配信名NEW YEAR CHITCHAT & Rewatching my official program appearance!!! あけおめ!!! #kfp #キアライブ `
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 88 3809.33 \499,256
CA$ CAD 8 410.23 \39,635
EUR EUR 5 275.00 \38,677
WON KRW 9 300000 \31,170
YEN YEN 14 26089 \26,089
A$ AUD 9 202.00 \18,019
NT$ TWD 5 3770.00 \16,120
CLP CLP 2 75000 \11,592
MX$ MXN 3 1450.00 \9,758
PHP PHP 3 2800.00 \6,593
HK$ HKD 3 225.00 \3,775
NOK NOK 2 200.00 \2,683
SEK SEK 1 129.00 \1,622
MYR MYR 2 45.00 \1,339
CZK CZK 1 200.00 \1,161
PLN PLN 1 25.00 \748
---- ---- ---- ---- \708,237
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 01月01日
CLP50,000   El Canal Weaboo Yo Kiwawa! HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope many of your objectives happen during this next exciting year! Also thank you for your outstanding 2022, it was an amazing year for KFP! Remember, KFP loves you forever wawa! PS: Congratulation on your buff in the 3D!
2 01月01日
HK$100.00   Sky - KFP Helicopter Happy New Year Kiwawa & KFP!
3 01月01日
$5.00   Cruz Happy New Years Kiara and to all of KFP!
4 01月01日
  Blue Cat 走鋼索的藍貓 Happy New Year,KFP
5 01月01日
$5.00   Pyra ホムラ - The Revanite Happy (not yet) New year from GTM-8 it's still 2022 over here for another 5 and a half hours.
6 01月01日
CA$50.00   Jkhmonkey KFP Pentium II CPU Happy New Year Kiara! Here's to another amazing year together with you and kfp. I hope you'll get a lot of chances to unleash your full 3D powers now that your "asset", which somebody *definitely did not* steal before, has been returned to you!
7 01月01日
8 01月01日
$5.00   Jerorawr XD - KFP Sous Chef #937 Nice a** Boss the waiting for the buff was worth every second.
9 01月01日
PHP50.00   Yumirix - KFP's Deadbeat Lizard Happy New Year! happy to start 2023 with you all!
10 01月01日
  低調風格 Happy new year Kiwawa~
11 01月01日
¥2,023   Zeiss[つぁいす] HAPPY NEW YEAR KIWAWAWAWA!!今年もよろしくね!!
12 01月01日
NOK100.00   TheGamerCreed Happy new year Kiara and KFP. Hope we all can have yet another wonderful and memorable year together
13 01月01日
$100.00   Tython - KFP Legal Eagle Thanks for an amazing year, it's been amazing watching you spread your wings and soar higher than ever. Watching you make the most of this year has certainly made us smile and try and do the same. So my new Years resolution is simple. Be a Birb Kiara will be proud of.
14 01月01日
  Alarxon98 (ReyNintendero) Happy new year tenchou
15 01月01日
  Kotako KFP chicken stretcher (and jeweller) Happy New Year Tenchou!!! I hope we can all have a wonderful year
16 01月01日
$49.99   Doug Hood - KFP Babysitter Gilmore G. Ep 10: Christmas episode! How timely since I watched it Christmas week. Luke made Lorelai a Santa burger. Aww! Best boy! Bestest boy because he drove Lorelai to the hospital. Ending gave me the feels. Glad Richard is okay. Happy New Year!
17 01月01日
$50.00   Jim Tracy Happy New Year Kiara!! This past year was so much fun with all kinds of memories, thank you for all you did to make it special. I can't wait to see what's in store for KFP in the coming year!
18 01月01日
€100.00   UltimoMK203 HAPPY NEW YEAR! First off congrats on your appearance on the special program and your spectacular performance in the countdown live. You girls did amazing. Also I wanted to thank you for making the past year so special and hope that this year will be even more wonderful
19 01月01日
¥1,000   こゆ(KOYU) あけましておめでとう〜キアラちゃんを好きになって1年たちました!今年もよろしくね!
20 01月01日
$100.00   Dinolord Jacob Happy New Year's Kiara and thank you for the amazing year.
21 01月01日
PHP250.00   レブレブ[Rev]- KFP Phoenix Feather Distributor HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Hope to make more wonderful memories with you and KFP!!!
22 01月01日
A$5.00   WanWanAwoo Happy new year Kiwawa
23 01月01日
$100.00   jswagburg Happy 2023 Kiwawa ! Myth's Animal performance on the countdown stream was great, I can't wait to see more this year! You're amazing, wish you the best !
24 01月01日
25 01月01日
  Jinro Happy New Year!!!!
