配信名【Holocure】So I Played A Bit More...
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 64 1603.38 \233,218
NT$ TWD 8 8910.00 \40,536
WON KRW 9 247000 \26,789
HK$ HKD 6 1335.00 \24,763
EUR EUR 3 106.00 \16,664
MX$ MXN 5 1300.00 \11,197
PHP PHP 8 4225.00 \10,819
A$ AUD 3 115.00 \10,727
CA$ CAD 5 70.99 \7,604
YEN YEN 5 4063 \4,063
NZ$ NZD 2 30.00 \2,588
IDR IDR 3 120000.00 \1,140
MYR MYR 1 30.00 \937
VND 2 150000 \916
UYU UYU 1 150.00 \576
THB THB 3 100.00 \414
ARS ARS 1 500.00 \207
---- ---- ---- ---- \393,158

No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
14 Aug 24 03:58:47 $100.00   Rice I don’t believe in fate, I believe in reality, and the reality is that only you could be where you are right now and no one else. Not just anyone can become a great artist. There are things that only you can do. Never sell yourself as anything less than your true worth.
16 Aug 24 03:58:52 $10.00   V-Faction 8.5/10, 7.5/10, 6.5/10
18 Aug 24 03:59:11 $50.00   Rice
I’ve always admired how much you’ve grown and kept true to yourself these past few years. People might first see your model or watch a clip and think “She must be this character,” and immediately come to realize that you’re nothing like they imagined
19 Aug 24 03:59:24 $50.00   Rice
And they’ll stay to hear your genuine laugh, they’ll admire your compassionate and thoughtful nature, and appreciate that you stay your own course and hold yourself to standard. You are special. Never forget that. You are special and you are perfect.
20 Aug 24 03:59:44 $38.23   Rice
Congratulations on 2 Years and to many more! Good luck for Splash Fest! Nothing excites me more than the anticipation of your 3D debut which I know is gonna be stunning! I wish you nothing but happiness. I love ya! Goodnight!
21 Aug 24 04:00:20 $5.00   Yune Congrats on winning the bake off, Kronii. Never would I have thought a flattened Kirby would win in a baking contest.
23 Aug 24 04:00:36 $5.00   Big the Cat in the Hat Feel bad that I can't stick around for this one, but I gotta get some sleep. Hope you have a good time, much love, warden!
26 00:00:48 $19.99   dabomb Congrats on 2 years of Hololive!! You and Council have made our lives better and we are lucky to have you. Also, we knew it already, but now it’s official that your cake is number one. Can’t wait to get my LG TV clock soon
29 00:01:20 $100.00   Whoops My Bad Happy 2nd Anniversary Kronii it's been an amazing year full of meeting new friends and getting to meet people that I've looked up to for a long time I've made a lot of great memories this year I can't wait to see what next year will be like
32 00:01:51 ₩20,000   Zenya Eya Krokro, Congrats for finishing year 2. let's have much fun times on year 3 man. Have fun grinding!
40 00:02:47 $5.00   Eating Mike Tyson's Ass Happy 2 year anniversary
49 00:03:22 ¥1,000   ばにら Happy 2nd Anniversary Kronii3Dのおひろめも楽しみにしてます!
50 00:03:25 $10.00   Donesses Congrats on the 2 year anniversary & winning the cake off! It's late where I'm at so I'll have to watch the vod later. Have fun fishing & plant plant planting tomatoes
52 00:03:27 PHP50.00   TacoCurse 2 boros > 2 kroniis
53 Aug 24 04:04:27 ₩2,000   끌나 Missed you, Boss
56 00:03:40 $20.00   NeoMatrix Women want her, fish fear her, and fans get ̶k̶i̶l̶l̶e̶d̶ saved by her Also congratulations on the bake off and a whole epic two years in Hololive
77 00:05:55 $20.00   Rice
I think I accidently retracted one of the SC's! Oh gosh this is just embarrassing. Hopefully you still get the money even if the message disappeared. Just know it was essentially a Congratulations, a Thank you, and I love ya!
79 00:06:45 $5.00   jootadoot 2 years!! Even if it doesn't feel like it... It's been a blast, and I'm proud of you, Kronii. Here's to a bunch more
81 00:06:53 A$5.00   Mr Simple Happy 2nd Year Anniverary to you Kronii and Holocouncil! Keep up the good work and more blessinga to come!
