記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 19 91.97 \12,411
CA$ CAD 19 97.00 \9,444
IDR IDR 8 250000.00 \2,176
EUR EUR 1 10.00 \1,436
WON KRW 1 10000 \1,022
A$ AUD 3 9.00 \800
MYR MYR 2 21.00 \627
YEN YEN 1 500 \500
HUF HUF 1 1000 \374
THB THB 1 40.00 \155
PHP PHP 1 50.00 \122
---- ---- ---- ---- \29,067
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 03月13日
A$5.00   Rrazz *Sends love, hugs, headpats and luck* You got this Ollie! I believe in you! First try IKZ!
2 00:03:52 CA$5.00   Animeboy98GTR are you going to go for a Gachikoi run?
3 00:04:52 $5.00   The Einhander Best of luck with Stage 2 Hard! YOU GOT THIS!! BELIEVE IN THE ZOMBIE THAT BELIEVES IN YOU!!!
4 00:05:01 CA$5.00   Animeboy98GTR
stage 2 hard with halu 5?
5 00:07:02 $2.00   ZyraZain (Lead OOPP) Destroy them all! I-I mean cure. Cure them all!
6 00:08:24   vectoreza Zomily 1st General - #Holoboards (メンバーシップ入り)
7 00:12:07 CA$5.00   Animeboy98GTR
which stage did you farm on? I farmed on stage 1 hard
8 00:12:53   사따리Sattari gO OLLIE GO
9 00:13:10 $5.00   The Einhander
What was the highest you made on a money run?
10 00:13:58 ₩10,000   사따리Sattari (a無言スパチャ)
11 00:14:04   Tawang Sahro (メンバーシップ入り)
12 00:14:31 CA$5.00   Animeboy98GTR
Nice, and what was your stamp setup for farming? Mine was the haste stamp, the greed stamp and the bomb stamp.
13 00:17:07 $5.00   Seth Van Rook If you're trying to beat nodoka as sui-chan I'd recommend building a lot of defensive passives. At the very least nurse horns.
14 00:17:14 $5.00   The Einhander
I hope he sets your HP to 117!! lol
15 00:17:17   Faris Huwaidy (メンバーシップ入り)
16 00:18:03   Nip (メンバーシップ入り)
17 00:18:30 $2.00   ZyraZain (Lead OOPP)
Speedy Ollie, with critical strikes. Very Ninja.
18 00:21:58 $4.99   Doostin Rollings It’s 2am! Who doots at 2am?!? Ollie:
19 00:22:54   Soraya Daro Ollie, why i can't use super chat to you :')
20 00:23:13 $5.00   Arnulfo Mendez good luck with endurance run must sleep goodnight
21 00:23:53 IDR50,000.00   NoxCaelis Let's test the superchat.
22 00:24:35 A$2.00   Rrazz
Test, test, is it working? I love you Ollie!
23 00:24:36 THB40.00   Akane Works for me
24 00:24:54 CA$5.00   Animeboy98GTR
oh I guess it's supachatto time!
25 00:25:01 $5.00   Arnulfo Mendez
testing super ...ok now bed
26 00:25:15 $5.00   LucaUmbriel have to be thorough
27 00:25:24 $4.99   Doostin Rollings
Hype train!
28 00:25:31   Alif Putra Banyuaji no sc from me but here have this member milestone
29 00:25:35 MYR6.00   Desmond Oh is this free sc ?
30 00:25:35 $2.00   Seth Van Rook
test test, nurse horns is so good nodoka's bullets
31 00:26:02   Seeker Scorpio She got the super chatto item. You know what to do. :P
32 00:26:03 CA$2.00   Hushoo WOW I didn't know there's a discount on superchats
33 00:26:20 CA$5.00   Animeboy98GTR
keep the supas coming!
34 00:26:44 $4.99   adonis431 Wait. Super chats are broken? (Love you ollie)
35 00:26:44 IDR20,000.00   Notme free supa? noice
36 00:27:02 $2.00   Doom At Dusk THIS HAS BEEN A TEST
37 00:27:09 IDR20,000.00   NoxCaelis
No discount? Really?