26 01月01日
  Ferrari43Able /// KFP 2 fantastic years with Kiwawa and KFP. Here's for at least two more
27 01月01日
  Moroccan Blue KFP Good morning kiwawa! Happy new year
28 01月01日
  Merange【めらんげ】 あけおめ
29 01月01日
  Gray Ace Happy New Year Boss
30 01月01日
  Dragons Fire
31 01月01日
  RS - KFP Onion Happy new year Kiara, I hope this year you can make even more amazing memories and music
32 00:00:45 $50.00   Iris adrama Happy new year boss and chickens!!! work has kept me busy lately but I'll continue to watch your streams even if it's vod only. I hope you'll have a wonderful time in JP also!!
33 00:00:56   Joker0195 She got the shiny new booty upgrade we’ve all been waiting for
34 01月01日
  The"SoSo"Artist Happy New Year Boss!!!!
35 01月01日
  Erika- KFP Happy New Year Tenchou!! May this year fill you with so much joy!!
36 01月01日
  Julien B.
37 01月01日
  Jason Happy New Year Tenchou, thank you for all the work you've done!
38 01月01日
  ocho Happy new year to LA PATRONA!!
39 00:02:17 ¥2,023   雅楼:GAROU:鷹森尊ぇ あけおめことよろお年玉ドーン!無病息災、商売繁盛をお祈りしております!
40 00:02:22 ¥500   赤柴 -akashiba- あけましておめでとうキアラちゃん!
41 01月01日
  Kobunga Koala Happy New Year!
42 00:02:36 ₩10,000   Youjin Jeong Happy New Year Tenchou!!!
43 01月01日
44 01月01日
  GREAT HUMAN KFP 심야근무자 Happy new year Tenchou!
45 01月01日
  DD Rider Happy New Year Tenchou!!!
46 01月01日
  Donna KFP#807 Happy New Year!!
47 01月01日
  cotton | KFP Q-tip 20
48 00:03:10 $19.99   bediahvandougaljones Happy New Year Tenchou!
49 01月01日
  fafa Happy New year
50 01月01日
  Kuret Happy New Year WAWA
51 01月01日
  Amami_ヒポポタマス Happy New Year!!
52 01月01日
53 01月01日
  りょちこ Happy New Year
54 01月01日
  Dickson Li 新年快樂2023年Kiara!
55 00:03:41   foxknight7 Happy new years boss
56 01月01日
  마치 Happy New Year!!
57 00:03:45 ¥500   ご当地Tシャツ収集おじさん あけましておめでとう
58 00:03:50 $100.00   Carpe Absurdum Happy new year!! What a superb one this has been. Looking forward to all the exciting things in 2023!
59 00:03:57   호눌룰루 honolulu W.D.G 키키맄키!!!!!!!!!!
60 00:03:59   LuckySevenSamson Quick, tell us about Korone!
61 00:04:00   Leave David Alone Happy New Year!!!
62 00:04:01   Xuang Happy New Year!!!! I love tenchou and all of KFP!!!
63 01月01日
  Kuradai Kosa Happy New Year
64 00:04:04   Teyorya- SEA Branch KFP 🐔 happy new year boss
65 01月01日
  DeathSquire36 5
66 01月01日
  Densin Happy new year all! May all your dreams and wishes come through this year, filled with luck, happiness and health!
67 01月01日
  Darkmaste155 - Proud KFP Employee Happy New Year to the best lady around.
68 00:04:24 ¥200   ホルニッセ happy new year!明けましておめでとう!
69 01月01日
  Okuno Mike [#509] - KFP Engineering Supervisor Happy New Year Kiwawa
71 01月01日
  Avo Happy New Year 10CHO <3
72 00:04:39   Gerthddyn I'm so happy to see you boss!
73 00:04:40   Anthony Chestnut Omg I hvnt seen this opening in so long. Can’t say this is a happy new year for me bc of personal reasons but still glad to ring in the new year Kiara
74 01月01日
  Mr. ShadowAnt Happy New Year Tenchou! Wishing you the best!
75 01月01日
  鉄血ちょびヒゲ 明けましておめでとうございます! 今年もよろしくおねがいします
76 00:04:46   Pfish1000 Happy New Year
77 00:04:46   Dan De La Bean happy new year wawawa! thank you for all the MEMORIIIIIES!
78 01月01日
  Blue Viking Happy New year Everyone
79 00:05:07   DeathSquire36 Happy New Year Kiara!
80 00:05:11 $20.00   Alvaro Happy New Years Kiwawa!!
81 01月01日
82 00:05:17 $10.00   U:R? Happy New Year! Wasy happy to see you having so much fun on the Hololive main channel.
83 00:05:30 CA$20.00   Fonzy How was meeting GAMERS senpai? did they smell good? were their hugs comfy? Any other people you met up with?
84 00:05:33 $202.30   Etho Happy New Year, Kiara! 2022 was quite fun with a lot of great memories. Can't wait for more fun this new year!
85 00:05:41   SmashBoo KIKKERIKI!! HAPPY NEW YEARS KFP
86 01月01日
87 01月01日
  PassionFwuit Happy new year, Kiara! It's always a joy to watch you. You'll always be my oshi! I hope you have a wonderful 2023!
