トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
配信名:【DRAWING】Making Stuff For Myself !!!
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD   29     326.43   45,782円
  A$  AUD    3     120.00   11,461円
 NT$  TWD    6    2077.00    9,508円
 WON  KRW    6      44000    4,527円
 CA$  CAD    6      40.46    4,322円
 MX$  MXN    1     200.00    1,405円
  R$  BRL    2      51.49    1,395円
 YEN  YEN    3        960      960円
 CRC  CRC    2    3200.00      689円
 EUR  EUR    2       3.99      556円
 IDR  IDR    1   50000.00      470円
 MYR  MYR    1      15.00      469円
 PHP  PHP    2      87.00      214円
 ARS  ARS    1      50.00       50円
---- ---- ----       ----   81,808円

No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 09/04
$1.49   Jesus Alberto
2 09/04
PHP50.00   SpeedFreak Banana
3 09/04
$1.49   (ᚷᚾᛟᛗᛖ) The Gnome's Silly Prophet
4 09/04
$1.49   warekosowa
5 09/04
CRC700.00   HareKaze
6 09/04
PHP37.00   Wexie
7 09/04
CA$1.49   Evan Chisholm
8 09/04
CA$2.00   Nanoshi Mumeishi
9 09/04
NT$22.00   Lin
10 09/04
¥150   Best Girl
13 09/04
CA$1.49   0btuse
14 09/04
$10.00   (ᚷᚾᛟᛗᛖ) The Gnome's Silly Prophet
if you're reading this, i have likely fallen asleep 5 minutes into stream start. however, im sure whatever has been conjured up is agréable, and... zzz (congrats on don don rerelease mumei! )
15 09/04
CA$1.49   The Samurai
16 09/04
$1.49   Sentaul
17 00:00:39 $1.49   I Am The Parliament
24 00:09:51 $5.00   GoddessNepgear Sorry Mumei, but I'm probably going to fall asleep during the stream, since I just finished building 2 computers.
25 00:11:52 $10.00   proto props to you Mumei
43 00:21:07 $20.00   Panopticon Hey Moom! Love the new Dan Dan video. I laughed a lot, I hope we can see more stuff like that in the future!
51 00:42:09 ¥200   目黒_meguro crazy cute. I want to buy this.
52 00:43:30 NT$75.00   DDDJ A -Nanashi Nerdmei
56 00:49:14 $5.00   DarkhalfBreed the most important part of the Daki is the shame
58 00:50:29 $10.00   EtchySketchy I'd like to order 1 Friend Dakimakura please
60 00:53:38 R$1.49   woda
62 00:56:44 A$100.00   God of Light hello mumei, I don't get to watch your streams often, mostly just watching clips of you, I think you should make a crown or tiara out your feathers and/or maybe a headband with the letters MVMEI on it made out of feathers
64 01:00:08 $5.00   DeskKun Hiya Mumei, I have a question for you; as owls do not have eyeballs, they have tubes which can't move, as yours' can do you have proof of owlness?
65 01:00:23 CA$13.99   Kris Kaos Oh hi Mumei, this is my first time superchatting you, so wondering if I could get a birthday shoutout since my birthday is in less than 90 minutes from now (Sept. 4). Love catching your streams!
69 01:09:18 ₩10,000   임동진 Very big --> very cute
70 01:10:47 ₩10,000   George Polya It's Mumaid
71 01:11:21 NT$30.00   R憲 Maid Mumei so cute~
72 01:14:23 ¥610   おもいで森のやーさん so cuuuuuuuuuute !!!!!!!
75 01:32:17 A$10.00   God of Light
is that beanie made from the skin of the owl you defeated and stole your current feathers from
76 01:35:49 NT$300.00   ⑉ Ò ㅅ Ó ⑉ ( O ㅅ O ) b
77 01:37:45 $0.99   Jorji
78 01:38:39 MX$200.00   Luis Angeles [Takomander] hello Mumei, I hear that you need a ticket to see the new Dan Dan video, is this enough? How much do I need to pay to see the directors cut? I hear it is finally revealed there if Kronii got her icecream
79 01:40:01 $10.00   MisterVeeg just a matter of finding the right pair of headphones. Nice art so far btw
80 01:44:17 $10.00   TechnoKing77 For new headphones so your ears don't hurt
83 01:59:17 $1.00   Justin Thyme (無言スパチャ)
84 01:59:27 ₩10,000   ilu vatar Thank you for the fun stream Mumei! May I ask if 'This or That' project is discarded?