82 00:07:14 $9.99   AtomicPandaSloth I haven’t sent a SC in a good long while but happy 2 years to you Warden! It’s weird to think that it’s been that long already yet it doesn’t feel like it also. Here’s to another year my kami oshi
98 00:08:43 NT$6,000.00   九尾焱狐 Kyubi
100 00:09:14 A$10.00   thewizardninja "Only a tiny little bit of grinding off-screen", Kronii lied as easily as she breathed.
103 00:10:17 ₩50,000   아르타니스(artanisㅣアルタニス) kroniichiwa congratulation 2nd Anniversary kronii!, I was happy to see you kronii. I wish you all the best and happy days ahead 고마워요, 누나를 만난게 제 인생의 큰 행운이에요
104 00:10:20 MX$50.00   StarMech Just "abit" huh, you made more progress than me in just a couple days OH MAN
105 00:10:24 ₩20,000   Cloud Rain / Bloodless Archdemon Happy Council 2nd Anniversary! Thank you for being you as always, and I'm sorry for my crude celebration for you. You gave me so many good things more than I deserve.
106 00:10:28 IDR20,000.00   Vantablack just a teensy 12 hours later..
107 00:10:32 $5.00   JuliusTops Y'know, gotta respect the HoloCure grind, Kronii. You're going strong, great work!
109 00:10:50 $5.00   Holo_Knight Kronii lied as easily as she breathed
113 00:12:52 HK$500.00   Man Him Tsang Kroniichiwa, Kronii. Happy 2nd Anniversary. Glad you leave a like in my art for your Anniversary. I tried my best to deliver your perfectness, by making you sitting on Boros in the Time temple. Also do you like i turn your blades into diamond texture?
114 00:13:58 $10.00   Ninelie WHY ARE YOU EXPOSING ME WHAT DID I DO TO YOUUUU
117 00:15:14 PHP2,500.00   YaYi Happy 2 yrs, Kronii! Can't state enough how much you've impacted my life for the better. Thank you for being genuine and true to who you are. You can't hide it by being tsun, it just makes you cute. Here's to year 3 and more together. Take care as always. Golden Rod OP
118 00:15:54 $5.00   Yune
Nice grinding Kronii. Your self proclaimed rival, Kaela would be proud of you. I'm sure of it.
120 00:18:34 $9.99   HealsBadMan Happy 2 Year Anniversary Kronii! Can’t wait to be an RGBronii, watch another year of perfection and top the leaderboards here lol
121 00:19:19 HK$500.00   オーロ・クロニー大好き! [⌛Kronies] Thank you Kronii, I love you
123 00:20:22 $2.00   ReiAyanami8 There are better characters than Kronii....
124 00:20:54 CA$6.99   London Fog This Kronii character is so cool, i wish they make her into a Vtuber
125 00:21:06 NZ$10.00   Lev S⌛ KRONII IS SPEED! I hope you have great time Kronii, I will see you later in the VOD.
131 00:22:02 $2.00   ReiAyanami8
So you're saying Kronii is not perfect.
132 00:23:07 €5.00   Substidude Bro, if you went any faster than this you would be faster than Sonic. Sakurai can't allow that
133 00:23:39 IDR50,000.00   kusuma k cheers for 2nd year cheers for the coming years and good luck for the splash party, sorry I can't watch it live, I have office outing this weekend
136 00:26:32 NT$150.00   Mark Howard Hello Kronii I want to say happy council second anniversary to all of you girls, thank you for everything so far, due to recently busy days I can't catch your stream but I swear I will catch the vod.
138 Aug 24 04:28:32 ¥500   重力ペンギン[Gravity Penguin] クロニちは~Congratulation on second anniversary! Ordered the bangles and super looking forward to the 3D showcase! クロニー大好き!
139 00:27:38 ¥1,000   oyachi 2周年&3Dお披露目配信おめでとうございます。クロニーを推しはじめて一年と少しですが、とても楽しい毎日です。今日は少し忙しいのでアーカイブで見たいと思います。他の子見てるわけではないですよ…
140 Aug 24 04:28:39 $20.00   Tate Aniki Congrats on totally winning the Baking Challenge with Bae; I had every confidence between the both of you that IRyS would not be going home with food poisoning. Jokes aside, I'd pay top dollar for the RollCakeAronii myself.