88 01月01日
  Meliton Lycan Happy new year tenchou and my fellow chimkins <3
89 01月01日
  rokenji happy new year tenchou
90 00:08:00 CZK200.00   Afgy 【アフギ】 Arashimaru あけましておめでとうございます。今年もこのチキンとっても頑張ります。よろしくお願いします。
91 00:08:15   Evan Compton love you tenchou!
92 00:08:34 €5.00   Glenn happy new years from Ireland. Thanks for 2022 a better year.
93 01月01日
  Ivyto Happy New Year Kiara and KFP!! Wish you all a wonderful year, good health and happiness! Have lots of fun and make more memories together!
94 00:09:13   rotepic 2135 점장님 새해 복 많이 받으세요!! Happy new year Kiwawa! And have a nice day!!
95 00:09:13 $4.99   DelStar Happy new year tenchou!
96 00:09:33   R C E Late night Tenchou! The nostagia is real!!
97 00:09:46 ₩5,000   영상제작카오스TV kikirikiii Happy New Year kiara my birthday today, so I'm sending SUPER CHAT for the first time
98 00:11:48 $9.99   SIR956 Happy new years kiara hope youre blessed have a great 2023 keep bringing people joy 🥹
99 01月01日
  Potto Happy new year Tenchou! I hope You’ll have a wonderful year! It’s 5:42 here, so I’ll go to sleep now, but I’ll surely watch the VOD!
100 00:11:53 A$50.00   M00da- KFP Chief Medical Officer Can't believe I haven't watched a Kiara stream since last year
101 01月01日
  Hachi i kinda like this voice tbh also happy new year Kiara!
102 00:12:34 €100.00   EsnifaCanyella I just got home after 3 whiskey colas do don't really mind me but, happy new year Kiara!!!! Love ya best of holo EN 1st gen!!!
103 00:14:08   SimplySenku Happy New Year Boss! It's nice to spend a little time with my oshi today.
104 00:14:18 ₩100,000   Miniature Pinscher Jjang 明けましておめでとう、店長。昨年はいろいろありがとうございました、今年もよろしくお願いします。 店長にとって良い一年になりますように。
105 00:14:56 CLP25,000   Nicolás Núñez Torres O Kiara, mother of chickens. Happy new year, I hope all your wishes come true! Hopefully my letter reached you and wasn't too sad or cringe (I blame wikihow if it was). U're a lovely bird and content creator, keep being awesome. Love from Chile
106 00:15:30 $50.00   MyselfAgain Frohes neues Jahr! I get to celebrate another birthday with you & KFP again, and I'm pretty happy. Back in school, and already got a side job doing what I love. Don't think I would have without you pushing KFP to be happy first. Thank you, Tenchou!
107 00:15:34   motion Haven't seen you since last year boss
108 01月01日
  Deb It's been a while. Happy New Year, Tenchou.
109 00:16:42 $5.00   Stephen Speck Phlegm --> "flem" (the g is silent)
110 00:16:52 $50.00   Rezileen Happy New Years てんちょう! Congratulations on your 3D un-nerf and time on the program! Hope you feel better soon and get to enjoy the rest of your trip with the other girls
111 00:17:30 $5.00   Big Boss you are creative and fun to watch. happy new year to you're continued success
112 00:18:17 $50.00   Jeff Star Happy new year
113 01月01日
  Shelly H. Happy new year Wawa
114 01月01日
  ThisIsAName happy new year kiara!
115 01月01日
116 00:19:52 HK$100.00   Luxr ラーズル Happy New Year, Tenchou
117 00:20:09   Shō Iwaizumi Happy New Year
118 00:20:48 $50.00   motion Thanks for the enhancing my 2022 boss! Meeting you and the rest of KFP at Dokomi really was a highlight of my year. here's to another year of fun KFP times
119 00:20:52 $100.00   Moondog Happy New Year! I hope you can reflect on the many achievements and events that happened in 2022. It was amazing experience being a part of KFP and watching you. I'm excited to see what you have in store 2023.
120 00:21:01 MX$125.00   DrLoyal Happy new year to you and all of kfp!!!
121 00:21:34 $9.99   SIR956
Keep being a shining star kiwawa
122 00:21:37   AH-64D Happy New Year Kiwawa!
123 00:21:40 $19.99   bediahvandougaljones
Love and miss Kiwawa
124 00:21:44 MYR30.00   銀河に煌めく黒崎⭐ときめき⭐愛衣 Happy new year yeah!!
125 00:22:31 $10.00   mistfist It's been a really special 2022, glad to spend so much of it with you and KFP! Here's to a bright year ahead of us! More music, more long game streams, more 3D streams, more cute Kiwawa!
126 00:22:33 CA$50.00   Yuria of Londor #683 Thank you for being my beacon of light and my energy pill. You have my eternal love and support. I wish good health for you, your kitty cats, and Mamatori. Love you always my oshi, let's have a great year
127 01月01日
  Vincent Law Happy New Year, Tenchou
128 00:22:53 €20.00   Suvi-Tuuli Allan KFP Gum Under the Table Happy New Year, Tenchou (and KFP)!!! May you be happy and healthy this year!!!
