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title≪KARAOKE PARTY!≫ Lit Reverb!!
sign cur num sum sum(YEN)
$ USD 15 184.99 \26,899
WON KRW 3 125000 \13,563
A$ AUD 2 120.00 \11,131
MX$ MXN 1 500.00 \4,262
YEN YEN 5 3400 \3,400
NT$ TWD 2 180.00 \820
MYR MYR 1 15.00 \468
THB THB 1 100.00 \412
SGD SGD 1 2.00 \214
---- ---- ---- ---- \61,169

no time
org currency icon name message
5 Aug 21 01:55:07 ¥100   鴨塩 (wordless superchat)
12 00:05:03 $5.00   nem starslayer Can I get a happy birthday from my favorite rat please?
13 00:05:41 $5.00   Wiryan Tirta Hi Bae! Also I found chicken salt in a local market (am in california) and I bought it.
16 00:09:56 A$100.00   Voltage (wordless superchat)
20 00:16:56 NT$150.00   RKK
30 00:44:58 NT$30.00   CHEWEI LI beautiful...
31 00:47:04 $10.00   Yaboy_manJeans That Rat do be Ratin, though
32 00:48:56 $10.00   Ramen_boi_21 Have a good day
36 00:51:41 $10.00   Wayne Hong (wordless superchat)
39 00:56:20 $10.00   xing255 (Bae's BAXINGA55) You got me into this song so hard Bae lol LOS LOS LOS
41 00:58:18 ¥1,000   USS ジェラルド・R・フォード べーちゃんのLos!Los!Los!かっこいい最高!!ありがとう!
42 00:58:40 ¥500   小梅けいと 混沌を!!
47 01:07:06 ₩20,000   Aqua SZS Soo ENCORE ENCORE
49 01:07:31 $10.00   MisterVeeg
56 01:11:24 $10.00   GrumbleDogg෴ˁǂᴥಠˀ෴
57 01:13:22 $20.00   ShadowCrossZero
59 01:13:55 ₩5,000   Hina Hikawa Beautiful rendition of the first karaoke with even more improvement! I love the expression you put in diverse songs, well done Bae the idol rat!
60 01:14:07 $10.00   John Doe Since we're re-doing the first Karaoke - here's the Mr. Squeaks Hospital fund I sent back then
61 01:16:35 MYR15.00   Flaming pants Thank you for the re-First karaoke, Bae. Would you do this again next year but in 3D?
62 01:19:09 $4.99   Topshy Kretts ⌬ IDcore next?
64 01:20:58 ¥1,000   風見 I like Hakotaro's songs because they are both cool and cute 歌枠に限らず普段の配信もみてるよ
65 01:21:00 MX$500.00   Rene Alarcon Bae has grown up! Great Karaoke! A bit of Otomatone whiplash I'll admit, but as always, it was awesome singing. Super Finish!
66 01:21:58 SGD2.00   MrJimt [BRATS] (wordless superchat)
67 01:22:01 ₩100,000   やよい軒 자꾸 귀엽다는 소리만 해서 미안해요 It was cute anyway, so take this! I'm amazed every time I hear your jugemu
68 01:22:03 THB100.00   Buffy BearBear 2 years ago already? no bibbin way. Bro you improve so much !! This week gonna be a trip isn't it
69 01:22:49 ¥800   Mima I’m really enjoyed your karaoke party! 日本の歌歌ってくれてありがとう!
70 01:25:32 $50.00   darkness2101 Thank you for reliving all of the nostalgia, Bae. You proved yourself to be better than Debut Bae (except English)! I'm so proud of you~ PSYCHOOOO (also my penalty for not remembering (´; ω ;`))
75 01:33:31 $5.00   GrumbleDogg෴ˁǂᴥಠˀ෴
Do not open Discord Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
76 01:36:47 $20.00   saltedbread Singing skills improved as the cost of English skills. WORTH IT Your voice has improved so much and I'm proud at how far you've gotten since 2 years ago. Keep it up idol rat!!
77 01:38:13 $5.00   Wiryan Tirta
says here its made in Fremantle, so yes. Also it tastes like the seasoning pack inside indomie. gonna try it tossed with fries from mcdonalds later
78 Aug 21 04:45:16 A$20.00   Tiff Thunderchocolate Had debut Bae open in another tab and just wanna say to present Bae... Nice!!! (YO you've improved so much! Wasn't here yet back during the og karaoke but so glad to be here now and onwards!)