142 00:28:35 MX$180.00   Ant Congrats on your second anniversary Kronii! Here's to another year of even more fun times Also, my birthday was 3 weeks ago! But now I have adult responsibilities... Please send help
144 00:29:43 $10.00   Egg, TempuraBalz, TunaSub, BostonCreme & Cake Kronii at 12AM: "Just one more game" Also Kronii at 3AM: "J-Just one... more... game!"
145 00:31:44 $20.00   Tate Aniki
Speaking of luck I ended up winning a promotional prize from the VC collab so I'm looking at the 320 color marker set you picked out for Marine. I haven't colored with markers in ages, but I'll open commissions just for you.
147 00:34:36 ₩20,000   Parkoach Here is Lv2 Supa chat. btw Happy 2nd anniversary.
149 00:36:26 $10.00   MisterVeeg Supachatto time? Nah I'm jokin'. Cheers for all the fun with cakemaking, gonna save the more sappy 2nd year congrats for later
151 00:36:45 PHP250.00   Jay Happy 2nd anniv kro! Thank you for all your hardwork. I do hope that more and more people will know what an amazing person you are. Also nice cake bro, never knew spam cakes were a thing.
153 00:36:55 NZ$20.00   Lev S⌛
Oh, before I disappear completely. Congrats on your second anniversary! I can't do much other than wishing for your happiness and watching your stream... but hope you have another wonderful year!! I'll be here as well.
154 00:37:00 ₩10,000   GiNyeomBi It remind me something something cursed trolling site....
155 00:37:21 NT$300.00   徹翼Winimationgs Kroniichiwa~Happy Council 2nd Anniversary~Thank you as always~ (btw, I'll change my name to the one you gave me for my birthday.)
156 00:38:02 $5.00   V-Faction
Superchatto Time
158 00:39:16 $20.00   TopNepGear Okay fine here's a super chatto. And gratz on winning the cake-off. Your Krobae Roll Cake looked so good I'm jealous I couldn't have a slice.
159 00:39:33 ¥1,000   みるみる 2周年おめでとう!英語はすべて理解はできないけどクロニーちゃんを見ているととても楽しいです。それと日本語を話してる姿は可愛くて大好きです!KAWAii !日曜のサマーライブ楽しみにしているね!♡ 何歌うのか楽しみ!
160 00:40:07 $5.00   rickyt713 Wait supas are free?!
161 00:40:10 $10.00   Bahabali Its Super Chatto time!
162 Aug 24 04:43:36 $10.00   JustAngel Talking about superchats, here's a 10 but that's for winning the "RIGGED" Bake-Off stream. I was hoping for you to lose, but hope betrayed me.
163 Aug 24 04:43:36 HK$250.00   オーロ・クロニー大好き! [⌛Kronies]
Hey Kronii, I prepared a song for celebrating your Second anniversary! Hope you like it(blush blush)
164 00:44:40 ₩20,000   티비아래underdatv Happy 2nd annversary Kronii! Happy 2nd year with Kronies!
167 00:45:31 $50.00   Kurozora Happy 2nd anniversary! A fast two years sure flew by, huh? I hope that you’re proud of how far you’ve come in Hololive, as we are of you. Time to be corny: As time goes past, your presence continues to be a present, as we look forward to the future.
170 00:47:15 $5.00   Kay‎ I said "wow if she can do it so can I" and got inspired to make a giant cookie. It's good, just comically large so now I need help eating it
171 00:47:24 $5.00   Juan Cruz Use all your money because remember "Your cash aint worth a thing unless you spend it"
172 00:47:41 UYU150.00   Daakku i bet you an aka supa, you can't get in the top 5 with kronii
174 00:49:21 $20.00   KC Akisu Two years in and many more to go with ya and council, thanks for all the good times Kronii! Keep at it man you're doing great as always.