129 00:23:10   Orbital Dawn Happy New Year~
130 00:23:17 $0.99   midniteryder 3:16 (a無言スパチャ)
131 00:23:45 MYR15.00   Flaming pants Happy New Year, Kiwawa.
132 00:24:07 $19.99   Epsilon Happy New Year Kiara!!! I want to thank you for bringing us such a fun year and always being a bright ray of sunshine in our lives!
133 00:25:10 $50.00   Jerorawr XD - KFP Sous Chef #937
I hope the 3 gifts I gave brought you just a little bit of happiness. I felt awful as you struggled, helpless to do anything for you. You're so kind. You've given me endless reasons to smile. Touched my heart in ways I can't explain. (1/2)
134 00:27:14 $35.00   Mr Empty Block Happy New Year
135 01月01日
136 00:28:03 $19.99   bediahvandougaljones
Kiwawa blanket has been keeping me nice and warm
137 00:28:11   Soppy - KFP Bartender HAPPY NEW YEAR KIWAWA!
138 00:28:12 $20.00   Action_Ichi happy new years kiara. im really happy to have found you and I'm excited to spend 2023 with you!
140 00:28:22 $50.00   Jerorawr XD - KFP Sous Chef #937
(2/2) You're the most wonderful girl I've ever met. Every day you surprise me and make me so, so happy. As a new year begins, I hope I can continue to be here for you in any way I can, to watch you conquer new heights. Happy New Year. Much Love
141 00:28:23 ¥1,000   miminya Kikkeri new year!!あけおめ! 久々に来たよ!アーカイブだけど昨日の面白かったし歌も良かったよ!そして体調も良くなってきてよかった!久々に日本来てくれるの嬉しすぎる!楽しんでねきわわブランケットふわふわでお気に入りだよ! 今年も配信やイベント楽しみにしてる!よろしく!
142 01月01日
  its _RASh Happy New Year
143 01月01日
  Mung taeng i KFP 5
144 01月01日
  Ken L Happy New Year
145 00:28:47 $20.00   oest ant - kfp skate waiter happy new year!
146 01月01日
  GKCybrin Happy New Year from EST
147 01月01日
  Myaku Happy New Year Kiara! Still an hour left for me though! Thank you for all the fun in 2022! Looking forward to 2023!
148 01月01日
  OTGarlic Happy New Year! Congrats on your improved bottom modeling!
149 00:29:57 NT$300.00   林あかつき Happy new year Tenchou!!! Hope you get well soon
150 00:30:08 $2.00   ScratchCat Meowth HAPPY NEW YEAR CHICKENS AND KIARA!!! I LOVE YOU!!!
151 01月01日
  Ayriz Azer Happy new year Kiwawa and KFPI've to go with the family, but I wish you all good things, thanks for the amazing year
152 00:30:12   Zerotaku Happy happy new year!
153 00:30:52 NT$1,500.00   Taichi-KFP_Puppeteer happy new year
154 00:31:21   kodo happy new year!
155 00:31:31 $99.99   Aike -painkikkerikii おめでとうTenchou!!! I still hav e 1hr also go into Jan with the uniform, no naked chicken! So many things happened this year, and I’m glad I get to cheer you on and see you now dominating the stage like you should! Can I also get a Employee #? Much love from your chimkins
156 00:31:50 $19.99   bediahvandougaljones
Kiwawa talking about her sleepy time when she has sleepy time bgm playing
157 00:32:54   Vengeance HAPPY NEW YEAR ALLLLL
158 00:33:07 $100.00   Mavjin8 Happy New Year from NYC Tenchou. I'm so proud of you for finally getting over to the Japanese studio and getting to show up on a variety program in 3D. I can't imagine what is was like getting to meet everyone, but the stream was great and you were amazing. Congrats.
159 00:33:40   magnifeck (メンバーシップ入り)
160 01月01日
  El Canal Weaboo THIS MESSAGE GOES TO JENMA! Thank you for taking care of Kiara! I'm drunk pls don't bully
161 01月01日
  Brown1Hawk Happy New Year
162 00:34:13 $20.00   SeanEonAeon Its finally 2023 for me. I would say Happy New Year, but I'm honestly just not feeling it, and have been like this for a while now. I hope I get out of this rut, but first I have to see if I can power through this month...
163 00:34:23   Joestar Hero it's new years in my timezone so happy new year! heres to my resolution of not being a dumdum and breaking my computer
164 01月01日
  Pvt Prinny Happy New Year
165 01月01日
  Heart Brave Happy New YearLove you foever
166 00:35:24   Hirune - KFP Lurker Happy New year, KFP!!!
167 01月01日
  OhSoCheesy Happy New Year!
168 00:36:21 $50.00   Benjamin Eng HAPPY NEW YEAR BOSS!
169 01月01日
  Lovers Lab Happy new years!
