.00   Rene Alarcon
Now we are on the 4th grader difficulty level
110 01:53:45 €2.00   Yamabro
I think this BGM is copyrighted fr fr trust me fr
111 01:56:10 $2.00   Steam Goliath
BGM -20 INT but gives you Berserk Rage
112 01:57:05 SGD2.00   Okuno Mike [#509] - KPF Engineering Supervisor
Drinking too much lager, you will feel life lagger
113 01:59:51 IDR20,000.00   Dohip
114 02:00:46 HK$10.00   Cas penguin? :)
115 02:04:52 PHP50.00   E7J Kaela my brain needs to GSH after this stream
116 07月05日
IDR20,000.00   Seusspicyous You called?
117 02:08:28 PHP50.00   E7J
118 02:09:11 HK$10.00   Cas
can Ckia play this game?
119 07月05日
  Erckobar Tuli
120 07月05日
$2.00   Steam Goliath
It's obviously Lui
121 02:16:49 IDR20,000.00   T.G.T Death Wish Wear?
122 02:19:24 IDR20,000.00   T.G.T Death Wish
123 02:23:55   White Angel i dont learn anything
124 07月05日
  Anak Hilang 3.0 I only learn ewer
125 02:27:44 €2.00   Albatros_ Bravo
126 02:27:57 PHP50.00   ZeKKEN 15 Ela I learned Thinking hurts my head
127 02:28:03 IDR20,000.00   Erckobar i learn, man moan among cat :D
128 02:28:58 SGD2.00   Okuno Mike [#509] - KPF Engineering Supervisor
I think my brain duar already. It hurt me no more.
129 02:33:25 IDR20,000.00   Erckobar
130 02:34:11 IDR20,000.00   fuadilah mursyid edison Scem
131 02:37:07 $2.00   QuattroKerbecs WHY is c*m on there??
132 02:37:47 IDR20,000.00   Erckobar
learn PT2, sc** man moan among cat and c** :D
133 02:40:45 IDR20,000.00   Erckobar
134 02:43:38 $5.00   QuattroKerbecs
I wanna see you do the crossword of a Sunday paper or a crossword game for stream someday. let's see how many BIIIIIG words you know... if any at all.
135 02:44:19 IDR20,000.00   Erckobar
berak :D
136 02:50:20 IDR20,000.00   Erckobar
kaela lemod :D
137 02:52:27 $2.00   QuattroKerbecs
gavis betal... close enough
138 02:53:54 IDR20,000.00   Erckobar
tebal atau lebat wkwk
139 02:54:56 $5.00   QuattroKerbecs
it's pronounced "bleet" "blee-at" is the Russian word blyat get it right 4head lmao
140 02:55:58 $2.00   QuattroKerbecs
yes, it's often paired with cyka. cyka blyat
141 02:56:06 $2.00   Cauchy [コーシ] it's ABET
142 02:56:33 $2.00   QuattroKerbecs
it means "effin B"
143 02:57:13 $1.99   Doostin Rollings English language game, learning Russian swear. Wow
144 02:58:46 $2.00   QuattroKerbecs
ask hakka what a "pendejo" is, he'll love it
145 02:59:24 IDR20,000.00   Erckobar
terakhir la bantuin mau tidur, crouuut :D
146 03:01:02 €2.00   Albatros_
There is no yabe words when you say it
147 03:02:43 MX$50.00   Rene Alarcon
Your current eyes look scary and will be part of my nightmares later tonight. Bye sleep.
148 03:04:09 NT$30.00   GSH sodanin
pemaloe 英語上手
149 03:06:12 SGD2.00   Okuno Mike [#509] - KPF Engineering Supervisor
What is eigo? Where did that egg go?
150 03:06:22 €2.00   Yamabro
English muzukashi but at least i'm not a scammer
151 03:06:33 IDR20,000.00   CavePenguin
so where were ewer wear a ware?
152 07月05日
$5.69   twitjesse
It's ok you're still more fluent then some of us native speakers.
153 03:07:24 MX$20.00   Rene Alarcon
Kaelasama status: self esteem in shambles
154 03:07:29 $2.00   Steam Goliath
Brain gone, reduced to atoms by BGM
155 03:07:36 IDR69,000.00   Roland Thanks for the stream. My brain broke now, Ela
156 07月05日
  MixtecWarrior 5
157 03:09:11 IDR20,000.00   T.G.T Death Wish
thx for shadow ban idont regret play with you
158 03:09:14 IDR20,000.00   obinobi mee mee,i want to be shadow banned! mee
159 03:09:30 $10.00   This Dumbarse Don't worry about your English, by tonight most of us Americans won't be able to English either.
160 03:09:40 €2.00   Albatros_
Merci Kaela pour ton vocabulaire
161 03:09:47 NT$30.00   GSH sodanin
After two hours, I forgotten how to speak english
162 03:10:55 €2.00   Coronas de Laurel Mi English is bueno now. Muzukashi.
163 03:11:32 €5.00   Yamabro
If it can makes you feel any better, I think Bae would have struggled with this game too...
164 03:12:00 MX$20.00   Rene Alarcon
Seperti biasa, Kaelasama seru keren dan menghibur
165 03:12:45 $2.00   Blarghnox ela speaking ability after this stream: DUAR
166 03:12:48 €2.00   Yamabro
English may be gone but french tensai fr fr
167 03:14:05 $2.00   Doostin Rollings
I just woke up, maybe one more?
168 07月05日
  Fajar Santoso maap kak mata nya kok seperti kadal
169 07月05日
₩5,000   시미켄폐하 kaela chan demon eyes!!
170 03:15:40 MYR6.00   Daniel wong
thanks you for eigo stream eeee ewer UWU cium
171 03:16:12   aqwardpanda Chat help, Kaela went crazy
172 07月05日
  Yumeko Jabami thanks ela for the lesson today we learn alien words does exist but why does ELA dun exist , this game is rigged
173 03:18:46 IDR20,000.00   Naga Indosiar
done? thanks for the stream Kael.
174 03:23:10 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
good luck then for your work. jan tepar yak abis nyentuh rumput
175 03:24:41 $2.00   Kronini Kaelala Sanana Gwak
Fubuki will see this and will die TY 4ever
176 03:24:45 MX$20.00   Rene Alarcon
You come up with the best Halloween ideas
177 03:26:33 $2.00   xRubywolfx
the deadly twelve eyes spoodersmith
178 03:28:24 $2.69   twitjesse
Glasses are very versatile.
179 03:28:57 IDR20,000.00   CavePenguin
at this point why dont wear your merch glasses?
180 03:29:21 $5.00   Velvet Nimbus oh nyo, Kaela doesn't have a yukata so she's trying to forge one out of glasses. a Yukacamata, if you will
181 03:29:21 $2.00   Magdalenus Rex
Suddenly back on stream and Ela is twelve-eyes gsh
182 03:31:29 MYR9.90   Omega kyaaaa tskr ~
183 03:32:46 PHP125.00   E7J
Kaela, With all those glasses maybe you can finally see how clear my love is for you....
184 03:33:28 IDR20,000.00   T.G.T Death Wish
bjir, gw salah minum obat malam ini gw takut
185 03:33:47 MYR9.90   Omega
I can sleep peacefully tonight ~ tskr
186 03:34:28 IDR50,000.00   Ryuzaki oyasumiela