178 00:53:28 €100.00   SamGoesBy, Baguette NoSleep Company HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I'm still not realising it's been two full years since Council barged in my life and ruined my sleep schedule! No regrets whatsoever, it's always fun! Have a good time fishing away the hours now teehee
179 00:53:29 NT$750.00   Gentle Headache I went to get a Kronii tattoo last month and I'm happy to tell that it's finally recovered. Happy 2nd anniversary Warden! I'll keep supporting you and I hope someday you can be the happiest person.Can't wait to see your 3D showcase!Love
180 00:53:50 CA$2.00   Cheydinhal_Khajiit Redeem your free outfits girl
187 00:57:08 A$100.00   wemajor Thank you for 2 years of fun times and great memories Kronii. It started with being put to work in steelmills in Frostpunk and it continues with being put to work in the fields here. Wouldn't have it any other way
190 00:58:04 $10.00   Alejandro Martinez Happy 2nd anniversary kronii and I'm going to be honest when the collab was cook off, I thought will she be alright and the answer is yes she perfect.
192 01:00:41 $4.99   RM46 Yo Kronster. As a Canadian clock, thoughts on donuts with maple syrup flavored icing and chopped up bacon pieces?
193 01:01:37 THB40.00   Encouragement(Alive) But... How do we eat? We don't even have a mouth.
194 01:01:48 $10.00   Kuroiel Money for the sashimi konbini curry fund
200 Aug 24 05:05:38 $10.00   Just Some Guy with a Mustache Hello. As a representative of the "Krony Union Association", can you take a minute to hear our proposal for better working conditions-
202 01:05:17 $10.00   Just Some Guy with a Mustache
Please don't slam the door on me...Again...
205 01:15:14 HK$25.00   Morsey Happy 2nd Anniversary -.- .-. --- -. .. .. / .--. .-.. --.. / ... - .- -... / -- .
206 01:15:15 $19.99   ONAiR Happy 2 Years Kronii! Hope you’re celebrating your achievements and keep being awesome. Thanks for all your hard work and efforts. You’ve definitely left your mark in this world. Today’s also my birthday! So double win today.
207 01:15:32 MX$20.00   Grey - Kroniium Connoisseur I mean Cuphead is a pretty good collab game...
209 01:19:04 $10.00   Bahabali
Super Chatto Time!
210 01:20:34 IDR50,000.00   Vantablack
thanks for 2 years of many great memories, hope you'll receive lots of happiness, thanks always for being you, Kro. Happy anniversary!
211 01:21:19 MX$50.00   Grey - Kroniium Connoisseur
make sure your file is saved for when you go back home, you may need to delete your old save file from last year
215 Aug 24 05:28:23 $10.00   TopNepGear
This supa is in memory of the 100 fishing streak I just had to drop to get the Turkey Rod.
216 01:29:10 MX$1,000.00   Osvaldo Leal (a無言スパチャ)
218 01:31:03 $20.00   ZX Incandesceronii Happy Anniversary! We're now 2 years & still going strong! It's crazy how the year just passed by all of us. Looking forward to more fun streams to come & continued supporting of you our dear Warden.
220 Aug 24 05:36:57 ₩100,000   No. 1729 Happy 2nd Anniversary!Thank you as always
223 01:37:37 CA$10.00   KT Heading off early but wanted to congratulate you on your 2nd Anniversary. That was a fun stream and IRyS lived! She's still alive right? Anyways can't wait for the 3D stream
232 01:39:45 $2.00   nick maurillo Well, it's not like I have anything else going on
233 Aug 24 05:41:10 NT$150.00   Fongban法巴 Happy 2nd Anniversary! Thank you for being our best Time Warden
235 01:44:10 $20.00   Soren Era Your cake yesterday looked really good, it was fun seeing you with all of Council, and your teamwork with Bae was amazing
237 01:47:07 NT$1,500.00   Ar_r
239 01:51:16 $5.00   Customer Johnson Is it just me or does the rhythmic beat of the fishing notes remind you of, "plant, plant, plant, plant, plant?"
242 01:51:51 $10.00   Sabas team kronii/bae were the highlight of the 2nd anniversary stream for me. have fun with all the fishing!
243 01:52:19 CA$50.00   Shannon Happy 2 year anniversary, Kronii! Your dedication, creativity and amazing content has brought much joy to myself and many others. Thank you for these past two years of joy and the many more that has yet to come. Keep on shining brightly Kronii!