170 00:37:20 $500.00   Wicki Toons 2 years ago I never thought my 1st superchat would get me on Holotalk. it scared the out of me. Now, you got a loyal and got a boomer like me to say "you're my oshi." Ever since then I've seen you spread your wings glow and grow and have been a huge inspiration to me. I can't wait to see what 23 brings for you and KFP. Happy New Year, Boss!
171 00:38:36   Qina Polaali (メンバーシップ入り)
172 00:39:34 NT$300.00   Ian.KFP&ssrb Happy New Year TENCHOU
173 01月01日
174 00:40:46 CA$100.00   Dragons Fire HAPPY NEW YEAR KIARA! Here's to another wonderful year with our beloved Phoenix! Who knows what possibilites are open this year? Hopefully you get to have a ton of fun this year!
175 01月01日
  Louis Tsang 5
176 00:42:26 NT$170.00   敏-ミンMing Happy new year 店長!
177 00:42:40 $20.23   Almeida Happy New Year!
178 00:43:02 $10.00   Hewhoeatsfaces Happy new year! Thanks for all the hard work and fun you've brought us this year looking forward to the next as well
179 00:43:34 ¥500   kazu カズ TENCHOU あけおめ~ 2023年もよろしく~
180 01月01日
  Tez Happy new year, boss love ya
181 00:45:32   Robert Carney (メンバーシップ入り)
182 01月01日
  Showyoright Happy New Year Tenchou! Here's to another great year!
183 01月01日
  MAGGING KFP Happy New Year Always stay Healthy Boss
184 00:47:04   Pyra ホムラ - The Revanite OBS should be able to capture the Video if you can change the Mode to "Windows 10" Automatic/BitBlit mode doesn't work for VLC I just tested it
185 00:47:34   broc6000 Just became a 1 year member! Great start to a new year! KFP Let’s Goooo!
186 01月01日
  Octuoz - KFP Happy new year 2023!
187 00:48:17 ₩50,000   토끼굴 [rabbit hole] 昨日の日本での初3D バラエティー配信おめでとうございます。私にとって店長とミオはホロライブを教えいてくれた恩人です。その2人が一緒あって笑う姿を見たら涙が出ました。4日後KFPメンバーシップに入って1年になりますが、1年プレゼントを少し早く貰ったと思います。最後にいつもこれを言いたかったです。점장님, 월급 올려주세요 (店長、いつもありがとうございます)
188 00:48:25 $99.99   Robert Carney Happy new year best girl kiwawa I’m excited to start another year with you
189 00:51:24   Omnia0001 Happy New Year Kiara; out with the old tech issues; in with the new ones that can be fixed!
190 00:51:42 $50.00   That_Leia Hey boss! Happy New year! I love U & KFP! So proud of you.THANK U for existing. My bday is on Jan 9. I've been having a rough time lately. i lost my job, but I'm not losing IRyS. I believe it will get better! May I have a Happy Bday chu & employee #?
191 00:51:52 $19.99   bediahvandougaljones
Spending time with Kiwawa is the most important
192 01月01日
193 00:55:11 $19.99   bediahvandougaljones
I woke up literally at this point in the stream
194 01月01日
  Kazu D. Ando - KFP Happy New Year Tenchou! Also Tenchou 3D cake
195 00:58:13 $19.99   bediahvandougaljones
196 01月01日
  -A Eluta
197 01月01日
  HikoToshi Shimo 店長新年明けましておめでとうございます、今年もよろしくお願いします
198 00:59:16   BJ 4 Happy New Year
199 01月01日
  PoRoMa Happy new year Tenchou and KFP!
200 01:00:08 $200.00   baconsoda4L have a happy and healthy new year kiwawa. cant wait to see what 2023 has in store
201 01:02:56 SEK129.00   maao Seeing you and Korone interact together (both my oshis) was the cutest thing ever and made me soo Happy! Thank you for being awesome Kiara, wish you a great new year
202 01:07:58 ¥320   Hai-Helfer鮫之丞{キアラ大好き侍} くしゃみ助かる×2
203 01:08:01 $5.00   Etho
Bless x2
204 01:07:52 A$5.00   G D -KFP Emp Rec Mngr Gesundheit x2
205 01:08:09 A$2.00   PatC - KFP Barista Bless you Kiara
206 01:08:12 A$5.00   WanWanAwoo
Gesundheit x2, first sneezes of the year
207 01:08:13 $5.00   Trevor G - The Owl of KFP Gesundheit x2
208 01:09:20   Kristopher Rand (メンバーシップ入り)
209 01:10:05 $10.00   Electrodrip happy new year kfp bossu o7 loving the collab with you and all the girls together, any news of a collab with epic7? just curious after the cover. take care :)
210 01:10:28   Sivart (メンバーシップ入り)
211 01:10:38 $5.00   Jerorawr XD - KFP Sous Chef #937
Boss I got rlly drunk at party and need sllep. I'll watch vod sry . Happy new year. you're cute
212 01月01日
  Tyler M Happy New Year Kiara
213 01:15:28   Servant Kanon (メンバーシップ入り)
214 01:19:45 $10.00   Draydi Thank you for the years of content Kiara! I've been a huge fan of Hololive since you guys debuted in 2020 will be for a long time!! Love you guys and keep doing what you're doing. Happy New Year! <3
215 01:20:53 €50.00   ResoBoy Happy New Year!