38 03月13日
  TheWFHLeader free supa wohoo
39 00:27:48 IDR50,000.00   ferdinand yonathan Hi My Oshyness, just back from outside duty, looking you played Holocure. kinda make my day, thanks for this afternoon stream, do not jinx about dev.
40 00:28:04 IDR20,000.00   TheWFHLeader free supa ikz , also let's summon the Dev for fun
41 00:28:31 PHP50.00   Sintou Sending my first superchat I'm glad it works!
42 00:28:45   Mclovin is AWESOME (メンバーシップ入り)
43 00:28:48 $2.00   Seeker Scorpio Hi I am here for the BBQ that was posted?
44 00:29:34 A$2.00   Rrazz
I'll stop I promise. Starting now. Love you Ollie!
45 00:29:44 CA$5.00   Animeboy98GTR
yeah you might want to keep halu at lvl 2 or 3 until you have a decent collab
46 00:30:10 IDR20,000.00   Luthfi Chaidar Ollie Be Like : Bang udah bang
47 00:30:39 HUF1,000   Bluny George I'm rooting for you Ollie
48 00:33:10 CA$5.00   Animeboy98GTR
BTW Ollie, did you watched the holocity "ad" on the official hololive channel
49 00:33:11 IDR20,000.00   Soraya Daro Test
50 00:35:41 CA$10.00   Animeboy98GTR
Here's a part of the rainbow
51 00:38:21 CA$5.00   Animeboy98GTR
you also might want to enchant your weapons before you collab them
52 00:41:49 CA$5.00   Animeboy98GTR
do you have the couch potato achievement?
53 00:46:31   chilly falcon You can use anvils to enchant the single items before collabing them so the collabs will have 2 enchantments
54 00:49:05 CA$5.00   Animeboy98GTR
if you see an anvil, you might want to enchant the plug in asacoco
55 00:50:31   Axis Tempest (メンバーシップ入り)
56 00:53:24 $20.00   Axis Tempest Hi Ollie!!! How are you doing? I haven't been able to watch alot recently. Glad to catch a stream live
57 03月13日
  PinkBacon Let’s go
58 00:56:56   Chris P Ollie is cool!
59 00:57:17 CA$5.00   Animeboy98GTR
I hope Kay Yu make a stage that have a Q remix playing in the background
60 03月13日
  SirLazy0ne SUPER COOL!... And cute
61 00:59:06 €10.00   Shakuya Ch. FINALLY CAN CATCH A STREAM AGAIN AHHH. Also glad to see that after all those dayxs work stole my time, your hair is still like a radiant beacon of magnificence. Missed you, my cantik Princess!
62 03月13日
  vectoreza Zomily 1st General - #Holoboards GG OLLIEGreat Job on Halu 5
63 03月13日
64 01:03:00 ¥500   永久の平兎 (トワのヒラウサギ)gg
65 01:05:35 CA$5.00   Animeboy98GTR
you can always do 1 Irys run for coins
66 01:06:32 $5.00   AdventNarulink Hey Ollie, I have Gura, Korone, Pekora, Marine, and Kaichou tattooed. Who should I get next. Also, congrats on beating it and GG!
67 01:09:24 CA$5.00   Animeboy98GTR
BTW Ollie, do you plan to play any of the yakuza games?
68 01:10:39 MYR15.00   Flaming pants Hard tage 2 with Halu5 , , Ollie.
69 01:15:33 CA$5.00   Animeboy98GTR
I'm curious, since you play Apex a lot, do you play other FPS like Borderlands 2? It's a looter shooter
70 01:17:44 $5.00   Gael C
71 01:21:06 CA$5.00   Animeboy98GTR
BTW Ollie, do you play any open world games? or is it not for you
72 01:21:15 $2.00   QuattroKerbecs cool sword, but mine's bigger
73 01:22:04 IDR50,000.00   NoxCaelis
Apakah Ollie seorang Kapiten, mempunyai pedang panjang, kalau berjalan prok prok prok?
74 01:23:24 CA$5.00   Animeboy98GTR
Also, I'm curious, how do you say "So you're the enemy " in Indonesian