245 01:54:32 THB40.00   Encouragement(Alive)
one step for fishing, a big step for Kronie eating
246 01:55:43 NT$30.00   炎瓶 TSKR bless uou
248 02:01:04 $200.00   WetTacoTime Happy anniversary Kronii. Last year I said I would look forward to another year of great streams and you didn't disappoint! You released some great covers, learned a lot of new karaoke songs, got better at ASMR did a lot of fun collabs. Its been great being a kronie 962 S2!
249 02:01:07 ₩5,000   DopplerStain SuperChat Time
250 Aug 24 06:02:10 $2.00   JustAngel
Fine, you make a good point.
251 02:02:59 HK$10.00   Morsey
Good point
253 02:05:25 $5.00   Tapioca Senpai
254 02:06:09 ₫50,000   Lelouch Will you play the new cyberpunk DLC next September Kronii, It looks pretty great. I think i will main the chainsaw sword when the DLC release
256 Aug 24 06:15:36 ₫100,000   Viet Phan Happy 2nd Anniversary, KroniiThe Amazing, The Perfect Warden of Time. Since the first day, We already know that you love us so much. And We love you too, silly!!!
258 02:16:28 ARS500.00   Peter lynn_瑞文戴爾 I know a lot of people have said it but I'm going to say "Happy 2nd anniversary kronii".Now I'm really really so excited for the 3D Showcase.Thank you as always.Good luck have fun.Btw I really liked the part about you and kaela collab.
260 02:18:40 $5.00   TheUnknownChair This is the most painful meet and greet Kronii
262 02:31:24 $10.00   len (a無言スパチャ)
263 02:38:28 PHP50.00   TacoCurse
Spec ops the line
264 02:38:57 $10.00   Karona Gold Squid and yellow, i mean gold supa
265 02:43:21 $200.00   Kenko Just want to say we appreciate all you do Kronii and look forward to fun times in year 3! BTW, I hope you've tried kombu onigiri at least once while in JP (it's the best). Excited for the 3D showcase! Also, gold squid = feng shui
269 02:52:44 $5.00   Suzushiiro Did someone say "super chatto time"?
270 02:52:44 CA$2.00   P Del Wamy + Glowstick + Sake for super collab
272 02:54:04 NT$30.00   わためが大好きな夜勤Kronies蒼流俊【AORYU SHUN】 WHAT?スーパーチャシトタイム?わかりました
273 02:55:31 HK$50.00   Kiu Super chatto time
280 03:21:50 MYR30.00   Eisu - First Superhero Vtuber Good job, Kroniiiiiii!!!!! I knew you can do it!!
281 03:22:43 PHP500.00   Zari Happy 2nd anniversary kronii!! Thank you for all the fun times. Here's to many more, Love forever
282 03:22:51 PHP125.00   TacoCurse
Kronii do you love yourself? Play spec ops the line if yes, marry me if no
286 03:30:02 $1.99   Ahn Lines Wha first time watching your stream miss crony
287 03:30:29 $50.00   Phong / みそ Dam 2 years w/ ya Kronii. Ew, what's wrong w/ me. But there were good times. Meeting new friends, traveling w/ them across the world, self improvement in art & work. Thanks for being a catalyst to all of it. Hope to return the favor on day!
288 Aug 24 07:32:59 $222.22   V-Faction
Yada Yada 2 years
289 03:32:16 PHP500.00   YaYi
Thank you so much for the stream! Good progress today. More grinding for golden rod but we can get there soon! Happy anniversary again Kronii! Rest well.
291 Aug 24 07:33:39 PHP250.00   Lilycha Thank you, Kronii!
294 Aug 24 07:35:03 $1.00   Karona
295 03:34:09 ¥563   ゴロ美 Soon your channel will have 900,000 subscribers.さすがやないか〜クロニーちゃん!
296 03:34:17 €1.00   zipli (a無言スパチャ)
297 03:34:31 $0.99   Sylvynです (a無言スパチャ)
298 03:34:40 $50.00   Aquatic-Lettuce I'm trapped in this hole but I've enjoyed my stay. You said you wanted to change peoples lives and I can happily say that you changed mine for the better. A lot of new friends and good memories for me. Happy 2 Year Anniversary Kronii!
299 03:34:51 THB20.00   Encouragement(Alive)
300 03:35:03 $1.00   LC_Lapen (a無言スパチャ)
302 03:37:47 $20.00   Gunpuku Happy 2 years man