216 01:21:00 A$5.00   UNKNOWN Sorry I'm late, Boss. I just woke up.
217 01:22:31 A$100.00   UNKNOWN
Happy New Year, Tenchou. Thank you so much for everything you do. Because of you, last year such an amazing year for me. You are the best. Looking forward to making many more memories with you and KFP this year. Love you forever and always, Kiwawa!
218 01:25:01   Regimania 2 minutes till midnight in CST. Happy new year!
219 01月01日
220 01:28:20   Salubrious Beets Happy New Year from CST Mexico
221 01月01日
  Gathanokos Happy new year tenchou!!
222 01:28:44   Aike -painkikkerikii HAPPY NEW YEARS TENCHOU
223 01:28:46   여명씨-KFP DDD 1년!
224 01:28:54 $10.00   Naweed Ahmedi Happy New Years! congrats on the new booty
225 01:28:55 NT$1,500.00   fafa Happy New Year Tenchou! Will always being here this year, because here can get a lot of happy, thank you, and glad you are my Oshi
226 01月01日
  DayLightKnight Happy New Year from CST Kiwawa!! I might not always be able to catch your steams live, but I'm always watching!
227 01:30:48 $10.00   Arnulfo Mendez FELIZ AÑO NUEVO
228 01:31:04 CA$100.00   GreenWilder Happy New Year you sexy amazing phoenix. I'm going to bed but I hope the stream is fun for everyone.
229 01:31:05 $50.00   Arthur Happy new year, Kiwawa and KFP! Thank you guys for a lovely year, couldn't be happier to have spent the countdown with y'all once again. Congrats on your 3D appearances, boss, and here's to many more in 2023
230 01:31:26   CR42Yつば九郎 (メンバーシップ入り)
231 01:32:15 ¥500   一樹の100分間耐久ちゃんねる First super chat & first comment! Happy new year! It's my birthday today, so may I congratulate you?
232 01:32:21 $5.00   TakaSama64 Happy new year tenchou!
233 01:33:23 PLN25.00   Hokan - KFP Winged Hussar HAPPY FACKING NEW YEAR TENCHOU!
234 01:33:31 $20.00   Nathan Cotton - KFP Kenzoku Home Baker Happy New Year Tenchou, hope it's another great one.
235 01:33:36 ₩5,000   PONG Happy New Year! and Happy New Kiwawass!
236 01:34:47 $50.00   DayLightKnight Happy New Year Kiwawa! I can't always be in chat, but I always catch you live and love all the stuff you do! Here's to another year of HoloEN, another year to Hololive, and another year of chasing that idol dream!
237 01月01日
238 01:36:58 $10.00   Mavjin8
Absolutely legendary moment with Subaru pushing Korone away to be with you. If you get to hang out with Korone again, don't forget you wanted to ask her about that one claymation game "The Neverhood"
239 01:39:14   bignanime Wishing you an awesome new year! Your appearance in the official program was awesome.
240 01月01日
  陳冠瑋 新年快樂 Kiara
241 01:42:10   Ding Dong You gossiping into Mio's ear made for some good screenshots
242 01:46:33 $19.99   bediahvandougaljones
I felt like Korone took the last spot to be closer to you
243 01:52:29 $49.99   Tsuki No Kage月の影 Happy New Year Kiwawa! Thank you for all the tangents, streams, and music! You and HoloPro have given everyone such amazing content this year and can’t wait to see what’s in store next! Here’s to another year and I’ll continue to support you my Oshi!
244 01:52:31   jh park 11
245 01:52:59 NOK100.00   TheGamerCreed
It was such a joy seeing Kiara bouncing around being such an adorable dorky ball of pure joy with all of her senpai. I'm so happy she finally got the opportunity to meet them
246 01:56:49 $50.00   Neon Sign PNGwawa my oshi. You said you get nervous before every Holotalk but how nervous were you for this? Happy New Year Kiwawa.
247 02:03:16 $50.00   not_Lu - KFP Bread Dog happy new year Boss, thank you for all your hard work this year
248 02:04:31 $5.00   誤ちKen Happy new year! Last year had a lot of great moments and I can't wait to see where you go next! And congratulations on the stream, you were great.
249 01月01日
  Phoenix2612 Happy New Year
250 02:09:36 $50.00   Kristopher Rand Kiara You are 1,000,000% AMAZING! May this superchat be my token of appreciation to you as 2023 rolls in. No matter the time or place, my support for you will always remain. You are an inspiration to many! Keep up ALL of the great work!!!