85 02:00:01 $5.00   GrumbleDogg
86 02:01:25 ₩2,000   바르그하티 ᚢᚫᚱᚷᚱᚺᚫᛏᛁ i' m late hi mumei
87 02:02:50 IDR50,000.00   Vanschia [ヴァンスキア] FBK did this kind of stream iirc, she drew the png props and tried it on the spot, so we knew if it's working or not. Thanks for the late stream Mumei
88 02:03:20 NT$150.00   InKardia_墨坎 Have a good sleep~
90 02:06:10 $10.00   Touko Congrats once again for your Groove Coaster collab. Hope you get even more of them soon!
91 02:06:51 $10.00   Joe-07 whenever you are not sure if you are ready or not, one thing that helps me is reminding myself that I will never be completely ready, The question isn't, "Am I ready?" but "Am I ready enough?"
92 02:07:48 $10.00   GAKtion64 So theres this idea I wanted to share for a while, but what if you were to learn an instrument to play some instrumentals? maybe some jam sessions with the other holos? can be mellow like bbng.
93 02:08:55 R$50.00   Marcelo Yoshida Cheers from Brazil Mumei!!!
96 02:09:54 ARS50.00   Zeres Angel A
98 02:11:15 NT$1,500.00   Lin
Oh ! hi
100 02:12:27 $5.00   MeerkatWarrior11 I have a jar of saurkrat that has gone unopened for almost a year because I and nobody I know am strong enough to open it.
104 02:14:39 $5.00   Zerrada Ash turning into stone in the Pokemon Movie and pikachu cries
109 02:18:37 $5.00   Shinkou Hi Mumei, big fan!
124 02:47:33 A$10.00   DisGuy(ディスガイ) Moomers, do you want to goto Candy Mountain!? The land of sweets,happiness & joy... & joyness..On the way we can meet Mr.liopleurodon and sing the candy mountain song!
126 02:49:26 $100.00   ᛗᛁᛏᛊ_ᛞ (Mits_d) (無言スパチャ)
128 02:56:52 ₩2,000   수리부엉이 bye bye ~ 돈돈~~
130 02:59:35 €1.99   LanschPAKET
131 02:59:57 $1.99   bob gotta say props to moomers for the stream
133 03:08:11 CRC2,500.00   Laziness Hi Mumei, i love what you do, you saved me from my dark age and keep me alive, thanks for everything! you are the best
135 03:09:57 $20.00   g Gg Thanks for being an amazing and only personification of civilization shaped like an owl bon bon
136 03:10:14 MYR15.00   kuri常闇クリ ch.云雾 hi mumei, I was watching a few weeeks with your streaming, it makes me a lot of funny, also i'm from malaysia, thaks for your streaming mumei >w<
137 03:10:44 ₩10,000   ᄀᄀᄋ oh my god where is your mustache?¿ all i want is mumustache!!! 농담이고 사랑해요!
138 03:13:32 CA$20.00   Hyorp Oh when you're down and you're looking for some cheering up..Then just head right on up to the candy mountain cave!When you get inside you find yourself a cheery land.Such a happy and joy filled and perky merry land.
140 03:14:31 €2.00   LanschPAKET
143 03:16:17 $5.00   DeskKun
Banana Phone and all the weebls stuff, charlie the unicorn, ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny, Impossible quiz, longcat is long, I know em all.
146 03:27:29 $5.00   EtchySketchy
I miss the 90's. There were so many great cartoons and Disney Movies back then.
156 03:36:55 $50.00   KanashiiWolf Howdy Moom, I think a fun collab with EN might be L4D2!