251 02:11:57 MX$1,300.00   Friedscrew - KFP R&D Engineer Kiwawa thank you so much for this wonderful year you have done so much this year and shared so many stories with us from your travels across the world to your 3D concert I really wish the best for you on this new year my beloved Kami Kaiser Lady Patrona Oshi
252 02:12:26   ssj2gohan5050 Happy New Year!
253 02:16:32 $20.00   Jinro Happy New Year Tenchou!! 2022 was super fun and I can't wait what other surprise you have in year 2023 for us. 2022년 한 해 동안 수고하셨습니다!! サランヘヨ Tenchou!!
254 02:16:35 $50.00   Valkis HNY Tenchou! Crazy that it's already the third time celebrating with KFP. It's also the anniversary of the day you crashed into me in MK8 and sent me to the Usual Room for it. Can I come out now? I've been in here so long I forgot my employee number.
255 01月01日
  Mung taeng i KFP
256 02:20:10 ₩5,000   김덕현 (a無言スパチャ)
257 02:20:17 ¥500   くろかわせみ 店長、あけましておめでとうございます。昨日の公式は3DでJPホロメンとからむ姿が見られて最高に幸せでした
258 02:21:38 ₩5,000   켄[Ken]『KFP』 XD
259 01月01日
260 01月01日
  Haro1375, KFP Box Man Happy New Year Tenchou, KFP o7
261 01月01日
  Adrylas Happy new year
263 02:32:38 $10.00   Seymour Sunshine Happy New Year, Kiwawa!! Can't wait to spend 2023 with you guys!
264 01月01日
  Spencer Happy new year Kiara. Thanks for everything this past year and looking forward for another year with you
265 02:37:22   CFV Aqua (メンバーシップ入り)
266 02:37:36 $100.00   Gerthddyn Happy New Year Boss! Again thank you for being here! I'm happy you are my oshi. Since I missed my birthday, this will also be my Birthday SC. I'm so glad you are back in Japan!
267 02:39:22 $5.00   BlackFriction That's a good thing Wawa lol they dont need to know about the shame of our celebrities
268 02:45:23 $4.99   MudArcade Happy New Year Kiwawa, I love you so much! Also, the blanket is cozy
269 02:45:50 $9.99   SIR956
You’re such a sweet person never change kiwawa
270 02:47:25 HK$25.00   Sky - KFP Helicopter
I am happy for you with that.
271 02:47:27 $2.00   LuckyProphet Kiara got Okayu sick
272 02:47:35 $49.99   Nico No Happy New Years my oshi! Here’s to another great year with lots of wonderful things to look forward to! Really enjoyed so many streams of yours this year. Your music and stream content you’ve created have been so amazing. Never doubt yourself!
273 02:48:02   Ed the Nerd Ok so whos gonna draw a normal chicken with a cocker spaniel
274 01月01日
275 01月01日
  James Bacon
276 02:49:32 CA$20.23   KovoN コーボン happy new years kiwawa! thanks for a great year
277 02:51:36   D. Watamate Im very happy for you Kiara!
278 02:52:21   Monta : Monkey of Pain and Sadness Happy you’re having fun! Hope there’s more fun to be had in this trip for you!
279 01月01日
  Luxr ラーズル Tenchou is our guardian angel
280 02:54:15 ₩100,000   이바레 (ibarrae) Kikkeriki Tenchou. Happy New Year. I received the your goods well. I thought it was a mouse pad, but the blanket arrived I was shocked!! lol
281 01月01日
  翼小狼Tsubasa_Syaoran あけおめ
282 01月01日
  Crushed Egg // 潰された卵 店長、明けおめ!I wish everything you planned gonna be successfulBtw, I will travel to JPN tmrw. Makudonarudo guguru toiletto~
283 03:00:20   Xemphas (メンバーシップ入り)
284 03:08:41 $100.00   Garik Garza - KFP Librarian Happy New Year, Tenchou. Thanks for helping me get through this year, especially when I was terribly sick. My birthday was a few days ago, and I'm glad l can spend the season with you and KFP. I'm looking forward to an even more eventful 2023.
285 03:14:32 $100.00   Drägøth TH Just wanted to say Happy New Year everyone I'm so proud and glad to be a member of the community even if I just lurk most of the time my only regret is not joining sooner but regardless I still have these memories that helped me laugh and smile on the days I couldn't
286 03:15:11 $100.00   Xephon Happy New Year, Tenchou and KFP! Cheers to a fun filled 2023! Hope you can kikirikick the sickness and feel better soon!
287 01月01日
288 01月01日
  Cipher Chang
289 01月01日
290 03:16:59   Light - Space KoroKFBeat Missed the Start of the Stream, EU times, but Happy new Year Tenchou
292 03:18:15   RIKEDAS (리케다스_リケダス) あけおめ~キアラ!Happy New Year! 새해 복 많이 받으세요!
293 03:19:32 CA$20.00   Toilet Paper HAPPY NEW YEAR WAWA! missed most of the stream because I was at a party and I'll just catch up with the VOD tommorow!
294 03:22:05   PhonicRope657 (メンバーシップ入り)
295 03:27:03 $10.00   LookingForTheTop you mentioning your mouse reminded me the time you didn't know how to use the USB on your wireless mouse and you didn't want to read the manual lol, good old times. also happy new year to you!
296 03:26:59 $10.00   Dustin King Happy New Years from Seattle
297 01月01日
  Cultured Dragon Happy New Year from PST!!
298 03:27:59 $5.00   Pyra ホムラ - The Revanite
Finally! I have managed to reach 2023! It was a long trip but I got here by time traveling forward at a rate of 1 second per second... Happy New Year!
299 03:28:00 $50.00   Cruz
Happy New Years from PST. Might not be able to catch everything live in the few upcoming weeks but will always support you. Can't wait to see what the new year brings us. Love ya and take care tenchou.
300 01月01日
301 01月01日
302 03:28:19   Garik Garza - KFP Librarian Happy New Year from Seattle
303 03:28:20 CA$50.00   RS - KFP Onion Happy new year Kiara! Not too long ago I reached 2 years of membership. You have been an incredibly positive influence on my life, and I am happy to see more years with you.
304 03:28:13 $100.00   Eby_Not_A_Cult Happy New year Tenchou, will have to watch the vod because I'm at work but want to drop by at PST new years!
305 01月01日
306 01月01日
  Leave David Alone 5
307 03:28:45 $20.00   Simpleton〜 Happy New Year from PST, Wawa! Didn't think you could cram more into this month but you did all the way up to the very end. Have fun in Japan and take care of yourself! Look forward to tales of your continued adventures!
308 03:28:54 $10.00   BlackFriction
309 01月01日
  Jello-mancy HAPPY NEW YEAR
310 03:29:15 $2.00   SpicyChikenButt KFP Happy New Year PST! And Kiwawa 2 I gues
311 01月01日
  Candy Store happy new year!
312 03:30:21 ¥2,023   玖条イチソ キアラちゃんあけましておめでとう!!東京はとくに乾燥するから気をつけて日本を楽しんでね!
313 01月01日
  KageyKage Happy New Year Tenchou, wishing you a good one
314 01月01日
  林義展 Happy New Year, Kiwawa!!!!
315 01月01日
316 03:34:39 A$10.00   G D -KFP Emp Rec Mngr
Have fun Kiara with your day out with the girls
317 03:35:08 ₩20,000   켄[Ken]『KFP』
2023 is the year of the black rabbit. When I think of rabbits, I think of Pekora, but I also think of Kiara, who really likes Pekora. I hope there will be more good things than bad things, such as being sick. Happy New Year!!
318 03:36:18 ¥5,000   赤柴 -akashiba-
たくさん日本で思い出を作ってください~! 喉が辛そうなので健康にも気をつけて!
319 03:36:52 $5.00   Salubrious Beets Love hearing your adventures in Japan. Hope you continue to have a great time .
320 03:36:59 PHP2,500.00   Merry Pippins Oh yeah, here's some New Years money. Glad you had fun and connected with Gamers+Subaru(-Okayu). Hope you can have more like that this year!
321 01月01日
  Michael Rivera HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! here's to another year at kfp together ily!!!
322 03:39:11 ¥10,000   タカ [Taka] KFP お疲れ様でしたいつも楽しませてくれてありがとう!今年もキアラちゃんのステキな1年になりますように!
323 01月01日
  Avior 10
324 03:40:22   A Sneaky Chicken (メンバーシップ入り)
325 01月01日
  오직불닭_Only Fire Chicken Happy new year, Kiwawa!! 昨年一年はおかげさまでとても幸せでした。今年もよろしくお願いします。もちろん来年も再来年もキアラが望む限りいつまで応援します。새해 복 많이 받으세요, 점장님!
326 01月01日
  TheSignPainter I hope this year brings more good things to you me and everyone else, Im just glad you made last year better too
327 03:41:19   Pudding Ch. Merry New Year to all!
328 01月01日
  Kassalis Happy new year Boss and Chat
329 01月01日
  Sci サイ Here's to a great 2023
330 03:41:29   CryoWolf (メンバーシップ入り)
331 03:41:43 A$20.00   PatC - KFP Barista
Happy New years Kiara! I hope 2023 treats you with lots of love and success, and that you're able to achieve your goals! You ended 2022 on such a nice note, I hope that this year treats you even better
332 01月01日
  Broken Man youbare the most lovely girl in the world. more people will love you in this year
333 01月01日
  Ravenwood - KFP's Pet Chimera Happy New Years y'all!
334 03:42:00   George From Texas Happy New Year KFP. Enjoy Japan!
335 01月01日
  Austin Smith Forever a member of KFP, tenchou!! You're amazing. Keep up the amazing work
336 03:42:11   ポーさん[SSRB] Mister Po Happy New Year, Vava! Thank you for shining for us.
337 01月01日
  いづる おけおめ!
338 01月01日
  スカーレット 明けましておめでとうございます 今年もよろしくお願いします